THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 4, 102 lass eat THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON s i Salem s O If o f med Section Gr Mar Place i a r f t i i I V V I - 1 F r - i FOR 8 AXE Miscellaneous 8 WARBEX KTJRSERY AIX KINDS OF Xnut ad sat treea, i5 Ferry Street S-S'jltt FOR SALE GOOD TEAM, TRUE AND eonnd ; vag on and harneia : also good cow and a dosen kens. Phono 807. f00 KOTO EOT CLE FOR $85. WHi rid a wkool F. L, Coffin, Ront X Box 8. ' 8 o30U APPLES FREE FROM WORMS. IS - pr box: two boxaa 91.30; tare boxet 81.80; lour boxes $2.20; or aix boxet for $3. Fhoa 97F12. 8-o21t PRINTED CARDS. SIZE 14- BT tW wording. "Room to Rent, prleo t cent each. Stateemaa Basineee Of : FOR SALE: Livestock 0 SOWS AND; PIGS R. J. HARVEY. Mae leay. Ore. -d6 VETERINARIAN DR. PATTERSON Phono 2028-W. i 9-dlt 2 GOOD MILCH COWS Guernsey fresh toon. Jersey in March. J. O. Fleming Independence, Ore., Ji. So. 1 9d6 FRED W. LANGE. VETERINARIAN : Office 430 8. Commercial. Phono 1108 Boa. Phono 1666. 0-m2Stf mOROUGHBRJED AIRDALE PUPPIES. $5j and $10; Phono 1T91-W3. 0 19tf WOOD FOR SALE 11 18 INCH BLOCK WOOD $3.75 Per Load 4 load $14. Phone la 79-W. H-d21 WOOD SHORT LENGTHS OR : 4 FT - COAL, boat qusliy from $12.75 per ton np. Oregon, Utah, or Rock 8pringa " Prompt delivery. Phono 1835. 11 n20tl 16-INCH OLD FIB, 4 FOOT OLD FIR eeoad growth oak and ata. Phon. lrs. M. D. Mayfiald. 11-jOtt TOR SALE DRY SECOND-GROWTH fir wood. 4 tt.( 'For immediate deli Tory Phono 108, 4-fl2i ' i BEST GRADE OF WOOD 4 ft, and 18 inch. Ary or green mill wood. " Iry second (rowtk fir. :r I Iry old fir. Xry 4 ft. eak and aan. Prompt delivery and reasonable prleo FRED E. WELLS i ttO South Chnrca. Fhooa 1543. Il-a6t' 18 INCH AND 4 FOOT WOOD OP 1U kinds. Prtoee reasonable and prompt WANTED Employment 12 EXPERIENCED NURSE WAXTS PRAC tieal naraiag. References. Call 1520W 12-d EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER WanU permanent position. Good reference Address 590J Statesman. 12 ,2 lt anaanBnnBBBaeaBsmenannBani ' WAXTED Miscellaneous 13 FARM CHEAP TOR CASH WALTER Corbet t. Hotel, Gervaia. Oregon. 13-dl0 WANTED PRIVATE MONEY FOR farm loans. We hare aeveral applica tion en hand. Hawkins ft Roberts, Ine, 205 Oregon Building. 13-dltf WANTED LISTINGS On homes, tke price moat be right. We have the Tonyem. W. H. GRABENHORST CO. ' Realtor m 275 State St. 13-d3 WANTED MEN AND WOMEN TO take farm paper subscriptions. A good proposition to the right people. Ad dree the Pacific Homestead, fitatos man Bidgv Salem, Or. WOODSY; THE AUCTIONEER BOYf need furniture for cash. Phone 511 ' : " - - ' - - 13 snrt MISCELLANEOUS 14 BUSINESS COURSE $75, SECRET AR . ial course $125. University Business - ceanw $195 at The Pacific Expert schooL Free books and supplies. Posi tions secured for all graduate. Pay , tuition aa yon like, part daring the coarse, balance ont of yonr aalaryi af !ter we place you In a position. 14-d4 MARCELLING 65c 891 N. COTTAGE Phone 1638-J 14-d5 HELP-WANTED Fenmle 17 WANTED A WOMAN OR GIRL TO Act aa companion for woman mountain homesteader; 3 months. $15 month and ' found; railroad fare refanded at end of engagement and return fare paid. No men. Log cabin. No objection to a : mother and child. Address S, States man. . 17-d4 LADIES EARN $10 TO $15 WEEKLY at horn in spare time, addressing and mailing our aheet music and circa' i let t era. Send 25 (silver) for aampk aiusie and fall particulars. Corona lit aie Boll Co- 438 Central Park, Roches ter. N. Y; - 17-d8S LOST AND FOUND 22 LOST HAND-BAG BROWN BEAD hand bag containing crochet work. Mrs. W. . II'. Bargbardt, Phone 1381-J. 22-dl LOST GOLD WATCH REWARD. Phone 70M. or call .1187 Brdwy. 22dS- NOTICE WILL THE PARTY WHO took the overcoat by mistake from Kletts' auditorium check room at McElroy'a dance, kindly return same to John Brophy. lodd ft Bnsh Bank. 22n22tf. PERSONAL 23 4 MADAME VRGINIA BT REQyEST Will atop over a few more dsys. Readings J on love or business daily. 