The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 09, 1924, Page 11, Image 11

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PER 94924
T. JOSEPH ' "Communion mass at
" tnd-htt-h mans and scrtnen by the
t ,10:30. la the evening at 7;3U
Jr will speak on aomo dogmatic
,a'Mi if tta era arc any question
y wifl be answered. Everyone bothi
ainolio and non-Catholic ia welcome toll
-U services. -
FIRST Center . and High streets, J.
3. Kvans, minister; Miss Flattie Mit-f-hellV
missionary. The special meet-:
iaits t the past week continue each,
evening at 7:30. Frank li. Furnell is
Pleading the ' eervieea wita , success. A,
rrsst program for Sunday. 'Christian
, t'oreiga Lnds" will be the sermon,
topie for the morning. Evening topic,;
'One Hundred Per Cent Amerieauism."
The Utter Babjeet ha attracted wide.
T attention elsewhere. This Bible school
. .is Increasing; each week. The hoar is;
:45. Special program far younjp peo-t
pie at 6:30. Tke men of the church will
jaia in the Armistice day pro (tram at the
Bligh. theater under the direction of the)
ins a XMtue ctasa. xou n-
nien invited to that prog-ram. :su snarpi
i rr.rJTRAL Hoatk Nineteenth streei
-l Ilarrv W Johnson, minister. Runda;
; school .t 1 11 :00 m. The demotions
a. . V. . UrtrriAR Nssd4
. Weaker. Brief seryice at 11:00 a. m. to
old and yonnr. Pastor' a address on
."What Shall Wo Keadt" Young
"ple'e Society at :30 p. m. M. Olivet
barnard ia leader. - Jenke' "Jesus
yVrinciplea of Living" ia the outline o
diocasaion. now being used. Preaching
service at 7:30 p. m. Sermon ,,.Thj
l'ica ,f Peace.;' ,
PI RST Center and Liberty , St. ' WJ
X. Kantner, minister. 8unday .school at
10 a. at. with classes for aU agea. Large
'men s class,, also large women's class, be
sides placea for boya and -girls. .- r D.i
uWcCalfister, auperintendent. - Morning
mership-. 41 .- nu In precognition , of
Armistice Day, the pastor will speak, on;
Vesre and Prosperity." 6:30 p. -.-.;
ChrUtUn Eadasyorj 7:30 p. m. Evening
' .worship, with eongs. pictures and brief
address. The motion pictures will giro
a yiiw of the delta of the Kile, Cairo
nd the voiceless Sphinx. Prayer meet
lag Thursday at 7:30 p. n.
' t . : '
SOUTH ULEAI--Corner of Comraer
eial and Washington streets. Carl i
W Minnie U.M.Iier. pasters. So"
school st 10 a. m. Dr. Carl E. Miller,
snperlntendenU. Our school ia doing
same- splendid work. Classes for U
.agea, and nearly all of the classes meet
in sepsrate rooms to study the lesson.
Worship at It a. m. ChrUUan Endeavor
t 6:30 p. m. Evening meeting, 7:30
p. jb. Midweek ,jrsyer meeting on,
Thursday at 7:30 p. m Friday, XoTenv
1r 14, quarterly meetiag of ministry an
oversiKlil at 2:30 Saturday , quarterly
fneeting. First aeryica. for derotion
10:30 . m. Our Yearly meeting yan-rUtic-
superintendent. 1. . Clarkson
liinshaw. will be with us and" will atay
ever and preach Sunday morning for the
sSputh Salem Friends. . r i.
j- mm . sV
STi PAUL'S Corner Church and
Chemeketa , streets. Key. H. I). Cham
hers, rector. Holy : Kucharist in the
chapel at 7:30 a. in. Church school at
9:45 with graded system c4 lessons.
Children invited. : Morning prsyer and
sermon with music by the vested choir
at 11 a. m. A nurse wilt be at the
parish house to care for the children
while the parents atend " the service.
