The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 13, 1924, Page 4, Image 4

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lua.4 Dally Eieept Monday by
T 315 Boutk OommareUl St, BaUw Orcfoa
t J. Hn4rlf k
fobs 1 Br4y
lYsnk JMkoskl
' Tfc AmmIsUS Prsm U xelaWly otHld U tb for Mb11"rio '
fIPtfcM credit t it r m trwi erdU4 i this ptt 4 lo Ik !)
in pablUfc kcraia.
Anu T. Clsr Os, Vw York, 141-145 'Wit 3tk St,; Ofetesf. Hr.vtt Bail-
tag. W. 8, GrotbwabL lip.
(Parting Office, S3 WarcaaWr Bldf, Psoas eeST BK4wt. 0. J. WillUm. IffT.)
- V . . If -.-, Cirealattai Offtes
. . . .13-104) - Society Editor .
Job DopkrbBOBt ' . . . . 68S
Butawr Offtee ,
Mwa DspsrtiMat
Xotorod at tka Poatoffi i 8letM,
Prepared by Radio BIBLE SERVICE Bureau, Cincinnati, Ohio.
It parents will bare their children memorize the dally Bible selec
Uons, It will prove a priceless bitaa to them la After years.
- ' Decmbfr 13, 1924 '- !.--' '
A CURE FOR WORRY: Be careful for nothing; but In every prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests
be made known unto Godf. r
And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep
four hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. . Philippians 4:6, 7.
PRAYER; O Lord our God, we thank Thee for the assurance that
Thou wilt supply our every, need out of Thy riches In glory In Christ
Jesus our. Lord. '
- ' (Los Angeles Times.) j.i ' L
' "Trotzky is telling his scaflet bodyguard that America is
coins in for militarism. Hejiays that American capital has
,, A vaVUVU 1 la A A AAA A U V W V A III 1I1.V.1UVUV .av.
the sword and go abroad for larger fields..! He expresses the
thought that a nation must use force in extending its contacts,
ire would make us" believe that we have to use sixteen-inch guns
to open up a market for our curling irons and clothespins. That
seems to be the Bolshevik conception of cdmmercial relations.
They have to be established with artillery. But the fact that
Uncle Sam is blowing up his own battle.hips, reducing his' army
and limiting his navy should be better evidence of our national
policy than -the inflamed words of a Trotzky.'
The fact is that the United States, the way things are going
now, will not need for very long any European markets for her
surplus products ; and especially her surplus food products
And there are two reasons.
. One is the fact that her markets in South and Central Amer
ica are growing very fast ; taking more and more of her surplus,
"and especially her manufactured surplus products.
The other is that the growth of the United States in popu
lation, and in self sufficiency, is so developing her own home
markets that she is approaching, nearer every year Jhe time
when, she will have few food products to export. Her own people
J will need them all ' i . .. :
And the United States would, become an imnnrter instead
;of an exporter of wheat within ten to fifteen years, if, our states
men at Washington would get down to brass tacks and pay more
I attention to self sufficiency in our own country; just exercising
,such horse sense as would be used by the manager of a great
, business corporation. f M
Let the United States grow and manufacture all of its own
; linens and other flax products; all its own b.emp-aud hemp
.'products; all its own wool and woolens; all its own starches, and
. all its other things that may be easily grown and turned into
commercial products," and we would be importing wheat,' and
besides a lot of raw products from other parts of the world that
we are cither now not receiving or are receiving in relatively
small quantities. -'' -. ;'"' ""' ' t.
Mostly, this4 would be a matter of tariff adjustments, and
. preferential duties for American bottoms, involving the same
protective principle - . --' '""' ' V .
