"THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM. OREGON SUNDAY- MORNING, DECEMBER 7, 1924- m'ie Hi i - 'w yr w t --v-w- r LI! ' BAPTIST i l.!l.riy and Marion, Rv. rnet H. P.liank, pastor. Bbl- school ati :45. lir. Kcl Kcbanka, iSup't. Morning wor it 11. Sermon, "A da; With the JUater." Anthem, "Rejoice Ye With Jfruaaleoi." Pa.. Violin aolo. "Cava tma," Schmidt, Mis Helen Seli. So- itv iiri ix ion vice . v J Harris, Mra. Karl Fearey. Young - - 1 . : . . l . j i f - t " mmiiiK j b d;ou p. in -, iru u jr iiroup t. Kvenia worship at 7 :30 p. m. Sermon, "'The Windows of the- Soul. .S nt hew, ; "Some Bleased Way." Yrolin solo, 'Berwune,'; Oeorice Trin kana, Mhi Selig. 80 lo. Selected, Walter tv. Jenki. Tha church that welcomes ranger. - : 3 CATHOLIC i Rev. J. It. Bark, pator. .glasses at :3, 8:iM and 10:30. Last mass is a liiKh. nas with sermon. Uendictioi at Sj: p., m. ; Everybody welcome. - If present indications mean anything. rutiima will be ushered a at the CUi- nlic churrh on a greater acale than aver Wfire in the history of the parish. There will be a solemn high mass at midnight, llhristma eve, at which the beautiful St. reter's tnaas in F will ba. sung by a mised' rhoiri The' offertorjf, "Adest Vrdt-lie." will be sung by a male quar tette, a will al a prelndei "Silent vi:?hU' at :00 'clock Christmas morn- a fhildrm'a mast will be ni hy the , y-ademy choir and another high man st y will clone the masses for the day. There will be eight masse in all daring Uie day. All friends, whether. Catholic or non-athotie wU be weU-onic the ss tjjr. Father Uuck, hss announced. . f " r CHRISTIAN J. Center and liijrh Streets, J. J. fcvana. minister; Miss lisUie Mitchell, mission- v. The Place and Tower of Iraycr v. ill be the pastor's morning" sermon top J; evaninav "A Pro-nise Fulfilled,", Th. evening discourse will be a continuation f notable incidents recorded ju Acts of Aoostles. The Bible siSmjuI - meeW, 9:45. The men of . the , church are In-W-refted in the Krerymsn's cla for men st the Bligh theater, : 30 a -m.- The young people meet at 6:30-in the church parlor. The, young people meet at 6:30 in the church pariet. We aim to spiritual values in all one serf ices. V el- 1 The men tJ the church will hold a fel I'wehin dinner at the chnrefs n Tuesday esening. Melt cooks, men. waiters, men sfctertainert men of the- church tske school at Q.'tMK In'. ADivine serrlce.jn Ueruian at IU:3D a. nr. ; Young peoples meeting at 2:30 p.- m. 'Topic, "What Jesus aid About Jf'orsiness." There wm be no evening service.- The Iiorcaa society meets on Wednesday st 2 p. m., with Mrs. W. .Miller. 12ea N. Commer cial St. Meeting of 8undu- school teach ers on Thursday at -- :3d p. m. . Bible school conducted by the pastor on Sat urday from 9-12 a. at. PBXSBYTEBIAK. Os Church St.. between Chemelceta and Center Sts., Ward Willis Long, turn' ister. 1 9:30 a. m. Sunday school. H. K. Bsrrett, Sup't. The Meii's Bible Class and the Tii-C class which have been meeting at 'the Woman' club building will meet in Kigdon's parlors, southwest corner Cottage nd. Chemekeat St 5.. east entrance. 11 a. m. Morning worship, sermon: "Is Not the Body Afore Than Haimentf by .the minister. The choir will sing, "When Jesus i Was a Little Child." Tchaikovsky. Organ numbers; "Grayer," - 1-emaigre: tt "Oansonette," Bines; and "Fostlude." Ptern. '2:a( p. in. intermediate mission study elass. 3 p. in., junior society directed by Miss Wulni sley and )fis Uavis. 5:HO p. m. twilight social hour for the yodng people of the church, , ;30 p. m. Christian , Endeavor societies and 'adult study1 class. 7::!0 p. m. 1'opular evenitng service. Congrega tional sing, special music,' and Bible lec ture "Klijah." by Dr. John -Seror,- of rhautauqua fame. The public cordially invited. ..