THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, ORFGON TUESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 18, 1924 eait laee aieia-s Gr Mar P Lii. assitied section s HEAL ESTATE City 25 , WORTH IXVKSTIOATIXU - G room modern home, 2 hrje luts, cschao go tot acreage, f vnay mea .'j aire tract v acres bearing fruit, good blilf., team, cow. loom, leed, fowls. Knap fbOu; ex rhana for itjr .property. 4o icm near town, good, hldz-, creek, aoote timber. 6300; want rei dene. i 4 room bungalow, $1800. 4 room bluiffatow tattoo. (Al for rent.) j , n for inrewtmenta. PKRRINK MARSTEKS Commercial Club DULj.ji j 25 nl 8 NEW BUNGALOW 300 WILL BE fiaiaaeii in two wek. built in kitchen with diner.' large living room, fire place, hardwood floor, book case, two ted rooms, full crmeat basement, fur nace, - laundry trays, lot 50x133. Just vf( Summer street. Phone 1565R. .; - ,- ! 25-B23 HOME REALTY CO.. V. J. BANK BLDU. For Sale or Exchanse i, ' : (Refer by nnmbr only.) JJo.1 104 r'or sale or exchange, 20 acres, 11 acres bearing prune trees. 7 acres logaaberriea. Iark reddish soil. Own er has two farms. mot sell one. This 92950, part cash rest tenis. No. 102 'or sale, 40 acres full bearing ? rune orchard facias pared highway, a fine state of cultivation, dark red rich soil, rolling, Willi aell in body . or subdivide in 10 acre tract h. Special price on the 40 acres, 1 9275 per acre; Cheap at $350 per acre; No. 1US For sale, 3 acres near Salem. Black soil. S acres walnuts, 1 acre cher . rises. 1 acre losanberries. in fine state of cultivation. Price only $1800, cheap at 20JO: 1-3 rash, rest terms. state of cultivation. Modern b room new house with own water works, fine i lsrn. garage, larve poultry house, 1000 ' hen capacity. Black noil.: This is a beautiful suburban home 2'i miles from city limits. Price 99000: part rash, rest terms, or will exchange for larger farm. - 'r No. 1U0 For eale. 15 acre Improved su burban home. 6 room aluiot new house. 'i larre chicken house, family orchard , 1 miles from Salem. Trice 7SOO. part rash and terms.' Hnap for somebody. No. , ltil 3 acre beautiful home, 4 room cottage, barn and chicken house. Also aa .extra 4 room house 'with tl3 moatb rental coming in regularly. All st te prunes, eherriea -'and berries. W W tstnn I a k . it : .1, -,(IAll mart ' rity Dronerty.' No. I"5- YxT sate or exchange. 320 acres cunoer tana wiia some iBvr,Trmr,n, . acres cleared sod in cultivation. Urge 4 room house and bar. 1,000,000 feet saw timber. 30.0O0 cords wood. - 1 hour drive from Salem. Take it at $30 per acre, or .will exchange. : What have you t l ' No. 119 For aale or exchange. 10 acres I n. v.. v a .1 .nkii.K,. Vl A TV m n nnm honse with (nil basement. god barn and rarare. Worth 93500, take it at S4B50. Will eousider city property. No. 130 For sate. 5 acre suburban home near Salem. 8 room bouse, bam. ga rage. Set to prunes and berries. Good garden aoil. $S850, tlrfrd cash, rest terms. Acconnt of old .age can't take rare of it. Wilt consider small house ia rtty. , r No. 209 For sale or exchange. 5 room modern- new hou in city on lot 50 by 120. garage, paved afreet. Will accept good vacant lot or good automobile for half of eouitv. , Leaving city. Have unity of 91700. K. 201 For sale, fitlin- ststion inclwft I ing new house. Ifavv 8"0 equity. Will accept good vacant tot. ! Snap for some body who is looking for a going oil and gas business. Will crpt $400 rash; rest from bnsinesa. This won't last -i . No: 20 For sale. room bouse modern. lot 120x112. good barn, just south of V Stale street on 25th. ' A dsndr place. "Worth $lSno. take it a 93650. part eashvret'at.91St-pee msmthw -fo. 139 For sale or emchsn?. 50 aer . farm, fret Ween Salem aQd Shaw, good i 4 room house, barn and garage. A acres 'if wtrawberries. running soring and well, AH endef rultivat ion. F,xebange equity " of $350tt for city or suburban property. ' 1 25-Bl8tf - - o. r i -1, s 7 mm plastered house w'th lot 75 hv ISO. located on South High street, .flloo down, ba'ane Mntnrr nsatli. W. 11. GR.IBENHORST CO. 273 State St. . J 25-nl9 var.tvT ifouKRV bixai.ow w can aell on any reasonable terms. Price - Rm at LIU.-. Kntllk f .t tp ' move in. i. i , U. 8. -Bank Bldg. . 