The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 13, 1924, Page 5, Image 5

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Council Meets Monday . J
Following the regular meeting
of the city council Monday; a
caucus will be held to determine
the status of the city attorney.'
Several applications are on I file
for appointment to the office.
Other matters 'which are to be
considered by the council are traf
fic regulations aud other routine
business. . i
123 Hats at $3.
; All seasonable goods, - French
Shop quality. French Shop style,
distinction, IS Meadowbrook mod
els will be Included at this price.
The French Shop, Masonic Temple
High street. dl3.
Births Reported!
, Ruth Prescott Shlpler is the
name given to a baby girl born
to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Shipler
near Salem, November 30, accord
ing to a birth certificate filed
with the city.bealth officer yester-.
day. One was filed for the birth
of Sarah Jeanette Whitney, to Mr.
and. Mrs.. Henry , A. - Whitney,
Woodburn. The birth bccured at
the Deaconess hospital, December
6, according to the certificate. .
.-Leather. Rockers .. . .
328.50 regular J32.50.
ton's. ' , . ... . . .; .
Evans Bible Class
? The John J. Evans Bible class
will meet at the regular hour,
Sunday morning at the ' Bligh
theatre. R. O. Shelling, will be
master of ceremonies." The music
has been arranged by members
of . the Willamette university
school of music. They have "arran
ged to have thejyillamette univer
sity male quartet appear in several
musical numbers. Members of the
quartet are Joe Nee, Lloyd
Thompson. . Milton Grollop iand
Don t Heath. Lloyd Waltz is ac
companist and reader. - ... .
What Better Xmas Gift
; Than of , Real Silk Hosiery
guaranteed. Agents will canvas
city beginning next Monday ' or
you can buy them at Milady's
Shop on balcony, Derby Bldg.
Ticket Sellers Busy -
- - Members of the De Molay orga
nization of Salem are busy selling
tickets for their play which Is to
be presented at the Grand Theatre
December 16-17. The purple fes
caps of the De Molay, Mosanie
order of boys, attracted consider-
. ' ; v ,: -1
I Buys Furniture
a Phone 511
S3 JtomUly ; '
C. M. Tedrvood
347 N. Com. 8b
. PbM 866
Cars for hire without driven
PHONE 2020
Day and Night Service
Men's and Young Men's
Tailored Suits $23 to $45
Dr.B.H. While "
Osteopathy - Surgery
Electronic Diagnosis and Treat
ment (Dr. Abram's method)
Office Thone 859 or 4 6 9-J
. &0O U. 8. Bank Bldg. -
y -v.
EstaUlahed 18C3
General Banldng Business
Office Honrs from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m.
k Garry all
i P I f ; ir
able attention. About 30 mem
bers of the order were selling
tickets -J yesterday. Their play,
"The (Yankee I Fourf lusher has
been under preparation for several
weeks. Leading members of the
cast have had their pictures taken
for publication, i ,
Dinner Ware '
'Plain and .decorated,
specials. Hamilton's.
Birth Recorded
A birth certificate for . John
Wesley Orsborn was: filed with
the city health officer yesterday.
The birth of the baby boy occured
December 10 to Mr. and Mrs. John
Wesley Orsborn. r
Leather Goods for Xraa l
Vanity cases. hand-bags, suit
cases, bill folds, key-ring holders,
and numerous other articles, all
leather, will , be, found at. F. E.
Shafer'a. , d!3
New Manufacturer Here ; X
Distinctive ' lamp: stands and
shades. are being manufactured in
Salem by ; the Salem Art and
Beauty shoppe, located in the new
Hughes,, building on High- street.
In addition block printing, tie and
die work, , and other decoration
features are performed. At the
present time the company has
seeral orders for lamp shades
The firm Is newly . organized In
Salem. ! ; , ,
Persian Clay Jesso 50c
Angu's i clay 60c. ' Just tin.