- i , ' UNITED BRETHREN FIRST Corner 1'Jth and Mission Sts., Sunday school 10 a. in. We have effici ent teachers, onr school ' Is growing in numbers and interest, bring your children. .Preaching 11 a. m.. subject. "The Orest Commandment," special singing. - Even ing service. Christian Endeavor tt:30. top ic, "In His Step. What Jesus Said About Forgiveness. (Consecration meTting.) Leader, Kev. K. B. - Puling. We have a fine bunch of young people, who will make it interesting and give yon a hearty welcome. The, young are especially in vited to this service. J Kvsngelistic ser vice to begin at 7::0, svbje-t, "The Man Born Blind." Prayer meeting, Wednes day evening at- 7:30 in the young peoples room in rear of church, Mrs. Iliday, class leader. Yon are invited to all of these services. This is the church- for strang ers and you will receive a hearty wel come. Call ' on ns. C. W. Tibbet, pasr tor. : noive. - . COKGREGATIOHAL 1 FIRST Liberty and Center Sts.. 'W. C. 'ainner, minister. Sunday school witfc asnes for all agea at 10 . ComP; nt tenchers; 'increasing attendance, e A i 1 1 r.. vau Ibt I MeCal- er. Snp't. Morning wosshij 11 a. m rmon sbject, The eoeiai , ce " ' Christian Endeavos. 6:30 p. m wJeri Floyd, Albin. f:30 p.-m-r ft- e worship. The aervice will be intro-..-ed by a musical program by the choir niosistki of choice aeleetions of the beat ,,.ic. Brief addresses by the P""'; Beltihasrar'a Last Night."; Prayer icetiiig, Thojrsday 1 :30 p. m. CENTRAL South Jflth ; and 'Ferry, 'rnry W. Uoknson, minister. Sunday hool and morning worship at IO . -evotions Wby the young PPj" -l0:20. Classes. for - Tr'hirJ.; s:20. A worshipwrTcnf idress as 1V. - Toe every member nr.. w.ft begin at 2 p.m. with a meet I of the canvasers, at the churchy After -ief instmetions from the canvas direc T. Mr. Klbcrt Pewellrth- M go , each, of itae homes pi the TMirlsh, niin r to Taee all daring the afternoon if e wi t meet, and Robert Asbby lead the 'wio At 7:30. Preaching servtee d. music by the choir. On 1 Wedne. T afternoon at 2:30 p. m. U the. L of the Ladie. Social Circle of Cen a church are wanted at the .. eettne and election, of officers. Ihe eetinl will b. held in the church. 1 . . CHRISTIAN ' ' , Christian-ad Missionary Atltance, Tab; ' Bacle - Ferry - .treeU Sunday J, ,en with Sanday chooV at 2 P- l.u" . ?or .11 ages. The latter part cl the andar sehool hour there will : Je an act res. Jesus' Journey in P"!"5". e claeea thit 'are now occupied n the m.P land by the Missionary Albam reaching service 3 p. ns. Subject "I" th Heights." K venin g .VJ q 0 The Christian Evangelistic. E. U. eterson wUl prech from the test Jesus srlsT the Same Yesterday Today and Heb. 13-8. Evangelist Peterson ?U rondict service, every ight through t lha weak, ia the ta'-'fjo , he f elear Seriptsiral mew.ge. ( . episcopal - ST PAUL Church at ChemeVeta, Rev. ID Cambers, rector. The Second anday in Advent. Holy Eucharist at i tsTin th. chapel. Church chool at -45 .The second aervice will ho at 11 I ' m':,- and will be a c ebrat.on of the ioly Eucharist with spec.al mwm. bJ iested choir and a sermon -by the ree. 'TrrAU -'..most cordially ese services. .The jan.or Y. P. F. wtU ,eeV in the parish house at 5 p. m. The enior branch will meet at same place at Tb AH yo" people are invited to ,ee societies. The monthly meeting of ee??y will be held On Monday even in. tue rector's study at the sual out. j 1 i -r' ' ' -: ) v r t rRIENDS cnrTH SLEM Corner 01 Contmer V.Ind AVnington Sts., Carl F. od ,?nnie .:Miller, ptwm. - Sunday school 0 a.,m Carl E. Miller,. Hup t. Our hoof is rawing An attendance rest. V,vKip 11 a. m. The right -d of fci owship witl he grven to soma , w members st the cioe of the orn r service. ' Christisit endeavor :30 p. " Kid week prayer Uog Thursday f-30. Womsus missionary society will et at the home ot Mrs. J. Rsy P"br it 1455 8. Commercial street. Friday p. m.f Xrifej Edmundsoni.wUl teach the sen. .