The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 18, 1924, Page 4, Image 4

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Ii-of Dally Kxeept Maadav by i
31 S Stfc CoauiBareiaf St.. tlatcis, Or.foa
ft. J. B.ajrlrka
frank Jaakoakl
Tss AkaeeUUd Praaa is axcluaif aly sntillac to tha aaa fat publication at all saws
- 4Upatcaa credited ta it or not aUerwiaa craditad la this p.per aad alao tka local
hwi pabllahad karat. - :
- . .-' business orrici: l:; .-.-.
noma T. Clark Co, Ka Tork, 141-145 Wat 30th St,; CfelesfO, Marquatta BalLi-
W. S. Orctbwabl, Mrr. i
(Partlaad Offiea. BBS Woreaatar Bldf, Phone 6637 BKoadway, O. P. Williams. Mgr.)
. . . - . tf Circalatiea Office
. .3B-10S Svdety Editor .
Job Xtopsrtinaat . . , . 681
Buaiaeaa Offica
ii.wi Peparuaeai
Kntarad at tha Poatoffiea la Salem,
Prepared by Radio BIBLE SERVICE Bureau. Cincinnati. Ohio.
If parent will hare their children memorize the dally Bible selec
tloas. It will prove a priceless berime to them in alter years.
s November 18, lOtil !
THE GOD OP PEACE: Now the God of'Pence. . . . make you
perfect In every good work to do His will. Hebrews 13:20. 21.
5 PRAYER: May we. O Lord, daily and definitely strive by Thy
grace-to be perfect even as our Father in heaven is perfect.
T - '' ' ' (Woodburn
"You growl so much of many products and so little of one pro
duct." ':''; - , I
; This summary was made by one of the head officials of the Iowa
Pepartment of Agriculture, after he had made an inspection tour of
part of the Willamette valley.. If '
The point this official brought out was that every farm produced
i a score of different products far more than the state consumed but
that there was not one big staple crop to depend on, like corn, cotton.
tobacco, wheat, etc., hence the condition worked against movements
for cooDerative sellinr organixations.
i In 1914 Governor Withycombe visioned a one-crop for the Wil
lamette valley a product which his experiments and demonstrations
at the O. A. C. had convinced him the valley wa naturally adapted
Tor a product for which there is ever a world: wide and steady
demand. . . , - 4 1
The crop was flax. ' h . ""' Y'W ;-
Mr. -Withycombe tried hard to demonstrate what be sincerely
believed "; In a small way he started the growing and manufacture
of flax by prison labor, but he was unfortunate in that for two suc
f cessive seasons, the fall rains came unusually early; the crop was
damaged in harvesting; the prison factory and equipment were inad
equate and there, was at that time limited knowledge of growing or
" handling. Then came the merciless criticisms of the state press, and
becoming discouraged, Governor Withycombe let the undertaking slip
.back.4 v.1;. - -. - : ,
Governor Olcott succeeded Governor Withycombe and he washed
his hands of the flax industry and abandoned the whole project.
'" ' r When Governor Pierce became governor he took hold of the flax
.undertaking where Withycombe left off or rather where he commenced-
for the whole proposition bad been abandoned and had to
be started over. t ;
- . i Like Mr. Withycombe, Goternor Pierce believes that growing
and-manufacturing of flax can make Oregon world famous; that it
can be made the most profitable farm product of the western states;
that It can be made to bring factories to the Willamette valley and
will do more than all that has ever been done to increase population
and bring into profitable cultivation hundreds of . thousands of acres
i of land that are now practically uncultivated. j. j
To . newspaper men at the recent state fair, the Governor Said:
"If the press and the people will just stand with me until I can more
' fully demonstrate what we at the prison have done, are doing and
'can do, I am confident that the showing will result in the coming
of a great industry for this valley, and incidentally that it will result
t la, making the state prison self sustaining. There are four hundred
; men here, three hundred of them able to work steadily. They can
- be made not only to pay the way of the prison, but to earn a small
daily wage to help their families or to help themselves when their
times expire." : ;'".'' ' 1 "
Flax is a crop that has nearly the whole world for a market, from
, the fact that the most demanded long fiber can only be raised in
localities that are peculiarly adapted to its growth. And its manufac-
- ture is also limited to certain localities, climate being a big factor,
j The Willamette valley is adapted to both the growing and manufac
ture, experts whd have looked over western Oregon 'declare, and that
' it compares most favorably with the parts of Ireland, Belgium, France
and Holland, which supply the world with limited production of linen
products. . ,
'Most of the above from the Woodburn Independent is true.