Maurine Beale Lee, Art Studio
Room 25-26, Breyman Bldg. d-13
Vining Speaks Tuesday
Prof. I.i E. Vining, the silver
tongued orator from southern
Oregon has been secured as the
main speaker at the Kiwanis club
luncheon at' the Marion hotel.
Prof. Vining, president of the Ore
gon state, chamber of commerce,
will talk on "Selling Oregon." The
only request ' made of the mem
bers of the club is that they come
prepared to stay a little over the
regular meeting hour. The speak
er has just returned from an east
ern tour, ; where he sold Oregon
to the eastern people. In part ne
will explain his methods of reach
ing th$m.
Xmas Ribbon Novelties That -
-, Are different, hand made hand
kerchiefs. : Esprit d'Amour toilet
goods. Silk underwear with hand
made lace. Miss Swart Specialty
Shop, 453 Court. , dl3
Four Accidents Fatal '
Of the 505 accidents reported to
the state industrial accident com
mission for the week ending Dec
ember 11, there were four fatal!
ties. These were , Louis James,
laborer, Portland: Oscar Daniels,
loading cars, Mullno; G. Saine,
logger, stacada and -John A11
dredge, laborer on a shaft, at
We have all varieties of Fruit
and Nut Trees at attractive
prices. . .
Off ice opposite the Oregon Elec
trie Depot on High street
Telephone 10F4 Evenings
Dancing ! Dancing !
Salem's New Auditorium
Ladies Free
Wednesday and Saturday ;
Bezanson's Melody Phiends
Skating Skating; Skating
At Dreamland
s Thursday. Friday, Saturday
7:30 to 10 p. m.
Hear Our New Calliope
For-- -
Open Evenings
SizGS of Goal
from; the large ; furnace to
the smallest nut size. Tell
us for what purpose the coal'
Is required and we'll point
out the proper size to, use.
But although we carry all
sizes, we handle only one
quality, the very best coal
from the very best mines.
Pur coal service Is yours to
command. '
Prices range from $10 to $15
Also handle the best .
Diamond Briquettes $15
t i illli J 'if
Oregorf City. ; Of the total num
ber 437 were subject to the provi
sions of the compensation act; 67
were, from firms and corporations
that have rejected the provisions
of the act and one from a public
utility corporation not subject to
the provisions of the act.
Dry Wood for Sale
1 6-inch or 4-foot lengths.
7F2 - t: i -
Wants Telephone Business!
Lee Shaver, chief of police at
Oskaloosa, Ok la., is evidently tired
of his ' municipal duties, for he
has written to the public service
commission regarding- the pur
chase of a 1 telephone business
somewhere in Oregon. He asks
for information ' as any possible
line that has between 400 and 700
subscribers that may be for sale.
A Bobby Set ? i
For her Christmas gift. Tyler's
Drug Store, 147 S. Commercial.
; - . di3.
Junior Rotarians Ring ' .,
The Junior Rotary quartet, un
der the direction of Dan Langen-
berg, vocal Instructor, has been
engaged to appear before the Ro
tary club of Portland.
.iii v
For Christmas !
The wife : would appreciate a
Hamilton-Beach electric cleaner.
Hamilton's, j rdl3
Griffith Accepts ffei- ; f
George Griffith, manager of the
Marion Auto company and ; presi
dent of the State bank o(. Jeffer
son, has decided to aecept-the of
fer of deputy i state treasurer
which was" recently nYfide 'him by
B. Kay, state treasurer-elect.
Mr. Griffith has had considerable
experience as a-,, banker. He is
Btate commander ; of the American
Legion and a member of the Sa-
eb Rotary club: V "
Smart Hand Made
Pattern hats,! 125 for .your
selection at $5 each. See window
displays. The French Shop, 115
High street.. Masonic Temple.
Miss Leavenworth, Resigns
Miss Martha Leavenworth, secre
tary to the Marion-Polk county
multiple listing bureau presented
her resignation to the board of
governors yesterday. She stated
her reason for resigning that col
lege made it necessary for her to
spend more time : on her studies.
