THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 23, 1924 o ... ' ... 1 Actress Reads Whitman In Noted London Churc'i LONDON. Nov. 22 (AP) 7 Cinema shows and religious operas have occasionally been performed in churches, but probably for tho ft: ". II first time a well known actress baa given a recital in Christ Churcli, Westminster. The church was crowded. The actress mounted the lectern an.l read a number of poem, the first being the hymn to the American people written by Walt Whitman, beginning "As a strong bird on m 1 in, i pinions free." Then followed a prayer by Sir Rabindranath Ta gorer the Indian poet, and reclta-r tions from Shelley's "Hymn to Id tellectual Beauty" and tne "u to the West Wind." ' ' rr A ' ' "V. KTfc i4 V . VJ ! - Ms i i-... ,,, I I 4 1 J ) . 1 I (I 1 I" 1 ! ) 1 ' r i ? J 4 t J i W -V j l V- 1 l) STARRING 4 TkTTCjrrTAT Supported By Patsy Ruth Miller r Nilcs Welch II II wyS ' A Story of Politic, Adventure, . I Humor and High Finance With . " i. Intense 'Dramatic Situations i and Plenty of Pep. , ' I- "Telephone Girl Comedy" High Class Shows Billed At Guthrie Houses Today There is no dearth of "high class amusement for the theater patrons of Salem daring the Thanksgiving week. Manager Stille Of the Guthrie theaters here has seen to that angle or the city's holiday preparations, and a galaxy of big picture that is dazzling are billed on the programs at the Ore gon, Grand and Liberty theaters. Opening the week are super-attractions at each of the houses. "Barbara Freitchle" at the Ore gon, "The Virginian at the Lib erty and "The Great White Way" at the-Grand.r Since Friday, when they opened, these pictures have been the talk of the moving pic ture fans of the city who, almost universally, ! accord them 'the praise of being among the best 1 r- !L CAL DEAN and SORORITY GIRLS jtHnlature Musical Comedy . HIBBERT & NUGE5NT I j 'Sons of Ham' ; DAVE EVELINE Pujj Twisters CLIFF JOHNSTON L "Listening In- ! I 4 ANDRE & LA 'ZELIERE "Entertainer De Luxe" V 1. V FA&NUM : 4 Ca S ... . 3? 1 Interna- films that have been offered here this year. ; is: - From an entertainment and educational standpoint,' "'Barbara Fretichie," with its historical background and its fine strain' of romance, is a production that ap peals to everyone and Is one that can be. recommended without re serve to anyone, young or old. The distinction of the cast of notables appearing in "The Great White Way gives a novel feature to this picture that is decidedly unusual. It is seldom that such personages as Arthur Brisbane, Damon Runypn, .Jockey Sande, George McManus,, Tex Rickard and a score of others equally well known will consent to appear per sonally in a moving picture. They are all in this one. Owen Wister's "The Virginian" at the Liberty rounds out, the of ferings In 'fine shape, and is en joying a patronage but little short I! A Merry. Mix Up of v Love and ; Laughter 4A . j . with' Douglas MacLean , Mon.-Tucs. Hickman Bessey Co. Bell Bov 5-. . " ,Sv--.---- r it --f -tt -nntrjiniiiariiriMitninnii Conrad Nage! and Aileen Pringlc in Goldwyns Elinor Glyn production of "T H REE W E E K S Dtstrilutti ly GoJJwyn-Cosrnofalitan of the record it established upon the occasion of its first showing in the city last spring. Among the banner attractions scheduled for later in the week, Harold Lloyd In "Hot Water" will probably be the most popular be cause of the super-abundance of laughs contained in the film. It is sure-fire comedy with plenty of punch as it is said to be one of the best that Lloyd has ever done. It is to open at the Liberty on Wednesday and will also be shown at the Grand for Thanks giving day as well as the Liberty. Its showing at the latter theater is indefinite.1 Today the Liberty is offering Patsy Ruth Miller in "My .Man," with Dustin Farnum playing op posite, and that attraction will re main on the screen there until the coming of Harold Lloyd on Wed nesday. One of the most talked of pic tures of the current season, and one starring an old - favorite, . is billed for the Oregon on Tuesday, when "Dorothy Vernon of Haddon Hall opens its engagement.' : Mary Pickford, America's little darling, plays the role of Doro thy, and here is what she has! to say of the production: "In my judgment "Dorothy Ver non of Haddon Hall' is the best picture I have ever made." ; Rounding out the week is what has been perhaps the most talked of picture of the year, the screen version of .Elinor Glyn s startling romance, "Three Weeks." At the request-of the woman's clubs of the city Manager Stille announces that no one under 18 years of age will be admitted to see this pro duction., . : 5 t ,: "This announcement means just that," said Mr. Stille. "We agree with these women that "Three Weeks" is not the type of picture to be witnessed by children, but the demand for its showing here has been so insistent and the moral lesson of the story is so compelling that we -have decided to; offer It in restricted showing at the Grand theater opening next Friday." Sending mail by air is new, but sending hot air by mall is an old story. .' , ';; , - t t 9 ' ' - ; ......i f i t ' - " ti .... s ..' v rt DO NOT o , 2 . irmnTownd iw. m mm nmuii miimi.iMiii, Bright Revue Headliner J At Bligh Theater Today A miniature musical . comedy, with a plot, headlines this week's bill at the Bligh theater. The plot is about a chubby chap who goes to visit at a fraternity brother s apartment and doesn't know that