The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 14, 1924, Page 16, Image 16

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'Sackcloth and Scarlet" by
r Ceorge Oibbs. Published by D.
Appleton Company, New York
City! Prir S2.
f The story of two sisters, the one
shallow enough to court trouble,
and then avoid its consequences,
the other strong In sorrow carry
ing the misplaced burden for sev
en years. Love comes to Joan the
elder sister, Jn the midst of the
nation's capitol, its political in
trigues and bickerings. Iove has
many setbacks. The characters are
well drawn. It reminds you a bit
of Kathleen Norris' "Sisters al
though Its handling Is more mas
terly and from a masculine stand
point. - M V . ; 't
.Joan Is a fine character, steph
en Ed wards1 has strength coupled
with fearless independence. Polly,
Joan's sister. Is the weak butter
fly who when crushed against the
walls, flutters her helpless wings
in hostile abandon. Hers is the
ruthless forgetfulnesa. Joan's Is
the bitterness ot remembrance.
Little Jack around whom the story
revolves, little, Jack It is ' whose
life Is balanced in uncertain su
premacy between deep , affection
Trjifer " V i . . T HIS is the season of the year fW?'.
i P when the Burnett Saving OK
! l! Plan ; proves itself to be most f) (
ix r.ji-w-- - w say
' . i:J-.:.'.'.ft- irv
V. I ISis. 1 VIII
UXO lilJj
t ' -rf. 1 :
IT Aff I- ' : 457 STATE
Most of us find that our
"Cash Reserve is like the little
boy's story of his mother's
short cajce so short that it
won't go 'round!
And so all along the Paci
fic Coast wherever there's a
Burnett Jewelry Store -you
will find hundreds of profes
sional and business men and
women who are buying the
Gifts they want to give and
A Whole Year
i , -
to Pay
Never mind the money
"V" 4- - " " '-'"v.- ; " ;- 1
No matter how little you
have in your pocketbook
Leave the cash in the bank
Keep the liberty bonds
The Burnett Jewelry Store
will give you all the gifts you
And you can pay for them
m small weekly or monthly
payments after Christmas.
Consider this a personal invi
tation jto come Monday the
earlier j the better and open
an account
The best people all along the
Pacific Coast are doing it.
''Cir Jjj
Salem, Oregon
and thoughtlessness.
Shallow, youth needs no accus
er. The tide of life carries the
spring on to deeper protecting
waters and always on, always to
be protected. Its lesson is hard
but pre-evident.
Joan In sackcloth (self inflict
ed) and Poliy in scarlet (prefer
ence) makes a story of unusual
interesting , qualities and will
doubtless be a best seller.
"Pepin A Tale of Twelfth
Night." by Evaleen Stein. Publish
ed by the Page Company, Boston.
Mass. Price $1.50.
A beautiful story of the Christ
mas time, the kind which the Page
Company has featured for so long.
Its spirit is the beauty, the love,
the depth of the Christmas spirit.
The tale !s of the Twelfth night
return of the Three Wise Men,
those three kings, who return and
bless the -children on the road. It
Is Interwoven with the tale of
Gundebold, the Wild Huntsman
and his return as a beggar. The
child Pepin, is told the old tales
by his grandfather. After grand
father's death. Pepin makes a new
home and' later returns to the
land of Duke Loys. whence he
came with his grandfather.
Ihe story is a lovely one, well
told, beautifully edited and a
charming holiday gift for your
best friend.
"Nan's Christmas Boarder."
Francis Margaret Fox, Published
by the Page Company, Boston.
Price $1.25.
A nrettv storv of the home and
school life of the little daughter
of an Arctic explorer. Nan is a
clever child. "The boarder" ia an
interesting orphan baby. The story
unfolds in a deliehtf nl war as the
Christmas preparations develop.
of apartment owners who refuse
child boarders , and their subse
Qleht winning to the cause of
Christmas kindliness. A story with ;
a great deal of charm and some
facts of Interest.
"The Poppy Seed Cakes." by
Margery Clark. Published -bjt
Doubleday Page & Company, Gar
den City, N. Y. Price $2 net.
