The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 07, 1924, Page 4, Image 4

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Isaaad Daily Except afoada? by
SIS Stk Commercial St, SaUm. Oragoa
fc. Haadrieka
faea U. Brady
frank Jaskoaki
. Maaacar
. . Ed t tar
Ifaaagcr Job lpi-
acBXBXx or Tits associated puss
The Aaaoelata4 Praaa U aeluaWl anUtlad to the ate for publication af all im
tlapatehea credited to it er sat tkera-iaa credited ia thi a ad alao laa local
aawa pobliatted aareia. ; . : . . !
business omcii
rkaaiaa F." Clark Co, Haw Tort. 1414145 'Weit 86th St,; Chicago, Varqaatto Bvlli-
i tug, W. S. Grothwahl,- Mgr.
(Port lead Otttea, B9 Worceeter Dld( Fhuua 8637 B Roadway, a P. William. llgr.)
Baslsaaa Offieo
Kowa CoportBoat
. . . . tr ' Circulation Offieo
. . .2S-10S , Society Editor .
Job Department . . . . 583
Eatared at tta Poatoffiee la Salem, Orefoa. aa aoeoad claa matter
: Prepared by Radio BIBLE SERVICE Bureau. Cincinnati. Ohio.
' It parents will hare their children memorize the daily Bible selee
Hons, It will prove a priceless b-ius to them In after years.
' ' IV-rrmWf T, 12 -:'' . .: '.:
NOT MEAT AND DRINK:--For the kingdom of God is not meat
and drink, but righetousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.
Romans 14:17. 4 ! ,
PRAYER: O Thou Who are our Creator and Preserver, we rejoice
to know that we also are spiritual and cannot live by bread alone.
ii is not very often that this
writer finds himself In accord with
C. C. Chapman, but once In
while we do. We admit the value
of his publication as a statistician.
political , proposition
reldom! However, here Is a com
ment that is mighty sensible and
with which it Is easy to agree
ine purpose of burying the
governor's responsibility in a
board of seven members, four of
whom shall -be members of the
state legislature, la to bury the
governor. x0 amount of camou
flage by manipulation of vminr
rower as between the executive
and legislative members or " this
board, will suffice to blind any one
as to the object that is sought if
the next legislature seriously con
eiders this proposal. .Many mem
bers of the next legislature have
expressed themselves to The Voter
as being: opposed to any attempt,
no matter how adroit, to relegate
the office of . the governor to the
eiaius or, a rubber stamp. This
movement to enlarge the
plication of gossiping the past
week. '
Mrs. Grundy's proclivities for
passing the bad word along might
give rise to the anti-gosslpfng
squad. Can you Imagine them
snooping around keyholes and over
transoms or raiding the monthly
meeting of the ladies aid or sim
ilar gatherings' of the good women
or men? Just as long as the
Scptch are permitted to toss the
saber In free and untrammeled
fashion, just so long should Am
erican men and women be allowed
to retain their supremacy In the
great conversational pastime
wielding the hammer.
The old. old discussion of which
Is better for the educational in
stitutions, a boird of regents or
a state board of control, Is up for
consideration. The state board of
control Is morn of a business m.
ganizatlon. The body of reeenta
The old discussion of teaching
the Bible in the schools has again
bobbed - up. Probably somebody
wanted a referendum on It. There.
is no agitation at the present time
for such a thing. ; The agitation
is for religious day - school:, iind
how any upstanding citizen I of
Oregon can object to this Is hard
to understand. There Is only tone
falid, objection' and that must be
madeby unbelievers entirely. The
man who believes In Christianity
can not fail to believe in the re
ligious day schools If he under
stands It as outlined by State
Superintendent Churchill. The
talk of making a state religion is
all nonsense. Nobody wants to
make a state religion.
By. a concerted understanding,
today Is Golden Rule Sunday In
the churches. What is nweant by
this is that on the family tables we
are to practice frugality and give
the-difference to the Near East
Relief. .
The situation in the Near East
is an honorable Institution that
and duties of the emergency board I governs more sympathetically. ; if
at the expense of the power and 1 8om wy could be found to put
auues of the state board of control au tne educational institutions Ms being carefully and intelligently
we do not believe originated with I under one board we could prevent I handled and It Is constantly
umuerg oi ine next session whose I c"ppng. ji we continue our ""P'O'ing, , out it is a con-
local boards they will always
overlap and tlie state board ' of
control, while Ideally operating
for economy hart not been able to
stop duplication.