But It is not all true. Governor Olcott did not entirely abandon
the flrix industry at the penitentiary j -V Mr
i v But lie lacked the vision of Governor ."Withycombe and
- Governor Pierce. , He failed to see that the carrying pnof the
industry would lead to two most important results
First, that it would bring about the development of the flax
i prowing industry here and would lead to weaving and spinning,
finally resulting in the state's outstanding industry ; one having
$100,000,000 a year turnover, and employing directly and in-
directly a million people. And finally a great many more. And
doing -this with the use of a smaller acreage than would be
needed in, any other industry in the, whole world j and -for all
time, without ever exhausting the soil. j i i
- Second, that the development of the industry at the peni-
tentiary will finally render that institution self supporting; take
its expense' from the backs of the taxpayers for all time.
Governor Olcott believed in industries at; the penitentiary.
, lie attempted to develop furniture manufacturing, for one
I thing. But there are only three penitentiaries in ithe United
States that are self supporting. One of theni is the' Alabama
state prison, which supports itself and the state university; but
! with coal mining, in a state of practical slavery, the prisoners
being mainly colored people. The others are the Minnesota and
the Missouri state prisons, and both of these do spinning of
twines and ropes. The South Dakota prison is approaching the
' point of self support, largely with the spinning of binder twine,
and so; are several other state prisons the Louisiana peniten-
1 tiary with cane sugar growing and making, for instance. '
, ... There are few lines of manufacturing that can be; carried on
' in'prisons with profit. The labor turnover is too fast; average
terms too short. The threshing, retting, breaking and scutch-
' ing of flax can be done here at a profit. And finally the making
of flax yarn, and perhaps twine. And then the Oregon prison
will be self supporting. r1 1 ' f i
- Other lines of manufacturing ought also to be 'developed
at pur i prison; the making of automobile license plates, for in-
i stance But not furniture making, unless of some crude form;
, and probably not at all. ' j " .:
1 JWe have before us a pamphlet
containing an address of Otto II:
Kahn .to young business men
1 which "fis" high .ground, really
statemanship in its contents. Mr.
'Kahn fa hot one of j those who be
lieve that radicals are all in the
labor" ranks. ' "If the so-called
Jcapitalist system Is to continue,
as., I beiieve it will and should,"
said Mr. Kahn, "it is particularly
"incumbent upon those In positions
'of business leadership to excerclse
self-restraint and consideration for
others. : Be patient, courteous,
helpful, conciliatory. - Avoid os
tentation. Abhor purse-pride and
.arrogance." - - , ' . ' ; . ..
Radicals are in all classes of
'lifo and ' a radical In business is
more dangerous than a radical in
. . Miu(at
, . K'itr
Huuw Jab -p-
Oregoa. a aecead-claaa inattar
labor, because his opportunity for
reaching people is enlarged so
greatly. - .
' A radical is' not a new thing
however. For thousands of years
they have been causing concern
and threatening to overturn all
governments, j
Ostentatious wealth, purse-proud
men and women and the insuffer
able arrogance and impudence of
their scions, are allies on the side
or socialism and communism. The
circumstance that they are relativ
ely few" in number is overlooked.
The great masses of successful
men and women the overwhelming
majority of the . business- leaders
of this nation, make It a rule of
life to observe Mr. Kahn's admoni
tion to exercise self-restraint and
consideration -forotherstrf be
patient, courteous, helpful and
conciliatory. They avoid osten
tation, and for that reason consti
tute the obscure! background for
the email minority who are osten
tations, purse-proud and detest
able, not only to the masses, but
to their own associate!!. It Is these
exceptional few, the minute min
ority, who breed discontent, in
flame resentment,! and incite so
cialism and communism.
There has been no end of effort,
most of it sincere, some of it
demagogic, to help the farmer.
Suddenly under the law of supply
and demand the farmer's i condi
tion became , improved. 1 Senator
McNary withdrew his bill. Presi
dent Coolidge went to work at
that time. I : : ;
The situation at present is tem
porary. Just as the depression was.