- V y '' " CTHTRCH OP GOO ' 1S46 X, Church; St. J. J- Gellesple. astor Mrs. Wslter Bsrkens, snperin- ndent of the Sundsy school which con net at 10 n..! witJl nitable classea r s'll grsdea ef scholsrs. . Presching rvlee 11 a. m, mojwi;-- " ntiquity.". Young peoples services m. Song -services. testimony and -caching service 7:30, subject: "Present 4y Conditions." Prayer aervice Wed--lesday evening 7 :SQ. . : " , " - ' XTJTHERAST : - - " I CHRIST EVANGELICAL State and ith Sts..' C Koehler. pastor. Sunday iPHLVSIffl liEHiS sulphur - -4 1 "ply Sulphnr Told Wlien i'our bkln Breaks Out. k Any breaking out ot tbe skin on ice, neck, arms or body Is over Sme quickest by applying Mentho ilphur. The pimples seem to dry sht up and go away, declares a )ted skia specialist; V v I Nothiag ha3 ever been found to ike the place of sulphur as a pirn 's remover. It Is harmless and -expensive. Just ask any drug st for a' small "Jar of '"Rawle? entho-Sulphur and use It like Id', cream. -Adv. ' i y v ' . , TOKIO, Not. 3. (AP). The oyo KIsen Kalsha will shortly mpleta a new 18.000-ton steam Jp, the Bokuyo Maru, for its ser ce between the Far East and the est coast of South. . America, by ay of an Francisco and Mexi n rorts. Tfce new vessel will ke her first crossing In Decem- TJKITARIAK Cottage and Chemeketa Rts Rev. Mar tin Fereshetian, minister.' Church school at 10 a. m. (i railed instruction. Class for adults conducted by the minister. AU are invited to bring their questions con cerning 'matters of Teligion wnd then join in the discussion. Devotional services at 11 a. m.,- subject of the sermon, "The Seal t'pon the Heart.", Oelden - Rule Sunday will be observed.! The president Of the United States and many eminent map nd women in this country and Can ada ere in favor of Ihe special obserrane of this dsy. "By their fruits ye shall Jadge them,'" is a phrae Shat ia used very often. Does religion as a whole and Christianity in particular meet this test squarely f Theso are the questions Mr Fereshetian- will ask and try to ans wer. Appropriate songs for the occasion . wH be given and Mrs. M. Fereshetian will offer as a contralto solo, Mendels sohn's great work, "And th" Lord is Mindful of- His Own." ; Mrs. W. A, Den ton st the orgsni The psychology class conducted by Mr. Fere'-hetian will meet at the parsonage very Thursday evening at 8 o clock. All are welcome to this elass. - ' 1 . " ! " ! ' - 1 - 1 -' - EVANGELICAL ' C. C. Poling. Minister. Regular services Sunday, Dec. 7 Preach at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. by the pastor: subjects: "Fol lowing Hard' After God'' and "And a Message From Cod." Ssnday school St 9 :45 a. m. Christian Endeavor, both Senior and Junior st 6:30. Midweek ser vice Thursday evening. To all these ser vices the public i is invited. ' Come and enjoy the fellowship with' the people and the Lord in worship -Chemeketa ' street. ' FvW Launer, psa- tor. Sermon at 11 a. to. Kutnect ' in JCnd of a Wicked Man." Sermon st 7:30 p. m. Sunday scnooi iu a. m. uur school is preparing a Christmas program. It is expected to be one of -the bet the schcol ever trave. " Theda Martin will lead the Evangelical league at 0:30 p. m. The subject will be "In His Steps." Annual meeting of the Evangelical league will be held Teusdsy evening. Sermon at Au burn, at 3 o'clock. Rev. G. L Lovell will preach Sunday, December 14. Prayer ser vices Thursday . evening, Howard Olsen, class leaden. ! , METHODIST i 'FIRST Corner Stat "and Church streets. BIsine E. Kirkpatrick. minister. This church is here to serve you, and we Invite yon to warship with u at all of our public services. Class meeting 9:15 a. m. in ttie nortnwest corner room aown stairs. Sunday school -9:45 a. m 11. V. Shanks, superintendent, s Classes for all age groups. - Morning worship, 11 n'elock. The chorus choir of iSO voices will sing special numbers nnderi direction of Prof. E. W. Hobson, with Prof: T.' 8. 