1 li3 7 eatlter - OREGON Cloudy Satur Eight Panca Tc Jay mmm day i no change in temperature; light southeast winds. Friday Max., 53; mln.. 43;i river, 5.5. rising; rainfall, : none; atmosphere, cloudy; wind, southeast. , - , Just ten more shopping days until Christmas. Save your self time and trouble by reading t.. i advertisements before shopping. Do not delay until the last minute. Do It now. SEVENTY-FOURTH YEAR SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 13? 1924 mPRICE FIVE CENTS mm mmm ; 4 A t r ' I ; Jt i i; i 5 : ! A I i - - v; '!r r '. - 4 i i i j It i V J 4 k V i i k f 4 UL'ITED STATES AID TO LEAGUE SJECESSif Only i Prospect fbrteague of fictions to Become Truly Great Is to. Have Support of America r... . COMMISSION TO CODIFY t ' INTERNATIONAL LAW Appearance of Former Attor ney General of United j ' States Important ROME. Dec. 12. (By The As sociated Press.) The league of nations can become truly great only when the United States ad heres to it in some form or other declared Aristides Briand,-former premier of France to the Ameri can correspondents tdnisat.; M. Briand spoke to the news paper men' after a public session of the council, which took a step calculated to help in the main tenance of peace my naming a commission for the codification of international law. : He emphasiz ed what he termed the supreme gesture France has already made In accepting the Idea of compul sory arbitration for any and all disputes and by inference, he laid stress on how important is the ap pearance of George W. Wicker sham, former attorney general of the United'States on the law codi fication commission. '!? -' Flace Hope la Law In his talk with the correspond ints, M. Briand, like Senor Guanl ef Uruguay, and M. Unden, Swed en in the formal, session, referred to the great hopes pinned on the work or the law commission. " He showed himself a steadfast advo cate of the Genera peace protocol during a frank discussion of world political conditions, but he ex nroaspit thf; readiness of France to considers any practicable sug restloss - of fotfaer,s powers looking , to perfection of the protocol, irhich he described as a powerful medium for the prevention of war. "The only possible hope, for the future. Is for the nations to go be Jore Judges," said M. Briand. . This, he declared, Is what tin protocol provides, and he added v "if there is any country in the world which Is ardently devoted to such a method of settling a con flict it is the. United States.", ,- Position Understood Concerning the so-called Japan ese amendments touching upon the league council's : powers to exam ine into disputes which have aris en out of i domestic problems. M. Briand remarked that. President Wilson found it appropriate dur ing the great war to intervene and esk the European powers to state their war aims. No one, the French statesman added, deemed this extraordinary and no one ob jected, because all understood the request was based on a desire tq help humanity and stop wart The only Idea of the protocol, in the opinion of M. Briand, was to offer mediation. , He asserted that it was not intended to inter fere in domestic matters ; Any case of- world .conflict, he said, naturally was of concern; to the league of nations," which was .de moted to maintaining peace. M. Briand affirmed his belief that the league of nations was growing stronger every day. STRIBUXQ WINS i . : GRAND; RAPIDS, Mich., Dec. 12. Young Stribllng of Macon, . Ga. decisively defeated Joe Lob roan of Toledo in a 10 round no decision fisnt here tonight. FRIDAY IN WASHINGTON Consideration of Muscle Shoals continued in the senate. Tha house committee began an investigation of aircraft manu facture and operation. i - ThA American renly to the Brit ish' note on German war claims was delivered In London. . The advisory couhcil of the na tional conference on outdoor re creation ended its meeting. , ' . 7 ' . Kear Admiral Benson gave more testimony berore tne bouse ship' ping board investigating commit tee. The future course of the confer- for nroeressive nolitical ac tlon was considered at a meeting of its leaders. ; . . President Coolidge undertook to Vvnlatpr senata "forces ortnosed to an early vote to override the veto of the postal pay bill.. , Secretary ' Work submitted to rrf-r-!ient Coolilje a reclamation f eram which is expected to form tLa basis -of the administration policy. -j-: ' , , Speeders Past School Will Face Fines iWhen Ordinance Is Drafted Because motorists Insist upon speeding past the- J. L. Parrish junior high school on North Cap itol street, patron3 of the district are seeking ways to enforce strict legislation and offenders are to be brought before the court. Such an ordinance will be pre sented to the city council Monday night. It provides that all mo torists shall come to a full and complete atop at signs which will be