THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 9, 1924 T i I y V r' v I t V L t V J I, Bark From Stock Show j V Walter F. Downing of 1983 Nebas returned from the live- 'Uhow in Portland, bringing Jome fine shrubbery from the J. VJlPilkfagton nursery at Dur ham. This will be used to beauti fy the grounds around his two new houses at 1975 and 1965 State. ' - V , ;." ... ; i - Chicken Here's Your Coupe 1922 Ford coupe .". .". . . .$350 1922 Ford coupe....... 1325 Used Car Corner, Com'l. and Perry. ' ; ' , v n9 Steiner on Trip ' - Dr. R, E. Lee Steiner, superin tendent of the state hospital, will leave for the Philippines next Sat urday in charge of three natures who are being returned to their borne country. The party -will sail from Seattle. Before returning tp Salem Dr. ; Steiner will I stop at Honolulu and look over the insane hospital there. He expects to re turn early in January. , ;. " J. A. Benjamin Local Attorney, has moved bis office to 309 Oregon Building. n9 Ads Bring Results . Inquiries in nearly almost every mail are being received by the Chamber of' Commerce as a re sult of the first publication of advertisements in -middle western farm journals. I The advertising ; will be continued at intervals un til February. Most of the Inquiries are from Wisconsin, Iowa, Ohio and Indiana. . .." f f ' A Place ;To Entertain If yon wish to entertain and have no! home' large enough or ; suitable for the occasion here la a happy solution. Nice Suburban home with large room and good floor can be secured for. evening at reasonable figure. Located' on paved highway near Salem. If Interested, address . Suburban Home, care Statesman. n9 Tiave Entry Notices With the annual Marion county corn show and industrial exhibi tion coming the latter part of the month many farmers are sending Waterproof Leather Coats j Slade to Order yIof Very Best Materials . PETER ZERR j wN? 2 M jcti l . I - 1IJ, MAXEH O. H. Xcwod S4T N. Com. 8w Ffcoa 80S tereIi -' SERVICE Cars, for hire without drivers 1 PHONE 2020 I Day and Night Service) . WOODRY Buys Fumituro I Phone 511 I Dr. B. II. White ' Osteopathy - Surgery . Electronic Diagnosis and Treat ment I (Dr. Abram'a method). Office Phone S59 or 469-J SOS U. a Bank Bldg. A, H 1 1 1 LADD: & BUSH BANKERS . ;ih: X: -ikxlzi 1ECJ :j ') X1 ' General Panlnng Bincs Otllz Ilcura frcn 10 a,n,l)?p.d, We Cairlll PHONE 930 XaiEsr Trcnsfsr : Storage NEWS: IN: in notice that, they will bare a display and entry at the fair. Last year, there were 157 entries and present indications are that this number will 1 be ? increased this year; : -. ' . , , r Preseott Spltzenbnrg Apples And cider on sale across alley from Starr cannery, on Mill street. Growers price. n9 Some Young Couple Between 17 and 70. If you want your Apt. all by yourselves this may suit. Three rooms and sleeping porch, in trim double con struction bungalow with every thing you want and brand new. Furnace with coils, fireplace, full cement basement, hardwood floor. This with paving and walks, well located, for, $4250 and any reas onable terms J to responsible peo ple. Brand new and ready to oc cupy. Becke & Hendricks, U. S. Bank Bldg. s 9tf Boy Rides Bike Fred Stone, a Portland youth about 16 years of age, passed through Salem yesterday morning on a bicycle bound for California. The stiff wind that was blowing made riding very difficult, he said, and he was not sure how far he would get today. : The ride from Portland, a-distance of about 50 miles, was made in about five hours by the youth. Chicken Here's Your Coupe 1922 Ford coupe .......$350 ' 1922 Ford coupe. ...... .