The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 13, 1924, Page 8, Image 8

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shop T7as the delightful scene
for one of the week's most charm
iag social affairs yesterday when
the Thursday bridge club enter
tained the members of the Friday
bridge club at a four course lunch
eon followed with an afternoon of
bridge at the home of Mrs. 11 P.
Aldrich. .Luncheon covers were
placed for 24, with six tables of
bridge In play daring the after
noon. A bowl of yellow chrysan
themums centered the table at the
Tea f hop, while the Aldrich home
was 'beautifully decorated with
pastel chrysanthemums. f V
Invited guests for the afternoon
vferei Mrs. Guy p. Smith and Mrs.
.-. Lee Canfield." , ' Z '
i-The playing prize went to Mrs.
Claire Vibbert. 1 .. i :
The personnel of the. two clubs
' includes for the Friday club. Mrs.
Linn Gleason, Mrs. E. A. Kurtz,
; Mrs. O. A. Olsen, Mrs. Scott Page,
. Mrs.'ciaire Vibbert, Mrs. Ralph
Moudy, Mrs. Harley White. Mrs.
Havid Wright, Mrs. P. E. Fuller
ton, Mr3. Earl Fisher, Mrs. F. G.
Delano, and Mrs. Elmer Daue, and'
fnr the hostess club, Mrs. Lou Aid
rich, Mrs. E. C. Quinn. Mrs. W.-.I.
Needham, Mrsr Charles Knowland,
Mrs. John R. Sites, Mrs. '' O. L.
Fisher. Mrs." Clyde Johnson, Mrs.
CV N. Inman. Mrs. R. C. Hunter,
MrsVCal F. Patton; -'Mrs." E. L.
Kapphahn, and Mrs. A. E. I luck e
etrinV :"; '''..'.,' V
The charming home of Profess
or , and Mrs. TV'S." Roberts, 505
North Summer street, was the
scene last evening of the annual
"get-together" of the members of
all the sections of the Salem Arts'
league. Over one hundred and tess.
fiftv invitations were issued fori Fairmount Hill club
Social Calendar
OAC club. Miss Ola Clark. 765
Marjon street, hostess.,; 8 o'clock.
Goldea Hour club. Mrs. 11. E.
Ingrey 2041 South Church street,
hostess. !
Kiite Embroidery club.; Mrs.
R. M. Ryer, 1105 Broadway, hos
tCF6. : ' '
Thursday Bridge club. Mrs.
Frederick Lamport hostess.
Carnation club. Mrs. A. I. Eoff,
1210 North Capitol street, hos-
Mrs. J. E. Law, Mr. and Mrs. J.
R. Lnper, Mr. and Mrs. W. W.
Moore. Mr. and Mrs. William Mc-
Gilchrlst, Jr.. Mr. and Mrs. F. G.
Myers,' Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Myers,"
Dr. and Mrs. Phil L. , Newmyer,
Dr. and Mrs. O. A. Olson, Mr and
Mrs. E. M. Page, Mr. and, Mrs.
L. G. Page, Mr. and Mrs. C.
Perry, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Poor-
man, Mr. and Mrs. lvan Putnam,
Mr. and Mrs. Z. J. Riggs, Mr. and
Mrs. Homer Smith, Mr. and Mrs.
LtC. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Walter
L. Spaulding, Mr. and Mrs. H. L.
Stifr, Dr. and Mrs. F. H. Thomp
son, Mr. and Mrs. .R. J. Vallton,
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Wiedmer, Mr.
B. Webb, , Mr. and
Mrs. Rex Sanford, Miss Edna Si
surprise to both Mrs. Warren and
Oanion's Weekly Limerick
-" v "H-'rf'V:-;'"tU-.---' !v U'iv,":'; iK-v -
, Here's one by Edna Garfield, court reporter, whose
. office is in the Masonic Bldg:
Tlie Damon More rivets attention, j , .
Th4lr prices are past comprehension! !
! V . Would please ru-iuce and peasant, i "
And their fine service goes without mention.
kr,; ' i !.-; - - ' ' I v V ; , ."
Some of the most particular coffee drinkers declare
that Crescent has a smooth, rich, creamy taste which
is most refreshing. The next time, you buy coffee try
a can of Crescent. : : j . I .. ... : ; - - ;r - j
We want you to compare to make the values of
fered here, the 'measure of those of fared elsewhere.
