SATURDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 6, 1921 ;:'Classiffied eat ) THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON Salem s Gf M t I a A i FOR SALE Livestock O BOWS AND PIOS ft. J. HARVEY. Mac- -ay, Ore. ; 9 d6 -VETERINARIAN r Phone 2028-W. DR. PATTERSON -41S 2 GOOD MILCH COWS Oitrawr frrsh Boon. Jsraay in March. J, O. Fleming t Independence Or.. H. So. 1 9d6 "fiED W. L'ANGE. VKTEBJN ARIAN Offica 430 8. Commercial. Fhona 119S fc R . Phoaa 1660. , a-m23U THOROUGHBRED AIRDALE PUPPIES. 5 and 10. Phoaa 1791-W9. 9 19tf WOOD FOR SALE 11 -BEST SECOND GROWTH FIR S; OAK 8; 18 inch. 9. CU 1131. ll-dSU 110 INCH BLOCK WOOD 3.75 Par Load 4 loada S14. Vhona 1879-W. H-d21 WOOD SHORT LENGTHS OB 4 FT COAL, bast qaaliy from $13.75 p ton p. Oraroa. ; UU'ft, r Rock Sprlnfa Prompt delivery. Pnono 1835. ll-aiOtf ie-IKCB OLD FIB 4 FOOT OLD FIR. saeoad rravrta oak and aaa. Pooa. lift. M. D. Mayfletd. Il j6t FOR 8 ALE DRT SECOND-GROWTH fir wood, 4 ft. For immediate deiiverr. Pneue 106, . . 4-fl2f BEST GRADE OF WOOD 4 ft. u4 IS inch. - Iry ar free mill wood. 4 Vtry seeend (Towta til. Jrr old ir. lr 4 ft. oak aaa aak. Ifotnpt delivery and rassoaabla prieo . FRED E. WELLS 180 Soata Charch. Phone 1548. UaStt INCH AND 4 FOOT WOOD OF ALL ktada, Prtaas reasonable and prompt WIwt. Phone lftAS-W. 11-atKlf , WANTED Cmployinont 13 EXPERIENCED NURSE WANTS 'TRAC tieal nursing, i References. Call 1520W 20W 13-49 r EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER Went H permanent position. Good refereoeea positioa M St a Addrmia HQ 13-a21t . WANTED MiaceUaneou. 13 . WAXTED FOR A NEEDT FAMILY A stove that will haka well, cheap. Phone 1647 W. r , k. 13-d7 )PIANO BUYER WANTS BEST SLIGHT ly used upricht or Baby Orand piano a ia Salem, State make, condition, and eaah price. - Address Stmt ton. Browns- nne, ure. I . ' 13-d7 ARM - CHEAP FOR CASH WALTER Corbet', Hotel. Gerrais. Oregon. 13-dlU W ANTED PRIVATE MONEY FOB . farm loans. We hare severs! spplira " t tons on band. Hawkins k Roberts, . Inc. 205 Oregon Building. 13-d4tf WANTED LISTINGS . Oa Bomea. .th priee must bo right. Wo bare the boTr. W. H.-GRABENHORST CO. Realtora f 275 State SL . 13-43 WANTED - MEN AND WOMEN TO take farm popor eabseriptioaa.- A good 4 prapociliom to the - right people. A4 dreao tbe Paeifio Homestead. Statea maa Bldg Salem, Or. WOO DRT THE AUCTIONEER BUYS maed furniture lor cash. Pheae 411 i3-atrtl oa--a-i 1IXXP WANTED Female 17 v i liADIES EARX $10 TO 1S WEEKLY at homo in (pare .time, addressing aad mailing our sheet mnsio and eiren-at letters. - Send 25e (silrer) for sampk anaaie and fan particaiars. Corona mo ale Roll Co-- 439 Ceatra Park, Kxtehao tr. N. Y. - - 17-d2 LOST AND FOUND 23 XXST UMBRELLA NAME "Letham" eograeed oa handle. Please return to , 22-47 Statesman. . WINCHESTER COASTER WAGON Stol k ea from 1890 Mill. No questions asked if rtnmM at onre. 22-d 7 PEUSONAIi 23 GET MARRIED BEST MATRIMONIAL paper publ Ohio. ubUaae&. Correspondent. To LOANS 24 WANTED -Loan ef $3,tKK ea good fsrm'oo eority, interest T. - W. H. ORABENIIORST k CO. , Realtors' 275 State St. 24-43 M WANT LOAN fSOOO; $1300; $TOO. . T. Lk Wood. 341 State St. 24-n30tf MONEY TO LOAN ON FARM PBOP ortf. Lowest rates obtaiasble. See Mr. IfeCurdr is Homer Smith's of fieo. Stooveo-Monro Bide. S4-a20U WOULD INTEREST YOUf IF Your sccsntr waa periees ana your prmetpei v abowing a certain Increase I -We hare oereral Ssleoi income properties '-for ' sals that are protect mi by good leases. They will net you 6 or otr with a 4 certain increase in raloe. Prom utmll bounes to Business. BMp. m BECK K HENDRICKS TT. B. Bsnk Bide, 24-naotf A . , REAL ESTATE City 23 .Own I Your Home 1TRST CLASS INVESTMENT New 4 room bungalow, basement, good lot. Knap $1850. I 23 acre farm ail In cultivation, good building. -0 acres fruit, stock, tools, feed. Near towa on paved road $6500. terms-, or exchange for resi dence. ''!- Iandy good grrwery store and fix tures, lease of bldsa. and living rooms. Money maker. 1 .--.-. 25 aero farm near Prstnra $1000. If you ! want to exchsnge city prop erty, sreaee or1 farms, see u. . j PERRINE A MAR&TERS I Commercial flub Bldg. . 23 dPtf iOOD VALUE 30OO BUYS A 5 ROOM . bungalow and garsse on Richmond ave- , nut. Krueger, 147 N. Commercial. ' Phono 317. 25-d6 Best Buys Hrocery business, t jOO : t SO acrea. 