$325 Used . Car Corner, Com'l. and Ferry. j n9 Contagions Diseases ; During the week ending No vember 8 the city health officer received reports of six diphtheria cases, of which one was fatal ; three chicken-pox cases and 6ne scarlet "fever. In the chicken-pox cases one report was filed in which several members of 'the family were- .stricken." ' See Renner's Ad ' ' On the first page of part two of today's paper. . . . n9 SUff : Winds Reported ; t , ; Mr.' and Mrs. Earl . Anderson, who motored to Neskovin" with their daughter, Mrs. Stanley Xain- son, report unusually stormy weather on the "coast ; Thursday, and Friday. They arrived there last Thursday evening and during the night a stiff gale arose which caused them, to beat a hasty re- iJftMfsb" hotel for safety. Tne torn frnlW9JCftJl&j Skating, Skating, Skating 1 At Dreamland ; Thursday, Friday, Saturday 7:30 to 10 p. m. Music by Kings of Harmony - - - - a - r. . - 4 Dancing Dancing Dancing ( . Salem New Auditorium ' Wednesday: and Saturday Extra Dance Friday, Hallowe'en RADIO HEADQUARTERS : For RADIO SUPPLD23 Open Evenings C91 NORTH OOMMESCXAIi Popular Priced TaBored Suits f2S to $45 lien's and Young Men's D.H.MOSHER TAILOR Size of Coal s from the large furnace to the smallest nut size. Tell .'as for what purpose the coal i Is required and well point ; out the proper size to use. ; But . although we , carry all ; sizes we handle only one j Quality, the .very best coal ': from the very best mines. Our coal service is yours to command, i j Prices range from $10 to $19 Also handle th best . Diamond Briquettes $15 9. BRIEF were dashed from the seashore np and around the small building. They returned to Salem the fol lowing day. Modern, Consclenti Treatment and advice, which, if followed, will positively produce a better state of health. Consulta tion and examination is free. Dr. Gof frier. 226 Oregon Bldg. Hrs. 10-12, 2-6. Phone 551. n9' To Meet at YWCA A meeting of the -boys work committee is scheduled to be held Monday noon at the YWCAi The following will be present: Dr. F. E. Brown, chairman; Rev. W. W. Long, O. J. Hull, Harry Scott, Harry White, Guy L. Rathbun. R. U. Moore, Ed Schunke and Ross Miles. . , s " ' -i Special Ford Coupeb 1922 Ford coupe . .$350 1922 Ford coupe. ..$325 Used Car Corner, Com'l. and Ferry. ' n9 New Y Members The Cadets of the Salem .YMCA met yesterday for the second of their regular meetings. Gymnas ium work and swimming contests were undertaken by the 16 boys present. In addition, three new members were enrolled In the boys department. They were Lloyd Reilly, Ellsworth Fletcher and Ed gar Newmyer. The Best Fuel For the price Is 1 6-inch mill block; three LARGE loads for 15 Fred E. Wells, phone 1542. n9. Select Christmas Presenta No Small payments make it easy. Love, the Jeweler, Salem. olO-tf Cherrians Win Trophy A silver loving cup is on dis play at the local Chamber of Com merce which was won by the Cher rians last June. On the trophy is engraved the following: "First Prize, Beat Drilled Marching Body, Portland Rose Festival, 1924." Vacant Blouse s - Close in. Modern. See at 1154 Oak street. You can rent, lease or buy reasonable. Becke & Hendricks, U.S. Bank Bldg. n9tf Corn Show Coming- Many of the exhibitors at the 1923 Marion county corn and in dustrial show have asked for the same space which they used last year in order that they may again enter the bir corn show and in- caliy every . .community that has reserved space in the community exhibit has arranged for the decor ation and . preparation of the booths already. From every indi cation the 192 4 corn show and industrial exhibit is to be the big gest one ever held here. All Kinds of Electric Moto Repaired. Phone 2112. the Motor-man. Todd n9 Police Collect Fines K. Kent contributed $5 to the local police court yesterday: lor speeding while Earl McNutt and O. T. Whitman were taken to the police court by Officer Hickman for speeding. They were cited to appear before Judge Marten Poul sen Monday at 2 o'clock. John Cole was cited to appear at the same time for driving his car with an open cutuot. Welcome 10 uen s i Die ciass. r irBi. Methodist Episcopal church, cor ner State and Church streets. 