The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 26, 1924, Page 4, Image 4

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    Iaauad Daily Exeapt Vmday bf l
. 315 Bouta Commareial St, 8Um, Ortfos - ' : .
ft. t. Ha4ri-ka
ha L. Brady
frank Jaakaaki
. - Manafar
. ' . Editor
Manager Jot Dept.
.- - ioexbzs or th associated press '
Tha AMUtad Prat U aelnialy aatitlad to tha for pablleatioa af all aawi
Ilapalekea credited ta it ar sat taarvia credited la this Ppr and aia tha taaai
Mva pabllahaA aaraia.
, . ' , ; .'! ; BUSINESS OFFICII . , ' ' .
rkaaua W. Clark Co, Yaw Tor. 141-X45 Wat S6th St,; CUeag. Uarqaatta Build
in C, W. 8. Orotbwabl, Mrr. s
(PertUad Offiea. 18 Worcester Bldf , Pkona 6637 BRoadvaj. a P. Williams, Ifrr.)
Bnataata Of flea ,
Kawa Department
Circulation Office
. . .S6-106 Society Editor ..
Job DaparUaant . .' . . . 548 i
Katarad at tka Peatoffiea 1b Salem. Or,fom, aa aaeaad-elaaa Matter
Prepared by RAdlo BIBLE SERVICE Bureau. Cincinnati. Ohio.
It parents will hmre their children memorize the dally Bible selee
Ktions, It will proTe priceleaa heritaae to them in after years.
'- - ..-!' ' ; November 26, 1024 i
! PEACE AND TRUTH; Thus saith! the Lord. Call unto me, and I
will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things which thou
knoweat not: . V. Behold. I will bring It health and cure, and I will
cure them, and will reveal unto them the abundance of peace and
truth. Jeremiah 33:2, 3, 6. I r
j-t i PRAYER: We would seek Thee, O Lord, and trust Thee for Thy
Invlnr lrlnf noaa 4a r-Dr to than l(fo
were signed by Zinovietf, Lenlne,
i Trotaky and other soviet leaders.
To quote the manifesto: "It
speaks the plain, clear language
of the revolutionary communistic
proletariat. It will assist the so
cialist movement everywhere into
the path of uncompromising revo
lutionary acts that alone cau usher
in the triumph of international
socialism." i
At another points it calls for
"the disarming; of the bourgeoise
at the proper time, the arming: of
the laborers and the formation of
a communist army," and affirms
that "such is the red army of
soviet Russia."
The London disclosures and the
righteous stand taken by the Brit
ish . government are of direct in
terest to the United States, lor
several senators hare been de
manding that we extend the right
hand of fellowship to the bloody
hand of the soviet government.
The proposition to read the pro
gressives out of the republican
party is brutal from a political
standpoint. 1 It Is suicidal also.
If the progressives of the repub
lican party are punished there are
a great many progressives in the
party now who will not remain
there. They don't know when
their turn will come, and the un
certainty win be used as an ex
euso to get out. Of course, if the
Insurgents continue to maintain
their , insurgency and defy the re
publicans, that's one thing-, ' but
if they bow to the inevitable, if
they show themselves to be will
ing to continue republicans, that's
still another thing. The republi
can party has no business driving
anyone out. It should . rather
;: The report of the underwriters on the conditions of Salem
'"as regards liability to fire are regarded by the knowing ones
here as in the nature of an alibi - .1
', An excuse for refusing to allow a reduction of the fire in
surance rates in Salein. " j :
; . ' There is every reason why the rates should be reduced,
- f ecause Salem is the safest city on this eoast for the operations
of the fire insurance companies. : ;
i ' Salem has never had a destructive fire, and her dangers, in
that respect contrasted with many cities with no higher insur
ance rates than ours are comparatively negligible
. i For Salem is the only city of her size on this coast having
'ja;full night and day fire fighting force on guard all the time, Icoax men into the party.
ena wnu ampve ana up to aate equipment j - , I One things we must recognize
Ready and anxious at any moment to respond to the call right now and that is that Cool-
" of duty. . I i ' i- idge was not elected entirely by
':' Salem has widd streets and many shade trees, which arc republican votes. There are not
.oth factors in favor of safety from destructive fires. as many republicans in this coun-
Vs Here is the wray the managers of the insurance companies try as the vote for Coolldge rep-
1laii to 4soakM Salem: They see that Salem is a safe city, little resented. He got hundreds of
liable to have destructive fires; and therefore jby maintaining thousands, even millions, of pro-
t rates here they have a chance to make our owners of property gressive and democratic votes. The
carry part of the risk of losses in cities less favorably situated- biggest thing' in the election In
;; And this in unjust to Salem. - j behalf of Coolidge waa the court
" Our city should be put in a class with cities that are near issue furnished by La Follette.
