The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 18, 1924, Page 5, Image 5

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Special' eommunl
tlon of Salem Lodge
So. 4. A. F. & A. M.
will be held at the
lodge rooms at 1:30
Fyp. m. ior the pur
pose of attending
. TthA: funeral nf nnr
late brother, Harry E. Abry.of
land.; .,
uy oraer ot the w. M. J. D.
Berwick, Sec; nl8.
Win Marrr Tolpdoan i
A marriage license was Issued
in. the county clerk's office yes
terday to Thomas R. Ritchey, 22,
of Toledo, Oregon, and iMiss Mil
dred E. Beckner. 18. Route 8, Sa
lem. Mr. Ritchey Is a bridge
carpenter. - ,
Knmmage Sale" i
Saturday cooked food will be otf
sale In connection with rummage
Bale at C.T.C. tire shop 477 Court
Jd Become Citizen
Otto R. Skopil filed his inten
tion of becoming a citizen yester
day la the office of the county
clerk. ! Mr. SkoplI Iirea at 1625
Oak, and Is employed by the Cap
ital City Steam Laundry. He was
born In Sternberg. Austria, now
a part of Cheko-Slovakia. 28 years
ago. and came to the United States
in 1904.
Dry Wood for Sale
1 6-inch or 4-foot lengths. Call
77P2 ntf
Arrested at Independence
Anderson and Sam Godsey were
arrested ' In Independence yester
day oy vjonsiaDie ue iong ana
Deputy Sheriff Bert. Smith, and
charged with larceny of tools from
a barn. , A hearing will, be set as
soon as arrangements can be made
with- the district attorney. The
warrant was sworn out' by J. C.
Collin. . . ..
luncheon Is Ready -
; KC 'Xf.rfk T
to 2 or business men and women.
Colonial Dame Tea Shoppe. nl8.
i Permits to erect store buildings
and dwellings have been issued
by City Recorder Martin Poulsen
to v. R. Kron for a dwelling at
1985 North Commercial at an
estimated cost of $26000. Addi
tional: permits were issued to Wil
liam Amsler to erect a - dwelling
5 lown
5 Monthly "
C. 1C Lockwood
27 X. Com. St.
Phone 866
, . SERVICE . ,
Cars for hire without driver
PHONE 2020
Day and Night Service
Buys Furniture
Phone 511
Men's and. Toung Men's
Tailored Salts $23 to 43
r Dr. B. H. White
.-, , Osteopathy - Burgery
Electronic Diagnosis and Treat
ment ; (Dr. ; Abram's method)
Office Pbone 859 1 or.4C9-J
. 506 V. S. Bank Bid.
Established 18C8
General Banking Business
Off ico Honrs from 10 a, m. to 3 p, m.
fe Carry All
y r
:Lann3r Transfer Ik Storage Co.
at 1540 South Liberty at an estim
ater cost of $2500; John William
son to erect a dwelling: at 1220
Madison at a cost of $3000 and
a permit to erect a .store dwelling
at 1962 North Capitol with an
estimated cost of $2000. 11. E.
Otjen is to errect a dwelling 910
Rural at an estimated cost of $500
an additional permit was given
him to a building at 465 Norway,
$1200. , :,
- Basketball,1 Armory Tonight
2 games. j
Select Christmas Present Now
Small payments make it easy.
Love, the Jeweler, Salem. olO-tl
Non-Support Charged
Charging non-support, Mable
Browning has filed suit for div
nrrn aeainst IJenrv E. Browning.
The couple were married in Port
land, November 17, 1921. Mrs.
Browning Etates that during most
of their married life she has been
obliged to support herself. ,
In sums t6 suit on approved
real estate security. See A. N.
Moores, 401 Oregon Bids. n!8
Veteran To Elects
- The Veterans of Foreign wars
will elect their officers December
3. On account of discussing the
plans for organizing an auxiliary
Ida Salom Tinot ' th election
TM-..... F
was postponed. During the meet
ing of the ,Iirst. weanesaay
December a commander, a senior
vice-commander, junior vice- com
mnnrior nrtfutnnt auartermaster.
nVianiflin nnrf trustee. In addition
several appointive oiiices win w
ffiiAd. tin wovemDer 19 me --
arana nf Poreien Wars are invit
ing all ex-service men, their wives,
sisters,-and daughters to meet at
the WOW hall to discusa plana
for the forming of an auxiliary.