25-nl6tf rOH SALE 8IX ROOM HOCSE 1055 booth 13th St. Plastered and in fine coaditioo. $2100: easy terms. Might take light ear. F. L. Wood. 341 State St. S3-nietf 6 ROOMS MOUERS HOME OARAGE 'furnace, fireplace. ' Will aell reason able and terms. Quick' posoesaion. See at 1275 E street. BECKE HENDRICKS V. S. Bank! Bldg. . g5-nl3tf STOP!' ' Paying rent 2 nice lots with 2 room house. Snap for $500. We have a good .6 room bouse and 2 lots with plenty of fruit for 93000 to trade for lO acre improved tract with stock and equipment. - We have a nice new mod ern home well located for $3000 will : trade for small house not ever $1500. ' Balance easy terms. 3 acre, with good house, baru and garage-' Just outside city limits. Price 93GOO. Want house in Salem for about 920O0. TH0MASOX 3314 State St. 25-nl6tf FOR SALE 0U TRADE A . AMlAj ...Ik U.I.M r,.ii bearing. Mostly prunes. 97000. 10 acres close to Salem at a rare bar- . 'fiain. 40 & acres east of! Shaw, 30 acres cultivated. A fine place. 10 acres pas ; turn. : Good buildings.! All kinds ef ber ries. Trade for small place near Salem, or good etty property.: 9C0OO. 2 lots and good 1 room house in Portland for Salem property or ' small . acreage. it a muB house on Market street cIom- to Capitol street. 94000. Fine lO acres. 500 chickens, nice orchard, good building. A real place. $6500. 320 acres. 2 sets buildings, fine land. : Trade for city or small farm. All clear, i $0 per acre. ! U. W. LA FLAK, 410 Oregon Bids.. T 25 n!9 ATTRACTS E NEW HOME ON Salem's best street, $12,000 eaty payments. 'ew heme comer ilot east. 912.500. New English house, : corner lot. eas iest paymfuts, east front, $5500. New . bun;alow, hardwood floors, $ 6O0. , - ' i ; 1 6 room cottage full bssement, furnace, paved street. 94300 : $600 down. 6 reem bunisloW. baemeut, fire place. $200: 9600 down. 5 room hoone, large; lot. ."!.'. 4 room house, eat front. 9;t'. K room beue. psvedl street. 2700. 7 rsvsi bouse. e-e In. $3300. ft room house, larrfl bt, 92'0,. 1 .room nue, shed. ! corner. Cooo. 7 roM heoe. Court ,treet. 93t.0. 0 room bonne. Court ftreet. $S5f. . i rt rum bup;alow. Court reel. 000. Jjirge hU!wi en Court ttreet. 910.500. Attractive lot on Court re. 9-J500.. Attractive tar re corner. 930TIO. Tts ea e"d i,rth or t30 down. Trade Mudebakcr iesr for lot. . Trade '23 nvod-1 j inclosed car for - " hou)-e and lot in Sa'em. Trade A room buw. 2 east front for , small trsct wear Satem. Trade Aut. house for smalt hou. Apt. boons clone ini. large to, can e teneanto o' wioo' j v- O00: easy paymeut. Apt. house corner. 9t0.o. . a hfMie rorner tot. 90.0'O. Corner 193x195. clbs in. 12.f00. po"tl bouse, large lot. 91500. We ahow- prooerty wntil yo ar plea "d ttfaetirl'v Wated. GERTnt'PE S. M. PAGE , 4JI2 V. Cwttage REAL K8TAT10 City 25 HOME. REALTV COMPANY will be iiiHlrumcniiil in cf.lmi bun dreds of Calilornia and enttcrn people to locate in Salem and Willamette Tal ley thia coming spring and summer. List your city property, : suburban homes and farm lauds with us at once. No sale, no commission. Our Oregon publication will close Dec. 1. Get your listing in this edition free of charge. It not convenient to come to our office phone 1718 and our repre sentative will call. List your property at once. ' HOME REALTY COMPAXT 319-320 L S. Bank Bid 3. 25-n20 OAKS LOT TERMS. I $1100. YOU'LL : like this dm. ' - BECKE A HENDRICKS i U. S. Bank Bldg. 1 23-nl5tf ' i 1 ' .... 300 BCTS NEW 4 ROOM HOCSE IN East Salem with furnishings, owner has left Salem. Furnace, variety of fruit. $5500 buys strictly modern new home In Oaka addition. 1 This is very at tractive' and has beautiful tre-. 9A500 buya strictly modern home and garage, new, 6 blocks from Ladd Bush corner. 1 $7500 buys eery 1 beautiful stucco home of 8 very large rooms and every : modern feature, recessed bath, hard- wood floors., garage, creek property. ' You cannot begin to duplicate thia at the price offered. 1 WINNIE FETTYJ0IIX Realtor 218 Oregon Building. 25-nStf Home Renting ia the best policy when prices and .terms are prohibitive, but Home Owning ia by far the best policy when 'the prices and terms are as favorable aa those quoted below: 1 5 acres 2 miles east, of Satem, well Improved. 7 room 1 house, barn, two chicken houses. Price 9380O or will 1 trade for bouse in Salem. 13 acres, new 3 room house, large barn, two chicken bouses, 4 miles " from Salem. Price $5000 or will trade 3 I or city property. ! A good income property in Portland to trade for Salem property. A six room plas.emi house near new Junior high for-sale at 9'.' TOO. Or will trade for house in Portland. Good v terms. I A new four room ' plastered house iu West Salem at $1375; terms. - We "have houses for rent anywhere In. town at reasonable prices: Moisan & Ulrsch 122 X. Commercial 8t. Phone 1331. BEST BUT IN SALEM 7 ROOM house, bath, furnace, fireplace, gas ran;e and bet.r. firv. cnent wlks and streets. Walking distance. House ful ly carpeted. AU for $5000. Terms. See owner 1153 Oak street. 