V '''"MaaSSWnaMSWaSlWaaSaaiSWawawaMaMaMaaaMaWaMa ' . EmpToyfncnt Situation Here Remains About Same Status Tie employment situation re mains about the same fn Salem, according to the report filed for SAY "BAYER ASPIRIN' Unless you see the "Bayer Cross" on tablets you ar. not getting the genuine Bayer Aspirin proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians 24 years for Golds Pain Headache Toothache ,A!!" U4 B.r of Manufacture of Moooeceticacidester 9f Salicrlieacld Five Floors of Real Values SPINET DESK - f For Her Christmas There is something distinctly refined about a mahogany spin et desk a lifetime present, j SMOKING STANDS That will de light any man. W e h a v e- a very large sup ply and can give you a real stand that will fit any purse. A PIANO AS A GIFT Will j please the entire house hold. Offered at Special month .y payment basis that will be of interest to the low salaried friends of this store. Many tine makes of pianos at special prices. ; ; j i 41 A . x r? Itrttl ; 7 A v km 4 m s 1 The Store of a Thousand . Gifts THE OREGON - STATESMAN, . SALEM, OREGON the week ending December 6 by Sim Phillips, representative of he United States department of Jabor and employment service. J A total of 120 registratipna were received, 36 calls for help wanted, 32 workers were referred, to em . , . , . . : and INSIST Neuralgia f Neuritis Lumbago Rheumatism Accept only 'Bayer" package which contains proven directions. Handy "Barer" boxes of 12 tablets Also bottles of 24 and 100 Dm-istn MAKE THIS YOUR GIVE VMms M XXfE'VE searched far and .n ' for gifts to please even the most fastidious tastes, and this marvelous showing of unique gifts is the result. Special low prices are also a pleasant surprise! Book Ends Always a delightful gift, and extra tspe 2ial value for Christ mas shoppers. Torchieres They're ornamental in the extreme, and sure to please the most discriminating person. 1 Boudoir Lamp 1 ' Compote Sts They add, a .touch of distinction to the, Buf fet or . Console table, and will give a decade of service "She" will be fairly charmed with one of' these dainty boudoir lamps for her own room, ; Artistic Gift ' Mirrors: Tou,'ll agree when you aee ; them that they're the kind that will do justice to . the 4 finest home! An exquisite Christmas gift. .' ployers and 31 were placed in po sitions. f ' ' V Common labor ranked highest with 61 applications of which 17 were placed. The following Is a list of workers placed: agriculture 3, building and construction 2, woodslaborers 3, printer 1. For the women 'there were 22 applications for employment ' of which five were placed. House kepers and cooks were employed. When the average man resists a temptation, he expects God to do something spectacular for him. Jefferson Woman Sells 1 7-Acre Tractr Kindly Motorist Injures Dog ; 1 : . Jefferson Mrs. Magness sold her 17 acre tract southeast of Jef ferson to R, V. Maben, an em ployee of the Southern Pacific company, for $2750, through the agency of D. W. Cummins, a Jef ferson realtor. Mrs. Magness and her son. Roe Magness, expect to reside in Jefferson for a time, where they have rented a home. The fine Llewellyn dog owned by A. B. Hinz, a Jefferson business man, had the misfortune to get his leg broken when he was hit by a passing car. The drivers, how ever, were considerate enough to stop and take the dog to the "dog hospital" in. Salem, where he is doing as well as could be expected. It seems to be a compromise victory in unina, so noDouy yet i knows who will get the post-1 unices. . i wide' t Mantel Clocks ''Here's-.a gift