The Juniors, will 'meet in the parish
house at 6 p. m. and .the services at 7
p. m. On Monday evening the " study
class meets in the chapel at 7:4$ p. an.
The rector being the leader. . This will
be followed by a meeting of the vestry.
FIRST C. C. Poling, pastor. Services
Sunday, November 9 as follows: Church
school at 9:45 a. m. with J. F. Clrich
superintendent. Preaching by the pas
tor at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Subjects:
'Chrtsf Four-fold; Work", and "The
Verifying Faculty." Christian Endeavor
both aenior and junior at 6:30 p. m. In
teresting meetings each Sunday evening.
Leader this evening. Miss Anna Miles.
Subject: "Stewardship, Our Abilities for
Christ," Acts 2: 1-21. Monthly busi
ness meeting Wednesday evening, the 12th
at 7:30 p. m. to be held at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Ulrich. North 15th
street. A full attendance desired. Mid
week service Thursday evening at 7:30.
Choir practice Friday evening.
Chemeketa street. If. W. Launer, paa
tor. Sermon at 11 a, aa. The subject
will be from Kcclesiastes --:9. Sermon
7:30 p. m. Sunday school at 10 a. m.
O. K. Strausbaugh will have charge. The
Sunday school teachers have meeting ev
ery Monday evening. Kew friends will
be present,- and old -ones who lave re
turned , to . the city also.. Mre. f. F.
Thomas wilt lead the F.vaflgelicSl league
at 6:30 p. m. Prayer services Thursday
evening. , Wo welcome alL ', r :t 1
SCANDINAVIAN Fifteenth and Mill
streets. Sunday, school -"at 10 a. m.
Oust.' Anderson, supt. Morning worship
at 11 a. m. Epworth lesgue at 7:15 p.
m. end evening service at 8 1 p. m.
Tuosdsy afternoon st 2 o'clock; Ladies'
Aid will hsve their regular , monthly
meeting and it will be held in the church.
Mrs. William Anderson will be the host
ess. -J On Thursday at 8 , p. nt. prayer
meeting. On Friday, the. 14th,i between
5 - and o'clock p. as.r chicken, pie din
ner will be served ly Ladies Aid. To
all war meetiaga, you are cordially in
vited. P. IahHn. pastor. , V,
LESLIE South Commercial and My
ers streets, H. F. Pemberton, pastor.
Yoa are cordially invited to attend the
Sunday services, of this church a fol
lows: Sunday School at 9:45. E. A.
Rhoten, superintendent. Excellent class
es for you and your children. Epworth
league for high and junior high, students
6:30 ia Leslie hall, i Epworth league for
all other young people in the church at
6:30. These meetings grow in interest
and enthusiasm. Morning iqt2P
---i j Liberty- and Marion
j Rev. E.CI. Shanks
Scnnon by Rev.: Thomas Young, D. D., New
York City, secretary Religious ii.aucation
Solo, "By the Waters of Babylon," Howell.
Jlrs. E.-.H; Shanks. -i
on by the Pastor, "Administration of the
Spirit'" I:-- - .. , f
f Tn I -i v r -
The-CKurcK TTiatWercomes Strangers
It o'clock. Sermon subject: "I Believe
in the Church" I Evening meeting at
7:30. Subject: "Adventurous Christian
ity." ' A Sabbath day spent, in worship
will make. Lhe. coming . week richer and
finer You will he heartily welcomed
and will enjoy the fine Christian . fel
lowship, the excellent music, the cheery
greeting and - the ' neighborly company.
Come with -us. Enjoy this day rn our
midst. Make thin your homo chars a.
Strangers espcially welcome. t
COURT STREET Corner North Sev
enteenth and Court streets. K L.' Put
nam, minister. Bible school 9:45 a. m.
Chris J. Kowits. superintendent. Music
furnished by Miss Turner's orchestra.
A modern graded school with classes for
all agea. Morning worship 11 a. m.
