The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 05, 1924, Page 4, Image 4

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Memorial; Exercises for 17
Rrnlhow Mhrt niarl in .
to be Sunday
Elaborate! memorial exercises
for member "who have been taken
fey death thta year will be held by
Salem Elks j lodge No. 336 at the
(Jrand theater. Sunday afternoon
at 2:30 o'clock. Judge W. A .
Ek wall of I Portland will deliver
the main address. ; M
"Of the 150 members who hare
died since IS 80, 17 passed away
this year. These aTe Alex Cornoy
er, Harry Fleisljr. L. G. Curtis.
Russell Catlin. W. J. Demarest.
p. P. Hoff.j 1V. 3 1. Egan. A. J.
tetnmon, J. jE. Thompson. George
FTBodgers, Judge G. G. Bingham.
MT. H. Goulef. R. L. Winniford, A.
h. Downing H. O. Hickman. T.
G. Bligh, H. E. Abry and Sanford
Watson. ! Seventeen members died
in 1923. :-,...(- , 7 .
t The program in full Includes a
funeral march by the Elks orchesJ
tra; ritualistic ceremonies, by the
lodge officers; invocation by the
Rer.fJ. J. Evans; song, Light,'
by tfrs. Harry H. Harms with Mrs.
Frank ZInn-accompanist; address,
Hon. W. A. Ekwell of Portland;
paraphrase. f'Nearer My God to
Thw," Elks (orchestra : eulogy, by
Guy O. Smith; song "There is No
Death..", Mrs- Harry H. Harms;
closing ritualistic ceremonies, i by
the lodge officers and a selection
by the orchestra.
U Officers for 1924-23 are. Dr. C.
p. O'Neill. -exalted ruler; Irwin
:W. Lewis, 'i esteemed leading
knight; OVjLf McDonald, esteemed,
loyal knight;! Milo Ra&mnssen, es
teemed lecturing knight; H. J.
tViedmer, secretary: Jacob Fuh
rer. treasurers C. E. Knowland. es-
fiuire; A, L. jFraser, tiler; Arthur;
Gnrgle Throat
With Aspirin
Clip This if Subject to Sore
Throat or Tonsilitis,
ii i- -
Prepare a'h"nJess and effect
Ire gargle by dissolving two Bayer
Tablets of Aspirin in four table
Ipoonfuls of water. Gargle throat
thoroughly. Repeat In two hour
If necessary.: ' -1 ' ' '
Be sure yon use only the genu
ine Bayer Tablets of Aspirin,
marked with the Bayer Cross,
which can be had In tin-boxes of
'twelve tablets for few cents.- Adv.
- i
121 S. Commercial
j;; -r. ;:;r:-:i;.--;x-ALL
15c Bread 10c -I Saturday Only
Whole Wheat, Honey and Milk, White
Ye Old Fashioned Fruit Cake, 20c
' Just Full of Nuts and Fruit
A Cake That Everyone Will Enjoy
Bear iaws, Jelly Snails and Pineapple Snails
i i ; - Your Choice i .
' ' i ; 1
; i ' i J , .
i - l " - . , " - 1 ! - - - "
- ;.: ' i r . ' ' . ' , , j " .-" -
Don't Forget Your Fruit Cake for Xmas!
1 Wc have a full line
Prices From ......t25c, 35c, 50c, 75c
vf f -.c- rV:'-'.--: .Yr-iV ?.
! Also ; :i l r y-'::--
Brock, chaplain ; E, O. Pratt, in
ner guard; Dr. Carl Wenner, or
ganist, ana U. J. Kurth. director
of the orchestra. Trustees are
Dr. H. H. dinger. W. D. Evans
and E. W. Hazard. Members of
the program committee are W. I.
iveeanam, Lyie J. Page and C F,
Breithaupt. J ; ,
Canned Goods Stocks Are
Reported Nearly Depleted
Canned goods throughout the
northwest are practically cleaned
up, according to Robert C. Paulus,
who has returned from a business
trip to the Puget sound district.