1 anile from Salem, $3950; terms. SO acres, flax land. $3000; terms. Grocery business $1250 all eaah, cheap rent. Went $2"00 loan on 3030 acres, im provements. Socolofsky 3(1 State St. . 25 d5tf fi ROOMS MODERN GARAGE. TERMS. ' Be. See at iikt J"". j ' S. Bank Bldg. 25 n25tf IlH.iness elock." Salem . $200,000 Ituildinx all furnished U....-....3.tH. Apt. house, good income . aao.rtno Apt. bnusp Close in. good $35.fMK Ant. house very close in.,.....$15.W Ant. house corner lot ... ...$tl.OOft fi! houe, great location 1 0,500 Wilt trade rood mortsage for Apt house or rooming bou-e. Ant. house close In : $l.f t.rc-e rooming bonse . -.. boue Msrinn t..... ..3.5' "nrnibed hoe close in t.7f 2 lune ints joining $7,.V0 'otirsctr look intt these lerpe cor- Dr ?r mi ef r,-'npit vnrpft vVtim"".; J. M. PAGE. Realtor REAL ESTATE City 23 NEW VOVK ROOM HOI SE AXD OXE hslf acre. Bath, toilet, ! electric light. garage, wood abed, oa good gravel st. 3 blocks to car, eae block to Pacifie 1 highway. This is a bargain at $1800; $400 down and balance payments. See J. A. MILLS 831 State St.. 25-d7 CHOICE , f$00O Businesa Corner -$8000 1 CHILDS BECHTEL 540 State St. 1 , 25 d4tf A NEW 4 ROOM HOUSE 1 BLOCK from ear line, $1800 with $200 cash. THOMASON 3314 SUte St. 25 d5 TESMS HOUSE VACANT 11750. Mots in. 1 BECKE ft HENDRICKS TJ. S. Bank Btttg. . ; ( ; 25 n23tf FURNACES IN THESE -4 HOMES, 4 to 4 rooms. Immediate1 possession on two. Down payment, then like rent $3500 to $4750. " , " 1 BECKE HENDRICKS ! TJ. S. Bank Bldg. ; ( 25 20tf MODERN HOMES That Are Priced Right $5000 Two story bungalow, 7 blocks Bush bank. $4000 Bungalow S rooms, Marion St. Good buy. s i 3400 Bungalow 8 rooms, Sorth 16th ' street. . $300i House 8 rooms.! only 4 blocks north of state boose. $3800 Two atory bungalow 6 rooms. aleeping porch. $2300 Cosy 5 room bungalow, $300 down, $20 per month. Terms ea nay of the above properties. If It's A Home See CHILDS BECHTEL 540 State St. i 25-d4tf $500 DOWN AND THE BALANCE LIKE reat will purchase a good remodeled five room house ia Yew Park Annex. Price .... 1 $2250 A. C. BOHRNSTKDT 147 No. Com' I. St.. Salem, Oregon. 25-d2tf HALF ACRE. SMALL HOUSE, TREES, water, sewer in street. , $900. Call 1 2237 Nebraska tie. ti " 25-d7" APARTMENT HOUSE SNAP! Well located en paved street and ear line. Price $6o0o , income; $85 per month. W. H. GRABF.NHORST CO. Realtors 1 -273 State St. l I. 25-d3 WE ALL DIO POR DOLLARS. i2Pt. , Look at 'this; 7 room house, lot 75s 150; garage, pared streets abundance o( fruit. Owner has to sacrifice. Make an offer. ! -. it"- Listen; good 5 room bnngalow. base ment, garage lota of trait. A snap at $3400. None Better; 70 acres all ia high state of cultivation. 1-8 miles of paved road. Surely a bargain at $125.00 per acre. Investigate this. You will have to act quickly If you want ' to choose a good acre tract ia "Salem Hiirhwey Traeta." Prices ranging from $400.00 op according to locaioa. ( We write Inauranee. RICH U REIMANN. REALTOR 4-5 D'Arey Bldg. Phone 1013. 23a23tf. ROOMS MODERN HOME GARAGE furnace, fireplace. Will sell reason able and terms. Quick ; possession. See at 1275 E street. BECKE HENDRICKS U. 8. Bank Bldg. 25-al5tf FARM TO LEASE, ' YOU BUY THE - stock, feed and equipments. Parma for city property, " Salem or '. Portland. , Eaatern farm for Oregon. Houses for sale with small payment :. down. . J'''- Houaes to rent, money to loan. For bargains or eacbengea. See BARBER. 200 Gray Bldg. ' i 23-n29tf 5 ROOM BCNOALOW. BUILT IN, BASE ment, garage, paved street, $270O, will take good building lots as part pay ment.! . . - Attractive old English borne, 5 rooms, ew, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, corner lot, $5500; $500 cash and bal . ante like rent. WINNIE PETTYJOHN Realtor , SIS Oregon Bldg. 25-a21tf 1 FOR SALE ' " Small house, good lot, $550. Five room bouse South 8a!em. modern, pav ed street, $3150. Strictly modern bun galow, largo living room with fireplace and buffet, oak floors.' A bargain at $5500. Nice four room bungalow $170O. 1 - T. L. WOOD 341 State St. i , 25 n30if REAL BUY SIX ROOM HOUSE AND bath, ea paved atreet. largo tut, east front, now vacant, distant owner. Price including paving paid. $1900: $4O0 cash, balance $20 per month nad inter est. Kmetcr, 147 So. Com'l. Phone 217. 