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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1924)
JESDA MORNING, OCTOBEfc2Bl924 1 - I m THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALE&f, OREGON MssifiecT Section aleoifS v.? 4 Great c M .r iSIC 4 .t y 'n i ' i I s t t s WOOD FOR SALE 11 TOPI DON'T BUY INFERIOR WOOD! Get the best oak u4 fir; also coal i By phoning 1855. 11-sluti 18 INCH WOOD FOR NORTH S A L.CH " from ' new mill near Dm( school, 6 ; loads I5. Phone 1220. 1 1 -utV WANTED EmpMiyment 13 SHINGLING AND ROOF REPAIRING 445 Turner St. phone 604 K. 12 n9 .EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER Wknl prmaaent position. Good references Address saaa autMan, : ;22itt WANTED Mldcellaneou 13 WANTED TWO OR THREE PIOS Durocs preferred. : Phone 99V 1 1 be tween 12 and l noons or 6 and 7 eve niugs. Alio want two or three ton baled hay. 1 j 13oltf WANTED MEN AWD WOMEN Ts ,- take (ana paper subscriptions. A gee preposition to the tight people. Ad drew the Pacific Homestead. BUteamaj Bldg.. Salem. Or. ; WOODBT THI AOCTIONIER BUT sod furniture fa cash. Phone All in-o-ev- mSCmJ-ANKOUS 14 LOANS WANTED $1700 AND 81900. First Mtge, security modern Salea AOBtt tt and 7 per cent. BECKE HENDRICKS 17. 8. Bank Bldg I . ; 14-o2tl WARREN NURSERIES---WALNUTS, mi berts. Cherries, and goners! numrj stock. Special prices given on earl) orders. Price liat tent on request. G U Wsrreo. R. 9. Salem. 14-o31 HELP WANTED IS SALESMAN TO SELL 135. -; RADIO Phone 15-o30. , HELP WANTED Female 17 wanted woman to wash from 12:30 to 5 o'clock. Phone 451. 17o:io. WANTED I.AIJY TO CARE FOR GIRL echool age nrar school. Call after 1 4 p. tn. Arlington Hotel. 17-Q28 HELP WANTED Male 18 : MAN. ENERGETIC AND RELIABLE, wanted for factory representative to bandle our business in Salem district; unusual opportunity, with ; fortune for right man; experience or capital un , necesssrv; write fully Syncro Motors Co., Battle Creek; Mich. l-o28. POULTRY AND EGGS 21' 1 IG BARGAIN; IN POULTRY. 50 GRAY geese, full grown. 12.23 each; SO Drome turkeys, nearly crown, 12.50 each ; 40 Indian Runner ducks, 50e each. Writ MeMinnville, Route 3, Bos 70, or phone Sheridan, Oregon. 8553 i 1 ; ' 2l-o29 LOST AND FOUND S3 FOUNDTWO: STRAY HORSES , AT J W. J. Weatherman. Rt. 8 Bx ,' 1C Sslem. Owner may have same' for payment of this ad and trouble. 22o3p A8TRAYED FROM EDWARDS 1 4 Richter's slaughter bouse, a Jersey t cow. 1, i ; 22-o29 LOST SOMETHING t FIND 1TI PHONl ) waat ad ta The Btataamaa. Phone Ik . i . , . .. SS-at LOST SIGMA PI FRATERNITY PIN . lias chapter letter, name of owner and number oa back. Reward. M. Bock . ma a, Sigma Fi. Corvallis, Oregon. V; 22 o28 , PK PII HALL. IKSONAL 23 KALPII 9A RECOND STREET Forest Grove. ' n, ' Oregon ia anxious to get ia touch with his mother Mrs. Ma bel Hall Please write. 23-027 .LOANS 24 FOR LOAN I25.00O OX A PROVED 1 anritv farm nronrrtv nreferred. W. A. Listoa, 44 Court St. 24O-30 MONEY TO LOAN ON FARM PROP erty. Lowest rates obtainable. See Mr. ' MeCurdy la Homer Smith's of v fice. Steevea Moore Bldg. 24-s20U II0NET TO LOAN IN AMOUNTS $1000 ' ta $3500, 7 per coat. BECKE HENDRICKS ' TJ. 8. Bank Bldg. 4-alW i ; HEAL ESTATE City 25 Own Your Home $300 CASH DOWN $20 TER MONTH 6. You can move ia today-in yoar owa home, which Is modern. 5' rooms. bath and lights, garage. ; Ideal lora--i tion. Price : $2.30, for sale by Cbilds BechteL 240 State street, j ;--- ( -'- "-! 25-o28 $250 BUYS 7 ROOM PLASTERED i house oa State street, old ivory finish j gsrsge. this in aa investment at price 1 offered. S3800 boys 5 rooms and sleeping perch, furnace, fireplace, garage", on atreet ear line. ; $7000 Buys one of the finest cor " . ners ia tba eity with strictly modern 5 room bonse and garage. You can-V- not afford to overlook this, i WINNIE PETTYJOHN. REALTOR. 21S Oregon Bldg. 2 3 o28tf. i VACANT COTTAGE ON PAVING OAR age if deoireo. szzau ana .". see i 1098 North 21st. BECKE A HESDRICKS r. S. Bank Bldg. y 25 o26tf FOR SALE SIX ROOM MODERN honae east front, pavea aireei, OOO; easy terms. F. L. WOOD - 25-o25tf $1500 BUYS A four room house on paved street : located, nine, blocks out,s $300 down balance monthly. . W. H. GRABESHORST CO. m 275 State SU i 25-o28 ROOM HOUSE, BASEMENT. Furnace. garage, pavement, gas ia, dmra, $35 per month. i 7 room bonse. all one floor. $600 down, easy monthly paymenta. 