The present! supply is lower for
the time of year than it has been
in several years. As a result of
the low stocks prices have ad
Barreled raspberries and straw
berries, which appeared to be a
drug upon the market a compara
tively short time ago, are nearly
all gone and several more weeks
are expected to see the entire
stock cleaned up. England is
showing a decided preference for
the red raspberries and is ordering
all in sight. i
Attorney Cannot Help Pris
oner by 'Appearing Be
fore Parole Board
In the future inmates of the
penitentiary who occasionally em
ploy attorneys to take up their
causg before , the state parole
board might! as well save their
momey for Jawyers will not aid
tbcir causes Governor Walter M.
Pierce has . advised the parole
board. He also suggests that the
prisoners be informed of this
through Warden A. M. Dalrymple.
"I recognize the right of anyone
to appear before the board or be
fore me to present : the facta in
the case of anyone confined in the
state penitentiary," Governor
Pierce writes.' I do not want any
prisoner to think that by giving
up the few hard-earned dollars he
may have, or extracting funds
from his relatives or friends to
pay an attorney, he has increased
his prospects of securing executive
clemency: Give the prisoners to
understand that in securing coun
sel or advice, they not only lose
their money 1 but perhaps their
chances for executive clemency as
well. !
'I already have state agents in
whom . I have the . utmost - confi
dence who will make all investi
gations without any expense to the
prisoner or his family'-'the gov-r
ernor wrote in closing. -
BERLIN, Dec. 4. The number
of ; unemployed,; receiving govern
ment doles, i decreased in the
Reich' by nine per cent from Sep
tember 15 to October 15. On the
latter date 468.000 men and 51.
000 women were registered with
the authorities' as receiving doles.
1 : i
Street I
mees sells out
J. H. Willetts Is Purchaser
of Capital; City Drug .
btore in balem ;
Z. J. Riggs, proprietor ; of the
Capital City drug store, after be
ing in business in Salem since
1901, has sold his business to J.
II. Willetts of Amity. Mr. Wil
letts was given possession -yesterday-
' L I .
Mr. Riggs first Opened a drug
store In Salem at the corner now
occupied by the Salem Bank of
Commerce. Later his location was
changed to that of the Masonic
Temple, and eight years ago to
that of the McGilchrist building
at State and Liberty. i i
Mr. Riggs expects to take a va
cation for a few months and then
engage in some other line of work.
He says he has 'no intention of
leaving Salem. . He is prominent
in Masonic circles, having served
as president of the Salem Shrine
club. . ?. m . ' - ; . . sj'.;
December 13 -Set as Date
for Annual Convention at
Salem Courthouse
The annual school officers con
vention for Marion county will be
held Saturday, Decemberi 13. in
the circuit court room jat the
courthouse. The chairman of
each board is asked to attend, or
if that la Impossible, at least one
member of the board should be
present. Wherever it Is (conveni
ent, the entire board from each
district should be at the! conven
tion. Everyone is asked to come
prepared to take part in ( the dis
cussions. The following tentative pro
gram has been arranged: ,
10:00 Call to order: reading
of minutes of the last meeting;
reports of delegates; reading, Mr.
Joel Berreman, Willamette uni
versity; election of officers. .
12:00 Noon intermission.
1:15 "School Board Prob
lems." Mary L. Fulkerson. Sug
gestions for the legislature, dis
cussion led. by ,V.A. Jones of
district No. 100 and M. M.'Magee
of district No. 8. : Miscellaneous
business. Adjournment, t -
Smoking Stand
Here I a practical gift for
Christmas every smoker will
appreciate. Finished ;in wal
nut and mahogany, special for
earfy shoppers! 1 -
The New Note in Tables
For hall or living-room thi
table in the Italian style is es
pecially good; It looks luxuri
ous but its price is modest. Note
the excellent effect given by th-s
foot rail." i f "
A Small Deposit
will hold any article in
, the More. I i
The Store
v of a
1 -
Ex-service Men Applying ,
for Work at New Bureau
.Several ex-service men have ap
plied for work at the newly cre
ated employment bureau of the
Veterans of Foreign Wars, and the
committee in cnarge is desirous of
getting in touch with employers.
Applications of clothing salesmen;
plumbers, common laborers and
other workers are on file, at the
office of Dr. George E. Lewis, 311
United States Bank building. Any
one who can help out the ex-service
men are requested to get in
touch with the employment secre
tary of the veterans.
Salem ex-service men who are
seeking work are requested to
register with the Veterans of For
eign Wars. A committee is at
work amongj, the business men of
Salem and it Is expected that some
thing will be lined up soon.
