The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 13, 1924, Page 5, Image 5

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P Siis If Dcm-. 0fr c
bine Stagnated Workers Are Idle Payrolls Are Small Buying Ceases Merchandise
rice Cutting Methods to Liquidate and Turn Their Surplus Stock Into Cash!
I JL . ' ' ' .... . .
I 5. -
Cuts loose from all former prices
and regular profits for 13 days
1, and Slaughtered i Below
All Previous Low Levels in A Great Store Wide
..... -V--
Pre-Holiday Event i in the Last Decade Including Many Hitherto Unadvertised Lines At a Sacrifice!
lLL Vii ii-y
1 4, 9
ciak. Come and price our groceries and you will
bo convinced that they represent real value that will
compare favorably with any Chain Store or Mail
Order house in America.
Aluminum Percolators
Heavy Gauge, Glass Top 6 Cap Percolators,
Panelled Colonial models only; extra special
in economy basement,
Women's Neck Scarfs
Reg. $3.25 Tubular Knit Fibre Silk Neck
Scarfs for, Women long fringe trims and
a wide variety of attractive Stripe Pat
terns; special, each
lite. 85 Piain and Pocket and Belted
Brushed Wool Scarfs, extra wide styles,
beautiful color combinations; specially re
duced for this sale to ,
New Silk and Broadcloth Blouses
Mannish Styled Cotton Broadcloth Blouses in Grey,
Fawn and White, regular 12.75 values f 1.08
Reg. 85 Pongee Silk Blouses In both pleated front and
Mannish Collared models; special reduced to $3.75
Reg. 6.50 Heavy Canton and Roshenara Crepe BIonr?ea
with attractive Beaded and Embroidered fronts; ou
at $4.49
One special lot of regularly up to 8 Flannel and Tin
Serge Middies, specially reduced for this sale to 5 1. us
xeg. 6.00 Imported Russian Tmen Luncn sets, ln
ludtn attractively figured Blue or Yellow Table
;loth and set of 6 napkins to match
: , $4.49
XeZk $2.25 Mercerized Damask Lnnch Cloths, 63x
i4; special Thanksgiving sale price, each
! ; $1.69.
leg. 30c Talae "Stevens) Pure Lrnen. 17 inch
;raeh Towelling; extra special, per yard I
I 19c :)h-r
lereerized Damask Hemmed Napkins, 22x22, a
are 60c values, specially reduced to, each
! ..' 39c '.
legv $2.50 Quality Silence Cloth, quilted with 100
er cent new pure white cotton, securely hemmed
nd sutched
Thousands of Yards of Seasonable Fabrics Go in a
' . i.
SALE . ' :. '
30 full bolts of fancy striped Reg. 25c grade 36-in. bungalow Reg. $2 black, blue and brown
36-in. outing flannels', 3 S-in. cretonnes in a large assortment 46 inch storm serge, medium
wide, go at this remarkable of light and dark shades 1t' weight, smooth fin- ?l nQ
prlce , - ; 99- per yd. .. .1. ........ lifC Ish per yd V lOV
per yard .LLC ? ' :j . , r - s -
i s .i - - ... - -rr ' Reg. 2, quality granite cloth In
Reg. 55c blue, grey, 1 lavender, Pequot bleached . and . un- in all popular shades, specially
and pink, figured kimona flan- bleached, 9-4 sheeting, - n r useful for children's, school
nel, 36-in. wide, extra nQ yd. ... .. !....'..... . ODC dresses 36-in. wide, OQ
special, per yd. ....... OiJ C I per yd. wtJIOC
' , Reg. $3.75 value, extra heavy Reg. $3.50 novelty wool crepes,
Keg. 25c quality white, cream broadcloth dress flannel in all 8 different colors and 16 dif-
and ecru curtain scrim sub- popular solid colors, special ferent weaves to choose from,
stantially reduced 1Q. sale, price. fcO 7Q special sale price, o e
to per yd. ...... lifC per yd. .......... L i V yd. $L,iO
Special Reductions On AU Blankets
64x76 Double "Almonte" Gray
Blankets with figured borders;
sale price, per pair
Almonte 64x76 Double Blank
ets in Pink, Blue and Fawn
Patterns, per pair
$2.49 )
"Cameo" 66x80 Double Blank
efts, Assorted Large Check Pat
terns, per pair
A Stupendous Sacrifice of
Including a Few Hart Schaf fner & Marx, Kuppen
heimer, Collegian and Other Nationally
Famous Brands at r
i Ram Clothing Specials v
Reg. $4.75 "Black Bear" rain tested, water repellant khaii pants, JC
eale price, per pair ........ ................. .-.j, ..... . )otO
Reg. $3.50 "Rose City" brand "Tin Pants," all izes atnd dark CO IQ
brown shades, special sale price ......... . . i . , . . . . i&LsJ
"Sawyers" reg. $3 slicker raincoat j . . .'.
zre With These and Scores of the Best Bargains Are UNADVERTISED!
jirins Items and
3ipt Attention
.. .... . ..49c
Vecooked Oats,'
,.... SOc
nn package. . . .39c
ifst, Japan or
............ 33(?
kin, per can. ..... .29c
2 oj. botUe.. S3c
........... ...40C
bottle, t. ...... ,89c
....... ....$1.74
slze package ....... 21c
mour'B Milk, 4 etna 33c
3oap, 6 bars for. i . .23
say Soap, 13 bars.i. .49c
j Handles, special.-.14c
acliage -.22c
I - '
Staple Necessities - j
Phone 1333 i
.' ' ; .v , ... j , j ; .
