The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 15, 1924, Page 3, Image 3

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One Accident Fatal
--: Only one of the 523: accidents
reported to the state industrial
accident commission f orthe week
ending Norember IS proved fatal.
This ' was .Matt McKie, assistant
powder man at St. Helens.. . Of
the total number of accidents, 446
wer subject to the provisions of;
he "Compensation - act, 76 were
from firms and corporations that
have rejected the provisions - of
the act and one from at public
utility corporation not subject to
the prorisions. ;
For Rent " " 9
. .-Modem 5 room . flat. Furnacq
and close in, $35. Becke & Hen
dricks, U. -pankrBIdff. 4-ol5tf
Ieaves for California '
Several jof the state highway of
ficials left for, San Francisco Fri
day to attend a meeting of the na
tional' association of highway en
gineers and officials. Those mak
ing the trip are Roy JClein. state
highway engineer, J. S. Sawyer
and W. Tt: Clark; division 'engin
eers.' of Salem ; . R. H. . Baldock:,
division engineer at La .Grande
and C." W. Wanzer, division en-
Boy Ifonr Oirlstma.s
. Presents now at Ilanser broth
ers bis: stock reducing sale.i n!6
Apices All Come
V Young -& Wells have shipped
out their las car of apples and
L. W. Wells, in charge here, has
just closed t the deal and
home. Mr. Wells expects
to be
back next year and .have perman
ent guarters. : j f.- ,
Weather, Interferes--
Work on; tbe newi Milrwajr be-'
tween Niagara and flails has been
closed down on account of the
weather making It imj?p.sai"Me f.a
keep the road graded ' Dtfcanse of
the downpour of 'waerf.. There
are just ,WQ 'tXMm
It will, doubtless take a couple Of
months to do it.
A Beeinners Class-
In Gregg, shorthand, will be or
ganized at the Capital Business
College next Monday, Nov. 17. If
Interested call and talk it Over. -
4 -
Dean Allien Attends
TJean Alien -of Willametei Uni
versity is jiltendlng the Education
al Standards committee meeting of
the Oregon State Teachers I asso
ciation 'at Portland. Dean Alden
is chairman of the committee.
. - i - -i- !". s -" -
Another CJiampIon, Cow ' j ? ' y
The' Pacific Homestead nas Jthe
Infortnatioa that Canary Snowball
Gettle. a ;cOw in the state ,herd: pf
the Western Washington State
hospial, rU Stellacoom, Wash.V Is
f 5 Dowa
.,TT2l?nNAli !
. ..... .. v, . - .
U I. i A U 1
Cars " for hire- without drlvers-
:.;,Vf PHONE' 2020 , 1 r
Day and Niht Service
Phcae 511
v Dr. D. IL Whitiei X t
.Osteopathy - Surgry '
tronlo Diagnosis and, 'freat
S (Dr. AbraEa'aircthod).
"i Phone 8i oV-469-J
508 TJ. Cahk Bldg. 1 ';.
i l a
V ' Montily ; 1
t J 4T If. Com. Sit, 1
General Banlnng Bininc
.Olfls&IIoczj Irca. 10 , cu i t p. n.
I I I I I I I I I " - SL
. . . 1
the leading junior three-year-old
Holstein producer In the world.
The cow was added to the state
herd in 1922 land was jpurchased
for $220. The champion cow re
cently gave birth to her first male
calf. The calf is named for Gov
ernor Hart and is said to be worth
$10,000. ! ; r
Another Ixt
Of Florentine mirrors Just re
ceived at Hamilton's. nl6
A New Resident
P. C. Pratt and family of yen
eta, Oregon have moved to Sa
lem and are located at 730 north
Winter street.' ; Mr. 'Pratt was a
dealer in milk'' and cream In the
Coos Bay country.
Coaxing Team Here : ;
The National Catholic Immigra
tion Bureau has issued a home
seekers guids for Oregon. The
guide is published by a number
of firms and sets forth the advan
tages of the state in a very satis
factory manner.
