The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 12, 1924, Page 8, Image 8

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rrpvIIB first annual homecoming (
dinner for the members and
"friends of the Unltaxian church
iwill bo held at the church at 6:30
o'clock this erenlnr. Dr. and Mrs.
R. E. Lee stelner will also he
complimented In a farewell way at
this time, since Dr. and Mrs.
Stelner are tearing on Saturday
for sereral months absence. Dr.
sterner served In a fine wav as
uauuiiu ot iae uuiiaiag com
imitteo, and the. congregation owe
Watch- Child's Bowels
ii" a.
California Fig Syrup" is
MdreriV Harmless
? .- -v.
When your child Is constipated,
bilious, has colic, fererish-breath.
Kated-tOBgne, or diarrhea, a tea
spoonful of genuine "California
Fig Syrup" sweetens the stomach
and promptly cleans the bowels of
poisons, gases, bile, souring food
and waste. Never, cramps or over
acts. Contains so narcotics or
soothing drugs. Children love its
delicious taste, i l
" Ask your druggist for genuine
"California Fig Syrup which has
full directions for babies and chil
dren of all ages, plainly printed
on bottle. Mother! You mast say
"California" or, yoa- may get as
Imitation fig syrup. Adv.
him larre thanks. An informal
program of toasts will probably
follow tne dinner.
Those on the committee In
charge, of which Mrs. Qoodenough
is chairman, are: Mrs. Milton
Mevers. Mrs. Goodrich. Mrs. Roy
Barton, and Mrs. Frank Brecken
ridge. . . 1 - ;
Thv November meeting of the
Salem Arts league will be In the
form of a "get-together" tnis
evening at the T. S. Roberts'
studio, 505 North Summer street.
The ladies of the Central Con
gregational church. Nineteenth
and Ferry streets, will hold their
regular monthly silver tea at the
ehurch narlors from 2:30 to 5
o'clock this afternoon.
The hostesses will be Mrs. .
W. Cory, Mrs. Vance, Mrs. McKee,
Mrs. Talmadge and Mrs. Laschele.
f Social Calendar
.i Today w
Unitarian Church dinner. 6:30
o'clock. '; " A ' ;
; Junior Guild of St. Paul's Epis
copal church. Mrs. II. A.. Cor
noyer, 775 North Summer street.
Salem Arts league "get-together,"
Roberts studio, 505 North
Summer street, 8 p. m.
; Woman's Foreign Missionary
society, Mrs. F.H. Thompson, 351
North Summer street, hostess.
. Regular monthly silver tea. Cen
tral Congregational church, 19th
and Ferry streets. 2:30 to 5
o'clock. i .'.-;."
Yomarco class. "Poverty Party".
Dr.' i and Mrs j G. C. Bellinger.
hosts.. I ; . '
Executive committee of the
Woman's Missionary society of the
First Presbyterian church. Mrs.
W. W. Emmons,. 828 North Com
mercial street. 2:30 o'clock.
South Salem ! Friends Mission
ary society. Mrs. J. R. Pember
ton. 1455 South Commercial
street-.. . ... ' . 1 .
t Inspection of Barbara Frietchie
tent. Daughters of Veterans. Mc
Cornack-Hall. 1 !
., Thursday V, .
OAC club. Miss Ola Clark, 765
Marion street, hostess. 8 o'clock.
Golden Hour club. ' Mrs. H. E.
Ingrey, 2041 South Church street.
hostess. i .
Elite Embroidery club. ' Mrs.j
R. M. Ryer, 1105 Broadway, hos
tess. - '
Friday : '
; : First Presbyterian church. Wo
man's Missionary society. Church
parlors. . 2:30 o'clock.
