The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 07, 1924, Page 5, Image 5

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Kozer Kjwanis Speaker
"How Big is Oregon"? This la
the subject of an address by Sam
A. Kozer, secretary of state, which
will be given at the Kiwanls club
luncheon, at the -Marion hotel
Tuesday! noon. Special music will
be furnished by the Willamette
university male quartet.
L :
You Af&ed Fr It
Special Sunday dinner 7Cc. serv
ed 12 8 p. nu Colonial Dame
Tea Shdppe. ' d7
- ' '
For Sale, By Owner .
5 room cottage. Bath, pantry,
-electric! stove, tank heater and
linoleum. $500 down. Bal as
rent. 1635 S. High street. Tel.
1496R.5 d7.
Phillips Released-
V. I4 Phillips was released from
the county jail yesterday after he
bad put a bail of $100. He was
held to the grand jury on a charge
of stealing H.Steinbock's dog and
talcing it to Astoria.
Milady's Shop 517 Court
Is showing models at cost. Many
beautiful new linen sets just in,
moderately priced.- Entirely mil
linery stock at cost. . d7
. - 1 " ' "
A Toilet Set '"
Makes an Ideal Christmas gift
for wife, sister,, mother or sweet
heart. See our window display.
Tyler's Drug Store, 147 South
Commercial. d7
Batcher Speaks Here
Dr Thomas W. Butcher, presi
dent of the Kansas state teachers
college who will address the Ore
gon State Teachers' association In
Portland on December 29 to 31,
Dr. Butcher is a speaker of na
tional recognition on educational
subjects, t And if it is possible he
will be secured to speak before the
Salem- public school teachers. .
Do You Want '
To hear a talk that you can
live by. Attend the Men's Bible
class i at the Bligh theatre this
morning at 9:30. - d7.
McCoy Loses Home f
Newton McCoy, member of the
public I service commission was
called to Portland Saturday.. His
home was destroyed, by fire Friday
night. . V- .v v '
Marlnello Beauty Parlors M'en's
-Manicuring, 245 No. High. d7
Buys Furniture
! Phone 511
$5 Dowm
S MoatUy '
O. M. Xckw4
247 N. Com. BU
Phon 060 .
Hauser Bros. To Dissolve
, Circuit Juge McMahan has
named H. R. Crawford as receiver
for Hauser Brothers, ' sporting
goodstore here. Crawford was put
under a $5000 bond to hold him
to his duty and given an allow
ance of $200 for attorney's fees.
His instructions are to take charge
of and operate the store, to liquid
ate all indebtness and divide the
procees between the two partners,
Paul and Lloyd Hauser. The two
partners could not agree on the
matter of dissolution of the part
nership and for that reason the
action la started. It is understood
to be a friendly action.
Turkey Shoot at Turner Today-
Take No Spinal Adjustments ,
Until you have a :- neurocalo
meter reading by Dr. O. 1. Scott,
U. S. National Bank Bldg. d3tf
Good Investments in 'Houses
. Will net you 6 to 10 per cent
and increase in value. Just what
is safer? We have several good
buys in $3000 to $4000 modern
Salem ' homes that are rented for
$30 to $45. Terms will handle
some. Becke & Hendricks, U. S.
Bk Bldg. , I i d7tf
Boys Win Prize
Curtis Dimler. Leo Rurzess.
Vernon Bushnell. Willard Kappa-
nan, Koy uinmart. w. r . rowers,
Frank Huit, Averill Reaney, Earn
est Mars, and Kenneth Stanfield
were the lucky boys who won the
prizes of rerea by Hutcn s ' mse
Shon for ruessincr nearest the
number of ball bearinrs contained
in a glass jar. Tires, spotlights,
horns, pocket knives, nana warm
ers, and wide bars were the acces
sories awarded. j
Get Your Arthur Parrtsh's
19,25 Calender at Halik's Elec
tric Shop. j d9
Use Our Distributive
Payment plan if you -cannot
spare the cash. Pomeroy & Kee'ne,
Jewelers and Opticians. d7
Masonic Election ;
Friday night Salem AF&AM No.