Sermon "Oregon Missions." Junior fol
lowing communion service.- Mrs. Grace
Kowits, superintendent. ' Intermediate
and senior Christian- Endesvor 6:30.
Evsngelistie service 7:30. This "Mobi
lisation for Peace"! Sunday and the ad
dress will bo a -peace sermon. , Subject :
"Why Outlaw Wart" Come and hear
why we must not have. another world
war. Thursday is midweek "Church
Day." The program begins 'at 2:30
with ecfeteria lunch at 6:15 p. m. Eve
ning service: singing, devotional, aet-p
for "Win One Next to You" campaign,
and meeting of Loyal Volunteers, We
extend a hearty welcome to all. You
will be courteously received and want to
come again. . f
FULL GOSPEL 251 Mission street,
Ralph D. Bullock, pastor. Service Sun
day 2:30 p. m. Bible study 7:30 p. m.
Evangelistic and tarrying meeting. Bible
study and tarrying, meetings Tuesday,
Thursday and Saturday nights at 7:30.
"Ye shall know the truth and the truth
shall make yoa free." John 8:32. God
is pouring out His Spirit throughout the
earth in these last days preparing Hia
people for His coming. Have you "ears
to hear what the spirit saith unto the
churchea." Read Acts 2.-:- - -
NAZAREJJE Nineteenth and- Marion
atreets. C. H. lropkins, minister. Sun
day achool at 9:45. Morning worship at
11 o'clock. Sermon by Kev. Mary L,
Hopkins. Subject: i "The Great Ques
tion and the Inspired Answer." Young
People's meeting 6:30 p. m. Evening
worship 7:30 p. m. I Sermon by the pas
tar: 'The Strong Man Armed." Wed
nesday evening prayer and praise 7:3d.
We welcome the stranger to our services..
Eighteenth , streets, G.- Kochler, pastor.
There will he Sunday school at 9:30 a.
Sn. - Preaching service (English) 'and
holy communion at 1:30 a. m Subject:
t'The Christian a Spiritual Warrior."
Luther league at 6:30 p. m. Evening
Service in English at 7:30 p. m. Bible
study, on Thursday at 7:30 p. m. Bi
ble achool on Saturday from 9 to 12 a.
in. .Catechetical instruction from 1 to 3
p. in. - The Doreaa society meets on Wed
hesdsy with Mrs. W. Krueger, 1441 N.
Fifth street.' I
! ' v rV"'. METHODIST,'".' ': ' '"'
FIRST Corner State and fJhureh
streets. Blaine E. i Kirkpatrick, pastor.
Yen are cordially invited to ahare with
us in the services for this week. Claaa
meeting, 9:15 a. m., in the northwest
corner1 room downstairs. Sunday achecA
9:45 a. bk If yo re not covnacted
with any ether Sunday schoeA yon will
be given. warm welcome here.' Morn
ing worship 11, o'clock. This being the
Sundsy nearest Armistice day,' a, special
service is planned appropriate, .to the oc
casion. The pastor wilt -preach on the
subject! "The Abolition of War." The
choir, under the direction of Prof- Hob
son, will give special music.-' Prof. Rob
erts will be at the organ. Class in Evsn
gelism, 5:30 o'clock in the Annex, with
special ' communion service for young
people at 6 o'clock. Special Win-My-Chum
services -will bm held during the
coming week. The first of the-services
will be at 6:80. to be led by Miss Adelia
White and Miss Pauline Find ley. All
young people are given cordial invitation
to take part in these services. Evening
service, 7:80 o'clock. -The speaker will
18 years ago in the Jerry McCauley mis
be Mr. John Tyler, who waa converted
aion in S- York City, and who will
have a great story to tell of his conver
sion. The public is invited to hear him.