25 d!2 FOR SALE NEW 4 ROOM BUNGALOW 9100 cash. ' balance ! like rent. Phone owner. 520. j 25-n20 CAR AS FIRST PAYMENT WE HAVE two modern bungalows where owners will take light pood ear as part. BECKK & HENDRICKS T o Bank Bid. ) 23 nl5tt WHEN TIRED OF HCXTINO SEE ME. - I have hundreds of properties meeting very thinkable demand. My system ' saves time, nerves and shoes. HARRIS. Entrance Masonic Temple. Phones 795. 1942 J. ; . . ( 25-ntf FARM AND CITY PROPERTY Kxchsnges Money to loan. 92UOO: 91500; 91000. Salem propertv fdr close acreage. Dairy farms, large and sinail, for city property. Land in Dakota. Nebraska and Minne sots to exchange for Oregon or Wash ington land or 'city property. Houses for sale. Just what you want , .am very eayy terms. See Barber. 200 Gray Bldg. 1 I : 25-nfttf WHAT HAVE YOU TO OFFER for 9120 eqnity in one acre of land with a ga rage house 1 Price $450. balance $5 per month. Krueger, 117 N. Com'l. Phone 217. 25-nl5 BUY THIS PROPERTY MAKE AN OF fer on two rentable close in homes on one lot. This will sell very low, very quick. 9104M) to handle. BKCKE HENDRICKS V. S. Bank Bldg. ; 25-n0tf Salem Highway Tracts 1 NOW ON SALE The tracts between the two high way a. Juat north of the Oregon State Fair Grounds are now ready to put en the market t aell in one-half here tracts. An Ideal Location For Suburban Home You may select Tear tract now. All Will be plainly marked w'.th price. Don't delay, as first e no ice will be beat. i Three read a across tract connecting Portland and Silverton highways, mak ing sJl tracts eaaily accessible. Price ranging from $400 ap, accord lag tn loestioa. Rich L. Reimann Rooms 4-5-6, De" Arcy Building. . m 25-o21tf FOR SALE STRICTLY MODERN home. paved street, furnace, fireplace, east front. 95500; easy terms. 1". i- Wood, 341 State. 25-nt6tf LISTNOS WANTED WE ADVERTISE and sell every good buy we get. We want ho others. If you have a prop erty in or near Salem that must be sold, come in. 1 BECKE HENDRICKS V. S. Beak Bldg. i 25-nlO j EXCELLENT INVESTMENTS I J 10 acre trart. 9 acres in clover some timber. 91750; $100 rash. 1 i 10 acre; tract close in, $3200; $1000 cash. i New 4 room bnagalow 91800. ' 8 acre tract good buildings, paved road, near Salem,:; 9-i"0, wast resi dence. . , - 05 acre farm aatr town, fend bldgs. silo, fruit. Snap 910.0OO. take resi dence for part. s 2d acres ne.r town. 10 acres besr ing fruit, good bldgs. feed, stock, ma chinery. $6500; easy terms or will take residence for part. Several nice bungalow homes easy terms. PERRINE & MAUSTER3 212 Gray Bldg. i 23 3tf PRINTED CARDS SITK 14" BY 7" wording "For Sale, F.aquire At." Price 10 rente each. ! Stateaman Basinets Offieo ilntnwi Tnr MINUTE MOVIES JUUEELAN SERIAL HUNTED HUMAN J -ruet episode t4 V4DlNCr DeLlVERS the nes- SACr To SUJEET- ! ueajst; JlKXh ESTATK -City 25 WANTED! Well lucstrd lot with or without small gsrace houtr. -Purchaser i!l turn in 11)19 Buick in good rejiair what have you ! V. H. GKABEXHOUST 4; CO. ? 275 State- St, 215 nlttf LARGE HOMES 7 ROOMS. WE Have Kens- four at $35uo to $4'."00 today . enable terms on all. BECKE ft" HENDRICKS L. S. Bank Bldg. V 5 n!5tf MODERN SIX ROOM HOME! With full cement basement and ga rage located on pared street just north of State street. Prices for quick sale jjvu; ijuu aown. 1 1 W. II. ORABENIIORST ft Cf State St. ntttf BUSINK8S Oiportanitics 20 ; BfSINESS PRO PKRTY THREE BL'Sl ness Bldgs. for sale that will 'net you 8 to 11'... $5000 to 910.000 to; handle. investigate. BEt'KE & HENDRICKS I". S. Bank Bldg. 26-nl6tf A GOOD OPENING For an oil station and repnSr on thro travel road, with a 5 room house and barn, and 4' acres good soil. 912CO easy terms. For particulars see Win. Fleming. 341 State St. 2ti-ul5tf SMALL 1 APARTMENT HOl'Slf.S FOR sale. Terms, 9H50O and 9M000i. BECKE A HENDRICKS X: S. Hank Bids. i2G-nlGtf JIKAL. KSTATK Trades 27 WE OFFER FOR EXCIIANGE-GOOD . 3 room home with large corner tot valued at 940UU for 30 or 4U acre iiarm im proved, worth 9U500; will pay cash difference. 2 apartment houses an-J small house worth $15,000 for dairy. $25,000 income property for farm. '.0,Kj0 clear income lor merchandise. 