Dancing and rerresnments are io
be features ot the evening.1
Dry Mill Wood !
$4.50 per load, block wood
$3.75. Four loads $14,00. Phone
1879W. n18'
Farmers Are Busy
The pleasant weather of the
last few days Is proving a great
boon - to the j farmers in Marion
and Polk counties as well as other
places. Many are taking advan
tage of the weather and are plow
ing and seeding. A farmer will
plow one day and seed the next
and in that way take advantage
of the splendid condition of the
soil.' There is, however, some
difficulty in the lowlands where
an unusual large amount of water
has collected in getting the soil
in plawing shape.
rf irto Music Club Seasoi
Tickets now $3 for Martin, the
dancers, Schniter. All to be at
Grand theater, j See Bertha Junk
Darby. Phone 195 0-W nl8.
v ... . . i i I, " - '
Bollman Case Thursday
Trial of the case brought by
Mrs. Fred Bozell, of Salem, to re
cover $10,000 from Mies Celim
Bollman. private secretary to Gov
ernor Pierce,' has been set for
Thursday ia the circuit -." court.
Dancing! Dancing!
Salem New Auditorium
Ladies Free
Wednesday and Saturday
Ttezanson's Melody Phiends
Skating, Skating, Skating
At Dreamland
Thursday.! Friday, Saturday
7:30 to 10 p. m.
Hear Our New Calliope
-- i i For ;
: Open ETenings
Sizes of Goal
from the large furnace to
the smallest nut size. Tell
as for what purpose the coal
Is required and well "point
out the proper size to use.
But although we carry all
sizes, we handle only one
quality, the very best coal
from the very best mines.
Our coal service ia yours to
Prices range from f 10 to $15
Also handle the beat
Diamond Brlqnetusa $ 15
Mrs. Bozell alleges that Miss
Bollman alienated the affections
of her husband. Miss Bollman
has denied the charges and retain
ed two attorneys to defend her.
Iiozell, it i understood, is work
ing in a mill at Garibaldi. -
1 Tonight.
Armory ; Basketball
John H. Putnam Dead
Word was received here yes
terday of the death of John H.
Putnam of Fossil. Oregon, who
was a former resident ot Salem
and Polk county. He Is survived
here by James B. and Marion Put
nam of Salem and a brother, Wil
liam W. Putnam of Independence.
Civic Music Club Tickets
Now $3 for season . including
Martin. nl8
Moores To Entertain
The Moore Music house will put
on a musical program at the
Auburn school house Friday night,
November 21. A varied program
of musical numbers will be pre
sented by the entertainers from
the store. The meeting will be
gin at 8 o'clock.
Rummage Sale
Sponsored by Thursday Bridge
Luncheon Club In C. T. C. Tire
shop 477 Court street Thursday
Friday and Saturday. Proceeds for
lights at entrance of new Hospital.
General Whlto on Trip - '
General George A. White, ad
jutant general of the state, was
called to San Francisco, Sunday
in response to telegraphic orders
from western army headquarters.
Further development oi .tne na
tional guard. Including the matter
of federal allotment, will be taken
un at the conference. General
White commands the 82nd Infan
trv brieade. comprising 'infantry
troops of Oregon and Idaho,
Guard commanders irom omer
states In the 9th Corps area will
also be at the conference. : These
Include Oregon, Wasbinglon, Cali
fornia, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming
and Utah. ; ' ' ? ' i . ;
Basket Ball. Armory Tonight
Easy Terms ?
Make it easy to own one of the
Overland Coupe Sedans ;: lowesf
priced closed car in tne worm
with doors front and rear.' Sec
it at Vick Brothers. , nl8
Chase in Hosfcitat ; ;
W. H: Chase, business agent for
the Salem Trades and Labor Coun
cil, who has been quite ill with
stomach trouble, was able to leave
for Portland over the week-end,
where he has entered a sanita
rium. Just how long he will be
forced to be away from Salem it
not known, i During his absence
J. N. Gainard, secretary of the
painters' union, is in charge of the
office. . 4 s ,
Announcing That t
Smith & Watklns, corner Court
and High streets, now have gen
eral high test gasoline in their
front pump. It will make youi
car run smoother. i nl8tf.