the f. b. has moved out and leit the place in possession of five Said: I I I I II LI loyd Harold 'Buy Your Turkey Early or You Will Be In HOT WATER' MISS THE D 1 2 t W CQ. 1 TiRV PICrCFORD in charming sorority girls. Such a situation would be bound to have merry moments. Cai Dean is the chubby chap, "a very comical sort who transforms his bulk into dol lars and cents for the sake of en tertainment.. The five girls do more than add background. They are young, talented and wear sev eral pretty changes of costume. The act has some witty lines and tuneful songs. - -. ; Hibbert and Nungeht are black face artists. Their songs and Jokes are -comfortably, new and the act itself is a novel sort. One of them, the taller, does a drawl ing, shuffling dance avhUe the other plays a Jewsharp accompanl- Cliff Johnston has a -ventriloquism stunt, called "Listening In." He has mastered his tricks far better than the average so called ventriloquist who does lit tle but carry on a dialogue with himself, being so obviously both characters at once that the audi ence can't tell which is which, Johnston talks without using his throat muscles at all. :i i4 Andre and La Zeliere are two pretty girls who have a vivacious act of bright steps. The bill is opened by Dave Eveline In an acro batic and gymnastic offering. Woman Attempts to Pass Bogus Check Tnea nuns nerhanaer" tried to pass a check at the Rockefeller Grocery at Miller ana soum com mercial, but the suspicions or me proprietor were aroused. When he instructed a clerKto start to the bank: with the check, the, woman snatched the paper from the pro prietor's hmands and fled. The woman enterea me siore and made purchases totaling $1 ;10 and goffered the $12 check In payment, and became alarmed when an effort was maae 10 as certain its value. r ii - L-- OOROtJhV UfiRnon, Furuset Spends 30 Cents; -Gets His Money's Worth Thirty cents were spent by Os car Furuset, democratic, in, an unsuccessful attempt to be elected attorney general, "according to , a report filed with Sam A. Kozer, secretary of state. James Harvey Graham, another unsuccessful democrat, a candidate for con gress from the second Oregon' dis trict, spent $451.17., Other state ments filed were as follow: - Jay JI. Upton, republican, state senator, seventeenth district, $25; Augusta Spencer Carrlck, demo crat, representative from ' the eighteenth district, $46.65; A: B. Robertson, democrat, representa tive from eighteenth . district, $82.23; Arthur D. Hay, republican-democrat. Lake county dis trict attorney, $2; Francis E. Marsh, republican, Jefferson coun ty district attorney, $28.40 and Carl G. ' Helm, republican. Union county district attorney, $21.52. Others who filed had no expenses connected with the election. Berlin Says Auto Busses Will Help City Transit BERLIN", Nov. -4. (AP) Con fronted with increasing street traf fic, Berlin has decided to operate automobile busses. During 1925 260 busses, running on 14 differ ent lines, will ber installed. The new cars will seat 54 persons each, and will have upper decks.' Manager Kaufmann, of the Ber lin Autobus company, who recent ly ; went to the United States to study cityl transportation - condi tions, believes the bus is the ve hicle of the future for congested metropolitan . districts. He says YRDS that measure only 35 inches and 1 5-ovince pounds are out-of-date. Advertising has put them clear out of business. Manufacturers who advertise must give value, because they have a good name to protect. Manufacturers of well-known products and the merchants who sell these products often value the names at millions of dollars. They cannot afford to jeopardize the worth of these names by selling any but good goods of full measure and ! fair price. , j . . .. n . - ,;) ; . - , . k i A merchant or manufacturer cannot afford to advertise I merchandise that will not give servcie. The penalty of such tactics is too heavy. I You can bank on this. Advertised goods must be as I advertised. That is why it pays to deal with advertisers ! and to buy advertised products. The advertising is i your protection. . " ' . . .11 - . .. . . .... Read the advertisements in this paper. It will pay you. , tWA.fa.M.lJl. it OP "hlDOqn tllU j that th Berlin -busses use more powerful motors than are custom Arv in America. which makes dos slhla a nutrlcer start, and that the local custom " of stopping only at designated 1 streets results fci a speedy service. . " Price of marriage licenses has been doubled in Brazil, just like all other things in demand. 1 ""BANG!-; Bigger Than Ever DOROSHY veRKonop; HRDDORHRli: Beauty A Gleamy Mass of Hair 3Sc ."Danderlne does Vondrra - .y'--ior Anr Girl's Hair . GirUl Try this. When comt!r and dressing your hair. Just om. -ten your hair-brush with a little "Danderlne and brush'lt throus'a yotir hair. The effect Is start!!: You can do your hair, up ir.' -diately and it will appear tv.: as thick and heavy a ma-j -t gleamy. hair, sparkling with V. and possessing that incomparr. 1 : -softness, freshness . and 1' ance. ,r i . While beautifying the hair "Danderlne" is also toning a:. '. stimulating each single Lair t grow thick, long and strcig. Ha! stops falling ' out1 and dandru disappears. 'Get & bottle cf "Dai, derine at any drug or toil i counter and Just see how healt! and youthful ' your hair appea., after this delightful, refresh!;: 1 d resslng'. -Adv. Si 4.'" V innn 3! 5 BLTGfl T;HEA;T.HE D Q 5 U r it. t ... rr . . .