'Roberts at the organ. The pastor will preach on the snbjeet. "The ''Bible and its Use for Today." Epworth leagues meet at B -.30 o'clock. Clarence Oliver leads first chap ter; Martin 'Anderson leads the second, and Harriet Clark leads the third. Alt youn g people are welcome at one ot 'these meetings. - Evening service, 7:30. -The' speaker will be Miss Kuth Field, who will speak on her experiences and work in India. Her year'a furlough will soon be up, and hr many friends in this her home church will want to hear her story. Don't miaSj.it. - ' i --. --. v . , ; JASON, LEE' MEMORIAL The church with a warm welcome for strangers, cor ner North Winter and Jefferson streets. Take the North Commercial street car to Jefferson, rvenue. Thomas Aeheson, pass tor. Leroy- ;Walker,- a-ssistsnt i. charge of the Junior church. The peblie i very cordially invited 4o shade with this con gregation in the following services on the coming : Lord's Day; School of Religious Education at 9:45 a. m. with classes for all ages, aad a splendid opportunity for intensive Bible staly. Two services of public worship at 11 a. m. In the audi torium John Seeer of Pendleton will preach. Rev. Secor will give five dra matic lectures this coming week at the Fisst Presbyterian church on "Ben Hur" A tale of The Christ.- by Lew Wallace. We are fortunate indeed to have this noted or esc her and lecturer with ns for this hour. - Rev. Wslker will preach to the junior Church . downstaira at the same hour. YoMBg people 8 Id 13 years of sgc invited. , Yonng people's devotional meet ings at 6:80 p. m. Intermediates and seniors meet in separste rooms.: Every service . is - of outstanding interest. If you want to get acquainted be present at this hoar.; Public service of praise at 7:30 p. m. ' Good fellowship, good music, and goanel preaching ( make this a ser vice profitable te all. Everybody invit ed to bring a neighbor along. Rev. Walk er will preach. Thel . junior and senior churches meet on! Thursday evening 7:13 for a service of devotion and study. A fine time assured. Public welcome. School of Religious Education at 4 p. m. Thurs day. " Children of school age welcome. Parents f re invited to cooperate. - This being Godea Rule Sunday, this churck will observe the progrsm suggested by the Near East Relief-headquarters, r - ' i ' 1" '- ' GERMAN Center and'lTth streets. A. T. Hilmer, pastor. The Sunday school st IO o'clock offers a splendid opportunitr fori the lesson study i a both German aad English languages. Young and old wel come. ' At 11 o'clock the German service will center on the subject. "Christ Above AIL" Th evening service at 7 o clock, with an interesting theme for study fol lowed by preaching services. - All evening services are in the English language. LESLIE South Commercial and Myers streets. ' H. F. Pemberton, pastor. This chorrh invites you . most cordially to at tend the .following services. Sundsy srhoel st 9:45 aast leA. Rhoteu, -supt. A working organir.utioa of well graded classea for all ages. A place Tor wont. a Epworth leagues meet at :30.