The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 05, 1924, Page 8, Image 8

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flowiThi Lady Has Lost Her
'Prosperous Renter; Has
; t.. Bought Uwn Land
-vol, m. iioier seoas to ne -pom-try
editor ot The Statesman a
letter irroia a school girl friend of
tls and Mrs. Hofer'a wben they
tvere all younger than they are
ptrw, tbackln Iowa. Though they
in a" jr. not bare felt any younger.
ThA poultry editor U.W. C. Conner
a; d he- U away, attending the big
Tacoma poultry show. So the let
ter falls to the Slogan editor, who
U6e not know nearly as much
stout the habits of hens as Mr.
Conner dos. tout who. is a big
jr-booster for the rooster and all
t!a relatlres as Mr. Conner dares
beT-cspecially as applying' to th
claim that this is the greatest
poultry district In the world.! Go
to td prore It, in due time., too,
wth a $20,000,000 annual Indus
try; going to out-Petaluma Peta
liitn. , !;-. . j ; .
v But to onr muttons: or rather
to"onr chickens. As to the letter;
- .iThe letter is rrom Mrs. K.
Ctarke.' 304 South Firteentb street,
iWrT&llis." and she says among
f er things: - ' ;r . ),
..t'I am writing to you to Bee if
I '.a can place a good .poultry, man
on my ranch, two miles from Cor
tUis on the Philomath road. I
.1 'aged .the place to a wounded sol
"T, who in the past two years
s cleared. $3,000, and now he
1. 3 bought a ranch near Albany.
I! is a Tery neat and well equipped
I nltry ranch, six and a half acres
.oced with chicken wire, dirldea
, R3.i subdivided Into suitable j lots
'az'3, pens, has new hen house! 100
by 18 feet, and two smaller ones
l sod -brooder house, : barn, bussy
vfced, wood house, etc.; good sLx
r; om house, fine garden spot In
-f. ct, just what the name implies:
quare Deal - Poultry Farm. j It
reals for $200 ner year."
v-. 'Mrs. Clarke goes on to state that
the place ' has. now a wonderful
trade In poultry; which .would ben
efit the new renter. .
The Slogan editor prints this
mainly for, the purpose of showing
what a wounded man can do with
six and a half; acres derated to
poultry in the Salem district for
he claims the ' Corrallis eectlon
as a part of the Salem district;
especially since that section is
pretty welt advanced already in
the poultry boom that the Slogan
man is anxious to promote for this
whole district, t
A man not wounded might do
better. A man who did ' not un
derstand and love the poultry In
dustry might not do nearly as well.
-Anyway, there is the item, and
if it results in both helping to
show we hare ; the best poultry
cquntry in the world, and in rent
ing the farm ot the good lady, the
Slogan man will be more than
pleased. He lives mostly to serve,
and to prove his contentions about
this great Salem district being thQ
potentially richest: country under
the shining stars. - f
Spirited Contest Between
the Latin Classes of High
Schools of Salem
,' Experience isn't a great teach
er if you w spend all , your time
studying the same lesson.
Richmond! Community
Plans Social for Tonight
I ;.
.- .The Richmond community is to
hold - a sociable and get-together
meeting at the Central Congrega
tional annex tonight. The purpose
of, the gathering is to create more
interest In the Richmond district
and to Introduce the people to the
school there. . Mrs. Lenore Clark,
principal of i the McKinley school
and Miss Anna-Fisher, principal
of the Richmond, school will ap
pear on the program. ' Aso chil
dren from the Richmond school
will present a drama. There will
be short talks by the various mem
bers of the community. Mayor J.
B. Geisy is to be one of the speak
ers. . ' . . I
.The meeting Is not strictly for
those who have children attending
the Richmond f scaoo, out for
everyone interested in the district.
An invitation is given to all to be
present. - j "
-Those sultry dog days are but
a memory, but the hot dog days
are with us jet;
. , ........ KB
Handkerchiefs j
Liirties White and Colored Kmbroidercd in Colors
and Beautiful Deoigna I ' .