5 room new English house, very good location.. $800 down. $35 per month. 4 room bonse close, in. east front, $600 down, $25, per month. Beautiful house furnished through out. Look into this and buy on easy paymenta from Gertrude J. 5- I v FOR SALE DOUBLE GARAGE AND lot with fruit trees, $500 j I v x. wnnn ; ! ha R)aa Rt." i ' 25 o25tf Ft nninv ni nor IV ROOMS' f ' w:ik oslba an ear close to i""Y ""I-:- -,.. ,.nt acnoois ana ii miur.j. . vacant j - , - , duced from $3450 to $3250. Good con dition just move in. IT B M.nlc Ride. 25-o20tf i ROOM BUNGALOW NEW. HAS everything you want and location. Im mediate possession. Price $410O ana any reasonable terms to responsible people. Yes; paring, larnace, u.. s wood ' etc. ' ww a. lirvnuirc Q i TT a II. nk Bide-. , J5-o2tf I J ' , B I TBUntTVT TTTI.T. V n-i in feet sansre tt .Wk frniw nsved atreet. Price $90l; $50 down: 10 rer month. 91 Stato St r 25-028 )rROOsis71rrRNACE SOUTH. PRICED REAL ESTATE City 25 GOOD HOME BUYS 10 acre suhiirhaii hime fine, all modern tt room 'i bungalow,- tiit-e barn ' and out butlatin?. -i acres prunes; ' some cherries. Nice location. Bargain. 1 2 Vi acre tract rloite in, new bunga low, S27uu. i Fine i afre tract close in, modern bungalow, dandy nice home. J'rire Sb.tOU. ' i acre farm near town, half in cultivation, good improvements, fruit. Exchange for acreage near Salem. 25 acre farm all in cultivation. 10 acres bearing fruit, paved road, good aet buildings, stock, tools, feed. f65UU, exchange tor Salem residence. 18 room apartment house, good lo ration, large lot garage snap tono. New 4 room bungalow jlBOO. 20U acre farm good improvements. 1 Snap per acre. Fine modern 6 .'room bungalow on Court street, easy terms, i See ns for-, good buys or exchanges. PERRIXE k MAKSTEK.S Commercial Club Building. 25-o23tf A GENUINE BAROA1N A good 7 room modern house in per fect condition, with garsge, paved street car line, walking distance. - A decided good buy for $2650; terms. See Wm. Fleming, 341 State. 2.Vo26tf 7 ROOM HOME CHEAP HERE'S Well - built home on paving with large east front lot close to schools and bus in cm. Garage. Price $3500 and $500 down takes. BECKE & HENDRICKS V. S. Bank Bldg. 2.Vo26tf MOST ATTRACTIVE HOME IN SALEM east front, prominent street, beautiful large rooms, 3 large bedrooms. Ger trude J. M. Page, 492 N. Cottage. I 25o24tf SNAPS $2300 A real new four room bungalow borne on paved street and car line $250 down, balance monthly. $6300 Close in home, modern with aeven rooms,: must be sold at once. See ns today for a real bargain. $5000 5 rooms i new and modern on paved atreet, located 10 blocks North. East front, stucco finish. $2300 down. We write FIRE INSURANCE. W. H. ORABESHORST 4c CO. Realtors. 275 State St. Phone 515. 25-o28 MODERN 5 ROOM BUXOALOW BASE menl. furnace, fireplace, built-in, ga rage. Corner lot. Terms. 1315 Ship ping St. ; 25-029 Some Extra Good Listings For Better Homes Week 5 acres all cultivated, 1 acre cher ries. 1 acre loganberries, 1-4 acre strawberries, good 1, room bouae, good outbuildings, 1 Vi miles to school $3800 $2500 cash. Terms. 3 acres well sultivated. small or chard, bet ring. Good 6 room modern honse, good outbuildings, 3-4 i mile to , school, $4000; $300 cash, balance eaay monthly payments. 18 acres 2 miles from Brooks. All under cultivation. Small family or--chard. 6 room modern house and large barn. Price $4750; or will take trade. We have for rent severs! of the most desirsbte houses ; and apartments from $15 to $50. i 6 room plastered bonse. near Junior high school, full basement, wood lift, very convenient.! Price $2"0; easy terms, or will exchange for bouso in eity of Portland. - We also have a fine farm in Min nesota to trade for Oregon farm. . 4 room house ion Highland avenue, brand new. - Modern conveniences $1700; terms. 