1 25-dS CAN USE A FEW MORE EXCLUSIVE , liatings of rightly priced farms, stock ; and dairy ranches. A. C. BOHRNSTKDT ' 147 North Com'L tit.. Salem, Oregon. - t ' -: 25 ditf JCST . OUTSIDE 8ALKM M0DERS j home with everything, $4750; terms - Drapea. linoletuns, electrie range, etc BECKE A HENDRICKS TJ..8. Bank ldg. i 1 . . 25 n20tl I LOOK THESE OVER I Portland business property $10,000; eiebanje for Salem property. ' 2 room boose large lot. $500. 5 room bungalow n-4 acre- land in city limits, want residence closer in. Modern S room buaas!ow on Court street, sacrifice for quick sale. 7'4 arre suburbs a home paved road nap. $3500, want residence. For rent Modern 4 room bungalow. We can maeh your euehsnge. PERUiXE k MARSTERS Phone 907. Commercial Club Bid. - - . 25-n35tf TRIM LITTLE HOME llOO. TERMS like rent. Brand new and immediate possession. : BECKE HENDRICKS r. 8. Bank Bldg. t ; 25-n20tf YOUNG MAN WOULD YOU SOONER psy that rent money on a home of your own? If ao, come and talk it over with ,HARRIS. Entrance Masonic Temple Phones 795. 1912-J. ; 25-n27tf 2 ROOM PLASTERED HOUSE llnaib- ing. $1100. Terms will handle. Vacant and brand new. BECKE k HENDRICKS : TT. ft. TtunV ldr 4 "S-wStf MINUTE MOVIES AN "TRAVELOGUE 7NE. PCJ5 BIDDEN OF UBET PAPT one. REAL ESTATE City 23 LIST WITH BECKE A HENfAlOKS NOW. We have calls right now for two Urge homes of 7 to 10 roonu priced $3ou0 to $4500. Also for 4 and 5 rooms around $2500. Office 204-205 United Htatea National Bank Building. Phone 141.' 25-a20tf 8 &OOMS FURNACE $3500. ALSO garage. South. BECKE k HENDRICKS TJ. 8. Bank Bldg. 2 Vn20t1 BEFORE BUILDING Would it not pay you to see two houses 1 have for aale, very reasonably frieed, where the owners who are leav ng Salem would take oae or two va cant lota as part pay! No bunk or pad ding ia valuations in either aso. Call on Win. Fleming, 341 State St. for ver ification, i 25-n27tt 4 , ROOM MODERN IN OAKS. FUR nace, fireplace, garage, etc. Price $4350 and reasonable terms take. See , at 1275 E. St. ., BECKE A HENDRICKS TJ. 8. Bsnk Bldg. 1 25-n25tf FBIKTED CARDS 8IZK 14" BY 1" wording "For Sale, Enquire At" Priee 10 cents each. Stateawian Baaiauis -Of flee. Ground Floor. ; - , THANKSGIVING OFFEntNOS I Homes Businesa properties and trades. A good six room house, full basement. A bargain at $2700 or will trad for house ia Portland. A fine farm for good house in lent. A choice 10 acre farm near Salem. 8 room house, household furniture, all equipment, team of horses, one row, hay, grain, potatoes. A snap at $6300. A gennlao money making ' general store at Marahfieid overage income of $250 per day. Will eonaider some "' trsde. We have several good farms In the East to. trade for houaes in Salem. - Houaes and apartments for rent from two rooms up. Remember we specialise in trades. We get yon what yoa want for what you don't want. If there is anything in our line yon want it will pay you to see us. 3. F. ULRICII Successor to Moisaa k . Ulrick. 122 No. Com'L 1 S5n.23tf OAKS LOT TERMS. $1100. YOU'LL like tbie one. BECKE HENDRICKS U. S. Bank Bldg. 25nl5tf FOR SALE 5 ROOM llOUSB IX Good location. Very smell payment. Terms like rent. See Kletzing at the Ststea man. i 25n23tf. BEST BUY IN SALEM 7 BOOM house, bath, furnace, fireplace, gaa range and heater, garage. . cement walks and etreets. Walking distance. House ful ly carpeted. All for $5000. Terma. See owner 1153 Oak street. 25-dl2 EXCHANGE 180 'South Dakota; 240 Montana; 160 Harney county, Orecon; 320 Frank lyn county,. Wash. What have you. want car as payment on six room bouse at $2500. . Want lot or email acreage oa seven room boase at $2400. For aale nice 35 acre farm well located at $5500. F. L .Wood. 341 State St. 25-a30tf CREEK LOT 1 Well located. Vise 100x110 feet. Price $2150. . W. H. CRABENHORST CO. 273 State St. , 25-da 7 ROOM MODERN, TERMS. BECKE HKMiUCAS TJ. S. Bank Bldg. 23-n25tf S ROOMS. $4350 HAS FURNACE. Fire place, garage and large lot. See at 127$ E street. Reasonable terms. BECKE HENDRICKS r. 8. Bank Bldg. 25 w20t1 REAL ESTATE Trades 27 ? LOOKI We have a fine 8 room home with 2 nice lots, price $6000. Will trade for 10 acrea improved about same value. THOMASON , 3314 State St. , 27-d3 - looki ; - -; 5 room plastered house and 2 nice lots. Price $2500 ; will trade for 5 acrea not more than 3 or 4 miles out. THOMASON 331 4 State 8t. 27-d5 BUSINESS OpportunlUea 26 SPECIAL OFFER Oa restaurant in good location and doing good busineas. 