The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 27, 1924, Page 9, Image 9

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AUDREEt bunch
I PHONE 10 a
Thanksgiving Day
I wonder, should Thanksgiving Day
Come in the tedder .spring,
When frail wood flowers push through the leaves.
And silver swallows wing,- "j E
If we could, feel the thankfulness
.' t That crowds our heart today
When barren are the gloried hills,
i And old the roads, and gray?
' I wonder if it doesn't mean,
A blessedness more dear,
. Our worshipping with upward eyes,
When dying is the year?
A seeing in the flower the fruit,
V The sunset at the morn,
And knowing in some age-wise way
Fulfillment for things born?
AMONG THOSE WHO will go to
the beach for over Thanks
giving are Mr; and Mrs. M. P.
Adams,' Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Smith,
Mrs. Emma Murphy. Brown and
Mrs. Elsie Lemourex. They are
motoring to Neskowin.
'Miss Vivian Etter .was a delight
ful . hostess j for a miscellaneous
shower honoring Miss DeLoise
H ice Monday evening at her home
on Fairview avenue. The guest
of honor was the recipient of many
beautiful and usefnl gifts. As
Ripe Olives
Thanksgiving j
Ttiurstlay, November 27
Served All Ifciy ;
Music 5 to 7 by Oregonians
Olvmnia Oyster Cocktail i
Chilled Hearts of Celery -en Branch
Chicken, a la Neapolitaine
' Consomme. Printaniere j
" ' ' Choice . - !
! New York Sirloin Steak. Stanley
Chicken Fricassee, Supreme
j " Roast Loin of Young Pig. Apple, Sauce ,
Baked Stuffed Young Oregon Turkey, Cranberry Sauce
Roast Domestic Goose, Apple en Glaze
Prime Ribs of Eastern Steer au Jus
Candied Sweets ' Snowflake Potatoes.
Buttered Tiny June Peas
Head Lettuce, Thousand Island '
Fruit Salad. Maraschino -
.'" 1- - - Dessert i . 1 K,,
. ! English Plum' Pudding, Hard Sauce
Fresh Strawberry Sundae r Hot, Mince Pie
Gray Belle French Pastry ' Jello, Whip Cream
; Ice Cream " 1 ' Sherbet.
I Home Made Cake
Tea Coffee Milk ' Chocolate
Mints . Salted, Nuts
Special a la Carte Menu for those who , do not wish
Fall Course Dinner
Miss Etter played Lohengrin's
wedding , march . little - . Wynona
Smith entered - the room with a
doll buggy heaped 'with presents.
At the head of, the buggy stood
a doll dressed as a bride and after
circling the room little Miss Smith
stopped. la front of Miss Hice and
presented her with the gifts.
- A - very enjoyable evening was
spent in visiting and dancing, and
at a late hour: refreshments were
served by the hostess, assisted by
her mother, Mrs. John Etter, and
Miss Honor Zell. The young maida
who were invited to enjoy the eve
ning, were Miss Marie Hitchcock,
Miss Alpha Holcomb, Miss Lois
Pruitt,:MIss Bonnie Foster, Miss
Honor Zell, Mrs. Walter Frazier,
Miss Vila Hoover, Miss Gladys
Wheeler, Miss i Echo .DeSart, the
honor guest. Mi3s DeLoise Hice,
Miss Mary Bielser, Mrs. Snyder,
Mrs. John Etter and the hostess,
Miss Vivian Etter. 1
- f-.t - - '
Misa Selma Flodine, matron of
the Portland YWCA, will be a
house guest through the rest of'
the week at the home of Mrs. W.
A. Pettit. . ' " ;;
Miss Catherine Hartley, a fresh
man at the Oregon Agricultural
college, is spending the Thanks
giving holidays at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Hart
ley. Miss Hartley is pledged to
the Alpha Chi Omega sorority.
1 ' .-. ' ; . . ! :
I At the council meeting this week
Of the Salem Arts' League, matters
relative to the completing of sec
tion organization-were taken up.
