Sunday ::on:;iNG, dece:iber vic24 of Mr.: W. ;H; Boyer. This -will be his first Sal em appea r an ca since assuming the directorship of the local MacDowell club. , - . -. Miss Dorothy ; Pearce will play the pSano accompaniments of . the evening while Prof. T. S. Roberts wirr preside at the organ. ; -; ' The personnel of the augmented chorus includes . Mrs. ; Ada Miller Harris,. Mrs. Grant iBonnell, Mrs. E. IT. ; Hpbson, Mrs. Ruth Johns XewmeyerMrs.C JL Kells, iSusari Varty, Mrs. J. C. Currie, Mrs. G. C. Bellinger,- Mrs. J. - L. Darby, Mrs. D. J. Ritchie. Mrs. P. H. Thompson, Mrs. C. B. Webb, Mrs. Martin . Fereshetian, Mrs. C. E. Bates, Mrs.' 'Mason Bishop, Mrs. T. H; Galloway, Mrs. J. E. Law, Mrs. G." VL. Sherman, Mrs.' Earl Simpson, Mrs. George E. Allen, Mrs. Evangeline Burlette Long, Mrs. " Mark McCallister, Mrs. Arth ur J. Rahn, Mrs. Merle Rosecrans, Mra. J. Chambers. Misa Esther mons. Miss Caroline Nerod, Miss Gussie Niles, Miss Nellie chwai. Miss Gertrude Eakin. Miss Lucille Jaskoskl. Miss Maxine.Bnren. Miss Rock, Frank Kellogg, Join C rington, P. I Peterson, F. Meyers, Clifford Ilulsey, E... Roberts, R. D. Barton. Jake Fu!. rer, John Moritz, Leslie Sprinrer, Vernon Tyler, II. T. Love and Dan Langenburg. h IN FRANCE " Marian Wyman, Don Young, Harry Hansen, Miss Alice Judd, MissTPI ersen. . Harry Pearcy,- Leonard Gladys Raffety, Miss Lucille jEm- Chadwick, W. T. Jenks. F. R. A Touching Story of the Scenes Witnessed and the Ceremonies Participated in by an American Norso in a liritbh. Hospital l . Jlehind the Front in the Trying Iays of the, World War. 4 . -. Tiin '"0?kHG0N'STAiX3:iAN,-SAL:::.v Oregon - (The following is taken from the December number of the Pad tic Legloa the copy ox a Salem subscriber; this being the orflcial publication of the American, Le gion, Department of Oregon:) ijurs. jranstman, .wno was an army nurs with 21 months ol overseas service, lived in Coqullle. Ore., following the . war, but her nusoand developed tuberculosis. contracted. during service, and she has been engaged In nursing him back to health for the .past year at Tucson, Arizona. The follow ing sketch depicts the Christmas holiday arranged by the American nurses in a British hospital, back or tae lander front In-1917.) Having charge of a British hos pital and being behind a British front our patients were almost all British English, Scotch, Irish, u elsh. New Zealanders, - Austra lians, Canadians and South Afri can3. Coming from such different points, of the globe they were very different ,ffora ,each other and most of all different from our own American boys, one of whom did occasionally drift back to. as; for, Laying the only American staff ttereabouts, the, American boys on tri2t iront were sent back to our Now and then, we. came across an-American who had joined the Canadians and in our hearts there always a. feeling of thankfulness that, since misfortune had fallen upon them, they had fallen to our care, for no matter how much we rcis&t tare fop the boys of, other 1-nds, these were OURS, our very own. , , ' ' : The Christmas season wascom ius on , apace and great prepara tions were going forward to make t lose days as happy as possible fcr our patients. Then gloom fell fcr word .was sent .back to clear hospitals of every possible pa tint, for those higher up expect e 1 the Germans to launch a great c.ive with the coming of the holi '. j. j,i.s..-: -'. la accordance with orders the officers went; through the wards r.:irking every patient -unless he was absolutely beyond being mov-e- I either for England (the ever-l-Tged-for I'Bllshty") or for con t .Iescent camp, or for B. D. A. .:iich,i3 "bass detail active,': and T c aas , a speedy , return to the lines.