It's the surest way of holding your good will. It's the
j practical way Of knowing what's what. j - V
6rao3ry-: latter, ! L1 : Ss
Li'idtSOaS V i Evaporated lib
nu, (Not
1. U' k i i lih" Roasted)
17 n .it :-
u mm
Lcsafoni 4 its. for . .
f r t n'New Crop,
e)yu!!J:Nb;io white
Fresh Meat
tne evening. - j v..CSo.7. . -w v, . Mr. - c
The rooms wnere .tne visnors i iesj
. . M 2,AMn.Al thattin. Wnmlti'. LirflnivA lotiA MfUVfir
larungea i mr iu"" I . jonton M and Mrg. o ,E Davis.
and to listen to the program or league. Mrs. C. F. WUson, 47 J I,
music and talks were effectively I North Cottage street, 9 a. m. I
I . i . I A . M m t
decked with chrysantbemums in .. ; Friday ; team irom tuauwic cnapier
many shades, i First' Presbyterian church. Wo-1 of the tastem btar were guests of
, Assisting Mrs. Roberts in the man's Missionary society Church I tne Knowies cnapter in MCMinn-
. . . I . f ' . . I 1.111. W 1 1 11
rooms tnrougnout ine evening parlors. a: 30 o clock. I ? " eifuiu6, accepting
were Mrs. J. M. Clifford, Mrs. Brush College Parent-Teacher the Invitation of the Past Matron's
John R. Sites, Mrs. J. AV Churc- meeting. 8 o'clock, echoolhouse. club to confer the traveller's de-
hill, Mrs.: W. C. Dibble, Mrs. M.l Women's society. First Baptist gree on Mrs. Warren, the chapter
E. Peck. I Mrs. W E. Kirk, Mrs. rhurch. Mrs. W. C. Pickens. 140 1 matron, the honor coming as a
C. A. Kells, Mrs. J. C kelson andlNortn 17th street, 2:30 o'clock.
Mrs. Monroe Gilbert. . I Saturday
Refreshments were served late Three Link club, country fair
in the evening following a num-and bazaarf IOOF halls
ber. of beautifully sung vocai S0103 AAUW silver tea, Willamette
by Mrs. Martini Feresnetian, wttn lodge, home of Jkirs. C. Thayer,
Mrs. Monroe Gilbert playing me North CaDitol street.
accompaniments, and a group 01
league talks by Professor M. E. j wives of students and faculty
Peck, present head of the organ!-1 members. The wives of the local
zation, and the past presidents, j ministers in the denomination are
Mrs. Monroe Gilbert, Mrs. J. "W. I aiso included in this social club.
Harbison and Robert ramus. I voiinw rlirvaanthemuins and mar-
j igolds were attractive in the rooms
Mrs. E. C. Hickman was hostess wnere tne memuers met ai me u-
vesterday afternoon for the first I vitation of Mrs. Hickman lor or-
mectine of the season of the Lu- I ganization. Mrs. Alta Gentry is
ella club. The i personnel of this I the president or tne ciud; mw. m.
group Includes the women Kimball I G. Tennyson, vice president; ana
rn!!Pir students an well as the I Mrs. D. C. I'oinuexier, secretary-
The Dorcas society of the Luth
eran church met on Wednesday af
ternoon with Mrs. W. Krueger,
1441 N. 5th street. The ladies
made final arrangements for their
annual bazaar which is to be held
on Tuesday, Nov. 18, at the Labor
Union hall. They also planned to
serve lunch at noon and supper
In the evening,
The Woman's society of i the
First Baptist church will meet at
the home of Mrs. W. C. Pickens,
140 N. 17th street on Friday, Nov,
14th at 2:30 o'clock. Mrs. A. O.
Daidson, Mrs. T. A. Rafferty, Mrs.
Latham and Mrs. Arnold are host
esses with Mrs. Pickens
All members having mite boxes
to be opened or who wish to make
a thank offering may do so at this
time. The following program will
be of interest to all
Devotions, Mrs. S. Willis; vocal
30I0, Mrs. Charles Davis.
Convention echoes CRDB
Miss Mina Gile; WWG. Miss Lu
cille McLean; Mrs. Burton's ad
dress, Mrs. Earl Gregg; Miss Fail
ing on India, Mrs. E. H. Shanks;
Dr. Eubank on China, Mrs. George
0Neil: Children's Farm Home
Mrs. James Smlthers: "The Gold-
ju Tree" Mrs. O. B. Neptune; Pi
inoforte'solo, Dorothy Pickens.