The story-telling section under the'
leadership of Mrs. Martin Fereshe
tian. will meet every first and,
third Wednesday at the Feresbe
tion home. The class, in music
study and composition of which
Miss Ruth Bedford will be in
charge, will for a time meet with
the story-telling section. Both are
open sections with any interested
asked to call those in charge.
; The class in interior decoration,
with Mrs. Monroe Gilbert the lead-.
er meets on the first rand fourth
Fridays of the; month at the city
library. The Writers ' club folr
lows the first "andl third Tuesdays
for meetings at the private hemes.
S. H. Van Trump is the leader
of the section on landscape gard
ening which has library meetings
on the first and third Fridays of
the month. M "
Tentative plans are under way
for classes in drama, art study and
sketching. I j
, ' The second Tuesday of each
month is given over to a general
meeting : of the league to which
all interested are invited. The
meeting next month will be a
varied program given by the com
bined sections December 8, at the
Woman's club house.
v : :' ...
The St. Joseph's parish card
party, announced for Thanksgiv
ing evening at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Jaskoski, has been
postponed until Friday evening.
' The Arts League section In. In
terior decorating will meet tomor
row evening at the public library.
.The meeting , will be at 7:30
voclock, with Jthe subject of study
To Prove Safety Qualities of 'uirin'l
Parachute, Youn French Girl Drops 1,000 Feet
. . -v.-o-a-v. .-.. ... -v.-.-.- -.v
ill '
.4 X.
Musical Comedy Show
"S. S. Snasae
A Shipload of Fun
Music and v
. Pretty Girls I
Special Scenery and
Lighting Effects for
This Show
Monday, and Tuesday.
Becembsi -1 -and "2
, : Box Office Open for Reserve Seats ;
Friday & Saturday Afternoons All Day; Monday, & Tuesday
" t'4 tiX-
I if
ft ' s A "
K i it
t k. . IK
. -v:..l. ?i : m: idT:
Before a number of represeata-
tlves of foreign powers. Mile. Fjnet
dropped about a fifth of a rnity at
the Croydon aerodrome at Coy-
don, England. The parachute
opened In two seconds and the de
scent waajmade safely In one Kit.
ute, two (seconds - ' - . I
s i i i i 1 , , vo ciock, with jine suDject oi.iiuay-
ii i i ,'. , j 1 (" '. ' lj . . - i - - '' -
the finishing of floors and wOod
wor ' Various interesting lesions
are anticipated for the near future
with attractive fixtures, tapestries,
rugs, and period furniture t6 Il
lustrate each. A group of new
members are also planning ' on
joining, the section soon after
Christmas. ' ;
Salem friends of Miss Dorothy
Fltchard will be glad to know
that she is Improving from a very
serious operation performed at
Et. Vincent's Hospital In Portland
last week. (
. .-. , - : S
Motoring to Eugene today are
Dr. and Mrs. Frank E. Brown, Mrs.
David H. Craven, and son, Ron
ald, who will be guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Alli
son, ' for. a Thanksgiving dinner.
They will return' Friday. ( '
' Mrs. W. ,N. Savage has had as
her recent house guest, Miss Min
nie Knight of Lake City. Minn,
Mrs. Savage and Miss Knight have
been friends since girlhood, both
claiming Lake City as their native
home. Miss Knight left the Sav
age home this week for San Diego
to spend the winter.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schindler
are spending Thanksgiving . in
Portland at the home of their
daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Everett H. Craven.
i '- ' .
Bertha and Carrie Moores of
Portland are guests for a few days
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. N.
Moores. ,
Miss Kathryn Schank has re
turned ,to ; her home in Seatle af
ter a week's visit with her aunt,
Mrs. James Sykes
Mrs. Carrie B. Adams, the sis
ter nf fl... E. Wilson, secretary of
the Chamber of Commerce, has a
new operetta, "See America First
which, according to the November
bulletin tt the Oreeon Writers'
league, especially deals with Ore
gon. ' '
Multnomah Chapter, Daughters
of the American Revolution, will
give Its Americanization program
and entertain the state regent,
Mrs. Seymour Jones of Salem,
this afternoon at 2 o'clock at the
University club. Mrs. Fletcher
Linn, regent of the chapter, will
preside, with Mrs. Clyde; E. Lewis
of the Americanization committee
acting as chairman of the day.