- The In termediate league in Leslie hall and the Senior league in the church. .All ..young people are welcome and will enjoy this hour. Morning worship, at 11 o'clock Sermon subject: "I believe in the Bible." Kvening meeting at 7:30 Subject: "The Cross end The Convert." You will find excellent fellohip and"; a neighborly greeting; yon wiH enjoy the excellent mu sic and the gospel preaching. . Come with us. . Make this your church. Strangers ttad visitor will find a heart welcome. SCANDINAVIAN T5th anil Virf Pft. Patrick liahlin, pastor. Sunday school in a in.. Oust - Andersoiir superintendent. Morning worship 11 a. : m. ; 1 Epworth league p. m. and evening 'service 8 p. m. On Toesdiy at a p. m. Ladies' Aid have its montlily meeting in thn church. HoMie will be Mrs. W. Clare. Tliurs dsy might at : prayer meeting. u are all cordially invited. . . , r MARKET STREET FREE Corner of North, Winter and Market KtreeU. Rev. Mortimer G.. Clarke. pastor. Sundsv Sunday school at 9:45, Dr. Frank S. Schuta, superintendent. Classes lor ail sizes and ages manned by consecrated teachers who believe the Bible to be God's word. Preaching hours are 11 and 7:45. Class meeting of the old Methodist type in the main auditorium at 12:15, Mrs. Ida Garrett, leader. The meeting of the Jun ior missionary meeting , at 2:30 in charge of Mrs. Ethel 1L Clnrke. tounc People's meeting at ;30, Miaa Mart ha- Jaquet, lead er. 1'rny er ana praise service at 7::t0. Kverybody enjoys the service.! Cottage prayer meeting each Wednesday evening at 2 o'clock-at the' home of Mrs. Caro line Jackson, 14f3 .N. Winter street. The regular prayer meeting of the church is en Thursday evening at 7:S0. i The pas tor preaches Sunday morning on the sub ject: "Travailing for Souls, the Lost Art in the - Church." - In the evening there will be in evangelistic service: a usual, with an evangelistic, message by the pas tor. You are invited to these services and will enjoy the splendid spiritual at mosphere of this church. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Sunday school room of new church building, corner of Liberty and Chemek eta streets. Sunday morning services nt 11 o'clock, Snnday evening at X. Sub ject of lessen sermon, "God the Only Cause and Creatosv" Sunday school at 9: SO a. m. Wednesday evening testi monial meeting at 8 o'clock. Keading room 209 Masonic Temple, open every day except holidays and Sundays from 11:15 to 5:30 p. m. All are cordially invited to our services and to our reading room. MISSION FCI.L GOSPEL 2S1 Mission St, Ralph J. Bullock, : pastor, phone 1439 W. Serv ices Sunday 2:110 p. in. Bible study 7:30 p. m. Evangelistic meeting. Tues day, Thursday and Saturday . nights at 7:30 Bible study and prayer meetings. You. are invited to attend then Apostolic ronpel meetings. '"Sanctify Them Thru Thy Truth; Thy Word is Truth." John 17:17. We should not be deceived by a one sided "sanctif (cation. " It; is as necessary to renounce error and walk in additional light of truth as it is to "grow in grace." R.-ail 3 Peter 3:13; 1 John 1:7; Eph. 5:56, 27. v. . , GLAD TIDINGS We will Join In an evangelistic campaign nt the armory be ginning Sunday at -2 :.'!0 p. m. Services every: nieht next week except Monday at 7:30. Meetings to continue until Sun day evening. Ilec. 14th. Evangelists II. Hansen .of Kelso, Wash.; Otto Olsen, re turned missionary from Pekin. China, and . R. V. Ballard of New York Citv. will speak. R. V. Ballard will toll his life story. He was once a dope addict and infidel, burned 16 churches, 40,iOO Bibles. booze fighter, white slaver and convict. -He was paralyzed for t'ive years. He was converted and healed in answer t. prajrer.. Hear him tell of this miracle. He has been with Billy Cunday. Mrs. Mc Phersoh. Bud Robinnon and lr. Price and many others.,,. A. soecial heaiinr service will be held on Wednesday night, Dee. 10th, Everybody invited to these meet ings. You will want, to hear men of God and their wonderful experience. . c ' '. .. -. ' Ministers of the city attention! A ses sion of the Ministerial association will bo held at the City