What is needed is a solution of the
farm problem, the; same as we
have done in the banking problem
and the same as we hope to do
in otberi things. Farming is our
most important Industry and ; it
must have careful attention.
The president sees scientific
marketing and balanced farming
as the great need of this hour.
He has placed his fingers on the
two outstanding needs, the mas
tery of which would make the far
mers practically sure of comfort
able circumstances. i Mastering
these two1 it would be up to the
farmers to use his plan in planting
and cultivating. Their great
danger would be tie weather
Legislation can not master that. :
According, to ; this president
"even now we consume more calo
ries of food in this country than
we produce." We only raise from
fifteen to 25 per cent bf our sugar
when the land! in this country
could raise it all. We are Im
porting an increased : supply of
foreign oils which we use to manu
facture a substitute for butterfat;
when the great need of this time
is more dairy cows. ,' : .
We are producing surpluses of
wheat and meat, ! but even , with
these products, as the president
says, "It must be plain that the
scales will shortly turn against
us. We shall be not only an agri
cultural importing nation, but in
the lives of many -who are now
among us we are likely to be one
of the greatest, of the agricultural
buying nations. ? j t
The president has ho patience
with the talk of restricted agri
cultural production. (' He knows
that is not the American way. It
is not according to the genius of
our people. We wanjt Increased
production but we must have a
market for it. i
President Coolidge Is very much
interested in efficient distribution
and scientific marketing. He wants
to direct and help farmers to
stronger, better cooperative orga
nizations. As he ' states it, "I
want to see courses in cooperative
marketing and ' farm 'economies
alongside of soil chemistry and
husbandry. I want to, see a good
farmer, on a good farm, raise a
good crop and secure, .a A good
and secure a good price." !
The president's 1 well-chosen
commission must of necessity come
to the, same sound conclusions.
But it can think out and work out
the details. It can go into the
minutiae of the problem,! and
when it has done that it should
be the desire of congress, if It has
an honest desire to help agricul
ture rather than to play cheap
politics and delude the farmers
with nostrums, to apply through
legislation the sound remedies and
measures proposed broadly. by the
president in his address Thursday.
Japan has virtually t bolted the
Geneva .conference because It will
not submit to restriction of the
opium traffic. Japan wants to
learn the ways of the business
world but it makes the mistake
of majoring on our evil ways. It
should join in for the better day
that the high class business men
are helping to consummate. : The
opium traffic is holding1 down
the Chinese and Japan stands ac
cused before the world of aiding
and abetting this very ' thing for
selfish purposes. Japan is . a
great nation an enlightened na
tion. It can not get away with
the deception and It can not con
vince the world that its motives
are anything but selfish and sor
did in the terrible traffic of opium,
expected better things from Japan.
There Is always a second sober
through1 and this is to be counted
upon to restore harmony in the
league of nations.
It was not wholesome the other
day to read that since the election
stocks and bonds had increased a
billion dollars In America.' We
have suffered so much from infla
tion, swollen fortunes have in
fluenced the country so detrimen
tally that we should be cautious
about new inflation. Wei; have
had our lessons; we have paid
thoroughly for our education and
we should have learned to go slow
and be cautious.
shenandoah; back home from 9,000
T ft bmbM m ayaa. 4 a . 4. a Mas a a. M
UlAfMi oId 1 E.K
After the longest and hardest
voyage ever made by a lighter than
air flying craft, the Shenandoah re
turned to I.akehurst. N. J.. from
Cam p Lewis. .Wash., having cro-vd
tha continent twice through ' all
A picture before us tells that
the republicans are conspiring to
gether 1 to embarrass Governor
Pierce. That means to throw
away the victory now so overwhel
mingly obtained. Governor Pierce
is smart enough to welcome mar
tyrdom but. we submit to the re
publicans of Oregon that he is
not first class material for mar
tyrdom and that the republican
party cart not crown him
in that way during the legislative
session. - .
There are those who are afarid
of science. The fear ,1s ground
less. .Science is a server. Every
new invention makes conditions
of life better, amelliorates the si
tuations that confront men. We
should encourage science rather
than oppose it because science is
truth, untruth or sophistry is
never science. '
Governor Al Smith of New York
will always think that had he been
nominated for president, he would
have been elected. That Is the
New York Idea. " They sincerely
believe that New York is, the, only
state in the Union.