erectedon Capitol street to the north and south of the school. The stop signs will replace the "slow" signs now painted on the pave ment; ' j : ' J he ordinance iwlll also carry alties for Its" Infraction and the licenses of drivers, who dis regard the warning will be sus pended by the Judge. , REGL1ITI0III REPORT GIVEN Secretary Work1 Submits Program for Adoption By ; Administration Washington; Dec. 13. Many suggestions for legislation were made in a report that Secre tary' Work today submitted . to President Coolidge embodying a program expected to be adopted by the administration as its re clamation policy. I A Joint congres sional committee to draw 1 up a reclamation code was made. . Regarding the reclamation code he advocates, the secretary in his letter to the president, outlined methods and measures which he said his department has tentative ly adopted, as follows: "The obligations of settlers' on existing projects should be adjust ed and a basis provided for future payments. This will require a re appraisal of areas to determine their ability to produce profitable crops under irrigation. , ; : "The. government has expended a large amount of money, in the construction of reservoirs which ire only partly used, with a con sequent heavy loss of income. There are other projects where i torage is needed to utilize the dis tributing works, i A definite con- ... . Jr . i i ' strucnon program ior iue com- letion of works needed to secure (Coniianed on pmge 6.) LfESTfifOil mm con Both Train Crews are Held Equally Negligent; Block Signals to Close OAKLAND, Cal.,- Dec: coroner's Jury at the inquest over the victims of a rear end collision here recently between a Sacramen to Short Line tram and a Key system train, in which nine were killed today found "both com panies and v. C. Brubaker, motor man of short lino train, were equally negligent." The verdict declared that block signals on the section of the system where the wreck occurred twere placed too close together. ; Horn Gibbons Wants Match With Tunney and McTigue NEW YORK, Dec. 1 2.- -Tommy Gibbons, St. Paul light heavy weight, filed an official challenge with the state athletic commission today for matches with Gene Tun ney, American light heavyweight champion, and Mike McTigue, world's light heavyweight cham pion. The challenges will be acted on at the next meeting. - . , Graphic Story Told of Survivor Attempt to Right Seaplane in Nosedive Proves Fruitless; Water Hit at Speed Greater Than, One Hundred Miles Per Hour - I SAN DIEGO, Cal.. Dec. 12. A graphic story of what happened in the fateful few seconds elaps ing during the 1200-faat fall of the H-16 seaplane oft Point Loma last Wednesday morning when five officers and enlisted men of the aircraft squadron of the bat tle fleet perished, was narrated to the board of inquiry convened at the naval- hospital today by H. R. Davenport, aviator machinist matet one of the three survivors: According to Davenport's testi-. mony, Lieut. A.4 P. Thurston, as sistant pilot of the ill-fated plane, realized that Lieutenant Giochino Varlnl, chief pilot, was in dire trouble, but did not wrest away the controls. J, "When the plane went into the spin.," said Davenport. "Lieuten ant Thurston grabbed hold of the dual control wheel and looked to ward .Varlnl. The latter knew by Thurston's look that the assistant pilot wanted' to 'help, but Varini Special legislation Is necessary before the signs can be painted upon the street, i according to Ray Smith, city attorney. . : No opposition is foreseen in the city council and it is anticipated that the ordinance will be enact ed at one sitting. The ordinance will embody the following:, .. "Instructions to the street or po lice department to change the present signs on North Capitol street pavement to "stop!" The painting of white lines en tirely across the street on each side of the school, and the erection of, disc "stop signs on the curb line on each side of the street. An imposition of a fine of $10 as penalty for failure of motorists to observe the warnings Is in cluded in the ordinance. THREAT TO KILL CHAR! Proprietor of Shop Testifies i McCoy Stated He Would Shoot Intruder LOS ANGELES, Dec. 12. While a phonograph in the .an tique shop of Mors. Inc., on the morning of August 13 last, played popular dance music. Kid McCoy, ex-prize ring idol, charged with the murder of Mrs." Theresa Mors on , te previous night "swaggered, about the place, threatening to kill all .those, who had interfered" with hia affair with the woman with whom he had lived as "Mr. and Mrs. N. Shields." V. C. Em den, business manager of the shop, testified at McCoy's trial here today. ' Emden's testimony, which In cluded an account of McCoy's al leged reign of terror during which three people were shot and wound ed, closed the case for week-end. s The trial will be resumed next