7 room bungalow. North Commercial, plastered, bath. toilet, two --50x125 Iota, fruit, ahrnbbery. Price $3700 and terms. Or will .exchange for grocery store or rooming . Loose. : Wbst have you! t - MOI8AN ULRICH Phone 1354 122 N. Commercial St. 25-ol9tf DRIVE BY THIS 5 ROOM BUXGA- low. Garage, paving, etc. $3600. Quick possess:on and reasonable terms. y BECKE HENDRICKS U. S. Bank Bldg. 25-o26tf FOR; SALE SIX ROOM HOUSE IN good condition. $2iuu; easy terras. nmau home, two 'ot, MOOO; easy terms. F. Lu WOOD 341 State St. i ; 25-o25tf ROOM HOUSE FOR SALE CASH or easy terms. inquire ni a. uom i. I . 25-030 Salem Highway Tracts NOW OS SALE i - ' The tracts between the two highways. just north of tbo Oregon State Ftir .Grounds are bow ready to put oa the market tn aeil ia one-half hero tracts. An Ideal Location For Suburban Home You may select yonr tract now. All will be plainly marked with price. Don't delay, as first choice will be best. Three roads across tract connecting Portland and Silvertoa highways, mak ing all tracts easily accessible. : . - I Price ranging from $400 up,- accord ing to location. Rich LjReimann 107-308 Oreron Bide. Phone 1013 za-oziu HINTED CARDS SIZE 14" BY 7V4 wording "For Sale. Enquire At." Price 10 centa each. 8tatesmaa Basinets fffte. Oeitnfiaf Floor MINUTE MOVIES ED-VJWHEELANS SERIAL THE VJEBr0F 'MysTRiOVS WSS PEAiM if ; VCJ.TACK, HE'S1 V STILL j MERE- ILL J) REAL ESTATE City 25 tVHEN TIRED OP HUNTING SEE MK. 1 have ; tauudreda of properties mevting every thinkable demand. My system aavea time and shoes. If what you want ia to be found I can find it. Let me help you HARRIS. 317 Oregon building, j Phone 455. 1942-J 25s20tf. i I i look: i3i:o s i Buys a fine lot 9xrS3 feet located on North Summer street. t'loe in, pavement paid.. See us today. W. It. tiK.tBt.MIOKST l.-tl. !"5 State I St. 25-o28 6 ROOMS MODERN BARGAIN. ALL one floor with furnace, fireplace, full cement i basement and garage. Large porches- and large lot. Block to new junior high school. See at 1275 E street. 1 l'rire -1350 and pos session. I - ! BECKE HEXDUICKS U. S. Bank Bldg. 25-o26tf Best Buys LOTS -i I '! $70) buys 3 residence lots, $100 cash balance easy terms. . $1250 buys 4 full lots on SouthCom mercial; Va rash, balance terms. $22,0O0 buys lot 75x150 in bUHiness district of Salem, on easy terms. : HOl'.SKS 1 room , house, acre lot covered with trees, $800; $150 cash, balance $20 monthly. 4 room, part modern house, . fine lot. $1400; $100 cash, balance $20 monthly. I 5 room. strietlv - modem bungalow, garage.t shade, in Oaks addition, $4900, $1500 cash, balance to suit. 3 rooms and sleeping porch, strictly modern bungalow, beautiful birch trees, at 535 North Winter, must be looked over to be apprecisted. $7000; $3000 rash, balance to suit. GIVE ME AN OPPORTUXITY TO MATCH YOUR TRADE. t Socolofsky, Realtor 341 State ' 25-o26tf REAL ESTATE Trades 27 TRADE 6 ROOM HOUSE. 2 LARGE lots for small tract near Salem. Gertrude J. M. Page. 492 N. Cottage. 27-o24tf TRADE CAR OX TRACT BUILDINGS and 10 acres inside limits with imme diate possession. Owner will sell on terms or take good light car as part. BECKE & HENDRICKS ' V. S. Bank Bldg. 27 o26tf REAL ESTATE Farms 28 I HAVE SEVERAL SMALL AXD Large farms for rent, some irrigated good been and flax land. P. E. Thomasnn. Turner, Oregon. 28 o28 SMALL APARTMEXTS FOR SALE WE have three today and are proud of one. For $3000 investment we know it 'will provide a home and make you a living. BECKE HENDRICKS U. S. Bauk Bldg. , 28 o26tf 160 ACRES IMPROVED. ALBERTA, for Oregon stock ranch. Exchange 6t acre river bottom farm for city property. A fine home in Salem to trade for small farm i F. L. WOOD i 341 State St. 28-o23tf ; ! ' I LOOK! ' ' Do you want a nice little farm of 25 acres, all cultivated, 4 acres in or chard, good buildings. Only 4 miles from Salem on good road. Mostly pav ed. Will take part in Salem property Long time on balance. We have a nice suburban home of 2 acres and new 5 room honse and a $3300 farm mortgage. Will trade both for 40 to 80 acre farm. 8 room ! apartment house partly fur nished for rent or lease for 1 year for $35 per imonth. 5 room house for $15 per month. 1: i TIIOMASON 331 State St. 28-o26tf FARM BUYERS LOOK LOOK fine farm -35 acres all cultivated land. House,1 barn. $3000 only, one third down, balance $200 per year without interest. See Childs & Bechtel. 54i State street. 