60 clear acres well improved for isaleui residence. A mighty good j business proposition worth $10,000. will take half in clear firm. 10 acre for lot. 10 improved acres worth ftioou for residence. t5 improved clear iacrci for residence. ' I ;, ; s McGILtHRIST & PENNINGTON 5 2oa L'. S. Bank Bldg. Phone II t'. f 27-nlCtf f M WANT SILVEUTON OR K.XLEM RESI dence, pay some rush, trsdo or hccuritr in other property. Value $1300 to $3500. Box 231, Falls Cityj Oregon. ! 27 n2I RKAL ESTATE Farnts 28 SAWMILL AND 61 ACRES OFiTlMBER well located, for sale at a bargain. In view of the favorable prospects for a great building era. next year, this is a rare opportunity. Low price for quick action. John II. Scott,; 305 Ore gon bid;. i 2d nlo 55 ACRES, NOT FAR OCT ON GOOD road, no bldgs.. well fenced, running water, some clear, balance pasture and timber. Price only $00 per acre with terms. Timber enough to half pay for place. - I' 3 I See CHILDS k BECHTpL 510 State St. 1! 23 nlStf OX HIGHWAY SO ACKES CLOSE TO Saiem. --5 an acre. It's the best buy from here to Portland. Old ibldgs. BECKE k HENDRICKS V. S. Bank Bldg. i 28 nlOtf DAIRY OK STOCK RANCH IX LINN county. Eleven miles of Lebanon. il: acres. About 30 acres river and creek bottom under cultivation. Over 80 acres more of river bottom cultivable when cleared. Thousands ofj cords of wood and saw timber will pay for Hearing. Good builJings. A 40bbl. water power custom flour milt, and some dairy cows and equipment goes with tae place. Unincumbered small- '. er farm up to $0ouO accepted in part paymBr Frice $13,OOU. A. C. Bo&rn atedt. 147 N. Commercial, Salem. Ore. LAND BARGAINS 320 acres, 80 acres plow land balance fine timber, old builJingi. Price $b-" per acre, will take part trad in clear property. 100 acres. 30 acres plow land, balance timber, located nine miles aoutn on main Pacific highway. Price $525o. Terms. 4iMi acres, 1 acres I sowed .to wheat, price $1600. 5 acres east 011 Asylum road 9150U; $l0O down 91U per month. lOd acre river bottom farm to exchange fer Salem property. 2t0 acres in summer fallow wheat. Pricn $100 per acre. We write Fiito and all forms of Auto Insurance. W. II. GKABtXHORST Realtors 275 State St. Phone 515. CO. 2d-nl9 10 ACRES IN LIMITS- FAIR BLDGS. Will aell, lease or trade for house, i BECKE & HENDRICKS V. S. Bank Bldg. 28 n!6tf 10 ACRES IN LIMITS TO RENT, lease or sell. Immediate possessions s IIECKK tc HENDRICKS f" C. S. Bank Bidg. i 28-nl5tf BARGAIN TRACT 16 ACRES I AND fair Bldgs. South. For 325. THIS i buy. Any reasonable terms and imme diate possession. BECKE HENDRICKS U. S. Bank Bldg. : 2 n9tf WALNUT AND FILBERT BARGAIN 87 acres youug orchard, filberts in good condition. 30 to 40 acres good wal nuts. On pared Market road. Apprais ed, .t $15,000. Sacrifice trce ,000. A. C. BOHRSSTEDT t i -'-i-t lit No. Com'l. St., x Salem,'? Ore son. ' ,-. :t -f r , 1 i .. i.A.23-niatf fOIt SALE THREE ACRES ; WITH good improvements on Portland rosd. $t200. Seven room bunsslvw. paved street, basement aud built ins, 9450O. F. L. Wood. ! 2dn2tf Six Acres Close In f 1 ; ' s Rich black soil on paved road, flood house and old barn. 93500. Will accept trade priced right. Kobinaon, Oregon Bldg. ; 2Hnt If You Will Go 1 1 over in Polk County South f Indep endence. I will sell you a little pro ducing home for two-third of what it's north. Will tke a little trade on it. Robinson. Oregon BjdS- I ACRE TRACT 1 -i MILES OUT. GOOD road, part in filberts, good well, elec tric light line, for only l(00. li acres 1 mile out, good road, elec tric light tine, bam, but no boufce. This is a little bargain. Only $700, with terms.- See ! . i CHILDS BECHTEL ' '5 IO State Mt. 1I'i-n1'tf BtCrg MEAD AND fPEPAESTo FOLLOW AFTESS. TME. OVTLAW WAVE ( . . . . . .... " .,-. . C . II I I I I FE-EX WIS ARM " ; V MA5 HAPPEN HEAL ESTATE Kami 2 $I10 TAKES SMALL HOUSE PLAS tered. New and vseant. 9".'00 down. BKCKE HENDRICKS SJlaiik B'.dg. 2H-n9tf REAL ESTATE Exch.' ng 29 EXCHANGE FINE LARGE HOI SK, modern, large lot, swell t location for a smaller home. Also a goctl sevcii room house South Satem -.JU0. for lot or acreage. F. L. ood. 2J nlGtf TWO LOTS IN SACR-LMIINTO. CAL. for property on or near I'acific h ghway. Will give or take difference. 580 . 