The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 13, 1924, Page 4, Image 4

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-. -iC -nv-' u.V'.i -V1' ''-r-s V
I - I . "
Election Time! Once Every Four Years the Mercantile Institutions of the Nation L
-i.viutiiuiciLCd niiu vncc in ijvcijr iiuui icaio mciuiauiD ni u & uaiu, ty
Loaded with the Finest Stock of
Merchandise in Its History
i i r i
Announcing the Greatest Bargain
Event of the Year With Prices Cut, S!nc'
i ... 1
i "i
. i
Big Economy Store Offers the
i "jj jl 4 r
Grandest Aggregation ; of Super Values Ever
of Super Values
Quoted for An
Women's; New Sweaters
A specialty featured group of Tuxedo Collared and Lace
Front All Wool Sweaters, regularly valued at $3; special
- : -.i. $t.08 '.. ' . " ; ; U
Special aBsortment of $5 Fibre ' Silk and Mixed Wool
Novelty Stripe and Plain Sweaters for quick sale at, each
New $10 and $1? Coatee Double Breasted Sweaters with
full flowing loose sleeves, hennas, fawns, greys and pow
der blues with ! rainbow bordered - skirts and sleeves
; t SV: . v.V:- v -i:-.. $3.88 . ;
Reg. $4 Children's Crush
ed, Wool Sweaters in both
tie neck and coat styles;
special at each $2.49
Large Girls $5 Sweaters
in sizes 3 to 14, including
many silk faced brushed
wool models $3.08
Reg. $1.75 Blue
- Denim 4
Overalls :
$2.25 Women's Wool Hose
A full range of sizes and all styles silk and
wool, woolv clocked, ribbed knit and dropped
stitched patterns . if-
? The wonderful savings shown in the items
vertised here give you only a faint idea of tho in. v
mense Variety of bargains on staple groceries as
as fancy specials for Thanksgiving and holiday cp'
Drastic Price Cuts on Several Groups of
Clever j Silk and Wool Dresses
Jersey Dresses, all colors and; sizes, special
ly priced
! f
The Best Dress Value this fall shown In this
group ot Light and Dark Silk Dresses regu
larly up to $18
A splendid group of Canton Crepes, Chinilles
and Satin: Back Crepes, mostly $20 ' and
J 2 2.50 values
! . i
Roshinara Crepe Satin Back Crepe Can
tons and Twill Sheen's are represented In a
large variety of new 1924 models reduced
from- $25 to f L
A large assortment of Dresses fashioned from
Charmagne Polret Twills and all the newer
materials regularly up to $30; extra special
$22.50 :
Many remarkable $35 and $37.50 Pan. Velvets
and Chenilles and high grade Canton Crepe
garments sacrificed during this sale at
:. $27.95
The Most Extraordinary Values Ever Offered
A Real Sale of; New Coats
Many Lavishly Fur Trimmed With Moufflon Natural and Dyed
Oppossum ':and Platinum Wolf Collars
A special closeout price on a large
lot women's all wool fully lined
Sport Coats, patch pocket models
with wide convertible collars
"'' $12,98
Extra! Extra special assortment of
new "Block Weave" Full Lined Wool
Coats, long models made on the new
lapover two button styles .
An unusual Bargain .here! Blocked
Wool, Downey Wool and Embroid
'ered Trimmed Bolivia Coats, well
worth up to $25
Several Coats with Natural Oppos
sum Collars and Cuffs, and all the
newest shades of Block Downey Wool
and Silk Bolivia sacrificed in one
great group at, each
A splendid selection of Lavishly Fur.
Trimmed Silk Bolivia and Downey
Wools, silk lined throughout; will
be sold out at -
The "New Mufflon and Mushroom
Styled Squirrel, Platinum Wool and
high grade oppossum collars fea
tured in this group of lustrous silk
Bolivias, reduced from $50 and $60
to, each'
Tour choice of any Marten, Cooney.
Seal or Beaver Coat or Jacquette
during this sale at only "
Reg. $1.S0 Mercerized Table Damask, , 72 lnct:
wide, 14 different patterns to choose fron, at re.4
- . 79c. j.
Basco Satin Finished 72 Inch Table Damaslc; extra
special for this sale, per yard v
Reg. $3.00 Pure Irish Linen Table DamasK, 72
Inches wide, several attractive patterns, per jar
Reg. $7.00 Pure Irish Linen Hemstitched Tat!