28-o28. IF YOU WILL CO OUT ON The Pacific - highway just beyond where you can get the perfume from the paper mill and go up a i good gravel road about 10 chains to the top of a little raise you'll find whet this ad's all about and it's 10 cre. i well imnroved with several acres of fine prunes and logan berries, u.ia a r view-, tuat will mase you won der why you ever wanted to live in - town. u,The owner of this is foolish enough to offer it for town property. Ji ou'll cail us we'll tell you more about it or if you'll let us we'll take vou out i and let you be your : own judge. McGilehrist Pennington, 209 United Stated Bank Bldg. Phone 140. . . ; 28-o28tf I want to show you this excellent 37 acre dairy and grain farm only about four miles from Salem, paved road nearly all the way, nice six room new bungalow with; handy built in features, wood house oining. Nice new barn and other buildings. All in first class shape for an 'ideal home, plenty of spring water, handy for stock.; The land produces excellent crops of clover and grain to take care of a nice dairy herd snd other stork. Any one i wanting a good dairy and . grain farm cannot fail to be interested in this, especially when the extremely low price is considered, which must sell the farm in the next few days or it will be taken off the market. Price ti.illO (or quick sale: $1000 cash; $1500 : pavable $500 annually and bal ance $3000. payable April 1. 1929. This price is at lesst $500 less than cost to the owner. See Wells Tallman, -229 Oregon Bldg., Salem, Oregon. , 28-o28 $C000 SWIKGS BUSINESS BLDG. Tt's a dandy,! especially so if you know your Salem. BECKE ft HENDRICKS U. S. Bank Bldg. 28 o5ftf (All JJa-ck Mc GIBE'S MENCMMEN RE TuBN THEIC VISIT "lb "WE OFFICE CP C STRICT AT- lORNE STRAIGHT (ME: tWE POOR SAP DOESNT KMO0 THATl Ml S SEC EETARy lMlSJ? PENr4 IS AND THAT SME. MAS REAL E8TATE--Frm 28 WAY UNDER VALUF. 78 acres, 2l plaut land, sandy loam, soil in river bottom. Fair house,, old barn, separator bouu". ; chia-ken house, sheds, gravel roatf, V KFI, U mile to KK station. $:i7ou;; w.VUu- down, $250 a year. i i ' See J. "MILLS 331 ta State St. . J I i 28 o28 SOME SXAPsrXT" -ACRES TIMBER i on Pacific highway ' not far out. Price $50(10 aud $2UOO Will handle; it. The wood ought lo more: than pay the bill aud you have the land left. . F. L, UooD ! 341 State St. -'.j V'i; .! 28 nl ON ACCOUNT OK ILLNESS IN THE ; family the owner of one of the best : dairy ranches in the Silt ti Valley has listed with me at - rock- bottom figures his CO acre well; 'improved property ' situated within 5 uiint - a-alk of the ' village of Silet. : $31O0 of purchase price already financed by Federal loan. ' fee me for full particulars. Price $7.00o. i ? i A. C. BOItRNSTEDT 147 No. Com-!. Kt.i Salem, Oregon. i 28-o25tf Ask Robinson to tell you about, that 38 acre farm equity for city. It's a producer now, not away iu the future but Now I Oregon Bldg. I j I 28 o22 16 ACRE GIFT JUST ABOUT. WE remember this place when a bargain at 0OOO; now its going at $3250. Terms if wanted. ! Located in fruit belt on good roadj Complete set of fair buildings. Also set hf old buildings. Excellent water. 'Don't miss this if iuierested in tract BECKE HENDRICKS U. S. Bank Itldg. 28 o26tf REAL ESTATE-hExcbMngn 20 WILL EXCHAXGE FOR VALLEY Farms. Choice 5o acre, well improved farm in central South Dakota, clear of incum brance. Want Oregon: land or prop erty. Also bOO acres in central north en Nebraska. Well improved, stocked and equipped. Clear of incumbrance, for Oregon grain or stock ranch. Ex changes in farm and city property a specialty. Barber, 200 Gray Bldg - i 29 o!7tt iii' i 1 i ss REAL ESTATK Suburban SO FOR SALE AT A GREAT SACRIFICE. my 10 arre fr ; and chicken ranch.' Good, roomy buildings. Frice, with ; ont personal property. $4200. $2,000 ; will handle it. With ? personal prop - erty, including about 70m hens, $5,.00. ' 3 miles east of Salem, Rt. 6, Salem. Oregon. Puone 10oF2l, Joel Sprunger ; (owner). li s 30-o30 NOTHIXO SUCCEEDS LIKE SUCCESS' Just the place- 6 room bungalow, paved st. Fine i garden soil; South : High street. Only $30410; terms. Listen well built 5-room bungalow, ; basement, garage,? 