The league of nations in its deli
berations at Geneva needs a Dawes
to tell it where to head in.J and
where to head out, and where to
head off.
Adele Garrison's Jew Phase of
Copyright 1921, by Newspaper
Feature Service, Inc.
J'"-..: f . . '
There was something about the
bound figure of the man Smith as
the secret service operatives took
him down the stairs which made
me feel as though ie water had
suddenly been poureV into ..amy
veins. . i-.-v' . .- :.
.He could take but very short,
shuffling steps because of 'the
manner in which Allen Drake had
directed that he be tied, but every
one of those steps suggested some
powerful malevolent animal strain
ing at the leash. That the men
with him were aware of this at
titude I surmised from the tight
hold of either arm. As they dis
appeared into the lower hall I
gave an involuntary rasping little
i yr: . . " 1 " -wi uk- i, ,
I 't':'" - xTs -7 ill
i ' -l 'y ''X 111
II y y- . Vt . X: , f
I f . x 1 1
1 :-J v' X - A i
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-A: VtrZ X "
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,Thnnrr"iri'if-mifiriffrM iDwir 'o- v-t- f - Iww-rtuM-iririiiii'niiiniiiii nnrnn-rrnT-r-- -r fi r - nr-finffiifiiiiiw-----
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Accept only "Bayer" package which contains proven directions.
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asBlrlB to Lba trad aurk cf Baar Maasfactur t MwiascaUcacldaatet at 8aUcUeacM
- r r
kinds of weather-. She set new re
cords for aerial navigation, her
flight being by far the longest ever
attempted by a dirigible and made
In the faee of dangers notither has
evjer been called upon to meet. The
intake of the breath, and Lillian
put her hand over mine reassur
ingly, i ' . ..... -.
"He's some tiger cat, all. right,"
she whispered, when the closing
of the library door told us that
Smith was safely out of hearing,
"but Allan will clip his claws to
night, I fancy. Here the deah boy
comes now, with your father. " By
the way, neither of us said any
thing to your father about your
adventure tonight; so if you keep
quiet he'll' never '"know." ;
"Thank you $0 much," I mur
mured . fervently, for I knew how
intensely the thought of any dan
ger to me affected my father.'Lil
lian had no time to answer even
if she wished, for the men had al
most reached our corner and Lil
lian stepped out quickly in front,
of them, while I more slowy- fol
iowed her.
"Mr. Chester Will Live."
"Daughter, dear!" My father's
arm went round me, and I con
trasted his tender beaming face
with. Allen Drake's stern, sardon
ic one. Patently I was in the bad
books of Mr. tlrake by my refusal
to accept his escort . upon my mid
night trip to the hospital, and he
meant to show me his displeasure
at my actions. '
"It( ought to be a great satis
faction to you that you have in
all probability saved a life tonight
by your speed in getting that
drug." In my father's voice there
was distinct pride, and my pulses
leaped-with, relief at the news he
implied.. . ' :'.'.".''.' '
"Mr. Chester will live?" I cried.
Allen Drake's frown depened.
"Dr. Pettlt just assured us that
he thought he was safe," my fath
er answered, and I would have
been something other than a wom
an if I had not put an. extra bit of
enthusiasm into my voice as I an
swered fervently:
"Oh, 1 am so glad!"
What, Is The Reason? .
"If 1 may presume to remind
you. Air. Drake spoKe lcuy, aa-
dressing no one in particular,
"time is passing rapidly.
"And we don't want Smith's
nerves to get too raw." Lillian as
sented demurely. I had a strong
suspicion that she was concealing
a smile at Mr. Drake's childish
ness. '
"I do not wish to be captious,"
Mr. Drake went on, "but don't you
think .it unwise and unnecessary
for Mrs. Graham to be present at
this seance with Smith?" ,
,1 had all I could do to keep
from turning on him swiftly and
striking the sardonic little smile
from his face.