i . Only these, plus a promotion bureau in one of the depart-
ments that would really promote, and not just mill and mull
5 around with theories and give out dry statistics and bone dry
' advice. . - - - - -
There are a lot of very well posted men who will not believe
the writer when he tells them that the flax and linen industries
here in Oregon are headed toward even greater things than
. most pople dream of ; that linen is going to be cheaper than
. cotton. That we can produce flax fiber here and sell it at a
profit at a lower cost than cotton fiber cari be produced any
. where on earth.' Henry Ford believes this, arid is. working on
- the problem. Everybody will believe it,. pretty soon. There is
no boll weevil m flax,-There
re we neaaea; towards, a 5piuo,U00,0tX annual industry here,
emplojing directly and indirectly a million people we are
headed towards .an industry that will turn off $200,000,000 a
year, and thenjw only on its way to greater things, i . ' ;
There are a good many reasons
- why men go wrong. Some think
It is natural "depravity; others
think It Is due to bad company,
and other people have Various oth
' er reasons, all of which have a
, bearing, but one . of .the biggest
reasons is povterty. Ktow,1 . w
submit that no man ought to be
a criminal simply because he Is
poor, but it is a fact that men
become criminals oftentimes be
; cause "of their need for money.
Jt is wrong, of course, but we
must find "some way of getting
Into the minds of these men that
crime is never a remedy for pdv-
erty. . v . . ; ' ;,r.
The man who- recently -robbed
the bank at Kelso begged from
' door to door In that town for a
week. Similar Instances are told
everywhere. A ' man gets down
and out and the first- thing he
loses is his courage; the hext thins
he loses la his will power, then his
self-respect goes, and he abandons
himself to anything to supply his
necessities. It Is In such Instances
that men turn to crime. : '' .
The Door .we have alwm vith
? tis. and probably always will have,
but they will not turn to crime
if they; are stiffened up morally
when they are young. Men must
learn that it Is not a fallare to be
poor; it is not a crime to be down
and out. There is Just as much
reason to be honest although poor
as hottest and' rich. But we must
take .the viewpoint of these poor
devila who lose' everything be-c.v-
cf their rverty, wo are
c '-.vf' in their necessities, who
. ' ' Hium
; ' . - Kilter
VtMftr Joft Dept.
Orafoa, aa aaeoBd-alaaa Baattor
are no, moths in linens. - Not only
dulled all their finer qualities.
We must get: to these men the
thought ' that the avenue of crime
is no way to recover from poverty,
It does not win In any way, nor in
any place. - - - ' 7',:-
The voters "and 'taxpayers ; !of
Oregon are beginning to realize
hat our members to the Jeglsla
ture and our executive officers are
elected to office without any defi
nlte declaration of principles
promises or Instructions as to what
the officer is to do after he is
elected. ) The campaign promises
of the individual candidate is all
that the people have to rely npon
These are in way binding with
the officer and with no party be
hind them. There ought to be
some way to put the party, which
they represent, behind the candi
dates. As It IsTlhe candidates do
not owe any allegiance or fidelity
to his constituency and as a re
sult he runs 'wild" and acts as
his own party!.
There should be a party plat
form behind air - elective officers
of the public and the party plat
form and pledge should be bind
ing in their official acts. At pres
ent there is no punishment that
can be meted out for failure
perform party duty,' or disloyalty.
Bend Press. '
We talk a good "deal about the
power of the press, and yet the
politicians buffet the press around
just as tney please. You never
against a newspaper. He rather
takes delight in doing so. ' In our
last campaign one of the candi
dates for president had as his larg
est stock in trade complaining
about the newspapers. H i
Th,ere is a deficit in the postal
department the same as there has
always been, and the first thing
pounced upon is the newspaper
postage. . The newspapers are pay
ing too high postage already. The
postage Is something that has to
be absorbed by the publication.
There is no way to pass it on. It
weans that the newspapers have
that much less money to spend on
keeping up and improving their
publications. It is not fair to the
newspapers and it is a reflection
on their power or alleged power, i
It Is time for the newspapers to
get together and fight. , They
have been run over by the poli
ticians long enough. The primary
election Jaw ; enabled newspaper
men to score personally, but it
did not help the newspapers in a
material way. They continue to
get the worst of it.
The time has come when Salem
should get very busy about the
continuation of the Alaskan Indi
ans in the Indian school here.
They have been here for a num
ber of years and graciously the
government is permitting those
already here to remain until they
graduate. That Is a wise decis
ion. . '",; K,
What we should do is to real
ize our responsibility to the Indian
children In Alaska not yet in
school. It, Is all right ; to talk
about reservation schools and In
dian schools up there but they do
not get them. The Indians of
Alaska are In the habit of coming
down here. Sent to ; any other
school they would be timid and
dissatisfied. The large list of sat
isfied i former students ; assures
every one in Alaska that the In
dians are fortunate to be sent here
to school.
