The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 14, 1924, Page 20, Image 20

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. T
Noted Irish Authority Praises
Machine as being Finest
He Has Ever Driven
Europe apparently has taken
the Chrysler Six to Its heart equal
ly as much as has America, Chrys
ler Aioior corporation oriiciais
say,. Judging from reports reach
ing: them from, thosq countries
abroad in which the car has been
introduced. ,
"T.K.T., -widely Maown Irish
automobile authority, writing in
the Belfast News Letter, one of
Ireland's leading Newspapers, has
this to say of the car: , , .
,4I hinted last week that the
American Chrysler was expected
in Belfast. It Is here, and I hare
just had a run. I expected ' to
find it a very fine car, but the
reports of its performance did it
scant Justice. On the road I was
impressed with the fact that it was
the finest car I; hare ever driven
or been driven fia irrespective of
price. )
"The engine I is undoubtedly a
masterpiece. Thirty-five to 40
miles an hour can be maintained
right up the Horse Shoe, which
is a fair indication of the car's
power on bills.
"The most remarkable part of
the car is the f fact that were it
not that the speedometer is in
front of you, when traveling at 5
miles an hour you would feel cer-t
tain tnat the. speed was no more
than 25. And so fine is the sus
pensions that the roughest roads
can be traveled over without any
sensation oil discomfort. At 55
miles-an hour the car appears to
be just getting into its stride, and
there is a , complete-absence of .vi
bration of any kind. There is not
a trace oj; hesitation when the
throttle is suddenly opened to the
fullest extent. The speed increase
it also steadily . maintained . over
the entire rango' of throttle open
ing. ' : . r ;
"Readers will , possibly have
gathered from' the past references
to four-wheel brakes that I am
not enamored of them. But I
really, for the first time enjoyed
using the 4-wheel brakes on the
Chrysler. They are free from all
jar and work like -velvet. There
Is a reason of course. ' They are
hydraulic. Therefore compensa
tion on account of one of the ele
mentary laws! of the science of
hydraulics must be perfect. There
are no rods to break and rattle;
the braking power applied at each
wheel must be equal and prooor
tional to that exerted by the fluid
compressed. It - is comparatively
simple to arrange matters that suf
ficient pressure will b9 aoplied to
the front , wheel brakes to afford
the fullest retardation effect with
out danger of locking them, and it
follows that once this hanpy result
has beeu arrived at this adjust
ment is not likely to alter. In
fact, I cannot see how the com
pensating principle can be derang
ed. In ue these brakes are a rev
elation of smoothness , of action
combined with powerful operation.
They dd to the delight in driving
a car that apart from braking abil
ity: la quite out of the common."
Solid, Cushion, Pneumatic
and Balloon Tire Infor
mation Given i 1
Buyers of Winter Furs
Should Be Ever Alert
' Cetinc and. Towing . .
W" Gii 'Ton Tout
Money', Worth
jTires and
7 - Accessories
GaafrantMd zpit Repairing
Fords . and Chevrolet
a Specialty
t i A i-
199J;X. Capital St. Phone 520
Silas, Oregon.
OLYMPIA. Wash., Dec. 13 (AP)
Fur-bearing animals the world ov
er are steadily decreasing In num
ber, but it wiirbe possible tojmr-
chase some SO varieties oh the
market, by name at least, as long
as there are plenty of rabbits,
hares and muskrats ; obtainable,
according to, officials of the fed
eral biological survey here. The.
survey is undertaking a campaign
against the misnaming of furs,
the movement having been started
to protect the public against un
scrupulous dealers.
Hares and rabbits, say the offi
cials, are being sold under the
names of . American . seal, Arctic
seal, Cape seal, cat, chincilla,
clipped seal,' coney, ermine, fox,
French sable, f Geller -seal,; La
Meuse seal, hew seal. , Baltic fox,
Baltic seal, . moskrat, northern
seal. Polar seal, Semeuse seal and
sable. Muckral appears -on the
market, it is claimed, under such
alluring titles as Aleutian seal,
electric seal. Hudson Bay seal,
mole, real seal. Red River seal,
river mink, river sable and Itus
sian otter. i : .
