The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 27, 1924, Page 3, Image 3

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Zielle Called to Canada !
I. H. Zielle, superintendent of
me prudential Life Insurance! of
fice of Salem, was called to! La
Combe, Alberta, Can., by the
death of his mother, lie will re
turn toa.lem within a few dajra,
Since We Do Not . t
Like to disappoint onr custom
ers, we urge you to make reservation-
of time or bring in as soon
as possible any framing or other
worn mat you may wisn us to do
of 1 pre vnnsimas. vine uilbert
Studio and Craft Shop. 147 North
commercial t upstairs). r. n27
- Prudential Men Meet
W. W. Powell. Ivan Johnson. C
Lucht and E. Bartruff will j at
tend the Prudential Life Insurance
company conference in Portland
aturaay wnen about 60 repre
sentatives from Willamette ralley
points will gather. i
Progxam Nearly Completed -
The Cherrian program is nearly
completed and ready for the press,
according to the statement of Wll
.liam Bell, Cherrian in charge.
Over 100 advertisers have their
names - and places of business
listed in the program which 'will
be offered Monday and Tuesday
night at the Grand tffeater. )
Turkey Shoot, Sunday, Nov. SO
v H. B. Looney farm. 12 miles
south of Salem on Pacific highway.-
: ; v ' n27
Hotel Manager Arrives J
George to. Crater, an experienc
ed hotelman of Missoula," Mont.,
has arrived In Salem to assume
his-duties as manager of the new
Salem Hotel on High street, when
this is opened in a short time by
Frank BHgh. Mr. Crater is mak
ing his headquarters at the Bligh
J y. Your. ThankssiTing-
r v..njp-er,a,Th,.Spa. ;
r(i -
1 l"v
r- ws
way Boys Back--..; ,4 . . V
.Aitefi reading a-descriptlon p'f
t"3 two boys who ran a war from
JLl. 9 Mate training school Tuesday
sir' fe when his Statesman; was re
yceiv.ed, a man living -near1 Harlan
; Pielke4 .up, .the pair Wednesday
morning and 'notified the 'school
authorities. Th boys had spent
the night .at Turner " and were
nearly frozen,,-according to L. M.
Silbert, superintendent" of the
jtchool. -i either youth had any
;jy$ rurxu,turo
. f5 Down
5 Monthly
0. 1C Loekwood
247 N. Com. 8U
Pbn 80S r
Qirs for hire without driver
PHONE 2020
XJ and Night Service
Men's and Toons Men's
Tailored Suit $23 to 45
f Osteopathy Surgery I ,
Electronic Diagnosis and Treat
ment (Dr. Abram's method)
hfUce Phone 859 or 4 6 9-J
I I coo u. h. osaajc liixig.
JCstabUsbed 186S . i
lt '., '.- . ;. i .'. ',
f I
General Banking Business
Office Hours from IO a. m. to 3 p. sou
rVe Cany AD
y AS"
krccT Storage .Co.
warm clothing as each was1 wear
ing just' the regulation khaki uni
forms. The boys said they were
on their way back to school and
were willing to stay and eat a
turkey dinner today.
Osteopathy the Original
And genuine spinal adjustment.
Skillful and ' painless corrective
treatment that gets results. Dr.
Marshall, 228 Oregon bldg. n27
Moores Entertain
Leon Jennisoa, Carmen Jennt-
son and Mary Lebold of Moore's
Music House entertained a gath
ering at the North Howell school
Wednesday night with vocal and
piano numbers.'
Commencing Friday Not. 2S
And continuing until further
notice on account of paving on
Broadway, all trains of Oregon
Electric Ry., will detour via
freight line between passenger de
pot and Highland. Usual stops
for Hood street 'will be made on
Front and Hood . streets. Pas
sengers "who may wish to board
trains' at Union street should come
to Passenger depot.- n27.
Students Kept in School
Through the efforts of the Lire
Wire class of the Leslie Methodist
chtfrch one boy and one girl have
been enabled to remain In col
lege for - the rest ?f the college
year. - Students who are attending
the university at the present time
face 'financial difficulties and un
less employment Is ' secured for
them they are compelled to drop
from school. At the present time
two students are In need of work
and anyonet interested in helping
a student S jthrcMgh; college ; are
urged toVcQmmjnnica,tqvwlth A. C.
Bohrnstedt.' leader and instructor
Of tie class.' : $5 m ? '."fry
M 11?'
Annual! Bazaar and C6aked-rr
Food Sale at Central Congrega-
tional'church, Tuesday, Dec: 2, at
10 a. m. v "' " 1 n2T
Boston Terrier "Puppies-
Tor sale.1 Pedigreed and regis
tered. Dr. Pred Ellis, 1380 Center.