Her successor has not been select
ed. -
Store and Service Station
Partner wanted. Must have $2,-
000. : Excellent opportunity for
man- aud wife. Investigate this
week.. .Becke & Hendricks, U. S.
Bank Bldg. d-14
Successful Method
The Christmas seals are being
sold in the Portland school by the
children, according to word re
ceived here, and the (plan has
proven satisfactory The stamps
are sold from the school and
by the pupils. Although the exact
amount of money secured by the
stadents was not made known it
is , understood that several thou
sand stamps have been sold.
Table Ferns 2 for 23c
Cyclamen 75c each, cut flowers.
poinsettas for Christmas. Arthur
Plant, florist, 184 South Commer
cial. dl3.
Attention Created
A -man riding astride a white
charger on a downtown street of
Salem yesterday created consider
able attention. The white horse
was a large one and stood over
17 hands in height.
Slake the Family a Present
Of Radiola III. A radio set for
Xmas. Hallk's Electric Shoo. dl4
War Mothers To Hold Sal ! 1
The Salem chapter of the Amer
ican , War Mothers are to hold a
cooked food sale, December 17,
at the city ticket off Ice ; of the
Southern Pacific company. At
that time the War Mothers will
sell the remainder of the stock
from the bazaar, held recently.
Mrs. T S. Golden, and Mrs. D. M.
Lockwood are In charge. , - ,
" r '
Have You Seen Those
Alligator bags at F. E.
170 South Commercial.
Two Lawyers Admitted '
Newton C. Chaney,- of Med ford
and Earl L. Wilson, of Portland.
nas been permanently admitted to
the bar, according to a report
made public yesterday by the state
board of bar examiners through
Arthur Benson, clerk of the sup
reme court. . s -
Your Choice . .':' ' r-
Of ten patterns of floor lamns
wun large silk shades. ' S16.8S.
Hamilton's.. d-13
Girl Reserve Entertains -
About 30 members of the Salem
TOLLES Nellie K. Tolles died at
. a local hospital December 11, at
the age of 45 years. She Is sur
vived by her son and two broth
ers. Funeral services will be
from the Terwilliger Home Sat
urday, at 2:00 p. m. Rev. Mr.
Chambers officiating, with com
mital services at the City View
The funeral of Mrs. Lottie Val
let, who died December 9, will be
held at the Webb funeral -parlors
today at 10 a. m. Rev. Mr. Lovell
will have charge of services. In
terment will be in Fox Valley cem
TJteqrsaled C en-ice"
HI-Y club were entertained by the
Girl Reserve at the YWCA last
night. Helen Campbell., president
of the Girl Reserve organization
and Ivan White, president of the
Salem Hi-Y, made short addresses.
Prof. S. B. Laughlln, professor m
economics and history at Willa
mette university was the main
speaker of the evening. He dis
cussed various phases of "Inter
national Peace.
Handmade Lavender ' Novell!
And Mah Jongg, good luck
beads for -Xmas gifts. Miss Swart
Specialty Shop, 453 Court. d!3
Testing Car Co mine
Word has been received by the
public service commission that the
United States bureau of stan
dards' federal scale testing car
would be sent to Oregon in a few
weeks. ' Because of the large
number of public utility scales to
be tested, the car will probably be
held two or three weeks.
Take No Spinal Adjustments
Until you have a ; neurocalo-
meter reading by Dr.O. L. Scott,
U. S. National Bank Bldg. d3tf
Unique Advertisings
The city ticket office of. the
Southern - Pacific company here
has received an unique poster
trom Portland. . It is a master
piece of sign painters' art. A
Christmas tree has been painted
upon the card. From the limbs
of the tree are ; suspended boxes.
which are labeled with the price
of the fare to certain cities.
Men's and Boys' Overcoats
And blankets on special sale at
manufacturer's prices, at Thomas
B. Kay Woolen Mill on 12th St.-
dl3 ; Yr
Moore' Feature Stunt-
A. W. Stein, member of the
Moore's Music House entertainers
was featured in a short vaudeville
stunt at the Brush College school
house last night.. In addition to
the stunt the troupe entertained
with musical numbers. One music
al feature was the trio, composed
by E. W. Moore, and Mr. and Mrs.