All women of the congregation
will be cordially welcomed to this
and all meetings of the Women s
,The Woman's Evangelistic
Prayer league will meet a v
o'clock this morning at the home
of Mrs. C. Fi Wilson, 473 North
Cbttaee street. Mrs. H. W. Swaf
ford will be the Jeader,
A well-attended meeting of the
Woman's Foreign Missionary I so
ciety of the First Methodist church
was held yesterday afternoon ai
th home of Mrs- F. H. Thompson
Early in the afternoon the society
was divided Into ten groups, wun
i . . . - - - th
a leader appoiniea it
TheaA included: Mrs. Harriet
Durkheimer, Mrs. W. D. Smith.
m Almira. Hale. Mrs. A. A. un
derbill. Mrs. W. T. Rlgdon, Mrs
Walter Winslow. Mrs. R. J. Young,
vfra n. J Usle. Mrs. E. C Hick
.u "W- -
"vmhrnHprviWork" was tne
devotional topic of the afternoon.
with Mrs. George Gutekunst lead-
in e
Mrs. C. A. Dowps had cnarge 01
the lesson giving the first chapter
of the study book, "Ming Kwong
and completing the delightful ma
terial with her personal experien
ces in China. Of special Interest
was the fact that Mrs. Downs had
visited a number of the hospitals
mentioned In the text.
A beautiful violin number by
Miss Betty SIddall was thejipecial
music feature of the afternoon
The Monday Night Dancing club
enjoyed a gay evening this week
when they met for the November
dance in Derby hall. Mr. and Mrs.
C. A. RIs of Portland were guests
of the evening
The personnel of the dancing
club includes Mr. and Mrs. Everett
Anderson. Dr. and Mrs. C. E.
Bates, Dr. and Mrs. G. C. Belling
er. Mr. and Mrs. John Brophy. Mr.
and. Mrs. G. G. Brown. Mr. and
Mrs. F. G. Brock, Mr. -and Mrs
Roy Burton, Mr. and Mrs. W. J.
Busick, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Col
ony, Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Compton,
Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Creech, v Dr.
and Mrs. W. H. Darby, Mr. and
Mrs. Elmer Dane, Mr. and Mrs. B.
L. Darby. Mrs. and Mrs. R.. B.
puncan, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Eiker,
Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Galloway, air,
and Mrs. L. S. Geer, Mr. and 'Mrs
Ralph A. Glover. Mr. and Mr$.! W.
T. Grier, Mr. and Mrs. Merlin
Hardine. Mr. and Mrs. W. il.
Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Paul John
son, Mr. and Mrs. Walter J.' Kirk,
Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Kuhn, Mr. and
members of the chapter.
Those making up the team which
conferred the degree, following
with a social evening with the Mc
Minnville chapter, were: Mrs. M.
C. Pettes, Mrs. W, F. Linfoot, Miss
Qussie Niles, Mrs. Frank Crawford,
Mrs. Glen Niles, Mrs. Albert Smith
Miss Leila 'Johnson, Mrs. M. P.
Adams, Mrs. Arthur Utley and
Mrs. C. L. Blodgett.
Mrs. Frederick Lamport will be
hostess today for the members of
the Thursday Bridge club. ;
V : A
The Nemo Five Hundred elub
met Monday evening at the home
of Dr. and Mrs. W. Carlton Smith
for a congenial evening of cards.
Mrs. Milton Meyers and Frank
Meredith won the high scores of
the evening, with the club mem
bers playing including Mrs. T G.
Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin L. (Ba
ker, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Baum
gartner, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. ,B;an
cy. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Durhin,
Dr. and 5Mrs. L. F. Griffith, Mr.
and Mrs. O. C. Locke, Mr. and Mrs.
Hi. L. Meyers, Mr( and Mrs. Frank
Meredith, Dr. and Mrs. H. H. din
ger and Dr. and Mrs. R. E. Lee
Steiner. . " " - ;, 1
.: " . v- ' .
The Elite Embroidery club will
meet this afternoon at the home
of Mrs. K. AI. Ryer. 1105 Broad
way. Prof, and Mrs. Horace Williston
and little son, Horace Jr., were
guests over the week-end in Port
land. ;
j " . "- "
The Golden Hour club will meet
today with Mrs. H. :E. Ingrey, 2041
South Church street. , .,
7; t
' A delightful meeting of tlie U.
D. club was held at the home of
Mrs. John Nathman Monday after
noon when a group of guests and
club members met for bridge.
Chrysanthemums in shades of pink
and bronze were used about the
rooms. Invited guests for the af
ternoon included Mrs. J. E. Heen
an, Mrs. Frank Jaskoski, Mrs. E.
H. Burrell, Mrs. B. F. Forbes, Mrs.
A. E. Huckestein and Mrs. M. J.
Mrs. T. M. Barr won the day's
high score, after . which , refresh
ments were served, Mrs. Barr and
Mrs. E. "A.- Prultt assisting Mrs.
Nathman. V ' '
Club members meeting were:
Mrs. N. C.'Nadon, Mrs. T. M. Barr,
MrsJ R. C. Thomas, Miss Rosalia
Bach, ..Mrs. Bert Pruitt, Mrs. E.