'..This 'was the way he Intended
to punish me for' my temerity in
thwarting his arrogant will! He
knew, none better, how my pulses
thrilled to an exciting scene such
as the interview' with Smith prom
ised to be. I had worked as hard
as he upon the problem connected
with Smith, I said to. myself fierce
ly, forgetting the humility I had
reallyj felt concerning my solving
of the code which we had found
by physicians 24 years for
Colds Headache
i j .. ' r ,, :
Pain Neuralgia
Toothache Lumbago
Neuritis 1 Rheumatism
mile cruise, joins
m m m m '
- aa a- m m
flight was the first on which, an
airship had attempted to cross an
Imposing' mountain range and tha
first on which any.-had neg-)tiatet
through mountain passes. . '
upon the man now bound in the
library. And because of a petty
masculine' resentment he would
prevent me from seeing the end
of this particular chapter in his
and Lillian's work.
But my training under Lillian
had taught me no lesson more val
uable, ; than ' that of keeping my
roouth,8hut,.'.SoI closed my lips
tightly! and waited for some one
to speak. ', ", ' '.
. My father's ; voice, sounded first.
"You mean. Allen, that it would
be" dangerous for. her?" he asked
Before Mr. Drake could answer,
Lillian broke in abruptly:
"What utter rot!" she said care
less of the effect of her colleague.
"Madge has worked too hard on
this thing to fail to see this angle
of It. Of course she's going in."
(To Be Continued)
British Test Invention
For Drying Farm Crops
OXFORD, Oct. 21 (AP) An
invention is being tried by the In
stitute of Agricultural Engineers
at Oxford university, which, if de
veloped will remove one of the
chief causes for grumbling on the
part of British farmers and revo
lutionize English harvesting meth
ods. The invention. Is a new process
for drying farm crops, a very
necessary thing in the damp Eng
lish' climate. The plan is to cut
the crop and make it into circular
stacks of from 10 to 20 tons
weight around a hollow central
chamber. Heated air will then be
blown over. It by powerful fans.
Haystacks have' been dried by
this means in ten hours without
It is asserted that the new pro
cess will allow a harvest to pro
ceed in any weather, save field
labor, give' a greater corn yield,
make straw better, and facilitate
plowing. , t -
"Pape's Cold Compound",
Breaks a Cold Right Up
Take two tab
lets every three
hours -until three
doses are taken.
The firstf dose al
ways gives relief.
The second and
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pletely break up
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Contains no qui
nine or opiates.
Millions use
"Pape's Cold Compound." Price,
thirty-five cents. Druggists guar
antee It- Adv. ,
We carry in stock over 115 legal blanks suited to most any business
transactions. We may have just the form you are looking for at a bis
saving as compared to made to order forms.
Some of the forms: Contraci of Sale, Road Notice, Will forms, Assign
ment of Mortgage, Mortgage forms, Quit Claim Deeds, Abstracts form,
Bin of Sale, Building Contract, Promissory Notes, Installment Notes,
General Lease, Power of Attorney, Prune Books and Pads; Scale Re
ceipts, Etc. These forms are carefully prepared for the courts and private
use. Price on forms ranges from 4 cents to 16 cents apiece, and on note
books from 25 to 50 cents. ;
The Statesman Publishing Co.
At Business Office, Ground Floor
X (Copyright, 1924, by San Jose Mercury) J
LATiOELY as a result. -of -the -sentiment expressed by Clarence
Harrow in his eloquent and successful appeal in defense of
Joeb antl IoopqUi in Chicago, a movement is being inaugurated
in the east, to establish in New York a big Xeuropathie Hrspi
tal, at u cost of 2,f00',000, for the scientific treatment of mental
and moral defectives. Mr. Darrow, in publicly advocating siit-U
a hospital declares that, although crime may not be the result of
legal insanity, the abnormality that causes the individual to
commit crime can he cured if treated in time. "I am con
vinced," he says, V that the most critical eases do not originate
after the individual has reached the adult stage, but begin to
develop very early in life. This in itself is an assurance that if
discovered and treated a.s quickly as possible after inception,
the problem of curing them is not too difficult for modern sci
ence. The physician's skill becomes powerless only after the
eorrosiori of the mental apparatus has proceeded to the stage of
full development." . j
Judge Alfred Talley of the city of New York who has had a
wide experience with wrong-doers of all classes takes very sharp
issue with Mr.' Darrow. In the New York Times he is quoted a.
saying: "It is not the criminals, actual or potential, that need a
neuropathic hospital. It is the people who slobber over them; in
an effort to find excuses for their crimes." "Those who worry
about the mentality of criminals should know that a recent sur
vey of the mentality of criminals in Joliet prison by neurologists
and psychologists disclosed that the mental status of about 2000
prisoners was exactly, on a par with the mental equipment of our
American Expeditionary Army. In other words about the av
erage. There are lots of sick people who concern themselves
with erime, but the criminals are not numbered among them."