'fruit. A snap at ! $341)0. . i; . V None better 3(1 acre farm in Haiel ! Green district, all in high state of cul : ligation. Owner is making money, but : has to go East. Will sell with Stock i and implements. Investigate this. We write insurance. ' i RICH L. REINMAXN, Realtor. 30T-308 Oregon Bldg. I Phone 1013. u j, S 30-o28tf. SUBURBAN HOME--STRICTLY MOD N-rnt and on paving; mile and half to business. Has furnace; fireplace, elec tric range, hardwood floors, double ga ! rage, light fixutres, i shades, drapes, in : laid linoleum, etc.:: and clean and ready to occupy. This, : place cost $6000. Make an offer. i BKCKK & HENDRICKS IU. S. Bank Bldg. ; V j 30 jnaajajaaw----r-"' 1 " "aBg ''fT"ica USED CAR For Sale 31 FOR SALE! loot rn,J rniina '. S450 1921 Dodge Screen overhauled $400 f 1920 Ford touring!...;;..: $180 1919 Ford touring;...i $150 1923 Dodge touring:....;, $850 1922 Dodge touring'"....... r $500 19'iO Dodge touring ..$450 1920 Chevrolet touring ;...$300 1919 Dodge touring ; '. $200 BONKSTEELK sMOTOK CO, 31-o29 USED FORD CARS FROM AN" AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER - Touring Cars .....$ 85 to $350 Roadsters - 75 to 325 Coupes ., i... 275 to 450 Sedans .i 225 to 450 Light Deliveries - 65 to 275 Ton Trucks 125 to 385 "Bugs" ; 75 to 225 All cars are guaranteed Liberal Terms. Open until 9 p. m. every evening Sunday's 12 a. m. (Church Street Entrance) VALLEY MOTOR COMPAXT Salem, Ore., 200 No. i High Phone 1995 ft 31s26tf I SALEM MARKETS I : Prices quoted srs ' wholesale and ar prices received by , farmers. No retail pricea are glve- ORAIW AND HAT No. 1 soft white wheat. $1.40 So. 1 soft red wheat.....i $1.26 Osts ...J.....i. 55ffi60c Cheat hay $12(it$15 Oat hay ,. ...$1516 Clover hay, baled ...... $14$15 PORK. MUTTON AMD BEBF Hogs. 100-200 cwt j-4 $9.75 Hogs,, 20O-25O cwt s-i $9.50 Hogs, 13(1-160 cwt 1.U..4 .....$9.25 Rough heavy J..4....J. ;....6it)7c Light sows i..l.....k O'iC TonT veal U-i. i -8e. Dressed veal; top Cows Lambs Il'ifrl 12 12 C -? "V ...4 1..2c(oJ 3 jc 'c POUa.rBT Springers Heavy hens ...j.y.-j...... Light liens i.J i Ducks i... 18e20c4 lSeiii !9e ..l-2 6i 14 c 1 40(0)1 81- Old roosters ,. ...8e EGGS. BUTTER, BUTTE BVFAT Creamery bntter J..',, . 43c44c Butterfat, delivered.;.; i.... 39c Milk, per cwt u . $1.90 Eggs 'Henneries, . 50c Standards ....s.i. -. .47c Vnltets A.i V He rights protected by The Geoige Matthew Adams 'Service Trade Mark SAYS ME VWOT WlTWDEAW HIS TOR CrOVEBAlOR AND TWAT IF START MYTUiahG- ME'LL JAIL. VOV AGAlAJ Ny CDVS IAJ . fv3Ahci' PKYCK BEEM LCX3KIMG-. iNTp l8ED CARS FOR SALE 31 SPECIAL 1922 CHEVROLF.T TOU.R ing, new paint, good rubber, almost r.ew : top and battery. Mulnr o(?r , hauled and many extras. ' Mee this car - before you buy. t , 1920 Chevrolet touring, $190, top. tires, motor , and general appearance very good. Nr.WTON CHF.VItOLRT CO. . ' t 31 o24lf 1923 Ford ronpe A t condition $450 1924'Ford cuiipe, fully equipped $525 192:S'. Dodge touring, two bump , ers and - extra equipment ..$850 .1922 Dodge touring lour, new cord tires ....i.;.. $525 1920 Ford touriug .$200 ' ( Terms ) BOXF.STF.EI.K MOTOR CO. 1 ! ' :' ' 31-028 Bt'lCK TOURIXO 1 1918 4 cyl ii. 1 1914 4 cyl J - 1920 0 cyl 1 1920 6iyl .... 1 1920 6 cyl, 7 pass ...2... 1 1922 6 cyl. 7 ptss I 1923 C cyl .. .t . BLICK SEDANS 1 1922 4 cvl i............. I 1922 6 cvl t.... 1 1922 6 cyl ..... 1 1923 4 cyl ......... 1 1924 cyl. 7 pass. 1 1 1924 6 cyl, 5 pass. . $200 . $175 . -$500 $475 . $500 . $7UO . $900 . $900 $1150 $1000 $1250 J 1 1922 Dodge sedan .... .J... $700 1 1922 Jewett sedan' $800 1 1922 Studebaker .- $600 1 1924 Dodge coupe. ' ( ' 1 1924 Chevrolet coupe.' - O. J. WILSON 388 N. Com'l St. Also distributors of Good Year tires. 