This cunning book for the child
from three to seven is beautifully
illustrated by Maud and Miska
Petersham, with many pages in
color. "Auntie Katushka" 'An-
drewshek" and "Ermlnka." are
the characters of this little book,
their tales of poppy seed cakes.
red popped boots and farm scenes.
are told in attractive nursery
tales, a beautiful gift for a little
"Red of the Redfields." by
Grace S. Richmond. Published by
Doubleday Page & Co.. Garden
City, N. Y. Price $2. f
The famous Red Pepper Burns.
the country doctor of. Mrs. Rich
mond's many stories, is now in ill
health. Overworked nerves and a
weakened heart urge less country
practice and more quiet consulta-'
tion. A city doctor friend sends
to Burns a shell shocked veteran
whose former newspaper feature
work has been lost in his recoil
to life. Burns plants the young
man, Felix Ross, in a family of
cousins, the Redfields.
5 How they bring the Ingrowth
of temper out ot the boy, develop
his better self and through the
country newspaper, the red head
ed daughter at college and the
simple home life make a man of
him In spite of his over indulgent
parents, is a story typical of Mrs.
Richmond's story-telling charm.
Yon will like the Redfields as
you have enjoyed the fiery doc
tor. Red of Redfields is the
charming daughter, a genius,
quick witted and bluntly confident
of life's worldly gratitude for un
seen sacrifices. The story is a
pleasant one of happy family life
with contrasting shadows which
add to the pictured detail.
"The Purple Mist," by G. E.
Locke. Published by the Page
Company, Boston. Price $1.00 net.
If you have shudders prepare to
exploit them as you read this
story. It reeks of hidden cham
bers, secret influences, yellow fin
gers and rising mists of purple
from across the moor. Romance,
overshadowed with intrigue, affec
tion blotted out by treachery,
these make a first rate detective
story which will please your
friends at Christmas.
There is always one type of
person to whom at Christmas you
give a detective story. You may
well give him a Locke story. Guar
anteed to start shivers along your
"Russ Farrell, Airman," by
Thomson Burtis. Published by
Doubleday Page & Co., Garden
Citv. N. Y. Price $1.75 net.
Your boy who is interested in
flying, the boy from eleven or
twelve to sixteen, will revel in
Burtis stories of flying, his knowl
edge of aircraft and his stories of
the Mexican border. It is a well
told tale and is sure to delight
any boy in the family-
"The Spirit of America," by
Asgelo Patri. Published by the
Adele Garrison New Fbaae of
Copyright 19?1, by Newspaper
Feature Service, Inc.
The First Application Makes Skin
- Cool anil Comfortable.
1 If you are suffering from ecze
ma of bo vie other torturing, em:
barrassing skin trouble you may
quickly be rid of it by using Men-tho-Sulphur,
declares a noted skin
specialist. ; ,
; This sulphur preparation, be
cause of Its germ destroying prop
erties, seldom fails to quickly sub
due Itching, even of fiery eczema.
The first application makes the
skin cool and comfortable. Rash
and blotches are healed right up.
Kowles Mentho-Sulphur is applied
like any pleasant cold cream and
is perfectly harmless. Yon : can
As Lillian, with her never-failing,
prompt reaction to an emer
gency, obeyed my command - to
turn thn lisrht lin hieh. and follow
ed that action by shutting the door
1 bent over my little maid's bed,
and took the hands clutching her
bruised throat in mine.
'I am here, Katie," I said sooth
ingly, "and I won't leave you
again. Stop crying now."
She clutched at hie pitifully and
made an heroic effort to control
her-cries, then broke out into a
wild, terrified wall: ' , -.
"Oh, dot Joe! Dot Joe! He
know now dot I fool beem! lie
go und keel my Jeem, he go und
keel my Jeem!"