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Phono 733, 191 South Church St, ' 23-d GET MARRIED BEST ' MATRIMONIAL paper published. Correspondent, To- fedff. Ohio. 2-d . LOANS - , 24 WANTED " ' fisn of $i2Ho on good farm ae- cority, interest 7a. W. H. GRARKNHORST X: CO. Realtora ' 275 State St. 2l-d3 WANT LOAN $2000; $1300; $700. F. It. Wood. 3 t State St. 21 n30tf UONET TO LOAN ON FARM PROP erty. Lowest rates obtainable. -toe Mr. McCurdy in Homer Smith' of fir. Rteevea-Mmre Btd. z4-a20tf WOULD 6 INTEREST YOU f IF Your security was perfect and your principal showing a certain increase t We have ,everal 8atea income properties for ; sale that are protected by good leases. -They will net yon 6.fe or over with a cert sin increase in value. i from ama'l houses to Business Bldgs. BECK K HENDRICKS XT. S. Bank Bldr 2 t n50tf REAL ESTATE City 25 . Own Your Home . CHOICE -I'll r $8000- Buines Comer $8000 ! CH1LDS BECHTEL I 540 State t. 25 d4tf A NEW 4 ROOM HOUSE I. BLOCK from car line, $lHOO with $200 cash. I i THOMASON . 33m SUte St. -gj-dJ TERMS HOUSE VACANT $1750. Move ''- " HEOCE t HENDRICKS tT. S. Bank BMg. : 25 n25tf - , , CREEK LOT . I Well located, size lUOxllO feet. Price f.'l.V It . IM'VI'fvf t- fit REAL ESTATE City 23 , MODERN HOMES That Are Priced Richt $500O Two story bungalow, 7 blocks Bush bask. I ' $4000 Bungalow 5 rooms, Marion St. Good buy. I $3400 Bungalow 6 rooms, North 16th street. i j $3000 House 6 I rooms, only 4 blocks north of state house. $3800 Two story bungalow 6 rooms sleetine north. : $2300 Cosy 5 room 1 bnngalow, $300 down, W-J per montn. 'terms on any of tke above properties. If It's A Home See CHILDS ft BECHTEL 540 State St. t 25-d4tf BEST BUYS i 34 - acres, house, barn, coops, horse, 2 cows. . 1 heifer, close in. '$4200. Terms. 7 room house, fair - location, . $1500, terms. ? : . 6 rooms, sleeping porch, strictly modern make me on offer. i for rent, building on State St. SOCOLOFsKY. : Realtor $500 DOWN AND THE BALANCE LIKE rent will purchase a good remodeled five room bouse in Yew Park Annex. Price - $2250 A. C. i BOHRNSTEDT 147 No. Com' I. St., Salem, Oreron. i ; ., ; 25-d2tf IF YOU ARE WANTING TO BUY GOOD DAIRY AND GRAIN FARMS. Fruit farms or nice 5 acre ' unproved homes, well located on Salem residences, we have a nice list of these properties at fair price and good terms. Therefore yon will find it to your interest to aee WELLS TALI.MAN ft SON 229 1 Oregon Building, Salem. Oregon. . i 25-d4 APARTMENT HOUSE SNAP! Well' located on paved atreet and car line. Price $6000 income; $85 per month. W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. Realtors 275 State St. i 25-d3 WE ALL DIG FOR DOLLARS." 12Pt. Look at this; 7 room house, lot 75x '150; garage, paved atreeta abundance f fruit. Owner haa to aacrifice. Make r an offer. ' i Listea; good 5 room bungalow, base ment, garage lot of fruit. A anap at $3400. ! None Better; 70 acres all in high tate of cultivation. 1-8 miles of paved road. Surely a bargain at $123.00 per acre. Investigate this. You will have to act quickly if yon want to choose a good - , acre tract In "Salem Highway ' Tracts. Prices ranging from $400.00 np according to IOCS ion. )..:--We write insurance. RICH, L. REIMASN. REALTOR 4-5 ft 6 D'Arcy Bldg. Phone 1013, ) ? 25n23tf. REAL BUY 6 ROOM HOUSE and bath on paved atreet, large lot, east front, now vscsnt, distant owner. Price including paving paid. ; $1900, $400 cssh, balance $20 per month and in terest. :. Krueser. 147 No. Commercial. Phone 217. ,.-! 25d4. i ROOM NEW ENGLISH HOUSE. COR ner lot, splendidly located. Eaaieat kinds of terms. I - Large new atneco house, oa North Summer street, $12,000. . 4 room furnished house $2500. 2 lots. 2 old houses, close in for sale GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 492 North Cottage St. S5-n25tf 1 ROOMS MODERN HOME GARAGE ' furnace, fireplace. will sell reason able and terms. Quick possession. See at 1275 E street. BECEE ft HENDRICKS U. S. Bank Bldg. i 25-nl5tf r ARM TO LEASE YOU BUY THE stock.' feed and equipments. - : Farms for city property, Sslem or Portlsnd. Eastern farms for ' Oregoh. Houses for aale with amall payment down. . .'.). Houses to rent, money to loan. For bargains or exchanges. See BARBER, 200 Gray Bldg. i i -1 25-n29tf GOOD VALUE $3000 BUYS A 5 Room Bungalow and garage on Richmond avenue. Krneger, 147 N. Commercial. Phone 217. J 25d4 S ROOM BUNGALOW, BUILT IN, BA8E- ment, garage, paved street, $2700, will take good building lots a part pay ment. lAUr-aCtive old English home, 5 rooms, new, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, corner lot, $5500; $500 cash and bal ance like rent. . WINNIE PETTYJOHN Realtor 216 Oregon Bldg. t 2Vn21tf FOR SALE - Small house, good lot, $550. Five room house Month Salem, modern, pav ed atreet, $31 jO. Strictly modern bun galow, large living room with fireplace and buffet, oak floors. A bargain at $5500. Nice four room bungalow $1700. F. L. WOOD 841 State St. , 23-n30U 3 ROOMS MODKRX GARAGE. TERMS. Bee at 1167 N. 16th. ' BECKE ft HENDRICKS i U. S. Bank Bldg. 25-n25tf CAN USE A, FEW MORE EXCLUSIVE listings of rightly priced farms, stock and dairy ranches.