The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 18, 1924, Page 2, Image 2

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    1 '
No Games Thursday; Haus-
ery Legionj, Druggists
rrv and Union Oil .Play
The ' Commercial
lwasue will start two
night at the Armory
llauser Bros, quintet
Karnes to
when the
and the
American. Legion five vie for honors-
" Both teams are evenly
niached and a well played game
expected. Games this year have
given Hanser Brok and the Legion
tam. very good practise.
The second game of the evening
wli be between Central Pharmacy
and'the Union oil teams. This is
; the. first appearance of the Drug
gf.4f. but that does not mean they
have nothing tb offer. They have
been working together for several
days and will most likely surprise
the Union, Oil. j However, they
have Ross ; to help them out and
he Is considered jone of the best
players in the league. '
. The game for Thursday has been
cancelled on account of the big
Marion county corn show and in
dustrial exhibit, j .
A meeting of the Commercial
basketball league : board will be
held at- the. Spa !thi$ week. The
captains, and ; members of the'
board -are' to, arrange a list tot
players, revise the schedule, and
t6 transact other matters of busi
ness. The meeting was called by
Coach. Bonne!, j
-. - (Continued from pija 1)
'i- . i - : I
saved 40 per cent of the previous
costs, amounting to nearly $60,
O09.: j. '.
Walter E. Keyes wa3 the next
mayor. Several relief measures
lw,ere put through and an ordin
ance passed regarding street as
sessments, giving the city more
money. Taxes were reduced four
nCnSTeach yea.r
Though only ; in office a short
time in 1919, C. E. Albin located
' 'Vf' .if
Of the Used-Car Deal
No matter which one of the good used cars on
our floor today that you may buy, there are plenty
of people driving the same make and model of car,
ino better in any way, and they paid practically twice
as much as you will pay. Here are some that dem
onstrate that statement : I
6-44 Oakland Tour., new paint J...$525
-Willys-Knight Touring, sleeve valve ;
' motor ::.i.:.-xi........... .:.....$393
JMaxwell Touring, late model i..$525
Certified Public Motor Gar
. t
255 N. Church St.
-jg. ,- I"'.
; for: P'U,;S
15 S. Commercial,
Champion Aileen Rig gn Makes Golf Part of Her
Training While Preparing for Swimming Events
. Will 4 ul I
fiji ? ! J- X I
rv1 iUij a5? r - -j
l'v W-f 1- C -V- T:f I
x t x 1 V t ; " f ' i 5
, . Thl3 photonraph was taken
while Miss Riggin was In Florida
getting into condition for acquatic
meets at Ormond Beach and Tam
pa. Johnny Farrell. who will spend
the winier as professional at Tam
pa. Is shown instructing the Amer-
the paper mill on Trade and pav
ed the way for other Industrial
plants. OttojJ. Wilson told of
renting t,he city paving plant pur
chased by Mr. White to the county
and later selling the equipment,
both of which; resulted in - fine
profits. 1 ,
, During the two years in office
Mayor J. B. Giesy, who will serve
again for the next two years, 119
blocks of pavement were laid and
already 4 2 blocks have been lined
up for next year. In 1923 a total
of 14.3 15 feet of new sewer was
laid, with $13,077 this year, and
the men are still at work. The
fire department has been improved
by the addition of a pumper, ser
vice car and ladder truck; the po
lice department enlarged from 1
chief. 6 men and one matron to 1
chief. 16 men and 1 matron; a
charter .amendment was passed
making the chief of police appoint
ive by the council; street f lusher
purchased and many -walks In
stalled. Mayor Giesy has for his objects
In' his second terpi an adequate
permanent bridge program; legis
lation promoting zoning; opening
of Seventeenth street "to the fair
grounds;. aJ community house fr
itie auto camp; improvement of
the Kay tract for a city park and
to ( start the machinery necessary
to bring pure mountain water to
the city.