The truth undoubtedly is that Mr. Darrow and those who are
trying to follow out his suggestion in regard to this proposed
hospital have allowed their humanitarian sympathies to get tho
better of them. Comparatively few criminals become such" he-
cause they are physically, or mentally diseased.- Such -as are
might be reached fty the skillful physician as Mr. Darrow
claims. But most criminals are moral perverts. Evil impulse.,
cherished and yielded to, generally for years, have made them
the helpless slaves of their animal, impulses and .desires, lly
repeated indulgence the evil propensities have been developd to
such a degree as to entirely dominate the will, or have so weak
ened it that for the time it is powerless to resist the demands of
the animal nature. Most criminals have abounding physical
health and plenty of mental alertness, but their moral natures
are rotten." That is what makes them criminals.
It must be admitted that many criminals arc born euch.
That is, they arc born with such strong evil or criminal tenden
cies that the training they get and the environment in -which
they live is not such as to give them the necessary development
to overcome, these tendencies. But the physician has no medi
cinal specific for the cure of such as these. Their trouble lic3
much too deep for hira. i
The cultivation of correct ideals, acquiring the constant hab
it of self-restraint, of speaking the truth, of having due regard
for the rights of others, of intellectual and moral purity these
are the remedies for the criminal as they are for "wrongdoers of
every kind,They can be administered only by a course of patient
training, which shall strengthen and develop the higher elements
of the nature until they eontrol the lower. No other public in
stitution can do this work so well as the wise and good and lov
ing parent of the child while it is growing to manhood or wom
anhood. One of the great journals of the land very' pertinently
says that M Incidentally, it might be remarked, there ia no in
stitutional substitute for home training and for disciplins. Par
ents cannot successfully shift their duty to their children to the
public.'.' - I .
- h:-. - .-. .
' AV the door of the parents of our children is to be laid the
principal responsibility for the prevalence of crime in the land.
The school may supplement the influence of the home, may eve
do wonders without the help of the home, but cannot do what
is necessary against the influence of the home. The child wh
is brought tip with nO moral principles, no habits of self restraint,
no respect for the rights of others or for religion or God or any.
thint else that is high and good, could hardly be expected to de.
velop into a useful, self respecting, good citizen. Most criminal
are made such before they are 18 years old. Give the children
and youth of the land the right kind of moral and spiritual fooJ.
and graining and our criminal problem is solved.
Prof. William Xyon Phelps of Yale University recently cs
pressed a great and wholesome truth in these words: 'Bringing
up children is the most difficult art in the world, not merely
because it requires profound wisdom and infinite tact, but alio ,
because it is necessary every day to set a good example. Pie
cepts are of little importance when unaccompanied by illustra
tive action. J A doctor cannot impress people with the danger
of nicotine while lighting a cigar, and parents who endeavor to
inculcate good conduct in their children must behave them-;
selves." ' -"-.-..' -' . . ' '
.Let us not deceive ourselves, our children will not be all that
we want them. to be unless they have ingrained in their natures
something of the great principles of Christianity. By this 13
not meant the intellectual knowledge of ' dogmas, creeds and
catechisms, or an acceptance of
but an infusion of the spirit of love, righteousness and unselfish
ness that characterizes the perfect man as outlined in the Nevy"
Testament. What tlie children and-parents of this day both,'
sorely need is not the husks, the dress, the trappings of Chris
tianity. They need the soul of it.
Let us in this connection quote thewords of a great and learned
man: "I do not deplore the loss of faith because of the lack of
restraint that follows it.1 do. not regard the church or Chris
tianity as a policeman. I regard
foundation of intelligent, successful and happy living. It is a
central impulse, not a negative; It is a diet, not a medicine."
the old statements of theology,
the Christian religion as the
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