Work: being done, in American
ization, which is one of the im
portant interests of the Daughters
will be ; (described. Miss Helen
Dekum and Miss Catherine A.
Uradshaw; being, speakers on the
program. Folk songs and dances
will be giien by pupils of the Fail
ing school, and Helen Turkenish
Will give an oration on the consti
tution.: Mrs. ' May Dearborn
Schwab will be soloist- of the af
ternoon. r-Oregonian. 4
i A wedding of the Thanksgiving
season was that of Miss Alice
Esther Chung, and. Richard Gow
Chan, which was solemnized ; yes
terday. Mr. and Mrs. Chan left
immediately, for Portland. Today,
they will go' to Kelso to spend the
holidays with the. bride's father,
ch they ; will return to
after whJ
Thanksgiving . services will be
held at St. Paul's church at 10
o'clock this morning,, with the
vested choir singing the Holy Eu
charist service by Harker. The
anthem will . be "Praise Te the
Father" by Gounod. The hour is
set early with, all invited to at
tend. .:j ,;- I '. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Barkley Newman
of Albany are house-guests for the
Thanksgiving, season at the home
of Rev. and Mrs. F. W. Launer.
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Green will
entertain with a Thanksgiving
dinner taday at, their home on
State street. Covers will be placed
for Mr. and Mrs. Bolton Hamble,
and Uttle daughter, Jean; Harriet
Monroe. Doris Clark, Bobby Clark,:
Mrs. Catherine Bader Lot Cottage
Grove, Miss Dorcas McMunn and
Miss Helen McMunn ot Bend; and
the hosts," Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Green
and daughters,, Janet, Patricia and
Mary Jacqueline.
Children's story hour, public
library, 10 o clock. , i
, WOmari's Evangelistic Prayer
league will not meet today on ac-j
count of the holiday. I
1 !
Willamette chapter of Westmin
ster guild, met Tuesday evening at
the homei of Mrs. Di A. Hodge
for the November study. . "China's
Challenge to Christianity" is the
Thajiksgying Special: Dinner
Served All Day
. $1.00
Music 5 to 7 o'Clock
Olympia Oyster Cocktail or Fresh Crab Meat
Hearts of Celery en Branch
Ripe Olives t
Chicken Soup, Neapolitaine
Choice ;
Chicken Fricassee ' Home Made Noodles
- Chicken a la King ' i
Fried Chicken a la Maryland
Baked Stuffed Young Oregon Turkey, Cranberry Sauce
Roast Duck with Fruit Jelly
Fillet Mignon, Bordelaise Sauce
' Candied Sweets
Potatoes Brussels Sprouts French. Peas .
Head Lettuce with Thousand Island Dressing
Hot Mince or Pumpkin Pie
t Drinks '
Coffee, Tea or Milk
Oregon Pulp and Paper Go.
Salem, Orfoa -
Sulphite, and Manila Wrappings, also Butchers Wrap-
pings. Adding Machine Paper, Greaseproof, Glassine,.
Drus Bond, Tissue Screenings and Specialties, ,
Social Calendar- j
Thanksgiving observance.
Friars club formal. Country
Thanksgiving jolly-up. Waller
hall, 7:30.
Beginning of Oregon Authors'
' War Mothers Bazaar. SP of
flce. North Liberty street.
text in use. For the meeting this
week Mrs. Blair and Dr. McCul
loQgh had charge of the lesson.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Henry will
be hosts . today for a Thanksgiv
ing dinner at their home. Beau
tiful yellow and white chrysan
themums will be used in the
rooms. Dinner covers will , be
placed for Mr. and1 Mrs. D. G
Henry, Mr. and Mrs. Worth Henry,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crawford and
children, Frank Jr., and Hilda,
and the hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne
Henry and Kenneth Henry.