Leon Jennison, which was well
Heavy Weight
Axminster rugs,
$37.50. Hamilton's.
9x12 feet.
Choir Gives Concert-
Approximately 30 members of
the choir of the Central Congre
gational church were heard in
concert at Silverton last night up
on an invitation of Rev. Clayton
Judy, former pastor in Salem. The
program last night Included one
of the concerts given about a
month ago as well as some of
the special music being arranged
for the Christmas program.
$3. A Most Interesttng-
Sale of high class hand made
pattern ' hats. 125 models to be
sold at $5 regardless of cost or
former price. The French Shop!
115 High street. Masonic Temple:
Officers Are Elected!
At annual meeting and election
of officers of a missionary society
of the Central Congregational
church this week. Mrs. Elbert
Powell was elected president; Mrs.
C D; ' Ross secretary and " Mrs:
Homer Harrison re-elected treas
urer. Other officers elected were
Mrs. F. E. Brown, chairman: 0t
benevolences; Mrs. J. N. Robert-
son, chairman of the church -aid
department and Mrs. H. W. John
son, chairman of the social committee..-
-- . .,-."
Christmas Cards Reduced Prior
Buzz State St., opposite court
house. dl4
River Boat Docks '
'With 95 tons of general mer
chandise, the Inland Transports.
tion company river1 boat "Relief"
docked here Friday and upon dis
charging her cargo, . returned to
Portland last night with a 60-ton
load. ;
Before You Make A Selection'
For Xmas, call on F. E. Shafer,
170 S. Commercial, where you will
find anything in leather. dl3
Officers In Portland
Adutant General George A.
White, accompanied by Major T.
P. Rilea motored to Portland yes
terday to attend a staff officers
meeting. Major Alvln C. Baker
was also in attendance at the staff
meeting. In addition to the meet
ing the officers will attend , a
school held for officers of the 41st
For Rent f I -
Trim bungalow, garage and flre-
place. 5 rooms and sleeping
porch. $30. Also small cottage
$20. Immediate possession both.
Becke &. Hendricks. ,U. S. Bank
Bldg. - - . d-14
Medical Society Meets-
Two papers will be read at the
next meeting of the Polk-Yamhill-
Marion Medical society to be held
at the Gray Belle Tuesday night.
Dinner will be served at 7 o clock.
The first paper will be on Coli
tis," and prepared by Dr. John H.
Fitzgibbens, of Portland. Dr. H.
K. Stockwell, of Salem, will open
the discussion.
Tlte Argo Dining Room-
Will open Sunday, Dec. 14, with
their special chicken dinner 45c.
ill 4
1 -" ; : .'" ',..-A'-.
Judge Belt Moving i f
Judge Harry Belt, of Dallas,
was in the city yesterday and visit
ed at the supreme court, where he
will sit in the capacity of Justice
after January 5, when he takes
office. Judge Belt has obtained
a place to stay during his term of
office here and will move his
family to Salem Monday.
Make This a Merry Christmas
Electrically. -Hallk's Electric
Shop. , , " ; dl4
Legion Sleets Monday v
' Plans for bint meeting V of
Capital PostVi. 9 and The Ameri
can Lesion auxiliary Monday n!tht
Ing following the regular business
sessions. Prior to the dance the
30 members of the legion minstrel
chorus are to meet for a rehearsal
at the McCornack hall. The meet
ing Monday will be one of the last
under ,the present officers, those
elected at the last meeting: to be
installed shortly after the (irst of
the year. . "
Coyote JxiKt
Anyone seeing net covote nleasn
phone Valley Grill. d!3
Presbyterian 8. S. Classes
Crowded out. no more room at
the old building. Men's and TRI-C
Bible classes will use, through the
courtesy of Rigdon's, their new
parlors, corner Cottage and Che
tneketa streets, east entrance.
Every Sunday, 9:30 a. m. dl3.