Dancing Monday Evening
- At the Gray Belle between" 9
o'clock and 12 o'clock. .Music by
the Oregonians ' 7-piece orches-i
tra. fy - - nl5
Revival Services '
; the Church of God of 1346 N.
Church street, ; will begin a series
of meetings Sunday, Nov. 16th,
7; 50 p. m., each evening, to con
tinue Indefinitely. The services
will be conducted by 0. A. Bur
gess who for the past two years
has been superintendent of the
Bible , Training school at' Kansas
City, Mo., and is now located -at
Woodburn, Ore. ; ' - . - .
Albert at Old Home
'0. lAlbelrt. well , known , Sa-
lemite, who is the head man in
charge of t th,e I ; nnuxiclpal t camp
grounds here, t i9? visiting' the
scenes of his childhood In the east.
The following item appears in the
Waukon, Iowa, Journal, of. the
5th: Dr. W. T. Gilchrist and fam
ily enjoyed a visit last's Thursday
from hia cousin; Thomas Albert of
Salem, Oregon, whom he had not
seen for 46 years, shortly , before
which time he served as best' man
at the marriage of Dr. and Mrs.
Gilchrist."'1. Mr. Albert was a mem
ber of a pioneer Lansing family
and went to the Pacific .coast
shortly after reaching Tils major
ity,"; ---' i -
it; vacant ft "".;::?'.; ;;.-'"
"5' rooms modern atf 1154 Oak.
We will rent, lease 6rsell reas
'dhable. Becke Hendf icksy TJ.1' S.
Bank Bldg. :v .-rTolStt
Ijabor Report if.': i
The labor report of , simt Phil
lips of tbe Jjjxited, States jampioy
ment. office, operated. jkereln, cor,
operation, wun me ijiua, Eiaies
1 1 Thursday t Friday;, Saturday
Music by Kings of Harmony
Dancing Dancing Dancing
Salem . New Auditorinm
Wednesday and Saturday.
Extra Dance Friday, Hallowe'en
'"'-' v."-. :-4 For
Opes Evenlnga.
ft k&mfintta X25 tot 13 I
" rllea'a akJ Voung Ilea
from the 'large furnace 1 to
the smallest nut size. ' Tell .
us for what purpose the coal
In rnnnlnil i a nil ' wa11 Ttnlnt
: out the proper size to nse. .
But although i we carry ail
sizes, we handle only one
"aualityT" the" very best coal
-from ihe ' very best jnines.
Dur coal service la yours to
. command, ; -
.rrlces ranse front 10 to $15
Also handle , the best
Diamond Brlauettes $15
that conditions were better this
week than last. Additional work
era to the number of 20. were
placed this week, which was one
day short because "of Armistice
Repairs Made
The burglar alarm of the First
National bank was being repaired
and tested yesterday afternoon and
the deep clangs of the bell at
tracted considerable attention.
The alarm Is situated above the
entrance on North Commercial. I ;
Big Reduction Sale
Firearms, cutlery, athletic
equipment fishing tackle, flash
lights, and everything in ''- stock
reduced, except -Shelby Mazda
Lamps. Hauser Brothers, 372
State street. , n!4
ChJckenpox Reported j
One case of chickenpox was re
ported to the city health officer
Carriers Entertained
' The Oregonian carriers were en
tertained by Beatrice . Crawford
Newcomb at the Colonial Dame tea
shoppe Thursday evening and ,V.
H. f Burghardt was the ' special
guest. ; 1 '' 'Vv 1 1
Dry Wood for Sale
16-inch or 4-foot lengths. Call
77F2 , ntf
Banquet la Served J,
A Win-My-Chum banquet was
held at the Jason Lee Methodist
church last night! and, was fol
lowed by services led by Miss
Sybil Smith. ' Many Willamette
university stude'nts attended the
banquet and meeting. f iJ:
Myrtle Creek Pool Sold-r ! '
The Myrtle Creek pool of about
l.QJ,1 pounds of , prunes -'was
sold' to' Jlosenberg, accrdiag to
Remick. Fate, well- known prune
grower tof 'Myrtle Creek,. who is in
Salem on business. Between 12
and 15 cars of green prunes were
sent out, in addition, through the
Denney & Company and Foster
Butner of Roseburg.