In fact it is hard to stop dupli
The attempt to dehorn Gover
nor Pierce and rob' him of his pa-
tk. ma,In, Th,W t e 5 that desmte all we do. or fail 8 Ui l"e .Dexi 8e8SI
M. clb uUiae A. - a , - - , I I II I aa-msr VI O 11 . .
. , " j nA i n f 7n nnn ir.M I10ws towards
to uo, me kius are ju guuu u wom B"vv. ,vt making the 1921 Rainn
n f i oo- i . t,t .ourt I s iae i,i session one
in Lenver omy od cnmuiii cases wcc uiuusm " j
last year. - . '.. - It'- '
"They are good not because of their parents and teachers,
but in spite of them. They are good because of themselves. I
suppose it is the inherent goodness the Creator puts into them.
"You can say and I don't care how emphatically you say
itthat the American youth of today is relatively the finest in
the history of the world." jj ,
f i .1
tained have come right after the
The above are the concluding paragraphs of an interview greatest election successes'
in Collier's for this week with Judge lien Lindsey E uenver, used power has caused practically
who is one of the most prominent of the pioneers in modernlaii of our trouble. The mainrit.
invenile court work, as most readers know; and an outstanding J of people are republican and win
character in the reforms of the methods usetl in reiorramg ueun- i continue to be republicans unless wou,a oe no further duplication.
uur state educational institu
tions are going to demand more
and more attention and we must,
te in a position to give It to them.
amd of politics.- Republican lead
ers must remember that the great
est defeats that the party has sus-
tronage is unfair and the poorest catIon.In Orefon, but we can stop
its rurther spreading. We do not
need three univertities. We need
one university, tme agricultural
college and one normal school.
The board of regents functioning
for all three of the institutions
should see that the work was co-
ordinated In such a way that there
dition that can not end in a day.
It takes some years for children
to grow up, and the children we
are now feeding must be fed un
til they reach the age -when they
can take care of themselves. We
might as well have done nothing
I us io quit in me miaaie of such a
Job as we have undertaken. Amer
ica must not quit.
for after what seemed an eternity
of waiting 1 1 heard his satisfied
voice. --. ' -, .
"It's so dark I cannot see very
far. but I'm sure there's nothing
moving behind us. Are you all
right, Sire?"
The tone was deferential, even
obsequious, and I realized anoth
er confirmation of the real identi
ty of the man calling himself
A Lucky Leap
quent boys and girls i ' . driven out of the party by unfair
y And therefore qualified to speak as one Having autnorny. tactics.
Judge Lindsey comes into contact daily with the seamy The force of the republican warn
side of life; he sees the sordid things in human nature constant- this year is illustrated in the fact
ly ; he conducts the trouble shop of the poor ana lowiy ana ine mat the republican candidates
ko called "criminal classes" of his city . asainst whom some of the "most
And he is able to pay the tribute quoted taboye to the Amen- serious charges have been made.
can youtlj of today. ; , r Mi
Collier's is conducting a symposium ;upont a "code for right
living for our children ;" is sweeping the country for suggestions
by experts in the handling of children. J 1 , 7 ;
"Children must be taught to do right because they want to,
not because they have to." That is the high light of the con
clusions of Judge Lindsey, after all his years of experience. In
other words, they must be taught self control; and the editor of
as in the case of tie governor of
Illinois, were elected by an over-!
rneimmg majority. . It was the
party that won, not the individuaL
A few years a,go General Castro,
the Venezuelan stormy petrel,
centered the attention of the world
upon himself. For eight years he
held sway and it looked as if he
were invulnerable, but finally he
wasTundermined, exiled and drop-
Whatever else Oregon does it must I ped t f public view. . He made
not cripple its. state schools. What- desptjrate efforts to come back and
ever economy must be practiced It 1 enared in intrigue after Intrigue,
uui ii is migoiy nara ior a man
must not be to the extent of im
pairing the efficiency, of our
schools of higher educationrJbut
all should operate in harmony and
upon an agreed program. . . ,
who Is once down to breast the
waves and get on top again. Cas
tro Is not the only man. who has
failed In this.