- A. C. BOHRNSTEDT : 147 North Coui'l. St.. Salem, Oreeon. j ; '25-dtf fUST OUTSIDE SALEM MODERN home with everything. $4750; terms Drapes, linoleums, electric range, etc. BECKE ft HENDRICKS U. S. Bank Bldg. i 25-n20tt LOOK THESE OVER! 1 Portland business property $10,000; exchange for Salem property. 2 room house large lot. $500. 5 room bungalow 3-4 acre land in city limits, want residence closer in. Modern 6 room bungalow en Court : atreet, aacrifice for quick sale. " 7's acre suburban home paved road nan. $X00, want residence. For rent Modern 4 room .bungalow. We can match your exchange. " PEItfUXK ft MRSTKl!S Fbona 907. Commercial Club Bid?. : 25-25tf TRIM LITTLE HOM: $1100. TERMS like rent. Brand new and immediate ponses.sion. i BECKE ft HENDRICKS U. 8. Bank Bldg. i S5-n20tf YOUNG MAN WOULD YOU SOONER pay that rent money on a home of your ownf If so. romeand talk it over with ' HARRIS. Entrance Maoonie Temple -Phones 79",. 1912-J. 2 n27lf MINUTE MOVIES AEt20AD ClLVEr2. 3HEET. .SAt'-iT MEP&BET OCCUPIES WE fSOVAt SUITE. JJL'lTM SUilMMWfj V&0 Li i REAL ESTATE City 29 6 ROOMS FURNACE $3aOQ. ALSO garage. toutn. BECKE ft HENDRICKS U. S. Bank Bldg. ! 25-n20H LIST WITH BECKE ft HENlsatlCKS NOW. We have calls right now for two large homes of 7 to 10 room priced $300 to $45oo. i. i Alao for 4 and 5 rooms around $2500. Office 204-205 United Statea National Bank Building. Phone 161. ; 25-n20tf BEFORE BC1L.DING) Would it not pay you to aee two houses I have for asle, very reasonably priced, where the owners who are leav ing Salem would take one or two va cant lota aa part pay f ( No bunk or pad ding in valuationa in either e. Call on Vm. Fleming, 341 State St. for ver ification. : 25-n27tf 2 ROOM PLASTERED HOUSE Plumb ing. $1100. Terma will handle. Vacant and brand new. I BECKE ft HENDRICKS U. 8. Bank Bldg. 25-n25tf 6 ROOM MODERN IN OAKS. FUR naee, fireplace, garage, etc. I'rice $4350 and reasonable terma take. See at 1275 E. St. BECKE ft HENDRICKS TJ. S. Bank Bldg. 25 n25tf PRINTED CARDS SIZE 14 BY 7H" wording "For Sale, Enquire At." Price 10 eeuta each. Statesman Business Office, Ground Floor. THANKSGIVING OFFEttiNGS l Home Business properties and trsdes. ; A good six room house, full basement. A bargain at $270O or will trade for house in Portland. A fine farm for good house in r lem. , S A choice 10 acre farm near Salem. 6 room house, household furniture, all equipment, team of horses, one cow. hay. grain, potatoes. A snap at $6300. A genuine money making i general atore at Marshf ield average income of $250 per day. Will consider : some trade. We have severs! good farms in the East to trado for honsea in: Salem. House and apartments for rent from two rooms up. ! Remember we specialize in I trades. We get you what you want for what yon don't want. It there is anything in our line you. want it will pay yoo to see us. J. F. ULRICH ! ; Successor to Moisaa ft Ulrich. 122 No. Com'l. 25n.23tf OAKS LOT TERMS. $1100. YOU'LL lik this one. ' BECKE ft HENDRICKS U. S. Bank Bldg. 23-nl5tf FOR SALE 5 ROOM HOUSE IN Good location. Very small payment.! Terma like rent. See Kletzing at the States man. , 2n23tf. BEST BUY IN SALEM 7 ROOM house. bath, furnace, fireplace, gas range and heater, garage, cement wslka and atreeta. Walking distance. House ful ly carpeted. All for $5000. Terms. See owner 1153 Osk street. 25-dl2 EXCHANGE I ; 160 South Dakota; 210 Montana; 160 Harney county, Oregon; 320 Frank, lyn county. Wash. What have you. Want car aa payment on six room house at $2500. Want lot or small acreage on seven room house at $2800. For sale nice 35 acre farm well located at $5500. F. L .Wood. 341 State St. 25-p30tf FURNACES IN THESE 4 HOMES, 4 to 6 roome. : Immediate possession on two. Down payment, then like rent $3500 to $4750. BECKE ft HENDRICKS U. S. Bank Bldg. 25-n20tf 7 ROOM MODERN, TERMS. I i BECKE ft HENDRICKS ! - TJ. 8. Bank Bldg. 23 n25tf 6 ROOMS. $4350 HAS FURNACE, Fire place, garage and lance lot. aee ait 1213 atreet. Reasonable terms. J BECKE ft HENDRICKS I T7. R. Bank Bldg. 25-n REAL ESTATE Trade 27 i 1 LOOK! . ' ' '.. We have a fine 8 room home with 2 nice lots, price $60)O. Will trsde for 19 acres improved about same value. THOMASON 331 State St. 27-d5 LOOK! T " 5 room plastered lionse and 2 nice lots.. Price $25UO; will trade for 5 arrea not more than 3 or 4 miles out. i THOMASON 331 State St. 27 d5 ! BUSINESS OpportunlUea 26 J SPECIAL OFFER . Oa restaurant in good location and doing good business. Price $4300; ex ceptional good lease. W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. 