Card Tables 1
And ' Mah Jongg tables are, in
season. ' Right now is the time to
buy one for Christmas. Take -advantage
of the low prices'. '. Ham
ilton's. : nl6
Textbook People to Meet :
There Vilfbe a' meeting of the
Oregon textbook commission here
Monday, at which.' time' one-third
bt all .the" .texts bsed in the schools
of the state.wili be chanted. Mem
bers of"tie :ommisslonaro.MIss
Margaret : C6sper,'"Salem Drlefi.
Hampden; of a Grande, jGeorge A.
EjTiscoe, superintendent ' of schools
of ', ' "Ashland ; " A. C- Schmidt, of
OAC ina Hilton MUler.'Jof Leban
pn.l ;Thd last-named was' anoin
ted , to fill tho , vacancy caused by
tbe reslgnatlon "of . Harrjaon : G.
Prattr ' J m ""
mejCouple : ' " 'B , ' '. ' '
V" Here's brand new 4 room bun
galow" ready "to occupy "Has fur
nace, fireplace, full cement base
ment, Idy. tubs, cement walks",
paving. " Hardwood ' floor, etc.
Double construction. . -Unior labor
Job- Trliu lot "with Ilbwers and
fruit. See at 1654 S. High. Im
mediate possession. . Will lease
or sell reasonable. Becke &" Hen
dricks,. U. S. Bank Bldg. nl5tt
Rumor of Advance
A rtimor Is' Jri the air concern
ing the. advance in the price of
prunes, and cansequently packers
are holding on to their stocks and
prefer to wait "fof the advance in
stead of selling for future delive
ries."" Howeter, the packers pre
fer to sell and ship their present
holdings in order to save the in
surance and 'interest. Many in
quiries for delieverfes In "January
and February are coming In. The
Trager Fruit company Is shipping
300 tons f "prunes ' for German
consumption. The prunes go out
onltAggamShip Canada jn 25-lb;
Sha WV Watts Owner
, So, fir the line shawl, awarded
to-the holder of the winning num
ber at the American Leeion dsnee
Armistice ' nlehf has hnt been
(claimed and is waiting its future
owner at the Mans' Shop. First
choice number is 8&8, and if the
" "' nA : DIED ' ' 5 'f.
ABRY Harry E. Abry died Nov
ember 14, at his late home,"
, 1,819 SQuth 13th St., at the age
' of 68 years. ' He is survived . by
a daughter, Mrs. , Mary Dickey
his widow, Louise,5 ot Salem and
of New. York'. He-was a mem-
i her of Harmony Lodge AF&AM,
Al Kader Shrine . and Salem
BPOE, 336 'of Salem.. Funeral
'announcement will- be made
later byrwebb'a'Tuneral par-
...lors.- . s-;:;', ) . f:
B INGHAM The funeral ot Mrs.
. George G. Bingham who died
Nov. 13, 1924, will be held at
the St. Paul's Episcopal church
at Church and Chemeketa street
. today at 2 o'clock. Rev. H. D.
Chambers and Dean H. M. Ram
sey will have charge of the ser-
. vices. j Interment will be-in the
Mt.; Crest Abbey masoleum. Ar
rangements in charge of the
Webb Funeral parlors.'
CHAMPLIN The funeral of
Thomas . Morgan Champlln who
died November 13, will be held
at i the Webb Funeral . parlors
Monday, the 17th, at 2 o'clock;
Rev. Pemberton and -the GAR
will have charge of the services.
, Interment-will be; in the IOOF
: cemetery. , :. : J ' .
; ' rJaeaaled Csrrzesl
holder of this calls, the shawl wilt
be presented. The second choice
number is 159. It neither num
ber is presented, It Is not known
what disposition will be made of
pie shawl.' ; ' ' ;
; 1 - 1
All Kinds, of
! 'Electric motors repaired. Call
2112, Todd, the motor man. nlG
Basketball Season r
The Anderson & Brown, athletic
goods store, has decorated a win
dow with the equipment necessary
for playing basketball. ' At this
time many athletic managers of
the high schools and communities
surrounding Salem are making ap
plications for equipment to be de
livered within a few days for the
Opening of the basketball season.