Win-My-Chum . services each evening
during th week, except StnrdjV from
7:15 to 8:15 o'clock. . , ,
I Vorth Winter and
s .-.... b.. ... . . k . . s,& iu
Take the' North Commercial atreet car to
Jefferson avenue. This church has a
special welcome for strangers and it cor
dially invitee the public to the following
service on the coming Lord's Day. School
ag g-Si con.ider.tion
AUitson. Mrs. W. A, Denton at the or-
One Hundred Per
i i
An address that: has attracted wide attention to be given Sunday
evening, by.-- -' ; . t - ;- . j
:- Fran! L. Purnell , I . .
i Center and High Streets
: ; ; ' : , : : J.J. EVANS, Minister. ; . .;. ; Q .
"? Services continue through the; week at 7:30 each evening.
. ... .' ;7 ; Public Welcome, j - ;
Each. Message Vital to Religious Progress
1 1
n .
hue kciwmmr
A Patriotic Program, Representative of Various Patriotic
'. ' i v " ! :' . . ....
Organizations, Patriotic Songs, Bugle Calls Colors
-- rhe
. W
Armistice Day Progriim
Chairman, R. 0. Snelling Brief ; Xddress, George Griffith
Unusual Invitation to WOMEN' to attend-'the
- r j Men's Bibb CJs
Bligh Theater - . - Sunday Morning, 9:30 Sharp
JOHN J. EVANS, Teacher. '
Special Musac: Rotary Junior Quartet ' !
Men an i Wcrnen, Everybody, Invited. . A Worth While Program.
, An Hour of Spiritual Values ,!
of Religious Education, well organised
and led by teachers who are in earnest
Claaaea for all , agest Prof. Mathews,
Willamette university, will preach at 11
a. ns. nnder ; the auspieea of the W. 11.
tf. S. Dr. Mathews is a sneaker of
rare ability-and .will have a message f
vital interest to .present. - Rev. Walker
will preach to the .Junior church at the
ssmo hour, in the regular .meeting place
downstairs. ' Meeting at the Old Peoples
Home at 3 p. m. tinder the auspices of
the Epworth League. Two classes in
evangelism at 5:30 la preparation for
Win-My-Chum meetings. - League devo
tional meetings at 6:30 p. m. Inter
mediates will meet in their department
room, and seniors " in the usual plae
downstairs. Meetings are of a high or
der and young people will enjoy these
services. Evsngelistie meetings st 7:50.
This win be the first of the special meet
ings to be continued throughout the
week, and to which the public is cordial
ly invited. The theme for the evening
will he Witnesse," Prof. Kahskopf.
or Willamette. university, will "he one oJ
sneakera. Make your plena to'ettend
the week of special teeetmgs ?"pr
sentstive young people of thej-hnreh wui
emwk each evening, and features of
genuine Interest will te in evidence each
service. Services will begin at T:30.
' FIKST On Church atreet between
Chemeketa and Center streets. 9:30 a.
m., Sunday school, Mr. K. E. Barrett,
superintendent. 11 n. morning wor
ship, i Sermon 'Is the Church Honest
on the War Questionf by the minis
ter. The choir will sing 'God of Our
Fathers." Scott and Mr. P. 8. Barton
will sing the "Recessions!," PeKoven.
8 p. m. Junior Society, Miss Walrasley
and Miss Davis, superintendents. Inter
mediate Mission atudy class st the same
hour. 6:30 p. m. School of Missions
and Christian Endeavor aocietiea. 7 :30
p. m. Popular evening aerviee, beginning
this church's obaervanca of "Father and
Son Week." Sermon, "How a Good.
Father Mav Rnin His Son," by the
minister. Special music and congrega
tional ainging. Out in. one hour. ;
FIRST -Corner Twelfth and Mission
streets. Sunday school lO a. m, classes
for all agea. Efficient; teachers. Pre,,
ing 11 a. m.. aubject, " Heaven: Where
Is It. and Who Forl't Evening service
Christian Endesvor 6:30. Topic. "Stew
srdship: Our Abilities for : Christ.
Leader, Amos Wells. Preaching 7:30.
