t U. r THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON FRIDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 31, 1924 WITT NEWS IJN I BRIEF Riversides Her i R. Holland brought to Salem 3sterday 500 pounds of Silverside fjsh from the Tillamook coast, and bad no difficulty in finding a mar ket for them. He arrived In Sa lem about 3 o'clock in the after noon. ; !-.: . Hpeakinjr About the State Land board, by Thomas II. Kay, tonight at the armory. o31 structfons. It Is to be a move ment of national importance and will gjve an idea of j the relative standard of language in America. Prof. E. C. Erickson, director of the department of education at Willamette, has received the in formation here. j . did Timer Returns 4 Mr. and Mrs.; B. B. Cronk, who have been residents in .California (taring the past year, returned to Salem recently and have secured permanent residence at the Patton apartments. Mr.; Cronk is an early day blacksmith here and conduct ed one smithy on North Commer cial. His ' many friends will be glad to hear of his return to Salem. i - CJasquerade ; At McCbrnack hall, Friday. Oc tober 31. y,: j ! n-1 Cooke Patton III j . E. Cooke Patton, member ; of the firm of Patton Bros., is cbn f filed to his home for a few days. He is a prominent member of the club and has gained con siderable notriety by his ability as a magician. , N ' 1 Marcel and Curl Last linger After a Golden Glint shampoo. : !! I : 031 Aato Camp Busy- : HI. S. Poisal, who Is in charge at the Salem auto camp ground,; reports that 12 .campers are stop pfng over here during the storm. Aj Tumor that the camp will close is unfounded and it is not known wfcen the closing date will be. The records of the Salem auto camp grounds show one of the most pro- finable years of its existence, dur ! ing the past season. i ; , 4 . j Egyptian Henna for Tinting Hair II 60c. Perry' Drug Store. ol2tf English Week Coming Circulars have , been issued to educators all over the United Suites urging that during the com ing fortnight ; examinations be gVven all high school English students to find the standard of English in the United States. Spe cifications, circulars, data and other information is sent free to the instructors and all. they have t do is give the examination and Sake the report ? to the central fice, from whence came the in- T WOODRY : Buys Furnitxiro Phone 511 M '0) ;rv 1 m COAL WOOD COKE Best Quality Best Service PHONE 1855 ; 1TJLLMAN FUEL COMPANY See our Page Ad in . Phone Directory 4 Dr. B. II. White Osteopathy - Surgery Electronic Diagnosis and Treat ment (Dr. Abram'i method). Office Phone 85 or 469-J SOS U. a Bank Bid. PosterSt icker Issued The Salem Chamber of Com has issued a small sticker, carries a message that every voter to vote. It an nounces that the election is to bo held the coming Tuesday and that the voter should vote. merce which urges I ..t--.-. r Osteopathy, the Original And genuine spinal adjustment. Skillful and painless : corrective treatment that gets results. Dr. Marshall, 228 Oregon Bldg. o31 Seeks! Missing Son- Miss Celia Bollman, private sec retafy to Governor jPierce, is in receipt of a letter from Mrs. H. C. Conrad, of Memphis. Tenn., who in seeking her son. The young man disappeared shortly after an auto mobile accident on September 26 and a subsequent mental break down!. He was a student in law. The missing young (man is 24 years, old, 5 feet 10 inches, and weighs 165 pounds. He has blue eyes and light brown hair. 1 Diphtheria Reported . ' j Three cases of diphtheria have been j reported to the health offi cer here, in addition to one case of scarlet fever. The number of cases reported is not as large as two or three weeks past. ! Glen Oswald's Serenndei Now on the Victor at Stiffs, nl Rake Those Iieaveo Street Commissioner Walter Low is very anxious that the citi zens of Salem get the leaves from their jproperty into the street so that they may be carted away. The TERMINAL TA JIB SERVICE Cars for hire without drivers PHONE 2020 Day and Night Service Skating, Skating, Skating I At Dreamland Thursday,; Friday, Saturday 7:30 to 10 p. m. j Mus e by Kings of Harmony Dancing Dancing Dancing ' Salem New Auditorium "Wednesday and Saturday Extr J Dance Friday, Hallowe'en Typewriters Ai.r. 95 Dowa r - 1 t S Monthly o. u. zMkwoa 147 N. Com. 8b 1 PkB 80S RADIO HEADQUARTERS For' RADIO SUPPLIES I Open Evenings X91 NORTH COMMKRCIATj Popular Priced Tailored Suits $23 to S4S Hen's and Young Hen's D. H. MOSHER TAILOR !MDD & BUSH BANKERS Established 1869 General Banking Business . .... . i Office Honrs from 10 tu m. to 8 p. We Carrv 111 i . 