Rernining to Kansas
Dan Korb and family will leave
for their old home in Kansas to
day after spending six months in
Salem. They have been visiting
a brother here.
Sew Overland Coupey
Sedan. The lowest priced en
closed car with doors front and
rear. $749 at Salem. See it
at Vick Brothers. n!8
Apple Growers Visit
Representing the apple growers
of Hood River, a number of men
from that section, of the state ap
peared before the budget commis
sion Monday to seek an appropria
tion of $12,000 to develop the
experiment station near, Hood
RJrer. In the party were A. F.
S .Steele, general-manager of the
Hood ' Ri verr Apple Growers . asso-
'Died .
BURTON -At her late home 2173
State street, Nov. 17th, 1924,
Lydla, beloved wife of Luman
Burton, age 74 years.. Besides
her husband she is survived b?
a daughter, Mrs. W. E. Walker,
Salem, and a son H. W. Burton,
Redlands, CaL Funeral serv
ices will be from the Terwllll
ger home, 770 Chemeketa St.,
Wednesday, at 2 p. m. Rev.
H. F. Shanks officitlng, commit
tal service IOOF cemetery.
KING Mrs. Deborah King, died
at her residence ZVt miles
north-east of Salem, Nov. 17,
1924, at the age of 79 years.
She is survived by two daug
hters, Ellen and Eliza King.
Funeral services will be held at
the residence, Wednesday, Nor.
19, 2 p. m. Rev. Gillispie will
have charge of the services.
Interment will be In the IOOF
.cemetery., ; f ;
KARR Mrs. Emma Karr. Age 64.
Died at a local hospital. She
is survived by one son, Fred
W. Karr, of this city. Remains
are in care of the Terwllliger
home. Funeral announcement
ABRY The funeral of Harry E.
Abry who died Nov. 14, 1924
will be held at the Webb fun
eral parlors today at 2 p. m.
His body will lie in state up to
the time of services. Rev. Evans
and the Masonic lodge will
have" charge of services. In-
, terment will be In the City View
cemetery. j l
- TJnequaled Service .
elation; LeRoy Childs, manager ot
the experiment station; George
Shepherd. D. It. Pierson and r H,
L. Schumaker, growers and mem
bers of the board of director of
th association. According' to
Mr. Steele, Hood River Is shipping
25,000 t carloads of applesjjhis
season and is one of the biggest
crops, in the history of the dis
trict, and are bringing good prices
due. to a shortage in the Washing
ton apple crop. The visitors were
guests at the Chamber of Com
merce luncheon at noon.
niooartlo Marti:
World famous tenor. Grand
theater to-night, $1.50 $1.00 nl8
Seek Appropriatio
An appropriation of $10,000 to
develop the egg industry of the
state by enlarging poultry flocks
and improve the stock is being
sought by the Oregon Poultry as
sociation. A delegation headed
by J. R. McRea, ot Milwaukee,
called upon Col. Carle Abrams,
secretary of the budget commis
sion, to present their plans Mon
day. The money would be ex
pended through the extension divi
sion of OAC. J
Lutheran Bazaar Nov. 1
-At the Labor Union hall. Launch
at noon and cafeteria supper from
5 to S p. m. nl8
Appraisers Named
C. L.'. Ogle, C. J. Espy, and Eu
gene Courthey have been appoint
ed appraisers of the estate of A.
U. Johnson. In the estate of
Elizabeth A. Belknap, Judge W.
II. Downing appointed Frank
Groves. Mrs. G. E. McElfresh, and
E. P, Jackson appraisers.
The Harvest Home .. '
For the benefit of the Old
People's Home will be held this
afternoon at the First M. E.
church. Gifts of fruit. Jellies,
vegetables, groceries, and money
will be acceptable-, nl8
WIn-My-Chums Ends-
There were 83 decisions at tne
First Methodist church Sunday
night after a weeks Intensive cam
paign on Win-My-Cbum. In this
83, five were new decisions, seven
for full time Christian work, 50
willing to work any time, any
where, and 21 reconsecrations. The
team was composed of Stanley
Emniell, Cornelius Bateson, Keith
Rhodes, Hal Lehman, and Charles
Swan. These young men had
charge of the services Sunday
night and a most excellent spiri
tual feast was held. j
Thursday Bridge Luncheon Club-
Will hold a rummage eale at
477 Court street Thursday, Frl
iay and Saturday. Proceeds for
lights at entrance of new Hospital.