Phone 2103W.' 1 ' K- nltf
Standard Stations to Close-
Service stations of the Standard
Oil company will close at 1 o'clock
Thanksgiving day in order to al
low service ; men to enjoy part of
the day at their homes. This is
an unusual occurrence, for the
service stations are closed down
on Christmas day and New Years.
Get Yonr Reserved Seat-
For the Cherrian show at the
Grand Friday and Saturday after
noons. . nzs
Death Certificates
A total of 28 death certificates
have been ' filed with the city
health officer since November 10.
Many of the certificates filed coyer
deaths at the state institutions.
ThanksefviriHr: Dinner
Roast, Turkey. ttColohlal "-Dame
Tea Shojpej 165 Liberty ,ln27
School Teaclter Involved :L i
The taxpayers of Canby are pre
paring to demand the resignation
of Mrs. Clifford LeRoy Samuel-
Salem's New. Auditorium j '
v. Ladies Freo-, V -;t
Wednesday and Saturday
Tezanson's Melody Phienda
Skating, Skating, Skating
At Dreamland -Thursday,
Friday, Saturday
-- 7:30, to. 10 p. m.
Hear Our New Calliope
. ' " 1 ! . For .
Open Evenings
Sizes .cf -Coal
troia the larre furnace to
the; smallest nut size. . Tell
as for what purpose the coal
1 1 a m m j .
out the ' proper size- to use.
cm aitnougn we carry tu
sizes, we handle only one
quality., the very best coal
tronv the ;.very best mines.
Our coal service la yours to
Prices ranse from f lfX.tolS
vAlso handle the best - '
Diamond Brlqnetuse $18
son. The. 27-year-old school teach
er recently married her 17-year
old pupil. Mrs. Samuelson has
retained counsel and will make
a fight. Before teaching In Canby
Mrs. Samuelson was for three
years a newspaper woman in Spo
kane and also spent a year in that
business in Portland, Me. She at
tended the University of Oregon
but the teachers say the notoriety
about her marriage has Impaired
her usefulness. -, ,
Tables Reserved foiw
Thanksgiving dinner at The Spa.
' ;: n27
Birth Certificates
Two birth certificates were filed
with the city ! health officer yes
terday and were for the 'birth of
a son to Mr. and Mrs Lyle Beck
ner of Salem on Nov. 20. ; The
name 'of Lawrence Lyle Beckner
has been chosen. - Stanley Ernest
Barlow is the name given to a
son born to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel
Barlow; of 436 North, Church, -
Thanksgiving Dinner $1.25 -4.
Roast Turkey. Colonial Dame
Tea Sboppe, ICS N. Liberty n27
A Christmas Bargain
A new player piano In walnut
with factory guarantee, for sale
at a big discount. Inqnire at 391
North Cottage St. ' n27
Reunion at Centralist
Dr. and Mrs. M. C. Findley and
family will motor to Centralis to
day to ' attend a reunion at the
home of Dr. and Mrs. Paul Sweet.
About 30 relatives will be pres
ent for the reunion.-' ' The Find
leys 'plan on returning to Salem
Friday afternoon.
Select Christmas Presents Now
Small payments make It easy.
Love,' the1 Jeweler, Salem. - olO-tf
Dejaters jto Meet . . ; 1 ,
Matters pertaining to oratorical
activities of the year will be, dis
cussed " December 9 at a meeting
of the Oregon " State 'Oratorical
league at Willamette university.
Victor Carlson, chairman of the
forensic council, and Prof. Horace
Rahskoph, coach of debate, will
represent Willamette at the meet
ing. Representatives of all the
universities and colleges In Ore
gon will be present.
Suits . Pressed 50d :
Cleaned and pressed $1.50.
Renners. - We deliver. Phone 787.
' ' n27
Learned About Itself -
Dallas learned & good deal about
itself last -Monday at the Tegular
Chamber of Commerce dinner
when the various employing in
dustries of the city made a report
of their activities. The result'waa
that Dallas thinks "more of, itself
than it ever did before.
TJT W WU lT 1 f s -
- U 16-inch or 4-foot lengths. fCSall
Tonfte JTonlte Tc5iite ' V.
Rorick's Collegians of Corvallis
at -auditorium. Don't miss this.
A. H, Lea in Charge
The difficulties of the, Carr
Manufacturing company at CJanby
have teen temporarily relieved by
A. H. Lea of Portland, former
secretary of the state fair board,
being elected temporary manager.
.The Canby Carr Manufacturing
company has been running a little
over a year with 30 or more stock
holders. : .
Tonite Tonlte Tonlte
Rorick's Collegians of Corvallis
at auditorium. Don't miss this.