275 State St. Phone 315. 26-d3 FILLING STATION CONFECTIONERY and grocery, well located and paying good returas, price $6825. will tak house in Portland or Salem up tr $3O00 a part payment. WINNIE PETTYJOHN , Realtor 216 Oregon Bldg. )6-n21tf NOTICE Will build building suitable for au ; tomobile sales agenrry-; size 6tx82V& feet, welt located. .Will lease for $160 per month. ' ' W. II. UKA11CM1USS1 m VW. 275 State St. 26-d3 SMALL HOTEL CHEAP FURNISHED and full. Steam hst. $60O takes. BECKE ft HENDRICKS U. 8. Bank Bldg. 26-n20tl I FOR SALE . f Brick building paying good income, see ua today. This property will in crease in value. ' W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. 275 State St. I 2 d3 REAL ESTATE Farm 28 10 ACRES BLDGS.. TO LEASE, SELL or trade, reasonably. Immediate poa aessiou. BECKE ft HENDRICKS U. S. Bank Bldg. - 28-n20tf CHEAP TRACT 10 ACRES IN LIMITS Illdgs and vacant. $3500. terms. Will take some trade. BECKE HENDRICKS U. S. Bank Bid;. 28 2.'tf ON HIGHWAY 50 ACRES CLOSE TO Salem. $2-5 an acre. It's the lt buy : from her lo Portland. Old htdg. ! BECKE ft HENDRICKS U S. Bank BMs. 2n18tf IN TfcE LlMEUGMT huSO 10MIFPENPOOP, DICTATOR. AAJLGAKIA VDUO MAS PifcCEt AM . CMbARGO OW ALL "tic yoRii BE T OP E- VO0 , LIE-S ¬ sJCTvuaTeR. EAGS, MfTfeMS N ANJt EAfeMVJFP J I REAL ESTATE Farms 28 LOOK! ' 54 acres only 7 mile from Salem. 1-4 mile from paved road. 1 A snap for $60 per acre. THOMASON 331 M State St. . t 28-d3 ONE OF THE FINEST SMALL DAIRY farma in the Siletx valley. 5 minutes to High achool and past postof fic. Q acres, good buildings $7000 See me for stock and dairy ranches. A. C. BOHRNSTEDT 147 No. Commercial St., Salem, Oregon, i i i 28-w27tf TRADES A aplendid ruily equipped dairy in a dairy country to exchange for fruit farm near or income in Salem; A go ing chicken ranch of 47 acres with aplendid house, tenant bouse and good barn, feed, wood, and housebould fur niture all ready to light on and atart to gathering eggs, the owner will aell 'or swap for something thst does not re quire personal attention; 90 splendid Minnesota acrea for farm in the val ley; $16,000 income in Salem for fruit ranch; $25,000 income in Salem and will consider farm up to $20,000; $20. 000 income for farm np to $ 15,000 and will carry back; $4000 city property for 40 acre farm and will pay cash dif ference up to $2500; 60 acrea well improved, 10 acres of besring prunes. A good dairy farm worth $6000 for residence. ' McGILCHRIST ft PENNINGTON 209 U. S. Bank Bldg Phone .140 i 28-n30tf TRACT OX TERMS BLDGS. 13 Acre for $3250. 1 Best we know. BECKE ft HENDRICKS U. S. Bank Bldg. 28-n20tl LOOK! ' 30 acrea good 5 room house, 2 fine cows, 70 chickens, all tools and feed. Price $3000; will take part in trade. Balance good terms. . We have some good income Portland property to trade for Salem residence. THOMASON 331 'i State St. 28-d2 1100 TAKES SMALL HOUSE PLAS- tered. New and vacant. zuu down. BECKE ft HENDRICKS U. S. Bank Bldg. 28 n9tf FARM BARGAIN ' 30 acrea 11 miles . from Salem on good gravel road. 5 room plastered house, cows, chickens and tools go with place for $'.T00. THOMASON . ' " ' 331 4 State St. 2 d5 To Exchange 29 WANT CAR AS PAYMENT ON House. Want house for close in acreage with new bungalow. Want a lot or 'ord Coupe for Dodge car. F. L. Wood, 311 State street. 29d5 REAL ESTATE Suburban 30 SUBURBAN HOMES THREE DANDY close to Salem. Immediate possession on one. $3500 to $4750. BECKE ft HENDRICKS . -U. S. Bank Bldg. 30 n!5tf CHEAP SMALL RANCHES 35 ACRES for $1600: 16 acrea $3250; lO acres $3500. All have aet bldgs. Immediate possession and terms on all. BECKE ft HENDRICKS U. S. Bank Bide. 30-n30tf USED CARS For Sale 31 MITCHELL TOURING CAR GOOD CON dition, specially priced for this. week only $165. Federal Tire Shop. 31-d6 FOR SALE 1920 AUTOMOBILE TOUR ing. Good condition. Price $450 terms. Phone 1995. 260 North High. 31-d6 BUIQK 1923 MODEL GLASS Enclosed 5-psssenger. Will -sacrifice. Particu Isra. Vick Bros., or 606 E. B8th St., North Portland. Oregon. 31d9 CHEV. BARGAIN CHEW Owner must sell. 1923 Chevrolet Touring, good condition. extras, an unusual offer, good terms if desired, see Chef Oyster Loaf Restaurant. 