Tea Wagons
t !Makefine Christmas presents.
Pick one out now and let us hold
it till wanted. Hamilton's. nl6
Street Partially Openj 1 '
"Barriers at the intersection ' of
Seventeenth-and Center have been
removed and the street open for
traffic north for two blocks. The
upper portion of .the street is still
closed to traffic as the concrete
has not been poured the necessary
length of time to permit it being
used for travel. The rest of the
street will be open in the near
Get Marriage ivcenscs
Two marriage licenses were is
sued from the county clerk's of
fice Friday to E. Ede Griggey and
Jeannette ' McKiblen, both 60
years old. of Jefferson and to
Paul Fuhrer, Route 9 and Alice
Heyden, Route 3, of Salem.
-Read page 55, Saturday Evening
Post, then telephone No. 1556J.
nl5 . -r-' ' ' y- '
Salem Advert ised ' ' ;' '
-' Through 'funds raised ' from
various business firms in Marion
county, a bulletin was issued for
distribution by the National Cath
olic Immigration bureau - of Chi
cago. ' In it Salem and Marion
county is given much space attd
the state is well covered generally.
Classes To Be Held T
Classes scheduled for the boya
department of the YMCA today
are the beginners' class, the Preps,
and Cadets. The beginners are
to meet at 9:00 in the morning
for a swim and for Bible instruc
tion. Boys 9 years" of age are
in this group. The Preps meet
for a swim; gym work and Bible
study at 10:15 and the Cadets
meet in tbe 'afternoon at 2 . for
gymnasium work, swimming and
the Bible study. ' " ' '
On Sale '
Friday and Saturday, new and
up-to-date 1 velvet dresses,' " from
$18 to SI 9.7 5 -small sizes. Also
crepe and wbol dresses greatly re
duced, at Mrs. H. P. Stlth, 333
State. ' ' ' ' ' nl5
uirtn js iteporteo -, m
- A baby daughter was born t
Mr. and Mrs. Grant A. Grncbow
at the Salem hospital and. has been
named Donna May, Is the record
of birth certificate filed with the
city health officer. .
Nurses' Bazaar .
"The 'student nurses of the Sai
lem hospital . are to give a'bazaat
at the Giese-Powers Furniture
company store Saturday, Nov. 22,
at which time aprons, needlework
hand painted chinaware and other
articles wm be sold. ?
Irving to Seattle' i
George Irving, international sec
fetary of the YMCA, left for Se
attle Friday afternoon where he
will deliver several lectures. Ir
vihg talked before the high school
student body yesterday morning
and later was the chapel speaker
at-Willamette university. He is
an experienced worker with young
people afad was well received here
. -
Make Up a Party
- 'For the dance at the Gray Bella
Monday evening where the Orel
gonlans will play.
Danta Robblns Honored
-Dana Robbins of Salem 'has
just: been-selected as a member o
the senior class debate squad. Mis$
Robbins I a senior in the school
2 A . m . a
or vocauonai eaucation ana a, res
ident of Waldo Hall.
Salem Boy. High Man
Homer. Bray of Salem attended
the Pacific International Livestock
exposition in Portland last week
and .was high .point man In 1 the
livestock judging contest, making
800 points. The prize for this was
a scholarship to the boys' and
girls' club summer school here in
1925. ' He was. also a member of
the Marion county .judging team
which "won. first place. Mr. Bray
Is a freshman in the school of ag
riculture. '' ..
Y" Boys to Hike-
Members of ' the boys' depart
ment of the YMCA are to take a
hike today, one of the first of a
series Of -activities to be put un
der, way by Clarence Oliver, dlrec-
tor of boys' .work. All fellows
who want to go. on this -hike and
are between -the ages of 12 and
16 years are invited, v Each boy
Is to "bring a lunch as the return
trip will' not . be finished until 4
o'clock. "A program of sports and
games has been arranged by Loyal
Warners who will be assisted by
two .Willamette university stu
dents. The boys are requested
to gather at the "Y" building at
8 o'clock sharp.