31-s26 Pearcy and Biehn Pool Promise to Pay Well 1 The Pearcy-Biehn prone pool at the Salem Fruit union promised to pay well after packing charges freight commissions and other ex penses are taken out. The pool which was handled on assignment by Denny & Co. will average $53.62 Vt. Checks supporting this i state ment was received by the pool men from Denny & Co. Monday morn ing. In this consignment from Pearcy-Biehn prunes from about 11 growers were included, and the balance of the shipment was made up from the fruit union plant. There is no indication yet on what the returns will be from the prunes shipped by the Kings plant. Reports state that some of the fruit went out green and probably would not bring any material re turns; Klan Lecture Is Slated Salem Armory Tonight "Knights of the Ku Klux Klan and its Mission" is the 'subject or a realm lecturer, under the aus pices of the national organization, who will appear at the! Salem arm ory at 8 o'clock tonight. Admission 'to the armory Is by card, which is not transferrable. The Invitations state that the re cipient has been found eligible to become a part' of the nation-wide movement and has been certified to by friends within the ranks of the KKK. 1 Facts regarding the movement will be stated, accord ing to the invitation, i . GENERAL MARKETS I . PORTLAND, Oct. 27i Grain futures: Wheat, hard white, blue stem and Baart, October, $1.53; November, $1.54; December, $1. 56; soft 1 white, October, $1;50; November, i $1.52; ' December, $1.53; 1 western white, October, November. ; $1.48; December, $1.50; hard winter, ' . October, $1.47 November, " December, $1.48; northern spring, October, $1.47; November, December, $1.48 western red, October, $1.43; November,- $1.44; December, $1.45; BBB hard white, October, Novem ber, $1.63; December. , Oats No. 2 white feed, Octo ber, November, December, $38; No. 2 gray. October, November, December, $36,50. Barley, No. 2. 4 6-pounds, Octo ber, November, Dcember, $44; 44 pounds, October, November De cember, $42. Corn No. 2 eastern yellow ship ment, October, November, $43; December, $42; No. 3 ditto, Oc tober, November, '$42.50; Decem ber, $41.50. ".'.!'"' Millrun October, November, $32; December, $32.50. 1 HAY, j PORTLAND, OcU 27. Buying prices, hay; Valley timothy, $20; ditto eastern Oregon, $2223; al falfa. $19 19.50; clover. $17; oat hay, $1S; cheat, : $16.50; oat and vetch, $18 straw, $7.50 ton. Selling price, $2 ton more. AvJAME ( . . . . i"T" ' TT ic"T" Vt)U SEE. MlbO'f GOT TIME; i.r I FSEATEN i EVEJM 7s see yoj wJ LTjHe dis trict attorme MISS PENM (SOOD-NtGMT CLASSIFIED Of Reliable Business ! AKBXTLAHCS AMBULANCE SERVICE, DAT OR night. Phone 666. 173 South Liberty. AUCTIONEERS I f F. N. WOODRY 1 Expert Livestock, furniture, real estate AUCTIONEER i Jtes. 1610 N. Summer Fhons Sll for sales dates. i J: , L. E. TALBOTT ! ?!f ' Auctioneer i FTione 470202 U. S. Bank Bldg. i ! M. J 15 j U. SATTERLEE J , I Auctioneering 1 , ! Rooms 25-20, Breymsn Block Phone 430 or 12111. jpe lgtf AUTO PAINTIKO HAVE US REPAINT YOUR OAR WITH our now permanent finisn. w,i-,-y7. . mutt Caao High Btreos at Trade BATTERY AND ELECTRICIANS B31 Court St. JOb W1LUAU3 PRESTO-LITE BATTERY SERVICE Station. Expert battery snd electrical work. Ferris Bros., Phono 1603. 418 Court. t . K. D. BARTON EX IDE BATTERIES starter snd generator work; 171 South Commercial. BICYCLES AND REPAIRING LLOYD E. RAMSDEN DAYTON BICY flea and repairing: 387 Court. CHINESE REMEDY L.-L. DICK L. M, HUM.' OHIXESE . Medicine Co., hlp ssy known disease 420-426 Bute St., Salem, Oregon. s-30tf CUXROfOOIBT DR. S.F. SCOTT. ; GRADUATE Na tional University J Sciences, : Ckicsgo. Masonic Temple. Phone C4Q, - - CHIROPRACTORS DR.! O. L. SCOTT. PSO CHIROPRACTOR, 414-19 U. 8. Bank Bldg. Phono $7. res. 828 R. i" CLEANERS h DYERS SALEM CLEANERS AND DYERS. 1215 8. Commercial. Pltone 18C8. We spe cialise on one day service. ' CONTRACTORS FOB CEMENT WORK CALL i AT NL Summer street. Phone 674-J. 4ffl CHEKKY CITY CONTRACTING CO. General contracting and building. Esti mates gladly furnished. Phono ISttTR or 58r'I2. v 1 o'isu SBE8SMAKXNO fBlNTED CARDS SIZE 14" BY 7" -wording 'Dressmaking"; pries 10 , centa : each. Statesman Busineaa Office Oronnd Floor. ' - ELECTRICIANS .SALEM. ELECTRIC CO-MASONIC building. Phono 1200. ELECTRIC FIXTURES AND SUPPLY Co. Phone 193. 222 N. liberty. FLEENER ELECTRIC CO. Honse wiring by hour or contract. Es timates furnished. - Phono 980. 471 Court St. , HALIK ELECTRIC , HOF Elect rte Fixtures Washing Machines , Vscnnm Clssaert B37 Court St. i Phone 488 Res. Phone 702K FARJC PAPER IF JYOU WANT TO GET THE BEST form paper, send 15e to the Pacific Homestead, Salem, Oregon for a three months' trial subscription. M s n 1 1 o this ad. i U LT R Y M E N SEND EIGHT TWO xent stamps for special three months trial for the best snd oldest journsl in the wsst The articles and advertise ments are of speiat. interest to the Sbultry breders of the Northwest, iorthwest Poultry Journal. 