A. N. Moores was given an op-
the I Best
j Phone 885.
How to Get It
For the mere nominal cost
of Manufacture and Distribution
3 coupons
and j
Secure : thU NEW, authentic
Webster's Dictionary, bound in
genuine teat grain Fabrilcoid,
illustrated in full color and black
halftone. ,
Do It (Today!
ORDLR5 Up to 1 50 mi. ; 7c
WILL BE Up to 360 mi. 10c
. F"r grr.t-r cftrtanrp.
FIl I FlJ f ,k ro'tmMrrr cat
Salem, Oregon
4b: :
K - i
Iran champion and Qlyrnpc S mi
ni er and .diver in the! fire points of
the ancient Scottish game, j Miss
Helen Meany. forn;pr; na:Io.ja.! div
insr champlin, Is toiulins thexflig
white Aileen drops a! put. ,1
portunity to give a; f ew ' ''Inside
dope" incidents on the mayors, de
voting most of his time to Judge
D'Arcy and Mr. Bishop. '5
A letter was read by Mr. Gahls
dorf from W. M. Ramsey, who Mas
mayor in 1887, now located in Mc
Minnvllle. Trying a case in court
prevented his being present, he
said. Mr. Ramsey left Salem for
Pendleton in 18S8.
Demarest Evangelistic
Party Is Coming to Eugene
, Definite agreement has ; been
reached between ; the Demarest
evangelistic party and the towns
of Eugene and Newburg for union
revival there to be held in these
places by the above named evan
gelists during the early part of
the year 1925, according to ad
vice given "by Rev. C. G. Wrenn,
western representative of the De
marests. j
The . agreement with the New
burg churches for a union revival
in a tabernacle seating 2500 from
April 5th to May 10th, 1925. was
Just completed last week, although
the matter had been opened be
fore the party left Oregonvtlast
summer. In Eugene the meeting
is to be held in the state armory
from February 22ud to March
22nd. 1925. j
Several other Oregon towns are
bidding for the balance of the time
that the Demarests 1 will spend in
Oregon on their 1925 western trip
which will last from January to
July of that year, i Many Salem
people, learning of these tentative
plans have already expressed their
intention of attending as many of
the meetings In nearby Oregon
towns as possible. Tlie Demarests
have a host of the j warmest kind
of friends In Salem land surround
ing communities. ;
At present Mr. and Mrs. Demar
est, the evangelists, are celebrat
ing the recent arrival of a husky
baby boy, David Livingstone De
marest. whom the father emphati
cally declares to be the finest boy
that ever saw the light of day. The
Demarests are also busy with
some writing and the arrange
ment of a new songbook. ;
(Contiancd tram pafa 1)
the agriculture department based,
on comments on the commission
ers, "that the president had a!
thorough . knowledge, of, the agri-;
cultural situation and was sincere'
in his efforts that something
should be done to bring about
better' conditions in agriculture
and a better balance between ag
riculture and other Industries."
Proposed legislation expected to
come under the I commission's
study, it was believed, includes
the McNary-Haugen export cor
poration bill, the orris Sinclair
bill and the Capper-Williams and
Curtis Aswell measures?- all
cither awaiting consideration at
the coming short ession of con
gress or in the course of comple
tion in committees! i
Consideration ofj these and any
other measures that may be pro
posed later-is expected to be given
with the hope of " correlating or
eliminating objectionable features
and arriving at a, plan which will
suit all interested parties.