Monday, morning. ' "McCoy entered the establish ment in a drunken, disheveled con dition, Emden-saJtLriit hol ster' beneath his coat I saw the butt of a gun. ' He Immediately became dictatorial and proceeded to rob myself and seven ther patrons who were in the store, "He started the phonograph on a lively dance record, commanded the men of the gathering to dis robe and give him their valuables. During this time" he swaggered about the place saying: ; u' " 'Theresa was the only woman I ever loved, and I am going to the electric chair for her, " Em den testified. ' i.J While the threats against the lives" of those who had "inter fered" were being made, McCoy, according to' Emden, forced Miss Frances Pearlstein; Mrs. Mors' secretary, to call Mors, the 'di vorced husband, on the telephone and tell him that "Mrs. Mors wished to see him." ' : (Continued on page 6.) , ; Washington' Horticultural I Association Holds Meeting EVERETT, Wash., Dec i 2. Problems of , cooperative market ing and methods of combatting the strawberry root weevil A were top ics discussed by speakers at the second session of a three-day con ference of., the 1 5th annual con vention of the Western Washing ton Horticultural association here today. Addresses were made by H. C.' Schroeder and Guy Lewis, Seattle; : Prof. .Wilfred Eldred, of the University of Washington; E. W. White, district horticulturist, department of agriculture, Vic toria, B. C; D. O: Lively, manager of the Washington State Chamber i of Commerce; Prof. O. M. Morris, Washington State college. Pull- Iman. and Leroy Childs, Hood Riv er, Or. ; i ;." . Plane Wreck; Describes Fatal Crash shook his head. Varfnl then re tained the controls until the crash arid his death." ; In describing his sensations and what actually occurred to the Il ls plane prior to and during the fall, Davenport said that a few minutes before Lieutenant Varini attempted a right vertical turn he had ordered two men In j the bow to go back to the after cock pit because - the ship apparently was nose-heavy and difficult to handle. The two men who obeyed and who owe their lives to their implicit obedience were Daven port and J. D. Masslnglll. aviation rigger. .' ;,..v ; .. , -. -j "When the seaplane was about a quarter of- a mile west of North Island and about 1200 feet high," Davenport testified, the plane went into a left turn, then into a spin. Lieutenant Varini applied the left control, but the left wing failed to (Citiao4 ea yz ) BED 111 G B i n it if Veteran Leader of Amercan Federation of Labor Pass es Away at San Antonio; Nation Mourns ' - SAN AXTOXTO. Tpxas. Dec. 13. Samuel ,.M CJompern, pwsldeiit or. the Ami'riran .rxilerailon oi SAMUEL 51. GOMPERS Labor, died at 4:10 this morning 'The primary cause was, acute heart disease with pulmonary oedema, complicated by advanced nephritis and arterial hyperten sion. Mr. Gompers had been improv ing' early : in the night and had taken two or three naps but a change occurred at 2:SOa. m., and his heart began to fail, refusing to respond to drugs. . WELLEB BROTHERS ' BUT BUB BLOCK Sale Does Not Include Cor ; ner Property, Which Is Under New Lease Sale of the new addition to the Max O. Buren. property at Ferry- and Commercial to Weller Brothers was announced yester day by Mr. Buren. The conside ration ia in the neighborhood of $13,000. The W. II. Grabenhorst firm handled the transaction. The Used Car Corner, occupy ing the corner lot, has been leased to Day & Zosel, effective January 1. The Day & Zosel tire repair shop, located across the street, will be moved as soon as the new location is available. Verne An derson, proprietor of the Used Car Corner, does not yet know where he will be forced to locate. Upon the removal of the shop, Clarks' Tire shop, located on North Commercial, will move into the quarters vacated by Day &. Zosel. "You may say ' for me" said Verne Anderson of the Used Car Corner, "that we are going to move at a later, indefinite date. Just when, I am not prepared to say as I am considering several proposals, and want to decide on the right one, as to arrangement which will enable the proper dis play of the much larger choice of cars, which we are to have on the floor. The change is in line with our policy, which is to serve the patrons of Salem and vicinity, and to be prepared , to take care of promised future increase, to our already splendid business." Former Salem Resident Loses Hand in Accident Word was : received in Salem Friday that Paul Hardy, a former resident of Salem suffered- the loss of his right hand in a saw mill accident, at Maytown, Wash. I Details of the accident were not available; but It is understood that he was. carried 16 miles to Cen tralia. in order to get him into a hospital. f Hardy's father, William H. Hardy, is an employe of .the C. K. Spaulding Logging j company and resltfeg at 1676 Berry. SPEAKER