"I've outwitted them, the dogs,"
Smith returned. "Look you. Otto,
they had me bound tonight, tied
like a calf, but I used my eyes
while the man they call their best
over here tied the knots, and when
they finally left me to myself it
was child's play to get loose. And
now we are on our way out of the
cursed hole. Give me a drink.
itto, to wash the taste of this bar
barous, language from my mouth
I have sworn to speak nothing else
except when dealing with our own
Illiterates until this thing is over
for fear I might slip sometimes,
Dut-1 loatn us every sound." .
I silently thanked my stars for
his vow. I could have understood
no word else, and then, with my
puises -thrilling with apprehension,
saw that we were nearing the
end of the wood road.
"Stop here," Smith command
ed, "but keep the engine running,
and do you. Otto, run out and see
if there are j any cars in sight
upon the main road. Give the owl
call If you want us to shut off
the engine, and the loon Ifi you
want us to come on.
The car stopped, and one of the
men jumped off, ran noiselessly
toward the main road. and. in an
other minute I heard the loon
call. For a second or two I found
no decision within me, nothing
but a swirl of terrified doubt. The
loon call meant no car in sight.
Allen Drake was not there! Must
I go on, trying to keep track of
the limousine's coarse by myself?
Then with the forging forward
of the big car sanity came to me
If I went on I must be discovered
or jolted to the ground sooner or
later. I could do no possible good,
and might do Infinite harm. And
It was not my part to take up
Allen Drake's work. 7
The big car was rounding the
turn into the main road when
took my courage in my hands.
jumped from my foothold, and
fell sprawling ignomlnously to the
dust. '
(To be continued)
Turner Boosters club will meet
next Tuesday evening. -
Clarence Miller and. family are
moving to Marcola where he la
establishing a new sawmill.
C. A. Bears was in Portland on
business Thursday.
The M. E. Aid society will hold
their annual bazaar next Haturda
December 1311 Also serve thicken
Ullnner and supper.
miss j jjons iiarneit spm
Thanksgiving at home returning
tq Portland Sunday.
Rev. Fox recently located here
on a farm formerly from Dallas:
preached at the M. E. church, Sun
uay in the absence of the pastor
Who undervent an operation at the
Salem hospital, Nov. 25.
' Mrs. Clyrner and grandma Le-
bambers were shopping in Salem,
. The high school science room is
being Seated with new chairs.
A i vin Bond and friend Oscar
White came up from Willamette
-Lniversity i for their short vaca
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur of Salem
spent Sunayd meeting old friends.
j Mrs. S. H. Bond was shopping
in Salem Friday. . '
December 12. Friday Children' clin
ic. Chamber o Commerce.
peeember 15 and 1, Monday and Toea
yV"DeMlay ahow. Grand theater.
JD&reiabrr 17.1 WJ
Mala chorus., 8 o'clock. Armory.
Friday American War
food sale, at the Smith-
em Pacific city ticket office.
December 20. Saturday Portland KI-
wania ciiorua at
IBcembcr 25,
December 19.
Mother' Cooked
armory. -Tharaday
Jannarr 12. VmiiIit flnania, f toi
legislature. j
Saturday Debate, Willam
l.niTenity of Wait Vir-
Febrnary 7,
tta university va.
CHICHESTER S PILLS Aak yer ttrmtn Urn
t fcl a tmr btmmmi inw4A
lUla ia He4 axl 4tM awIiuc
Mini Mat blaa k ictxw. T
yae M Mkm. Fr C rmmr V
sen caoisis Evaasau
Ifc ft
The Oregonlan. runnlns' tma n
Collier's says in comment: "We suspect that self control must form, perverts the statement of
cuiue near me iujj ui iue xiov , a, mc uo. . -j,.d... v,. AUV aiaiesman and twists them to
wuc iui ""(, vui i- im vmu use, even going to 4he
Judge Lindsey puts sell restraint iirst, ana ne puts ine iirsi extent of questioning the gram
mistake of teachers and parents m dealing with children as that "":ai construction. The Ore-
r JmaJr,., nrtifiJal restmintss Tie rmts the second mistake as fn,an reminds us of the min-
- ' -K : - - . .. lister who took fnr M- a
,,!- m,ti. nrannrmi, til I - "iiiuii
uiu, tuivau v vju"-,, . I reaniner Tj film - t- ,
come down," and
i op knots come
a ser
mon against women wearing their
hair high upon their heads
Thig writer insists that the re
publican party can not afford to
do In 1928 what it AiA i
v a a. . w m. &
and 1916 when the old guard
.a .. . . .
ii.. u ; i,;r zn ua f wUr- la U,a 'U,CH "" lwo presiaentiai eiec-
statement in the first three paragraphs quoted above
And, the writer believes this will hold good over the whole
country. Oh yes, it is admitted that most people will not agree;
They have been lately and are being fed up on the idea that
there is a wave of crime among the young sweeping the country.