- ; .. j- , : -'; -, , Cven' the I convalescent'- camp vcald'be a dreary place with an l?enco of i all attempts to make things, ji bit happy, and homelike i r these boys so far from home, f r there werefno nurse in -the c : svalc sceat .catnp3 and . only a ycry few doctors and orderlies,' for t-ts patients were supposed ' to i eel oaly a period of rest before t fit for active duty again. i ;rtr.ely "enough" even the pa- i. rats wno had won the much 1 -sired Blighty Were downcast be- c-iuse, or.the,fcig'.. our hDsjital . :a oecome the nearest thing to Lome they had known in a long time. if they ere sent. la-Eng-tiny would not have time to rtt leave to visit their homes for Cl rbtnaa and they would spend t:.a day in a strange hospital, arsons nurses and orderlies with v Loin they had; not had time to t come accustomed. And as I so cftea happened in those days, t?.ey would probably be sent to the very furthest point from home J tSat, even ft Visit fMm i hltma :fould "be out of the Ques tion. , . The, boys faces .were not the only ores that were sorrowful, for the question arose: If these boys vcre ,-ient away and no others tame to take their places, what would ,we do to- occupy our hands rr.i keep our thoughts from stray i T tor ard oar own , Jbonaeland. C arer,a thousand times since we left, her.? . ', " : Then came word that unless the f ctei drive took place and it a ma absolutely necessary to r Li hospital, none of the . 3 would. 'be sent away except their' own request. Faces irishteaed and fingers began to preparing the decorations to La used in the wards. Most of the wards were made cf four square canvas tents, connected by canvas covered eor rilors. , The tents, were double v. ith an: air space between bo that tLey were quite warm, especially ss there was a heater in each tent. Later vre found that these .tents, cr marquees, were not, nearly so crafty . as the wooden huts or I'resch barracks that were put up t j replace them.. . ; . Now ihe boys of eaea tent vied uiih each other to make their own ! rticu'.ar portion of the ward the ; -t attractive, : each . planning f:.c;r- own deqnrations. Iq one v ard the patient built a very In r r.',on air plane covering it with r.zy crepe paper. Thig was only cr ; of the forms their imagina t; i took. Cay crepe paper, cver f r "a branches and mistletoe vcre t v vy where. , . . . , ,. : J . . ame club or society of Ameri r i women had taken It "upon t h r. mselyes as their part of , the : m celebration ;., to. provide r c .ifort. bag for every patient in r hospital. ' . . ; The .bags which were given us - r our .patients. wo' emptied, div i tlie contents as evenly as - i could amor.g the boya, for ? cf. the; bags contained many u;a.nt . surprises,- while others i rre very ordinary. One. of the s had expressed the wish. for a .alh , organ. Fortunately there v ; 3 ono anions the other things that! was put aslda ,for . him. I i the .'same way we tried to see ' t each patient had some special v i h gt itified. or at least received ethlng especially nice. -Then ,wo put the things .into ' !rse ii -w socks procured from tbfj i Ck ;? and we ourselvca added, : cringes and apples. O .i ( luistmas morning' we fin I r :r work as quickly as po3--., t' one of the boys dreEed . , . ... , ..I,,., f jt. -v, stockings were distributed. There was much laughter and gay. chat ter over the gifts and noon soon came with its Xmas dinner. . . . The Captain in our ward had divided it into two parts, offering a prize to the half putting on the best program that evening,' so the afternoon passed in preparations for that event. ! ': I doubt it a single nurse took any time off duty that day, for we dared not give ourselves a mo ment for thought, for homesick ness, would have caught us in its relentless grip. j--' 'i In our ward we had been or dering Jello and caned fruit from the commissary for some 1 weeks. These