'Iff WJT-M-t Lann All Sizes of Coal Yom the large furnace to ;he smallest nut size. Tell is for what purpose the coal is required and 'well point ut the proper size to use. But although we carry all sizes, we handle only one knnlltD VA vow Voot lAQ 1 l . . A A 1 iroia ine Tery uesi, wiues. Our coal service is yours to :ommand. " Prices range from $10 to $13 " I ! ; :. Also handle the best Diamond Briquettes $13 PHONE 930 ar Transfer & Storage Co. sooner the act Is done the better It will be, because Commissioner Low says that the teams and men will be Used on other woTk soon, and the leaves will have to re main on the streets and properties until another chance Is given the teams to haul them away. McMuhan Addressee Frat Judge L. H.-McMahan of the circuit court ppoke before the members of j the Phi Kappa Pi fraternity last evening on the sub ject of the fallacy of wealth. Each Thursday the Phi Kappa PI fra ternity secures speakers for their regular meetings. " 'H j ... Richard Hirsch is Bandit Richard Hirsch, 16. is In Mar Ion county jail awaiting action of the county juvenile court on the hcarge of burglary. Saturday night he tied a red bandana hand kerchief around his face, brand ished a broken rusty pistol and made his way into a house near the Kizer school and forced the three occupants to remain quiet. marched to the hiding place of a new automatic pistol and then backed from the room. The oc cupants of the room, two white men and a Chinnaman, thought they recognized the youth and told their story to the officials. When confronted with this state ment young Hirsch admitted the crime and told Deputies Smith and Bremmer that he had sold the old gun in a Salem junk store. The lad appears to be below the men tality" of a 16 year old youth. Eleanor Barker Indianapolis attorney, will speak on the major campaign issues at the republican rally at the armory tonight. I" . s o31 Henselman Passes Through On their way to the University of Oregon Homecoming at Eugene Mr. and Mrs. George Henselman of Portland passed through Salem yesterday. They are to. witness the Oregon-Washington football contest. Mr. Heselman is head of the sports department of the Hon eyman hardware company. Our Nicely Equipped Upholstering and ifinishing room is at your disposal. C. S. Hamil ton. ! o31 V Report Received An unconfirmed report reached here yesterday that the Willys Knight, in -which it is believed, the Aurora State bank bandits continued4 their flight after, aban doning a Flint car near Monitor, has been found at Oregon City, by deputies from the office of Sheriff Wilson of Clackamas county. z ..,!.. Junior Rotary Quartette Will sing at the republican rally at the armory tonight, 8 o'clock. I 631 Litle Girl Burned Bernice Elgin, 3 year old daugh ter, of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Elgin, of 1475 North Liberty, was sav ed from fatal burns by the quick action of her 7 year old brother, who pulled her away frota the flames. In some manner she pull ed the furnace door open, while playing in the basement and her clothing caught fire. Before the flames were extinguished by her brother the little girl's neck and chin were burned. The burns are not deep and it is not expected that deep scars will remain. The fact that she wore a woolen un dergarment saved her from more serious burns on her body. Card of Thanks ' ; i We wish to express pur heart felt 'thanks' for the many acts ;of kindness and words of comfort ex tended us in our late sorroy in the illness and death of our husband and