Dallas Adopts Budget -
The report of the city budget
commission of the city of Dallas
was adopted i by unanimous vote.
The budget provides enough
money to run the ity, in ; a . pro
gressive way for the coming year.
JJox Wood; Wv -t--;' .r'TT;
And planer trtamlogs."3Qst the
wood lor kindling and quick: fires.
PromptMelrVBry.viSpauldtag Log
ging Carphone 1SS0. ; n29
Mrs. James ffc Stephens pies ! :
News "r eached VSalem Wednes
day of the death of Mrs. James
S. Stephens, a former resident or
Salem, who died at Seattle On No
vember 26. Mrs. Stephens prior
KESSEL John Wesley Kessel
died at his residence, S50 Water
street, Nov. 26, at the age of 44
years. He is survived by "his
widow, Ellen, his mother, Mrs.
Matilda Kessel; a brother, Guy
of Missouri, and three sisters,
Mrs. C. N. Hath way and i Mrs.
Charlie Phillips, both of Salem,
and Mrs. S. B. Wicker of West
field, Indiana. Mr. Kessel was
a member of IOOF. Arrange
ments in charge of Webb's Fun
eral parlors. 1
CAMPBELL Mrs. Addle A. Camp
. bell died at a local hospital Nov.
26th at the age of 35 years. She
is survived by her widower, Mr.
E. A- Campbell and .father and
mother; Mr. and Mrs. -William
Smith of The Dalles, Or. Body
was shipped to The Dalles, Or.;
by Webb's Funeral parlors for"
funeral services and interment;
Funeral services of the late Mrs.
Mary A. Walter "will be held Fri
day, Nov.. 29th, at 2 o'clock, from
Webb's Funeral parlors, Rev. Mrs:
Caswell officiating.- Interment in
the IOOF cemetery. - - : 1 '
-. Unequaled Service
to, her marriage three, years ago
was Miss 'Lena Linder of Aber
deen. Wash., where she was jiving
at tne time of her decease.- She
is survived In Salem byvher-, two
sisters. Mrs. D. M. Mclntyre and
Mrs. M. F. Ryan, who left ; for
Aoeraeen early weanesday morn
ing. . - . .
Immetllate PoAoeasinn Wonses
' We have eight today; two to 6
rooms. To ' lease, rent or Bell
reasonable. Becke & ' Hendricks,
U. S. Bk. Bldg. -. n25tf
River Is Down
The Santiam river, which was
so threatening at Mill City yes
terday, thought better of it and
subsided. It is now a quiet and
even-going stream.
The French Paper Curl-
Also marcelling, shampooing.
water-waving. Mrs. Hattie Bu-
ick, 640 Chemeketa. Phone 35 8 W
,.--:,'?--r;- n27
Christmas Cards Blovings- '
Christmas cards v are moving
very readily at the. different sta
tionery supply stores and'a preced
ent Js being set, la the sales re-
Cut This Out It Is Worth Money
oena tins aa 'and ten cents to
Foley & Co.,1 2835 Sheffield Ave.,
Chicago, Ilh, writing your name
and address clearly. You will re
ceive a ten cent bottle of Foley's
Honey and 'Tar- Compound for
coughs, colds and hoarseness also
free sample packages of Foley
Pills, a diuretic stimulant for the
kidneys and Foley1 Cathartic Tab
lets for Constipation and Bilious
ness. These wonderful remedies
have helped millions of people.
Try themj Advv- .
cords. ; XI.any people are using
v.nristmas cards that are designed
and SDeciallv ordered in one-rnvlnr
and embossing are becoming very
popular and many. unique and dis-
iinct; aesigns can be secured on
me local market. . ;
Special Train I
A , special train of rooters will
arrive In Salem today about noon
at Trade and 1 WTlnter, from Cor
vallis. About 200 . rooters are
coming here to attend the Corval
lis 1 High, and Salem high classic.
(Continued on pi 6)
TABLETS will bring speedy relief
from constipation if taken prompt
ly. They are purely vegetable and
act on the liver. Mr. John D Mc-
Comb, Lucas - Co. Home. Toledo.
Ohio, writes: "Have used Foley
cases of constipation to which I
am subject and found them bene
TABLETS are easy to take, leave
no unpleasant after effects. Try
(hem. Adr.
Capital Bargain
. House of a Million and
One Ilargaius
. ,iys0T4 "-m ;rt
u 1 .
The Oldcincl the New
The old style hearse, with its
gray carvings and its dismal at
mosphere has been relegated to the
realm of the antiquated.
In its stead is the dignified,
graceful, modern limousine funeral
car, which at first glance looks
like a fine big sedan or limousine.
This modern piece of 'equipment is.
used by this organization.
W Hi
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- Coming Saturday
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