special -that' is gratifying to the eye end to the pocket book as well! Servirijj-lray ; The kind of gift mo ther would choose for herself if she were doing the choosing! . , . , , The pioneer convertible Coaster Wagons with easy .roller bearings and brake. Can also be used ;ajT an ordinary express wagon. Mkny other styles and sizes for the little- tots. ,...; r, fri (M. ft 8TO FURM URE m r a . ar I - mm sT 1 .fU;. Vyr BLESS'XIIS . ffilDJKM Willamette Freshman, Class President to Help C. A, Kells at YMCA , Charlies Swan, president of the freshman class at Willamette uni versity, has been appointed assist ant secretary at the Salem YMCA. according to the announcement by C. A. Kells. Mr. Swan comes well reccommended to .the Salem YMCA, He was with the Portland YMCA last year and worked part time at the 'city desk. Previous to this time he wag with a whole sale firm in Boise. In both cities he attended school, in preparation for his entrance at Willamette university, while in Portland Mr. Swaa worked with Everett Craven, Wil lamette university - graduate and prominent in . collegiate circles. who has charge of the member ship department of the Portland organization Mr. Swan will be employed dur ing the afternoons and evenings or tne week and alt day Saturday. Hej will be the third Willamette university student to be employed at tne saiem YMCA. The others are Loyal Warner, leader of the Pioneer club and Clarence Oliver, iciirecior oi nova' activities Tiem Perhaps the greatest social blunder is to ' gossip about the wrong class or people. Where You Can Do Better TOY Department AUTOMOBILES The most, popular of all gifts for children. BIKES Well made, strong enough for a man to ride and light enough for. a baby to handle; all sizes and prices. . ... 1 boLL BUGGIES' 'The most complete display in town in a full range of prices and styles. A small , deposit will hold , any toy till Christmas. . ., WAGONS Credit Gladly Without' Interest I x . ; . w t ' - - : - - .... . -.. . . : - I NEWS BRIEFS I Buying Bingham Home It is . understood that Clifford Brown is buying the Geo. G. Bing ham home, at Twelfth and Mission streets, and that the Brown family will occupy it. This is one of the fine homes of Salem, with great possibilities for. beautiful grounds. It was occupied by the family of the late Judge George G. Bing ham. The home was built by Dr, Port, who was at one time one of the leading capitalists of Salem. Get Marriage Licenses - Those receiving, marriage li censes at the county clerk's office yesterday Were John F. Fabry, . a carpenter, route 2, Salem, and Elisei Jensen, ot 619 Court street; George Cooper, of Portland, and Daisy MacCarter, Salem; Otto C. Tangermann, Stayton, and Mildred English, Stayton; Archie (W. Mo Killop, 670 Marion street, Salem, and Florence Varley, 1096 South Commercial. Nam Registered papers filed with the county court show that the name, "Sun nyside Fox Farm'Vhas been regis tered with the secretary of state by Pemberton Brothers, route 2, Turner, Ore. Asks for. Divorce i Elizabeth Evans has filed pa pers asking for a divorce from Daniel W. Evans. She charges cruel dnd inhuman treatment, and wants the custody of their minor child. ' Judge Downing Better County Judge W. H. Downine. who has been seriously 111 at the Salem , hospital,' rallied Saturday and late last night showed much Improvement. During the preced ing night and Saturday he had rested - much easier, and conse quently his condition has improv ed. Judge Downing was brought to the hospital last Sunday from his home in the Waldo hills, where he