' ' 1 35c i
3 for 31;00
Sec Double Page Two ;
Color Ads of -
A beautiful bronze tablet, . the
Sift of a prominent Salem . busi
ness man, has been completed by
Kate Schafer of the University of
Oregon art department, and will
be presented to the winners of the
annual Latin contest to be held
at the high school on January 20,
1925, at 4:15 p. m.
1 Tablet Engraved
The head of Vergil is engraved
upon the tablet, and around the
head the Inscription, ''jOmnia '"
cit improbus labor." ' Below the
head will be engraved the names
of the winners of the contest for
the past two years and the pres
ent year. It has not been defi
nitely decided whether the tablet
shall become the property of; the
school winning it three years in
succession, or whether it shall con
tinue indefinitely to be the prize
of each year's winner.
McKinley High School Winner
Each of the Salem junior high
schools and the senior high school
select from their beginning Latin
classes a team of two members
to represent them in the contest.
McKinley junior high school has
won the contest for the last two
years, and is very anxious to re
peat the triumph this year. The
members of the winning team of
two years ago were Helen Pem
berton and Grace ilartenson, and
of last year Lena Medler and Mar
garet Grover.
Contest Divided f
The contest is divided into three
parts, covering forms of verbs,
pronunciation and : vocabularies.
The judges of this year's contest
will be Grace Thompson of the J.
L. Parrish junior high school. May
Hale of . McKinley junior high
school, and Carmen Jennison,
Michelson and Laura V. Hale of
the senior high school.
the previous film.
5 "The Last of the Duanes" deals
with one Buck Duane, last, of a
long line of Duanes who have been
known for their daring and deft
ness with the use "of a six-gun:
John Duane, father of Buck, was
said to be the fastest man on the
draw in ; the southwest and Mrs.
Duane holds grave fears that her
son will follow the footsteps of his
father. Eight notches on the han
dle of his .45 were mute testi
mony of how the elder Duane had
lived and died.
; Riding over the ranch Buck
meets Jenny, a sweet lass of 18.
Her father is ill and Buck earns
the girl's gratitude by helping her
mend a broken wagon. That eve
ning he visits a dance hall where
he dances with a pretty Mexican
girl. Cal Bain, the town bully;
who claims the girl as his sweet
heart, threatens him. The next
day Buck is told that Bain, still
drunk, is looking for him to kill
him. The men meet , and Bain
reaches for his gun; but he is too
slow. This is Buck Duane's first
gun play. He has "got hia man."
Fearing arrest. Buck mounts his
horse and leaves for the foot
hills. '
Sheriff Poggins Is a rough in
dividual. Eecretly he I3 the chief
of a band of outlaws and cattle
rustlers. In bis flight Buck comes
In contact with these outlaws and
becomes entangled with the lead
er, being accused of trying to steal
his wife. After a series of excit
ing episodes during which Buck's
life is endangered sereral times,
he rescues Jenny, who had been
kidnaped by the bandits.
The rest It Is too good to give
away before you see the picture.
- in This Paper i i 52
"The Last of the Duanes"
at Oregon Theater Today
j Opening today the Oregon thea
ter presents "The Last of the
Duanes," another of the Zane Gray
stories that during- recent months
have become so popular with Sa
lem's moving picture patrons, an 9
the showing win . continue over
through Sunday at least. ,
; With Tom Mix and Marion Nix
on portraying the leads, this stir
ring tale of the border day ex
periences of those dauntless ad
venturers, the Texas Rangers, is
admirably presented, and there is
a wonderful appeal to the picture.
Those who have seen both this pic
ture and "The Lone Star Ranger,"
the last Zane Grey tale in which
Mix appeared, declare that : the
coming picture shows this popular
actor to better advantage than did
M SI & U
J. F. Ulrich Will Carry on the
neai tsxaxe business,
Moisan in Mt. Angel
t G. T. Moisan and J. F. Ulrich,
in the real estate business at 122
North Commercial street, Salem,
have dissolved their partnersbcip.
Mr. Ulrich is carrying on the
business as usual.. He believes In
Salem and her future, and has the
sarro idea about the surrounding
country and its big possibilities.
Mrs. Ulrich is acting as his steno
grapherbut be declares that
when he dictates to her, she some
times dictates to him. Men who
happen to be married will prob
ably understand.