Salem in fire risks and the rates made accordingly.. Cities with President Coolidge owes La Pol-
, ,greaterfire risks ought to be put into another class. lette a good deal for that vote.
V, It is pretty well understood that the rates are now too high Of course. If La Follette is go
in Salem, compared with cities approaching ours iui fire safety, ing out of the republican party,
and the matter. ought to be reopened, and keDt ODen until a thafa nnn iWnf hut If lit anrl
lowering of rates here shall have been, accomplished. r ,1 Brookhart, and Frazier, and men
like that enntimm in. i-nnt rw ha
Yoluntary subscriptions, are coming in -to the rroDosed I renuhiiean and tn .nTifr.rm t th
; Wes twine eompany. Two came in early yesterday, each for republican ideals, it I would be
, $1000, by G. E. Ross and V. E. Kuhn, and others were expeeted suicidal and the height of folly to
i jiaier in ine aay, ana still others are considering subscribing. I deny them republican member-
' 'V11" "ttJc cAiorit, iue, uaiance wii De suDscriDea. This should! ship,
i oe aone quicKiy. The matter ought not to be left over the week.
t Dy Captain Kldd .
Tbl week's the Week for Raisins
Tor put Iron in the blood:
Next week's the Week for Beauty
jtuiei waters, rouge, ana mud:
Then comes the Week for Pickles,
sour, mustara. sweet, ana dill.
And after -that attorneys talk :
A week about your Will.
t ' ..
We have to listen for a week
About the worth of cheese:
The doctors take a week to tell
Just when and how to sneeze:
The laundries shout for seven days
come see us wash yonr
That's followed by a wonder week
Of showing ladies' hose.
Tis thus the propaganda goes,
A week for this and that.
A week to use the Golden Rule.
A week reducing fat:
To add to all the ones we have -
May truly seem like cheek.
But just the same let's have one
Let's have a LAY-OFF WEEK!
. - CATE :; V'
If some who are hesitating continue for long to delay, they will
perhaps be too late to become stockholders of the pioneer linen
mm oi oai?m, pro oaoiy growing mto one of the gigantic con
cerns of the kind in the world, i ' ; j - ,
.There is to be another cannery in operation in Salem during
me nexi season, running on Iruits and veffetahlAa Thrt mav election. It wonlrl
be others, and there are prospects of some big developments in If the senate should
tins line here. Our growers will do tlieir part, in every line, "y arbitrarily and seat the demo-
The bifiT thin? from IlOW Oil IS manilffltnrincr nn.l mgrli;nn ieratlo oanrllrtsta V 4n,l.
- UAU t fcAiliC. I v v AUASQb lUCt
a 75o majority is just as sacred
. Senator Brookhart of Iowa won
the election by 755 votes and has
been awarded the certificate of
be a great pity
use its author
Ouly Temporary
Paul: "There roes one woman
without any paint on her face."
Ruth: "Yes. but she's on her
way to the drug store."
- ' Walter Blum.
Act IV.
(Two years later)
Scene: A club.
' Harry
"Hello, Jack What's the news?"
: , Jack
"Just been divorced? And you?"
' Harry . -
"Did that last year. But I'm
In love with another."
Jack. , "
"So am i The most beautiful
creature in the world.'
That's Different
Ethel: "So you haven't found
the RIGHT man yet, eh? Well,
cheer up. dear; you know the old
saying, "There's a Jack for every
Clara: "Yes, but I'm looking
for one with plenty of Mack.' "
Eugene Gels.
Quite Right!
John: "Well, at least you'll ad
mit the one-piece bathing suit you
wore during the summer was a
Catherine: ' "Is that so! I don't
consider that . much of a joke,
j Ellen Baer.
j 1 Doubting Thomas
Teacher: "Goliath was a giant."
Thomas: "Well, if he got into
the world's series lineup I never
heard of it."
' Mildred Harrison.
A Modern Tragedy
"Just one word, darling!