Eckerlin, Sr., Mrs. E. Eckerlin Jr.,
Mrs. Mary Ilintzen, Mrs. C. J.
Healy, Mrs. S. Breitenstein and
Mrs. Harry Weis.
... .I . '. .
The OAC club will meet at 8
o'clock tbis evening at the home
of Miss Ola Clark, 765 Marion
street, for the regular1 November
!;' : : -
i Mrs. A. I. Eoff will be hostess
this afternoon for the members of
the Carnation club at her home,
1210 North Capitol street.
Miss Ruth Purvine is spending
a few days in Salem as the guest of
friends and relatives before leav
ing for California to join her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. F. ,E. Purvlne,
at Long Beach.
- The Fairmount Hill club will
meet this afternoon at the home of
Mrs. P. M. Gregory, 1730 Fairmount.
(Continued on pe O
Capital Hai'dvarc Cz
Furniture Co.
Best Price raid
2S3 N. Com'l St. Phone 217
l - I. " V; -. -T""- ,. , j- 'XSTT :
I v.-.-.- .,,,..,1.;.;. - . . . .t. -yi n-i 1 it t r -r 1
Our Entire Stock of
'"' V. : .''- ' ''"' ' v V " '."
High Grade j Coats,
Suits, Dresses, Milli
nery and Hosiery
Gdnimehcing Thurs
day, Nov. 13th, 10
a. m.
2 fe 2o
Broadway Bath - 'Olive, Castile? - Peroxide
: - v : ; : ' r :a ' Regular1 10c 'w - i ; ; r ' :
: 2for2Se
iE23f a&Ie Pears, Ml 2e
Iff :" " Tm: '.
This Is
TO PRESENT an event of this
importance at any time would be
unusual. It is doubly so coming as it
does at the height of the season.
Enabling you to select ultra fashion
able apparel from a multitude of strik
ing new feminine styles at consider
able less than on the so called January
sales when the assortments are poor.
Just stop and realize what this means.
Here it is November and , the season
has just started and we are offering
you high grade coats, suits, dresses,
millinery and hosiery at drastic reduc
tions ! I Why ? Because we are over
stocked and must unload regardless of
profit. ,
10 per cent off on all canned fruits, vegetables and
fish if bought in lots of a dozen or more. . V I
Special attention I always given to children that
mothers send to shop for thect. V V j
Group 1
In this group you will find nifty dresses
of silk and satin, regularly 1 A QC
priced to $25.00. Now :... PlHtOD
' ' Group 2 ' VIL
We have assembled in the group smart
dresse of silk, wool and satin ma
terial regularly priced to lOf QC
$49.50. Now LtU.OD ,
Group 3 j ;
We have assembled in this group beau
tiful dresses in silk, i satin, wool and
flannel materials, regularly (f1 A OC
priced $39.50. Now .. . ... P1 V. Op
, Group 4
You will find in this group -of dresses
the choicest models of the season,
dresses that sold regularly dQQ QC,
to $59.50. Now $OVmOO
Group 5 J i
In this group you will find the rarest
models of smart dresses that are simply
exquisite. Regularly priced dA QC
to $69.50. Now , :.........
M K.
1 ip:
Group, 11
We have in assembled in this group
trimmed hats that: sold regularly to
$12.50., '
Now .Viv - ---
Group 12
We have in this V group
trimmed hats that sold reg
ularly to 18.00. Now .....
Group 13
In this group you will find the most ex
quisite models of the season
sold regularly to $25.00.
Now -
Hats that
Group 14
In this group you will find felt hats of
every type. C9 QC
Priced ...........:..:.... Od
Group 6
We have assembled in this group sev
eral nifty sport coats that "sold regular-
owf3?-00-. $19.85
Group 7 r
We have assembled in this group fur
trimmed coats that sold JOA 0j
regularly to $45.00. Now .... PmOJ
Group 8
We have in this lot coats of Bolivia
Bonevine and ! Ormandale tastely
trimmed with fur. Priced &A A OC
to $69.50. Now:..-.......--VOiJ
Group 9
In this group you will find an exquisite
array of coats both in style and material
that.make them charming. A PC
Priced to $125.00. Now ..... WOftOD
Group 10
In this group you will find beyond a
doubt the finest coats the -market pro
duces. Priced to' $145.00. gQg gJ
The Sale Starts Thursday, v; 1
100 pairs of Klear silk hose,
$1.25 regular. While they last
vvflrr : us n.
Liberty Street
We have' assembled ' in one lot 12
beautiful Pori twMed tailored sulta
that sold regularly at $59.50, now i
Salem, Oregon
! .