- Mr. Moisan has bought the
White Corner store at Mt. Angel
and has moved to that thriving
The Salem Water. Lizht &. Pow
er company has expended approxi
mately S70.0Q0 during the last
ear In maintenance of eaninment
and installation of new services.
according to an estimate given out
yesterday afternoon by 1 Paul B.
Wallace. ;
A new sub station and supply
tank; with a capacity of 100,000
gallons has been recently installed
on -the corner of Superior and
Commercial streets by the com
pany'. This station was made
necessary by the lack of water
pressure in the Nob Hill resi
dential district, and it supplies
water for all of this district as
far east as High street. The in
stallation of this station makes
possible an excellent water service
for ' this i section, and has been
haled with gratification by. Knob
Hill residents.
Three new pumps nave been in
stalled ing the course of the year.
One of these Is at the central -pow
er house, another at the new sub
station, and the third on the is
land where the wells are sunk.
Approximately five miles of new
water mains have been laid this
year, , making a total mileage of
water mains laid in the city of
about 80 miles.
.Records of the company show
that on Jan. 1, 1924, water ser
vice was : being delivered to 4936
SANTIAGO. Chile, Dec . 4.
(By The Associated Press.) For
the first time an airplape carry
lng several passengers has crossed
the Andes mountains. Two junk
er, planes left Buenos Aires yes
terday and landed at the military
airdome here today. One plane
carried three passengers.
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ive Mjles New Mains, and
Increase of 206 Users in
. : First Ten Months
customers, and on Nov. 1, 1924,
5142 customers were . receiving
water service, making an Increase
of. 206 services during the ten
This is a splendid j showing of
advancement on the part of the
company, as well as in the growth
of Salem. i ,
Funeral Services for, Pioneer
-Woman Will be Held
This; Morning
SILVERTON, , Or., Dec. 4.
(Special. )-iFuneral services for
Mrs. Bertha Kaser, who died at
her' borne Tuesday evening, will
be held from the home at 10:30
and from the Kaufman church at
11. o'clock Friday morning. In
terment will be made in the Kauf
man cemetery.'
Mrs. Kaser was a member of a
pioneer family coming here at. the
age of 22 years and. 3 months.
She has since then made her home
in what is known as the German
Flats, south fo Silverton.
She - leaves six daughters and
three sons all of Silverton; one
brother at Silverton. The chil
dren are Mrs. Lydia Klopenstein,
Mrs. Bertha Jackson, Mrs. Lizzie
Ballard, Mrs. Sarah Trumbull,
Mrs. Emma Kenzi, Fred, Joe and
John Kaser. Vick Brunner of Sil
verton Is a brother. Other broth
ers and sisters are Dan Brunner,
Mrs. Martha Sampson, Mrs. Kate
Green of Portland and Mrs. Mary
Otto of Colorado.. '
Silverton Fire Hydrants Need
Repairing and Boom -in
Swimming Pool
SILVERTON, Dec. 4. (Special
to The Statesman.)- At the meet
ing of the ; city council . 'Monday
night the following business, was
i Park "Commissioner Cooley re
ported that, there had been no
boom placed in the swimming pool
in the city park because he could
get no one to Install it. After
consideration the council decided
to let the matter rest for the pres
ent.; ; . .
. Fire Commissioner Cunningham
was present' in the Interest; of re
pairing fire' hydrants, there being
a number of them that needed new
gaskets and some needed boles
drilled so as to drain them to keep
them from freezing. Mr. Cunning
ham w4s directed, to have the re
pair Fork done at once. A pe
tition to. close the alley between
Phelp3 and Fairview streets was
introduced and read. The matter
was placed . in the hands of the
judiciary committee. A petition
to place astreet light on South)
Church street wa$ introduced and
read.. As there (were no funds
to take care, of this the petition
was, on motion, placed on the ta
ble. : j .
Communication from J. Harbeck
regarding the building of a con
crete sidewalk on James avenue
was read' and ordered placed on
file. : I
A petition from ; property hold
ers on Barger street was read &zl
placed In the hands of the street
Auto Distributor Takes
Job With Spring Concern
r- . - -v t
SILVERTONr Or., ' Dec. , 4.