Saturday .:"""
l Three " Link club, country fair
and bazaar, IOOF halls. -
AAUW silver; tea, Willamette
lodge, home . of , Mrs. C Thayer,
North Capitol streets i ; f
For a singer to be able to give
the -public the' full value of his
voice,, he must keep his body in
physical trim. This is the belief
of RIccardo Martin, the great
American tenor, who sings here on
November 18. "Every singer,"
says Mr. Martin, "should keep in
the open as much' as possible. A
brisk walk in all sorts of weather
never fails to" give an artist the
proper spirit to work with. j Per
sonally. I am inclined to believe
that the 'more rugged the exercise.
the more virile and robust tne
singing. Rowing, fencing, boxing
are all good. , Never make your
vocal lesson a task. Get true en
joyment out of all you do. ? For
most of the ills in the worm, a
healthy physique is the best medi
cine. I know " The Martin con
cert will be given at the Grand
Theatre .Tuesday evening, Novem
ber 18. This concert is the sec
ond attraction of the Civic Music
club series. .
The Woman's Home Mission
ary society ; of the Jasoa Lee
Methodist church will meet at
2:30 o'clock this afternoon at the
home of Mrs. E. L. Tyler, 1587
North Winter street. The ladies
of the church and the community
are urged to attend. . ; ;
The members' of the Yomarco
class of the First Methodist church
will meet, for' a "Poverty Party'
this evening at the home of Dr.
and Mrs. G. C. Bellinger.
Beautiful home
dyeing and tint
ing is guaranteed
with Diamond
Dyes. - Just dip in
cold water to tint
soft, d e 1 1 c at e
shades, or boll to
dye rich, , perma
nent colors. Each
15-cent ; package
contains directions so simple any
woman can dye or tint lingerie,
silks, ribbons, skirts, waists,
dresses, coats, stockings, sweaters,
draperies, ' coverings, hangings,
evervthins new.
Buy "Diamond Dyes -no other
kind and tell your druggist whe
ther the material you ; wtsn to
color is wool or silk, or: whether
it is linen, cotton, or mixed goods.
Adv. -, : r - : '
Capital Hardware &
Furniture Co, J
Best Price Paid
283 If. Ooml St, Phone 347
. : AppFoprfaie Coats ;
;M$i- Wear
We are now showing-the Winter Coats in all. of their variations of
materials, designs and colors. j ,
The . popular priced modeJ3 espec
ially adapted to the cifice and
school, miss or for afternoon street
wear are made up, of the late ma
terials. Some are fur trimmed
while others feature' collars of self
material with a specially designed
button as the only trimming.
S9.75 $il48 $16
I '
1 ,
In the more dressy. Coats we are
showing the silk finished Bolivias with
satin lining. Trimmings are Manchurian
Wolf of Mufflin. . ; ; .
Or Suedes with satin linings,' side
ties and seal collars. -t ; !;
Exquisitely tailored are the Teddy
Bear Cloths with tucks and ties. Crepe
lining3 and fur trimmed-
S29.75 td $49.75
If il v .1
i 1 1
- - 11 - ; . : ' ' . - .
1 Cairmed
For National Canned Goods Week we are offering the people of Salem the best lines of
goods to be had any place in the United States. We have gone the limit in reducing prices for
this week. In many parts of the country there was a very short pack of the more staple items and
we advise everyone to buy a supply of all canned goods at this time as they arc sure to be higher.
' - - ',t i
No. 2 !i rreferreil Stock
.Peaches, per can . .40c
2 Cans ....
No. 2 H Preferred Stock
Sliced Peaches . . . 40c
2 Cans '. . .
'iTJ' si." ' '
' Telephone Peas
Per Can SO
12 Cons . $3.20
, 1 Case (2 cans) . .. .. .$4.30
Preferred Stock Garden Peas ....- . . . 25c
Preferred Stock Garden Peas, 12 cans ,. .$2J53
.11 . .
Preferred Stock
Lye Hominy
Per Can 15c
1 3 Cans ...... ...40c
j -it.
1. finJHJt
I : ' -i .. . ,. 7 :
Preferred Stock Sauer Kraut . . . lc
Preferred Stock Dill Pickles . . . . ..... 25c
i .I.