'Price $4300; ex ceptional good lease. 1 W. H. GRABENHORST k CO. 275 Stalo St. Phone 515. V 26-d3 FILLING STATION CONFECTIONERY sad grocery, well located and paying good returns, price $6825. will tek bouse in Portland or: Salem up tc $3000 as part payment. , WINNIE PETTYJOHN Realtor ' 218 Oregon Bldg. f 16-n2lH NOTICE Will build building auitable for aa temobile sales agency, aixe 6tx2M feet, well located. Will lease fur $16C per month. W. H. GRABENHORST CO. 275 State St. ; 26 3 SMALL HOTEL CHEAP-FURXISHEI and full. Steem heat. $600O takes. BF.CKE k HENDRICKS V. S. Bank Bldg, 26-n20U i , FOR SALE - . Brick building paying good , income, see us today. This property will in crease in vsloe. W. H. GRABEKHORST k CO. 275 Stste St 28-d3 REAL EST ATE Fa rnf 28 10 ACRES BLDGS.. TO LEASE. WELL or trade, reasonable. Immediate pos session. BECKE k HENDRICKS TJ. 8. Bank Bldg. 28 n20tf CHEW TRACT 10 ACRES IX LIM'T BIdzs and vacant. $35O0. terroa. Wilt take some trade. , BKCKE k HENDRICKS 5 "t . TJ. S. Bank Bldg. i ' 28 n25tt LOOK! - St acres onlr 7 miles from Salem. 1-4 mile from paved road. A anap for $60 per acre. THOMASON 33 Its State St. 28 d ON HIGHWAY 30 ACFU-S CLOSE TO Salem. $225 aa acre. U s the beat buy from here to Portlnnd. Old bld;i. ; BECKE A HENDP1CKS r- s. it,. km. e-nie,tf (All D VJJMEELAN TfcKES PLEASURE IN PfeESENi N G ' TWE F lST AUTNEN -TlC PICTURES EVR TAKEN INSIDE TWE , SACRED WALLS Or5 CAM OOTJ , "WE FOC blDDEN OT - i CITV JNpEe? MS peJOTlfCTIOAi these remarkable views of the famous temple of hodj-Podj. TMC GOD Of CMAOS.ViJEGE 0&TAlNED AND ARE NOM) GJVEN To THE uOJ2Ll FOR THE FIE st Time. REAL ESTATE Farms 28 FOR SALE 132 ACRES OF FINE Itoll iug farm land near Enlaced a. Ore., with 500,000 feet of good limber; land can be plowed when timber ia removed ; 158 bearing prune trees, 4 years old; email house, other buildings. Price $25 per acre; will divide if s desired. A fine spring with creek giving abundnat water at all times. Any reasonable terms given. Address the owner. (1. W. NevOng, Estaeada, Ore. Route No. 2. sa-do FAKM BARGAINS TODAY TRADES for Salem property. Gertrude J. M. Page. 28 d5tf WE'VE 200 ACRES 12 MILES PROM Sheridan with 3 room house, 3 barns, 30 acres good tillable land, balance pasture and timber, all fenced wth woven wire, worth $50u0 and paid tor and the owner says be wants a yellow dog but we've a notion that you'd have to tie a town house or a close ia tract to the dog's tail We also have about the beat 40 acre farm in the whole Willamette valley smiling out north close to pavement, all "slicked" np with shave and haircut. Dandy ' im- ' provements. 7 acres of fine prunes just comin' on and 9 acres of strawberry ahortcake anticipation that can't be beat. "No kidin' " it's a wonderful farm worth $15,000 and the owner will take Salem property; We've a $1400 i equity to trade for acreage; 10 clear acres for lot; 60 improved acrea for residence; 10 improved acres close for residence; $25,000 income for farm; $20,000 income for farm; 30 clear acrea on highway for eastern land. MrGlLCHRlST A PENNINGTON 209 Ui S. Bank Bldg. Phono 140 28-d5tf ' ' 1 TRACT ON TERMS BLDGS. 13 Acres for $3250. Best we know. BKOKE k HENDRICKS U. 8. Bank Bldg. 28-n20tl 1100 TAKES SMALL HOUSF. PLA8 tered. New and vacant. $2O0 down. BECKE k HENDRICK8 TJ. S. Bank Bldg. 29-n9tf REAL ESTATE Suburban 30 SUBURBAN HOMES THREE DANDY close to Salem. Immediate possession en one. $:I500 to $1750. - BECKE k HENDRICKS TJ. 8. Bank Bldg. 30 nlStf CHEAP SMALL RANCHES 35 ACRES for $1600: 16 acrea $3250; 10 acrea $3500. All have set bldgs. Immediate possession end terms on alt. BECKE HENDRICKS V: S. Bsnk Bldg. SO nSOtf USED CARS For Sal 31 .; FORD TOURING SELL CHEAP or trsde for rosdater. Saturday. Sunday. (13 North Capitol. 31-d6 I HAVE BARGAIN IN SLIGHTLY Used 1924 Buick 4 touring. Call Duffy at 220. 31-d6 FOR SALE 1920 HUPMOBILE TOUR ing. Good condition. Price $450; terms. 1 Phone 1995. Valley Motor Co., 260 N. High. 31-d7 MITCHELL TOURING CAR GOOD COS ditioa, epecially priced for thia week only $165. Federal Tire Shop. 31-d BUICK 1925 MODEL GLASS Enclosed 5-passenger. Will aacrifice. Particu lars. Vick Bros or ttOO E. 58th St North Portland. Oregon. 