STATES JAPAN WAS ONLY SPORT IN PACT f Gentleman's ; Agreement With United States Was Kept l!y Nippon; Minister Says ,, ' CHICAGO, ; Dec. 12. (By The Associated Press.) Japan was the only gentleman in the termin ated "gentleman's agreement." with the United States, Dr. Rob ert P. Speer, Presbyterian secre tary of foreign missions, declared amid applause In the closing ad dress of the National Presbyterian conference tonight. ; i"A gentleman's agreement re quires two gentlemen," he said. "Japan was, keeping it. The only gentleman was the gentleman across the sea. "To keep out 150 Japanese an nuallythe maximum number that would have been admitted under the quota we struck a friendly nation in the face. Be fore that the Japanese were ready to. listen to our slightest .word. They are taking it like Christ ians." - Thief Takes Checks and I Uses Office Equipment HOQtJWAM.'Waahv W: 12.' The Hoquiam Manufacturing com pany of this city, was robbed of a pad of 100 checks; probably on Thanksgiving day, president C O. Cooper believes, and six nave ar rived at the Lumbermahs - Bank & Trust company here for a total of around $600. The thief used a typewriter In the factory , office, rubber- date stamp, check' protec tor, and Ink from Cooper's desk. He signed the' name of J. Cooper, not C. O. Cooper. The firm was only recently put on its feet fol lowing a fire 'which destroyed the entire plant. '-' ZiJlBMl SUED FOB BAB Collision in Which Junor Was -Injured Is Basis for An other7 Action " :' Z, J. Riggs, "former proprietor of the Capital Drug store is made the defendant of another damage suit growing ont of the collision on the Pacllic IUghwey-on March 11,-cf t 1 . i -. f6V' ",- ba.U'k W Uutf-u, injuries sustalnedr in the wreck. She was tiding- in the' Tear seat of the RIggs' car at the time of the accident, and states that as a result of the crash she has been permanently Injured and has been unable to work shcet In the al legations filed, it is stated that Rlggs failed to exercise proper caution when attempting to pass a stage,' and that the brakes on the car. were in improper condition; Despite a dense fog which render ed the visibility low, the defend ant is said to have exceeded the speed limit, and failed to take necessary precautions. The collision was the same one in which Andrew B. Junor, golf instructor, was injuredt and which led to a suit which was settled a month or bo ago. - SHOW IS SUCCESS Large Number of Birds En tered Third Annual Event; ' Corn Show Held 1 . The Clackamas and Marlon County Poultry association closed a very successful snow in Hubbard yesterday, when the third annual exhibition was brought to an end. The last day of the show, in par ticular, was very well attenaea. Approximately 500 birds were en tered from the' two counties, and many breeds and strains were rep resented. Entries from other than Clackamas and Marion counties were excluded. The Governor Pierce silver tro phy cup lor the best display of any one breed was won by George Speight for his exhibition of Black Minorcas: Governor Pierce was unable to attend, and the presen tation speech was delivered by . his private secretary, W. A. Delzell, who gave a very interesting and much appreciated talk. Professor C. S. Brewster, form erly head of the poultry husband ry department of the Oregon Agri cultural college, and now connect ed with the Brewster-Hodgen Milling company, ; spoke on the pressing need for a state poultry veterinary. : Professor Brewster did all the judging In the poultry department. , The special prize' for : the best bird in the show went to, J. J. Hershberger on his White Rock cock birds. ; All birds of the American breed were included in this entry. In the Mediterranean breed, the first prize 'went-to "the Gribble poultry farm on their showing of White Leghorn cock birds. The best pullet in the show was entered ; by George Speight, and the best cockerel by H. M. Bobbins in his Rhode Is land Red entries. Three specials were' offered for (CoaUon'n p 6. lUBBfll POULTRY Curtis, New Republican Floor Leader in Senate, and Butler, Who Succeeds Late Senator Lodge j s " ' " Shown above " with Senator Charles Curtis of Kansas, is Wil liam M. Butler, the new senator from Massachusetts. Senator But ler. chairman" of thr Republican National Committee, is President Coolldge' spokesman in the upper house. The accession to the" senate leadership of Senator Curtis crowns GlfERSIGU BETTER, i! Condition of Labor Leader ' Shows Marked Improve- ment Over Yesterday At 3 :40 o'clock, a rail was sent out from the sick room for physi cian In addition to those which bad been Summoned. , SAN -ANTONIO, Texas, Dec 13. Samuel Gompers' condition took a tom for the worse early this morning. j 'All members of the ; executive council of the American Federa tion of Labor, of which Mr. Com perg is president, were awakened and