Harriet Eaton , Wysant '
'Piano instructions, 1755 North
Cozn'I. Special rates to beginners.
County Candidates Pile
- -' Additional election expense ac
counts were filed with the county
clerk Friday. - Those filing were
J. T.'- Hunt, .county Judge, 276 ;
David F. Eastburn. justice of the
peace SUverton district; joothingTT
Milared Robertson Brooks, county
recorder,t?5; Marjr I Fulkerson,
county 7 school superintendent,
nothing; Constable WTalter - De
Long,' nothing; D. G. Drager,
county treasurer, 10; Henry R.
Crawford,' for county commission
er,887.66 and O. D. Bower, for
sheriff,; 20. ; . ;
English . Class KtartM
Each Thursday there is held at
the YMCA- , classes in English,
which are offered free of cost to
needing instruction, f The class
is instructed by Lionel Gray, a
junior from Willamette university.
The meeting of last Thursday was
attended by six men, who wished
to study reading and writing.
Silver Tea Pot ! ' . :
A silver tea pot without a lid
was 'left at the bookstore ot Pat
ton brothers recently and is one
?t a number of articles left with
he Salem v merchants. Hal D.
Patten states that he does not
know what to do with the article.
Select Christmas Presents Now
' Small payments ' make It easy.
Love the Jeweler, Salem.' "olO-tf
Sublimity is Visited
; "Mrs. Marry L. Fulkerson county
school superlntencent,' spent Fri
day at the Sublimity schools.
Here she i found Miss ' Margaret
Scollard, i formerly principal at
Dpnald, in charge of a ' baseball
team for the boys and' sewing
class for girls. Here are ; 34
pupils in the .two grades. , Last
night Mrs. Fulkerson spoke at a
parent-teacher meeting at the Kei
zer schooL ' ' t
Mnsic During Dinner
unday .evening at tbe
Belle by the pregonians.
Pringle 1 las. Program
-Those attending " the general
get-together meetings at Pringle
last night ' report an -, enjoyable
program; 'WJ- W. ! ,Fox,i rural
school supervisor" was among the
Salem people present. . . j '
'- -i , niS' ; ri '
Name" Administratrix '
- Fannie . Beal has j been . named
administratrix of the estate of
Alfred' Beal by County Judge W.
H.' Downing. Carrie C. ;Heblen
has been named administratrix of
the estate of George ; Hebben.
Dance ;:"':" ','""!"' ' . 1
f Schlndler hali Sati night. nl5
Guardian Appointed
Charoline McKay jwas yester
day appointed guardian of James,
John and. Leonard McKay. ,,
Assumes Business Name) :
; Notice that the Terminal Cigar
company is owned by I. R. Smith
was ' filed with the county clerk
Friday Notice of withdrawal of
Arthur . L. ;. Williamson, former
proprietor, Iwas also j filed. 1
Riccardo Martin Tickets
-' Seat sale opens at ; the . Grand
theater, Monday at 10 o'clock. Re
served seats $1,50 and $1; no tax.
Ticket holders of the Civic Music
club series may , have choice of
seats by presenting season tickets
at box office.' (Gallery 50c.) nl4
Walter Fuhrer Visits i
t Walter Fuhrer,' student at OAC
is spending the week end with his
parents and is here to attend the
Heyden-Fuhrer wedding.
Speeders In Court' :
" Officer Hickman, arrested four
motorists yesterday because they
were violating the speed ordin-
ance. They were W. R. Hurst.
H. Love, Joseph Muhan, and G.
R. Poery V. Oleman paid a fine
of $5 and C. Clark 810 for speed
ing when they appeared bofore
Police ' Judge Marten Poulsen
94 AIR
i ' ' - -
Beats Electric or Gas
A 'new oil lamp that gives an
amazingly ; brilliant,7 : soft, white
light, even better than' gas or
electricity, has been tested - JbyVtbe
U. S. Government and 35 leading
universities and v found to b; superior-to
10 ordinary oil lamps.