' nl8.
Successful Fruit Year
Figures show that 58 cars of
black cherries were shipped out of
Salem in 1924, 100 cars of green
mines. 50 cars of apples, three
jars of nears. Also about 200
'.ons of strawberries were barrel
ad by Baker, Kelly and McLaugh
lin. Despite the dry weather, the
oresent fruit year is one- of the
best ever known In this district.
5imball Piano
Condition like new. Will sacrl
!ice for $195 cash. This Is a
ea! snap. Investigate. Tallman
Piano Store. 39 5 South Twelfth
street, near S. Pi passenger depot.
Bljs IcInR Business
It looks like the icing business
was going pretty strong when 390
refrigerator cars were shipped out
of here this summer by the Cap
ital Ice and Storage company. The
Icing for celery will continue for
some time. The Salem company
however Iced more cars of fruit
than were shipped out of here as
the Icing was done from here for
number of other points in conti
guous territory.
Special Dinner Served
5:30 to 7:30 P. M. at the Colo
nial Dame Tea Shoppe. 165 N.
Liberty street. 1 nl8.
French Prunes to France
- The French are to have some
French prunes. The Drager Fruit
company is seeing to that in the
shipment , being made this week.
Also the Italians are going to get
some Italian prunes and the same
company is shipping them. There
Is a shortage of French prunes in
France and they will be glad to
get the high grade Oregon variety.
In addition to sending prunes to
Havre, Genoa, the same company
Is shipping to Hamburg. Scandi
navian countries, Honolulu as
well as to a number of other
Boston Terrier Puppi'
For sale. Pedigreed and regis
tered, Dr. Fred Ellis, 1380 Center.
Phone 2103W. nl6tf
County Y Election
The Marion county YMCA com
mittee met at headquarters Sun
day afternoon and elected the fol
lowing officers: John L Brady,
president; O. V. White, vice presl-
Costs I Little and Overcomes
Troubles Almost Over Night
Any breaking out of the skin,
even fiery, itching eczema, can be
quickly overcome by applying
Mentho-Sulphur, declares a noted
skin specialist. Because of its
germ destroying properties, this
sulphur preparation instantly
brings ease from skin irritation,
soothes and heals the ezcema right
up and leaves the skin clear and
It seldom fails to relieve the
torment without delay. Sufferers
from skin trouble should obtain
a email jar of Rowlea Mentho
Sulphur from any good druggist
and use it like cold cream. Adv.
dent; Professor. Fagan. secretary;
Dr. F.i E. Brown, treasurer. The
election of Ben J. KImber as gen
eral - secretary was unanimously
confirmed. Considerable ,, time
was spent . In laying out the plana
for tha coming year and the out
look waa especially promising.
The county Y" is In a flourishing
condition and will do a good work
under Its new secretary I5en J.
Ricrardo Mattii
Grand theater to-night $1.50.
$1.00. : nl8.
For A Play Shed
The North Howell Community
club will hold 'its next meeting
oa Wednesday evening. November
26, 1924. Moore's Music house of
Salem are o give the program
after which a pie social will be
held. The proceeds from the
sale of pies will go to help build
a play shed.
Is Acting Matron
UntU such time as Warden A.
M. Dalrymple has an opportunity
to appoint a matron to have
charge of the women federal pris
oners at the penitentiary, Mrs.
Norman E. Myers, wife of one or
the guards, is acting! as matron.
Warden Dalrymple offered the po
sition to Mrs. James H. Phillips,
wife of "Buck" Phillips, for
whose slaying Dan Casey was
hanged. Mrs. Phillips accepted
the place and was to report for
duty Monday. Because of the un
desirableness of bringing up her
11 year old son In the matron's
quarters, she decided not to ac
cept the place. Many applications
are being received for the position.
Prank Caused Death ,
After an hour, of deliberation a
coroner's jury reported Monday
that curiosity caused Phillip H.