father, Mr. A. ' H." Smith,' and for the' many beautiful floral of ferings. May God bless all of you. Mrs. Mary L. Smith, Roy E. King. o31 Hugtls To Visit Mrs. W. W. Savage, who suf fered severe injuries in an auto- DIED f ' ' ' WOLFBRANDT George S. Wolf brandt died Tuesday-evening, Oct. 28, 1924, a short distance northeast of Salem, at the age of 69 years. Survived by his wife. Christina Wolfbrandt of Salem, route 7; a sister, Mrs. Antonia Smith of. Pittsburg, Pa., and two brothers, Frank Wolfbrandt of Portland and Conrad Wolfbrandt of Helmer, Idaho. Funeral services will be held at 1:30 p. m. Saturday. Concluding service City View cemetery under the direction of Rigdon &. Son. FUNERAL The funeral of Mrs. Lulu Ed wards, who died Oct. 29, 192 4. will be held at the Webb Funeral parlors today, Friday, the 31st, at 1:30 p. m. Rev. Shanks will have charge of services. Interment will be in the IOOF cemetery. RIGDON & SON'S UORTUART Ppgqnaladl .Dei ilu mobile accident on the Pacific highway two weeks ago! will have Mr. and Mrs. Ernst Hugil Of Port land as. a visitor Sunday. Mrs. Savage who suffered a fractured p'lvi.s and other injuries will be in the hospital for some time as the injuries are healing j slowly. She is the mother of Mrs. Hugil. Suits pressed, SO Cent Cleaned and pressed,' $1.!0. Renners. We deliver. Phone 767. o31 i 1 Operation Undergone j ' An operation for the removal of goiter was undergone by Miss Ella Aspinwall. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clark Aspinwall of . lirooks, at the Salem hospital early this week. She is doing nicely. . Select Christinas Presents Now ' Small payments make it easy. Love, the Jeweler, Salem. olO-tf Sowers Not Troubling The heavy downpour of rain in Salem has not yet affected ihe sewers. Of course, therelis some trouble, but not as much as might be expected. In some of the catch basins the accumulations of the summer debris was not car ried away, but this iriatter was tended to as soon as it was re ported. Manholes near the Ore gon Packing company's plant were partly filled with pumpkin seeds when a strainer on the drain from the plant was found defective. Whether the seeds will prove troublesome in the Bellvlew sew er, one of Salem's largest, remains to be seen. Minor improvements are being made by the street com missioner and several troublesome catchbasins have been cared for, several others will be modified and trouble from high water will be eliminated. f May Serve on Jury ; Five of the 75 veniremen who may be called to serve upon the November term of federal court in Portland are .from Salem. Those from here who are the United States panel jury are Max Buren, Fred T. Kress, T. J. Merrick, route 1, B. C. Miles and H, S. Poisal. Other prospective jurymen from this part of the state are Harry But and E. P. Gwinn, of Dallas; J. W. Sidler and J. H. Schwabaur, Jr., of Aurora, and Charles Whit ney, of Woodburn. The term of court opens November 5 The Salem Band ; : Will play for the , republican rally at the armory tonight, 8 p.m. i- , , o3l Rhoten Buys Property Papers are being filed' by which E. A. Rhoten buys one quarter block on South High street. This is the northwest corner; of South High and Oxford streets. It is planned to erect two; five room and one six room modern ; resi dences on this 'property early in the spring. We Are Clad To give you an estimate on either recovering, finishing or re pairing your old furniture. C. S. Hamilton. o31 Army Officer Visits ! Col. E. N. Johnson, of the regu lar army engineers, was in the city ; yesterday to visit General George A. White and to look after his bonus. Col. Johnson is a na tive Oregonian and during the war was assistant chief of the gas and flame service in France. Thomas B. Kay - Will speak at the republican rally at the armory tonight. o31 Two Couples to W Marriage licenses were issued yesterday to Vrigil G. McKlnner and Martha Jane Black, Salem, and F. J. Stevens and Margaret Riley, Salem. . Mr. Stevens is a motorman on the Salem; street car lines, and Miss Riley ia a local