Vets Get Preference
In employing men the public
service commission will give 1 pre
ference to veterans of the World
and othr : wars according to Ed
OstranderJ public service commis
sioner elect, who takes office next
month. The veterans will be given
the positions over other applica-
cants ail things being equal regard
ing ability and other qualifica
Xew 5-Room Bungalow-
Close in, for rent. Phone 630
f dl3
Leather Traveling Bags-
Regular $12.50 Oxford bag.
$9.85. Hamilton's. : d-13
Woman Seeking Place-
Mrs. Grace Thompson, who lives
a few miles from Salem, is seek
ing the position of reading clerk
in the senate. She is said to have
received the support of several
senators. The position of reading
clerk is hotly contested and com
petition is keen. The post has
been held for several sessions of
the legislature by Walter L. Tooze,
Sr., now registrar of the Jand of
fice, in Portland. ' V
Wanted, a Closed Ford '
I will trade a piece of timber
land In Josephine county for a
closed Ford car. Phone 261 or
271. n30tf
Prizes Offered
Prizes for the best Christmas
stories published in the Clarion
preceding, the holidays will be
awarded by the editorial manage
ment. This is an annual affair:
The prizes are $10, $5, aid $2".50.
SO Rounds of Boxing
Salem Armory, Dec. 16. Main
event. Sewell Deans vs. Charles
Dawson, 10 rounds. -Snappy pre
liminaries. Tickets on sate at
Smith's cigar store. dl3
Held Entertainment
An orchestra at the , Middle
Grove school Is composed of -10
students, some of whom haye
never had an Instrument in their
hands before the beginning of tbV
school year. (So successful has
been the orchestra that, they held.
an entertainment at the school last
night, according to W. - W. Fox,
rnral supervisor.
All Gifts One-Third Of f
Buzz State St., opposite court
Get License
- Two marriage licenses were
issued in the ' county clerk's of
fice yesterday. One was given to
Chester E. Hendy, 24, and Fannie
Schultz. 16. both of Salem. The
other went to Earl R. Briggp,
574 Lexington street, Portland,
and Betty Wise, 664 Ferry street;
saiem. . , -
Coupe Is Stolen '
R. F. Desart of 356 North Lib
erty notified the police that his
Ford coupe had been stolen some
time between 9:20 and 11 o'clock
last, night. ; The car bore license
No. 174-046. ' Portland, Eugene
and Roseburg police were notified
of the theft. .
Wheaton Seeks Debate
Wheaton college, of Wheaton,
III., has . written the ' forensic de
partment of Willamette university
for a debate in Salem this coming
spring. The institution was de
feated by Willamette university
two years ago when the team
toured the east, and it is possible
that their request for a contest
will be granted although, no defi
nite action has yet been taken.
Williams Fined ' ?
W. H. Williams, who was ar
rested by Officer "Wiles flor speed
ing on a motorcycle, was fined
5 In police court yesterday. He
was released on $10 bail after he
was booked on an additional
charge ot being drunk. ' L. Thomp
son was assessed $5 for speeding.
Oriolea Play
1 Mills Orioles were the feature
part of the Hoot Owl program
from station KGWthe Onegonian,
Friday night. The local orchestra
furnished fine entertainment and
the response from radio fans gave
evidence of sincere appreciation.
The Orioles have been playing in
Salem -for some time.
Building Permits
Two .building permits were
issued by City Recorder Poulsen
yesterday to G. R. Bond to erect
dwellings at 172S and 1735 North
Capitol.- Each dwelling is estimat
ed to cost $2500. , i
Downing Remains Same
County Judge W. H. Downing.
who has b.een confined tovthe Sa-
Capital, Bargain
j House
House of a Million and'
! One Barsalna
lem hospital, remains about the !
same, according to reports late,
last night. He had 'been resting I
easily during the night and had
slept comfortably for a few hours
of the evening. - .