No fault Is found" with' names
that merely fail to call attention
to the fact that a particular fur
comes from the back of a cat, rab
bit or hare, but objection is made,
the officials explain to take names
meant to deceive the buyer and
to induce him to pay an unfairly
high price. i
By Kthrlbcrt Pa vary. Consulting
Engineer, More land .Motor
, Truck Company
PART 3 .
Skidding -
When a body is in motion Its
tendency Is to continue moving in
the same direction. When turn
ing a corner the rear wheels will
tend to follow the front wheels'
on account of the adhesion qf fric
tion between tires and road sur
face. Theoretically the friction be
tween two. surfaces should be the
same irrespective of whether the
areas In contact are large or small,
as' long as the total pressure or
load between them is the same.
Take the case of two trucks equip
ped with solid rubber tires, the
width of the rear tires of one
truck being 5 inches and on the
other 7 inches. If the load on the
wheel is the same, the tire having
narrower width will dig into the
road surface harder, because the
pressure per square Inch is great
er than on the wider tire; hence,
while theoretically- the friction
which, resists skidding should be
the' same in both cases, in practice
this is not so because the narrow
er tire aWUI dig in harder and
will squeeze out more thoroughly
any mud or dirt that should be
between the tire and ground.
Therefore a narrower j tire will
skid less than a wider tire. This
refers to solid or cushion tires
only. With pneumatic tires this
does not hold good because the
pneumatic has a larger amount of
deformability. . Its outer . circum
ference will conform to the many
small hills and, hollows of the
road surface, which are ever pres
ent even on the smoothest roads.
A pneumatic tire has a greater
traction because It conforms to
the road surface better, ft will fit
into the small hills of ! the road
and therefore it will grip the road
more firmly than' a solid, tire., For
this reason it will also skid less
when there is a tendency for it to
skid sideways. Furthermore,; the
anti-skid , treads of pneumatic
tires will skid' ..less because the
edges of these anti-skid projec
tions will grip the road surface
when there .la a tendency to skid.
For these two reasons pneumatics
skid less than solid rubber tires..
In the case of balloon tires action
is even more pronounced. Having
a thinner wall, a balloon tire will
even more readily conform to the
inequalities of the road surface
and enter all the crevices and since
there is a larger available tread
surface it is provided with a larger
number of anti-skid ribs or, pro
jections; hence & balloon . tire
should skid less than an ordinary
pneumatic tire. . i
A balloon tire steers .harder
than an ordinary pneumatic tire
because there is a larger surface
of tire on the road and as the tire
wall is softer, the tire-will enter
a larger number of hollows and
crevices (and absorb a larger
numbex of small hills) and this
will offer' a greater steering re
sistance than the ordinary pneu
matic tire.
Ladybug Proves Friend
In Need to Orchardists
LOS ANGELES. Dec. 13.. (AP).
The little brown insect that for
countless years has heard the chil
dren of the country singing "Lady
bug, Ladybug, fly away home,"
now is free to follow this bit of
juvenile advice. 1
The ladybug may turn its
thoughts towards home because it
has about completed its work in
Southern California by wiping out
the mealy bug, a citrus fruit pest,
which for years has preyed on the
orange orchards of this territory,
according to citrus entomologists
here. ;
The pest, a coccld or - ale In
sect, especially of tL , genus
Daetylopius, accumulates on the
fruit tree forming a scale of flour
like substance.
Losses of fruit growers In Sou
thern California through this pest
Through discoveries by entomol
ogists, it was found that the lady
bug proved the most successful
foe of the pest. Ladybugs were
introduced into orchards scourged
with the bug. They did their
work of extermination. Now they
may have their holiday.
11 Months Total For This
Year Is Second Best
Prison Warden Describes
Death Penalty as Useless
BALTIMORE, Dec. 13. (AP) -Capital
punishment is without
value as a deterrent . to crime,
Colonel Claude B. Sweezey, war
den of the Maryland Penitentiary
and House of Correction, recently
told 100 members of the Grand
Jurors' Association at their month
ly meeting.