(Sjpeclal.) M. C. Jacobsen who
for the past few months has been
with the Silverton Ford distribu
tors as parts man has accepted a
position as road man for this dis
trict for the Laher springs and
bumpers. Although Mr. Jacobsen
will have headquarters at Port
land, the Jacobsens intend to
make Silverton their home.
Former Minnesota Man
Dies at Silverton Heme
SILVERTON, Or., Dec. 4.--Special.)-
Herman Ostrem died
at his home at 218 Coolidge street
Wednesday afternoon after a short
illness. Funeral arrangements
have not yet been made. Mr. Os
trem had been a resident of Sil
verton for the past four year3
coming here from Foslem, Minn.
He leaves a widow and eight chil
dren.. Interment will be made at
Silverton. v
Capital Hardware Cz
Fumitxire Co.
Best Prices Paid
CSS MY Com'l St. Phone CI?
iA STflNDflRDIZEO I .CASH STORE 3 ' ' y.y'
There is a distinct line between the thi ngs we LIKE to do and the thinrjs we
ought to do, but people shop at this stor e for BOTH REASONS!
i ine pleasure ana sausracuon or maKing seiecuons rrom wen displayed, plain
ly marked high grade foods, and the thrift sense that impels them to buy where
they can save money.
Wonderful Christmas Gifts; These silk shirts Splendid material, fancy stripes, no
equal. Stock up now, they won't last long at these prices.
Reg. 57.00. tp 53-00 Silk Shirts,
Special Now ' f
' ' ...- . . ...
Sizes 14 .to I6V2
Lot 2
Reg 55.00 to 56.50.Silk and Fiber
Silk Shirts, Special
Sizes 14 to 16
Buy Now
I:: A;:'1 For.--',''
Buy Now
A large lot of fancy
i pack apples, per box $1 .75
Other nice apples not
; packed,, per box ....:.1.27
! Another large lot of
those fine Netted
! Gems at .........:.,:....-5149
49-lb. Sk: Vim Flour ..$2.03
49-lb. Sk. Gold Medal 52.19
49-lb. Sk Family Flour 51.73
Fancy Sugar Cured
heavy Side Bacon
, streaked with lean,
! lb: . ...28c
Sugar Cured Back,
Loin Back, lb. 24c
Bright Sugar Cured j
Bacon Squares, lb. 1..... 16c
Fancy Medium Size r ,
Picnics, lb. .. ..... . ....... 19c
Cauliflower, ..Bunch ..Beets,
Turnips, Carrots, nice,
white Parsnips, solid Head
y Lettuce, Fancy Bleached
Celery, Brussell Sprouts,
Sweet Potatoes, Cabbage,
nice solid heads, Hubbard
Squash, Banana Squash.
Dari Gold
- 3 for
Mother's Premium
1 Doz., 45c
Crystal White
6 for
Old Dutch
. 4 for
2 for
No, 5 Box
' ' i.'
45c U
Kernels of
2 Pk. J
29c I
What gold is United States
concerned, government in
spection isj to meat the
j stamp of absolute depen
dability. ; Quality means
the protection of family
health. T
our well chilled display
counters will be found all
the special cuts of inspect
ed beef at prices that are
never high.
Luxury Pig Pork Sau
sage ...19c
Our Special Steak, lb. ....13c
Shrift's Premium hams
lb. . 29c
) 2 lbs. Cheese ...i...,. ....... .47c
3 lbs. Gem Nut Mar-
Sgarine 75c
j l j Gal. Liberty Bell
. .Cane and , Maple - :
, Syrup ..... ...51.63
1 0 lb. Sk Carnation
r Pancake Flour ..69c
Large Can Log Cabin
c Syrup I....... .........51-13
Medium Can Log
i Cabin Syrup 57c
Table Size 29c
Mazola Oil, Special
j Quart . ..!....:...Lr.L . ....46c
Mazola Oil, Special
f J Gal. . .. ;.r .92c
Cream Oil Soap, 3 for ....20c
Ivory Soap, 5 f or .....: .3 9c
I chine Soap 35c
I Large Pk. , Peet's Ma-
It's Your Guarantee of Service Plus Quality
: 4