Fire Reported
The Salem I Tire department
made a run to 1344 Ferry Friday
to put out a small chimney fire,
No damage resulted. '
Bolivia insists the world Is a
plane, but doubtless even be con
cedes It isn't on the level.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Trindle
were Portland visitors yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. WaUling
and family motored to Portland
Friday on business. , ,
Harold Watrling, of Salem, Is
employed In a logging camp near
W. 'A'. Delzell. private secretary I
to ' Governor Pierce, prepared a
loving cup at Hubbard yesterday
as the grand prize for the poultry
show. The cup was onerea cy
Governor Pierce.
Hamilton, local manager of the
Portland Electric Power company
here was a Portland visitor Fri
H. R. Worth. Salem business
man returned from a business
trip to Portland yesterday.
Michael T. Kdwards, who has
been stationed at Independence as
manager of the Standard Oil sta -
tion, returned to Salem yesterday.
Monday he will take his annual!
vacation. .
Mr. and' Mrs. O. Jacobsen,
were visitors in Salem from Amity
yesterday. : .,!
Mr. and Mrs. Z. J. Riees. ac -
com Dan led by Mabel Webber of
Glendale, Colo., motored to Port
land for the -weekr - end. Miss
Webber will continue her journey
home, while Mr. and Mrs. Rlggs
will remain in. Portland tor tureul
or four days. ' ':
xtr'anf if ra-t M f i:00 n-sra
in saiom nn hninica frMnv f-nm
ini). wm,m ..K, tj-v
chairman of the state highway
commission, was a caller yester
day at the office of Roy Klein,
state highway engineer, who has
returned from a trip to eastern
Oregon. ,
Jay Stockman, deputy district
attorney of Multnomah, Was In
the city yesterday on business be
fore the supreme court.
A. C. Mclntyre, an attorney of
Helix, was in the city Friday.
. Ray Benson, of the secretary of
states oiuce, .win attend a re
union of veterans of the 162nd
Infantry "in Portland today.
Roscoe B. Hurst, a Portland at
torney, was a Salem business visit
or yesterday. :
Judge Will R. King, of Port
land, unsuccessful candidate for
United States senator at the last
primary, appeared before the sup
reme court on business Friday.
- C. V. Meats and Pearl Wilson.
of. Beaverton, were In the city
L. B. Smith was a visitor in Sa
lem yesterday from West Linn.
Robert Goetz. citv sunerinten-
dent of schools at Silverton, was
in Salem yesterday on school busi
A bell boy can tell you where
to find almost everything except,!
possmiy, a hymn book.
Adele Garrison New Phase of
Copyright 1921, by Newspaper
- Feature Service, Inc.
; ; CHAPTER 333.
Lillian gave me no time for fur
ther introspection concerning Dr.
Pettit's mysterious reference to
Dicky's whereabouts. With her
hand compelllngly on my arm she,
rushed me down the hall and Into
her room, putting me into a chair
near the light and turning its il
lumination full upon my face.
. "Lucky dear mama-in-law" has
the children," she commented,' as
When you think of . fish,
i think of Fitts. When you
I want the : nicest dressed
' Chicken, Ducks, Geese or
Turkey, phone 211.
We specialize In thls busi
ness and our 23 years of
experience is your guarantee
of service and quality.
Pre Delivery
216 North Commercial
she turned my bruised and grimed
lace 'up to hers. - "Sit stlH and
close your eyes until I come back.
jl: won't be five minutes."
She lowered her . own record
promise in her return, laden with
a basin of warm water, soap, an
anusepue lotion.; a healing un
guent, and plenty of soft clothes.
"Now." she said, tucking a big
bath towel around my heck, "we'll
have you looking like, the cricket's
chirp in no tinje. ! But I warn you,
some of this will smart."
Her warning was Justified.
Some of her remedies did smart
almost intolerably, but though I
am an arrant coward where physi
cal pain Is concerned. I set my
teeth, determined not to wince.
when only a few feet from my door
Tom Chester had undergone In
deed, was undergoing still agon
ies which made my hurts seem
the merest annoyances. -
But it was over at last, and with
my face feeling comfortable and
my - nervous- tension relaxed.
opened my eyes when Lillian gave
me permission, and smiled at her.