was taken suddenly ill. Program Arranged : A program has been arranged for December 13 to be given at the" First Christian church. The general public Is Invited, The spirit of the season will . prevail and a good time is assured for alL tase xjismissea The case against S. H. Fried - man was dismissed by Police Jude Martin Poulsen, after he huA han orrnstsH hv nttiroy HtV w man, for speeding 2 miles . per nour. ; t . Golden Rule Sunday Churches throughout the nation are observing "Golden Rule Sun day" today. It is a (day calling attention to the need of the refu- gees in the near f east., A two weeks' ( campaign will begin in Oregon today, under the direction of C. C. Thurber. I'enth Annual Mcetliup-i . John Porter, newly elected jcounty commissioner was in Salem C"i..-J-.. .41.-JI-- i' nua; aim. oaiuiutt aueuums ihn countv bnreet board. It wm his first official annearance in at - iBuumg lo 1113 new amies. Bunko Artists Here I d How three guards at the? state prison were mulcted out of $50 each is being related, with word from Eugene that A. L. Chance, former convict, is wanted in that city for a $3000 swindle. Chance coaxed the guards into paying $50 each to his wife upon delivery of map of buried treasure in the! Siskiyous. loot from an ; allee-ed train robbery. None' of the trio knew any other nerson of the map and the swindle was ex- posed when two of the guards met in, the mountains, each looking for the loot. All three guards were fired., Chance was serting time for-a $1500 check forgery I ana was out or the penitentiary through a pardon issued by Gov-1 erntfr Pierce on April 3, 1923,. be-1 cause the convict was suffering from tuberculosis. He was sup- posed to be recuperating in Ari- zona.. ChriMmas Travel Good The city ticket' office of the bouthern Pacific company is re ceivlng; Inquires about Christmas holiday rates on the railroad, Many of the inquires are-for rates to Los Angeles, San Francisco, J around the chest." Only the bats Tapoma, Portland, Seattle, and man was "subject to complete dis- other Pacific coast points. I PERSONALS I i ... i e rank Lt. Wagar will leave soon r , ' . "eiiu ui r um, ..asewiuutu- o to iy in- ClUSlVe. . J ' I mss. n, u. uiock and sonu Lym, I "ciBpaiefflTiBiiurgyebieroay. rank Stoee and Bob Howe were" visitors here yesterday Dr. M, P. Mendelsohn, eyesight specialist, expects to spend Christ mas and New Years with his chld- dren in .California James WV. Long, instructor in the. Silverton high schools was a Salem . visitor, yesterday. " Mr, Long Is a graduate of Pacific uni-1 ' o V" 7.". i j . . v-. ; .. Dr. and Mrs. George E. Lewis Dr. Lloyd W. Ivie will be a Portland visitor today. aiuneii Petram, a.formef stu- ut-ui at wiuameue university, t J A. . . A a j . .a wnnwttlta In C. . - I I turned to Salem for the winter. Petram is a. graduate .'of the Sa- em high school. Miss Florence Klamp. a.gradu ate ot'OXC and a' former student at Willamette university, now an inHtrurtor in tho Amn nUio wiri. school of Aumsviile. was a Salem tf - yisftori, Saturdav. I Mrs' L. F. Blanchard was in Salem from Hubbard ycsterdiy. , Mrs. A. Tomlln and daughter ... v .aa aaa mum j CB u u X. V Bernice were here from IndeDon-l"11. dence yesterday. - 7 Jlr. and Mrs. Larry Ilofer . who have been visiting with Col E Ilofer are returning to San Fran- cisco today after spending the holidays ere. ; snwnAV TUYYDxrrKrn "nrrncrDr'Ty rr tw .1 Si e CLASSIFIED SECTION Phone 23 Advertising Dept, CLA8SXJriKD XDVEHTISEMIKTg Rat par word: Per insertion" ' Thr lnavrtioni t 6 Money to Loan On Real Estate T. K. FORD (Over Ltdd Bnih Bank) BErOBJ! TOTJ ' t,BAVE YOTJB HOXB ' OB CAB HAVE IT y Insured Properly Mono 16 L Backs h Hdadricks. XT. s! nine Muag. , , t-28tf AUTO TOPS 3 AUTO TOPS SIDE CURTAINS PUT on door rods. Prepare now for' rainy dar- Call and aee O. J; Hnil, at his iww location. 