But it is the same old wave. It is not a new wave; and if it is
slightly higher for the passing moment, on account of the un
settlements caused by the "World war, it will soon recede.
The population of the Oregon state training school (reform
school) is the highest in its history ; but it is not as high in pro
portion to the total population of the'state as it was thirty years
ago. N(?r are the boys there now less hopeful for reformation
on the average than they were then. (The'nuinber there last
night was 190. : It was 134 thirty years ago.)
Five prisoners were received at the Oregon penitentiary on
Friday from Multnomah county; all less than 24 years of age
. 1 . 1 - 4-L fsv.. tka'.liill
Sm i.A. .tu -e i:r u: u Iv.n,i vi ;c ,lf reaains' Let hIm ho is on the
ciiiiu mr iue patu ui wc; uia..xiig mc vuuu owe iv ov". i housetops not
restraint, to withstand temptation, to overcome obstacles. Third ... . 4
in importance, Judge Lindsey puts example, in these words: -ovn' nn "
-You can have all the moral codes in the world, and plaster JlZ J"?'
them all over the eount-ry, but they won't do our young folks
any good unless then; elders set an -example of straightforward,
clean living. You can't save the boy. lie's got to save himself.
Hut you cart show him how by the life you lead.' .
Judge Lindsey gives actual examples to illustrate his points.
He could cite thousands
uons ratner than recognize the
progressives. In 1920 all elements
of the party were united. In 1924
the radical ' element of the pfo-
gressives bad gone so far that the
more conservative ones could not
follow, but we must remember
that Senator La Follette polled
four and a half million votes, and
! more than a half of them were
republicans. That Is a condition
I that in practical politics can not
be overlooked. It-Is a condition
that calls for careful party treatment;-"
This, nation needs the re
publican party., and every time we
' The Oregon republicans have
no, party platform. They have no
definite declaration upon state af
fairs. No man elected to the' leg
islature or any executive office
has any. instructions as to what,
he shall do. The campaign prom
ises of course were made.1 but
they were not made in a binding
way or with the republican party
behind them. There ought to be
some way to put the republican
party behind its candidates. .'
The only way so far devised has
been to make a party platform and
the machinery of the party then
operates in i harmony therewith).
We can't read anybody out ofc the
republican party in Oregon , be
cause we have no declaration of
principles. There is no . punish-
ment that can be meted outfor
failure to perform party duty or
disloyalty. That was an oversight
in the primary election law. It Is
one that needs a remedy and it
should be applied by all means.
By Editor J. B. Parker of The
Conway (Arkansas) News.
In our office is a motto, "Step
Lively"- short but portentlous of
achievement when followed.
Another reads, "The only value
of Time is Its use" a fruiful mot
to when not abused.
A third commands you to
"Never Be Late," and further ab
jures you to "Do Right."
Drivers of j automobiles and
users of radio sets understand the
force of the term to "Step np"
the motor or receiver.
So to "Step Lively" insures one
inlnf ItMleai vl n tHma mnA
REVELATIONS OF A WIFE energy, and stepping lively gets
Adele Garrison flew Fhaae of I
Copyright 19 Ji, by Newspaper
; Featur Service, Inc. ;.
It was not until I had manaeed
to secure a comparatively safe
looinom ! upon the snare tire
strapped onto the back of the hie
. . - I AJl
umousme that the real danger of t
... .n.t , - . .
uxj jjubiuoh Birucn me. iy mma
had been so filled with the prob
lem of getting onto the machine
that I had taken no . thought of
.v . .....
ic uowcr iu ine tar more ami- i ,
cult question, how was I to t
our ' ;
lucre; naa oeen out one obsess-t The hio-K uhnni .hin k,.ii
Ing thought in my mind ever since J game played at Turner, Friday
one somewhere. However, one
must be sure of stepping right
while stepping lively, and to avoid
the pitfalls that are to be found
on the way.
The proper uso of Time meas
ures your degree f of success.
whereas if improperly used it in
vites your failure In whatever en
gages you.
Never Be Late" -a caution too
many Invariably disregard and in
doing so establish a reputation
lor undependability.