"Yankee Four- Rusher" to
be' Presented at Grand
December 16 and 17
"The Yankee Four-FIusher," a
three act serio-comedy by Adolph
White is to be presented by the
DeMolay organization of Salem at
the Grand theater on December
16 and 17. The cast is, composed
of three women and six men.
Their parts are arranged so as to
bring out several character
sketches. '
The cast has been working
faithfully on the play for the past
month and each one taking part
has had considerable experience
in; amateur dramatics. There is
no reason to doubt but what the
coming shdw will be as successful
as the past ones.
Those taking part in the pro
duction are Miss Ruth Ross, who
is a member of the Willamette
university dramatic organization.
Miss Helen Selig. and Mrs. Kath
erine Baker, Harold Mero, Win
field Clarke, Theodore Krueger,
Willard Brown, Keith Brown, and
Wain Harris.
Ex-Sheriff Freed of
Appropriation Charges
BEND, Ore.. Dec. 4. After de
liberating for 21 hours; the jury
in the second trial of H. C. Top
ping, ex-sheriff of Jefferson coun
ty, found for acquittal tonight.
Topping was charged in circuit
court at Madras with appropriat
ing county funds while holding
the office of sheriff. He disap
peared about the time the shorU
age was- discovered but later rey
won on show
This year give gifts for the home anl choose now while the- selection is at
its best from our wonderful display which is fairly brimming over, with won
derful new Rift merchandise! There's something here that will 1 deeply
appreciated by each member of the family! Make jour selection now at leisure
and avoid Christmas crowds! J J . i
Make This a Furniture Christmas
Wall Desk
Mother would be delighted to
receive one or tnese beautiful f
it- )
wall desks for Christmas!
They're an ornament in the
home as well as a practical
desk! ? v
What ' a happy family yours 1 will be this
Christmas if you make a substantial gift for
the home like one of these luxurious daven
ports, which are beautifully covered in velour.
and the kind that you'll, be able to enjoy for
years and years.
turned voluntarily to face trial. -'The
shortage amounted to a
little more than $2000. Topping's
attorney, Denton G, Burd4ck, as
serted that it- was; due to Top
ping's expenditures of money for
liquor law enforcement which the
county court had not allowed.
Five Railroads Benefit toy
Tax Reduction Program
OLYMPIA, W'ash., Dec. 4.
Five railroads of the state are to
benefit by a reduction of taxes
amounting to five per cent for the
Northern1 Pacific and two per
cent for the Great Northern, Chi
cago, Milwaukee. & St. Paul, Oregon-Washington
Railroad & Navi
gation company, and Spokane &
Seattle railroad. Assistant Attor
ney General Sharp declared in an
opinion given to Governor Louis
F. Hart here today. -
The attorney general's office
yesterday announced that the ac
tion of the state equalization com
mittee was void in placing the
assessed 'valuation for 1924' of
five railroads operating in the
state at the same figures as main
tained in 1923, after tho super
visor of -taxation had . assessed the
properties at reduced .figures.
:- , . , .
Elk Believed Slaughtered
by Park Reserve Poachers
HELENA, Mont.; Dec. 4.-
Whether Elk drifting from Yel
lowstone Park into I Park county
are being slaughtered is being in
vestigated by C. , A. Jackways.
state fish and game warden who
accompanied by several deputies
left for Gardiner tonight.
The hunting season in Park
county closes December 20.
If it is found that the elk are
being slaughtered, a meeting of
the fish and game commission at
Livingston will be called by wire
to close the season at Once, Jak-
ways asserts. ( .
Reports from state wardens in
dicate that from 50 to 75 elk from
the Yellowstone herd driven
across the border by a snowstorm
have been, killed although other
reports ; place the number as high
as 500. ' i .
One who claims to be a nerfeci
36 Is not speaking of her age.
December 6, RutoHar Inter-frarnity
Open Iiou&e. V illamette tmiYersity.
iMrem ner 12, rridmy Children elm
i. Chamber ni (iMiimwr.
De-emler 15 and 1ft, Monday and Tuea
dT DeMolav Know. Grand theater.
refe.m&er 19. Friday American M'ar
Mothers' i Cooked food sale at the South
ern llaclhc rity ticket office.
