The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 18, 1924, Page 8, Image 8

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ie p ; - '
1CCARDO MARTIN coming to
'XY Salem, for a program this
eveoiag will be ron of the record
events in the local music calendar.
Th ticketsale so far baa been
j&o gratifying that people seem to
sense the faet that they are to
iher a; program o? distinquishtng
tenor art-1, Mr. Martin ia an ex
traordinary artist in the opinion
of the manr -who already heard
Aim. in various auditorium.
A delightful Incident occurred
yesterday afternoon down at the
'1kx office at the Grand theatre
when a . lady who ia atranger
In town stopped to express her
surprise at seeing . poatera about
announcing the- coming of . Ric
cardo Martin. She waa almost
incredulous, but at the same time
lavish in , her expressions of satis
faction. She had heard the great
tenor in New York and knew that
: Salem would realise herself very
fortunate in a few short hours in
the securing of such an artist.
A pleasing variety of numbers
are announced on the offered
programi Rlccardo Martin, ap
pearing tonight aa the second at
traction in the. Cirtc Music club
aerrice, will be presented at the
Grand theater.
I!--. yi -i.
The War Mothers are invited to
meet with the Veterans of Foreign
Wars and their guests tomor
row at the WOW halla. The met
ing will le at S o'clock with- plans
.being ma&a for... the organization
of a new auxiliary.
. pi . j
. ' One Jof the most interesting
'weddings of the season will be
that ' uniting in . marriage Miss
Dorothy Elkins on Mr. PhUH
Woodwerto Patterson this morn -
ine at 9 . o'clock in ' the Trinity
EpUcopat -of Portland. Reverert
A. A Morrison will be s the offi
ciating clergyman. - " - t
The bride, who win wear an at-
; tractive! ensemble costume for the
occasion.' ia the daughter of Mr.
and. Mrs. J. K. El kins of Seattle,
while the groom is the son of Mr.
and Mrl. Isaac Lee Patterson. Mr.
and Mrs. Lee Patterson will at
tend the couple aa. matron-of-hon-or
and bst man. , . "
, Following the service, Mr. and
Mrs. Patterson are motoring to
Salem, this imrixning for a veddlng
breakfast at the Isaac Lee Patter
son home. I Covers will be. plated
for the! members of the bridal
party and a .few friends. Follow
ing the! affair, .the young, couple
will leave for San Francisco for
their, honeymoon. .
- The Redding will be of wide in-
-J i j 'i
Just civics your same and
address and, we will have our
salesman call and go over your
heating problem with you with
out any obligation on your part
$79.60 and up,
tatatald . Complete
iSXlxertoa, Oregon.
For Snappy
" : it s ' 'i v .- f. . :,
These r coats are of the
maniah weaves and cloths
with full satin linings. 1
. Colors ar . tan, light . and
dark, heathers, oxford gray,
deer, light gray, taupe, brown
and mixtures.
J,ust the- coat to slip into
these, ' crisp . mornings and
chilly evenings.
j Ihe .office and; .saleslady
Wilt find tihem especially de
sirable for their everyday
wear.' v .' :
; Choose Your
terest especially to the older fami
lies of both Salem and Portland.
A rummage sale sponsored by
the ladies of the Thursday bridge
luncheon club will be held in the
CTC tire dhop. 477 Court street
on Thursday, Friday and Satur
day of this week, for the purpose
of raising money to put lights at
the hospital j entrance fixtures
that are. much needed.
, At lat year's sale the club se
cured money to furnish the wait
ing room at the hospital, and hoes
to do in the future still more.
1 Anyone having clothing that
they wish to donate are asked to
call -any of the following club
members: .Mrs.. II. : N. Meyers.
Mrs.. John McNary, Mrs. T. C.
Smith. Mrs. George Rodgers. Mrs.
Walton. Mrs. Frederick Lamport,
Mrs. David Eyre, Mrs. T. A.
