The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 09, 1924, Page 8, Image 8

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    lil''X.ULi4t SA.Lsl, Uiii-UU
Letter Received From Fran
cis Kinch, Who Is Now in
" Missionary Work
.. A. C. Bohrnstedt. teacher and
leader of j the Lire Wire Sunday
School- class or the Leslie Metho
dist church, has received a com
fiinnicatkm from Francis Kinck.ta
former 'member of his class who
fa now - a. missionary at Casilla.
, Innlque. . Chile. South America.
Kinck I9 graduate of Willamette
unirersity and has been in South
America for the past year. He Is
o'ne of seteral Live Wires who are
in the foreign field. ,
Mr. Kinch describes a small
group of nilschievous Chilean boys
Who are studying out loud and
Rives a short description of their
characteristics and especially of
their moral responsibility.
? "Here lit 'is Saturday, which
means that our meet's vacation Is
nearly orer with. We have a
week's vacation at this time of the
year, in" celebration of the Inde
pendence of Chile, the lfith of
September. Mostof the boys who
live In - the school have gone to
their homes afnd will be coming
Sack tomorrow or Monday. These
folks sure like 'to ; stay out late
ami every night If they can find
anything to go to. Everybody
goes to church (that are -church
membersj Sunday evening, to Ep
worth league Tuesday evening,
prayer -meeting J Thursday evening
arid to ahy-other thing that' they
Sofa Tat Reduction
a Why be Utt Th answer of most, fat
peopla ia hr.t constant dieting ia hard,
(ealiimt xrrcis is tirriont
arid rxhoj!iTe and then, too, it raiftat
L tiarmfuf to force the weight down,
That waa the old-fashioned idea Today
in Marmola Preaviption Tablet all thai
?iff icaltiea are orerrome. , Jut a pleasant
Jittle tablet: after each meal and at bd
t:aa causes, fat to wantih. : Tti modern
Method ia. easy, entails no dieting or ex-'
ercitinf and haa the added drantare or
cheapness. '
Get box of the tablets, and start
f akiac ' theaa now. . Within a abort time :
you will be jet tine rid of fat steadily and
i tisily without starvation diet or tiresome
psereia. You -will he comfortable and
able t enjoy the food you like and' want.
J-.ti-u after taking off many pounds, there
vfMl be no flihbiness or wriaklea. remain
is?. Yon will feel 100 per eent better.
All dm stores the world, orer sell Mar
mola i r s.ription Tablets at . one dollar
for a box, or the Marmola Company, Gen
eral Motors- Baildiiwr, ltroit. Miciu,- will
gladly cend theic to jctt on receipt ef the
priee. Adv. ,. -
can find going on the other nights
of the week." ; -
That the missionary work will
suffer next year, is a statement of
Kinck when he tells about the 25
per cent cut in the appropriations
from the board " of foreign mis
sions. This is due to the fact
that people have not found it pos
sible to . pay their : centenary
pledges This 'will cause one of
the two Chilean schools to be aban
doned. ; i j , :
"Itemember the boys and.v the
girls of Chile," Kinch states, "and
also we who are trying to heli
them. God has Jleen wonderfully
kind to the American boy and
girl, and we can all thank Hint
that we were reared in the United
States. The United States is look
ed up to and respected above any
other nation, as you may see in
the enclosed letter, even though
to read the newspapers here you
might think nothing ever happens
in the states but prize fights and
government scandals."
' i.-i t
Armistice Day Is Keynote;
Women Invited to Thea
i tre This Morning ' r
Silverton Woman Given
i "Hobo" Party By Friends
SILVERTON,! Ore., Xov. S.
(Special. ) Mrs. Ruth Ormbrek
Richards, who is leaving the first
of the week forj Portland, was the
inspiration of an amusing - little
"hobo" party at the home of her
mother, Mrs. O. Ormbrek, Friday
evening. Dancing and cards fur
nished the diversions of the eve
ning. A "hobo lunch consisting
of wieners, buns and coffee, was
served at the close of the evening.
Those participating were Mrs.
Richards. Miss . Ethel Larson,
Merle Larson,! Harry Larson,
Oard Setness, Keneth Setness,
Agnes Dahlen, Valborg Ormbrek,
Jerdis Kloster, Hazel English,
Ralph Mosang,' William Thomp
son, . Theodore Ormbrek, George
Hovey, Anna Rickley, Ingeborg
Goplerud, and 'Alice and Mable
Andreson of Aurora, -
Parade and Football :
To Feature Celebration
SILVERTON j Ore., Nov. 8.
