t ' ' T1ID 0?EG ON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREG ON SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 7, 192 4 LEV I'JirJTEn GfiS ' iilDS STHITGG Local Standard Oil i Man Claims That His Company , Is Offering Best Gas f - As a result of the extensive ad vertising - eampaig n recently launched by the Standard Oil com pany la the marketing and distri bution lot their new winter grade gasoline - a , great deal of public interest has. been, shown in the manufacture of this new product. 'I It Is our object to furnish our , readers with first hand informa tion re la tire to any news of inter est and we therefore had an inter view with Mr. A. R. Rankin, "the local representative of the Stand ard Oil company, and he had the following to say: "The Standard1 Oil company Is now offering the motoring public the very best grade of gasoline ever manufactured. This New Winter Grade product is not only a quick starting' gasoline but it also embodies the very essential dualities required of a high grade fuel." j - '-",'.- . -..-4..:',.. , , It might also be of interest for you to know that Mr. A. I Strout, of the manufacturing department of the Standard Oil company is at the present time making exhaus tive distillation tests in order that the Standard Oil company may be assured j that 4 their , objective is being reached, or, in other-words, at the points of manufacture cer tain high standards have- been set Ihat .the new- "Winter Grade- gaso ine must rtch. Therefore, -dis-illa'tion c" ar -nade ta assure he Stanc ...1 c-cial -".at the aaolinen, i bein;? marketed to tfee const: -r & the Very. best gas-i oline the ;.-Lorlst ' can purchase anywhere and that it contains all of the Important qualities of an evenly balanced gasoline being a-cuick-starting fuel with smooth, rapid acceleration giving 100 per cent power and maximum mileage. - The particular work of this rep resentative is to see that the gas oline serred to the customer in this district meets with the speci fications established by this com pany and existing at the points of manufacture in El Segundo 'and llichmond, California. It Is the Standard Oil company's aim to see that the motoring pub lic is provided with the best grade of gasoline it is possible to pro duce. The Winter Grade gasoline is an entirely new product, being a straight run all refinery gasoline with, a continuous chain of boiling points, and It is not blended or raised gasoline 'but "the result 'of .en. extensive .atudy of . the opera .tian cf . automobile : engines run- runder -various 'temperature .conditions..;-.. ; . - . ; rTta Development , department. cr wtiea i jix. rStrout Is a repre-jteiitatiTe,.- has some? of ; the most .cxtsrrive and" completely equipped - la r 'TZiznss in the United States. In this department; is -a products i-testiag-diTision -etruipped -with -dy namometers particularly for the IS Superior Touring, , V .""in'Salemi . M" " i Cuperiornoadster, : ZZZO l PJ O.' B.' Salep The C;rr.:r Cliczitlccta'aiad Cu;rior 4-Pf ser er Coupe, - F.'O. B. "Galea WdJTUa P. CHRYSLER'S mmTmjxs W VVORLD S LARGEST MOTORISTS' ORGANIZATION '.The 'American motorist going to Cngiaad for the first, time or the tenth time is always interested In the activities of The Automobile Association, which was founded in 1903, by a small body of motorists, as protective - measure . . against what was described then as the n . reasonable police actirities on many of 'the - roads -between ; London and the South Coast- of England, ,Ths Association Is new the largest mo torists organisation in the world today but it is still primarily an frsnisatB7Tpeciaily equipped for assisting members on the road. " .."Yin returnfor; about ,f 10-a year, a motor ear member is giren'the fol lowing serrices " iJ Srtt .fiiiilaiKl ,bf . AutomobUt ! Attociation patrol, - who wUl b 'found on VOftOQ mil of main road to Qroat Britain. , , ;Fr. I gal dtftnto to procttdtng under tht Motor Car Act and' Road Act, to any Court of ummaryJur Udiciion in tkt Vnittd Kingdom. ' Fret uo of roadtidt tlphont box at amy 'hour of tht :'day 'or ' night. , ' '-,-. V . Frtt help dot or night 'from 'the mtchanic to ckargt of road t$rv - " - 1 : M J) -1 purpose ito Hest motor fuels Land motor lubricants. " -; A. close study? of the various districts served by the .Standard Oil company' disclosed that: in the northwest, including - Oregon ' aid Washington in particular, the climatic conditions are such dur ing the winter, that a-special motor fnel la. desirable. In rthe develop ment i of:- this .new; motor; fuel, a product has been produced that wiH start -and 'operate under t -the colder conditions existing ' during the winter months in a way as closely