The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 13, 1924, Page 12, Image 12

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'! II L i LI;
!..,,IIL lllLlll llJl.Ll
sveraf Farrrr ; Reminders
From Experts at Oregon
. Agricutural College
j (Following: are paragraphs from
i current bulletin of the depart
est' of Industrial journalism of
;e Oregon Agricultural college:)
j Honey is firsf collected from
ie flowers by the bee In the form
? a thin nectar, consisting of
oii 60 per "cent water and 40
:r cent sgarvTwo changes; take
.ace; In nectar to form honey,
he. bees concentrate the sugar by
,apo rating - the water and thug
aprOre the flaror. A chemical
,zi$e takes place. similar to ythe
rocess that goes on in the Human
oriach after eating cane sugi r.
s a result the sugar is In a fazyn
wtt can be easily absorbed by the
ozt particular digestive systemt
0 A. C. experiment station.
For bringing back depleted Ore
soils stable manure is best
ad cheapest when,, available. Next
:st are the commercial fertiliz--3
of which ,. lime,, phosphates,
;!fur ' and potash are the most
-; crtanU.TheJC-Talae Js.striklng-
sifivrri Iff Increased grain yields
i the Oregon' Agricultural col
a experiment farms. On an lr
sated plot to which lime, manure
:i. superphosphatehad been
'.lii 72 H bushels of wheat per
ra weTe grown. rf :"'-.
jM'.Xu .
The troper'way to store 'honey
; la a warnlajid dry place.; Thus
orej honey -will keep for many
oaths, even years, i saya '.H. A.
fallen, bee specialist at O. A. C.
. Till not keep Well stored in a
Id, damp cellar. The carta rust,
3, if the' honey is comb honey,
13- likely to draw moisture and
riulate, much more quickly
an when, kept In the pantry or
.itr warm places. ,
''any fields , needing drainage
; iuced .wonderful fall : grain
cpV ,Ia 1924, as there, was so
:.:a rainfall, resulting In & small
noant of .water-logging last win
r T7Ith normal rainfall many of
3 fields will be drowned out
' - i adequate surface drainage
. provided. Good furrows carry
? water from low places and the
ilas of the ends of dead fur
: .will often, keep the water
d low enough for a good crop
TLa thorough drying out of
i.corn la Oregon this fall la
.amended by the experiment
.if: 3, in order to have a good
; j!y for next - - year'a planting,
1 I ' " l
You vHll. enjoy the aftenbon twice as mucH aftei siicH a
mcrnlng'iJ achievemen t And it really is surprising how little
time it takes to make: good things to eat when you use the
new liquid shcrtenirigAmaiza j 1 I
Amaiio makes possible somany short cuts. For instance,
you 3o not Have "to melt Amaizo of dig it from its container,
cr cream it -and it measures easily and accurately.
Ydiir grocer can supply ydii with
Another winter as 'mild and dry as
that of 1923-1324 can hardly be
expected "
V i (Continued from pas 10) r
;V; i'i .. i vy
keep their shiape and make a pre
serve of exceptional .quality. t Al
tnough we Iiaye no j data on the
shrinkage, ,we: noted no pronounc
ed shrinkage ( (about the ordinary)
wben making these berries into
presenres. ; -...,,-: JU..: -.'.;
; 5Ve believe thai the possibili
ties j, from the standpoint of canning-
are very good, atid further
plantings should 4le tried out.
Very," truly, ; . J.J '.":
, 1 .. . . ..... E H.1 WIEQAND."
I A Word to Beginners '
Hoping these few; remarks. will
be of Interest to all who are think
ing jo planting strawberries,' and
of interest to the canners who are
anxious to have the' growers plant
a variety that they . can use, also
that this will be a profitable varie
ty to grow, yours respectf ullyl v
. ' E. M. BAILEY. .
Salem, Ore., p.F.D. 9, Box 53,
Novi. 10, 1924. I f ! .
(Mr. Wiegarid, who wrote the
above letter to Mr. - Bailey Is as
sistant professor . of; horticultural
products of the Oregon AEricult,nr
l college, and is a good authority.