The murdered himself. Colonel
Sweezy declared, does not expect
to be caught, and in the heat of
his passion never gives a thought
to the degree of his penalty. . . In
the main, he said, capital punish
ment dooms to death only murder
ers, who are "the most level-headed
and the squarest" of men be
hind prison walls, and the last
likely to commit a similar crime
- - -i
HrJ" bvj ljiL-auijLin Li uvJLs uu u UL uO LLLJ
This Christmas
Wfyy not get the practical
gift One of our guaran-,
teed cars. Something
the whole4 family will de
light in every day of the
year. And so easy to
buy on our special holi
day terms.
The Best Car Driven.:
Is the Used Car
At a Real Saving
You can afford to buy a Ford, but good business judgment should prompt
you to see our cars before you buy. Look over this list Then come and
see us. i
1924 Baby Overland .......... .$500
1924 Coupe, cost new $700; our
t i price ........... J . ; 575
192 4 Touring, special holiday price 400
19 23 Coupe, has lots of extras. . . ; -400
1922 Coupe, has disc wheels, has-
i i lers .................... J?75
1923 Roadster, a real bargain.,.. -373
1923 Roadster, wire wheels, cost
i i new $600 400
OO Days Free ervic on all the
f ! : . , above cars '
1921 Touring, fine condition. ... .f 175
1920 Touring in dandy shape.... lttO ,
1918 Touring ...........1...... 5
il922 Touring, starter block i . . , . . HO
1918 Maxwell 1 ton truck. In dandy
condition ; 125
191G Touring,,...... .45
1922 Touring, in best of condition
THINK OF ITT , If you remit in in good health you pay for the car, but If you are
i t sick or disabled we give a policy that will take rare of you.
i -
198 South Commercial Open Evenings and Sundays
Automobile output for the first
nine months of 1924 is within 9
per cent of last year; and is the
second best record in the history
of the business. The total for
November based on shipping re
ports submitted to the directors'
meeting of the National Automo
bile Chamber of Commerce in New
York today, was 248,113.
Conditions are felt by the trade
to be on an excellent basis. While
production is slightly curtailed
compared with 1923, it is 42.8
above 1923. Reports from -dealers
throughout the country state that
new car stocks on hand are lighter
than ; this time last year, with a
better outlook for winter business.
The totals for production of cars
and' trucks by months durjng the
past two years are:
March . .
April . .
May . .
August . .
October .
; 1924
; 262.916
i 279.061
; 290,967
Total 11 Mo.3.710,275 3,368,570
Total partly estimated, i
Interest Grows in Ikwton Trans
port Meeting
Indications now are that every
one of the six northeastern states
will have a large representation at
the New England Motor Transport
Conference to be held at the Copley-Plaza
hotel, Hoston, . on De
cember 8th and 9th. ,
Recent additions to the confer
ence program include an address,
on "What the Motor Vehicle Has
Done for New England's Farms,"
which will be given by Leslie R.
Smith, Massachusetts deputy com
missioner of agriculture, and an
address on "Railroad Use of
Trucks" by G. C. Woodruff, gen
eral freight agent. New York Cen
tral railroad.
Ford Fordor Sedan
Price Reduced $25
DETROIT, Mich., Dec. 13. A
cut of 25 in the price of the
Fordor Sedan, one of the 'most
popular of the Ford enclosed cars,
was announced by the Ford Motor
company last week. The same announcement-
carried substantial
reductions on all other Ford cars.
The new prices become . effective
Tuesday, December 2nd. j
The price reductions come at a
tim"e when the car is enjoying the
greatest sales in its history, for
retail deliveries of Ford cars have
so far this year far exceeded the
-same period in any previous year.
Contributing to bringing about
lower prices are production ad
vancements during the year in
which it has been possible to bring
about many improvements and at
the same time effect numerous
manufacturing economies by the
opening up of new resources un
der company control.
Pemberton Orders Foxes
For His Sunnyside Farm
SUNNYSIDE. Mr.-' and Mrs.
Joe Comby left Thursday for their
home in Missouri. . They have
been visiting Mrs. Combs broth
er, G. ,F. Heckart.
Mrs. C. H,. Taylr spent Wed
nesday in Salem.
Mr, and Mrs. C. H. Gregg made
a trip to Salem Thursday.