were supposed to be used only for the sickest patient, who could not have general diet. But we had been getting it little by little and guarding it Jealously for this day. Eearly in the after noon we prepared this, , adding oranges and nuts to tne cannea fruits so that we had a very deli cious Jello for the boys that even ing. .This was especially accept able ''. as that" meal was a very sketchy affair due'to the time, energy and .the amount of supplies used on the dinner. After .the evening's work was finished we all gathered in one part of the ward and the program began.' It was very varied and showed much unsuspected talent. Chief, amoohs these, was a Scotch man, who gave a toast in broadest Scotch. Original poems were del ivered, songs of every variety were sung, but the climax of the even ing came when a young Irish lad of. nineteen sang; to us. . He had a strong sense of the dramatic and the 'picturesque. His i wonderfully developed body had suffered no loss of beauty even though he wore the very unbeautiful hospital suit. , His head was raised with infinite pride and. self assurance , and he looked like a young god ! as he. sang, to as in a voice like the deepest organ-a voice that gripped our" hearts and made us long to reach upward higher and better .things, h ; ; .. ; j - ..; It was a fitting close to a day each one of us patients, doctors. orderlies and nurses had spent trying to bring a bit of happiness to others, thereby brighteing the day for ourselves, f or i Happiness is a perfume you cannot spill on others without getting a few., drops on yourself." r ! t (, . 9 (Coatlnnad from p 2) Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin Blatch ford have as their house guests Dr Blatchford's brother and wife. Rer. and Mrs. Thomas Blatchford otliondon. Ont.; Rer.Ir. Blatch ford, who is a retired Methodist minister, arrived ' in Salem with Iii -wife -on - Friday. -evenlngr. and will remain until after the Christ mas holidays. . Mrs. Oscar Zeller ' was hostess for "a . deLixhtf ul meetinrr of the Adolynk club on Wednesday.. Mrs. Lawrence Imlah, was an invited guest for the afternoon, and also lucky winner of the high score. Refreshments followed the play ing. - , , i . The club group included i Mrs. Oral Lemmon. Mrs. Earl Paulsen, Mrs. Paul Chapler, Mrs. Armin Berger, Mrs. Jesse George, Mrs. George Nelson, Mrs. ; Reed Row land,' Mrs. James Teed, and the hostess, Mrs. Oscpr Zeller. ":; " :',; . Mrs. G. Ed Ross will substitute for Miss Nina McNary, teacher of the Baraca-Phllathea class of the First Baptist church, on account of the illness of Miss McNary. At the election of officers Fri day at the meeting of Hal Hibhard auxiliary, Mrs. P, 1L Thompson was re-elected president. appoint ing Mrs. Woolnert and Mrs. Ber- tleson to the respective offices of secretary and treasurer.. Other olt fleers named are: Senior vice president, Mrs. Carrie Chase; Jun ior vice president. Miss : Lulu Humphrey; chaplain, Mrs.'. Ruth Brant: conductor, Mrs. Percy Pugh; assistant,.ilrslda May. Sey mour; guard, ,Mrs. May Sammons; ; .assistant guard, Mrs., Mary Ray mond; patriotic instructor, Mrs. Marie Baker; historian, Mrs. Mary Miller; musician, Mrs; Walcher; reporter, -Mrs. Myrtle Adams. , Mrs. Hyde,, department presi dent, of "Hlllsboro, will e .present for the installation which will oc cur at the meeting on the first Friday in January. - ' ' . ....