219 State St. - 8-t9ti POB.R$XT. 4 HOUSES AND APARTMENTS FOR rentJ fboM 559 or BTeninra 1563-M. -d20 rOR RENT STORE ROOM ON "STATE street. See J.H. Xnterman. Hotel Arto. ' : 4-n20tf HOUSE AND APARTMENTS. PHONE 4 nl5tf aooo-j. - - PRINTED CARDS, SIZE It". BT 7H". wording "For Bent," price 10 cents each. - - Statesman Business Ofiiee, on uronna floor. FOR RENT Apartment 5 FURNISHED APARTMENT FOR TWO. First floor. 292 North Bummer. 5-dlO QUIET ADULTS FIRST FLOOR Apart ment, water, lights, garage.: $11. 191J. : ' .. . . - f ' 5-dl FOR RENT 1 HOUSEKEEPING room and 2 sleeping rooms, board if desired. 770 North Capitol St. .: . 6-dJtf ATTRACTIVE TWO ROOM APART- ment. Adults. 250 S. Cottage. 5-d7 furnished apartments Sleeping rooms, lbu union. . s Is room furnished apt. 754 north 1 High. s-d7 APARTMENT 26$ N. OOTTAGEr-SMftt I MODERN S KjOOVf. APT." AND SLEEP. I m l- ' een km sf aS AiL trtA. prc. m. AV"of. TOR RENT APARTMENTS; 891 NO. Commercial. - FOR RENT Rooms 6 I for rent desirable rooms. 2so Bo,t, Cottage. 6-d7 heated room with board gen. tleman preferred. Phone 1547 M. ' 6dll, ROOM FOB RENT MODERN HOME, three blocks from state honse, for gen - tleman. Must' rie references. Please address A. care Statesman. 6-ol7tf I BOOMS TO RENT CALL 2044-W. IPPJHI ICH PPPHRTPRQ DESCRIBE BASEBALL IN CRICKET TEftttS I Britishers Find America's Na tional Game Monotonous; Not Impressed LOXDOf, Not. 11 (AP) When the Giants and' White Sox: played their first exhibition baseball camel in London this month, some of I the newsnapers sent their eolf re-1 porters out to do the story of the proceedings. Most of the journals, I uwerer, conferred the assignment upon their cricket writers. It wa3 In tne nomenclature of cricket that all of them reported to the populace upon what they had seen Each and every one of them Pitied the poor batter because his bat was so. small and the fielder's gloves so large. One writer com pared the bat to . a broomstick, T and the gloves to suet-ttnddins able to absorb-.: every ball that came within reach. ; But what most struck: the Bru- Isu reporters in this "unfairness of the allocation "of the armor" was the catcher's "coat of mail" and the umpire's "trinle wadding armament.' The Manchester Guardian re- i porter found . baseball "monoton ous," and the. veteran golf chron- I , . ii. . r .. 9 . . . . icier 01 me .uurniug fosj. aajuag- tt n inw or, a hmvowttin. down that opinion in full express-1 more certain way "to. make an AtnOrlfon i-oa 1 1 v o n rn-xr Tho varan that OU9 and th- othr atQW waa wotl with ninth: ,nnir - n "we m uauku a sau a u t-. a. s s uui i among the fielding performances had been a triple piay Nearly all of the British report ers exDressed admiration for the fleldins- enrl r.f ; tho- hasehnll hnol- I : -'a "a ::: :: ",i ness, the speed and accuracy of the running, catching and throw VLKlrJT '"..r: If laws governing foul balls, failed . . -t. "J ' 7 grieved that the batter not only misses as many as he hits, but that when he connects he is hamper ed by a rule which makes all 3L1 U&C.I I If llir! 1 IK1IL 411 A1I111IJL I Iff I .2 " ,i I -i unva iu i iac: iiui XJL i va v i. i. yi Oil!. iUIU"Ult biiu uiiu-uu die cricket field markings compara- ble to the third and first-base lines. The writer eeemed to he iunner aisiressea oy tne tact tnai i ine area within wnieh tne Datter can make a r-nunfintr nt l In- I conveniently plastered with fields-1 r?en'ho are s? fa5J aefflKsrf',r "",,.2 that thpv ra rrIv in isnl nnvthln" I " ioi 1 1 ftt reachable,' and as rarely throw a o f their mark. . This business of foul and fair . .