library on Monday morning beginning at 9:3Q. (Pleaso note the hour.) At that hour C. C. Thur ber, a Near East Relief worker recently returned from the field will be the guest of the association and will give an ad dress on present conditions in the Near East. No appeal will be made for funds, the purpose of the address is educational. Information reaching us ahead of - the speaker ia to the efect that none of the preachers can afford to miss it. Others desiring to hear the address are wel eome. At 10:3 a. m., the regular bus iness meeting and scheduled program of the association will be taken up. A large. t-ftendsnra is desired, end a profitable meeting assured. The City Library is lo cated' otFtHer corner of Hi ate -end -Wietcr streets. .. .. .. - 't- . I. B. S. A. International Bible Students Associa tion meets every Sundsy in Derby hall, corner ef Court and High streets fr Bi ble study, t Hours from 1(1- a. in. to 12 o'clock. Ezekial Temple study at 2:30 p. tn. You have a cordial invitation to worship with us. -.' NAZARENE ' .. Corner 19th and Marion streets, C. II. Hopkins, minister. ' Sunday sehool at 1:45 a. m.. W. B. Hardy, superintendent. Morning worship at 1 1 o'clock. Sermon by Rev. Mary L. Hopkins. Subject : "The Spirit Filled Life." .Young People's meeting 6:3a p., m.. Miss Hsttie Mijrgers, president, j Evening service 7:30. Ser mon by Kev. C. H. Ifopkins. subject:"The Great Purpose tf Christ." Wednesday evening at 7:30 prayer and praise service. Everybody welcome, HOLINESS ASSOCIATION MARION. -COUNTY The regular all day monthly mt-eting of the Marion Coun ty association will meet next Tuesday in the Nazarene church hear the corner of Marion and Twenty-first,' Kev., C. II. Hop kins, paston The service begins ! at 10 o'clock with preaching; at 10:30 by Rev, Edgar B. Minis" of the Highland Friends church.' Rev. P. W. Launer of the Evan gelical church preaches at 2:30 and Rev. C. C. Poling of the First Evangelical preaches in the evening at 8 o'clock.--' Hot lea and coffee will be furnished free and all are invited to bring their lunches and spend the day. These meetings are inter denominational in character and are grow ing in interest and attendance. Everyone is invited to these services. REFORMED BETHANY Corner of Capital and Marion streets. Sunday school IO a. in. No evening aervice. M. Denuy, minister. UNITED BRETHREN ' CASTLE CHA17PEL- 1 7tli land Ne braska Aye. Bible school at IO a. m., J. C. Wells, Sup't. Classes for all ages good , teachers and good singing. Come join us in the study of God's word. Preaching at 11 a. m., and 7:30 p. in. Junior intermediate and senior endeavor meetings at 6:30 p. m. Our young peo ple have interesting, helpful meetiuga. Bibb study and prayer service Tnursday 7::t( p. m. Ladiea Aid meets at the ehureh t Wednesday afternoon. Kev. J5. C. Mauer and wife return Saturday from a three week's meeting at the 2nd Church Portland, having bad good success. Let us give them a hearty welcome hoine Rev. Matter's sermons are masterly bnt simple, : Kvening sermons especially for young people and students. Come hear him. , ADVENTIST SEVENTH DAY Corner of 5th and Gaines Sts., N. Salem. Sabbath school at lu::;o and preaching at 11:3) a. m. This will be first service of the aunual week of prayer. It is sincerely hoped that all members will earnestly unite in seeking God for renewed blessings and guidance for the coming year. Several have been nsking for a lecture on the Sabbath ques tion. So Sunday night the pastor will j,'Witk on Uie KUIiject. "A Day of Rent, Why Not All Keep the Some Dayf Was It God Plan! Which Day Did He Sanc tify f" To encourage people to read their. Bibles the .pantr offer to give $5w to each person who can find one, Bible text calling the first day