These young people most have
higher education and Chemawa is
better equipped to train them than
any other school. We know the
needs; we know what ought to be
done, and for us to remain Idle
while a great wrong is being done
to the Indian children of Alaska
should not be endured for a mo
ment longer.
The Corvallls children's home
is asking for $50,000. Certainly
the need for this money is appar
ent to every citizen of Oregon. It
is to be used for new buildings. .
An orphan should be a charge
of the state and yet the state is
not responding: to this obligation.
Another way is to have pritate in
stitutions which are mere money
making machines and not always
manned by men with kind hearts.
The third way is to have a splen
did organization like the WCTU
take, hold and provide a home for"
these children. Every woman con
nected .with the organization is
sympathetic and every move made
Is for the betterment of the child
ren. Certainly the state of Ore
gon can afford to get behind such
institutions. f - - !
We spend a good deal of money
for our training schools 'to take
charge of the boys and' irls who
make mis-steps, but we 'spend no
money for the parentless children
who are just as much wards of
the state as if they were wayward.
Giving to this home is givinr to
the orphans of the state a chance
for life, an opportunity for de
veloping Into good citizens, and
they can ; repay the ' state ' many
times over by the character of ser
vice they can perform when they
go out into the world. The Cor
vallls home should appeal.
, .
. Four hundred fifty-nine was the
' That many prisoners in the
Oregon penitentiary last night
And of that number 77 fought
in .the .World 'war, or some other
war. In the service of Uncle Sam.
This information was secured for
the benefit of certain good people
in Salem who are in the habit of
remembering these men at Christ
mas time. r ' .i -
V V !
: They are human, and they help
ed to . uphold the honor of their
country at a time when it needed
men.. And . there is not one of
them. who might not be helped by
a little kindness and brotherly
consideration. i
. It is almost Christmas time.
and yet Prof. A. G, B. Bouquet,
who was in Salem on his way
home from the Woodburn farm
ers meeting, and who is the pro
fessor of vegetable gardening at
the Oregon Agricultural college.
has In his garden at the present
time., all crisp and fine and good
for a kings table, the following:
Cabbage, Brussels sprouts, canll
flower, curly kale, Swiss chard,
carrots, beets, parsnips, turnips.
saisiry, head , lettuce and celery;
and, ripening in a cool shed, to
matoes and peppers, .There are
?one ' rar-len .' -irks'''" in .filem,
. - ' FINESSE y .
' !(By Alexander E. Redfurn)
"Jus look at' this month's report,
Top. ,
Almost a hundred eighty-two!
Pretty good, hey? If they'd stop
i Pickin on me I could do
A whole lot better 'n I will.
What Is it a match? You set still.
.i - - -
"You hear about them burglars,
Pop? . - - '
Not more than a dozen blocks
Away Aw, shucks, th" cop! ,
Them burglars don't care fr
locks. , . ,. . .. '
A dog 's th only thing f r them--A
good ol dog, like like Ahem!
"You ain't seen Jim Wall's dog,
' I bet. - - - -She's
pretty s a picture, and
And You set still, tell me; I'll
get ' . 1 " "
It matches? : Glasses on th
This is what I like V do
Run errands f'r Mother, n' you.
"An Jim has seven pups I mean
His dog has, an he'll give me
one .. .....
A beauty. Pop! Its eyes are green,
An' it's real cross a burglar 'd
. . run -. ..:' ,
If he .Inst heard it growl, he'd
fly! .-
Pop, c'n I have It say, can't I?"
Modern Girl ,
Helen: "She's scarcely
enough to get married!"
Irene: "Nonsense, my dear. Her
ideas on divorce are more advanc
ed than her mother's."
Gertrude Marie Heller.
The Value of the Church
Sister Perkins: "Are you com
ing to the sale and sapper tomor
row night. Sister Turtledove?"
Sister Turtledove: "I didn't hear
about It. What is it?"
Sister Perkins: VWhy every
woman is to bring something with
her that is of little use and yet
too useful to be thrown away,
and then supper will be served in
the evening. Can't you come?"