-,.. " . A number of Salem matrons were guests yesterday afternoon in Corvallis for Mrs. Josie Stewart's tea at the Phi Beta Pi house. . if. " , . ' f ; - .ChrLntmas musio has a charm that, none .can escape,; weaves , a ; Yuletlde spell that gives the mes sage Iq all its loveliness, and on Friday night of thi3 - week when the MacDowell i club " Christmas chorus appears at the First Pres byterian church all music lovters who love the Christmas season will have a treat in store. - ; - The soloists of the evening are to be Mrs. Arthur . J. Rahn, Mrs. Ada Miller Harris and Mr. A. A. Schramm. Mr. Schramm, a well known tenor coming here from Corvallis, who will be accompanied by Lucille Kuntz Schramm. The program will Include not only choruses and solos from the Messiah, ' but a group of 4. be most beautiful Christmas carols, of especial note among these being the lovely, Hymn to tho .Madon ca." The men's voices and the alto part, so peculiarly effective in the rendition of the carols, will c-jtasijriiuier $h? direction o Your Christina: World's Largest Chain Department Store -Organization , 4 -A 'K A NATION" wide ' chtcorporaUtl b 571 DEPARTMENT STORES Reliable Quality Goods Always ' at Low Prices 160 North Liberty Street, Salem, Oregon 1 u-o-vi ci :). -fsfrrtArii ..... 61 ,f 1(7 . N M onopmn, S S U J I, tQ)J JJrJLkUl ,r-' C. ,'r. .II i VJ .. ri 'j i v r - : ., vim i . mm?::? Cire practical gift that's a rood idea! Not original bVanv means.' ' Manv neonle have been coir. i it for yearaV . Gifts' that nil a particular heed are the rhoit appreciated,- They live a life of usefulness inVtsad of nierely. being appropriate for the Christmas season. See the many remarkable Hints for youn-j er.J cl J in variotis Departments Note, also, the prices, whichi considering-the high quality, are extrenrely Iov. our "Mama" Talldng 06lls The Kind Little Girls LoVe Best! ; The Most Lifelilie Dolls of All! ' 1 .. With so many styles jftf l3olJs hcreyoulcan find Just "tHe one yoti wznzn&Vsvmg; tobT Our quantity purchases make our prices lower. You can choose baby 'dolls which look and feel like real babies?'-"Or ; might prefer the ones with frilly dresses and bonnets ' or those in 'gingham aprons. 1 .k' " Some have painted hair, and , eyes,. while others have : real hair and eyes which open and close. All wear 'shoes and stockings. In height they measure from 1 3 li 'to 25 inches.- Nothing; cdiild please a little girl' more Uhan one of these dolls, for they can all say "Marr.a" See Our Splendid Assorimcni! Peif usiies - for Gifts In Holiday Boxes ; We have a large assortment of perfumes in various odors; in attractively shaped bottles of plain or frosted glass. In in dividual fancy boxes for gifts. 25c to$3.98 Gif5: Hdkerchiefs For Men, Women and Children Handkerchiefs are . practical gifts which s are , always t welcome. We have a splendid as ; sortmerit of ; all kinds, at the ..very lowest prices. . ; Many are in , dainty. gift boxes.' . For Women . Swiss Handkerchief, white and colored, embroidered and lace trimmed. Each . . .... . .29c to 45c Linen -Handkerchief a witlx corners embroidered in - white or colors. ' Kach . .... ,-.', . 15c to 25c Linen Handkerchiefs,, white or colors, hand embroid ered corners. Box of 3 . . . .25c to 91.69' Umbroiilered Handkerchiefs, ': all white, I colored, or combinations. Box of 3 ... 25c to fl.OO '.rj;--iJi'-;i For Men -ir.j.sJ "White , Cambric Handker chiefs, hemstitched hems. Each ....... .10c to 25c All Linen Handkerchiefs, hemstitched hems. - Kuch ....... .25c to C9c Imported Handkerchiefs x with cord borders. Box of 2 . j. . ... i .; .4c C1IILDKEX J lioys' .Handkert hiefs, whit with woven colored cordHi 2ach . ? t.. ... l. .v15c. Children's Handkerchiefs with colored embroidered designs in corner. Each .............. .5o Will. You, Give? This Store stands for"; the-.application . of . the! Golden Rule in all , its! dealings.; i We urge its applica-j tion in charity. Money 1 is needed to provide 40,000,000 sim ple meals for the father less children in America's care in Syria, Palestine Armenia and in Greece. ' Next Sunday will be Golden Rule Near - Eastl Relief Sunday thruout-' ' the country; , j ' " This Store will receive' Vour contributions all o next week for t h i s! worthy charitv. ' We will be ttA r' (nr. ward I your ? gift along wiih uur.own . J Gift Clocks Ivory aind Amber ... a Oocks , For Boudoir Dresser, and ; , . Desk ; : ; A Qock would make a useful and appreciated gift! Choose from our s h o w i n g of imitation ivory and amber clocks in various styles. Plain white ivory or amber, or the two combined. Good values at our low prices. 