LIvesley, Mrs.' O. C ; Locke, and
Mrs. J. Shelley Saurman. Some
one will call for. the donations of
fered sometime on Wednesday.
Mrs. Hugh! Kyle and little
daughter, Jane, of Long Beach,
California, arrived here yesterday
to be guests at the 8. S. East
home. Mrs. Kyle came to Salem
on account ef the limes of Mrs.
East, and will remain for an in
definite time. ! :
I The Business and Professional
Y0ruen3 club are planning a de-
ugutrui program tor tnear social
meeting tomorrow evening at the
Chamber of Commerce. The old
fashioned Friday afternoon coun
try school program will be dupli
cated with songs and recitations.
The climax of the evening will be
the old-fa3hioned spelling bee
with. Miss Lyons . and Dr. Mary
Rowland the captains. The pro-
Igrara will , begin aft o'clock.
- ; ..
: The Schubert Ladies' octet of
Salem. Miss Mlnetta Magers of
Portland, director, made a splen
did ' impression ; when it appeared
as the major attraction at the
municipal concert Sunday after
noon. November 9, . at The Audi
torium. The. principal number of
the quartet was Nevin's suite, "A
Day in Venice," which was sung
with attention ? to. pitch, shading
and balance of tone. It was a
number of considerable 'length,
but the audience insisted on an
encore for which the octet sang
"Lindy Lou" with beautiful effect.
Members of the octet are Gladys
Stevens, Eva Roberts, Ruth Bed
ford and Hilda Amsler, sopranos;
Bella Amsler, Myra Gleason, Helen
Hamilton and Grace Fawk, con
traltos. . Bertha Vick is the ac
companist. This was the first
out-of-town singing' organisation
ever featured at a Sunday after
noon concert - in The - Auditorium
series. A number of especial ap
peal was the well known "Sere
nade" by Schubert, in which Hilda
Amsler sang the solo. Mark Dan
iels, bartitone, ; and Miss Marion
Mustee, violinist, assisting artist,
added much to the success of the
concert, as did 'William Robinson
Itoone, organist,, who played three
numbers. v - - ; - 1 ,
,. : - .. v- - . i
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bishop
of Portland were week-end guests
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C.
P. Bishop. i
The West Side circle of the
Jason Lee 'Aid society will meet
tomorrow - afternoon - at 2:30
o'clock at the home of Mrs. Fred
T. Prince, 1545 North Commercial
street. This, will be the last meet
ing before the bazaar of the society
en Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Melis are
receiving many felicitations upon
the birth of a. seven pound baby
daughter AaturAnv. KavsihW'1!!.
' Miriam Jean is the. name which
! , ,'.1., - :
Xraas Gifts Now
( i
has been chosen. ; Mr. and Mrs.
Melis are making their home in
Spokane. Mrs, Melia, who. before
her marriage was Vera Smith, is
the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.
M, Smith.
. The Woman's Republican Study
club met yesterday afternoon at
the home of Mrs. C P. Bishop to
make new plans, with the interest
transferred now from the election
to the coming Legislature.
What may become a matter of
legislature was the matter of
nuisance-situations i which problem
was assigned to the following com
mittee for investigation: Chair
man, Mrs. C. P. : Bishop, Mrs.
George 11. Alden, Mrs. F. B. South
worth, and Mrs. Mark Skiff.
Miss Hollingshead presented
during the afternoon the question
of organizing a National League
of Women Voters. ! , ;
The club will meet again in two
weeks at the home of Mrs. Bishop.
Social Calendar
V Today :
Harvest Home. First Methodist
church.: Gifts received;
Highland Parent-Teacher associ
ation, 7:30 o'clock! Schoolhouse.
Thanksgiving meeting.
Riccardo Martin,; tenor. Grand
theater. j
Etokta club. Mrs. W. F. Fargo,
1085 North Church street, hos
tess. . J ? )
Fall meeting of the Interdenom
inational Federation of Women's
Missionary societies. 2:30 o'clock.