"No!" she scorned him. "I sim
piy win not neip you with your
old crosa-word puzzle'
A. E. Vogel.
Or all places where you expect
to hear the: flapper defended the
WCTU wouta be the last, and yet
; a speaker before, such a conven
tion J in Chicago boldly declared
cre was no suh thing as a flap
' roivand that the ehlek. so much
; f"?lolted. W the sjlrer: screen, has
. : o counterpart lareal life. Both
r4" artificial types and both are
raoFo, disgusting than they are al-
laring. .-(. . . -
'"' ' It has been our contention al
ways that the young girls of to
i "ay were being: seriously misrep
resented and their independence
of character will not permit them
, to defend themselves, but flippant
ly say, "What are you going to do
about It?" That has caused a lot
-cr rouble. There are not many
I ad girls today. J. There are more
- ood girls now than at any time
la the history of the world, but
'e have formed the habit of de
llorjng their flapperish tendencies
and: lamenting . that the shieks
: were devastating the girlhood of
the world., There is mighty little
to it. There never was.
, The speaker in Chicago was Dr.
.Valerish Parker, a New1 York woman,-
who sees aothing seriously
wrong. with the boys and girls in
their teen age. She Is not blind
to existing conditions, but she be
lieves the current vogue of home
breaking and home-wrecking will
be followed by a period of home
. building. ;:- i
"American boys and girls, like
the great majority of the citizens
cr this country," she says, "are
clean living and law abiding. The
present period of .broken , homes
will be followed by home build
ing. That Is the fundamental doc
trine of a happy and intelligent
living, a real home," , . - ,
The older generation sees a few
c? the j frivolous young things
romping la the spotlight and con
cludes that the present generation
li going to the dogs. Dr. Parker
C'jri vol asreo with this pessimis
ts: v; . She has faith ,-ln
t!; . " -v.-j "ar.4 girls.' ' " '
' ' "' i f leratle extent the
young people are' thrown on their
own resources to face new temp
tations as best; they can. The lack
of home life, duer to divorce laws
that are too free and easy, and
the separation of parents are com
bining to open the way to way
wardness to the children of such
homes. It is' reassuring to have
an authority like: Dr. Parker take
a more optimistic view ot things.
The present generation Js not go
ing to the dogs, i -. -"
as that many thousands, and it
isn't fair to call into suspicion the
integrity of our election for politi
cal purposes, j i
Senator Brookhart has not per
formed Just right, of course, but
the people of Iowa by a small ma
jority have decided they wanted
him for senator. The best way to
do Is to try to make him be good.
When : the.., Oregon- Statesman
raised a protest against the effort
to dehorn Governor Pierce, the re
sponse so far exceeded expecta-
Ideally speaking the soviet of
Russia ought to be recognized, but tions that It rather took us off our
me experience of England t will eec. There Is still some talk
hardly Justify such, a "course, hanging around the eaves that
There are those who believe that Plrce will be punished, but it isn't
the arrogance and presumption of going to get anywhere.,
the soviet government had a good Listen! The greatest democratic
deal to do with the fall of the accesses in American politics
labor party in England. Premier have followed the greatest republi-
MacDonald was In favor of recog- can victories. Look up your his-
nition and negotiated a treaty.
Before this could be ratified by
parliament Premier MacDonald
discovered that the Russians were
carrying on an intrigue which
tory and you will find that true.
A man brought a carload of beet
cattle to Portland the other day
and didn't: get a vcry good price.
meant the overthrow of the' Eng- He didn't blame the government;
llsh government. ! he blamed himself." He said that
iow. as a matter of fact the a man who would bring beef
Uu.,cU wwr ticujiio a i o iite ine I nurwi ii iurKey time had a
American labor people, and patrl- j Ishment coming to him
otic labor In England thought the
sqvlet ought to be recognized, but
when it came to the point that re
cognition meant to carry on a
propaganda in England, labor
turned against the soviet Mac
Donald, of course, exposed the
letter as a shameful act of de
ception but It was too late then.
At once the Russian letter was de
clared a forgery and an apology
was demanded. Now the resource
ful conservative' ministry having
made a careful Investigation finds
that the letter was authentic and
will have nothing to do with rati
fying the treaty. It all shows how
little faith can W put in the pro
testations of the Russian soviet.
They are; a bad lot.