Preferred Stock Snccotash . . .'. ....... 23c
Preferred Stock' Succotash,. 12 cans . . .$2.60
Preferred Stock Pumpkin . 20c
Preferred Stock Pumpkin 2 for . . 37c
'd$i. Preferred Stock
- Corn
Preferred Stock Golden Ban
tam Corn 25c
2 Cans ....... J. . .. .45c
Preferred Stock Tiny Grain
White Corn . 20c
Tiny Grain Corn, 12 cans $25
Preferred Stock Solid Tack Tomatoes. . 20c
Per l9zen . . . . .W. ..... . . ,$2JS5
Per Case .(21 cans) . . . ..... .$1.10
Preferred Stock Cut String Beans .... 21c
2 for . 43c
Preferred Stock Fruit Salad, large cans 43c
Crown Oats LTl
! Large Package Crown
i ' Oats . . . . .23c
Crown Kernels of
Wheat, -2 pkgs. 35c'
Del Monte Canned Goods
Del Monte Yellow Cling
. Peaches ......... .29c
Del Monte Mclba Halves
Peaches 35c
No. 1 Can Pel Monto
ii ir .r i
Del Monte Peas per can 22c
Del Monte Peas per doz. $2.35
Del Monte Peas per case
(24 cans)
No. 2V2 Del Monte Pump- u
kin .I.. -18c
No. 2 Del Monte Crosby
Corn 20c
Xo. 2 Del Monte Crosby
Corn 12 cans . . . .$2.35
No. 2 Del Monte Crosby
'Corn per cs (24 cans) $4.60
1 WHVHi t
Tomatoes ;
No. 2?J Del Monte SoUd
Pack Tomatoes per '
can 19c
Per dozen . , $220
Per Case ... .$4.10
Standard Tomatoes
Per Dozen" . . .$1150
Per Case : , $2.95
Lilly of Valley Goods
Lilly of Valley Tender Sweet June Peas
per can 25c
per Dozen ,$2.30
per ease w . $4.45
' Crown Flour
Crown Pancake Flour 29c
49-lb. Sack Crown Best
Patent Flour . . .$2.13
49-lb. Sack Fisher's :
Blend ........ .$2.19
49-lb. Sack Gold Medal .$2.19
49-lb. Sack Valley Flour ........ . . . .$13
. B i i ios. i-uu cream inewo - i i i
Lilly of the Valley Golden Bantam .... 25c
2 for - . 45c.
per dozen . . ; . . .$2.60
Lilly of Valley Tiny Sweet Peas In pint jars;
regular price 35c, special .......... 25c
Tiny Sweet Peas 35e tins . ....... 25c
Standard Corn 2 cans 29c
Standard Corn "per dozen . ....... . . . .$1.78
Standard Corn per case . . . ... . . . . . ,$3J0
Garden Run Peas per can ............ 15c
Garden Run Peas 12 cans ......... .$1.75
Garden Run Peas per case $3.40
i i . . . ;
Royal Club Tender Peas can . . ........ 22c
Royal Club Tender Peas 12 cans ...... $2.40
Royal Club Solid pack tomatoes 2 for. . 35c
! Miscellanepuj
10 .Bars Crystal
White soap and. 2
10c bars Creme
011 Toilet soap
for...- 49c
1 Large Package
Peet's Powdered
Soap; 2 Crystal
White Soap aU
for the price of
the soap powder,'
, 1 y
1 Old Dutch Cleanser-.
3 for .23c
Sun Brite Cleanser
2 for ..... ..:......:i2c
No. 10 Amber
Karo ............69c
No. 10 White
v Karo . ...79c
3 lbs. .
O lbs.
9 1 Us. . ,
. . .$1.55
; S I
4 lbs. Snow Drift . . , J. . . . . .
8 lbs. Snow lrift . . .
Nut Marearino 3 lbs.
2 lbs. Full Cream Cheeo
. . . . . 97c
. ... . . . .$1.89
. . .75c
fV j4"C 1.11 w L'r
1 TT3
49-lb. Sack Vim Flour 32.03
3 cans Dairy Gold Milk
16 ox, Vaccuum tin '-. -. . 79c
3 rocket Tins ..... V . .29c
- - - -: '. - - -. ; j
Star, fxrse. Shoe, Climax-
Pound plugs ....... ,69c
In our new meat department there awaits your selection a fancy line of United States inspected meats not exceeded any
where in this country and the best of it.all is the prices are no higher than ordinary, meat is sold.
It's Your Guarantee of Service Plus Quality ; j
- .
' I'
7 a. : - s . y. . x szs