4tb .th, SE. Portland. Ore. .'t-nlw REAL ESTATE Suburban 30 SUllURBAN HOMES THREE DANDV close to Salem. Immediate possession on one. $3.'00 to $1750. BECKE ft HENDRICKS V. 8. Dank Bldg. 30 nl-'.tf , , 1 'NOTHING SCCCEEI3 LIKE SUCCESS' 1 Just the place! room bungalow, 'paved at. Fine garden anil; South High street. Only $3000; terms. Lister. well built 5-room bungalow, basement, garage, fruit. A snap at $3 too. None better 3.6 acre farm in Haxel Green district, all in high state of cul tivation. Owner ia making money, but baa to go East. Will kMI with Stock and implement. Inveatigate-i this. We write insurance. RICH L. REINMANN. Realtor. Rooms 4-5-C, le Arcy Building. ' 30-2f USED CAR For Kale 31 Dont Buy Until You See Our Cars and Coon pare Prices touring, new paint, 1 go o d tires . ... $854) H O20 Chevrolet touring, 25 This is usually value an un good Newton Chevrolet Co. .. High at Chetnekcta Phone HOIK) 31 u23 CAR TO TR IE FOft CHEAP LOT F. ,L.;Wood, 311 State. 31-nl6tf lt-22 Jewett touring ...A.. .$tOO ivzi oodge delivery rebuilt and new paint lou ... 500 19-2 Dodge road.-ter, complete')' ' overhauled 1923 lodge touring fully equip 500 peu. run 700U miles 800 'odge i di.ion, 4 new cord tire 500 1320 Dodge touring 275 13.1 lodge sedan, had excellent - care, repaint job G00 1923 Dodge coupe, fully equip-.. ped, cord tir-i ' joO 1 i TERMS) BONESTEELE MOTOR CO. 31-nlrf ; - Buick Tourings 1915 4 cyl. 5-pasa. IKId 4 cyl. 5-pas. 1921 6 cyl! 5-ps; 1921 a cl. 5 pass. l!-.-3 0 cyl. 5-pa.s. 1923 6 cyl. 5 pass. .. $175 ... 200 ... t.00 .. 50 ... 900 .. BOO Buick Sedans 1 1924 ti cyl. 7 pass. 1 122 4 cyl. 5-pass. 1 192 1 4 cyl. 5 pass. 1 Elgin 5-pa.s. ...... 1 Overland l5-ias. ... 1 Studubaker 7 -pass. . 1 Dodge aedan .... 1 Jewett sedan .... $J,00 coo - 875 ....$100 ' 200 .... 500 .... 700 .... t00 O. J. Wilson S8d Xorth Commercial St.-. Also distributors for Goodyear tires. . 31-o21 OCR WINTER CLEARANCE SALE OF , used cars, is now in progress. We have some wonderful values iu both . open and ctoed cars to choose from, j Ford-. Overland". Chevrolet. Maxwell, i Hupmobiles, Buirks. Gardners. Oldsnio i biles. At! earn guaranteed as ret're- sented. Prices $50 up to $1100. It's ; cay to buy a car on our payment plan, i "After We Sell We Serve' Y. W. PETTYJOHN CO 219 and 279 N. Commercial St. Phone 120O 31 nl Itf FordsFordsFords 1120 touring ; .... I B1.00 l2t touring ... 225.00 l2:t touring (1921 model) ndO.Ot 121 roadster . . - 210.00 1921 Sudan (new tires, 5 i wheel - 1!23 sedan (new- paint) ... wire ... 275 0 ."n.V.tio :r).ii lccn rtcoudi- 191! truck rhavM . Tbe cars hjTr all tiuued and are guamuUtd. i VALLEY MOTOR COMPANY i u'horie Ford Dealer 200 North fits Salem, Or. t'tione t ." ntttf (All rights protected by The George Matthew Adams Service Trade Mark MOriC lAVtrU. W 1 H t MiT IN TWi CMASE '5 fcENCM FLO QUEEN OF: "TWE CURLy VJOLF CAFE AND DAM CE MALL BLANCHE ROUGE CLASSIFIED Of Reliable Business ' i AMBTLAJJCE AMBULANOK SERVICE. DAY OR night. poo- a i a oouin Liioerty. AUCTIONSEBS P. N. WOODRY - i Expert Livestock. furniture, real i estate . ' " AUCTIONEER Res. 1610 N. Summer Phone 511 for - aalea datea. i. L. E. TaLBOTT Auctioneer Phoa. 470202 U. S. Bank Bldg. " . i is : G. BATTERLEE Auctioneering Rooms 25-26, Breymaa Block Phone 4.10 or 12111. jne-Htf AUTO PAINTING HAVE US REPAINT YOUK OAS WITH our new permanent finish. it1K ,a'VJ -t ..rata Tai vsutv caia High Btreet at Trade BATTERY AND ELECTRICIANS &. D. BARTON KXIOK BATTERIES atarter and generator work; '171 South Commercial. ' , PRESTO-LITE BAT TE R Y SERVICE Station. Expert battery and electrical work. Farria Bros., Phone 1803, 41 d Court. 5a i Court 81 J1K A 1 1.1.IAMS BICYCLES AND REPAIB.INO LLOYD E. RA M 8DEN '-D A YTON B1CY TaTin1""! Tiit"'r,i?i, Court. '" ' CHINESE REMEDY L. 1m. DICK L. M. HCM. CHINESE yMealicine Co.. h-lp any known diseaae 420-42a Bute St., Salem, Oregon. ' aflwtf CHISOrODIST DR. S.P. SCOTT. GRADUATE - Kt tional University Bciencea, waicago. Masonic Tsmple. Phone 40. CHIROPRACTORS OR. O. L. SCOTT, PSO CHIROPRACTOR 414-19 U. S. Bank Bldg. Phone 87. reT 828 R. CLEANEKS DTEBS ! SALEM CLEANERS AND DYERS. 1215 8. Commercial. Phone 18K8. We ape eially on one day service. CONTRACTORS FOR CEMENT WORK CALL AT 46 N. Rumiuer afreet. 1'hnne 674 J. OHKKKY CITY CONTRACTING CO. General contracting and building. Esti mates gladly furuished. Phone 1467R or 59F12. d2rf DRESSMAKING PHI NT ED CARDS SIZE 14" BY 7V4" wording 'Dressmaking" ; price lb eents each. Statesman Business Office Oronnd Floor. 1 ; ELECTRICIANS iALXM ELECTRIC CO. 31 A S O N I C bntlding. Phone 1200. BLKCTRIO FIXTURES ASP SCPTLY Co. Phone 1934, 222 N. liberty. ?LEENER ELECTRIC 0 O. House wiring by hour er contract. Es timates furnished. Phone 980. 