The manifesto and governing
rules of the communist 1 1nterna
tionale. ' - adopted ' at Moscow -In
1313 and. reaffirmed annually,
We work hard to teach a hahr
to talk and then he has to strug
gle all the rest of his life to learn
not to talk. ' !
Hew Wrinkle-Removing
i Method Acts Like Magic
Wiir vnndm n-Tet'fM - Tht ltt
lnto method to reuior- wriaklnt,
ana tUhbineii from the f ar-
wUiIb yon wait." , Mr-'ouly tfec
tirt, entirrlj- barmletik, aimvl. InpxiMn--,
H U1 fair to sapenede cotmrtick.
mi-m.fnn. maoa-f and other
ucd for taa pnnoie. Alt r need do
to mis a aiMMinml at powdered tarkrout
with a opoonful f lemon Jnire. apply the
coot him. freamy mixture te yovr tier
then go to the mirror and heboid mot
rnnd-Wnl transformation. Wrinkles, crows
feet, farrow and sags actually liappar
utiorr your eery eyes I Yoor face fce
of remarkably you n 3 looking. Von
are perfectly amaied. And you are 4e
lixated v find no nnfarorablc after-effect
whteer.; - . .. .,(
TarVreot Is Very helpful tu the fotn
p lex ion. It is Sot eosmet'c,- beeante it
if t-te Wahrd eff sfter tloini lt work.
1trii(S"nothliur -rtiniI. Is Cri(tiaI
packs? frni the drufyit roatl less tUan
ii ;t-uta trvatmtfBt, Air.
A Drama In Four Acts
Act I.
scene: A fashionable restaur
ant. ' ' '
1 :: Jack
! Louise
"Louise, you are the most beau
tiful creature in the world." .
"Will you marry me?"
Louise 1
Act II. ;
Scene: Their apartment.
... Jack '...'" ',
"Louise, I no longer care . for
you. I love Alice." .. ,
"I know. And I love Harry."
Act III.
Scenel: lice's apartment
"Will you marry me, Alice?"
Alice 1
"Yes, Jack."
Scene II: The interior of a
taxi ,
"Louise, win you be mine?'
J Louise ,
"Of course, dear. And we shall
spend our honeymoon in Venice."
The Miracle
Two little girls were - playing
with their dolls and blocks. They
built a wee church with pulpit and
pews complete. .
One doll was placed in the pul
pit as minister, while the other
dolls were seated in the pews.
Mother heard the children's
voices saying:' "Now they must
all get up." . " .
Then there , was a pause while
the dolls were all stood up on their
foot . '
Then a little voice said: "Now
they must sing!" and immediately
both children ' began to shout:
"We have no bananas today."
i Jessie Stanton.
, A Rough-and-Tumble
Hilda: "Why do they call
puppy love?'!
Iiernice:. "It calls for a lot of
petting." .
She Came, She Saw, She Waited
Nell: "Since when were you a
football fan?" '
, Evelyn: t "Since . I heard they
have dances after practically every
game." . .
Dorothy Knapp.
Two Answers in One
Elsie: "Why, oh why did
ever marry me!"
Irving: "iou got mel"
NoTember 27. Thursday ThankiriTinz
oreral)er 29. Saturday American War
Mothers' bazaar, SP city ticket office.
December 1. Monday Child neifare
speaker. Col. Coulter. Methodist church.
December 1 and 2. Annual Cherrian
Show. Grand theater.
Deeember 1. Monday Election of of
ficers. Capital Post 'o. 9, American Le
December 2. Tuesday Annual election
of officers, Salem Cherriana.
Correct Your Disordered Stomach
Instantly! End - Indigestion, Gas, Heartburn, Acidity
The moment your stomach re
bels, chew up and swallow a few
Pape's Diapepsin tablets.
For Indigestion, Dyspepsia. Gas
tritis, Flatulence, Heartburn or
any distress In stomach, nothing
else gives such comfort as this
pleasant, harmless corrective, di
gestive and antacid.'
Millions of the best of families
always keep a large 60 cent pack
age at hand theyl
ic and druggists
Adv. s
Know its mag-
guarantee It. . i
r- -
Extra Casli
Save Your Rags, Sacks,; Metals,
Old Rubber, and Furniture.
When you are READY TO SELL call a KNOWN
and RELIABLE FIRM, where you will get the
highest market price and correct weight.
Phone 398
"Ilouie of a Million and:. One Largains
Second Trial Flight Is
Completed By Dirigible
LAKxfiHURST, N. J.. Nov. 25.