Do Right" no need of explan-
It applies to everyone:
and the one who doesn't do right
must pay the penalty.
ine dioc idea legislation Is not
good politics. It la a creature of
necessity. It was evolved by the
tariff men in Vaw trmri ,..,
In the past two years 428 have been receivedand 112 of them "! l" we na" country. The spread to the agriculturists m the
were between the ages of 20 and 24; and half of them between I vt ."-.fia,UK repuon- west. The bloc was not discredit-
the ages of 15 and 29. But an examination will show that this
is not larger proportion of young men, or if larger only
slightly so, than has been the rule on the average for the past
forty years and the total population is lower than it was be
fore the; days of prohibition, in proportion to the total popula
tion; very much lower. - , 1
Of, the 1501 men received at San Quentin penitentiary in the
last reported bierinium, 361 were 24 years old and younger; the
major .number being 22. But an examination of the records
there will show about the same proportions ever since San
iuentin was a prison.
There is all too much juvenile delinquency
But put Denver's 285 who came before Judge Lindsey (and
most of them needing only good counsel) I over against the
70,000 of Denver s children who did not get into trouble, and Kentucky has an anti-gossip act
carry about thus same proportion throughout the nation's vast and a woman has Just been fined
army of children, and you have a most encouraging picture. there for saying the police officers
were "lifty-ftfty with the bootleg
gers." in the first place, It is the
THE SHORTEST EVENING first official objection that has
neen made against gossiping, yet
. ti oriiana Journal, Friday.) eryuoay naa condemned it. In
. Can you explain this? the second place It ought to have
The shortest days of the year are December 21 and 22. But the a deterrent effect
fact is that the evenine of either m va inwr. ,- .i aeierrent effect upon our Amer-
Today the sun sets at 4:2 & p. m.. Pacific standard time. Yesterday n habit of lambastinr the Offi
cer, our officials are always
van supremacy enouid Tio mnra I i. ,
. - - i u me eiecuon so muco as party
man ordinarily impressed upon I nrinchilea hv
the party managers. It Is not The people wanted the rejbublil
Only a political nhlfffatfnn Knf If l w . T
v i vau iMt riv. in mwn. (w norn 1 1 s
- a ui9 writer D- I rPniirHfnn nanlMofn kHAl
... - 1 r --w BiiUI wa fcO UWlbCU. CUV
..v tnorougniy m the republl- ticket he almost met defeat while
can party, but he also believes In the nresident carrri u
n.fl..t . . .. I -
K-vwva. puuiics. iracticai noli I an nmrvhalmine T-
tice keeps all the votes In Una
it is possible to get, and reaches senatorial hw thA-.,n.
uui aner oiners. ira .-
Oregon where , Senator McNary
lives, who Is one of . the con
spicuous members of the bloc, he
also ran ahead of the president.
- Bloc legislation has been at
j least temporarily eclipsed and it
is hoped that the party ties
will be I so strengthened that the
party will hold all its members.
It set a minute later. No evening of the year will be shorter than, the
evening of today. But 10 other evenings will be as short, for from
December 5 to 16, Inclusive, the sun sets at precisely the same Instant.
v On December 21, which is one of the year's two shortest days, old
Sol will go to bed, a minute later at 4:28 p. m. On December 22 he
will tarry still another minute and the sunset gun will be fired, at
4:29 p. m.; the evening will be three minutes longer than today's.
. ii is ine snorienmg or ine morning and not of the evening that
prepares us for the year's shortest days. Each morning the dawn will
come a little more slowly. On December 21 sunrise will occur at 7:50
a. m., on December 22 at 7:51, on. the 24th and 25th at 7:S2, and
from December 26 until January 7, inclusive, the morning light Will
come most tardily to awaken the slumberers. The exact Instant of
sunrise wui De 7:53 a
mangned. Do not get the idea
that gossiping belongs to the wom
even more so. '
Wherever two or three men are
gathered together the absent
brother ig .being lashed to the
mast. The men are as adept at it
as the gentler sex.
xernapa an antl-gossin act
Tom Chester's collapse. Lillian's
plan had included the tracine of
Smith's movements from the mo
ment of his connived-at-escane to
the time when Allen Drake wait
ing upon the main road for the
emergence of the limousine should
take up the chase. Tom Chester
was to have been the most impor
tant unit in mat chain, for he was
to have ' witnessed Smith's en
trance into the limousine, and
tnen to have followed the machine
on his wheel until the chase was
taken up by Allen Drake in the
racing car.