I - "I feel like a. ,new woman,'
1 8aid gratefully
I Lillian tipped her head. to. one
i side, looking at me critically.
Plans in Detail: ?
You look like one, that is.
like the militant variety used to
look after having been dragged
frori a heckling stunt," she re
marked dryly. "No," as I rose in
voluntarily, you can't have any
mirror. Your face will be healed
over in a few days, and there's no
1 use upsetting your vanity before
I then. I've something more
important on hand. Tell me every-
(thing that happened since you left
I the house. Of course, I know you
(did the job.-someway, but I'd like
the details."
1 The note of pride, or absolute
I confidence in her voice was most
gratifying, but when I had fin
ished recounting the incidents of
my expedition,, including' -Tom
Chester's disablement, and my own
wild ride upon the back' of Smith's
I limousine, the loving, impetuous
I clasp of her arms, and her lavish
I commendation so rarely bestowed.
tnniiea ma; greauy ana maae me
uusn aeepiy.
You brave, resourceful, idiotic
girl," she exclaimed, with her
arms, close aroiund me. ; 1Hctw
easily you might have been killed!
' Drug Store and see the many novelties you may
select to complete your holiday shopping.- Do
mestic and imported perfumes, fancy leather
goods, amber; mother of pearl, shell and Pari
sian ivory toilet articles, manicure sets, travel
ling sets, kodaks, fountain pens, fancy scaps,
bath salts, talc powder, etc. Our goods are
bought direct and priced right. -
A visit here will repay you. . Oldest, largest
and best .equipped Drug Store in Oregon, 42
years in Salem.
280 North Commercial Street .
; " rv
r JLie viiDiss
v 3
Perfume Atomizers , ? 1, ?; ,
Karess and Fiance perfume
sets. .-.: ,::
Bath salts in beautiful gift
bottles -Large
selection of ivory
: Woolport
Meii's BMe CI.
Music by Willamette University
But how wonderful to'ttink yc-i
turned the trick! That V. : i
the chain Is finished now.- - So;:. r
or later Smith will lead . the way
to the' man we want, the wealthy,
trusted, seemingly 100 per cect
American, who is the spider In tba
center of this monstrous wK of
treachery and Infamy." And if rny
bunch is good, Katheriae is goDc
straight to a, which if nut
the homeof ths man we want, 1
that .of 'someone very near to Li ni,
"Turn Up the Light"
. "I wish she weren't going." t
said impetuously. "I feel a a
though '
"You feel as though yoa needrl
a good 'night's sleep to pet the
tremors out of you,! Lillian re
torted Of course you are imag
ining everything in the calendar
that could happen to Katherino
Just now, and I don't wonder after
your experience this evening.
Katherine won't be in any danger
that is." she amended conscien
tiously "the chances are at least
ten to one of her coming through
safely.. And tonight you had lf-s
than a fifty-fifty. No, events ar
moving - very smoothly. We can
afford to rest on our oars a hit.
Listen! Isn't that some one cry
ing?" i
I listened for a second or two,
then rose abruptly.-
"It's Katie," I decided. "I'was
afraid she'd be frightened when
she awakened. Hurry, or ste'll
rouse everybody in the house."
' I was In.the hall before I had
finished speaking, and racing down
the corridor to the kitchen wing.
Katie's cries mere wimpers at
first were becoming louder, an l
I knew my volatile little maid'-
tendency to hysteria when fright
ened or angry. Lillian's footst
sounded behind me, and she-ha. 1
caught, up to me by the time I
had managed to open Katie's door.
'My little maid was sitting up in
bed,' her hands "clutching at her
still swollen throat upon which.
Smith's brutal, ,rnnrderoii3 hands
had closed hpr eys wildly dartirr;
around the !iin'y-iightei rcor.i.
her lips u;t'rirff ' hoarse cric.
Which were inctenplng in volar.,
with every soioud. I sprang to thf
side of the bed, throwing a cm;
command over my shoulder to
"Turn up the light high!"
- (To be continued.)
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