Cloths, a special close out lot 2 .yards square.
saie price, eacn
Pleated Wool Crepe
All Wool Reg. $4 Sport Check and Serge,
Tricotine and Polret Twill Dress Skirts in
one special lot at
New Fall Wool CrepeBox Pleat, Knife
Pleat and i Combination Pleated Sport
Styles in Nickel, Fawn, Cinnamon and
Henna . - ? -.; , !"."'.- -
$3.49 and $3.98
Only Once in Four Years Do You Find Values and Prices That Cz:
Special Hat Values for Women
A large group of 40 Hats that sell regularly up to $7, special re
duced for this sale to only j
Another special lot of $8.50 Pan Velvet and exquisitely trimmed Silk
Hats go in this sale for quick action at
Unusual Low Priced Child's Coats
Hxed Woo
price . -. .
ur Coats
A specal lot ot regular; $4 Mixed Wool Coats In Dark Colors only,
semi lined and unlined; sale price j
Stylish little Polo and Velour Coats in stzes 4 to 9, neatly em-
oroiaerea ana trimmed, sio values
Girls' Wool and Velvet Dresses
i Dresses
1 sale pric
Tresses lin
te only
Reg. $7.50 Checked Woolen Dresses with Pleated Skirts for girls
from 8 to 14 years; special sale price
$6.50 Embroidered Velvet Dresses in Brown and Navy only, sizes
iruxu j to o; a u ring mis saie omj
: Multitudes of Savings in the Big
Ecomdmv Basement
i size, gray cotton blankets' QOj
New O. D. army blankets, reg. do QQ
up to $5, now vvvO
Rain slicker overall pants, reg. OC
up to $2.50, on sale at. . ....... .jy XLiD
A large assortment of grey enamel dish
pans, stew kettles, wash basins, OQ
sauce pans, etc., special each uC
Reg. 15c heavy tin dust pans, sale
price .......
9 c
Reg. $3.50 jewel copper bottom QQ
wah boilers
Reg. $1.00 nickeled plated Ever ylQ
. V , .......... .... xt
Ready Razors
24-piece set of 12 cups and 12
saucers, neat yellow or blue d QQ
flowered designs, ex. spe. per set vltUl
Square Deal ! toilet soap. reg. 10c,
6 bars for .
Women's and children's 35c knit
ted yarn gloves, special for this
Women's up to $5 ail . wool
sweaters and Jacquettes, while Q
they last . . . . J . . . . . iT. 7?
. 1 i '
f.'. : : .
O. D. army lace knee pants, eale Qg,
price .......... v i ;t
Army short coats, help yourself and AQr
fit yourself, per garment. .......
One big lot of men's, women's, girls and
boys sweaters, - coats, suits, t , blouses,
raincoate. dresses ' and vests, odd ; lots
from every department in the store1, for
merly priced up to $10, on sale at .' ;
and up to
vanized pails, for g
10 qt. heavy galvanized pails, for
quick sale . .
No. 1 heavy galvanized tubs, ex- 7Q
tra special ....... i... iVC
49-lb. sack
49-lb. sack
49-lb. sack
L An Immense Variety of Tasty jTHi;
C. O. D. and Special Orders Given
Snowdrift Flour, 24 lb. sack .............. ,09c
Snowdrift Flour, 10 lb. sack . ... . . . ... . . . . . ,50c
Olympic Flour, 24 lb. sack . . . . . . ..... . . . .91.02
Olympic Flour, 10 lb! sack ... . . . ' ; ... ; . . . .32c
Farina, 9 lb. sack ....... i . ; ... . . . . , . . . . t .52c
Pastry Flour, 9 lb. sack .. '-. . . . ;.f.'. ' .-...... ; . . , 45c
Alber's MJnit Oats, 9 lb. sack . .. . . Ji.. . . .. .55c
Olympic Wheat Hearts, 9 lb. sack .'. . . . . . . .50c
Olympic Fine or Coarse Graham Flour,
9 lb. sack ............. ;. .44c
Royal Club or Schilling's Tea, green or black,
H lb. pkg. i .. . . ...... . . ... ........... ,32c
1 lb. pkg. ..... . i -i . .C3c
Royal Club Catsup, per bottle . . . . . . ... . . . i .22c
Preferred! Stock Catsup, per bottle .22c
Del Monte Catsup, per bottle . . .22o
Strictly Fresh Eggs, pe,r dozen V ....... , . . . ,50c
Maxwell Hpuse Coffee, satisfaction guaranteed, :
1. lb. ... . . ...i . ......... . , . . ,40c
3 lb. J . . . . . .. ...... . . . . .f 1.45
. i 4 i
Preferred Stock Coffee,. 1
2 lb. tin
Schilling's Coffee j 2i 'lb
Carnation Wheat Flakt'j
large premium pacL -Mother's
Crushed! Oaii
Special Bulk English I re
Gunpowder tea, per, lb.
Gallon Cans Special
A and L Vanila Extrqt, :
4-oz. bottle . . .
Royal Club Pure Vat: -i,
16 oz. bottle ........
Alber's Minit Oats, lrje
Borden's, Carnation a: 1 A
Crystal White and P I G
W'hite Yonder and E ;
Mop-Sticks for Cbaia re;
Olympic Pancakia Flc j
ave Ann a get;: ' :
1 Cascade Pure Lard
No. 5 Pail 75C
ee re
Under New Management : :
-v yoo$ &p ,:mpQ -
) I . M t i i
' i ( i :