It burns without odor, smoke' or
noise no pumping up, is simple,
clean safe. Burns 94 air' and
C common kerosene (coal oil).
4 The inventor. V. M. Johnson,
161 North5 Union Ave., Portland,
Ore., is offering - to send a lamp
on 10. days' FREE trial, or even
to give one FREE to the first user
In each locality who will help him
Introduce it. Write him today for
full particulars. Also ask him to
explain how you I can get the
agency, and without experience or
money make .$250 to $500 per
month. Adv.
wm nosw. 541 MM. a-n
beU tret, 112,000; ear pnyment..
Jew bom corner lot. east, 12,500.
Vj New -English house, corner lot, eu
lest payments, east front, - $5500.
New bnngalow, . hardwood floor.
15600., - v :
6 room cottage fuH baiement, furnace,
paei atreetv $4800; $O0 down.
" 8 .. room . JaniraIow, basement, : fire
place, .- $4200; ; $600 down.
- 5 room home, lr re lot. $3600.
4 Tm Konne, east front, $2400
t room Iimiw, pared street. $2700.
T room house, close $350O.
8 room hoane, lsrro lot, $2000.
1-Toom .house, .shed, corner, $20OO.
tjroom house.. Court street. $3150.
9 .room house, Conrt street. $8500.
room -hnti)f alow. jConrt street $6000.
Iarr house on Court street. $10,500.
AttracftreIot on Coart street. $2500. -
- Attractlre tares comer. $3000.
-Tt nt north. for $50 down.
- Trala-Bndehalrer . ear , for lot.
.Trade '23 model inclosed car for
knnse and lot in 8aien. ;
Trade -ff room honne. '2 'og east front
- for mall tract t"a fiatem.
7Vde Aot. honse 1or smalt house.
Apt. honse elope in. lsrs;e lot. can he
fumed Into bi money maker. $15,
OOOj enay parmenta. :
Ant. honst comeiv $40,000.
' y - Avtt hot comer lot. S0,0Oft.
' Porner 19816. cloa 1". n.000.
Tole oniw. Isrro Jot S4SOO.
We ehnw prtmrrt-r fntil yon re
plea"! --gfiiicri1 loeted.
;93 W. CotUj$
Max Kuney failed to answer sum
mons and "forfeited $5i ' and W.
Chess . 110 ball which had been
deposited after their arrest. -
Sudin Is Fined' '
Lloyd Su din was fined $20 yes
terday in the police court for be
ing drunk. ' He was arrested by
Officers Wiles, James and Putnam
after be bad wrecked his, car at
State and Church about 3 o'clock
Friday morning. Sudin would have
been charged with drirlng an auto
mobile while intoxicated, if the of
ficers had arrived, before the. car
had been wrecked. . ''
, : Miss - Salome Socolofsky - and
Christine Halverson are Portland
Visitors over the -week end.
i Mr. and Mrs. R.'W. Hinkley of
Roseburg are in Salem ' from the
Urapqua valley. .' ?
: W J.- Simeral, . who underwent
an operation at the Salem hospital
was reported Friday as making a
very satisfactory: recovery. '
;. P. C. McDougal and Normal
Kuykendall, Portland attorneys,
were in the city on business at the
court house Friday.
W. H. Trindle, local attorney,
was a visitor. in Olympit:. yester
day. ' . '
Albert T. Anderson of -Warren-ton.
Or., was in Salem on business
yesterday. Anderson is interested
in the Marine irooucts company
Of Warrentn and is a former Sa
lem resident. .
Col. E. Hofer motored to Port
land yesterday.
Kindness to Eskimos
.Brings Reward to Vet
i ' :: ;- - . ,-:
SEATTLE, tNOv'. H.-jAfter It
years of broken health and bad
luck, Ernest ip. Little,' disabled
World war veteran li larious
ly lliat ,Ticojina,-WatsJi, db Cush
man veterans' hospital, was re
warded todayfor his kindness to
Eskimos last March at False Pass,
Unimiak island, eastern "Aleutian
Islands, Alaska, by receiving word
that a gold claim he staked with
two eskimos had proved valuable.