31d4 FOR SALE! 1923 Dodge delivery. A-l con- dition. oversise cord tires $750 1923 lodge touring, run 5000 miles, a real buy j 1922 Dodge roadster.; 1921 Dodge touring, car had ex t cellent care. , 1922 Overland touring , 1923 Easex touring 1920 Dodge touring.. 1919 Dodge touring 730 500 475 35 650 375 275 1921 Dodge sedan. 1913 Dodge tourin; 1923 Dodge coupe, 600 200 A-l condi- 4...1' 850 lion --. --- TERMS BONESTEEI.E MOTOR CO. 1:1-. 31-d4 :. Ford Specials 1915 touring $ 45.0O. 1916 touring..... 1 60.001 1918 touring : r 75.00 1917 roadster - 70.00 1920 roadster, starter 150.00 1921 roadster, starter... 195.00 1924 roadster, atarter 325.00 1919 touring, atarter 115.00 1920 touring, atarter 160.00 1924 touring, starter 370.00 1924 Coupe - 325.00 - EASY TERMS . j J Valley Motor Co. Authorizd Ford Dealer SCO North High Phone 1995 ! ! 3l-d2tf LATE 1924 FORD COUPE. $70 WORTH of extras including a speedometer, spot light, rear view mirror, wiper, dssh light, spare tire, stop lizht, Stewart ' vacuum tank, special oiling system. $175 cash will handle. 615 Ferry. I 31 d3 V- "Why Walk?" j It is far cheaper to ride in a used car, ;wet feet end doctor'a hill snre take : the joy out of life. Wouldn't it be more convenient for rnu to have your own ran to drive back and forth to 1 work f Aside from the enjoyment the 1 family will get out of it evenings and ! Sundays. ", It is easy to buy a used rar on onr 'payment plan, t'owe in and let ua tt-H ! you about it. We hnve larse selection ( of both open and eluded models . to ; ehoone from. Prices ranae from 90 It $I2). All cars are guaranteed a represented. "After We S-ll Serve." F. W. Pettyjojhn Co. . 119 and 7! North i'nmmrrria! St. limn Ttl-n'J.ltf I (All righta protected by The George Matthew Adams Service Trade Mark Registered U. S. Patent Office) mm e 3 rmrmi EXCiTiNG- AOMfpAiTS Filmed ooRiNxsr tvie: AMMUAL ' eHUBABB -RAJ2SLBV SAME. UJifcCM EMDE15 IM flCJcSZy ?C& OLD r5MU&AJ2t POC "TWE TIME. M TwewTV- 5EVE4 .m,, - ! i a. ua .1 at ) m mmm m-m as. 1 mMmmmmmm CLASSIFIED Of Reliable Business AJOBtTLANCB AMBULANCE SERVICE. DAY OR night. Phone 666. 173 South Liberty AUCTIONEERS p w wnnnov Expert Livestock, farnitnre, real aetata Be. 1810 N. Summer Phone 511 for ale dates. L. E. TALBOTTi Auctioneer ! Phon 470 202 tJ. 8. Bank Bldg. ; j 15 G. SATTERLEE Auctioneering Booms 25-26, Breyinaa ; Block Phene ,430 or 1211-1. 'ine-12tf ATJTO PAINT INO HAVE US REPAINT YOUR CAR WITH our new permanent tiniaa. A SwVKTk eaurv Cm High Street at Trad 1 BATTERY AND ELECTRICIANS R. D. BARTON EXIDE BATTERIES tarter and generator work; 171 South Commercial PRESTO-LITE BATTERY SERVICE Station. Expert battery and electrical work. Ferria Broa, Phone 1803, 418 Court. cwdisro 531 Court St. JOB WILLIAMS BICYCLES AND REPAIRING LLOYD E. RAMSDEN DAYTON BICY-eles- and repairing; 387 Conrt. CHINESE REMEDY L. L. DICK L. M. HUM. CHINESE Medicine Gov. help any kaown disease 420-426 Stat St Salem, Oregon. a SOtf CHIROrODIST DR. SJ. SCOTT, GRADUATE Na tional University Sciences, Chicago. Masonic Temple. Phone 640. CHIROPRACTOR DR. O. U SCOTT. PSO CHIROPRACTOR, 414-19 U. S. Bank Bldg. Phon 87. re. 828-R. CLEANERS ft DYERS 8 A LEM CLEANERS AND DYERS. 1215 S. Commercial. Phone 1868. W po- cisliie on one day servwe. CONTRACTORS TOR CEMENT I WORK CALL AT 486 N. Summer street Phone 674-J. CHERRY CITY CONTRACTING CO. General contracting and building. Esti mate gladly .furnished. Phon 1S67R or 5PF12. " d28tf DBES8MAETNO PRINTED CARDS SIZE 14" BYJ7" ?;wording "Dreaainaking: price 10 eeata each. Statesman Buaiaes Office Gronnd Floor, ELECT RI CI AN8 SALEM ELECTRIC CO. MASONIC bui.ding. Phon 1200. 1 ELECTRIC FIXTURES AND SUPPLY Co. Phone 1934. 222 N. Liberty. rLEENER ELECTRIO CO. House wiring by hour or contract. Ea timate furnished. Phon 980. 471 "Ooort 8t. ' FARM PATEB IF YOU WANT TO OET THE BEST farm paper, aead 15c to the Pacific Homestead. Salem, Oregon for a three month' trial subscription. M a t i o n tbi ad. POULTRYMEN SEND EIGHT TWO ' cent stamp for special three months' trial for the beat and oldest journal in th wast. The articles and advertise ' .ments are of special interest to th' Soultry breder of th Northwt ortbweat Poultry Journal.211 Com mercial atreetf Salem. Oregon. FINANCIAL FARM LOANS PLENTY OF MONEY to loan on good farm security. CITY LOASTS We are loaning Pru dential Insurance Company money on ' city residences and business property, at SMi'fr, plus a commission. Hawkins ft Roberts.. Inc., 205 Oregon Building. d-4tf LOANS MADE ON GOOD CITY PROP erty at a low rate on the easy payment plan, ao at end of year you are all paid up; Farm loana on large or amall tracts: private money. See first and you will go no farther. G. W. Laflar. 