31-d9 Ford Specials 1915 touring-.- : $ 45.00 1914 touring 60.00 1919 touring 75.00 1917 roadster 70.0O 1920 roadster, starter.. .... 150,00 1921 roadster, starter., 195.O0 1924 roadster, starter . 325.00 1919 touring, starter 115.00 192tt touring, starter. 160.0t - 1924 touring, starter..- 370. OO , 192 Coupe- - 525.00 EASY TERMS Valley Motor Co. ; -Authorizd Ford Dealer 260 North High Phono 1995 31-d2tf SCHOOL OFFSET TAKES BALANCE OF TAXES ; 4 (Continued from page 1) dlcates that the county govern ment will cost less next year. Dep uty Sheriff Frank T. Wrightman has compiled figures showing the low delinquency in tax payments In the county. Delinquencies on the 1923 tax roll at present are ibout 5 4 per cent of 4 the ! total charged on the tax roll and amount to approximately 990,000 of the H.010,127.62 tax roll left uncollected. Deputy Wrightman estimates that the $140,000 and some odd hundreds of dollars un collected on October 5 has since been reduced by about 160,000. leaving the $90,000 uncollected and that this amount will be re duced between $10,000 and $15, 000 by the first of the year. The last payment on the last half of the tax before Interest charges began to run was due on October 5. The sheriff's tax col lection force has prepared tho fol lowing table to show the status of collections on that date: Total tax collected on tax roH. ... . ,$1,610,127.62 Interest collected... 2,869.41 Sheriff s assessments 1,255.92 Sheriff's separations 1,945.62 1 $1,616,198.37 Total tax colleeted..$l, 472, 245.31 Errors and double assessments . .... : 1,357.90 Separations ....... Delinouent October 5, 1921 . . . . 1,945.62 1 10.610.C3 $1,616,198.57 The easy way to study mob psychology ts to watch sheep go- Intr over a fence. rights protected by The George Matthew Adams Service Trade Mark , -THE - - wi GREAT y-S WALLS a 4 a . n OF THE . . Z UJ'-W -;t DoOKlNS EAST FeOrA THE UESr PORTiCO OF THE SOUTH WHs . OPPOSiTE. THE: NORTM EMTPANCE. r CLASSIFIED Of Reliable Business AJCBTTTJUrOB AMBULANCE SERVICE. DAY OR night. foo 848. 173 South Liberty. AUCTI0KEER8 F. N. WOODRY Expert Livestock, furnimra, real estate . AUCTIONEER Bea. 1810 21. Summer Phono Cll for ales dates. L. E. TALBOTT Auctioneer Pnono 470202 U. 8. Bask Bldg. , j-15- . O. 8ATTERLEE ; Auctioneering Booms 25-26. Breymaa Block Phone 4H0 or 12114. )ne-12tf AUTO PAINTING HAVE U8 REPAINT YOUR CAR WITH our now permanent finish. 4 ut Aa High Street at Trade BATTERY AND ELECTRICIANS B. D. BARTON EXIDE BATTERIES a tarter and generator work; 1T1 South Commercial. PRESTO-LITE BATTERY SERVICE Station. Expert battery and electrical work. Ferris Broa. Phono 1$03. 414 Court. 631 Court St. JOK WILLIAMS BICYCLES AND REPAIEINO LLOYD E. RAM SDEN DAYTON BICY eles and repaines:; 3H7 Court. CHINESE REMEDY L. L. DICK L. ML HUM. CHINESE Medicine Co.. help any known disease 420-429 Stale SL, Salem, Oregon. s S9tf CHIROPODIST DR. 8.F. SCOTT. GRADUATE Na tional Univereity Beieneee, caicajo. Masonic Temple. Phone 440. CHIROPRACTORS DR. O. L. SCOTT. PSO CHIROPRACTOR. 414-19 U. , 8. Bank Bldg. mono i. roe. S2S-R. CLEANERS k DYERS SAT JEM CLEANERS AND DYERS. 1215 B. Commercial, mono lt. wo spe cialise on eoe day servtee. CONTRACTORS FOR ' CEMENT WORK CALL AT 4t8 N. Summer street 1'bone 07 w. OHERRY CITY ' CONTRACTING 'CO. General contracting and building. Eetl mm rtmttlv fnrnished. Phono 1967R DRESSMAKHfO iwrwriFn rfanns SIZE 14" BY 7tt eAlnr tresamakina-" : price 10 eenta each. Btateaman BusUoaa Office O round Floor. ELECTRICIANS ULEV ELECTRIC CO. masonic bnilding. Phone lzoo. ELECTRIC -FIXTURES AND SUPPLY Co. Phone 193. 222 N. Uberty.; f IiEIKBB ELECTRIC CO. -House wiring by hour or contract. , Ea timatea farniahed. Phono 980. 