First Methodist church auditorium
' WCTU thanksgiving meeting.
Silver tea for Children's Farm
Home. .
YWCA board meetingl 11 a.
ni. Association rooms.
Writers' club.
Fargo, 1085 N.
Annual bazaar
W. F.
of the Dorcas
society of ' the Lutheran church.
Labor Union hall. Cafeteria sup
per 5 to 8 o'clock,
Mothers, claro
Methodist church,
o'clock. : .
of the , First
Banquet. 5: 3U
YKK class of the First Method
ist church. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Kletzing, hosts. Five miles north
of Salem. . .:;. y ; ; i '
Wednesday i
: West Side Circle of the Jason
Lee Aid society. Mrs. Fred
Prince. 1545 N. Commercial St..
hoetess. 2:30 o'clock. j
! Central Circle of the Jason Lee
Aid society. All day meeting.
Church, j j v
BE club Mr. and Mrs. T. W.
Davies, 941 North Cottage street,
hostess. i
War. Mothers Meet with Vet
erans of Foreign Wars and ladies.
8 o'clock. . WOW halls.
First Methodist church circles:
South Central. Mrs. F. L. Uutter,
440 Oak street, i
West Central, Mrs. I. T. Moore,
ilO Division. ! i
East Central, Mrs. R. L. Farmer,
903 Chemeketa.
South East, Old People's Home.
Bazaar work. j - .
Yew Park, Mrs. Davia and Mrs.
Shade, 796 South High street.
Naomi. Mrs. J. W. Beckley, 161
N. 21st street. : t :
Business and Professional Wom
an's club. Chamber of Commerce
8 o'clock. !
Thursday ; -'
Priscilla club. !
Brush College Helpers.
. Rummage sale. Thursday bridge
luncheon club. CTC tire shop,
477 Court street, r
Faculty Women's club. Mrs. E.
T. Brown. 715 j South Capitol
street, hostess.
Chapter O of the PEO sister-
Mrs. Harwood Hall, Cbe-
mawa. ! . ! .
? Woman's Home Missionary So
ciety convention, j Oregon City.
Methodist church.
' r Friday
Ladles aid society of the First
Presbyterian church. Hot dish
luncheon. Church dining room.
1 o'clock. - - ' j, -
Woman's Home Missionary So
ciety convention. Oregon City.
Methodist church.
! Saturday
Salem Woman's club. Club
house. 2:30 o'clock.
Little Light Bearers. First
Methodist church.; Party at the
church. 2:30 o'clock. i rs.
v West Side circle of the Jason
Lee Aid society. Cooked food sale
and bazaar. , . .-, -, ,
' Women's Civi Society, Cooked
Pood 'sale, Neimyer's Drug Store.
; ' VV . -
Under the caption, "A Merry
Maid in Musical Revues," go at
ti active picture of Miss Franz
Doerfler appears In the Portland
Telegram over the week-end.
Formerly a Salem girl. Miss Doer
tier has .many friends who will re
member her here.! A paragraph
concerning her says:
As gay a little maid as ever
f i clicked across the Baker theatre
stage ia Franz Doerfler of , the
Crystal Runaway ensemble this
season, under the direction of Paul
Locke. Endowed with a natural
ly sunny disposition. Miss Doerfler
enters into the spirit of her work
vltfc sincerity and ardor. ' Exact
ly in tune with the dance steps
and informal clowning which
marka the current revue; "Win
rung a. Husband' her place in the
action is bright and cheerful.
v. ! : '
One of the largest affairs of the
season will be the Thanksgiving
dance which, the Illihee Country
club will sponsor Thursday, No
vember 27 at the club bouse, with
festive decorations for the oc
casion. - '!''"'''.':'
The First Methodist church cir
rles will meet tomorrow afternoon
as followa: South Central, with
Mrs. F. L. Utter, 446 Oak street;
West Central, with . Mra. I. T.