Successfully completing her first
flight since the epoch-making
trans-Atlantic Journey, which
brought her from Germany, the
land of her construction, the new
ly christened naval dirigible Los
Angeles tonight proudly took her
place in the big hangar alongside
the sister ship Shenandoah as an
American craft. ;
The ship was sighted at 7:33.
but did not come to earth until
9:12, because of unfavorable
winds. At 9:38 the ground crew
had hauled the ship into the
Editor Statesman:
In- the last issue of the Silver
ton Appeal it was said "Division
of Marlon County a Possibility.
The writer would like to make
a few remarks about the, impos
sibility or dividing the county. It
was said that the county is so
large that It should be divided. If
you wouia iook at the map you
will find out that we have only
about 27 townahtps. the way it
was proposed to divide, the Salem
district would have only about 10
townships. The matter of fact
is- that Marlon county is one of
ine smallest counties in the val
ley. It looks to the writer that
it would be very unwise to make
a division of the county.
What the farmer wants Is tax-
reduction. Now In the name of
common sense, where are we go
ing to get relief on our taxra if
we have to build a new court
house at Silverton and elect a new
set of officers. Some time ago I
heard of a farmer near Victor
Point who has paid $8.00 taxes
on his farm years ago, today the
taxes on the same farm are about
$300.00. Please f! cure on t what
per cent the taxes have raised on
that certain farm. '
Here' is another point I wish
to bring out. In the last 10
years the farmers around Stiver
ton liave epent about $300,000
for good roads and it will prob
ably take . another $200,000 to
have all of our roads in good
shape. Of course that money is
well invested, but where would
we get a benefit by having the
county divided?
The time is here to cut taxes
down and not keep on creating
new offices then-kick about our
taxes' being high.
Yours for tax reduction. . ".
- Silverton.
JV im ar . 1
a I TW m w. t . , ,. . s
' All ths benutit raMtm m .h
- , - - m. " w
can ffive you tut active liver.
Keep your stomach sweet and
your -iiver active, xou will
be repaid with sou-klin
. r. ...
i eyes clear, smooth, healthy
skin and a breath with tha
oaor oi &orinp.
Chamberlain's Tablets
will do it Get 60 of these pink
tablet for 25 eta. .Take two to-night
1 , SoU evtrywhtn
NationaiRadio Weal:
Is Not Gomp!cte without a
Complete $280
erHetero dyne
(Second Harmoxiic)
An improved Super-Heterodyne receiver.
Needs no antenna. And n ground.
Brings in far distant stations on the loud
speaker with no interference from the
near stations. Perfectly simple for any
one to operate. Mark the locations cf
stations on the dials. Carry it anywhere
turn two knobs to the marked spots
listen in.
Let us demonstrate it in your horns
Unusually good programs from 7;C0 to 8:00 every
evening this week. All stations silent from 8:00 to 9:C?
p. m. to listen for European Stations.
Christmas will soon be here and there
is a shortage of these highly desirable
sets. Place your order now and be
sure of getting yours. Radiolas and
North westerns in various sizes.
F. S, Barton, Prop,
Masonic Temple.
Phone 12CD
j - . - - - ' - i ' ' ' ,
if" w i ai i u
Will Your Finances Be In
,- Shape at Christmas Time ?
They will, and will be sufficient to stand the extra
strain on them during the holiday season rapidly
approaching if you increase your saving during
the next few weeks. -
Christmas time is very enjoyable if worry ."over"
finances does not enter in. The way to guard
against this is to keep your balance at the United
States National growing even if a few sacrifices
now are necessary. , --.
United States
National Bank
Salem. Oregon.,
amks That Aire JLeeal.
We carry in stock over 115 legal blanks suited to most any business
transactions. We may have just the form you are looking for at a bi"
saving as compared to made to order forms. "
Some of the forms: Contract of Sale, Road Notice, Will forms, Assirn
m.nt f Wrage, Mortgage forms, Quit Claim Deeds, Abstracts form,
Bin of Sale, Building Contract, Promissory Notes, Installment Notes,
General Lease. Power of Attorney, - Prune Books arid Pads, Scale Re
ceipts, Etc. These forms are carefully prepared for the courts and private
use. Price on forms ranges from 4 cents to 16 cents apiece, and on net c
uuuu irum to io au cents.
The Statesman Publishing Co.
At Business Office, Ground Floor V