471 Oenrt H ...... FARM PATER F YOU WANT TO ET THE BE 81 (arm paper, seal 15e to the Pacific Homestead, Salem,' Oregon for a . three months' trial subscription. Meatier thia ad. - ,?. - --r XJULTRYMEN i SEND EIGHT TWO coat stamp for special tnree montas . trial for the beat and oldest journal in the west. The articles and advertise- ' meats are of special interest to to poultry breders of the Nerthweet Northwest Poultry Journal, 211 Com wiereial atreet, Satem. Oreeon. ! FINANCIAL FARM LOANS PLENTY OF MONEY 4o loan on good farm aecurity. CITY LOANS We are loaning Pro dentin!' Insurance Company money on city residencea and businesa property, at 5'4, plws a commission. . Hswkins jfe Roberts. lnc 203 Oreron- Duildins;. " d-4tf MADE ON GOOD CITY PROP , arty at a low rate on the eaay payment plan, ao at end of year yoa are all mi1 nn. Farm mana oa larse or am all tracU: orivate money. See firat and yen will go no farther. O. W. Laflar 410 Oregoa Bldg. City Loans , ANPIRS0Y RUPERT i A$enU 40$ Oregon Bnilding FARM LOANS LESS INTEREST. ' lonrer time, no eommiaeioa. Proacta ac-ainat adversity. City looaa. lowea rates, month It . installments, pre-pay ment privilegea. J. C. Siegmund. room t ever- l.add B'isb anv Farm Loans ANDERSON A RtTPERI 4 OA Ctrmfitn TtntMtwf FLORISTS CUT FLOWERS, WEDDING BOi:QUF.T8 fnneral wreaths, decorations. U. r. Breithsupt, florist, 129 N. Liberty PHnne SBO C3WE CAHOC)TANS E A SECCETl LOT VMS t APE. AL- TVTEETH AN VWMiSPENG,U3WlCV4 HADE OUta NTteEPit CAVERtA-MA FEEL r-AUCH .VcSS INTREPID BUSINESS DIRECTORY and Professional Firms Arranged in Alphabetical Order for Quick Reference ; FUNXRAL DIRECTORS SALEM MORTUARY, FUNERAL DIRKO tors, 210 center, rnone toon. FTTRNITUB3 8T0RES GIESE FURNITURE OO. QUALITY furniture for less money, mia vourt. Phone 484. , i - S PEOPLES' FURNITURE STORE NEW and second hand furniture; 271 . Commercial. . , HEMSTITCHING THE VOGUE FOR HEMSTITCHINO stamped goods, 429 Court. 14 013 MRS. C E. MILLER, HEMSTITCHING. stamping, bnttona. Room ID, .over nil ler's Store. Phone 117. HEMSTITCHING, STAMPING, PLEAT- tng. Tbe Petite Bkop, ; Koom o, over Busicka. ' 29U SALEM ELITE H E M S T ITCHING pleating, buttons, stamping and needle work-; ag8 Oregon bids;. Phone 379. SOMXOPATHIO PHYSICIAM DR. L. Q. ALTMAN. HOMEOPATH WT. Ioos a general practice. Treats Goiter, Gall Stones, and Dropsy, arising from diseaaee of heart, liver . or kidneys without operation. Office and resi deace. 294 N. Liberty St, Saiem, Or. Phone 147. - - INSURANCE WARREN F. POWERS Life, Accident. Fire, Automobile 219 U. 8. Nat'l Bank Bldg. Phoao 607 insure Your home or ear now Phone 161 BECKE k HENDRICKS V. S. Bsnk Bide- XiADIES TAILORINO D. H. MOSHER TAILOR FOB MEN anl women. 474 Court St. - LANDSCAPE GARDENING SAVE MONEY BY HAVING YOUR Wwn built by the Blake Landscape company. Phone 1324-51. d5 LAUNDRIE3 SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY. 16 8. Liberty street. Phone 25. 1 4 a t largest best. Established 1889. CAPITAL CITY STEAM ! LAUNDRY Quality work; prompt service; 134 Broadway. Phone 165. MEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Phone 517-W. MTJSI0 STORES SHERMAN, CLAY k CO., PIANOS 8teinways, Duo-Art and othere. Moore's Music House.' 415 Court Street. 3EO. C. WILL 7IANOS. PHONO- graphs, sewing machines, sheet musie, aad piano studies. Repairing phono . graphs aad sewing meehinea; 482 State street, Salem. TRADE YOUR OLD PIAKO F0H A NEW Victor or Brunswick. H. L. Stiff Furai toreOvjMeieMOga NATUROPATHIO PHYSICIANS DR. A. SLAUGHTER ACUTE ANT) chronie diaoaaoa; 415 Oregoa Bldg. Vaone 110. ; ' MTTRSKRY STOCK. FRUIT, NUT AND SHADE TREES PeercT Bros.. 297 State. PACKING AMD 8HIPPING FOR EXPERT FURNITURE PACKING and shipping, call Stiff's Furniture Store, Phone 941. ' e-80tf PAPERHABQINO AND PAINXDrO WALL PAPER SAMPLE BOOKS AND books on wall decorations.' Boron, 179 N. Com'L, Balsa. Man O. 5 fi PHONE "GLENN ADAMS FOR-, HOUSE 4eeorating. paper hanging, tinting, etc. Reliable workman. PIANO TUNERS EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Pi ano tuner. Leave orders Will's Muaic fore. ' . PLUMBING PLUMBING AND GENERAL REPAIR work. Graber Bros., 141 8. Liberty Phone 4 SO - e-tOH RADIO Radio las For Every Purpose Every Pursa t All Standard Sisea of Radio Tubes IK k KOrT ELECTRIC SHOP 837 .Court St. Phone 488 RADIO DOCTORS SALEM ELECTRIC CO, F. 8. BARTON. Prop. WmosIo Tr-1 Tmn- 1 '0 Registered U. S.-Patent Office) ftjN OLD yATER- CARRIER OR 'VlSSHf MAKlMG' HIS ROUNDS'. O?" THE. BUSI NESS DiSTKicT HALl REPAIRINQ ALVIN B. STEWART -$47 Court St. TJsBbrellaa, Cutlery and Kays - Lawmmowera, rasor-blades aciaeora knives and tools sharpened. CAVENOZR SOOS BCAJENGER SERVICE GAR bage and refoao of all kinds removed by the month. Reasonable rates. Cess pools cleaned and dead anhnala re moved. Phonee: Offiee 85; Rea. 2058 SECOND HAND GOODS WANT AD EVERYTHING IN CLOTH ing and shoes. Best prices paid. Cap Ital Exchange: $42 North Cominercia Phone 138-W. STOVES AND 8TOVB REPAIRING STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 40 years' experience. Depot Nationa' f lee, aisea 24 U 58 ini high.. Paints, oia and varnishes, etc., loganberry and hop hooks. Salem Fence and Stove Works. 