Lillian and I exchanged a glance
of sudden comprehension. This,
then, was one of the threats which
the mysterious "Joe," now in the
hospital, had held over the hap
less girl's bead that the husband
she adored In the funny, hectoring
fashion would be murdered did
aha nrovA treacherous to the line
of conduct Joe had marked out lor
her. And; Jim, misjudging her,
had left her to face her problem
Poor Katie! Hers had been, in
iieori hard fieht and a ereat tri
umph. i felt my spirit bow in rec
ognition of the victory over her
own terror whicn tne numDie, un
lettered but great-heart ed girl had
"You Not Know!"
It was no tme for half-measures.
I stooped and gathered
here- in my arms as I would a
friehtened rhild. and held her
close, her face against my shoul
der, smothering ner cries.
"Joe does not know anything,
I said slowly, firmly. "He is still
in the hospital, and no one has
seen . him. i And we know that in
a day or two he will be taken
many miles from here. : You will
never see him again." -
She twisted her face away
from my shoulder, and looked up
at me with eyes in which there
was nothing save wild despair. ;
"Oh, you not know!" she wail
ed. "You not know! Dot An
ton tonight; dot devil who shoke
me und try to keel you, he dot
Joe's boss, everyting he Bay, dot
Joe had have to do! He can get
Into hospital, can et anyvere. He
go straight back, tell Joe I feex
a trick by dem, und no place on
earth small enough for me and
Jeem to hide. Dey find us any
veres." There was such deep convic
tion in her tone that I could not
help a terrified shiver. The two
men certainly had been able to
plant in her an abiding terror of
their power. But I gave her no
inkling of my feeling. Instead,
I stooped and looked her straight
in the eyes.
"Katie, did I ever tell you a
lie?" I asked.
"No! Oh! no!" she asseverated
"Then I expect you to believe
me now." I answered slowly. "But
Mrs. Underwood can tell you bet
ter than I can what happened to
night. Listen to her carefully."
Is Katie RIghtJ
I had switched the responsibil
ity to Lillian, partly because I
felt that I could not stand the
strain of rehearsing the escape of
Smith, partly because I knew what
a calming effect upon my little
maid Lillian's authoriative manner
would have, i i
"Joe knows nothing of what you
did tonight," Lillian began im
pressively. "We do notjthink he
ever will know. This is the rea
son we think so."
She paused, and Katie, choking
back her frightened sobs, pulled
herself to an upright sitting pos
ture in my arms, , but she kept
her eyes fixed upon Lillian's.
"The man," Anton, whom you
fear so much, was captured by Mr.
Drake tonight, and then frighten
ed so that his only idea was to get
as far away as possible. He was
tied up in a room and left to him
self, so that he might get away,
but still fear that some one was
after 'him. Do youl understand
me?" , ; .
Katie's face had come alive with
interest and the dawning of a
"Yes Oh, yes! I understand,"
she said. "He get away?"
ew xorx jny.
This splendid book . for the
American child from the viewpoint
of an Italian who has become one
of the greatest authorities on
child training in the world.
A mention of the name Angelo
Patri means efficient child train
ing. He rules by friendliness and
his story of the milestones in his
tory, the election day. Fourth of
July holidays, the future citizens
of America brings to us all the
value of patriotism in early life.
It is a simple book with limit
less value in the hands of young
America. Well illustrated and
large clear print.
It must, be fine to be great
enough not to feel the need of
effecting a hard-boiled state.
... Uru
"Yes, to a big car, which is now
on its way to New York,-and Is
being followed, so that he, will be
watched now for months, years if
necessary. And your enemy, Joe,
wll also be watched. Even ff An
ton should even see Joe again.
and tell him about your splendid
bravery tonight, there will no
trouble come of it for you. They
will be powerless."
; The hope in Katie's face warred
with a shadowy but -real terror, j
"Maybe so, maybe so," she said
tonelessiy. "But does two tnea
like big poison snakes. Dey Co
no mischiefs only ven dey dead."
And my heart contracted with a
tiny premonitory warning that she
bad spoken but the truth.