as is. practical to the oper ation of the engine on ' regular Red Crown GaBOline during the summer season. This has been accomplished in the new Winter Grade Red Crown gasoline with out the sacrifice of power or mileage, without an increase - in the tendency to detonate and with a minumum of crankcase dilution.' The standards of inspection and control established in !the Stand ard Oil company refiners, are so well maintained that 'the 'high quality of Red Crown gasoline can be absolutely depended upon, al ways and everywhere. ? Whetner you fill your tank at a service station in the city, or stop at a lonely garage in some isolated country town off - the -main -routes of travel, the gasoline that is sold JL. .-?J 1 : i - ' . ; B TO PAY J L L J Jjr CcontnicatTransportatioii Everybody wants an automobile. Everybody can pay for a Cherrolet. Xveij Ivy can afford to own a Chevrolet. : You can buy a Chevrolet just as you ' buy any other important necessity. Not one family-in a thousand pays ' cash in full for ahocne.'They make . . m substantial down- payment, -then . pay.oZf the mortgage . with .what tliey UsedtorpBy forrerit, plus other satin ga, and in a few years obtain 'fuH title to a home of their own. TTiJs most popular (and most ' eoo nomlcal family icar to just another home but on wheels. ! It takes the whole family evenings and holidays a f. to where they are eager, to go, rand ' .daily transports one or more of the 1 - farrUIye workers to and from their ' feusinesa, therefore -all the family gladly helps to pay for it. - It can be ought just-as you. buy a stationary home. ' It earns its own way and you ride while you pay. It, is the best c paying inTcetment . any family can make because it ' provides transportation; saves time, and makes all outdoors your play pound, bringing health and happi ness to the whole family. i When -may we show, you "the dif ferent models and explain how easy it is for you to get, use and pay fc 7crldrB 'L6u:'czt Priced FritUyal advict on any matttr t directly oriii out of tht ut or owntrthip of motor ear. Ace to roadtidt motor ful supply ttation Export ng-'m'ting advie upon - all matttr pertaining to tht pur :chat, 'rtpair and maintenance of - tar and motorcycle. Officially ap jointed agtntt and . ttpair trt, alto hotel, in practically ovtry town in Ortat Britain, whtrt tht facUitit and accommodation of trod Kavt bttn inspected and ap frovtd by iht Attociation. The actirities of the A. A. Pa trols in England are of particular interest to the American motorist. A ear-, bearing the insignia of the Automobile Association is always saluted by a patrol. If the patrol, does not salute it is warning to the driver of the car that something is wrong and he invariably stops. Possibly he will be warned of a bit of bad road, or other disagreeable . traffic condition. : In addition the patrols are com- Vpetent'to undertake minor road ad justments, or for major 'repairs they will mount their cycles and pro- Ctre aid from the nearest garage. 1 O w? at. the "Red Crown-sign or that comes out of the , red,- white and blue pump is always uniform, al ways reliable. ! The new winter Red Crown will give all that should he expected from good gasoline easy starting quick and smooth acceleration, and the maximum power and fuel mileage that the car was designed to develop. Every drop vaporizes rapidly and uniformly in the car buretor and is completely consum ed "In the cylinders, so that car buretor adjustments are unneces sary and there Is practically no fuel-dilution of the crankcase oil no matter what the weather.- ; Immediately after the news papers carried the advertisements announcing this new. product. dealers everywhere experienced exceptional increases In their gas oline sales, and the big demand by -the -motoring -public made it necessary for the Standard - Oil Co.,' to press into service every available piece of their , delivery equipment in order to supply all their dealers with this new pro duct. The demand; for this gas oline which is already felt is a strong indication that a special product to meet : specific winter requirements, has been a long-felt need. . ," Superior DeLuxe Touring, ; 780 ' F. O. B. Salem , Superior Utflity Coupe, CDSO FO. B. Salem. Quality Fhoze 1CC0 ' I y - -J' r n I t r y SuperiorSedant ' t FjO.