4 elected the following officers:
WM. Harry W. Pearson: SW, Ar
thur D. Welch; JW, William T.
Ellis; treasurer, Arthur W. Smith-e-r'J
secretary. John U. Berwick.
The appointive officers will be an
nounced In two weeks, on tms
occasion organization No. 4 enter
tained organization No. 50- Rev.
U. S. Crowder delivered an ad
dress on the : Golden Rule. : . -
Music For The Rabj
And music for Willie in fact
music for the whole family1 at
Moore's Moore's Music House
409-415 Court. Phono 983.
Mistletoe Wanted
Phone 1928, Pacific Fruit and
Produce Co. J
On railroad switch. adjoin
ing Standard Oil Company's
plant on 16th St. Inquire
of W. T. Rigdon.
5 ' '! SERVICE
Cars for hire without driven
1 PHONE 2020
Day and Night Service
Men's and Younjr Men's
Tailored Suits 23 to 949
Id. h. liosher
Dr. B. II. White
j Osteopathy Surgery
Electronic Diagnosis and Treat
ment (Dr., Abram's method)
Office Phone 859 or 4 6 9-J
1606 V. S. Bank Bldg.
Dancing ! Dancing !
- : Salem' New Auditorium
Ladies Free
Wednesday and Saturday
T Be Sanson's Melody Phiends .
Skating, Skating, Skating
At Dreamland
Thursday; Friday, Saturday
7:30 to 10 p. m.
Hear Our New Calliope
; ( : For :
Open Evenings
Established 18CS
General Banking Business
Office Hours from 10 a. m. to 8 p. m.
We Cany All Sizes of
w- Sc v"
from the large furnace to
the smallest nut slxa. Tell
as for what purpose the coal
la required and well point
oat the proper size to use.
But although we carry all
sizes, we handle only one
Quality, the Tery beat coal
from the Tery best mines.
Oar coal terries is yours to
Prices range from $10 to $15
Also handle the best
Diamond Briquettes S15
or Iknsfar Hl Stcrane Co.
The Willing Workers
Sunday school ctl&a of the First
Christian church, of which. Airs.
Will May la teacher and Mrs.
Crawford Newcomb is president,
will hold a class benefit at the
church parlors Dec. 13 Saturday
afternoon and evening. . A delight
ful program has been arranged.
The holiday spirit will prevail.
The class Invites the general pub
lic to join them and the members
of the church in an afternoon and
evening of good times. ,
Dry Wood for Sale
16-inch or 4-foot lengths. Call
77F2 I ntf
legion Election Monday-
Capitol Post No. 9, American
Legion, is expected to have a large
turnout Monday night for the an
nual election of officers. ; The
election will be a feature of the
meeting, which was postponed
from last Monday night. ,
Learn to Play Popular Music
In 12 lessons, Waterma? Piano
School. McCornack i Bldg. ; d 7
Radio Purchased
F. J. Lafky of 201 Mission has
purchased a super-heterodyne
radio from the Moore's Music
House. It is the most elaborate
radio on the market and is com
bined with a Brunswick talking
machine. The radio is so equipped
that an outside aerial is not
needed. . ; ' :
Prescott's SpitasCnberg Apple
Cider, i Telephone 1937-J.
Notice! My Office Will Be
Closed from December the 22
until the first week in January.
If you wish that I should look to
your eyesight ; on to your
glasses make an appointment
as early as you possibly can. Dr.
M. P. Mendelsohn, . Eye-Sight Spe
cialist. Phone 723. , d7
Santa Clans Appears
Santa Claus made his appear
ance in some of the downtown
stores yesterday and the kiddies
were delighted. In consequence
to the approach of Christmas a
large business in being done in
the toy departments of the various
Good Community Singing
. Men's Bible class at the Bligh
theatre 9:30 this morning. d7.