250 Court Street. Phone 124. TRANSFER AND HATJUHG CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 22" State St. Phono 933. Distributing, for. warding and storsgo our specialty. Get our rates. . 1 ' '. W5 MOVE. STOKE AND SHIP HOUSE hold foods. Our specialty is piano and furniture moving. We also make coun try trips. Wo handle the beat coal aad wood. Call oa us for prices. Wo give 'good measure, good quality and good service. Larmer Tra aster Co. Phono 930 TRANSFER .AND HAULING OF ALL kinds. Phone 19FS. TRANSPORTATION PARKER'S STAGE LIKES O. W. Parker. General Macaxer Central Stage Terminal Salem, Oregoa SALEM -B1LYEHTON D1VIH1UM Leevee Salem, Central Stage Terminal: 7 a. av; 11 a. as.; 6 p. as. - - -Leavea Silvertoo News Stand: . 9 ajn.; 1 pjn.; 8 v- " Salom-Iadepondenee-MoamMth DiviaioS Loaves Salem, Central Stage Terminal 7 a.m.; 9 an. ; 11:10 a.m.; ' 8:10 pjn.; 5:19 p.m. Leaves Monmouth, Monmouth Hotel: 8:15 a-m.; 1 p.m.; $:15 p.m. Leevee Independence, Beaver Hotel 8:30 a-m.; 9:50 ajn.; 1:15 p.m. ; 4 p.m.r 6:0 p.m. Leavea Central Stage Termiaal. Salem for Dallas at: f a.m.$ 11:10 am.; 8:10 p.m. ; Leaves Gall Hotel. Dallas, at: 8 a.m.; 1 p.m.; 8:15 p.m. t Wo make eoneaetions at Salem to al parte of the valley. Extra trips by ap poiatmeot. - J J. W PARKTR. general Manager. ' WATER SALEM WATER. LIGHT A. POWER CO Office 801 South Commercial St. TeS nee cent discount oa domestic flat rates na'td in . advance. No deduction 1 for absence or any cause .in lose watet in ehut off Tone oremrwe LIONS CLUB HELPS imasTFyis Contribution Made at Lunch eon Friday; J.W. Cham-, f bers Is Speaker Funds raised for the Near East relief and address-by J. W. Cham bers, local, constitut ed the main features at the noon luncheon of the Salem Ldons club held at the Marion hotel Friday. W. W. Rosebraugh, member of the club, gave a five-minute talk in criticism of the organization. He answered the .query whether :the falem den was a .noisy luncheon club or a club of service. Mr. Rosebraugh's conclusions .stated, that the enthusiasm of the Lions caused, them to be noisy, but nev ertheless, they were giving real service with their enthusiasm and their club. ' . ! - Mr. Chambers, a member of the Salem Rotary club, spoke on "Ser vice Clubs and Their Relation to Ethics.' He? prefaced the address by a description of ; past business methods and contrasted them with the present attitude. of .business men. He said the modern busi ness man was judged by. the kind of man that he was, instead of a past tradition. The maa was Judged from the "results ' of ; his actions and-his relations with his fellow men. ' The "prejudice of the past when competitors were ene mies has been done away with, tie said. A new ideal as a motive has been substituted. There has resulted a kindlier feeling since merchants have begun to know each other. Consequently,: the ideals of business, are tending to wards the right end, where judg ment of man by hisi acts was sub-, "'tuted for the ring of his words, wag the gist of Mr. Chambers' re marks. A total of $32.66 was contribut ed by the Lions towards the Near Kast relief fund, and which, will be turned over . to the proper authorities. i By ED WHEEL AN Or CMMi-i, a asMi- T FfclESDLV CHE np TWE BUNCH VAAS Z0 tECi?lr.2r F3ELOU) COPDIAL 0NlH SCCEEN VJJ1LLBE SHOM INTiiVJATE; GLiMPSES M TO THE! NOME. Life of-these. IMPOSSlEvLE. PECPLE. - Miss Claudine Gerth entertained the club at their luncheon with a violin solo, with Miss Betty Bed ford accompanist. . End of Motor Gearshift N Aim of French Engineers TARIS. Oct. 31. (AP) The death of the gearshift In automo biles often has been announced, but the funeral'has never taken place. The latest advance notice of the passing of the gearshift and the differential is a complicated mechanism shown first at last year's auto salon, and exibited again in perfected form this year by one of the best . makers in France. It has