December 23, Thursday Christmas
day. 1
January 12, Monday Opening of 1925
legislature. f
February 7. Saturday Debate. Willam
ette; university vs. IfuiTorsity ot West Vir
jriBia. r ; t
Coxwell Chairs
Vou'M make considerable
You N make considerable sav-
Ing by securing one- of these
beautiful velour upholstered
Coxwell - chairs now rather
than later. Be early.
End Tables
In All Period
and Finish
Woman Believed Dead
Under Stolen Machine
SHELTOX, Wash., Dec. 4.
While Otto . Mott, Bremerton.
Wash., was in jail tonight for al
leged theft of an automobile,
Sheriff Louis Jacobs was attempt
ing to raise the wrecked automo
bile from a slough 12 miles north
of here in the belief that a body
of a woman companion, said to
have been Mott's wife, may be
under it. Authorities declared
Mott adlnitted theft of the ma
chine but denied he had a com
panion with him.
Mott, prior to the accident had
an altercation with a woman, who
shaid she was Mrsj Mott, after he
refusde to pay her taxi bill from
Bremerton. ; Mott was arrested
after the automobile accident.
Over Six Million Dollars
Received in Liquor Revenue
VICTORIA, U. C. Dec. 4.
Revenue totalling $6,673,150.53
has been received by the govern
ment liquor stores in British Col
umbia between April 1 and Nov
ember 1924; according to data
presented In the legislature by At
torney General Manson a-t the re
quest of J. W. Jones, conserva
tive, south Okanogan.
The 'revenue at the Victoria
stores during the eight months
period was f $599,543 and Van
couver approximately $2,275,000.
Large Bridge Blown Up
in China; Wu Arrives
HANKOW China. Dec. 4. The
followers of ;Gen. Wu Pel-Fu, for
mer military commander of the
Come in and see the new lines of
Pumps and Oxfords that are on
sale. We hgLve the most complete
line of new styles that we have
shown this season and all of them
gbing out at ridiculously low prices.
i Boots - -
Wednesday Rubber Heel Day All
Put on Half
Do Your Feet Hurl?
- Corns and callouses re
moved : without pain or
eoreness Ingrown nails re
moved and treated. Pains
in feet, weak foot, flat
foot, foot 'strains and fal
len arches adjusted. Do
lot suffer.) I will give you
the best that-science can
produce in scientific chi
ropody. Consult
Dr. Williams
about your fort
J lours to 5:;iO
Peking govern nient, has destroyed
the Hankqw-Peklng railway bridge
over the Yellow rlrer, according
to reports received today. The
bridge, said to .be the longest in
China, was blown, up it was re
ported." General Wu, who was yesterday
reported to be in flight from bis
old headquarters In Monan, has
arrived at Sinyangchow, which is
directly north -of Hankow, near
tlie.Honan-Hupeh border.
x i : ' -
Kever doing things by halves is
f iife, unless you are eating grape
fruit. .-, i
toria is a pleasant, harmless Sub-
stitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric,
Teething Drops and Soothing
Infants in arms and Oiildren
Tovoid imitations, always lock for
Proven directions on each package.
Fletcher's Cas-
'Eti& Surprise
Do not buy until you see our
get our prices
Shoes, Haneih Shoes, Witch Elk
the only lines not on sale.
Price. Wednesday
JHE mtiM
SetorSfee W"y Vikfcflhpooto
Jot?Mft ' WBjadBoat
CxB0iI . : TxkAfiisszs
Engand Not Seeking to
Take Advantage; Premier
LONDON, Dec. 4. (By the Ai
P.) -Premier paid win. In a speech
at Liberty hall tonight, declared
that nothing was further from the
truth than to say that the British
government sought to take ad
vantage' of the murder of Sir Lea
Stack in order to restore the pro
tectorate In Egypt and undermine
the rights of the Egyptian govern
ment; I
Syrups, especially prepared for!
all age3.
the signature of
Physicians everywhere recommend itj
u y
line and
j R
Rubber Heeli
Repair Department
Our shop is .equip
ped with all new ma
chinery. We use-nothing
but the very best
grade of leather that
money, will buy.
Mr. Jacobson. in charge
of this department, is an
expert in his line has
spent years in factories
and repair shops and will
do nothing but high grade