Ed.) . ---!' . ' -V" ,
Trade Success Feature
Of Wembley Exfiifiition
, 1
LONDON, - Oct. 22. (AP. If
th e j Wembley Exhibition has not
been a financial success to the pro
motbrs. It has been an unqualified
success from the point of view of
sales and orders. . Many new mar
kets it Is declared, have i been
created thorough the exposure of
goods, and some Canadian and
Australian manufacturers have
sold; their outputs' for the next five
years. ' : ' ! '
Among - the big business deals
concluded, . the following are re
corded: i .
ii One engineering firm received
orders from f Ive different munici
palities for an equal number of
electrical generating installations;
a provincial grpcer increased his
sale of New Zealand butter by 100
perl cent in two x. months; a Cana
dian dried . milk, dealer ' sold his
output for the next j five years' to
a British firm; one million boxes
of Canadian fruit were ordered by
European buyers; sales in the In
dian Pavilion' amounted to $250,
009 In three months; the little col
ony of Cyprus was i overwhelmed
with orders, one French firm
asked tor 20,00 dpzen root heels,
and another dealer, ordered $145,
000 worth, of Cyprus, asbestos.
jjm. inejaaiiieq , peq Xiqnqojd
U.D4BOI 2nipp3M. v 8B i.sjajpios un
-suno,; Strfieid aoj paijj
903 OHM. jbiubSjo flsji3na aqi
Calve fdrDiessert tbnight
arid cbocies for Tommy
vJlien he gets home
from cdwbU
( )
Write jor me free Amaizo Cook Boole
which gives many excellent recipes, end hints for saving time and
labor in food preparation. Address: ill W. Monroe St-, Chicago, TIL
Mlf M II B il I AG E
Adele Garrison . New Phase , of
Copyright 1921, by Newspaper
, Feature Service; Inc.
In any emergency calling .for
his professional skill all of Dr.
Pettit'a unpleasant mannerisms
and his shy stiffness seem to slip
from this shoulders as a cloak
might, do, leaving a resoluteness,
eurenesa of his own powers, coup
led with an . adequate authority
which spell assurance and safety
to the patients, and their friends.
There is no man, I think, whose
personal mannerisms I dislike eo
much, yet there is none to whose
skill I would more : readily trust
my loved ones. . . 4 , . ;
Hist quick, low-toned directions
to Lillian to have the man Smith
brought upstairs was followed by
an equally thick but almost, curt
command to me:
"Please show me . the room
where young Chester Is."
It, was not until In his wake I
reached the ' foot of the stairs,
that my confused brain realized
the absurdity of his question. He
must have visited young Chester
before his colloquy with Smith
and have known exactly where; his
room was. I acquitted his meticu
lous memory of forgetting the: lo
cation and looked at him furtively.
wondering just what was going
on behind the expressionless mask
that was his face.
That he wished to speak to me
unheard by . anyone else this
was the only solution which oc
curred to me, and 1 was just re
proaching myself for Its absurd
ity; when he stopped abruptly and
looked at me with an odd, strain
ed expression.
"Where is your husband?" he
asked abruptly. .
"Are You Sure?"
. His manner was almost offen
sive, and my answer was as curt
as I could decently manage. .
"In the-Adlrondacks."
; He started perceptibly, and his
eyes narrowed. ; m. ....
"Are you sure?" he demanded.
I stared at him la resentful
amazement; and he turned his
eyes away from mine quickly.
. I'beg your pardon," he mut
tered, "and I don't need you. I
know the way." 1
"Ij knew, you did. jl could not
help the retort; but 1 1 made It
only.when: I was" In full retreat
toward the library. C
' I found Lillian directing ' the
transportation of the man Smith.
. "He's ; a 'i bit heavy to carry,
she decided. "Loosen hl3 ' ankle
bonds, enough to enable him to
take very short steps. ;.Then one
of i you on either side, ,but with
his hands " bound, he'll, be , safe
enough. , But . look; out for him.
An eel is a turtle on its back com
pared to him." -
There was .'vanity In Smith's
eyes, and I guessed ;that Lillian
had made the comment purposely.
And when the operatives had car
ried out her directions and escort
ed! the scowling but acquiescent
Smith through the' door, she con
firmed my guess in a hasty part
ing ' word ' before : following the
A Puzzling Question.
"Did you see him swallow it?"
she remarked;, gleefully. . ; "We
want to feed him all that kind of
stuff we can to make him think
we're terribly? afraid of his get
ting loose. If his conceit gets
sufficiently inflated, he won't be
so apt to reflect upon the ease
with which he Is going to "escape
our custody after awhile." j
"You're really going to let liim
go then?". I -whispered back, and
wished I had not spoken when I
saw the annoyance flash into Lil
lian's eyes, y , ' .