--" r- - ? m I , j . . emptcd more than one re-1 porter to steep hig pen in a flood ot woras. , ai .or tne nimng-jiag to be done -well -in front of ;the ticket." wrote one. t , "Anything that goes, in cricketers' language, - T7irr--.L Oat week (tlx Insertions) One; month ' ' " ' ' -so .S0 BIX months contract, pox month 15a 13 months' eontrsot; per month 12o Minimum for any adrertlssment S5o FOR RENT Ubuse 7 TWO HOUSES FIVE AND SIX ROOMS. Modern," reasonable. 465 North 12th street. 7-dl3 SIX-ROOM HOUSE, MOSTLY MODERN. Garage for two cars. Call 771 North Commercial. ' 7-d7 FOR RENT 5 ROOM HOUSE. ,FUR nished and nn furnished Apts. Tl N. Commercial St.- 7-dlO FOR RENT HOUSES KBffiGKR 147 N. Com'l. Phone 217. 7-d7 FOR RENT HOUSES 9 room heme lacated at 945 North Sum mer street, modern in ererjr way, SeO per month. - 4 room cottage with basement locat ed S2 Sonth Commercial St., 925 per month. . . 7 rooms, modern located at 1145 N. Winter street, $35 per month.' - New fonr room bungalow located at 1725 8. 12th at4 $20 per month. 9 room home modern conrenleneee located-at 543 Chemeketa street, S40 per month. ' - , - W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. ' ' " Realtors 275 State St. Phone 515. 7-dl6 FOR RENT GOOD . ROOM HOUSE. partly furnished, close in at 320 Soath V!intr St. See Owner 7 d5tf 3o FIVE ROOM MODERN HOUSE Bsse- ment. urnace. 8s Center St. 7d7 t f 1 YOUR OPPORTUNITY --92250;-259 ..cash. A real boy;- 6 room home oh corner lot. basement, ' trees in North! Salem. 4- bloeks to ear, school, and clMXrhea. - A real InTestment. ee this today. 1895 K. Church St. Phone I565K. j TOR RENT XT. 5 RO . 13th.T fi tfiee orj P 1057 6. See Klstxin t Km.,. man office Phone B5F4, 7n34tL . HKORTH SALEM BUNGALOW Attractire, conTeuent, 4 room bnn- galow, 2 bedooma. Shipping street, close, to Summer. Lot 60x125. New. weUrbuilt. will be eomnlnlad ! is days, fireplace full basement, pipe fur nace, iiuv; terms, .rnone loooR, 7-df FOR RENT FI1 E ROOM HOUSE Well - located. $22.5( Six room furnished, cwst is 935. Six room house 820. F.lli. WOOD 841 State-St. 1 ----- I T-n21tl FOR a SIiscellaneou9 S $45 HAH JOXt SET racks $25. 16KS-J. (NEW) WITH Inches hot; INT ELECTRTf! nn like new. At I a sacrifice. 1335 Ktate. 1 8-dlO I 9. SALE OHtAP OAK TEA Wagon 1 Isst tray. like Snew. Fine Xmas. pres- ent. Phone 1449-R. 8-d7 SPITZ ENBERG IPPLES LOT 1: 1 box 75c 3 boxes s-'.. Ax),a: l box r.ic: 'hone 494. - 8-dlO 5 boxes $4. FOR SALE READING STANDARD BI- cycle, cost new $55, used only short time. du casui takes it. rnone 1233J. I - .. 8-dl0 HIGH-GRADE TICTROLA t EXCEL- lent) conditionj cash or terms. Call today at 206(1 Marion or Monday at toiiee pnop. i - - - , 8-pd9 JUDD SAWS WOOD PHONE 142. 8-j6 DD SAWS WOOD R SALE: SEVER, all sixes. .Write i need. "We shipj.vis FOR ERAL GOOD LATHES - j and tell what sise you is steamer. very cnean. J. L. Lucss Son, Ine, Bridgeport, Conn. 8-J8" I 340 large cedar - posts 1 ton S?9nDrr wire. s. c. Neiaon. Rt. a glands. 