teacher. - ' ; ' ' . J Let XTs Figure . - With you on upholstering -your old furniture. C. S. Hamilton. o31 Baker Not Myers Man i Emphatic denial that Frank Baker acted as his campaign man ager was made yesterday by Jef ferson Myers, state treasurer. Baker appeared In Salem with a letter of recommendation from Dr. C. J. Smith, state democratic com mittee chairman, and had creden tials from the national committee. Until this time he had neither seen or heard of Baker, Mr. Mye'-H said. Baker is missing l and locil men, '..who are his' creditors to the extent of several hundreds of dol lars, are seeking to locate him. Danc at Sclilndler HmII Every Saturday nite. j; nl Couple Separated-' A decree of divorce was handed down by Judge McMahan 4n circuit-court yesterday, separating Maud M. Smith from Jl F. Smith, and restoring to the plaintiff her former name of Maud M. Bradley. She accused her husband of asso ciating with a number of other women. ' i ? " I, ... Wisconsin Visitors Here Mr. and Mrs. Nelson JMinet o? Mauscon,. Wis-t are visiting rela tives in Salem. S He is SO years of age and she is 77, and this makes her sixth trip to Oregon. At the present time they are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Marion Putnam. Mrs. Minet is a, sister to Mrs. Juliette Southwick (Adams, and. during the past few : days the couple have been visitingj at the home of A. R. Southwick j and B. Southwiek families of Polk county. Hear Glen Oswald's : s Victor records at-Stiff's. nl Building Permit Issued - A building permit was issued yesterday by City Recorder Mar ten Poulsen to G. L. Wright', who is to erect a dwelling estimated to cost finoo' at 2647 Portland road, j .' ""''' Speeders Busy 7 . . . . H. L.. Robinson torfejted $.r bail when he failed to appear be fore the local police court yester day. J.' E. Gaines,, however, was fined $5' for .speeding.; Officer Hickman arrested B. Gallaway and J. C. Graham and both men were cited to appear before Police Judge Marten Poulsen today. . ' All Kinds of Electric ' ; Motors' repaired, phone 2112. Todd, the motor man. o31 Overcoat Stolen John Hedlund of 257! North Liberty reported to the police de partment yesterday that an over coat had been stolen from him. It was of English tweed, of a light gray color, size 40, and . of box back cut. Births Reported William Roy Barber is the name given to the baby boy born to Mr. and Mrs. William H. Barber at 1350 North Seventeenth, on Oct. 22. A son was born to Mr. .and Mrs. Carl E. Boock on Oct. 20 at the Salem hospital and has been named Wallace Wayne Boock. Republican National Committee Presents Eleanor1 Barker of In dianapolis, who will speak on na tional campaign issues , at the armory tonight. : o31 Virginia Is VIsito For the first time, in several months Virginia, the pet deer at the state prison, was a; visitor jat the office yesterday. Prior to be ing moved to . the chicken yard, Virginia made her home in the warden's office. With one excep tion she warmly greeted her old friends, but one of the inmates who had charge of her was almost ignored. Virginia made herself at home, nibbling at the cards in the . For T , General V Blacksmithing ancl Horse Shoeing Call at' , : . FAIR GROUND SHOP E. W. CHICKERIXG, rrop. On Portland Road Near 'Fairground Saturday Specials All 15c Bread 10c Butter Cream Doughnuts 15c per dozen Ye Old Home Made Fruit Cake;; Just Full of Fruit and Nuts 20c each We will have a complete variety of Pound t Cakes, Loaf Cakes and Old English Fruit Cake, for the Holiday Trade ji : - ' A trial will convince the most particular. Order early and get the best. ; 1 Model Bakery eje as usual. It was only ffering her her favorite dell- rlon paper, that Vireinia induced to leave. Be er growth. It Is doubtful vllfges of the yard wiil d iur during the wet as her small, pointekl up the fino nr'en sward card ind by o cacy, ca could be cause of if the pr be grant weatlur, hoofs flu yst'rlayj The in Flax Well Insur'd4 u ranee on the flax pro duct of the Oregon state peniten tiary has been placed with fiye Salem and one Portland