Present farm laws will be gone
over, it was said, fo rthe purpose
of determining whether they are
being properly enforced or are
grouped under the (proper depart
ment or bureau and whether it
would be advisable to transfer re
sponsibility for their administra
tion. - ... i . j
lklu ration Noeiltfl
'Education of the farmer which
President Coolidge has said must
be conducted along scientific lines
if he is to meet the conventions of
the future when a natural in
crease of population and the in
evitable tendency to industrialisa
tion will place the; United States
among the nations; producing a
deficit rather than a surplus of
agricultural staples, also will be
thoroughly discussed by the com
mission. : : H ' i
Robert D. Carey of Careyhurst,
Wyo.,;' presided over the meeting
as chairman and all were in at
tendance except Charles S. Bar
rett, chairman of : the national
board of farm organizations who
ia in Oklahoma attending the an
nual meeting of the farmers'
The second meeting of the com
mission will be held tomorrow
morning when its organization
will be completed and , work be
gun on the assemblage of data fur
consideration. .' '
Give away your weapons and
men will say you part with things
you can not use yourself.
Lion Tamers are Tamed
By Independence Team
The I,ion Tamers of Salem lost
to the Independence team Satur
day on the victors field at Inde
pendence in a football contest, by
a score of 18 to 13.
The Independence team made
the first score in the first quarter
and closed the scoring in the last
A return game Is to be played
between the Lion Tamers and the
Independence team some time dur
ing the coming week on the Sa
lem high school field.
Thursday night the old council
retired and the new council was
sworn in and took their seats.
The new city officers are Mayor
Wm. H. Broyles, Councilman
George Beach. K.. J; Forsythe. F.
X. Beck and W. V. Norman. Re
corder Geo. Beeby, Treasurer Paul
There will be an old time dance
In the COF , hall Wednesday eve
ning, Nov. 19. ,
Mr-; and Mrs. Arista Nendel re
turned this week from a three
days trip to Seattle where they
visifd the latter's sister and hus
band. .
Mrs. F. Hepp and son Donald
have arrived home from Olyrnpia,
Wash., where Mrs. Hepp was in a
The, WCTU meet in (the base
ment of the Methodist church
Friday at 2:30.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Sim
mons and family from Caldwell,
Idaho, are visiting' the latter's
parents, Mr. .and Mrs. Skei.
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Powell, Mr.
and Mrs. Eugene Courtney, Mr.
and Mrs. C. J. Espy and Mr., and
Mrs. Blane McCord attended the
dinner given by the Marion coun
ty bankers.
Mr. and Mrs. Ole Nelson left
Monday for Newport, Wash., to
spend the winter.
Tuesday evening the WCOF
will give a card party and dance
in the Foresters' hall. i
Saturday . evening several of
Eugene Courtney's friends gave
him a surprise party to help him
celebrate his 39th birthday: There
were lour tables of bridge and
after the Cards the friends served
Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Miller en
tertained the members of the 500
club Friday evening, Nov. 7. Mrs.
L. Shorey and Frank Whitman re
ceived the prizes. The hostess
was assisted in serving by Mrs. F.
W. Settlemier and Mrs. E. G. Em
mett. St. , Mary's , guild met Tuesday,
Nov. 11. with Mrs. E. G. Emmett.
The ladies sewed on fancy work.
The hostess was assisted in- serv
ing by Mrs. L. Shorey. Next meet
ing will be Tuesday, Nov. 25, with
Mrs. Ilavarnann. i
Friday evening Mrs. F. X. Beck
and .Mrs. A. Beck entertained.
The rooms were decorated with
fall flowers. There were four
tables of bridge, the prizes going
to Mrs. R. Guise and Mrs. Robt.
Scott. The hostesses were assist
ed in serving by Mrs. Geo. Lenox,
Mrs. J. C. Scoilard and Mrs. Ott
Miller. Those enjoying the eve
ning were 'Mrs. Robt Scott, Mrs.
R. Guise, Mrs. Ilavarnann, Mrs.
F. W. Settlemier, Mrs. Frank
Whitman, Mrs. T. C. Poorman,
Mrs. V. Gill, Mrs. F. Proctor,
Mrs. ; E. G. Emmett, Mrs. 11. D.
Miller, Mrs. L. M. Bitney, Mrs.
John Hunt.. Mrs.' T. K. Sanderson;
Miss Mary Scoilard, Mrs. O. K.