1 I road. near fair 8d6 IULover hay call iofu. - 8d9 ifor. sale old newspapers, 10 cents m bundle.! Circulation department . uwegon o talesman. Willamette Valley Nijrsery' has all kinds of nursery stack for aala 6 miles out on Silvertoa highway. Routs 1. x none ivorp. J, J. Mathis, Prop. 8 n5J Beautiful Oregon Ross And' eleren other- Brecon snags to Kelber with a fine eollnrtion of natrUt . . t. . . . it eongs saered songs and many ol uma laroriiea. j - 14'-. . Aliti FOR a5ev--. ii -. (Snecfa) urtres in anantitv In tat Especially adaptable for school, torn ssnniiy. or aeme singing. . Bend. Xor Western Songster Pee - now In ita third edition Published by OREGOJT TKACHEB8 MOJlTHt.T 215 H. Commercial tit. Salem. Or. rKTI,ANl OFFERS FOIl XMA3 PUPS Fox Terriers $-S10; Colli S5 iO: Airdale $5 2 j: Tot Silk Pood. Ies $20 25; Bulla' $10-S50; Boston eo-ieoo. '..' i .- BIROS Panama Parrots, guaranteed Young and Talkers $25; St. Andreas berg Roller, (imported) "the caaary with a collet education" 15; 1jot Birds (green) pair. 912.50. Flsge's jreiiana. etore li State, larm. Facilic Highway, Salem. - 8-d2 lUBativu, utiJt-WIAt 10 LB. : Sraok oi. .?: o-. -Terretr ngo, i jjynnruie. Kentucky. 8-ml7 I GOOD STEP LAODEK3 AND FORCE Swings at a bargain, 1767 Waller fit in SM I" SALEM MARKETS .1 Pl-ifiM- aikAtmA sir wKIasi s1a an an j pHet reoeiTed by farmers. m rotau P"CB r rLTf1 ; v 1 Y e.AaS L. . - . I a,. . . t .? ... fi.i.-',3 1.44'A .....5357 lost ha SI 15 fCioser hay, baled 15 Gb at A lw mVnl2c V;--- -1 n0g, i6.ano Cwt., ..... t8.9o ;'. 2 .. nr, UOK" - . -'J0 -i" V Ugh sows -JZ Z W .... 1- r - . 1 Itowa - . 2M2U Lambs . - - ;-- srigers ZZZZZJZ 10.ic POUZ.TXT ..... . 17le miursris ......w.wt. .. J Tt fry C Light bent ; k lawue HnH 1 s rTi "" isqiHe Turke.rhoi. r2s egos, BtXTXER, BT7TTE2FAT "11 mVujJU' -444Se wuiT'p lrrc1 fi4P r -su0drds.,asrw4i4. FOR SALU SlisccHanectJs O FOR SALE BALED CLOVER HAY Phone eai-BU r . e sttti Xrcspar 3 Notices . :Fdr Salo Tresspass Notieea, else 14 inches by 9 inches, printed on good 10 ounr canvass bearing the wei-ds, "Notice li ; Hereby. OUen That Trespassing la , Strictly Forbidden On Thee l iv--.t Under Penalty Of Prosecution." 1 ric 15e each or two for 25c. Stateamtt Publishing Company, Salem, Ore - i - -': ad ORNAMENTALS, SHRUBS AND Froit Complete assortment. Come out end make your own selection. CaiHtml C tj Nursery Co, 1080 Market St. I bon 75 . I tt-n21a WARREN NrJKSnSY ALL KINDT OF . fruit and aut trees, 655 Ferry btrt-ct ; ' S n21d FOR SALE GOOD TEAM. TRCB AND sound; wagon and harness: also rwl cow and doiea hens. Phone v 7. : . S-n3lf 300 MOTORCYCLE FOR 135. V. ill ride m wheel F. , I. Coffin, Route 7. ;Bo 9. - . : S o . ', i APPLES FREE FROM WORKS. 7S per box; two boxes tl.30; three boxes . $1.80: fovr boxes 2. 20; or six boM for $3. Phone 67F12. 8 o-ltf PRINTED CARDS. SIZE 14' BY 7Vi" wording, "fiooma to Rent," price 10 cents each. Statesman Lusi-eis C1 flee, Gronnd floor. , : FOR SAIX Uvestoclc O TWO TOY BOSTON BULL PIPS FK- msles. ' E. R. Ekman, biWerton, Ore gon. Phone Main 14. i 9 07 SOWS AND PIGS R. J. HARVEY, Mc icsy.ure. -aa VETERINARIAN DR. PATTES.SON. - i 9-413 Phone 2028-W. IS GOOD MILCH COW8 Goernser frh aoon. ' Jersey in March. J. O. i'lcmng Independence, Ore., K. No. 1 ! ; Duo FRED TV. LANGE. ' VETERINAEI4 N Office 430 S. Commercial. Il,on 119) Bee. Phone 1966. 9 -n:23ii THOROUGHBRED AIEDALE PUFPIF3. 9 5- and $10. Phone 1791-W3. ftel-'f 11 BEST, SECOND GROWTH FIR f 5: OAK $8; 18 inch, $9. Call 1131. 11 dif 18 INCH BLOCK WOOD 13 75 Per Iod. t 4 loade 81. Phone 1879-W. 11-cJl WOOD -SHORT LENGTH 3 OTi 4 FT COAL, best qusliy from $12.75 P'r toe np. . Oregon, Uuh, er liock f isrie?s. Prompt deliTery. Ptooe 1855. ll nkii , 1 8-INCH OLD FIR, 4 FOOT OLD JflR, . secona growth osk and ask. Fhnn M. D. Meyfield. II jau' TOR SALE -DRY EECOND-O F.OV. T I fir i wood,' 4. ft, for immediate - deiivTy. ' Fbone 106. 