(Special,. Delbert Reeves Post
No. 7 of the American. Legion an
nounces that it is all prepared for
the largest Armistice day celebra
tion yet held at Silverton. A
parade will begin at 9:30 to be
followed by a program at the Eu
gene Field auditorium. In the
afternoon the! Silverton high
school football team will meet
that of Milwaukee on the Silver
Falls gridiron. ; . In , the evening
the Legion boys are sponsoring a
large program dance at the Sil
verton armory.
Tho Armistice Day ; program
which the John J. Evans Bible
class offer at the Bligh theatre
today is one of the best that the
class has ever offered to its mem
bers. The meeting are held each
Sunday from 9; 30 to 10:45 in the
morning. The program for today
is as follows: f
Bugle call for Assembly at 9:30
a. m., followed by the call to
colors by the bugle. The singing
of patriotic and class by the
audience will be one of the feat
ures of the day. The chairman
of the platform will be R. O."
Snelling, and tho song service to
be led- by O. J. Hull. A. Biger
stat will also take part in the sing
ing. ' . .;
George P. Griffith, state com
mander of the American Legion,
will give the main patriotic speech
and this will be followed by short
address by several World War
veterans. Special numbers are to
be given by the Junior Rotary
quartet. ' ' ' j
The main address of the meet
ing will be by Rev. John J. Evans,
leader of the class.
This is one of the two Sundays
of the year at which women are
permitted to attend the service.
An Invitation to all patriotic
organizations for their members
to attend the meeting is given.
night. The' freshman boys were
asked to come in overalls while
the girls were requested to wear
middies that they might be more
easily distinguished from the
sophomores. The eophomores
put their guests through ; a light
form of initiation consisting of
vocal and instrumental solos, of
cracker eating contests, and vari
ous other "stunts." The high
Bchool faculty were present as
chaperones for the, evening's
Freight Train Service ! .
Better at Silverton
SILVERTON, Ore , Not. .
(Special). Changes in the South
ern Pacific freight train schedule
now bring two - through way
freights Into Silverton from Port
land daily, thus affording much
better shipping facilities at Sil
verton. It also means the tying
up of a train crew at Silverton
which adds to the -population.
Freshman at Silverton u
Entertained By Sophs
SILVERTON, Ore., Nov. 8.
(Special.) Nearly j 100 per cent
of the 67 freshmen responded to
the invitation of the sophomores
to attend a reception at the En
gene Field auditorium : Friday
. (Continued from page 1)
partment. Mr. Mondell was per
manent chairman of the republi
can national convention.
i 'For the post; of secretary of
agriculture, the1 president Is un
derstood to bo looking for a far
mer and to that end has required
farm leaders to submit recommen
dations. Loui3 J. Tabor, master
of thenational Grange of Colnni-
bus, Ohio, is among those, most
prominently mentioned in this
connection. !
Should Secretary Davis leave
the labor department it is said
that John L. Lewia, president of
the United Mine Workers of Amor
lea would be advancc-d by many
as a successor. .
Nineteenth Annual; Reception
Offers Something New ;
for Entertainment
5 Sometimes the only reason for
divorce is the chairs in the parlor
are not comfortable.
Broken Out Skin and Itching Ec
zema Helped Over Night.
For unsightly skin - eruptions,
rash or blotches on face, neck,
arms or body, you do not have to
wait for relief from torture or
embarrassment, declares a noted
skin specialist. Apply a little
Mentho-Sulphur and Improvement
shows next day.
Because of its germ destroying
properties, nothing has ever been
found to take the place of this
sulphur preparation. The mo
ment you apply it healing begins.
Only those who have had unsightly
skin troubles can know the de
light this Mentho-Sulphur brings.
Even fiery, itching eczema is dried
right up.
Get a small jar of Rowles Mentho-Sulphur
from any good drug
gist and use it like cold cream.
Something novel in the way of
entertainment was staged at the
sophomore reception of the high
cchool Friday ; night ' when the
night horse show was offered. The
reception was the 19th event of
its kind. i ' ' j, .
The jprogram Included music
by the high school orchestra, the
Metropolitan orchestra, and a solo
by Gerald Mero. Addresses were
given by J, C. Nelson, principal;
Avery Thompson and Edward
Fischer. ; ; !