Wolf, Mrs. Geo. Lenox and Mrs.
J. C, Scoilard of Oregon City and
Mrs. Ott Miller of Lake Labish.
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Settlemier
were host and hostess at a diner
Friday evening. Covers were laid
for 12. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Espy,
Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Miller, Mr.
and Mrs. Lyman Shorey, Mr. and
Mrs. Eugene Courtney and Mr.
and Mrs. J. W. Sadler of Aurora.
After diner bridge was enjoyed,
brought itlnf-
Tk anto Ttt,a bronrat ia am ar ot
outdoor II Tina; tid of owt1oor elotTa
lar im wblcb to a)oy ontloor Ufa!
'nroaB-up" clothaa aro rosarrod for
tho optra aal for formal affairs. Xaa
live la and srsnail thai n
rt ai rrowlar ropuUrttr of
jD. Omtier a4 Work Clothlar
nt. TtUltr Tti.
tnakr of
KaiG 5
Tatloral Braaofcat,
AU-Otov OarmoBta.
TfcoyTo food u;
lw tm yrloa, wall
3$uy them of
Best Dealers
Twelye Players to Compete
in 33 Games; Season
ErVds on January 8
The progressive handball tour
nament of the Salem YMCA starts
today with 12 players competing
for honors and is scheduled to end
Janpary 8. jThree games of 15
points each are to be played every
night and each player is td' com
pete against every other player.
In this manner 33 games will be
played and 17 evenings will be re
quired to ruti off the teams.
The winner of the game will not
receive the final honors, perhaps.
tor the points won b!y the individ-l
uat players will be considered
when the "awards are given. The;
player having the highest number
of points will be deemed the .vic
tor. Players competing in the pro
gressive tournament are as fol
lows ! ' '
Paul Wallace. Robert Paulus. D.
X. Beechler. William Hamilton.
Curley Poulsen, George Paulus,
William Hertzog, Dave Eyre, John
Roberts, Walter Winslow, ' Fred
Araunsen, and' Harry Compton,
One open night is left each week
to make up games which were' not
played on the scheduled time.
Salem Referee Admitted
, To National Association
In the new ,1 924-23 basketball
rule book appears the name of
Glen Gregg, well known Salem
man and one of the proprietors of
the MIstland bakery. Mr. Gregg
is one of two in Oregon to be ad
mitted to the American National
Referees ; association.' .the- other
member beine Tom Gawley of the
Portland YMCA
Mr. Gregg has refereed many
local games in and near , Salem,
and it is expected that his services
will be in even greater demand
this year since he has been ad
mitted to the association.
you know how ageing in wood
improves fine wines ......
It does the same thing
for fine tobaccos, .
F. W. Petti john Co. Open
Salesrooms for Used Cars
The F.-W. Pettyjohn Co.. 219
North Commercial, dealers in
Oldsmobile and Rickenbacker cars,
opened their used car department
today at .279 North Commercial.
A large number'of first-class ma
chines will be kept on hand at all
times, and will offer a wide choice
for the prospective purchaser of a
used car.
The new store was necessary on
account of the large amount of
floor space taken by the Oldsmo
bile' and Rickenbacker models.
All makes of cars will be handled
in the new department end each
one carries a guarantee by the
company. The Pettyjohn company
does a very large used car busi
ness and the new rooms will en
able them to devote more space to
their display, as well as permit
ting a much larger stock to be
. (Continued from . pge 1)
coming through the grate bars.
The woman, known to her com
panion, James Letora. as Julia,
died of exposure after the high
wind had caused her to lose her
balance and rail into the East
river as she attempted to board
Letor's craft Letora broke 'his
leg in rescuing her. He dragged
her ashore and then had to crawl
halfoi mile to get help. The wo
man 'wes dead when he returned
withjlji policeman and an am
bulanee. . ' "
Five men were 'rescued at-' sea!
fropiMan open motor' boat found
by the coast guard cutter Semi
noI? j! - V .'