"We have to," she said shortly.
Then ehe spoke again quickly be
fore I had , time to voice apology
for my banality.. ,
; "There's really no use of -your
coming with me," she said; "It
won't -be exactly a pleasant ex
perience I fancy, Katie needs no
attention.? ; Dr. Pettit attended to
her hroat, and gave her a mild
sleeping draught. She's safe un
til tomorrow, morning."
"But for the love of . the fam
ily's s peace, her eyes twinkled,
"do go to your mother-in-law.
She gave me her word that no
matter what she heard she would
n't, come out of her room, but can
yom imagine her state of mind,
with all this hullabaloo? She has
too , much common sense to be
frightened, but her curiosity and
longing to be in the middle of
things will kill her sure, if she
Isn't given some news pretty soon.
I know," as I made an involun-
"'WCl'L . .ALIA;-, ' M JtwVC: VV M, f Tl TAjr.f ,rULJJ-u
98 c
and 3 Coupon
Ashes to Ashes ' "
"When the frost is on the punkin
And the fodder's In the shock," :
That's the time we hunt up Uncle
For the overcoat in -hock;
Then we put away the ice flag; .
Stkrt again the furnace fire
Andbegin! to cart out ashes!
Gosh! How that does raise my ire!
-......-.:..-..,.... .....
Poets do a lot of raving
Praising, winter's snow and Ice;
If they were of. my opinion
They would not think it so nice,
For when spring at last approach
. es ; - . seems that I have done.
Was to spend nights, noons, and
mornings . 1 ,
Carting ashes by the ton. i
In my soul I am a rascal;
I would like to fight and cheat,
Hold up trains and shoot the sher
iff; . ' '
Robbing banks would be a treat;
But I lead 'a life of virtue .
For I fear, when I have died,.
They wouldset me carting ashes
Over on the other side.
It Ain't Gonna
Lois: "What makes your feot
so wet?"
Dorothy: ' "I've been wearing
. ; . . -,v.i Ned Ogilvie.
tary gesture of' apprehensive re-luctance-"Daniel
eticking his
Jittle 1 noodle in the A lion's den
will have nothing on you, but it's
got to be done. And I'll promise
you won't miss the picniq with
Smith after. Think of that, and
it will keep your spirits up."
She nodded .me a gay adieu
and was gone. But it was not of
the coming interview with' Smith
that I was thinking as -1 slowly
climbed the stairs to my mother-inj-law's
room. It was of Dr. Pet
tit's unaccountable questions as
to the whereabouts of my husband.
(To be continued)
UjJ v immune.' .. i - caTS
T v"- t .
are jelcarly defined and their proper use explained. A Veritable reference library and treasury of facts.
This paper offers you an opportunity of securing this valuable book for the mere cost of handling. Clip the
coupons and bring or mail to our office today. , . -
A K - E - O
; The Soft. Pedal V .'.
Blinks: "When I ; leave every
morning-1 have to be careful' not
to disturb baby."
Jinks: "You're : just like me.
When I come home at night I step
lightly for fear of : waking baby."
Blinks: "Which baby do you
meaii?" .
. Jinks: "Whlch'baby do you?"
' G. F. P.
. The Reason
' Visitor (observing new radio
set): "I didn't know you. were
crazy about radio."
i Henpeck: "Well, confidential
ly, Ifd . rather listen to that than
to my wife.'- r
Mrs." Charles' Lambert. :
Taking a Hint
All men in swimming he excelled,
- He told the maiden he adored,
And so the charmer, felt impelled
To throw the boaster overboard.
-L. D. Stanbury.
. .' It Can't Be Done . ;
(The humorist was feeling, very
friendly with all the world. He
had just sold a joke to THE FUN
SHOP for five dollars and was
walkiny happily for a beanery to
feed his famished stomach.
Passing the show window of a
hardware store he stopped to look
It ; an J enormous, pair of sheet
metal shears fully two feet long.
"Manicure scissors?" he remarked
to the clerk. v . i
The clerk looked at the humor
ist in astonishment. "Mercy no!"
he replied. "Those are shears
used . by sheet metal workers.
Manicure scissors are little tiny
things !" .