Officials for the "horse show"
were Edgar TIbbits, judge; Erwin
Duffy and Robert Ashby. associate
judges: Helen Marcus, director in
charge, and Cecil L. Edwards, ring
master. : . ,
Exhibitors wore J. C. Nelson,
Miss Ada Ross, Miss Mabel Rob
ertson, Miss Frances Hrubetz,
Miss Grace Snook and Hollis Hunt
ington. ' - '
Events included the roadster.
light harness, competition for the
gentlemen's cup; draft horses in
harness, dancing horses, three
galted saddle horses-and a polo
game, '
Entrants in the various events
and the' name of the ""horses"
NoJ Drivers and Riders. Horse
Ross Harris ...... Bacteria
Ivan White .. Vitamine
Avery Thompson. .. . Biology
Dennis Heenan .... .Botany
Chas. Hagemann . .Sophomore
WTynne Grier. ...Nebucanezra
Marvin Headrick . .: Archibald
Ohas. Coffee . . . Miscellaneous
John Drager Mistake
Garlan Simpson .... Orlando
Kola McClellan ..... Romeo
Mjaud Gwynne .... Iloratfas
' 4
Some of ' the people who know
all the football scores don't know
who is running for president.
' i ' ' m- y ill m w 4 m m --m wm , m--m ,m -r.-r- - m fi w . r w c- m w . - m w m . , aw it w -nv
. at- - i r i r a..-i . tr - w -a . m-m . -v r m a - i.-if m e i v - - rm
Pull Over Style Sweaters.
They're all the go now. Donj't
be : without pne. New fancy .
mixed patterns . -
56.00 up
l 7 V a U " ; Hr- I
titff A ft. i l f ihi-
r- , r- .. 1.-!
1 H
HH m
ft S, '
Dress and Driving Gloves,
Capes Mochas and Suedes in
all the newest shades ideal
for Christmas' gifts. '
See our window for the: '
t Newest, Finest Shirts 1 to
be found. v
Emory make; some with soft
collars to. match, others with
stiff collars to match: . ! i-
IN THE WAKE of the Coolidge . landslide comes another landslide.
Bishops Clothing landslide Never in the History of our thirty-five
years of successful merchandising in Salem has there been such a demand
for Quality clothing. It's a clothing Landslide with Bishops in the Lead.
Bishops Win! First with the newest. No store in this city ever
offered a larger or better showing of suits and Overcoats. We have them
for every man, Large or Small, old or young.
Priced $20.00 up
j Start Now To Do Your Christmas Buying
3C00 New Ties
waiting s for you. . Buy your
Christmas Ties Early.
$1.00 up
Winter Underwear ;
for winter weather. Wool,
wool" mixej, cotton union
suits, two. piece suits.
Outing 'Flannel Pajamas
New patterns, good 'weights.
- 2.00 up
Seven Piece Ivory Bed ; Room Svnc
All of the very best construction. Hard wood with a ten ccat
enamel finish. Hand rubbed. The pieces consist of :
Full size bow foot bed Large roomy Chifferette
. Dresser with large plate mirror : Three glass dressing table
' f IJench, Chair and Rocker to 3Iatch. ; .
This set is not made of Alder or cheap wood but guaranteed to be of maple construc
tion. ::- : '
Special Selling JPrice
Odd Dressing Tables
In Hepple White Period. Made of all select walnut.
i " This dressing table sells, regularly for $45.00
S pecial Price to Close Out $2S5
: Ladies .Writing TaMe
To match above or in Ivory '
Special $21"5()-
These prices only good while present stock lasts
t)dd Walnut Canity; Dresser r
Full length plate mirror with two side wings. Finest construction
Sells regularly at 75.00 1 S
-r : - -special jry ' t fiTrr
n -
it- it
Special 2-inch tubing
Simmons Beds
With roo1 cnaranteoil
linlr fabric ppring and 40
pound cotton mattress. .
0S- I Ttincn viirra coll T0(T. 'I
A Good
Brussels Rug
9x12 Size
Special $17-50
ularly at S55 and
are not the cheap
kind for "sale pur
pose only. j
; - - ' - ; -
Bridge Lamps complete
xvith shades ... $ 1 0.3O
Floor Lamps complete
with shades. . . .S12.50
Lamp Shades only, priced
as low as. . . .'. i .St.75
- (
i Bridge and Beach
Stoves, Ranges or Heat Circulators
Delivered $gX)Q jn
Balance Easy Payments Without
' Interest '
We ((f I
Charge W 11
Easy Terms
I Interest I "T 11-
OliCO up
j 'r . akaMsmmmmmasaai sassn aaaB
I -J liL.