Moore, 110 Division; East Cen
tral, jwitb Mrs. R. L,. Farmer. 909
Chemeketa street; South East, at
the Old People's Home, to , work
on articles for the bazaar; Yew
Park, with Mrs. Davis and Mrs.
Shade. 796 South High street;
Naomi, with Mrs. J. VV. Beckley,
161 N, 21st street; Lucy Anna
Lee, with Mrs. A. U. Hansen, 1475
Chemeketa street.
Miss Ruth Morrison or Portland
was a house-guest over the week
end of Mrs. Martin Fereshetian.
Miss Morrison came down for the
Alpha Chi Omega mumcale on
Saturday evening.
The members of the YKK class
of the First Methodist church will
be guests this evening of Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph Kletzing at their home
five miles north on the Portland
highway. I ,
Miss Marian Wyman was the
guest of honor over the week-end
at two attractive birthday parties
one for which a group of Girl
Reserves wer the hostesses, and
the other a dinner at the H. W.
Savage home.
The dinner table Sunday after
noon at the Savage home was cen
tered with a beautiful basket of
yellow chysantheraums. Cowers
were placed for Marian Wyman.
Miss Edith Sanderson, Mrs. H. W.
Savage, Mr. Oscar Nelson, Misses
Mabel. Nancy, and Helen Savage,
and Mr. Harry Savage. ,
On the preceding evening the
Girl Reserves entertained with a
surprise line party to the Oregon
theatre followed with abuffet sup
per at the Colonial Dame- , Tea
Shoppe Where a lovely birthday
cake, waa cut by the guest of
huior. t - ,.
The group Included: ; Mtei Ma
rian Wyman, Mrs. J. 'M.1 Hawkins,
MOTHER:-: Fletchers
Castoria is especially prepared
ta relieve Infants in arms and
Children all ages of Constipa
tion, Flatulency, Wind Colic
and Diarrhea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and, by
regulating the Stomach and
Food; giving healthy and natural sleep.
To avoid imitations, always look for
Absolutely Hanwfcss -No Opiates.
C. and C. STORE
A Money Saving Opportunity of
Unusual Occurrence 5
Prices Good This One Day Only
30 Different Patterns of 32 Inch Fast Color
Amoskeag :. !
Gingham- SJlL.:... 18c;
Good Quality of 36 Inch , ;
Brown Muslin-u!!: 16c
Our Regular ?10.75 Boys' All Wool
2 Pants Swts-4ttff
1 Lot Ladies' Silk
Umbrellas- S0:... $398
Large 20x42
Bath Towels
Super Linen
Box Stationery- .49c
New Dates-
Sultana Raisins-
Mince" Meat-
Bacon Squares-
Corn Flakes-
C. and
Miss Imogene Gardner. Miss Eve
lyn Hebel, Miss Helen Campbell.
Miss Jean. Campbell., Miss Pauline
FTfidley; Miss Rosalind Van Win
kle, Miss RosalJe Buren, Miss Min
nie Shrode,, Miss Elizabeth Wech
ter. Miss ! Lavinia Burrgy. Miss
Lireta-Varley, Miss Elizabeth Fair
child. Miss Angelina Ryan, Miss
Bernlce Mulvey, Miss Grace Pease,
Miss , Lillias Rowe. Miss Pauline
Welch, Miss Myrtle Smith, and
Miss Constance Smart.
The Mothers' class of the First
Methodist; church Sunday school
will be hostesses this evening for
their husbands and for the Men's
Bible class at a 6:30 o'clock ban
quet at the church. '
The Dorcas society of the Luth
eran church Will Tiold its annual
bazaar today at the labor union
hall. The ladies have prepared
all sorts of fancy articles which
make fine Christmas presents.
Lunch will be served at noon and
cafeteria supper, in the evening
from five to eight o'clock.