9:45 a, m., Sundays. . ' n9 Dr. Findley Returns Dr. M. C. Findley returned to Salem yesterday from a trip to New York and way. points. In the east Dr. Findley attended sev eral meetings and in New York City a clinic and conference of national prominence. Turkey Dinner- See the Gray Belle menu on the society page. ; n9 Citizenship Class Starts The first meeting of the citizen ship class was held at the YMCA last night at which applicants for United States citizenship were in- . ; DIED ; TURNBOW Bessie Pearl Turn bow died at a local hospital Nov. 8, 1924, at the age of 19. She Is survived by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Turnbow, and two sisters al of La Grande, Ore. Her remains will go for ward today to La Grande, Ore., where services will be held and remains Interred. ' Arrange ments in charge of Webb Fun eral parlors. - FUNERAL I The funeral of Horace G. Car penter who died Nov. 6, 1924, will be held at the Webb Funeral par lors Monday, Nov. 10, at 10:30 a.' m. Interment will be in the Lee Mission; cemetery. t IUGDON a SON'S structed in the various branches of government and other informa tion needed to pass the .examina tion held each term of court. The classes vary In membership and have at times about. 10 to 15 mem bers. -s Osteopathy the Original And genuine spinal adjustment, skillful and painless curative treatments that get results. Dr. Marshall, 228 Oregon Building.n9 Special Ford Coup 1922 Ford coupe $350 1922 Ford coupe. . .1 ..... $325 Used Car Corner, Com'l. and Ferry. n9 The Directors Of the Salem Business Men's league request all places of busi ness to remain closed for the en tire day, Tuesday next, Armistice day. Learn to Play n9 Popular music in 12 lessons, n9 Waterman Piano school. pack Bldg. Former Resident Passes . A way- Mrs. Alice Snover of Oregon City died Friday morning, Novem ber 7. Funeral will be held Mon day, November 10 at Oregon City 2 p. m. She formerly lived in Salem and was a member ot tne W. R. C. Full Coverage for Autos, We also insure Transfer- Truck. You will be surprised at the reasonable rates. Also ask about our FIVE DOLLAR PER SONAL ACCIDENT policy. Stan ley Foley. Agts., "Auto Ins Service Station." n9 Receives Promotion II. J. Darby has been placed in charge of the blanket room of the C P. Bishop store here after spending several months in the Pendleton Woolen Mills at Wash- ougal. Darby worked .in every department of the two . mills in order to learn about the processes necessary for the production of a blanket. He was thus qualified to be an authority on the different woolen goods manufactured by the Bishop Interests, i The local store has, it is said by experts, one of the best equipped blanket rooms in the northwest, outside of Port land. Investments $5.00 and up. We have houses and business properties that are leased to net you 7 to 9 per, cent. Many are bound to 1 Increase in value. Real Estate don't go broke Investigate. Becke & Hendricks, U. S. Bank Bldg, n9tf New Klnmbal Student Theology-comes from' Doningham Alabama in the person of Dr. Thomas Henry Lee, member of the African Methodist -Episcopal church. Dr Lee is a graduate of the Methodist . department ' of Western Tennessee university of the class of 1920. During the four years he has been practicing among his own people. . He now comes to Kimball to take the full Theological course. -' ? Use Our Distributive- Payment plan if you ' cannot spare the cash. Pomeroy & Keene, Jewelers and Opticians. n9 Distinguished Men Here- It will be of great interest to those interested in religious edu cation to know that Dr. . Thomas S. Young, National' Week Day Church school representative. Dr. Van Nuys,' and Dr. Milllken, for mer pastor of the Baptist church CURED HIS RUPTURE I wt badly ruptured while liftinr a tmnk sereral year aso.. Doctors said my only hope of cure was an operation, Troises did me no rood. Finally I got bold of something that quickly and com pletely cured me. Years haTe passed and the rupture has never returned, although I ads . doing- hard work as a carpenter. There was no operstion. no lost time, no trouble. I haTe nothing to sell, but will fire full information about how you may ind a complete cure without