summoned to hia room. . , SAN-ANTOKIO, -Texas,-Dec. -1 2. -(By the Associated Press). Samuel Gompers, president of the American Federation of Labor, ar-J rived here this afternoon shortly after 5 p. m., after a forty-six hour ride from1 Mexico City. He was much improved over the con dition in which he left the Mexi can capital. -,. I iThe Improvement began as soon as he reached the American' soil and he has retained the advantage through the trip from Laredo. ?A great' throng at the station greeted Mr. Gompers, who . was taken Immediately to a local hotel where he will remain until a change comes. : Mr. Gompers'. personal physi cian. Dr. Julius Auerbach of New York, who was telegraphed for, was said-to be on his way to Sans1 Antonio. It is believed that - if' Mr. Gompers had remained six hours longer in the high altitude of Mexico City his : condition would have been ' more serious. Physicians' said the lower altitude had greatly relieved Mr. Gompers. ; ; Fatigue from overwork has played a great part in the report ed debilitated condition of Mr. Gompers. physicians said. The leader of the American labor forces appeared at meetings of the Pan-American labor council in Mexico City, following strenu ous days In the American Federa tion of Labor convention at El Paso just preceding his trip to Mexico. He also: participated in the inaugural ceremonies of Presi dent Calles of Mexico. Several long automobile trips about the Mexican capital also overtaxed his strength. He has been in Mexico City since Novem ber 30 and was on. the, verge of leaving when he became ill. psl llif M PI Christmas Carols Are Featured in McDowell Club Concert Last Night Notable Event in Salem's Musical History Offered to Many Vacant Seats in Auditorium of First. Methodist Church BY ATJDRED BUNCH Chorus after glorious chorus, in which were sung the most beauti ful of the Christmas carols, and the most magnificent of the "Mes siah" arias, made the MacDowell. club Christmas concert last night a notable event in Salem's musical history. The audience which but partly filled the . First Methodist church auditorium, was entirely unworthy of such a performance. The prelude of Christmas mel odies with Prof essor T. S. Roberts at the organ for the evening waa crowned - with the first chorus number the thrilling,- beautiful "Silent Night! Holy Night!" For syth's vicarious "Christmas Bells" followed, with Professor W.i H. Boyer proving himself at once an eminently masterful director, in charge of the chorus work. Miss Dorothy Pearce at the piano as sisted : in the - success of - the eve ning with her. -. able.;. accompani ments. , . ... ,' : l . , "Oh, Holy Night," sung by Mrs. -lit -1- -t ". i . . 'JT. 3 v l I m (.t..v-i.. pi i in ii tf ; i'nf? " . a career that began 65 years ago In North Topeka, Shawnee County, Kansas. Part Indian born in poverty, he came p like a man In a romance. He was in the Senate from 1907 to 1 81 J. 'then failed of the nomination, but ; came back again in 191S. ; : , " f ' HLD HSU STATE AGEICIES Organization of Constabu ; lary to Supercede Com missions Is Desired PORTLAND, Dec. 12. Organi zation of a state constabulary to supercede all special state com missions and agencies now charg ed with the enforcement of parti cular penal statutes is contem plated ina resolution unanimously adopted here today, by the district attorneys' association of the state, in annual session. . . , The resoluion Includes a thrust at. the state "prohibition law en forcement organization, which was Ihe'iargeOor the part 'or the district attorney? in addresses and discussions tha t featured their session on Thurs day. ... , . . ' ': , The association' adopted a reso lution that the power of any court to impose a sentence , in a county jail should be restricted to a per iod of one year, including the jail sentence and time to be served in lieu of payment of fines ; ,and that confinement fcr any longer periofi of time shall be in the stats peni tentiary. '";-! The association also adopted resolutions as follows: Requesting, the state legislature to amend the" laws governing the commencement of criminal actions to provide that the period of lim itation shall not begin until the date of the discovery of the crime: providing the amendment of exist ing laws to pro fide that when any dependent is accused in any jus tice court of the ktate nf n Tlnla. rtibn of the prohibition law. the judge of the court shall, on motion of the: district attorney at any time before trial, proceed to ex amine and dispose of the case as committing magistrate,, either dis charging the defendant or hold ing him, to answer the charge be fore the circuit court or proceed with the trial of the case as in other cases over which the justice court has jurisdiction; requesting the legislature to amend the law governing the appeal of commer cial teases to the