of the week, "The Lord's Day." or "Ther Sabbath day." 1 Bring the text or "come and see who does i King Jctnes or Donay ver sions to be used.) Old time song ser vice preredea tue lecture. Prof. I. C. Colcord will eive the history of "Nearer My God to Thee." 7:30 p. m. Come, brin-; your friends. SALVATION ARMY 1 Ha? I located at 2nd and State Street. Sunday morning holiness meeting at 11 a. m. , The afternoon and evening will be devoted to the young people as this is the annual corps Cadet Sunday, and the Cadets will be. in charge of most of the d::y's services. Sunday school at 2 p. n.v and all young people are cordially invited to attend. Young peoples Legion meeting at 6:15 p. m. Evenine song and preaching service at 8 p. m. Spend your Sundny evening at the Salvation Army. Knsi-n and Mrs. M. Sagert, Officers. First Baptist Church Liberty and Marion Streets REV. ERNEST IL SHANKS A. M. 'A DAY WITH THE MASTER." r.JUV'THE WINDOWS OP THE SOUL" A Fine Musical Program '. Comuiuiiion att Close of Mornlns Worship The Church That Welcomes Strangers ROUND THE WORLD ? - Evangelistic Parly ' . ,:'i' i " At The ' - SALEM ARMORY Otto Olsen, Hans Hansen, Ralph Davies Ballard Ballard was Dope Fiend, Infldei, Convict, Burned Bibles, - Churches, now Converted and has a Remarkable T Testimony of God's Power j t Was Deaf, Dumb and Paralyzed for Five Years and WAS INSTANTLY HEALED " : i : . L t ... . .-, . , ;..-": - ' ... .- A 4 BALLARD ; if' OLSEX rl . ' HANSEN- Beginning Sunday, Dec 7th to Sun.' 14, ; 1924 -very jMsnt (except Monday) 7:30 4 Sundays, 2:30-7:30 v Come and Hear Them . . ;pH) in the - -lp ll-as jL J- . (X 'Naa Vvl" - : . I . ;''': ifff ; The Ampico in the Knabe or in a more moderately priced, piano may- be easily purchased on convenient terms. We will accept your old piano in par tial payment. Prices $9$5 to $5000. A foot-power model at &45. - ' Would you like to express yourself in a Christmas gift children every day for many years to come? that will bring joy to your .At a touch of the finger the Ampico will bring the world's greatest pianists tq your room Levitzki, Munz, Orensteine, , Rachmaninoff, Rosenthal and a host of other supreme artists will play for your family whenever they wish to hear them.' . " ' Picture these delights day after day. Year after year ever new, ever alluring; imagine this master music played on the Knabe, that finest of all pianos and acli yourself this question: ' J ; ' ; .. - "What better; gift than this? At our store you may hear the Ampico in the Knabe-: tomorrow if you like. Hi aT -1711 rianosrrlay Grands Samples - Demonstrations Trade-ins ers- Instead of waiting to offer these Pianos after the holidays, we are doing so now to give this Xmas Sale an , extra value giving feature. Every one a great bar gain. The very low prices should appeal to those who wish to practice economy. $100 $125 $150 $175 $200 $250 $275 $300 $350 $375 $450 $500 Upright Upright Upright Upright Upright Upright Upright Upright; Upright Upright Upright Upright This BABY GRAND PIANO Piano Piano ....... Piano ....... Piano ....... Piano ....... Piano ....... Piano Piano ..... Piano ....... Piano ..I:... Piano ....... Piano -1 innd LIKE NEW Regular Prices $950 Now Reduced to $25 r is : : :- : "... - PHONOGRAPHS Very lat' Edison $110 $125 S15Q $200 $250 $295 $325 $375 est models in Victrolas, , Columbia and Starr Terms as Low as -' $5 a Month . 3 . USED PHONOGRAPHS $10, $15, $22, $35, $49$60, $75 up j - All makes. Terms $5 a month New IPIayeir Msiinios $295, $395, $495 Up .. !'-; s . . - Terms as Low as S10 a Month S i w .1- J We also have a complete stock of Records, Sheet Music,4 Band' Instruments and t. r Everything Musical GEO. i CD. WI r 432 -STATE STEEST Your Leading Music Dealer fcr 43 Years v