been tried for two years on trucks and some test cars, but probably won't get on the market until next year, It is a series of ratchets automatically thrown in to action progressively as the car sjains speed so that the motor, con tinuing to turn at a normal speed, applies its power at what corres ponds to a very low gear at the start, and at an increasingly high er gear as the speed increases, un til direct drive is reached. As there is neither differential nor gearshift the driver has only on the accelerator. The amount of gas alone determines the power applied, and the speed is depend ent upon the power required to move the car. Besides simplifying a car, this mechanism is intended to obviate shock to the engine and prevent stalling the motor. If a heavy load were put suddenly upon tbe engine the mechanism automatically would adjust itself, changing the gear to a lower one that would al low the engine to maintain an ef ficient speed while propelling the car at a slower rate. Argentine Adopts f Jew Law -to Guard Women Wcrkcn RUENOS AIRES, Oct. 23 (AP) Eight hours' work for women, 6 boars for persons of both sexes under 18,-two hours for lunch and no work six weeks before and after-chil'd-birth are enforced, among other things, under a law enacted b congress regulating the working conditions of women and of per sons under 18 years of age in Ar gentina. The new legislation sup ports the principles reparding ma ternity adopted in tbe Washington International Labor Conference of 1919. -'..- - According to the terms of the new law, .children under 12 ears of age cannot be hired for any kind cf work, nor those of a school age who have not completed their obligatory school curriculum. Boys under 14 and unmarried glrl3 under 18 may . not engage in any occupation which must be done on the streets or public places. Wo men workers over 18 are not al lowed to work more than 8 hours daily or .48 hours weekly, while workers of both sexes under 18 cannot work more than 6 hours a day or 36 hours weekly. Xight work is prohibited for wo men and persons under 18, except in the cases of nurses and domes tic servants, but girls over 18 may work at night In public perform ances. Women and persons of both sexes under 18 employed in factories, etc., are not allowed to do home work for their employers and are hot permitted to engage in dangerous or unhealthy occupa tions or to sell alcoholic drinks. War Boundaries Create Perplexity in Balkans BELGRADE; Jugoslavia, Nov. 7 (AP) The confusion of the fron tiers of the Balkans and Central Europe,-Bs an orrtcome of the war, has not been settled by any means, although little is heard of the doubtful state of affairs outside of the immediate regions affected, i New boundary lines have been run through jtows and Villages in various countries and even across the farms of peasants, themselves. In many instances it is reported that individuals whose property ia concerned do not know to this day to which state they should pay taxes. Estimates have been made by Investigators that it will require, ten yearsor even longer to get the boundary lines . straightened out, and conditions amicably nettled for.many thousands of persons. COMB SAGE TEA Darkens Rrautifully and Itorcs Its Natural Color and Lustre At Once rCommon garden sage brewed in to a hcary.tea, with sulphur ami alcohol added, will turn gray, streaked and faded hair beauti fully dark and luxuriant. Mixing the Sage Tea and Sulphur recipe at home, though, la troublesome. An easier way ia to get the ready-to-use preparation improved by the addition of other ingredients a large bottle, at little cost, at drug stores, known as "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound," thus avoiding a lot of muss. While gray, faded hair is not sinful, we all desire to retain our youthful appearance and atrac tiveness. Ry darkening your hair with -Wyeth's Sasc and Sulphur Compound, no one can tell, be cause it does it so naturally, ko evenly. You just dampen a sponso or soft brush with It and draw this through your hair, taking ono small Rtrand at a time: by morn ing all gray hairs have disappear ed. After another application or two your hair becomes beauti fully dark, glossy. Koft and luxur iant and you appear year; youtif vr.- Adv. 10 G W 111 J - ' " m 1 d J' t