Oregon's Constitution
The citizenship class of the Sa
lem YMCA discussed the constitu
tion of Oregon at their regular
meeting at the association rooms
last night. The class is open to
anyone interested in citizenship.:
L Beauf Giant Pens f
Can't break Can't . crack
Can't leak C. A. Luthy, Jeweler.
.' ' . d7
Wanted, a Closed Ford
1 will trade a- piece of timber
land In Josephine county for a
closed Ford car. Phone 261 or
271. n30tf
Swiss Found Insane
Ernest Jacott, 44, a Swiss, was
committed to the hospital for the
insane after he had been arrested
by the Corvalis police. Attention
was attracted to Jacott recently
when he attempted to end his own
life by slashing his wrists. He
was prevented from doing the act
by friends. Soon afterwards he
disappeared from the Richlie farm
near Dallas, where he was employ
ed.: He "was traced to Corvallis
by personal belongings found in
his room. Investigation disclos
ed that there was ?200 deposited
to his name.
Turkey Shoot at Turner Today
Fireplace, Garage, Gas
Ldry tub, paving and car. For
lease, $30 month, 6 rooms. See
at 650 N. Sixteenth; vacant. Becke
& Hendricks, U. S. Bk Bldg. d7tf
More Than A Place To Eat
Chicken dinner served from 12
to 8 p m.( 75c, Colonial Dame
Tea Shoppe. ; . .. ;
Deer Herd In View r
The herd of deer, at the state
tuberculosis sanitarium have in
creased to 45 head and Dr. O. C.
Bellinger, superintendent of the
institution, has them fed in an
Died . .
SALSBURY Mrs. Lizzie Salsbury
' age 63, died Saturday evening
at her home at 412 North 12th
street. She is survived by four
sons. William. Charles, and
Roy, of Wisconsin and Fred,
. of Salem,' and one daughter,
Mrs. Ida Hartman, of White
Bluffs, Wash. The remains are
at the Rigdon & Son Mortuary.
. Funeral announcement to be
; made later. ' i :
WARREN Jonathan K. Warren,
age 24, died at a local hospital,
. December 5. - He is survived by
his wife and parents who live
at Beaverton, Oregon, whence
the remains will be taken for
' funeral tenrlces and burial. Sa
lem Mortuary in charge.
Fnnerala' '
CLEVELAND The ? funeral of
George W. Cleveland who died
Dec. 5th. will be held at the
Webb Funeral Parlors, : Monday
December 8. at 9:30 a. m. In
terment will be In the l.O.O.F.
cemetery. .. : - ;
PENNELL The funeral of Jos.
Fennell who died' Dec. 5, will
1 be held at the Webb Funeral
Parlors, Monday , the 8th, at 2
p. m. Rev. Campbell will have
charge of-services. (Interment
will be in the l.O.O.F. cemetery.
' TJ&equaled Service
inclosure close to the county road.
The public is much Interested in
the herd and many people stop
to watch the animals feed.
Sale of Women's Coats " -Samples
left; from our fall stock,
very reasonably priced. Mayer,
room 7, over Miller's. d7
Building Permit
A permit to repair a cement
building at 444 Ferry was given
to H. Polle & Son Saturday1 by
City Recorder Poulsen. The estim
ated cost it $600.
Hear Evangelist fjeaviit
Court Street Christian church,
7:30 each night. d9
Muic In the Home
This Christmas! That means a
Merry Christmas.' Look over our
musical merchandise, anything
from harp to a piano. Moore's
Music House. 409-415 Court. St.
Phone 983. f d7.
Inquiries Come Here
1 Several inquiries have been re
ceived by the YMCA-YWCA from
people in California and other
states asking - about employment
in Salem. , Several families from
outside the city have come here
for the winter and the situation
is becoming acute.