4lllf t BEST GRADE 04 WOOD i 4 ft. and 18 inch. - . I Dry er green mill wood. ! Dry aeeond growtk fir. M Dry old fir. M Dry 4 ft oak end esh. . .11 . . Prompt deliTery end restonsole rrice ' FRED E. WELLS l 880 Sonth Church. Phone 1542. Il-a6tl 16 INCH AND 4 FOOT WOOD CI" ALL kinds. - fricea - reanonabla and r rot, r-t oenvjirTjPJhone 1 Q.'iM-W. ll ...WANTED Employment j-12 FOR PRACTICAL ' NCRSK CALL AT 1180 Madison Ave. Experieaced in , confinement or fever. !2-d7 WIDOW WITH OIRL FOUB YEARS eld , wants position as housekeeper, Widow er or smsU lamily. 829 care1 Su t ' U-dlO EXPERIENCED NURSE WANTS PRAO tical nursing. References. Call 1520W ' - - ' - -ia-d EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHED V. r.! permanent position. Cood referean.,, Addres lll3ttlTI'IB- " I ""' j . WANTED Jtlscellaneoos 13 WANTED FOR A NEEDY FAMILY i store that will bake well. 1647- W. , 1l3-d7 PIANO BUYER WANTS BERT SLIOHT- ly usea vprigbt or Baby irand piano in Salem.. State make, condition, and cash price. Address fcLratton, brwni. vUle. Ore. 13-d7 FARM CHEAP. FOR CASH WALTER Corbett, Hotel. Cerrais, Oregon. 13-d 10" WANTED PRIVATE MOSET FOR farmjloaaa. Wa Kara seversl applies , tiona on hand. Uswlina at Ivoiirrtn. 'Inc.. 205 Oregon Bnilding. JJ-d4lf WANTED MEN AND WOUKS TO take farm paper subscriptions. A. food proposition to the rigbt people. Ad dress the Peeific Homestead, CteUs man Bldg.. Baleny-Or. WOODRY THE ADCTIONEKR RHTS sed furniture for cash. 1'booe 611 l3-aTnt SltSCKLIxrlXEOUS J 1 tSriRELLA CORSETS ROLI) BY A LICK a. Miles, 451 . 21st, phone l'JO-' J. 1 l-d-7. ' AGENTS WANTED j IO AGKNTS FOR rol'CLAtt M KHCIIAN- dike neU;ng 50 per cent profit. I lianre to .eetabii&b permanent bnninexa with repeat orders. Kejavenol Toilet Prep arations, 51 West 37th St.. N. Y. : - - 16 d7 flOO WEEKLY' TAKING OKDKK-S. f.9j Cravoto Raincoatk, aUo Mole skins. Leatherettes end Markinette. CommifKion advanced. We deliver col lect. -HOME RAINCOAT CO., 11 M H. Halsted, Chicago. Iti d7 AGENTS WRITE FOR FREE Sample.. Hell Msdison '-'Better-Made" fchirts for large manufacturer direct to wearor. No capital or experience required. Many earn S100 weoktr tnri l.nnu. 'Madison .Mills, 566 Broadway! New :York. ; . t , . ;, .... . i jed7 $300 A MONTH TO ! DISTRIBUTE -.feryday houneUoId necessity, rural and smsll town districts. Kt monoy nifd ed. Million dollar firm behind it.; Write for particulars, stste territory desired. V. N.. Johnson, 161 North Union Ate, Portlsnd, Ore. 16d7 MAN WANTED (CITY OR COUNTRY) , oia established company will supply capital and start you in your own perm anent business selling necessities peo ple most buy every flay." Kxperifiite nunecesssry. Write McConnon & Co., Factory gQ'J. Winons, Minn. I8-d7 MM MIRACLE MIXER MONEY Mk- er. Sensational kitchen labor Sarin deriee; etilixes water power; qnirkly attached to faucet; leaves bolh hsmls free; 7)00 rTolution per minute. Jloale eg? 15 seconds; cream 30 secmids; nisyonnalse, lillin?s, frostinss, batters, etc. Eliminates kitchen druditery, Snd 1.50 for yotir Miracle Mixer. Acntii. housewives, money tasking; proposition free. Miracle - Mixer Co., I'lminn HMg.. 8n Krun'Mo-o. " t d-7 IU:LP WANTED Female 17 EARN f3-10 WEEKLY. COPYING names and addrensen. Send Uirp'd envelopn (or particulars. 1'alace ifc. Co., Toled.o, Ohio. 17 d i WANTED A WOMAN OR -GIRL TO act an -companion for woman mountain hom ewes der J ionnth. f5 raontSi siH foend, railroad fare refunded at m l of ensagement and return f ire paid. . men. Log cabin. No objection i a r mother and chs!d. Adjre t . L.aU. ' i