410 Orevon Bldg. ' . City; Loans ANDERSON ft RUPERT ' Agent 406 Oregon Building FARM LOANS LESS INTEREST, longer timn.- bo commission. Protcta against adversity. City loans, lowest ; rates, monthly installments, prq-pay meat privileges. J, C. Biegmund. room a,.. I.t1 - Hi KaftV - Farm Loans ' ANDERSON ft RUPER1 . inn Oearnn RniMeo ' FLOBISTS CUT FLOWERS. WEDDING BOUQUETS funeral wreaths, deroratlona. C. r. Breithaupt. .florist, 1 23 N. L I b r t j Thn n0 WTl AD DAREDEVIL ' N NOVEL VifMt. nzllv NTujiTor- NlUkiUN PW" - i $A oTajn!rJ5 DM U!E UJlrXtf BUSINESS DIRECTORY and Professional Firms Arranged in Alphabetical Order for Quick Referenct V I FUNERAL DIRECTORS SALEM MORTUARY, FUNERAL DIREC tora. 210 Center. Phone -1658. FURNITUEB STORES GIE8E FURNITURE CO.-r4j V A H T Y furniture for lea money. 872 Court, Phone 464. PEOPLES' FURNITURE STORE NEW nd second hand furniture; 271 N. Commercial. HEMSTITCHING THE VOGUE FOR HEMSTITCHING stamped gooda. 4294 Court.. 14-dl3 MRS. C. E. MILLER, HEMSTITCHING, stamping, buttona. Room 10, over Mil ler's Store. Phone 117. HEMSTITCHING, STAMPING, PLEAT ing. The Petite Shop, Room 5, over Busicka. a29tf SALEM ' ELITE H EMSTITOHING pleating, buttona, stamping and needle work; 328 Oregon bldg. Phon 379. S0ME0PATHIC PHYSICIAN DR. L. Q. ALTMAN, HOMEOPATH WT. Does a general practice.. Treats Goiter, Gall Stones, and Dropsy, ariaing from diseases of heart, liver or kidneya without operation. Office and reai- . denee. 296 N. Liberty St., Salem, Or. r-hone 147. INSURANCE WARREN F. POWERS Life, Accident, Fire, Automobile 219 U. S. Nat'i Bank Bldg. Phone 607 iaisure Your home' oV car now ' Phone 161 BECKE ft HENDRICKS U. 8. Bank Bldg. LADIES TAILORING D. H. MOSHER TAILOR FOR MEN jindwomen. 474 Conrt mm LANDSCAPE GARDENING SAVE MONEY BY HAVING YOUR lawn built by the Blake Landscape company. Phone 1324-51. d5 LAUNDRIES SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY. 16 S. Liberty atreet. Phone 25. I d a a t largest beat.' Established 1889. CAPITAL CITY 8TB AM LAUNDRY Quality work; prompt service; 12 64 Broadway. Phone 165. . MEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Phone 517-W. MUSI0 STORES SHERMAN, CLAY ft CO., PIANOS Steinwaya, Duo-Art and othera. Moore's Music House, 415 Court Street. 3EO. a WILL PIANOS, PH0N0 grsphs, sewing machines, sheet music, and piano studies. Repairing phono graphs and sewing machine; 432 State atreet, Salem. rRADE YOUR OLD PIANO FOR A NEW Victor or Brunawick. H. L. SUff Furni ture Co- Music Dept. - NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS OK. A. SLAUGHTER A O U T't AND chronic diass; 415 Oregon Bldg. Phone 110. NURSERY STOCK FRUIT. NUT AND 8HADE TREES Pearcr Bros.. 287 State. - i PACKING AND SHIPPING FOR EXPERT. FURNITURE PACKING and ahipping, call Stiff Furniture Store, Phone 941. a-8Qtf PAPERHANGINO AND PAINTING WALL PAPER SAMPLE BOOKS AND book a oa wall deeoratlona. ' Max O. Burea, 179 N. Com'L. Salem. PHONE GLENN ADAMS FOR HOUSE decorating, paper banging, tinting, etc. Reliable workman. ; PIANO TUNERS EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED Pi ano tuner. Leave orders Will'a Masie 1 Store. ' PLUMBING PLUMBING AND GENERAL . REPAIR work. Graber Broa., 141 8. - Liberty Pbone 550. f-19tf RADIO For Every Purpose Every Puree r'C'"5JTri 'All Staadard Sixes -" a ,A of Radio Tube UAL1K ft EOFF ELECTRIC SHOP ,337 Court St. Phone 4KS RADIO DOCTORS 1 SALEM ELECTRIC CO. V 8. BARTON, Prop. Masonic T .,..! PSnr I"11 ' 3m! A a- PjW Jc-" V3" s? I X, Too yov5J .h n. ,n g- - - ...,,rjr , ! III I ' I yrnnjseTT4tW ANVtATEt CABTOOH A SNJU OF THE REPAIRING aLVIN B. STEWART 847 Conrt St Umbrella. Cutlery and Key La wnmowera, rasor-blades, aciasors, Vnfvea and tKls aherpened. SCAVENGERS BOOS SCAVENGER SERVICE GAR bag and refua of all kind removed . by the month. Reasonable ratea. Cess pools cleaned and dead animal re moved. Phones: Office $5; Res. 2058. SECOND HANS QOODS WANTED EVERYTHING IN CLOTH ing and shoe.. Beat priaea paid. Cap ital Exchange; 842 North Commercial Phone 1868-W. I STOVES AND ST0VB REPAIRING STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 40 yeara experience. Depot National I "tee, aixea 26 :o 68 in.' high. Paints, oifa and varniahes, etc., loganberry and bop hooks. Salem Fence and Stove Works. 