The members of the Ladies' Aid
society of : the First Presbyterian
church are planning for a hot dish
luncheon at 1 o'clock on Friday in
the church parlors with the. regu-
Simple Mixture Best -
i For Constipation
Simple buckthorn bark, mag
nesium Kulph. c. p.. glycerine, etc.,
as mixed in Adlerika. is excellent
for constipation.; It often works
in one hour or less and never
gripes. The pleasant! and QUICK
action of this efficient intestinal
evacuant will surprise you. Ad
lerika helps any ; case gas on the
stomach, unless due to deep-seat
d causes. ' Often removes matter
ycu never thought wa;s; in your
system. J. C. Perry, Druggist, 115
S. Commercial . St. Adv. V
Bowels, aids the assimilation of
the signature of wCaV7VVgCfrit
Physicians everywhere recommend it.
Turkish Bath'
Bargain Tuesday
at .......T:.-L
2 Pounds...::...
2 pounds
Fresh Lot
Pound ......
3 Sugar Crisp
C. Store
lar November businesa zneetins
followinir. ,
Hostesses in rharge of the af
fair are Mrs. A. F. Marcus, Mrs.
J. A. Mills, Mrs. James Nicholson,
Mrs. Q. It. Donneli. Mrs. tilen Ad
ams. Mrs. Emily Adair, Mra. C. K.
SieRmund, Mrs. L. K. Siegmund,
Mrs. J. P. Bates, Mrs. D. A. Hodge,
Mrs. Charles Purvine and Mrs. C.
B. McCullough.
members of chapter G of
the PEO sisterhood will be guests
on Thursday of Mrs. . Harwood
Hall at Chemawa.
The attractive new home of
Professor and Mrs. E. T. Brown,
715 South Capitol street, will be
the scene of the regular Novem
ber, meeting of the Willamette
University Faculty Women's club
on Thursday afternoon.
. - y. . .
Judge and Mrs. O. P. Coshow
were guests during the week-end
of friends in Corvallis. Mr. and
Mrs. W. A. Ried and Mrs. C. A.
Sehlhede were their hosts at din
ner. , , "
The Harvest Home tor the bene
fit of the Old People's home will
be held this afternoon at the
First Methodist church. Gifts of
fruit, jellies, vegetables, groceries
and money will be acceptable. ;
The YWCA board will meet in
the association parlors at 11
o'clock this morning for an im
portant business session.
The Etokta club will meet at
2:30 o'clock this afternoon at the
home of. Mrs. W. F. Fargo. 108 5
Xorth Church atreet. An Ameri
canization program will be given
with Mrs. E. E. Fisher and Mrs.
Alfred Vick in charge.
The fall meeting of the Inter
denomination Federation of Wom
en's Missionary societies wHI "be
held at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon
in the auditorium of the First
Methodist church. At this time
a report of the migrant work done
this summer under the supervi
soin of Miss Louise; Shields and
her assistants will be given, Miss
Shields taking charge. Mrs. W.
C. Kantner, Miss Constance Kant
ner, Mrs. Chappel, and Mrs. Rob
bins will all have very interesting
reports to give. ;
A further part of the program
will include a discussion of the
narcotic problem with Governor
Walter M. Pierce the speaker of
the afternoon.
A very important business meet
ing will be held at which matters
of interest to each missionary so
ciety in town will be held, and
, rri
I I Mlfci W iJIB5i Jl
(T iiU
Mail or bring three coupons
:- - : .TOE-:
4 a' yr '
it is .hoped representatives, will be
present from each society. -
- : V.. ... . -The
meeting of the Highland
Parent-Teachers will be: held this
evening at the school house. A
Thanksgiving program is planned
with special music to include vocal
solos by Mr, T: S. Mackenzie, with
Miss Alene Ritchie accompaning.
The members vill be given an
opportunity to cooperate with the
Associated Charities in the giving
of. acceptable gifts. ;
The Writers club - will meet
this evening with Mra. W. F.