, Because I could not ride the
wneeiji naa been compelled to
mount to the back of the limou
sine and cling there. But I knew
that the second when the machine
was standing: still even though
the risk of discovery had been
nangin over my neaa was
nothing to the problem of drop
ping unscathed to the ground
while the powerful machine was
in motion.
'I've Outwitted Them "
There was but one moment
when I could do it, and that was
at the time the limousine should
turn Into the main road. I guessed
that they would 'approach that
point cautiously,, but once past it
the big car would shoot forward
at a pace which would really mean
break-neck for me if I should at
tempt a jump.
The big car had a wonderfully
quiet motor, and once I had set
tled in my mind the exact point
at which I meant to lump I put
night, with the boys' and girls'
teams of Scio, scored a victory for
Turner. j
Miss Fuller and Mrs Downing
motored to Portland after school
Thursday to attend an evening
Mrs. W. T. Riches spent Wed
nesday and Thursday In Salem
shopping and visiting at the C. II.
Cannon home, -
Mrs. Geo Mosse Mrs. F. O,
Gunning and Rev. Pique and wife
were in Salem Thursday.
Fiinston has moved back to his i
home. . ;, j
Should Be Ordered Now
While Our Stock Is
.' Complete
Are Always In
Good Taste
We are ready to guide yorr
in selecting Books that
would be suited to the In
dividual reading interests
. of your friends.
Card Games of all kinds r
Checkers, Dominoes. Large
variety of games for boys
and girls. -
Come in and Browse
7 ; '7i77v7:;;
Commercial Book
u m. It will be the lengthening of the evenings wonid he . if
kes the day last Tonger. S would be a good thing for Oregon.
au tnis lime tnat maaes tne day last tonger
The same peculiarities are apparent when days are longest.
From It would cramp the style of the
june is to tne sun rises at 4:19 a. m. three hours and 31 minutes curb-stone gossips as much as that
earlier than on the shortest day. From June 18 to 21 sunset win of 4h tea-table crowd It wonld
occur at 8:05 p. m. and the longest evenings are between June 22 and aw " . 5
29, when the sun sets at 8:06 p. m. i r threaten. the very existence of the
You may accept the queer things about the sunrise and sunset as 1 most Popular of American sports
When your back Is sore and
Men are Just as malicious--! lame or lumbago, sciatica or rheu-l my ear against the leather of the
mat ism nas you stif- rear curtain ana tried
fened up, don't suf
fer! Get a 35 cent
bottle of old, honest
St. Jacobs OH at any
drug store, pour a
little in youo hand
and rub it right on
your . aching back,
and the soreness
and lameness i s
f In use -for 65
years, this soothlns:,
penetrating oil takes
I m ii am ni iii
truth, btuuse th wHthur lmronn rnrniha tha fi..i. .... .1. I iinri.. k. . . I the pain right out, and ends the
, " - - -w .u w iihuiva auu sax r a i lir v k. iua iim iii rnvr i oim i a . .
ere reliable. . - It... , 7. misery. 11 is aDsomteiy narmiesa
to catch
a word from within if possible.:
Smith's voice, gloating, guttur
al, oounded first.
"So we have beaten them," he
said. " The men -who were follow
ing me were on foot, the fools.
and I am sure they did not get
near enough to see me turn into
the road. Look back. Otto, and
see If any one follows."
Sick with terror I flattened
myself as flat as possible against
the machine as far away from the
rear mirror as I could get. But
Otto evidently had a single-track
mind and eye. He must have
' ! 7
For Sick. Feverish.
Bilious Children
When Child is Constipated
Give "California Fig Syrup"
Children love the pleasant taste
of "California Fig Syrup" and
gladly take it even when bilious,
feverish, sick, or constipated. No
other laxative regulates the ten-
has had its drastic and cruel ap- and do'esn't burn, the skin. Adv,
der little bowels so ntcelv. ' It
watched the road behind, and paid sweetens the stomach and starts
no-ttenuonio, anything, nearer, j the liver:, and bowels -without
cram pins or overacting. Contains
no narcotics or soothing drugs.
Tell your. druggist you want
only the genuine "California Fig
Syrup" which has directions for
babies and children of all ages
printed on bottle. Mother! You
must say "California" or you may
get an. imitation fig yrup. Adv. 1
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