Subject: "God's First . Question j t
Msn." You are invited to attend all of
these services. They are growing in in
terest, snd hearty welcome ia extend
ed to all. f You will feel at home. Come.
C. W.' Tibbet. pastor.
CEXTER STREET Corner , Center
and Thirteenth streets. A. F, Hilmer,
pastor. The Sunday morning services
sre in Gorman. The Sunday school hss
German and English, claaaea-rat- 1J
'clock. 4At 11 o'clock the pastor will
speak oni "Spiritusl Blessings, in Heavj
only Places." In the evening E. L. at
7 o'clock in English followed;
lUh services. lie W"f sermon will
center od Psnl and Philemon. Come
vad ajoy the service with i'us.
Winter atreet. Rev. Mortimer C.
Clarke, pastor. Sunday achool at 9:45.
Dr. J". S. Schuts, superintendent. Claases
fo all sises and ages. Class meeting at
12:15. Mrs. Ida Garrett, leader. Young
Peoples meeting at J:S0. Miss. Martha
Jaquet. leader. Prayer and praise -service
at 7:30.1 Prayer meeting - at . 7 :80
each Thnrsdsy. The pastor wUl preach
Sunday morning on "My Father a
House." In - the evening' thero. will be
an evangelistic service with a messsge
by the paatorion the aubjeet. The
Cure for Troubled Heart." You wiU
receive a cordial welcome at each- aerviee
and will .enjoy the aplendid spiritual atmosphere-
of this cburebv -
Cottage and Chemeketa streets. Rev.
Mcrtin Fereshetisn, minister. Church
school at 10 a. m. Graded Instruction.
Class for adnlta conducted' by the ,iin
ister. Bring in your perplexing ques
tions on religion and join in the discus
sion. All are invited. Devotional ser
vices at IX a. m. Subject of the ser-
men, l ne At en no o- dhi
retmest or the War Mothers- thst the
St 8, Subject of lesson sermon "Adam
and ; Fallen Man.". Sunday achool at
9:30. Wednesday evening testimonial
meeting at 8 o'clock. Reading room 209
Masonic Temple, open every .day except
holidays . and . Sundays front- 11:15 to
5:30 p. m. All are cordially invited to
our aervicea andfco our reading room. -
t - ,: . , - .
GLAD TIDIJSUit 34H Court street.
C. S. Johnson, pastor. Sunday school st
2 p. m. Services st 8 and 7:80 p. m.
Meetings on Tuesday, Thursday and Sat
urday evening. :- The power of God - ia
with ns ; people are being saved, healed
and baptised in the Holy Ghost. If
you are hungry for the good things - of
God, come and worship with ns. Spir
itual aingtng, earnest testimonies and
messages will : bless your soul. : Every
body welcome. - : -
Corner of Capitol - and
Marion atreets. Siladsy school at 10 a.
m. and English preaching service st 11
a. m. - No evening service. M. Denny,
' SEVENTH DAY Corner of . Fifth and
Gaines, North 8alem. Sshbath achool at
10:30; preaching at 11: 30;-Young Peo
ples meeting at 4:30 (Saturdays):
Prayer meetinr Wednesday at 7:30.
Visitors sre welcomo to all of the . ser
vices. Last Sunday night over 300 lis
tened to the lecture on the subject of
''The League of Nations." This Sun
day 'the subject f will be 'Heaven.
Where If It! What Will It Be Like!
Will Wo Know Each Other There t Will
We Have to Pray and Sine All the Timet
Whet Will They Do!" This will be an
intensely interesting lecture. Every
thought; made so plain and reasonable.
Don't fail to hear it. Everybody enjoy
the- aong service. Prof. I. C. Colcord
will give the history of the "Ninety and
Nine." It's an inspiration .to know
what led to the writing of some hymns.
Com. Bring your friends. 7:30 p. m.
Lectures are free. i
Tabernaele, Ferry street. Pastor H.
F, Caswell. Sundsy school at 2 p. m..