Fargor 1085 North Church street,
for the regular meeting;
The WCTU Thanksgiving meet
ing' and silver tea for the Chil
dren's Farm home will be held
this afternoon in the hall. - Rev.
E. II. Shank of the First Baptist
church will bring the holiday, mes
sage to .the members. m.
An important business meeting
of the American Legion ; auxiliary
was held last evening in the Cham
ber of Commerce rooms with the
nomination of officers and . prep
arations made: for the prganlza
tion of a branch of the Needle
craft Guild, tbe purpose of which
Is charity sewing. . rT -
. The following officers were
nominated: . President,- Mrs.
George Griffith, Mrs. C. K. Logan,
Mrs. I). R. Rons; vice president,
Mrs. R. H. White and Mrs. Paul
Acton ; secretary, Mrs, John J.
Rottle, Mrs.' Brazier Small,. Mrs.
Edwin Bayliss, and Mr. C Laird;
treasurer, Mrs. Ling Bartlett and
Mis. A. J. Cleveland; and chair
man of the executive committee,
Mrs. G.J. Green. Mrs. G. B. O'Neil,
Mrs. Jesse George and Mrs. Bolton
Hamble. ' , :
: : v':V
Cather, W. S. Sonfe of tfie
Lark. -
Freeman, M. R. W.-A New
England Nun. - " .
Hergesheimer, Jpseph - Wild
Oranges. ; . -r
Kipling, RudyardThe Light
that Failed.
Maupassant, Guy de The Odd
Number. r
Oliver, Roland Back Stage.
Rinehart, M. R. Long Live the
King. . - :
Sedwick. A. D. The Little
French Girl.
Weman, S. J. s-Under the Red
Robe- . .
Wilson, IF. L. Professor, Now
Could You! . l V '
Wilson, H. L. Ruggles of Red
Cap. ' '
value of
and take home one of these 10S0 page self
, we are now distributing exclusively to our readers
Wright. 1L B. The' Shepherd
of the Hills. '
Pratt, O. K. Tour Mind and
Ernst. C. H. What Shall I r,e?
Beveridge, Albert J. The State
of the Nation.
Suzzallo, Henry Our Faith in
Narcoson. I. F. The Black
Howell. W. II. The Human
Bigelow, M. A. Adolescence.
De Norpiandie, R. L. The Ex
pectant Mother.
McLaughlin, A. J. Personal
Wood, T. D. The Child In
School. 4
Gillett. L. H. Fodd Health's
Frankel, L. K. Health of the
Meanea, L. L.ExerclBea for
Gallowey, T. ; W. Love and
Armstrong, D. . B. Community
Tobey, J. A. The Quest for
Health. -
Winslow C. K. A.--Man and
the Microbe.
Hart. T, S. Taking Care of
the Heart.
Williams, L, R. -Tuberculosis.
Snow, W. E.-Venereal Disease.
Wood, F.C- Cancer.
Bolt. R. A. The B3by's Health.
Shaw, H. K. -r- The Young
Child's Health.
Noyes, C. D.--Home Care of
the sick. .
Field,; W. B. -Architectural
Drawing. ,
Clippinger. H. E. Written and
Spoken English.
: Pitkin, W. R. As We Are,
Masef ield, John Salt Water
Poems and Ballads
Robertson. G. Q, An Histori
cal Atlas of Modern Europe from
178 to 122.
'.Webster. . Hutton History of
the' Far East.
QtanM. tUor poghly thta.
J Vapo 1 5
- Omt I T Aumm Jrm Ud. Ym if
NE advantage you can give them I
that will prove helpful all thru
their lives is to get them a ccp7
of tliis book and teach them tli a
knowing the correct pro-
nunciation, spelling and uzz
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them to be able to express them-
selves clearly. See that they
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U Webster, LL.D revised and brought
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