W. S. Pemberton is starting a
fox farm. He has two pairs of
fine black, fox.
The Sunnyside Community club
Is working on a program to be
given Christmas.
. Mr. and Mrs. C. -H.' Murry of
Salem spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Gi T. Heckart.
Miss Grace Chandler spent Sun
day at home with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. W. S. Chandler, ,
Woman's Battle With Owl
Ends in Death of Marauder
TACOMA. Wash., Dec. 13. (AP)
-A great owl that had long been
killing poultry and wild game
near South Bend, Wash., recently
was caught and slain as a result
of the pluck of Mrs. W. A. Wil
son.' . .
The woman, who .lives on a
ranch, heard a hen making a com
motion, and she saw a great, horn
ed owl attacking it. She ran out,
grasped the owl and held on it
despite wounds from its talons and
beakl She called her husband.
Who killed the marauder. It
measured flour feet five Inches
across the wings. ;
CORVALLIS, Ore.. Dec. 13.
Benton county is to have an "eco
nomic conference" January 13 and
,14. ', The i government has just
completed an exhaustive survey of
the county, the first to be finished
in the Pacific northwest. " At a
conference held here today B. W.
Johnson was chosen chairman of
the organization and Harry. Fel
berbaum secretary.
A committee consisting of W. A.
Reid, Mrs. A. E. Blake, Claude
Buchanan, tW. N. Locke, W. E.
Kyler. W. E: Teutsch. Paul Maris,
Eva Comegys and C. R. Briggs
was appointed to make the neces
sary arrangements for the pro
gram. The object of the confer
ence is to bring about a stabiliza
tion of production and distribution.'
At Beaver Creek. Clackamas
county, recently, says C. E. Spence
State Market Agent, a farmer had
M ' 9 If P. ft I
Only $1065
for this new Oldismobile Coach!
Yes -only $1065 f.o.b. factory! And what a value it
is! Check these quality features against those of
any other car: : - . ;
Fisher-Built Body Six Cylinder L-Head Engine Pressure
Feed Lubrication Delco Electrical Equipment Harrison
Radiator s Dry Disc Clutch New Fisher V. V. one-piece
Windshield with Automatic Cleaner Cowl Lights
Then see, it--its beautiful Duco Finish its wide
doors its deep cushions its longer springs. Ride
in it and you'll know, at once tnat you've found
your next car! - ' . - ,'
F. W. Pettyjohn Co.
219 North Commercial Street
140 sacks of spuds for sale. ;A
buyer looked them over and offer
ed what the grower considered too
low a price. He said there were
too many small and undergrade
potatoes in the pile. The ; farmer
refused the price offered, and then
dumped and graded the stock, tak
ing out 40 sacks of culls. He
then resacked them and he receiv
ed a higher price for the 100 sacks
than was offered for the 140 sacks.
And he bad two tons of stock feed
that did not cost him a dollar.
This once more shows what srsl-
inffwill do. The consuming pub
lic demands a standard pack and
the farmer might far better grade
hsi products-than to pay a heavy
price for the middlesr&a to do it
for him.
9g L'&TJoSfi 3MSS
i -r I I i
A Qreat Christmas Qift
to Qive the Family!
It's a family car. It's a business car.
It's a camping car. The Overland
Coupe-Sedan I A sensation in price
a manufacturing triumph that en
ables anybody to own a closed car as
easily as an open carl Q Doors both
front and rear easy; entrance, easy
exit no , climbing over seats or feet.1
Front and rear "seats both adjust for
ward and backward to fit tall and
short people. Rear seat and uphol
stery are entirely removable giving
50 cubic feet of square carrying space
for anything and everything a sales
man, merchant, farmer or housewife
wishes to carry. Both seats quickly
make into a full-length bed in the
car ideal for camping trips. The only
closed car at the price with a speedo
meter, foot accelerator, disc clutch,
sliding gear transmission and COM
saves you money in price and then
saves you money right along, all tha
time. Big savings in gasoline and c3
less wear and tear on tires strength
and dependability that minimize up
keep. Come in and see this remark
able Overland Coupe-Sedan at our
Closed Car show. Easy terms.
ttitt T3TrrrTT-n'rci high street
1 - .