250 Court Streeti Phone 124. TRANBFEB AND HAULING CAPITAL' CITY TRANSFER CO. 226 State St. Phone 933. Distributing, for warding and storage eun apecialty. Get our rate. j WS MOVE, STORK AND BHIP H0USE hold good. Our specialty is piano and furniture moving. W also make coun try trips. We handle the beat coal and wood. Call oa na for price. We give good measure, good quality and good - service. Larmer Transfer Co. Phon 930 TRANSFER AND HAULING OF ALL kinds. Phone 19F3. TEANHPOETATION PARKER'S STAGeI LINES Z O. W. Parker, General Manager Central Stage Terminal Salem, Oregon, 8ALEM-8ILVERTON DIVISION Leavea Salem, Central Stage Terminal: 7 a. m.; 11 a. m.; 5 p. m. Leaves Eilverton New Stand: 9 a.m. ; 1 p.m. ; 6 fe,m. Balem-Iadependeaea-MonanMth Divisiot Leavea Salem, Central Stag Terminal ' "7 a.m.; 9 a .as.; 11:10 a.m. ; 8:10 p.m.; 6:101 p.m. Leavea Monmoath, Measoouth Hotel: . 8:15 aj.; 1 p.m.; 8:15 p.m. Leav- Independeae. Beaver Hotel: 8:30 a.m.; 9:50 a.m.; 1:15 pjn. 4 p.m.; 6:30 p.m. Leavea ' Central Stage Terminal, Sales, for Dalle at: f a.m.; 11:10 a.m.; 8:10 p.m. . Leavea Gail Hotel. Dallaa. at: 6 a.m.; 1 p.m.; 6115 p.m. We make connection at Salem to el parte of tha valley. Extra trips by ap - pointment. ' I J. W -pfcRKER, General Manarer WATEB SALEM WAtER. LIGHTjft POWER CO Office, 801 South Commercial St. Tel per cent discount on do e t i e flat rate paid in advance.! No 4 d act ion . for abaene or any canp ir.lesa water la ahnt off yonr premies MAIN TASK IS TO KEEP DOWN EXPENDITURES (Continued from jpag 1) greetsexecutive declajrations when made In person, but in the house members applauded s everal of the recommendations. President Coolidgej made no re commendations with respect to im mediate tax reduction, but he told the congress that if it would keep within the limitation: of the budg et he presented yeste rday it would be possible to have "a moderate amount of tax.redu stion and all the tax refofraQthat the congress may wish for during the next fis cal year." Chief among his other recom mendations, some cf which are reiterations of declarations in his first annual messages were: Hold to World Conrt American 'adherence to the world court with reservations practically outlined and with an additional safeguard that this country shall not be bound by ad visory operations which may be rendered by the court upon ques tions which the Unitjed States had not voluntarily submitted. The sa'e or lease i of Muscle Shoalsjinder' right guarantees for cheap nitrogen for agricultural use. j I ., Flood control on tjhe Mississ-ippi and Colorado riversl and develop ment of the lakes toj the gulf and St. La.wrence watervfays. i , Amendment of the transporta tion act so as to facijlitate consoli dation of railway system and to provide simplicity in relations be tween employer andjeniplOye, and more direct local responsibility of each in labor disputes. The transferring. o the emerg ency fleet corpora tiofa of the whole responsibility of the;: operation of the ' merchant marine fleet and property and leaving to the ship ping board solely tlje duty of de term in Ins Jmajor ' no!icte- wliich require dpTiberative action. Agricultural aid jhrough legis lation to be fubinited ffter the aKricultural commission has com pleted its survey of the situation? Full constitutional rights for ncsro, with legislative safeguards against lynching, 'the. placing of the prohibition enforcement force By ED WHEEL AN PICK UPS cfz DAV sit. is claTmed T"n45 tvnr t TUB tLOU) MoTtOAJ RCTUBE GoT HI5 IDEA FCOM MEM A CAT-E REACM-- . - -T . a "A b4 m r CtOSl"H) CALL and first, second and third clajss postmasters under -the civil ser vice. . Amendment of the immigration act so as to permit Immigrants in this country more latitude in ob- , taining admission of members of their own families. Passage of legislation for .the reorganization of government de partments. Maintenance of the policy of "constantly working toward the' full treaty strength of the navy." Congressional .support for the -development of air navigation and for' the army plan of national de fense. " Representation of all parties at the ballot box and on various registration boards. - Establishment of national police bureau. . , Announcing that the calling of a second disarmament conference by the United States would await ' the outcome of proposals by other governments for a European eon- ference where President Coolidge said he would not wish to have representatives attend a confer ence, which would ''contemplate commitments opposed to the free dom of action we desire to main tain unimpaired with respect to our purely domestic policies." , The president told congress that proposals to outlaw aggressive warfare should be carefully stud ied and sympathetically viewed. Not for League In his discussion of foreign af fairs, the president aeain took oc casion to declare the United States not to be .disposed to join the league of nations; to appeal for. support by public" authorities and private citizens for the European reparations, settlement plan, and to declare againt cancellation by this country of the war debts. Immediately upon the conclu sion of the reading of the presi dential message the last prelim inary Incident to the opening oi the final cession of the present congress, the senate and house started in on the real work that, win -occupy . them for the next three months. In the house, the first of the appropriation bills, that for the interior department, was taken up, while the senate gave brief con sideration to the Muscle Shoals question, recessing until tomorrow with this legislation having the right of way. , President Coolidge's recommen dations and the general legislative prog&am were subject, of informal conferences among administration leaders - at th capital and also were discussed at a meeting early Jn the day between the executive rnd some of the senators (lead ers.) Both house and senate leaden sre determined to bring forward mn'ters of reneral legislation v henever possible, but in the faei. of the am which always is char arter!tic of short sessions and the lack of working republican ma jority, they are making no ire diction as to possible accomplish ments. , Little Hope for Action Senator Borah of Idaho, who today was made chairman of the senate foreign relations commit tee, said that whenever there was opportunity to do so be would lay the world court proposal be- t fore the senate, but that he paw little hope of final action at this session.- He reiterated his opinion that an extra session would be necessary. . Endorsing President Coolidge's proposal to piace the merchant marine under the emergency fleet corporation. Chairman Jones of the senate commerce committee said there probably would be much opposition to this plan. He doubt ed that final action would be pos- ' sible before March 4. With respect to the executive's recommendation for a suspension of operation or section 28 of the merchant marine act giving pre- , ferentfal rail tates on goods hauled , In American bottoms. Senator Jones said thiq section first should be tried out before being con-demned.- . Approve Plans Senator Smith, democrat. South Carolina, chairman of the inter state" commerce committee, gave general approval to the president's plans regarding amendment of the transportation act and said there t would be definite action at thi3 session. -Asserting that there was little real opposition1 to the plan of povernnient reorganization em bodied in pending legislation. Chairman Smodt of the special joint . congressional committee, which has been considering the problem, predicted favorable al tjon on that bill. An amendment to the immigra tion act along the lins sugcested by Mr. Coolidge U in preparation, but neither house hor senate lead ers would forecast action at the present session. With respect to agricultural re lief legislation there was divided opinion, but most leaders concur red in the view of the president that definite Iwuislatlve action should not be undertaken until after the agricultural commission appointed by the executive has completed its labors. - . The complete- text of President Coolldge's message to congress will be found on pages seven and ten of this issue. Scottish Rite Masons Dine at New Salem Restaurant Nearly 70 members of the Ttoso Croix club. Scottish Kite Mason, met .for their regular ecssibn at the New Salem restaurant, in the Iltiirlies building, last night. Phillip Malcolm. Inspector general for Scottish Kite Masons in Ore gon, was the principal speaker. Other after-dinner speakers were P. Coshow of the supreme ?ourt. Gorernor Walter M. Pierce. Rev. U. S. Crowder. Jtev. K. II. Shanks and Benjamin Klmber, county YMCA secretary. Short talks were given by sever1! Portland men.