211 Com mercial street, Salem. Oregon. FINANCIAL LOANS MADE ON GOOD CITY PROP erty st a low rate on the easy payment 'plan, so st end of year you are nil paid up. Farm loans on largo or smsU trscti: private money. Set first and you will go no- farther. 0. W. Laflar. 410 Oregon Bldg. i City Loans ANDERSON RUPERT - Agesu 408 Oregon Building LOANS j Farm sod City . Host liberal rates and psyment , i ' privileges. S HAWKINS ROBERTS 305 Oregon Bldg. Salam, Oregon i , f8-tf 6LOANS UNDER RESERVE SYSTEM on eity or farm property. Reserve De posit company. '72 Fourth Street, Port land, Or. - Registered U. S. Patent Office) Ct itTV- 'I I V "TWE UPPER. HAND LL ! SEE "TWAT HE 'S IF I MAVE TO - ZZZ "SWING FDR- rME S Come ,aok - fVE OOT SOME: DOHf. good -TJinT VA1ILL a I IS. BUSINESS and Professional Firms Arranged in Alphabetical Order for Quick Reference FINANCIAL FARM LOANS LESS INTEREST, louger time, no commission. - Pro'scts againat adversity. City loans, lowest rates, : monthly installiuenta, pre pay ment privileges. J. C. Siiigmund, room 2, over Lad J Bush bank.. Farm Loans ANDERSON A RUPERT SOB Oregon Building FLORISTS CUT FLOWERS. WEDDING BOUQUETS funeral w r a a t h a, decorations. C. F. Breithaupt, florist,- 123 N. liberty Phono 380. ; ' ' FUNERAL DIRECTORS SALEM MORTUARY. FUNERAL DIREC tors, 210 Center. Phone 1656. rURNITTJBE STORES GIESE FURNITURE COr-J U A L I T Y furniture for less money. : 872 Court, ' Phono 464. PEOPLES' FURNITURE STORE NEW aud second hand furniture; 271 N. Commercial. : i HEMSTITCHING; MRS. C. E. MILLER, HEMSTITCHING, stamping, buttona. Room 10, over Mil ler's Store. . PhotTa 117. HEMSTITCHING. STAMPING, PLEAT ing. Tho Petit Shop. Room ' 6, over Busieks. n2tf SALEM ELITE H EMS T ITCHING pleating, buttona,' stamping and aeedle work; azo Mregon Diag. - rnone J9 HOMEOPATHIC PHTSICZAK- DR. U G. ALTMAN. HOMEOPATH WT. Does s general practice. Treats. Goiter, tisll Stones, and Dropsy, arising from diseaaea of heart, liver or kidneys without operation. Office snd resi dence. 296 X. Liberty SU. Salem, Or. Phone 147. nrtcxAMOs WARREN F. POWERS Life, Accident, Fire, Automobile 21 U. 8. Narl Batik Bldg. Phone 607 LADIES TAILORING D. H. MOSHER TAILOR FOR MEN and women, 474 Court 8t LANDSCAPE GARDENING ERNEST 1UFER, LANDSCAPE GARDEN er prepares plans. General grading and planting. Rock and Wsli gardening specialty. Routs 1, Box 11. Phone 11CF4. ; ' '" n-2 11 - LAUNDRIES SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY. "16 8. Liberty atreet. Phone 25. o I d e s t largest best. Established 188s. CAPITAL CITY STEAM L.VUSURY -Quality work; prompt service, 126 4 Broadway. Phone ins MEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH RKilKDY Phone 517-W. MTjaiO LESSONS A COURSE IN BUSINESS PIANO playing. Popular eyheopated. standard music. - Bemi-claaaie aud tmllada; 12 lessons. Waterman Piano EchooL Mc Cornack Bldg. . . ' I MUSIC STORES 8HERMAN, -CIAY CO.. PIANOS Steinwaya, Duo-Art and othera. Moore's Music House, 415 Court Street. GEO. C. WILL PIANOS, PHONO graphs, sewing machines, .sheet music, snd - piano studies. . Repsiriog phono grsphs snd sewing mscUines; 432 8ut street, Salem. . TRADE YOUR OLD PIANO FOR A NEW Victor or Brunswick. H. L. Stiff Furni- NATTJROPATHIO PHYSICIANS : DR. A. SLAUGHTER JA.CL'TK AND chronic diseases; 415 Oregon Bldg. Phone HO. ' - NURSERY STOCKS FRUIT, NUT AND SHADS TREES Pesrcy Bros.. 237 Ktste. .OPTICIANS THE EATON OPTICAL-CO. Charges rnssonnblo Esaminatioo fro 282 N. Commercial' St. Phone 1097-M. PACKING AND SHIPPLNG FOR EXPERT FURNITURE PACKING and shipping, call Stiff's Furnitur Store, Phone 941. J - s-3Qtf PAPERHANGING AND PAINTING WALL. PAPER SAMPLE BOOKS AND books oa wall decorations. . Msx O - - - - 1 : rBuren, 179 N. Com'L, Salem. PHONE GLENN-ADAMS FOR HOUSF decorating, paper bsnging, tinting, etc Reliable workman. PIANO TUNERS EDWARD WELP EXPERIENCED PI sno tuner. Lesvs orders Will's Musi' S'ore. - ' ' By ED WHEEL AN Milk weep li so:: r ISJIF Kir ' rAibs oor at ' THk Past 10 'HUP) 1 DIRECTORY PHYSICIANS k SURQEONS George Ri Vehrs, M. D. Special Attention 8orgery, Gynecology, Obstetrics 410-11 U. S. Bank Building . Office hours 10-12; 2 4 and by appointment Office Phone 615 Res. Phono 775. . PLUMBING PLUMBING AND GENERAL REPAIR work. Grsber Bros, 141 8. Liberty , Phono- 650. f-luif PLUMBING REPAIRING AND COIL work. Phon4 495-W. Shop 127 Union street. A. L. Godfrey. . RADIATORS, FENDERS. ETC. RADIATORS. FENDERS. BODIES made QJ2fIirjjLJ:0Bir, 298 State St. XADIO RADIO DOCTORS SALEM ELECTRIC CO. F. a BARTON, Prop. Masonic Temple Phone 1200 EEP AIRING aLVIN B. STEWART S47 Court St. Umbrellas. Cutlery ond Keys Lawnmowers, rssor-blades.