Good classes for all.- . Preaching ser
vice .1 p. m. The Rev.'E. J. Richards of
n:-i . v v i-a :, a
ent for the Alliance work in Canada and
th United States will preach. Rev. W.
W. Newberry is dean of the Simpson Bi
ble Institnts of Seattle. The evening
seryice will he of an evsngelistie nature,
all taVinr Dart. Service-., dnvinir the
week: Tuesday 7:30. prayer and praise;
Friday 7:30 Bible Study. Saturday eve
ning the yonng people have charge of a
helpful and interesting service..
, LB. S. A.
Internstional Bihl fttttlt.
tion meets every Sunday ii Derby hall,
corner Court end Hivh ... t;ki.
Jtudy. Hours from 10 to 12. Eiekial
Temple study convenes at 2 :30 p. m .
ton have m cordial invitation to worship
with ns. . . "
' ; (Continued front page 12) ; ; , J
and the Arts among 1U members
and the public.
Tea distinct sections " are pro
vided for In the. constitution of the
league, as follows: Art Study,
Drama, Interior i Decorating, Mu
sic Composition,. Landscape Gar
dening,. Color-photography, Poetry
Study, Story Telling. Modern
Writers, and Sketching from Still
The constitution further pro
vides that any five members Qf
the league may at will start a new
section. ' m y
; The committee in charge of
sending out these folders includ
ing: Mrs. J. M. Clifford, chair
man Mrs. W.-F.1, Fargo, and1 Mrs.
Monroe,! Gilbert. Is asking for an
indication of which sections each
one is most interested in.
' :' r;i :r ' .: .''"',
- Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pearly were
dinner-hohts . last week compli
menting llr. Charles Anderson and
Mr. Luther Wells. Covers were
placsvf -tbi-, jRlx with additional
guests Miss Ruth Hofertnd Mr.
E. J. Biehn. A beautiful center
piece of rose and yellow chrysan
themums was used on the table.
,- Attractive among the teas of the
season was the delightful silver
tea Friday af ternoon at the home
of Mrs. H. B. Thielsea, 1049 Court
street, by the Woman's Auxiliary
of St. Paul'a Episcopal church,
with, calling hours from 2:30 to
5:30 o'clock. j ; ' ' 7
' Assisting the' hostess in the
rooms were: Mrs. .Russell Catlln,
Mrs. U. O., Shipley, Mrs. Joseph
Baumgartner, and Mrs, James 01-
inger. "-.
, A basket of gold chrysanthe
mums centered the tea table, with
yellow candles used. The hostess
es who poured were: Mrs. George
A. White and Mrs. H. D. Cham
bers. Assisting in the serving
, . , , n i a T rOT
ofwST..CMuUFF--So"ir hoI room
2nd ( budiB-. wer f Liberty; evening
Humphreys, and Mrs. Bussell Cat-
, - The afternoon was interspersed
with a delightful program. - Miss
Nancy Thielsen sang two numbers.
Miss Grace Huntington playing
ner accompaniment, while instru
mental selections were given both
by Miss Lillian Scott, and . Miss
Alice Race. -
The November meeting of the
Salem 'Arts league will be In the
form of a "Get-Together" on Wed
nesday at the Roberts Studio. 505
North Summer street; . A program
will be given and refreshments
served.y The meeting will be at 8
o'clock. ;
MIbs Mary Gilbert is the author
of a delightful fairy play. "The
Burgomaster's Son" which was
presented at 4 o'clock Friday af
ternoon at i the regular weekly
meeting of the Adelante Literary
society of Willamette university.
The play was written by Miss Gil
bert, a member of the organiza
tion, especially . for the - society.
In its presentation it affords a
setting that is a sylvan fairyland
within the corner of a little rustic
The plot of the play centers
around a beautiful princess (Dor
othy Owen) gowned in velvet, who
Is transformed into a mouse by a
disappointed suitor (Genevieve
Thompson- incidentally ; a butler
(Continued on page 4) .
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