Might doesn't make right, of
course,' but might often can scare
right to death.
-I- ' - .,
Is Here!
i--and this sale
presents . an op
! portunity to
Save Money.
Regularly Priced $12.50 and
Oregon Cit3T
Styles as
FREE! Football With Each Coat!
See "Windows.
Sale begins
Cplorfui, Picture .How , .
Showing at the Oregon
"Feet of Clay." Cecil B. De
Mille's latest production, for Par
amount, which' features Rod La
Rocque. Ricardo Cortez, -. Julia
Faye, Theodore Kosloff and Rob
ert Edeson, opened v a - four day's
run at the Oregon theater yester
day. The story is an adaptation
of the immensely .popular maga
xine serial by that name by Mar
garetta Tuttle. BeHlah Marie Dix
and Bertram Millhauser wrote tbe
screenplay. -
Traveling in its locale between
a brilliant winter resort, a poor
Harlem flat and a gorgeous eye
filling home of wealth, "Feet '"of
Clay" is one of the most entertain
ing productions DeMille' has ever
offered the picutre public. ' '
The story starts with a yachting
party - at Catalina Island. , All
sorts of beach novelties are work
ed Into a series of colorful scenes
which in costume combine bathing
suits on lovely girls with" the latest
summer, creations of the modiste
and the tailor. The eye-filling
piece de resistance is a race be
tween 20 girls In jockey bathing
suits on surf-boards behind fast
speedboats; .;,-
Capping the beach -scenes Is a
luxurious sequence aboard ' the
world's largest yacht. It is amidst
the spacious comfort of this three-hundred-foot
pleasure craft that
dramatic scenes occur,, following a
water series where La Roc,que's
foot is mangled in a fight 'with a
shark ' -
Mathis Nursery Go.
Office and Sales Yard Will Be Opened
. '.Monday,
Would like to have all our old
- " : a
Office 140 S. Iligh SU
-Rti4r -v -
: li j :' - V V r -. ;
! II ! i. kL'- : , v:i:;:?r
1 7 1. C"'1' vfe
d. t ,'r rS:' ,: -
T'i .
" . v?".g: 'V';
. Boys ! Why - go coatless " these
chilly days when genuine Oregon
City Overcoats can be purchased ior
$9.85 and ' everything you desire in
an Overcoat is to be found among
them. It's not an unloading sale! or
is it merchandise carried over a year
4 but an up to ,the' minute stock Tpi
Overcoats recently, purchased via the
price concession route which enables
us, in turn, to offer them to trade
likewise.. ; J VV
Come on boys ! Vfe'll expect to see
you today you'll .like the coats.
Browns, greys greens and tan heath
er mixes.
Salem's Ieading Department Store
tin 90 Days cr
J . .fnnev Ilnfl.
i. Women who vivf J
jgrowthof theirhair "t
should use Van Ess
Liquid Scalp Mas- ,
sage. A glorious
head of strong vig
orous hair surelv
.follows its oonsiatent use, asleep' t
ent use is eay .becaiiaa Vi .'
comes fitted with a patent ru tier i
plicator that feeds themedes'- .
rectly to the roots of the ht.r, c.
Ins ting jnuaer maaaasrln? with tho f - v
And the flexible nipples of thoappurat r l
a heatthr cirrolation of biood to feed tn I,-
voota. Buy yoor Van East oa sXdVr treataati
ptaa. Moaear back if it faiia.
115 S. Commercial SU . adr.
Capital Bargain
House of a Million and
. One Bargains
Read the Classified Ach
Nov. 17ti. ,
4 . y
customers and, newones pay m
visit J?'K ? -'.v .a
Opposite O. E. Deoi
'", .
Copyright, loaj
Oregon City
Woolen Jilila
:V'-;Ufc? 'i '
r Styles as
Sizes -6
to 14 Yrs.
' Every Ceil
Good Cur.I:iy