471 Court St. FARM PAPER T Y0C WANT TO CET THE BEST farm paper, send 15e to the Paeifb Homestead. Salem. Oregon for a thret months' trial subscription. Mention this if 1 I - iOULTRYMEN SEND EIGHT TWO cent stamps for special three months' trial for the best and oldest journal in the west. The articles and advertise ments are of special interest to the poultry bred rs of the Northwest. Northwest Poultry Journal.! 211 Com mercial street. Salem. Oregon PZNANCIAXi LOANS MADE ON GOOD CITY PROP erty at a low rate on the easy payment plan, so at end of year you are all : paid up. Farm, loans on large or small tracts; private money. See first and you will go no farther. G. W. Laflar 410 Oregon Bldg. j City Loans ANDERSO RUPERT Ageata 408 Oregon Building LOANS i . Farm and City ;: Most liberal rates and payment ' privileges. HAWKINS A ROBERTS 30S Oregon Bldg. Salem. Oregon is ir 1'St.OiNS I7NDER RESERVE SYSTEM on city or farm property. K serve De ; posit company. 72 Fourth Btreet, Port land, Or. i FINANCIAL FARM LOANS LESS INTEREST, loeger time, at commission. Pro'eola against adversity. City lnana. lowest rates, monthly Installments, prepay ment privileges. J. C. Siegmund. room 5. over Ladd t Rush tnk. Farm Loans ANDERSON A RfTPERT ttrmgnn Hn'Misr c-c;r cnt rut. HKL OQlo gccs To HEE ROOM AT TWE: REAR- OF THE HALL arS0 COAT V'E ) NEARLY JW ,V BUSINESS DIRECTORY and Professional Firms Arranged in Alphabetical Order for Quick Reference - ' I FLO BUSTS CUT FLOWERS, WEDDING BOUQUETS funeral wreaths, decerationa. C. V. Breithaupt. florist, 123 N. Liberty Plione 30. FUNERAL DIRECTORS SALEM MORTUARY, FUNERAL DIREC tors;2 10 -Center. . Phone I6SB4MM i rURVITTJBR STORES GIESE FURNITURE CO. Q CAblTT . furniture for lest money. 872 Court, Phone 464. PEOPLES' FURNITURE 8TOUE NEW and second hand furniture; 371 N. Commercial. HEMSTITCHING THE VOGUE FOR HEM STITCHING stamped goods,. 421) Vj Court. 14-dl3 MRS. C. E. MILLER, HEMSTITCHING, tamping, buttons. Boom 10, over Mil ler's Store. Phone 117." HEMSTITCH ING, STAMPING, PLEAT . ing. The Petite Shop, Room b, over Busirka. B29tf SALKM ELITE H EM STITCHING pleating button, stamping and aeedle work : :t2 Oregon bldg. Phone 379. HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN DR. L. G. ALT MAN. HOMEOPATH WT. - Does a general practice. Treata Goiter, Gall Stones, and Dropsy, arising from diseaaea ' of heart, liver or kidneys without operation. Office and resi dence. 2 N. Liberty St., Salem, .Or. I'ilOfl" 17.' INSURANCE i WARREN F. POWERS Life, Accident, Fire, Automobile 219 V. S. Nat'l Bank Bl.lg. Phone 607 iasure.. Your home or car now : l'bnue 161 BEOKK A- HENDRTCKS U. S. Hank Bid' LADIES TAILORIN0 D. H. MOSHER TAIIXHt FOR MEN and women. 47 Court St. LANDSCAPE GARDENING SAVE MONEY BY HAVING YOUR lawn built by the Blake Laudscape coihpanv: Phone 132 M. d5 ERNEST 1 1' FER, LANDSCAPE GARDEN er prepares, pla na. General grading and planting. Rock and Wall gardening a specially. Route I, Box II. Phone l lF4. v n-2 ZJkUNDRIES SALEM I-AUNDRY COMPANY. 1 8. Liberty street. Phone 25. o I d e s t largest best. Established 1M89. CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY - Vitality work;; prompt service, 1211 rosdwsjrPhonJJj MEDICAL wOCNTAIN 3ALM COUGH REMEDY Phone 517-W. MUSIC LESSONS 1 COURSE IN BUSINESS PIANO playing. Popular ayneopated. standard music. Semi-elassie and ballads; IS lsoe. Wstermaa Piano School Me Cnmfk Bldg. - MTJSI0 8T0RES SHERMAN, CLAY A CO., PIANOS Steinways. Duo-Art and others. Moore's Mnsie House, 415 Court Street. GEO. a WILL PIANOS. PHONO graphs, aewing uachinea, sheet muaie. and piano atudies. Repairing phoae grapha and sewing machines; 432 State Btreet, Salem. rRADE YOUR OLD PIANO FOR A NEW Victor or Brnuewtck. H. L, SUff Furni ureCo;1MHsiePept. iMaaaMaaai ' NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS OR. A. SLAUGHTER 4 ACUTE AND chronic diaaases; 415 Oregon Bldg Phone 110. NURSERY STOCKS FRUIT, NUT AND SHADE TREES Pearcv Bros.. 237 State. PACKING AND SHIPPING FOR EXPERT FURNITURE TACKING and shipping, call Stiff's Furniture Store, phone 941. " s-30tf PAPERHANGINO AND PAINTING WALL PAPER 8 AMPLE BOOKS AND books on wall decorations. Max O. ' Bursa, 179 N. Cous'L. Salem. PHONK GLENN ADAMS FOR HOUSE decorating, paper hanging, tinting, etc. 1 Ralisble workman. ; PIANO TUNERS EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED PI a no tuner. Leave ordera Will'a Muair ' S'nra. PLUMBING PLUMBING AND OENERAL REPAIR ! wnrk., Uraber Broa., 141 