operation, if yon write to me. Eugene M. Pullen, Carpenter, 228-Ij Msreellus Avenue, Man asqusn, S, 3. Better' rut out this notice and show it to any others who are rup tured you may tare a life or at least stop the misery of rupture and the worry and danger of aa operation. Adv. RAIN Means Colds and C0LDS mean doctor bills and serious consequences, unless they are stopped early. SCHAEFER'S HERBAL COUGH CURE will absolutely cure the most stubborn cold if taken 'in time. SCHAEFER'S DRUGSTORE The Penslar Store 1S3 X. Commercial Phone 107 here, are in the city in the in terest of Sunday-school and week day religious education. They will speak at the First Evangeli cal church, at 3 p. m. on Sunday afternoon. It is hoped that both Sunday school teachers, teachers of the city schools, and these in terested in the subject of religion education will find it convenient to be present. On Monday mor ning at 9:30 they will address the Ministerial association at its reg ular session. This no doubt will assure a full attendance of all the ministers of the city at the session on Sunday morning. Saxaphone Teacher Geo. C. Will announces that he has made arrangements with Linn C. Sherman, saxaphone teacher ot Portland, 'to teach saxaphone and other orchestras instruments here in Salem; Mr. Sherman is now a member; of Hobbs orchestra playing sax doubling clarinet, also leader ot Bush Lake saxa phone band. He now has the largest saxaphone class in Port land. Mr. Sherman will be at my store next Monday, Nov. 10, from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m; would be pleased. t meet those interested then or get in touch with him during the week. Mr. Sherman will organize saxaphone -band, Quartettes and sextettes while here. , n9. Demurrer Overruled The . plaintiffs demurrer, filed to the answer of the defendant in the case of the state ex rel Walter Birtchet vs. Frank Minto, has been overruled by Judge Kelly. and it is believed that the case will probably die without further ac tion. The purpose of the suit was to test Minto's1 authority to oc cupy the office of city chief of police. ... Downing Files Report Judge Downing, who ran for the office of county judge on the democratic ticket , in the recent election, yesterday; filed his report of campaign ' expenses with the county clerk. The sums report ed reached a total of $65.50. license issueu A marriage license was issued yesterday to Paul M. Hand and Maude Amy Stenstrom, both of Salem. " ' Bligh Estate By order of County Judge Downing, filed yesterday with the county clerk, Frank D. BHgh was appointed administrator of the estate of T. G. Bligh. The value of the estate is estimated at $200,400, of which $188,800 is in real property. The annual income Is 118,260. . r Salem, and vicinity will meet ni the Public Library, Tuesday even ing at 7:30. Tnie is one of a series of meetings held for the purpose i of discussing ' Sunday school problems. There will prob ably) be three more meetings be fore the holidays. Mrs. J. L. Brady will give a character study of Genesis at the Tuesday evening meeting. ; . . Street! Decorations - Practically all the work on the Veterans of Foreign Wars plan of street decoration has been done by local workers and the holes in the sidewalks' In front of business places will he used Armistice Day OFFICE FILES , A FILE FOR EVERY OFFICE NEED i Commercial Book Store "If It's' for the Off ice v 'We Have It" it BETTER-YET" Bread makes better lunches for school children - . because : - ' ; It' Mistland Bakery Glenn Gregg Earl Greg3 PnONE W4 ... ' - 1007 CIIEMEKETA Tkzy Fit Your ; FaceiToQ r ' ' It is just as essential to have he glasses fit your eyes as your face. Dr. Mendelsohn TITS GLASSES CORRECTLY. In purchasing glasses meas ire your economy by the serv ce received. The material in glasses Is worth only so much per ounce. Sxpert skill and knowledge em ployed are what make value. The best of lenses are prac tically useless unless your ail ment has been diagnosed 'and (lasses prescribed according to pour need. I fit glasses correctly. My prices are very reason able for the services and mate rials received. One-third of a century of practical -experience is at. your service. I guarantee satisfac tion in every respect. 