Suits Pressed 50c
Cleaned and pressed 31.50.
Renner's. We deliver. Phone 767.
Complaint Made ,
Complaint has been made by D.
D. Socolofsky concerning trespass
ers upon this property. Three
times in succession the advertising
signs and the wooden signs which
are used to designate the property
have been destroyed or taken
away. The identity of the per
sons or person is known and ac
tion will be taken against them,
it is reported.
XuuiH Ribbon Novelties That. :
Are different, hand made hand
kerchiefs. Esprit d'Araour toilet
goods. Silk underwear with hand
made lace. Miss Swart Specialty
hhop, 4 53 Court. ' d7
Vets Bureau Working.
The new employment bureau
created by the Veterans of Foreign
Wars is getting results. Several
applications have been received
by. Dr. George E.Lewis, and some
of the applicants have been refer
red to jobs. Those in charge of
the bureau, however, are not satis
fied with the results and feel that
more men should be put in touch
with employers. Clerks, sales
men, laborers.- plumbers, and
other workers have applications at
the office.
Used Bicycles
J We have a large stock of re
built bicycles at reasonable prices.
Hutch's Bike Shon. 29 9
mercial. ' d7.
Workers As YWCA
Competent workers can be sec
ured at the YWCA employment of
fice. There are several applica
tions on band of experienced cooks
seamstresses and other house
workers. In addition there are
experienced stenographers and
bookkeepers to . be employed.
Work is wanted by women who
are willing to work .by the day,
to sew, and to do general house
work. Several women have ap
plications for work who would be
of great help in serving dinners.
They would be especially helpful
around home. Excellent referen
ces can be given.
The Selection of Christmas Gifts
Will be a pleasurable mission
when accomplished at this store.
C. A. Luthy, Jeweler. i .d7
Osteopathy the Original
And genuine spinal adjustment
skillful and painless curative
treatments that get results. Dr.
Marshall, 228 - Oregon' Bulldlne.
- d7
Y-P Social Tonight
The young people of the St.
Paul Episcopal church are to hold
a get-together social at the Par
rish house tonight. Following, the
meeting and social a Sunday sup
per will be served. ; :
;;V.'-::. ' i i' .1 ':-,?! -':
Card of Thanks
' We wish to express our sincere
thanks and appreciation to the
dear friends and neighbors for
their kind assistance and beauti
ful flowers during, the illness and
death of our dear mother, Mrs.
Catterlen. The family.. ,; -d7.
i Capital Bargain
House , ..
House of a Million and
One Bargains -, - ;
Play Presented '
- "Fanny and the Servant Prob
lem," has been presented" by the
student body of the Amos Davis
high school at Aumsville, which
was attended by the patrons of
the school. The play was presen
ted to raise funds for the athletic
association. Eva Randall and
Florence Klamp, instructors at the
high school were directors of the
EUes Memorial: .
Will he held Sunday, Dec. 7th,
at 2:15 at the Grand theater.
Members will please meet at IOOF
ball at 2 p. m. This service is
open to the public. " d7
Birth Reports Filed
A total of 28 birth reports were
filed with the city health officer
for the month of November, ac
cording to announcement made
yesterday. This is about the av
erage number of births registered
in Salem during the month.'
Christ mas! M usic !
Let them walk hand in hand in
your home this: year. Moo.-e's
Music House, 4 09-415 Court. St.,
Phone 983. d7.
Salvation Array Has Kettles
The familiar iron kettle of the
Salvation Army made its appear
ance on the Salem streets yester
day. The tinkling bell, and the
uniform of the soldiers - of the
cross caused many coins to be
placed in the receptables. The
Salvation army devotes several of
the days preceding Christmas col
lecting funds to relieve the , suf
fering of the poor.
Elite Beauty Shoppe
Oyer the Gray Belle; Expert
marcelling, exceptional halrcutting
by L. J. -Bayes and Lee Canfleld.