Holmes, Jr., to be killed at the
state capitol when he was crushed
by an elevator Saturday. The in
clination for investigation caused
the lad to receive injuries while
he was at play, on the freight lift,
wbici. might have been prevented
If proper precautions had been
taken to safeguard the entrance
to the elevator. The jury called
by poroner Lloyd Rigdon wa
composed of E. L. Kappahan
Byron Wright, F. G. Delano, Ar
thur H. Moore, D. H. Mosher and
Morton Tompkins, r
Two Drunks Fined ,
C. Weatherill, a Silverton youth,
was arrested by Officer Edwards
on the charge of being drunk and
was fined $10 by Police Judge
Martin poulsen yesterday. An
other drunk, W. P. Wodd, arrest
ed by Officer JWhite, was finec
$20. Wood was recently arrestee
by Officer Wiles and booked on
disorderly and drunk charge.
Good games Armory tonight
7:30. !
Cadets Meet Today
The cadets of the YMCA are tc
meet tonight to organize class of
ficers and to formulate plans foi
the coming year. Nearly 65 boys
are in this group and are undei
the direction of Willamette uni
versity students and others. Don
aid Grant, sophomore, is taking
an important part in organizing
the youngsters. ' Clarence Olivei
reports unusual success in pro
moting the activities of the boys
work and expects to ' show Salenr
some wonderful results before the
year is over. -
Campaign Closed
The closing meeting of the
"Win My Chum" campaign spon
sored by the Ep worth league and
Willamette university was held
Sunday evening at which time a
gospel team composed of Theo
dore Emmel, Cornelius Bateson.
Keith Rhodes, Chas. Swan,- and
Hal Layman led in a confessional
service. Many pledged themselves
to life service, and a number were
converted. '
Slippery Streets
Several minor accidents to au
tomobiles resulted this morning
when the pavements were made
slippery and Icy-coated by the
frost and water of the early morn
ing. In addition, the flushing of
the streets by the city street
cleaning department caused some
of the pavements to be dangerous.
The freezing took place some time
after o'clock, when the tempera
ture took a sudden drop.
Mrs. A; C. Chumasero of Van
couver, Washington is the house
guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. Cooke
Patton. i -
Mrs. A. F. Goffrler attended the
funeral of her niece, Mrs. Ray
Summer, Jn Portland last- Satur
day. , .
Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Christen
sen of McMinnville were the guests
of Dr. and Mrs. A. F,-. Gof frier
over Sunday. Mrs. Christensen
Is the only sister ot Dr. Goffirer.
E. P. Boyle, of McMinnville,
was in the city yesterday.
William and Guy Taylor, or
Waterloo, spent Monday In the
city.-; .- v' J ,
William H. Kllpatrick, chief
chef at the White House restaur
ant, jWlIl spend today in Portland
on business.
, : Mrs. Glen L. Larison, of La
Money Back
If It Doesn't
Sestp apcelanats will
tell you th bic problem
with ac)p ailments ia to
ret the people to form
conaiatent habit ef tak
ioar ear of their hair.
Vaa Eaa Liquid ScaJp
Maaaajre comen in a pat
ented bottle with a spe
cial rubber applicator
attached. Tha method of
mtD licAtion ia iut -Bd
cleanly. The medicament ia in
through rubber nipplea directly
to the roota of the hair while
the aealp ia) rBtir tsaaaaced.
One minute day with Van Eaa
atope falluur hair, relievea ttcfainaT
acmlp and arrows new hair. Ask
about SO -day treatment plan.
We too s poaiuve guaruMa.
' 115 South Commercial
The Homelike Beauty
a real temporary home.
''Superior Uunerul Service''
205 Sa
Grande, former Salem woman, was
In the city yesterday to attend the
funeral of Phillip Holmes, 9, who
was killed in an accident at the
state house Saturday. '
at : , 1
Y campaign not over yet-.
But the crusaders are putting
the finishing: touches to it, with
the help of loyal Salemites
And it is to be hoped that the
announcement will go out in a day
or two more that the whole sum
Is raised, with a little to boot.
Will not that be fine to 1 an
lounce to the world that Salem
is to hare a $200,000 Y. M; C. A.
uilding, equipped as it ought to
be? .
Slogan man has got to prove,
Thursday, that this is a good ap
ple country. If you "know your
tpples," you must help him. This
's your development campaign, as
nuch as It is his. The way to
nake Salem and the surrounding
country grow, facter is to stick
Success on
not a matter of Luc
:- V USE
And Learn Why it is Galled
the "Best by Test" Leavener
Stop That Backache!