agency, the latter being Harvey Wells & Co.. whoj received s $3000. The local men are Anderson Rupert, J5000; Becke & Hen dricks, $r,500; W. H. Burghardt, 118.000; W. C. Dyer, $10,500; Homer M. Smith, $25,000. The insuranca is for the period froim August, 1924,. to August,, 1925, for a total df $71,000, according jto premium claims that have been audited by the office of the secre tary of state. The premium paiid is less tbhn $3.56 per $1000. We Do V And C. S. Ha tempt to cross the St. Paul bar but, was unsuccessful and a dredge from Portland was. secured; With the; last rain, thnriver has been rising at the rate ofnearly one inch an hour. - lt Vs Figure Wit h ' you. on. recovering your davenport or chair; ' C. S. Hamil ton. o31 It:iltors Meet Tinight S i f - Members of the Marion-Polk County Realty association are scheduled to hold their regular weekly meeting tonight at 6:15 at the Marion Hotel. Usually the meeting is held at noon Thursday. L.. R. Zimmerman, secretary of the northwest realty board, is to be one of the several prominent speakers from Portland. He will talk on the farm bureau 'exchange. Lost, Pet Coyote- - Reward if returned to f Valley Grill. , o31 aill pholsteringr general repair work. biilton. o31 Salem fetfudent HonoreU Delmar been elected local chafpt ciety of ensuing gistered this terra DeSart of Salem has vice president of the er of the American So- Civil. Engineers for the kerm at OAC. He is re- n the school of commerce If ov About. That Sliool Fund? Thomas B. Kay, republican can didate far treasurer' will tell the public tonight at the republican rally at I the armory.; o31 High YViter Useful- The r ;se of the Willamette river during the past week has been a boon tojthe river craft which irj to ply between here and Portland. The steimer "Relief," which, jhe Inland i j Transportation company will place on a regular run to j;he Rose CBty. will be able to cross the St. Paul and the Wheatland fne st bars. steamer made the lat- Irftw Students Ciather - The Ulackstone club, an organi zation of law students of Willa; mette university, : meet tonight at the Spa for their regular monthly gathering. Walter Winslow will give the main address of the" eve ning. The purpose of the club is to create a better understanding of law and its purpdse among the students-of Willamette university. The officers of the organization are George Duncan, president; Le land Duncan, vice president, and James Young, -secretary treasurer. Four new members are to be ad mitted tonight. They are Ceorgei Rhoten, Albert Strayer, Clarence Phillips and Arthur O'Neil.v Office Chairs AT Commercial Book Store" "If It's for the Office We Have It" Capital Bargain House House of a Million and, 1 One Bargains 215 CENTER STREET Ballot No. 61 ' J. W. SADLER leniocratic Candidate for , STATE LEGISLATURE Member of a substantial' commercial enterprise as .well as a heavy, tax-payer on farm property Election Nov. 4 -Pid Adv. T . -.Try. r ' ' Brazier C. Small H Candidate for '.- Justice of the Peace Salem District The; modern development of our law 3ias thrown much, Additional responsibility upon this office and requires that the voters select both a capable, and just official. Vote Ballot No. 87. (Paid Adv.) ' s AVE YOUR DOLL AIRS! Read this carefully. We have just received another large shipment of the famous ADVANCE PURE ALUMINUM. This shipment consists of LARGE pieces of h;eh trrade ware. Is highly finished and heavy weight goods. We offer you your choice of ! 2 qt. Double Boilers 2 qt. Percolators 1 u ana o qi. r reserve Kettles 7 5 qt. Tea Kettles 6 qt. Covered Convex Kettles 6 qt. Covered Convex Pans 5 qt. Draining Kettle 10 qt. Dish Pans Large Round Roasters .". . J Sets of 3 Sauce Pans 9 Cake Muffin Pans 10 qt. Dairy Pails Large Angel Cake 1 Pans -. -: ake Your Choice Saturday , November 1 Only 5c k f Bon't confuse this with the light ware you have seen offered on some sales. jou will be surprised at the weight and finish of this. GEO. E. ALLEN Hardware and Machinery 236 N. Commercial St. - Salem, Ordgon 121 S. COML ST.