8. Liberty fhone R.V1. ' f-tOtf Registered U. S. Patent Office) t ' WE , i CANUCK CALLS OM ' 0M&- OF HIS PALS Fo MGLP ONJEArJ. uxxvsiDeo.' TT L. JimDE OUKCKl I r i a J Sri4 PLUMBING PLUMBINO REPAIRING AND OOIL work. Phone 495-W. Shop 127 Caioe atreet. A. L. Godfrey. . RADIATORS. FENDBRS. ETC. RADIATORS, FENDERS, BODIES made or repaired. J. 0. Bair, 238 State St RADIO tRadiolas . For Every Purpose Every TuMf All Standard Sixoa of Radio Tubes A EOFF- ELECTRIC SHOP 337 Court St. Phone 488 RADIO DOCTORS SALEM ELECTRIC CO. F. S. BARTON. Prop. Masonic Temple -Phone 1200 REPAIRING. FREO PETERS DOES SHINGLING, roof ing, and roof-repairing. Work guaran teed. Phoue 1J19. n-ia a , aLVIN B. STEWART 847 Court St. Umbrellas, Cutlery and Key a 1 Lawnmowera, raaor-bladea.. aciaaora, knives and tools ihnnil. S0AVENOBRS SOOS SCAVENGER SERVICE GAR bage and refuse of all kinda removed by the month.- Reasonable rates. Cess pools cleaned and - dead animals re moved. Phnnear Oftice 35: Res. 0r,a. SECOND HAND GOODS WANTED EVERYTHING IN CLOTH ing and ahoea. Beat prieea paid. Cap ital Exchange; S42 North Commercial Phn ISSn-W. assBsxxHsssBsnaMMaBBSBBBaaHaBBaaBBaaBBaasBBaswa STOVES AND STOVE REPAIRING STOVE8 REBUILT AND REPAIRED 40 years' experience. Depot National ('"'tee. aises 2ft ;o 58 ia. high. Painta, ows and varnishes, etc., loganberry and bop hooka. - Salem Fence and Stove Works, thft Co-irt Street . Phone 124. asBBamBBEsaBKaasaBnae TRANSFER AND HAULING y CAPITAI. CITY TRAN8FER CO. 22 State St. Phone 933. Distributing, for warding and storage aur specialty. Get our rates. "' W"E -MOVE. STORE AND SHIP HOCSK bold gonda. Our specialty ia piano and furniture moving. We -also make coun try trips.' We handle the beat real and wood. Call od us for prieea. We good' measure, good", quality and food service. Larmer Transfer Co. Phone 930 TRANSFER AND - HAULING OF ALL kinds. Phone IPFn. "- TRANSPORTATION PARKER'S STAGE LINES O. W. Parker. General Manaaer Central Stage Terminal Salem. Oregon 8ALEM-8ILVERTON DIVISION Leaves Salem. Central S age Terminal 7 a. m.; 11 a -1 p. m Leaves Silverton News Stand: 9 a.m.: 1 pjn.: S w Salem-Independenco-Monmbuth Diruus Leaves Salem, Central Stage. Terminal 7 a.m.: 9 a.m.; 11:10 a.m.: a 8:10 p.m.i 5:10 p.m. Leavea Mosmoath, Monmouth Hotel: . 8:15 a.m.; 1 p.m.; 8:15 p.m. , Leava Independence, Beaver Hotel:1 8:30 ajn.; 9:60 a.m.; 1:15 p.m. ' 4 p.m.; 8:30 p.m. Leaves Oentrsl Ptsge Terminal. Salem for Dallaa at: t Am.; 11:10 a.m.; 8:10 p.m. Leavea Gail Hotel, Dallaa. at: 8 ajos.; 1 p.m.; 6:15 p.m. We make connections at Salem to al parts of the valley. Extra tripe by ap pointment. . J. W. PARKER, General Manager. WATER SALEM WATER. LIGHT POWER CO Office. 801 South Commercial St. Tea. per cent discount on domes t i e flat rates paid ia advance. No deduction for absence or any rauae unless water t hi' erf voitr nrmiM r Real Estate Transfers I v vfr Lg Branch, Felix et ux, to Mary Grimm, 1 aires of land in . Web ley Houxhurst D L C, J 7 S R 2 V, $16. ..' Contract F. M. iloyt et lit, to Frank Hipe. S. 65 ft. of the . .. Vi of Lot 9 in McDonald Fruit Tracts Salem, Ore., $425.00. J. W. Cotner et ux, to Arncl J Smith, Lot 4 Block 11, Rlversld? Add. to Salem. $300. ; " v K. C. Denny to Wmi llas'el et al.' land in Sec. 32 T S S U 1 B, $10. MaryvL. Allen to Ltroy Hew lett, et ux. part of lots 4 and 5 block SO. Salem, Ore.. $10...; Fred W. Steusloff et ux to Leory une Skopil, lot 3 block 3 ligtiway Add to Salem. Ore.. $275. R. IViloisc et al to W. G- Kreu- cer. S . k of SW i block 60 North Salem, $100. . Morton, Eugenie, et vir. to Car rie V. Bowers; 5.6 S acres of land in Sec. 2i; T 7 S R . $10.: R; A. Harris et al to J. II. Davis' lot 2 block '7 Progress Add. to Salem. Ore.. $150. Myrtc Wiliamsoh et vir to Wen dell Ilflm. lot .4 block 2 Capital Street Add. to Salem,- H. , Y, Mapce, et ux to Perry Vorlicis vt ux, lot 2. 3. 4. 5 block- By ED WHEEL AN G-ET f?iu OF ZAT WORSE: . HAL1K FRENCM FLO" Z ATT COME .... inrr-faa mm 'IKS 3 the ngxx &g fePl SO DS.AUlLL BE SMou;aJ ofJ TM16 SceeeM lb-. ml? A .-1 (9 H-13 14 save and ' except .42 feet off the west end of aid lots now deeded to Anna White, $10. It. L. Schmidt et ux to Franx GrimpH, lots 3, 4, and W. 10 ft. lots 5 & 6 block 2 II. Holtzgaus Add. to Mt. Angel. $1. NV. D. Pillett et ux to A. L.. Seamster, land in Samuel Peter Cl T 7-3 W, $1. . Chas. Underwood Hibbard to L. E. Hibbard et al, land in .Sec. 20 T 7 S It 1 W, $10, James TV Bell et ux to Marcus C. McLain, lot 7 block 11 J. My era Add. to Salem, $10. Tarl Rahlhnrv at t-r r A "1 Knapp et ux, S of lots 3 & 4. block 27 amended plan of blocks 27. 