- se scissors. knvejsrtoobjharipMe SCAVENGERS SOOS SCAVENGER 8ERV1CE GAR . bsgo and refuse of sll kinds removed , by tho month. . Reasonable rates. Ceee pools c leaned and dead animals ra- ' moved. Phonea: Office 85: Kes. 208. SECOND HAND GOODS WANTED EVERYTHING IN CLOTH ; log and shoes. Best prices paid. Cap ital Exchange; 342 North. Commercial - STOVES AND 8TO VB REPAIBXVG STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 40 years' zpsrienco. Depot National fence, sites 26 lo 58 in high. Paints, oils snd varnishes, otc, loganberry and ' bop hooka. Salem Ftace and Stove Works. 250 Court Street. Phone 124. TRANSFER AND HATJLXKO CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 226 State St. Phone 933. Distribotlng,"fnv warding and storags our specialty. Get our rates. : W? MOVE, STORE AND SHIP HOUSE hold goods. Our specislty is pisno and furniture moving. We also maks coun try trips. We handle the best coal and wood. Call on ns for prices. Wo aJve food measure, good quality - and good service. Lsrmer Transfer Co. Phono 9HO TRANSFER AND HAULING OF ALL kinds. Phone 19FS. ' TRANSPORTATION PARKER'S STAGE LINES O. W. Parker. General Manager Hentral Stage Terminal Salem. Oregon, SALEM-SILVERTON DIVISION Leaves Salem, Central Stags Terminal: 7 a. m.; 11 a. am.; 5 p. m, , weaves Silvertoa News Stand: 9 a.m.; t p.m.: 6 v m. -j Salem-Independenco-Montujth Dlviilon : (weaves Salem, Central Stags Tsrvlaai 7 a.m.; 9 a-as.; -Ill 10 a.m. ' SrtO p.m.; 6:10 p.m. Loavee Monmouth, Monmonth Hetal : ' 8:15. am.; 1 p.m.; 8:15 Leavis Independencs, Beaver Hotel: , 8:80 a.m.; 9:50 a.m.; 1:15 p.m. : 4 p.m.; 6:10 p.m. Leaves Central Stage Terminal, Salem.' for Dallaa at: 7 a.m.; 11:10 a.m.; 1:10 p.m. Lesves Gall Hotel. Dallas, at: 8 a.m.; 1 p.m. ; 6:15 p.m. i Wo maks connections at Salem to si : psrts of tho valley. Extra trips by ap : pointment. J. W PARKFR, P-eeral Vsnaeef. WATER SALEM .WATER. LIGHT A- POWER CO. Office,' 801 South Commercial St. Tea i per cent discount on domestic fist : rates psid in advance. No deduction ' for absence or any cause nnloss water - Is shit eff votir nremisee. SEERLEV GOES OVEfJ BIG AT WILLMlEnE Prominent ; Y. M. C. A Man Speaics on Problems of ;v man and Womanhood . Proving to be the most magn etic and humorous speaker of the :hapel for this school year. Dr. F N. Seerley, Dean of the YMCA College at Springfield, Illinois, made a distinct "hit" at Wllla mete chapel yesterday morning. He was introduced by Secretary tCells of the local YMCA, who ipoice of him as one of the three -nen. who invented basketball in 1892. and as the man r who, pJay ng on a small college team, made the only touchdown that was made against Yale during -one year. Dr. Seerley Is a physician as well, and a sex specialist of rare Ability and personality. In the at ted capacity, he addressed the women of Willamette yesterday ' afternoon on the subject of "Wo manhood" and the men in the avening on "Manhood.", Today vill be filled with personal con ferences, and in the evening he will peak to men only in the chapel on "Womanhood." Dr. Eeerley has traveled all over he world and has amassed a fund -if the knowledge of human nature Lhat, copuled with up-to-the-min-ite information on the scientific tnd moral aspect of the sex pro ilem, makes him a man whom he women and men alike voted o be meeting one of the crying needs of the hour. Alto explain ing in deail the functions of the sex organs. Dr. Seerley says that the solution of the problem "lies not in the consideration of the sex organs, but In the cleansing of the fount of the perversion of the sex instinct --the human heart," U. a Bk Bldg. T : . 25 o26tt