Tlie' heavy winds this afternoon
whipped the Greek liner Edison
from., the grip of a dozen tugs
which pulling the 11,000 boat to
a north river pier and flung her
on the mudflats of the upper har
bor. It was thought she would
be floated before the night was
out. Her crew of 200 was re
ported to be in no clanger.
The White Star liner Adriatic
made port today, the season's
first ice-covered boat to arrive,
12 hours overdue. Her captain
reported heavy gales which carried
a member of the crew overboard
to his death and smashed four
life boats. ,
all oiiir
have 'found
that equals
sweeten '-tobacco
- ' ' ' ' V
. i ; ( ( .. i ., 1 S ; I
it it1
Demand for Seats Great; Be
lieve Crowd Will Surpass
Any in Oregon .
' CORVALLIS, Or., Nov. 17.
With every seat in the main west
grand, stand sold out a week in ad
vance and reservations in the big
new ; south unit of the stadium
selling rapidly Carl Lodell, grad
uate manager of athletics of Ore
gon agricultural college today pre
dicts that all records for football
crowds in Oregon will be broken
at the annual homecoming game
here Saturday when the Aggies
and the University of Oregon mix
for the, state championship. With
the new covered double deck
bleachers completed, 20,000- per
sons may be seated in comfort re
gardless of the weather. . .. .
The Aggies were never : more
confident of victory ocer their tra
ditional rivals, but they are far
from under rating the strength of
the Oregon team. By dint of their
victory last year the Aggies hold
the state championship. .
Coach Schlssler.will probably de
pend much on the kicking ability
of his team to bring victory.. Tebb
leads the coast punters so far this
year.: while Cchulmerlck is good
for three points inside the 30 yard
line and has won two games al
ready by his accuracy in convert
ing after a touchdown.
The game Saturday will begin
at 1:30 In order to avoid a. dark
I fourh quarter and allow the team
i to lea-ve on the early train for Ne
braska where the Aggie play
Thanksgiving. I
Beaver Catcher Traded;
I Athletics Get Cochrane
Connie Mack, manager, of the
Philadelphia American league
baseball club tonight announced
the completion of a deal by which
Gordon S. Cochrane, star catcher
of the Portland club of the Paei-.
to en
Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co.
ft ri rs
the aged in
fic coast league comes to the Ath
letics in exchange for five players
and "a cash consideration."
Mr. Mack declined to state the
amount of cash Involved, but re
ports from other sources said it
was 150,000.
Rev. Fereshetian lJ Relates
Personal Experiences in
Armenia When Boy
An unusual departure from the
regular, run of. American Legion
meets was featured at Capital
Post No. 9 last night when Rev.
Martin Fereshetian, pastor of the
Unitarian : church, spoke and spe
cial music was furnished by the
Willamette university band, which
gave a short concert.
Rev. Fereshetian, or "Parson"
as he is known to the ex-service
men' and members of the Lions
club, told of his experience in Ar
menia about a quarter of a cen
tury ago. If the former soldiers
thought they had a hard time of
It six year ago they were forced
to change their minds, for the
speaker presented conditions and
the massacres from the standpoint
of one who. had experienced them
and in a Vivid! manner. To have
an outside, speaker at the regular
meetings;; was unusual, but was
greatly enjoyed.' .the speaker inter
spersing rhis address with bits of
humor.? '"'A"?:-.- ' -J
Additional nominations were
placed,, Frank Durbin being nom
inated for member of the execu
tive committee and Frank Judd as
historian. The nominations have
been closed,, with Clifford Brown
unopposed for commander for th
coming year The election will bt
held the first meeting In Decem
ber: .' '..;'
V Refreshments of a substantial
nature were served at the close of
the program. ,
The past should lie behind us
like a museum, open for inspec
tion. and
J 1
-'. 4
i I
i '.
: i