-B. Salem IRISH AUTO PAPER PRAISES CHRYSLER "T. K. Ti" Widely Known Irish Auto Authority, Jells of Chrysler Europe apparently has taken the Chrysler Six to its heart equal ly ; as much as .has America, Chrysler Motor corporation ' offi cials say, Judging from . reports reaching them from those coun tries abroad in which the car has been introduced. v;. -- s "T.K.T.," widely known Irish automobile authority, writing in the Belfast: News Letter, one of Ireland's leading Newspapers, has this to say of the car: "I hinted last week that the new American Chrysler was ex pected in Belfast. It is : here. and I have had. a run. I expec ted to find it a very fine car, but the reports of its performance did it scant justice. On the road I was impressed with the fact that it was the finest car I have ever driven or, been driven in, irrespec tive of price. - , .: w. "The engine Is undoubtedly a masterpiece. Thirty-five to forty miles an hour can be maintained right up the Horse Shoe, which is a fair indication of the car's power on hills. "The most remarkable part; of the car is the fact that were it not that the speedometer is in front of you, when travelling at 40 miles an hour you would feel certain that the speed was no more than 25. And so fine is the suspension that the roughest roads can be travelled over with out any ' sensation of discomfort. At 55 miles an hour the car ap pears to be just getting into Its stride, and there is a complete ab sence of vibration of any kind There is not a trace of hesitation when the -throttle is " suddenly opened to the fullest. The speed increase ts also steadily-maintain ed over the entire range of throtle opening. , "Readers will possibly - have gathered from past references , to hour-wheel brakes that I am not enamoured of them. ButT really for the first time enjoyed using the four-wheel brakes on the Chrysler. They are free from all Jar and work like velvet. There is' a reason of course. They are hydraulic. Therefore compensa tion on account of one of the elementary laws of the science of hydraulics must be perfect. There are no rods to break and rattle: the braking power applied at each wheel must be equal and propor tional to that exerted by the fluid compressed. It is comparatively simple to arrange matters that sufficient pressure will be applied to the front wheel brakes to af ford the fullest retardation effect without danger of locking them, and it follows that once this hap py result has been arrived at this adjustment is not like to alter.' In fact, T cannot see how the com pensating principle can be deran ged. In use these brakes are a revelation of smoothness af action combined with powerful opera tion. They add to the delight in driving a car that apart from braking ability is quite out of the common." Says Free Service f . 4 Costly To Buyers '(Continued from psgs 1)' could be done only by raising the list price of the car and this they refused to do. "So, under Dodge Brothers pol icy, the buyer pays ONLY for his car. , "Under the so-called 'free ser Tice policy, erery owner pays a maintenance fee for the upkeep of every other owner's car and he pays this fee In advance. "Under Dodge Brothers policy, the owner is not so penalized. - He pays a fair, pre-determined price for.service, but he pays only as he needs It and he pays only for his own. i "The logic of the proposition is perfectly plain. That is why most people hare no difficulty in un derstanding why 'free service is not as 'free' as it looks, and that our charges . are . entirely reason able and . wholly : justified . by the principles under which the car was sold. Increase 'Comfort 'And Greater Power (Continaea from page 1) automobiles, or 1 to every 100 persons, fcut the one Wg, mass production manufacturer of pran ce, making a light moderate priced car, 'advertises that he is turning out 300 machines a day and will -produce 500 daily next year. . - r --. Little Real News Lurks in Formal Press Notices WASHINGTON, Not. 30. Newspaper correspondents 1 n Washington usually, are subjected to an avalanche of "handouts" as they affectionately term the form al press releases that come from organizations innumerable. . With the recent political cam paign in full swing, headquarters of the major parties kept their typewriters and mimeographs busy turning out copy, that appreciably Increased the flow of free Informa tion. - - ' ' The National Press club, which Is the focus point -for, the an nouncements, is unable to gauge their number. Organizations that send them in must .be authentic, but otherwise, the Press club says, no tab is kept. Practically all the government departments resort to -this system .to keep the public officially in fomed. Even the White House uses this ' channel ' occasionally. Sundry: organizations have adopted wi meutoa as tneir own. Units ror and against prohibition per iodically issue nrp nntlmn In fact, well nigh every national body represented here brings the rnanaaui" into -play when desir ing to 'Impart some tidbit nf in. formation. The Washington read enough of this material in a day to . fill a fair-sized , volume, and often get little real informa tion -for their pains. PRICES OF AUTOS Word Has Been Received of Three Makes of Cars Drop- pmg m Price I his Week The announcement of price re duction this week . by at least three different makes of auto mobiles has' caused considerable interest. Early In the week Henry Ford announced a small reduction. The new factory prices may' be round in this Issue of the States man. The . Dodge Brothers have announced a reduction but the new prices have not been announ ced as yet, but can be obtained from the local dealer. Bonesteele Motor - company. : The Forsell Hupmobile company have received word Uhat there wHl be a drop in the ; Hupmobile club sedan- and two passenger coupe of 1100 after January the third. France Will - Honor. Poet i in All Corners of World PARIS, Dec. 6. (By the AP.) A special postage stamp has been issued by the postal authori ties to mark the fourth; centenary of 'the birth of the . celebrated Frency lyric poet, Pierre de Ron sard, who was' born in September, 1524. . . :, , ' - The stamp, .which Is blue, bears the head of ' the - poet, with the dates 1524-1924. Its denomina tion is 75 centimes, thei amount affixed to letters going abroad, so it will' be seen around the world. The issue will be withdrawn from sale December, 31. ,.: . )' WEST INDIAN OIL STEADY PORT-OF-SPAIN, Trinidad, B. W. I., Oct. 31 (AP) The petro leum industry of Trinidad, started 19 years ago, has shown an in crease from - 368,934 ( gallons in 1905 to 106,780,531 .gallons in 1923. The total production dur ing this -period- of time, has been more than 688,000,000 gallons. Only twice has the steady increase in production been arrested, in 1915-16 and in 1919. - The exportation of erude and refined oil in 1923 amounted to 85,136,457 gallons. 1 fThese arc Company. fcortatioiL, j SEE 234 N. 0 inr flfiquimn nnimi iwmmmi Old Aristocrats Perform; Menial Work for Red Army MOSCOW, Oct. 26 . (AP) So viet Russia makes no secret of the fact that the Red Arm is a "class" army. That ls.1t consists' entirely of men from the ranks of the pro letariat. Members of the so-called "bourgeoisie' and of the old aris tocracy are excluded as officers or Boldiers from the army. Trotsky, the Red war minister, says such persons mast be regarded as' hos tile to the proletarian dictatorship, I! The new OalclanH Goach with Biqdylby FisHer Is now on display in our showroom. Its beauty and roomy comfort mark an advance in coach construction as impressive as its Jow price. The New Roomy comfort for five T Duco finish in Sagebrush ! Green with orange striping Luxurious upholstery Four-wheel Brakes One-piece V. V. Windshield A P R O D U C T igiir;'fLtitiittcp:o!aiv':c.An Y All Prices Reduced Effective December 2nd; the Ford Motor Company announces ! new low prices on all Ford cars a reduction of Twenty-five Dollars on the Fordor Sedan, and lower prices on all other types make Ford Cars even greater value than ever before. " NEW Runabout --rsrr r-:-frxxt7rrvvrorc-.$260 Touring; Car t.... ..... :.:..:. 290 Coupe --- i;::;!:"'.:: 520 iTudor Sedan . ;.:;;;;,.. . . .. 580 Fordor Sedan r::ro::; ij: 660 ChaSSIS " 4r ?;;!; ;;::7;i-itl:.J 225 Truck Chassis 365 5 gM Prices the lowest prices ever offered in the history of the Ford Motor1 ; JThey create a new standard of value for motor car trans ''' ,THE y .. Valley Motor Company High Street L T Calem, and cannot be trusted with arms. The-, services: of such men. how ever, are not permitted to go whol ly unssed. It. has been decreed Uhat the shall 'serve in what the Bolsheviks term 1 "auxiliary , labor groups", in the army. This means they must serve .the real Red Army ; soldiers. They - keep the barracks clean, attend the horses, repair roads,-supervise army mess es and do other menial , tasks, which are considered beneath the dignity of a real Borshevifc : soldier. The "labor broups" now include it t . r' i K Coach Features that are winning and holdinz good Balloon Tires Disc Steel Wheels Unit Instrument Panel Automatic Windshield Cleaner Automatic Spark Control Vick Bros. j i - High Street at Trade K L AN OF GEN E HAL PRICES ipF. B. . Detroit) many former princes, c,:. , erals, colontls, nobles, ani i of the old Imperial regiuia. FRENCH 13 ILTi PARIS. Dec. 5. (By the AP.) , The "Earl of Ypres, fori.a:y Field. Marshal .French, w ho ... ? i commander In chief of the Brit ish army, was taken suddenly i:i 4 while passing .through Paris today. After on operation at a hospital t surgeons reported his condition r. ? satisfactory. ; ..y.r' ' V; J ... .. A:" At factory will Controls on Steering Wheel Permanent Visor ; Rear -View Mirror Transmission Lock . Dome Light , Extra Wide Doors 34 inches MOTORS Oregon