supreme court so that suchases will be heard and determined by the supreme court within not to exceed 90 days from date of conviction;' approving the passage of a legislative act cover ing proper automobile registration tq aid in. preventing automobile thefts.; , Arthur J. Rahn, was a number of matchless solemnity. Her whole voice poured forth in glorious rhythm, literally fulfilling the song It was a marked addition to the success of the number that her accompaniment was played by Professor Paul Petri with whom she. studies. Kremser's "Hymn to the Ma donna," a striking number in which only the tenors, basses, and altos sang, was followed with the picturesque worse1 of Chaminade's "The Sailor's Christmas." Mrs. Ada Miller Harris took the solo part, her soprano voice, long a fa vorite with Salem music lovers, adapting , itself with artistic dis crimination. - f No number on the program was received with a greater oration than v Coombs "Brightest and Best. It v was consummate, In Its chorus work. - expressing a' melo diousness that wa sthe thrilling (Cohtiontd a pags ) C00LK1LL FMOH PDS'iT.L 1TEI0CIM Conference With Republican Leaders Held in White House; Action to C!od C;:1 Discussed " LETTER MAIL HOT TO' BE TOUCHED BY C ILL Increase of Wage for Ckrks Necessitates Higher Pos tal Rates WASHINGTON. Dec. ' 12. (By the. Associated Press) . Legisla tion proposing Increased postage rates on practically all classes of mail matter except letter mail -1 r take care of car advances for ren tal employes is expected to Lav-.- active administration support a: a result of a White House conlv. -ence today between -Preslmt Coolidgrer and a dos a reput; n senators. The conferraee'wa t 1 by the executive after the LIjc ia the senate yesterday of efforts to postpone action on the president's veto of 'the postal hill passei at the: last : session. . There wa3 a rather general discussion cf the whole . . situation including tha prospective opposition to mail rate advances, particularly tLcsa on the second class matter, em bracing newspapers and maga zines. . Mr". ' Coolidge was represent: .1 as! holding the view that such ad vances should be made in order to provide the necessary revenue for what he regards as; a meritel raise in the pay of the employee of the postal service. Some sena tors said they carried away tha impression that such legislation would have his support. r i Bill Drawn The conference was held en hour before tha cabinet rz . Postmaster General Ne - i ! prepared in tS? u , rt , which Will jrc: 3 I : mairrates .to-ucIi. tia ; pects to have tiis rfly for tr mission within a da - cr t . Chairman! Sterling of tLs tcr.io post office committee. After the White House con Ter ence, efforts of administration leaders in the senate to get n informal' understanding 'for lj Christmas fun ri Sh cv;s :j Substantial !ncrc:2 Clothing and Supplies Also r.- lng " lleceif ed for Jfeedy ' ' Salem Families This morning shows' up soine what better. The Statesman cash fund has now reached sub stantial proportions. There are also a few families reported and there will be more. The tinia la getting short and the fund ought to be' closed so that It Can be apportioned out. This Is not charity- in any sense. This, is a fund of neighborly kindness and helpfulness. It Will be given to the people who Jeed it and not to people who re cared for by the Associated' Charities or : the Salration Army. It Is not interfering with them In any way. j In addiUon to the cash noted below, Jessie Craycroft, a Wil lamette student, sent some clothing. Mrs. Baker of North Eighteenth street sent some ap ples. A "friend" brought a bundle of clothing but askei that her name ; be withtcU. Mrs. J. W. Chambers of Court street brought clothing. A "friend" telephoned yesterday morning that she would supply a' bed and spring for the family mentioned yesterday. This still leaves' a cook stove to be- sup plied. ' A woman with a number cf small children was found des titute in the streets. A alern woman provided for them until yesterday when they were turned over to the Associate 1 Charities and received prompt attention. There is still a need for two cook stoves a very Im perative need. Those who have stoves they can spare, either notify the Associated Charities or The Statesman. The cash fund is as follows: D. A White 5.00 Henry Jaquet ......... I. L. McAdans ........ Edis Belle Matheson . . . Ida Mary Matheson .... Daniel J. Fry Francis Rollow ....... Royal Neighbors of Am. J. L. Ingrey .......... A Friend ............ Mrs. J. R. Chapman A Friend , Tom Kay.....1........ A Frien Elmo S. White ........ E. A. Rhoten. A Friend .... ........ W.H.Henderson W. C Conner ........ Edw. T. Barber . , . Mrs. P. II. Strand ...... 6.00 1.C3 2.00 2.00 6.00 5.00 5.00 2.00 2.00 5. CO D. CO 10.00 1.01 "".CO S.fO :.. ) . 5. T3 E. CO 5.C 0 2. CD ' Total ..$107.C3