IS a bad back keeping you upset and miserable Do
you suffer sharp, stabbing pains? . Feel so weak, tired
and nervous you car seldom enjoy a moment's rei
or comfort . Do you wonder what is wrong ? . .
Many times this condition3 13 due to sluggish kidneys
that are failing to properly filter body poisons from the
blood. The whole system feels the injurious effects of
these impurities Then comes constant backache, rheu
matic twinges, headaches, dizziness and annoying blad
der irregularities.
Don't wait I Use Doan's Pills. Doan's have helped,
thousands. They should kelp you. Ak pour neighbor! ',
Here Is Salem Proof
Mrs. D1U IJiiRton. ' 131S X. ; 5th slrfet, 'I har .
nsfd Doan'n Pills with benefit when my kidneys -ere out ot .
ordvr and I had barkachra and (pit dull and tired asily. My
kidn-y aeted IrrpRularly and annnyed mf, I read of lloan'a
J'ill and used them. They. Mton rrlievwl the iat'kaclie and
uiher niRns ot kidney complaint."
Doan's Pills
Stimulant Diuretic to the Kidneys "
At all dealers, 60c a bo. FaUer-MiiSwrn Co Uig. QxahU, Bulfa.'a, IL Y. -
of our funeral parlors is a point
that cannot, we feeU be over-em- y
phasized. A funeral establishment,
that is merely complete, beautiful
and convenient is not enough. It
should be HOMELIKE.
- We have taken great care to
make our funeral " parlors - home
like in every particular; a place
those who call upon us may make
Church Street
Phone HO
everlastingly at It. We jhave the
makings of the most prosperous
country and the solidestcity ,on
the green, earth ' " : ,:
V e
The commercial agencies are
telling of the rising tide of , pros
perity in the United States, ' and
In the world. That comes of the
people being safe and sane,, and
saying it with votes."
v v v", j
The Oregonian is overdoing this
legislature stuff, about how the
coming session is going to tear
things fore and aft. The mem
bers are on the whole npt fools,
and they will have a constructive
program, which is needed. .
- ; .
After all. Bob La Follette has
decided not to challenge the vote
of the Literary Digest. '
,' .:: S "b
The girl who cannot remember
her dates in history can remem
ber them in the dance hall.
Seems funny, but the average
crowd at a banquet is largely made
up of two kinds of people those
who would rather talk than eat
and those who would rather sleep,
than eat. Yet they call it a ban
quet.: bake-da
m-rrat-n-.'.-.. . .
l a. a, k ,
1 - t -a
Kovec.Ver - f). .' eJaetday Stt eon
ention of t-ounty astetsora. Capitol Lnild
ing. ..'.,
JTovcmlifr 22, Satrfilay Rtodotit Xors
baaur. lljev-l'ownrtt Vuruunre store.
November 22, RaturJy Ve Bids Cir
cle of Jaaon Lee aid society, , Bazaar.
Allen's Hardware store. ' "
'Norember 20-22.-Tbird Annoal Com
Show and laduitrisl Exhibit, auspice
Chamber ot Commerce.
November 27, Thursday Thapktgir
in day.
Korember 29, Saturday American Wr
Mother bacaar, SP city ticket office.
December 1, Monday Election of of
ficera. Capital Post No. 9, American Legion.-
December 2, Tuesday 'Annual election
of officers, Salem- Cherriana.
. December 2 and S, Tuesday and Wed
nesday Annual Cherrian show at - tba
Grand theater.
arid Polk
Attend theBiir
Corn Show
'-'And ' :' .
Salem Armory;
This Week ,
Show on Day and Night t
Prominent Speakers:
Governor Walter M.' Pierce
Thursday Evening:,
T. B. Kay, State Treasurer
, Elect
c Friday Evening.
A. S. Dudley,
Manager State Chamber of
Saturday Evening.
8 Community Club
33 Industrial Exhibits
125 Corn Exhibits
" " ......
Last year was a surprise to
many as they thought the
big event was only a corn
show. You. should see the
big industrial exhibits.
Admission Free
Capital Bargain
' noose of a Million and
i' Une Xiargains