1.25 to 54.50 , ."SSnay" Sand Toys And "Bizzy Andy" Automatic Toys v "Sandy ,Aiy". AotomaUc SJ Toy, suit able . for, indoor as well as outdoor i tJay. .A supply of clean, dry, white ' sand in .a friction lid can is included, and the . carton in which the toy is packed opens, flat to form a tray to . hold the sand...... ..-..,1. 89c Panama! Pilo Driver, oper- -,BSKSri ' "Bisry AwfyTTrip Ham mar, a toy IQli inches high, .with .six warbles in a .. chute which will . : start the hamt , i mer . pounding- , , on the anvil.'. .49c "Bisry . Andy . Junior" operates auto-- . t . - t . . niaiicaiiy oy wcignc pi cigm maroics which: are .furnished with the. toy. " Seven inches high when set up... Over and Under, an automatic .toy fc with a race car which runs down j an upper incline, drops t a lower track and runs to the end. then , reverses andis raised to the incline of another trip.....:.......... .... l. - . ates automatic ally by the weight of twelve ; marbles h which--are furnished with the toy. Height, inches 16 ......98c MJ In Fancy Gift Boxes A. i - - w - -m i. Stationery is .always an acceptable gift, for it is use? ful and .attractive, . Our. as , t sortment ia f ncy gift boxes is. varied so that .selecting from it is a pleasure. And 'ourj?ricest for the jquality of . the" stationery, are remark ably low. A Wicta Assortment! 19c to $2.98 - -1 Paris Garters 4 Boxed for GifU es lien will appreciate useful gifts such as these, in X attractive - Christmas boxes. Paris Garters in wide weaves with single or double grip, some with ami bands to match. In a variety of colors. t Low Priced! 29c to 8Sc i At a Remarkably '-Low". thrice- ' See these. high cfualityv "Shirts , to appreciate them. New Cannetfe Stripe Patterni A f large assort ment,'- carefully ' selected" from the season's ; h o ! c e stripes. Full cat; perfect fitting; full square tails. " Indeed . a his value'at ' : -r " .'.ear-, -.u - Gift Books Of Popular Fiction - Give books for Christmas gifts.' We have a good as sortment of popular coprlght fiction-which we are able to offer at a remarkably low price because ot the large quantity bought for our stores. Only v 69c Gift Jewelry In Velvet Lined Boxes Jewelry which would make, appropriate gifts . for men.. . and . women, in a. good, as sortment to choose from. In- -eluded ar such .articles as v Jiffy Links, soft cuff - loop fmks,tie holders.,scarl pins, linger!- class,Abar pins and beauty pins. Good valuer! ,21c to 1.98 Varin "Liufilcrs Make AcceLIs CU We - have an assortment of the smartest new Muf flers which are being worn now by both men and worn-'-en.v Why not select c.-.e or . more of these for gifts? They are excellent values. Fibre Ksittcd I luTTirs in color- combinations -for women.. 9Se to $13 FiW Kaltted Manr , for men. .11X3 mnd $13 . WoI -d -Pure -Vor". stedTiuCrs lot men and women, , . COC: to r i.c Silk Hose Uqt &ix is Excellent Values to Ghoose From! Silk Hosiery is always popular for gifts, and our values in hosiery will make it worth your while to pur chase here. You can select from the season's most wanted shades'! Women' Silk Hose, 12 strand pure thread silk, with mercerized garter top, heel and toe. Pair, . ' .-V Full Fashioned Hose, pure thread silk 20-inch.boot with lisle garter top and jcin forced heel and toe. Pair, $L19 W Ii; t tt r - .-i i A-Mm L l I 1 r i I t t i i