(To be continued.)
tkm M acker. Bar T
... lib f. t l jl lit i
iiAs hran rautoiu
CHAIN '-' 2; :-'
STORE -fj..
zyi'&mm if - cv v
i h ft
1 60 N. Liberty St., Salem, Oregon
f. b u MB : t
1s1lUI III ti' I M
1 0 .nTMaiEt
uc i uik ri i i ii if ir 'i mk r nrucrer .
i w wvm-v i tit wwifUMIi
ffereAre Your Suggestions for Christmas Buying!
Putting the Golden 1. : '. .
Rule Into Business
i ' - ' :
' TIjc larjje buying power
of our hundreds of Stores
would be of j small conse-
quence if an ideal was not
behind it.
The remarkable growth
and success of this Com
pany would have been im
possible without that idcaL
Serving all alike always
and serving well . has won-
hundreds of thousands of
friends for our. Stores and
bur high grade of goods.
Departure from this busi-
ness ideal would not be seryv
ing you as we ourselves
would like to be served. v
Blanket Bath Robes
Practical Gifts for Women
; Cozy, warm Bath Robes such
as these are sure to be appre
:iated for Christmas gifts. Every
woman needs just such a robe,
roomy and comfortable, and easy
to slip into in a hurry. IVe have
,a good assortment of .. "
Soft, Warm
Blanket Robes ;
In Attractive Color
at unusually low prices. Choose
one of these at the savings made
possible - by our . large buying
power. Some are trimmed with
silk, and all have cords and
roomy pocket3. i
Excellent Values!
$4.50 to $9.90
Men's Blanket Bath Robes
Just In Time for Christmas
Every man appreciates prao
tical gifts- and what could be
more practical than a bath robe
and more desirable than one of
the new blanket bath rotes in,
our interesting assortment.
Blanket bath robes tltat
are cut full, roomy and t,
long. Trimmed with silk .
cord. Some also braid
trimmed. Carefully tai
lored. ' ' . J
Remarkable values made '
possible only by the combined
purchasing power of our hun- ...
dreds of stores, r
.-.4.-. V- :,C. si . V . V- V.
Electric Curling Irons
An electric Curling Iron
5n a box with holiday wrap
ping would make a much ap
preciated gift. We have both
the Black Wavette and the
Ivory Wavette at unusually
low prices.
The Black Wavetts
is inches long, just the
right length for curling long
hair. It has an ebonized
handle, removable clamp, and
two-piece attachment plug.
Genuine Nichrome heating
The Ivory Wavette
is the same as the Black,
except that it has a white
ivory handle, white silk cord,
and Bakelite two-piece at
tachment plusr.
Of Popular Fiction j
Give Books for Christmas
gifts. We have a good as- j
sortment - of popular copy
right fiction which we are j
able to offer at a remark- j
ably low price because of !
the ;large ' quantity bough j
for our stores. Only
. ;69c
v. ...
for Gift
In Holiday Boxes
We have a large assortment
of perfumes in various odorsi
in attractively shaped bottles'
of plain or frosted glass. In in-J
dividual fancy boxes for gifts J
25c to $3.98
Silk Hose for Gifts
Excellent Values to Choose From I
Silk Hosiery is always
popular for gifts, and our
jvalues in hosiery will make
lit worth your, while to pur
chase here. You can select
from the season's most
wanted shades.
j Women's Silk Hose, 12
strand pure thread silk, with
mercerized garter top, heel
fand toe. Pair,
Full Fashioned Hose, pure thread silk
20-inch boot with lisle garter top and rein
forced heel and toe. Pair,'. " ,
yf I f t .
Marcel Wavers
Torrid Electric Irons
. The Torrid Electric Mar
el Waving Iron has a du
plex waver rod which gives
an excellent .marcel wave.
BUcJc Torrid Wavers
'have a handle finished in
bony, with a removable
clamp and black button at
tached. Genuine - nichrome
jheating element. Detach
lable Bakelite lug in andle.
Two-piece . attachment plug.
.Tcrrid W avers
are the same athe Black,
except that the handle and
jcurler clamp button are oi
livory enamel and the cord
ju of white silk.
Ifc; it
obtain a small jar from any good