The humorist hurried on. He
arrived at the beanery and seated
himself. , The place was called
"The President's Cafe." The hu
morist 'eyed his glass containing
the ice water. Someone had eat
en eggs recently, and . the dis'a
washer was not thorough.
"The next time the president
tion of the
- itr
'T "LT
-N E- -H--0 iV2E
comes in, remarked the humorist
to ; the blonde waitress, "I wish
you would; ask him to tell - the
dishwasher, to put in more time on
the glasses." '
. . v Why,"., said the female .beaa
slinger,"he never eats here -he'a
In Washington." ' - -
That afternoon they found the
humorist's body In the river. On
his stilled and ! silent r features
there was a look of great and In
describable sadness. : V
But they : never knew why!
They never knew whiy! ?
. Leona Bagwell.
The Formalities ;
dene: .' ."Marry me right away'
. .Marion: "Oh, I couldn't do
that! ' Wait until tomorrow.
Anne Toohey. .
, Wally, the Mystic V
He'll Answer Your Questions,
, Somehow
The blushing maid or calloused
; . man r '
From Mystic Wally surely can
Get wise advice on any sticker;
So write him,' hick or city slicker.
.. An Almost Extinct Species
Dear Wally: " '
. I can't help but blush..
Whenever fellows start to gush;
Please tell me how to cure this..
Yours very truly,
Dear Country Miss: , ,
You are, my dear,
A very simple miss, I. fear.
Cosmetics put on rather thick
Will hide the blushes, little hick.
. ...
Safety Firct
Dear Wally: i
'.' 1 I should like to know '
On which side of a girl to go.. ,
Vhene'er we j cross a crowded
street -
Yours" very truly, .
Dear Puzzled Pete:
It all depends
Which way the auto traffic wends;
This is the proper thing to do,
Keep her between the - cars and
' you. ' - ? ' ' " :
Call the Doctor
While his mother was dressing
him little Russell,: five' years old,
was looking at his hand. .
"Oh look!" he suddenly yelled
to her, "my middle finger done
beat all dem other ones growing."
M. S. Michel.
DY SPECIAL arrangement with the publishers we
secured the exclusive
The Oregon Stat
S'i (Liic iiiuo ujruruait, ....
"i This dictionary is an abridg
ment from the Standard work on
thttEnglish language by America's
greatest lexicographer; Noah Web
ster, LL.D., revised and brought
up to date so as to include pracd
cally all of the terms in the English
vocabulary which are in ordinarv
3i use as well
xi terms wnicn
2?J only oy tne engineer, architect
51 or advanced student.
A llemarkable barfraiu
1 niTT A I VTH
m l,Vli liiiliO
in general use and is an inexhaustible
source of reliable information. All words
; ; Misleading ;
Dofe: "Darling, I want noth'ns
except to make you happy."
Anita: "Gracious! - I thought
for a moment you were going to
ask we to marry you."
'.Jean. .
VYes,' chuckled the beauty spe
cialist, "success in this business
depends on ' rubbing people - the
right way." '
, '; . A Line or Two . ,
Professor: "What is the line or
least resistance?"
Disgusted Coach: "My football
lineal think.- "
. Martin Scanlan.
; So He Thonght
Mrs. Schuyler: "My daughter
graduated from college last June
with a B.: A. degree."
Englishman: "B. A.? Bobbed
Air, is It?"
F. A. Pitzer.
f. Women are known by the com
pany they are unable to keep.
Some women are more careful
with their money than they are
with their affections.
Just the moment you ., apply
Mentho-Sulphur toan itching,
burning or broken out skin, , tlie
Itching stops and healing. begins,
says a noted -skin specialist. This
sulphur preparation, made into a
pleasant 1 cold cream; gives such
a quick relief, even to fiery ecze
ma, that nothing has ever een
found to take Its place.
Because of its germ-destroying
properties It quickly, subdues the
itching, cools the irritation and
heals the eczema right up. leaving
a clear; smooth skin fn place of
ugly eruptions, rash, pimples or
- You do not have to wait for Im
provement. It quickly shows. You
can get a little jar of Rowles Men-tho-Sulphur
at any drug store.
Adv. - -
right for the distribu
to the readers of the
' rui - -3
Cou. oni
as many technical
would be required
All T! f f? Tr r 'i
ilL.Lt 1 til WUJ