Sister Turtledpve: "Yes; I'll
come, and I'll bring my husband."
Mrs.: Mink.
' The Road Honse Comedian t
A Tongue-Twister
j (By C. L. Ed son)
Avery Everest, known as the clev-
erest '
Duffer in Plover Roost
Opened an inn which was known
as the "Flivver Rest."
Glover McNally West stopped , at
the Flivver Rest- : I
Telling Boss Everest, "X am thai
cleverest V J , i
Song-and-palaver-lst 1
Vaudeville ever has- had, " Mr.
" Everest.
The funniest, cleverest, Jolt-np-
Clown of them all is Myself here
in Flivver Rest."
Glover talked on and let Everest
never rest.
Avery thought: "Must I kill this
, palaverist. '
And let his cadaver 'rest so we
can have a rest?"
Aiming at Jolly West, who wasa
pal-y guest
Proved such a bally pest, he hit
McNallv west
Knocking him galley west.
; Sorehead!
"Has the Editor a sense of hu
mor?" "No, he can't take a Joke.",
Wally the Mystic
He'll Answer Your Questions,
Somehow ; ,
The wisest man of ancient days ;
Said he could ndt explain the ways
Of men with maids; well, that's
' -where I ;
Know more than that most fa
mous guy.
Oops Both Ways - ?
Dear Wally: .
Should my fair Intended
Learn that my clothes should all
be mended
And that my temper Is a wreck,
I'd promptly get It
Dear In The Neck: ; '
In love's sweet game
The rules for both axe Just the
Hide all you can till you are one;
She's holding out on you. my son.
Always Fish in the Sea
Dear Wally:
All my luck Is spent;
I love a dear girl, Helen Dent.
But she says she wUl wed Bill
Kent. ' :
Please help me stop her. .
My Dear II. B.:
Perhaps Bill Kent
Is he who really isHell Bent.
Go fishing; someone else Is meant
ers, but they will have to go some
to keep up with' Prof. Bouquet.
What would a man east of the
Rockies think of that list for his
Christmas dinner, fresh from his
own garden?
Prof. Bouquet was at the Louis
ville national convention of mar
ket gardeners last summer, where
Oregon took the first, second and
third prizes ; on celery, and an
Oregon boy won the ; contest as
Junior gardener against all comers
in the United States. , At the ban
quet that was held for the win
ners, Prof. Bouquet was almost
embarrassed at the applause and
encomiums heaped upon Oregon
as the premier state in the blue
ribbon class, and all the other
colors, too. Kalamazoo did not
even get green,, though her cefery
r"n turned that color with Jal-
For you to pay hat bills and, rent.
An Enthusiast
Ethel: "Bertha carries things
to extremes, doesn't; she?"
Clara: "Goodness, yes. Just
imagine she's had her Peking
ese's head bobbed !" ' ; ,
Mrs. Larry McDonald
Blow, Sweet Aline, Blow
Little Aline had been given a
handkerchief by a friend who was
going away.
After, a whispered conference
with her mother she looked up at
the friend and lisped: "Whenever
I think of you I'll use this."
Mrs. R. E. Dudley.
Couldn't Be
. Mr. Speckles: "You're a puzzle
to me."
Mrs. Speckels: "Why, John
dear, you know I never say a
cross word!" -
(Contlnned from paga 1) ,
unanimous consent agreement fix
ing a date for action on the presi
dent's veto of the pay bill were
renewed. The discussion will be
continued early tomorrow with a
view to presenting , a new agree
ment to the senate before night.
. Senator Edge, republican. New
Jersey, who is in charge of the
pay increase measure, participated
in these conferences but he and
others declined to discuss details
pending the presentation of the
proposal. He said, however, that
be still was prepared to move at
the first opportunity to take the
measure up for, passage over tbe
veto. 1
Will Not Delay
Administration - leaders and
others participating in the meet
ing with the president expressed
the opinion that Mr. Coolidge s
concern was confined to providing
the necessary revenue and' that
there was no disposition to delay
unnecessarily senate action on the
veto. . Many proponents of the
pay bill expressed a' contrary
opinion, however, charging that
there was a purpose to kill the pay
measure. ; ' .