1 do not belong to any com bine which can dictate prices to m. Dr. M. P. Mendelsohn 210 Lnlted States Bank Bldg. ' Eyesight Specialist Phone 723 to hold flag staffs. The flags have 'been, secured at cost and sold to the local merchants at a price that covered the installation of the pipe and other labor necessary for the placing, of the iiaga on the streets. . Mrs. Snover Dies-T . Mrs. Olice Snover, a former Sa lem resident, died in Oregon City Friday night, is the word received here. The funeral is to be f held in Oregon City at 2 o'clock Mon day afternoons V PERSONALS F. A. Elliott, state forester, was a Portland visitor Saturday." James Chinook, Grants Pass at torner. was a business caller at the state house yesterday. Max Bowersox, ; a student of the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Robertson over the week-end. ' Charles H. Elrey returned Sat urday from California and way Greatly Reduced ALL OUR HIGH GRADE COATS C NOW ON SALE Large variety of the very latest styles in exclus ive'eoats. These Coats must be seen to appre ciate their values. Exclusive Styles for Exclusive People 115 North Liberty Street Better J J. CARELESSNESS is the thug who works without a gun. His victims are never frightened. Perhaps he is robbing you of your eyesight ! Something you would miss! Science has provided a protection. Our optometrists will tell you. MORRIS OPTICAL CO. 301-2-3-4 Oregon Bldg. DR. HENRY E. MORRIS " DR. A. McCULLCCTI points where he has been the past three weeks on; business for the American Fidelity corporation. W. M. Hamilton, local manager of the PEP company, was a Port land visitor Saturday. W. H. Jory, one of Newport's best' boosters, was a Salem visitor Saturday. y Ray Maglll, a former resident of Salem but now connected with the firm of A. Maglll & Son, nurs erymen at Toppenish, Wash., "was In the city yesterday. Mrs. Mary A. Stafford of Lyons was a visitor here yesteraay. Reno Booth of Metlakatia, Alas ka, was a visitor in Salem yester day from the Chemawa school. Harwood Hall, director of the Chemawa Indian training school, was a Salem visitor yesterday. Elmo S. White, local . attorney, was a Portland visitor yesterday. SMUGGLERS NABBED SEATTLE, Nov.' 8. Charged with conspiracy to smuggle silks and. beads into the United States from the Far East L. F. Rawden, Steward, and his sister, Marian Cunningham, Stewardess, aboard the steamship President Jeffer son, were arrested today by feder al officers. They were released on 11000 bond each and their hearing set for Wednesday. , SuOUOS Capital Barcain House noose of a Million and One Bargains 215 CENTER STREET The FRENCH SHOP SMART DRESSES for street and afternoon ; lovely dinner and evening gowns. Handsome ensemble costume suits. Beautiful millinery for all occasions. Imported novelties corsages head-bands for evening, etc. Presenting a decidedly unusual of fering in wool dresses - including charmeen, twills, kasha cloth, flannel, etc. $39.75 to $57.00 COA7C values at V&V10 $29.75 : to, $37.50 values at Only a Limited Number at These Prices. ' ' . The Hat you planned to buy. Most extraordinary values. V - Special sale of millinery all Fisk Hats and original models, in Eastern patterns at cost prices. None over $12.50 (limited number). One lot of 65 Hats at $7.50 ; these values we believe can not be duplicat ed considering, quality and style. 115 Ilteh Strct!llasc-:c Tc 5 CHlCHESTEnS E. f A tart J Transfer Co, Fast Through Freight to All -Valley Points Daily. " Speed-Efficiency-Service Salem-Portland-Woodburn Corvallis - Eugene - Jefferson - Dallas - Albany - Monniout h Independence - Monro Siu.jiRiiclt SHIP BY TRUC'; Buys Any Make of Typewriter" Rubber Stamps and ' Made to Order r-AfLAS:coo;c AND STATIOHERY CO. 465 STATE STREET $1875