Phone 914. d6
Three Fine Homes
$6750, 7350 and 37500 6 and
7 rooms. All have everything you
want Becke & Hendricks, U. S.
Bk Bldg. " . d7tf
Handmade Lavender Novelties
And Mah Jongg, good luck
beads for Xmas gifts. Miss Swart
Specialty Shop. 463 Court. d7.
The Best Fuel -
For' the price is 16-inch mill
block; three JARGE loads for
315. Fred E. Wells, phone 1542.
Rev. Leech To Speak "
Rev. D. H. Leech, D. D., dis
trict secretary of the Salem dis
trict of the Methodist; church will
deliver a special lecture at the
Leslie Methodist church next
Thursday evening.
Dr. John L. Lynch
Osteopathic physician and sur
geon, 403 Oregon Bldg. d7
Christmas Trees Arrive
The first i load of Christmas
trees was hauled through the
streets of Salem Saturday, in pre
paring for shipment to the Port
land market. The trees are haul
ed there In trucks. ,
Get Your
efore It Snows
We can make, better de
liveries now.
i Prices are low, Quality is high
; as always . '
Oregon, Utah and Rock Springs Coal
Ask Us About the Kind You Ought to Use.
Hood at Broadway.
PHONE 1855
Our Special Sunday Dinner
' $l.CO
Fruit Cocktail
Celery Hearts Ripe Olives
Chicken Soup, Southern Style
Consomme Clear
Roast Prime Ribs of Beef with Yorkshire Pudding"
Spa'' Special Sirloin Steak with Stuffed Potato
Fried Spring Chicken, Maryland Style
Roast Young Pig Ham. Apple Sauce
Old -Fashioned Chicken Stew with Noodles
Stuffed Young Turkey. Black Walnut Dressing
and Cranberry Sauce
Cauliflower au Gratln Potato Fluff
Waldorf Salad - Tea Rolls -
Desserts '
Angel Loaf Cake Mocha Whipped Cream Cake
Rice Pineapple Whip with Whipped Cream
Caramel Cup Custard Fruit Jello
l " ; Pies :
Fresh Apple Minco Loganberry Pumpkin
CocoanutXream Pineapple Whipped Cream
- . Boston Cream Pie
: Spa Home Made Ice Cream or Sherbet
(Choice of Five Kinds)
Tea: Coffee Milk Chocolate
Purest ol Foods Prepared by Artists Who Know How"
Child Born
A baby boy was born to Mr.
nd Mrs. John Morler at the Salem
hospital about 6; 30 p. m. Satur
day. The little fellow has ult
been named. '
mmmmmmm r " ' , 71'
iTY A T TLTTIVrsr women may- no lender t
VJLl AJLViTllXN VT dread the embarmsantcit
of eyeglasses. Our optometrists fit glasses primarily s
lo correct defective vision, but also devote careful at- f
tention to frames which add to personal appearance.
' . 301-2-3-4 Oregon Bldg.
Oregon Pulp and Pap 21 Cc.
' Balem,Oreson
Sulphite, and Manila Wrappings, also Batchers . 7rz - -pings,
Adding Machine Paper, Greaseproof, GlicLir,
Drug Bond, Tissue Screenings and Specialties, 1
i I js i scHLCjl' M n?T TT' Baltimore I M I jj
Clothes for 'Every Occasion for Men arid Young Men
The feeling of being well dressed can only be fully appreciated when wearing
Clothes Beautiful Schloss Bros, ck Co.
The Schloss Label on your Suit or Overcoat means more than just clothes it means that you are getting
- Clothes of Character TJiey maJie reputation for tli& man who ivears them See the New Models
Try on a Suit or Overcoat See the Moderate Prices No obligation to buy Glad1 to show you. :
They cost no more than the ordinary kind.
t - United Gtatcs national CanUDIdz-