- Senator Edge does not under
stand that there is a movement to
combine the pay and mail rate in
crease legislation. He said he
would oppose such a step. It is
his judgment that congress should
act on the veto, an over riding of
which would make the pay bill a
law automatically.
He Is Americanised when he
palms the ivory cubes lovingly and
says: "Shoota da works."
Getting rich.isn't difficult. Just
hire men worth $10, if any, and
pay them $4.
Charlie Chaplin and Lata Grey, His Film Actress
Bride, Returning from Secret Wedding in Mexico
a' t
;i - -
I?H? 2 "N U
a i i f$,
A. - . A .
in jL
itfi 1 ? ? t
Chaplin, who Is credited with
having amassed several millions
by posing before the camera, tried
to avoid photographers when he
and his bride alighted from a
special car in a suburb of Los
Angtles on their return from Em-
; s A
We carry in stock over 115 legal blanks suited to most znj buslncrj
transactions. We may have just the form yon are looking for at a 11
savins as compared to made, to order forms. j
Some of the forms: Contract of Sale, Road Notice, Will fomsj Assign
ment of Blortgage, Mortgage forms,' Quit Claim Deeds, Abstracts fem,
Bill of Sale, Building Contract,, Promissory Notes, Installment Ncic,
General Lease, Power of Attorney, Prune Books and Pads, Scale He
ceipts, Etc. These forms are carefully prepared for the courts and privata
use. Price on forms ranges from 4 cents to 16 cents apiece, and ca r.ut3
books from 25 to 50 cents. '
The Statesman Publishing
i . At Business Office, Ground Floor ;
Make 'Tour' Dollar
THE purchasing power of a dollar bill has shrunk con-.:
siderably in the last ten years. There has never been
a time when (discriminate buying paid bigger dividends.
Every day this newspaper contains information that you
should have to increase your buying power. The adver
tisements are intimate little lessons in every-day economy
They teach you how, when and for what your dollar will
go farthest. - ' ; - .. . v j ;
To those who know how to use it, newspaper advertising is
a watchdog of dollars a continuous source of economy
and satisfaction. . . : ,
Merchants, tell of their bargains through the advertise
ments. Almost every new opportunity is offered through
an advertisement. Practically every unusual buy is ad
You can stretch your dollar to
abreast of the opportunities to
There's just one way to do this
Read the advertisements
'- 'i't.
I .LMMWWlwi;
palme, Mexico, the wedding place.
"We have been . trying., to avoid
publicity. ' for once," he said as
they left by . automobile for his
home in Beverly Hills. Mrs. Chap
lin is the comedian's leading lady
In the' films. p '
i ; :
sawni)ts 1 1 c 1 1 1 iwKiiji'sW'w is0 JitwiSi 3
its'elastic limit by keeping
get full value.
Dwmbr 15, Monday Rotary -!ub
nnnat lailir' nislit, 0:15 p. m. fManoa
Utcrrnhxr 15 and 16, Monday ao.i Tutt
day UrMoltj anotr, Oraitd lbatr.
Kfcmbrr i 17, ' Wednesday KfaoBdi'a
Mal CBorua. 8 o'olufk. Armory.
'l)wnbw 17,. V'dasday Americnn
War Mothers food aale. Buuthiro
rifie rity ticket O fir.
i)wraibr 19, l'riday American War
Motb-ra Cookril food aalr at tha tJuniU
tn Pacific rily t rkrt office.
Dwwnbcr 19. Friday Halfm OAO tlub
party at Colonial latu Ta Stio(e.
Deceaabrr 2J. Satvrday Portland Ki
vaaia chorua at rinory.
Peeubr .25, Thuriilay Cbriatmaa
Jannary , Tnaiday Coronation ef
King Binjr of Chcrriana and instaJlatiun
ol thr officer.
January 12, Alonday Opening of 1925
leg; Klataro.
It's a funny system that pro-,
vides publicity for taxpayers and
none for tax dodgers.
The romantic lands are those
so far away you don't get the
11 M
v ....
in 24 Houps-ucR-rrr
1 1
f i i
.-.zr-ct n i'z:t t. :r!?rt!r. f tj X'..