White King Washing Powder, large pkg.. ...42c
Sea Foam, Citrns and Star Naptha, large pkg. 21c
Alber'8 Flapjack, Carnation Pancake or
Olympic Pancake Flour, 9 lb. sacks . .... . .65c
Washington, Mrs. Schiel's Egg Noodles,
. Vermicelli, Spaghetti and Macaroni, 3 pkgs. 19c
Tomatoes, pure. In large 2 cans, 2 cans.... 25c
Lakerlew Peas in No. 2 tins, i cans for..... 25c
'3 Pkgs. Argo. Corn Starch . . . ..... ... .25c
Sonmald and Pansy, Seeded or Seedless
naisins, pkg. ........ ..10c
,--(.-. i -
Campbell's or Columbia Tomato Soup, 3 cans.. 23c
Best Creamery Butter, per lb ,.40c
Wesson's .Oil, per Qt.; can . I .-.47c
Small White Beans, special 3 lbs. for... 22
Calumet Baking Powder, per 1 lb. can. . . . . . .28c
Kerr's Jelly, 6 os. jars, 3 for 25c
George Washington Tobacco,' 1 lb. Lnnch Box 60c
Prince Albert, per 1 lb. can ............. .$1.02
Ringer Brand
Royal Club
Mb. Tin
U Hi ifl
Full Cream
24c I
m I'
per lb.
Cascade Pure Lard
No. 10 Pail $1.49
; i;. Only; a Few of the Many Economy Basement
Shoe Bargains ' : '
Women's $5.50, patent kid and One big'lot of women's reg. 75c
calf shoes, specially priced for f QQ new etock toe rubbers, special per QQ.
quick close out ait per pair ... . $liJO pair ................ .
One special lot of women's toe JQ, 200 pair of women's and grow-
rubbers, mostly small sizes special ;lifC ing girls' kid and calf lace shoes,
. . i .. made by such famous makers as
One special lot of men's hob ' Peters, Friedman, Shelby and
nailed army shoes, specially re- - Douglas, values up to $6.50, AO
duced for quick close ou ' '. CO Per PaIr - V5'0
per pair ................. . , $fxV - ; : H 1 : ""-
1 : t Men's dress shoes, reg. up to
One special lot of odd pairs of - .50, Including Petere W. I-
men'a hip rubber boots, reg. up 1 QQ Douglas. Weyenbags.. Hannah
to 36.50 perpair, nale price.... $l.yO and other famous makers, spe- Jo QO
cial per pair ................
One broken lot Of men's and r " , f mn "
women's 1 and 2 .buckled artics (1 QQ Women's reg. 15 California mo-
reg. pricea up to f.50 sale price l.t5 del outing boots, 10 inch top, ex- go QO
; ; j tra special per pair ......... .
Drastic disposal oi one big lot of " " ' . ',
women's and children's felt and leather Reg. up to M-50 womens yicl
soled house elippen;. CA- comfoft ElipP?r8:rt" 8 AU
sale price ....... A. . ........... OUC plain and . ?!V. . .T $2.49
Closing out one special lot of men's : - , , , " . . " "
and boys' button shores, while they QQ Women's Tie! kid elastic eide
last, per pair . . . . .V,. VOC comfort slippers, during this sale o &Q
- - - r - only, per pair .............. v.
Closing out one big lot of men's ' ' , " " t. ...
14 and 16 Inch all le ather high up to $6 low heel satin . - .
top boots, reg. up ftd 9.50. Q QQ straps for women, , all sizes, M Oft
sale price . . 7. . . . . . .. ....... 3U.0 sale price per pair
One special lot of men's' Alaska , Reg. $4 black and brown kid ox-
U storm rubbers, out ofi the table, QQ fords for women, sale price (per CO QQ
while they last, per. i3alr 5OC pair .j... $LVO
Remarkable Men's Cap iValues
Reg. $2 grades of Men's Large Shaped Golf Caps
In a full range of sizes from 6 7-8 to 7 3-8. each
A. wonderful assortment of 30. dozen $3 caps for
men in all the newest' fabrics and colors and
snapes sale price
Real Savings on Men's. Shirts f ( '
Reg. $3 O.'D. army style, double elbow, twof pocket, lined V 1 flQ
bosom shirts, special sale, price' ........ . . i
Fancy $6 brown, green, blue and red check and plain, 0 OC
heavy wool flannel shirts. . . ..... .y,. . w ..... .. . . .
Special Sweater, Values for Men
Reg. 84.50 fleeced wool, back coa style sweaters, 2 pockets OC
and adjustable strap wrists, sale, price L VO
One special lot of green and bcowit heather mixture sweat- CO '70
ers, coat styles, 2 and 4 pockets, sale price ..... ... .... J
Reg. 83.50 boys all wool ami wool mixed pullorer and coat 1 Q O
sweaters in a large variety of colors . . .". .:. ... . ... .... v l
A Real Sale of Men's Winter Unions
Reg. 82 ribbed cotton men's unions. Including Haynes and & Q
It P-
Mayos. All eiz'es? per suit . . : . . . . . . . . . .'. . .
Wright's 85 spring needle wool union suits, all. QC
sizes ......... , . .. ... ... .... . . ... .... ............ ,; vmD
Medlicott's special $9 Shetland wool union suits, all sizes,
long sleeves and ankle length
1 I
j, v
.1 '
r ;.
J?' x
fe 4r fe m ipo i