28, 30. 31 and 32 Nob Hill Add: to Salem, $10. Fred McDonnell, - to Rose Mc- Mnnnall lnli 9 1 on1 11 klnnb O Thomas Add. to Woodburn. $300. Chris Grohs, to Ross Groha, 23 acres in Louis Plchette DLC T 4 S R 2 V, $10. Jarvls Needham, to Howard Tenner ct ux, land In Sec. 30 T 9 S R J E, $40. J. Stonewall Wells et ux to Howard Fenner et ux, land In Sec. 30 T 9 S R 3 K. $10. John Kraemer et ui to St. Ben edict's Abbey. 2.53 acres in Sees. 14 & 15 T 6 SRI W, $1. A. Van Valkenberg and hus band to A. B. Williams and wife, land in Silverton $450. B. Schreiber to A, Klctt. land ii block 21 and block I, Salem. Oce., $i. --L - If. E. Xelson and husband to J. Muir and "wife, land in 5-1-W, Marion county. Ore.,' and lot 1 G Subdivision of Mrs. ReminKton's addition to Woodburn $1000. S. E. Manley, widow to Farg.i Orchards company, lot 11. block C. Fargo Townsite," Marion coun t tm' V. II. Goulet to F. Goulet, land in Woodburn. $1. ,V. McKinney to E. A. Adams, lot 5, block 5 Frickey'a addition to Salem, $1. W. T. Rig don et al to E. j. Adams.' lot 5. block 5 Frlckey'a addition to' Salem, $1. M. T. Ryan et al to R, Samuel, part Iot3 3 and 5 block 1, Cart wriKht's addition to Salem. $1'. 0. J. Runcorn and wife to A. M. Lull, lot 32 Hollywood. Marion county, $10.. 1. it Til I a i r . .. r.. .II. uuvvu UIIU Wtie (O A." 1. 1 ChenoWeth and wife, lot 13 bloclc 2, Willaniette addition to Salem. I10-; - :; .... ' .. G. A. Thomason to A. Voight. part lot Jl Miller's Mill - CreeX .Rural Home Tracts. Marion coun ty. $400. . F. W. Fox and wife to G. A. Thomason and wife, lot 5, block li.RIferside addition Salem, $10. R. W. Gatchet and wife to U. Wickham and wife, land in Sil verton. $1930.60. J. 7.. Pruner and wife to C. K. Williaans. lots 11, 1?. block T.. Bechtel & Bynon's Card well addi tion to Salem. $1100. L. R. Lamb et al to S. E. Lamb, part of section 22-7-2-E and lot 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. 8, 9, 10. 26. and. 27. block 44, Scotts Mills, Orj., $10. PUBLIO NOTICES I .o. IX THE CIRCUIT COURT OF USTATK OF OltKGOX, FOR MARIOX COUXTV. " Dcparttncnt Xo. 1- -Frances Lee, Plaintiff, v vs. - - ) SUMMONS To Reuben Lee, Defendant above, named: In the Name of the State of Oregon; you are hereby -required ii. . , j . - - r" cpenr'BDu answer mo rom- piami i ilea apainsi you in i.iu Sbove entitled Court and cause on r before six weeks from the date the first, publication of tills summons. : and if you fall to ap pear and answer said complaint by staid date, for want thereof, the ..'-plaintiff . will apply to, the Court for a Judgment against you for the sum of $1500.00 together with interest thereon at the rate of six per cent prr annum from the ISth day of February. 1P23. and for her costs and disburse ments. -and for an order to sell the following attached real prop erty, to-wit: , - Resinning , at the Northwest corner of the D. L. C. of Adam P. N'ye. Claim No. 4. In Town ship 13. South. Ranee 1 West of the Willamette Meridian and run nnir thence South 18 chains; thence East. 37.72 chains, more or lss. to the center of the County road; -thence along the center of said County rosd in a Northwest erly direction 24 chains, more c.r less, to the North line of th faid Li C; thence West on the North lino of paid D. L. C. 22.90 chain, more or lr-cs. to the n1ar of be einninR. containine 5r.r5 acres, mors or less. 'all.lvincr and brln? in I.ln'rt County. State f Orcsron. You are further notified that hit summon i srvd unon you by ptihllcation thereof in tho Ore ion Statpsman, a newspaper of ffrnral circulation, printed and nnblihed daily in Salem, Marion Co. Oreron. and thnt tho date of the first ptihlicat'on therof will he iinon he ISth Jar of November. 1921. and the date of the last nuhlication thereof will be upon th 30th dar'of December. 192 1. You are further notified that this fummoits Is published and served ttnon vou Pursuant to ttte order of the Hon. Percy R. Kelly. Judse of the above entitled Court, which oe'er was made and enter"! or rwvrd 1" "H csn-n on tlje 1 5 th d a y of No ve m bor . 19 2 4. t .V GUY O. MITII 4"! Ralem Hank of Commerce Ttldg'.. Kwlent. Oregon. Attorney for Plaintiff. No.. IS,. 19 20, 21, .22,''25,'.25. X.OT MKEH FtRST PATMENT WE asve msav modern homes that we can sell and take Satem tut as first pay- mn' r.FCKV. IlLNDKICKS V. &. f anl. ' :5