Blanche White is- home from
Portland to spend the Thanksgiv
ing season with Mr. and Mrs. D.
A. White.
Oregon Agricultural College,
Corvallis, Nov. 25. Danta Rob
bins of Salem was a member of
the , senior girls volleyball team
when It won from the juniors in
the final interclass, series' last
night with, scores of 15 to 7 and
16 to 14, The superior returns of
the seniors was one of the main
factor that, decided the final
score. . .
E. F, Forkner of 1 Dishman,
Wash., is a guest over the Thanks
giving; holidays at" the home of
his brother and sister-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. R. A. Forkner.
4t 4t
Mr. and Mrs. William McGil-
chrlst. Sr., Miss Hazel McGilch-
rist, Mr. and Mrs. William McGII-
christ. Jr., and children, Josephine
and William, and Mr. and Mrs.
James McGIIchrist arid daughters,
Isabel and Roberta, will all be
guests today in Portland at a fam
ily, Thanksgiving dinner at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Millar. Mc
Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Hodge. Miss
Frances Hodge, and, Mr. and Mrs.
Marie Rosecrans will. be. guests
over. Thanksgiving day: at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Krae
mer at Independence.
The WetatefianLlterarv ioeieTr
of .Willamette, university announc,
es the pledging of Shannon Hogue,
Mark Waldespel, Joe Lane, Alden
Miller, Russell Jones, .Kenneth
Gile, Donald Grant. Gailen. Vandei,
Albert Flegel? Robert Kutch,
Quenton Cox, Hal Wittenberg,
Lew La Lamb, Winston Wade. I:.
neth.'McCormlck; MaTslr t::rr ,
Willie IJathaway, Charles Bo D ue,
Vernon Taylbrj Charles AnJftrson,
Edwin Goodenongh, Keith Bro-,
Lawrence Winslow and liar
., o . v. .... i
Apply, Cream in. Kostri'ji, Ta. t
Opea TJp Air Psflaages, .
Ahl What relief ! Your clogged
nostrils open right up, the, air
passages of your head - are clear
and you can breathe freely. Nd-
more hawking, snuffling, mucous
discharge, headache,' dryness no
struggling for breath at night,
your-cold or catarrh is gone -
Don't stay stuffed up! ' Get a
small bottle, of Ely's Cream Balm
from your . druggist now. Apply
a little of this fragrant, antisep
tic cream In your nostrils, let it
penetrate through every air pas
sage of the head; soothe and heal
the swollen. Inflamed mucous
membrane, giving you; instant re-
ner. Ely's Cream Balm is Just
what everyfcold and catarrh suf
ferer has been seeking. It's just
splendid. Adv. ' . .
Golonial) Dame
165 North Liberty St.
Beatrice Crawford-Newcomb
Thanksgiyirig Pinner 51.25
Served Fronijl2 to 8
, ; -: ;:;-;MENjU " . ' ' ' : '
1 Fruit Cocktail
.'j-; Rice Chicken Soup 'r
Celery Hearts ,;. Ripe Olives. ,
Roasted Turkey with Butter Crumbs, Stuffing
Cranberry Sherbet . 1 Green Tomato PIcklea
j Mashed Potatoes Creamed Turnips '
!. ' Cabbage.Cold.Slaw . " :
Hot Rolls Butter
. Choice of
Dessert ' ; - Beverage
;g-rUWtm.miH.ilii;:.i.:: tt.iu.-..Mi...JM.-uaMui.J. .wH..hWH.,IHii;, .......
1 ! :
,Oiis Store will be.
closed; all; day Thurs
day ; r :-v
v- (I- s
1 V - '
The Job Printing Department of The Statesman Pub
lishing, Company is equipped to do all kinds of printing,
Efficient workmen with years of experience are ready
to give your work
(whether a small card or a large book)
their careful attention.
Telephone 583 for samples or quotations
The Statesman Publishing
Job Printing Depsirtrnent
2 1.5 South Commercial Street