The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 24, 1924, Page 1, Image 1

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    Wise Workers "Are
for the "Y"
Character Pays;
Help the "Y"
. r
-: -
General Ferig Yu Hsiang and
Substantial Portion of His
Forces Turn Against
Former Allies t ,
may now be Allied
General Leadinjg the Defec
tion Known1 as "The
Christian General" '
Defection of General Feng Yu
Hsiang, trusted lieutenant of Wu
Pel-Fu, changed the entire Chi
nese situation Thursday.
I Authentic reports showed that
General Feng with fpart of the
army tinder his command: had
'taken charge of iFeklng, cut -all
telegraph and telephone wires
;and stopped train! service.
Chinese reports! asserted he had
demanded abdication 5 of President
Tsao Kun, who recently made Wu
; Pei-Fu commander in chief of all
of China's national armies, and
that he had insisted that the pres
ent warfare' against! Chang Tso-
, Lin, military dictator of Man
churia, should cease.
.Reports failed to show whether
Feng was acting! in league with
Manchuria or Independently.
! Wu Pei-Fu, lajst wash-reported
"directing the fighting from a point
near onannaiKwan, wnere a Dat
. tie expected to prore decislTe was
being fought.
. Feng Yu-Hsiartg is known as
,"tne christian general." His re
cent departure from Peking when
; his army went forth to meet the
Manchurians was signalized with
wholesale baptiam of all 'of his
men and asking of a blessing on
the new weapons; which had Just
been distributed to them. 4. 1
; TOKf O, Oct. 2 4 (By Asso
ciated Press.) Tsab-Kun, presi
dent of China has fled from Pek
; lng, according to a dispatch to the
Kokusai news, agency f rpnj Tient
sin, iiis destination Is not known.
!., .
Trenton Explosion Not Re
sult of Detective Am
munition, Is Report
. WASHINGTON. Oct. 23 Exam
Inatldn of the inspection reports
ui me cruiser irenton render xn
tenable the theory that detprtor
'ated powder may! have caused the
explosion on board which has re
suited In 14 deaths. Secretary
'Wilbur announced today.
r He added that jthe departmental
files failed to show a single acci
'dent from bad powder during the
past i& years, or since 1909 when
the navy obtained a method of
siaDiiiziog all ; service explosives
' ?! While the ordnance bureau has
a definite theory; of, the cause of
!the catastrophe, the secretary said
It would not be divulged or com
mented upon whilo the court of
inquiry Is; setting; In the case.
Silvertbn Will Erect
r. Large Highway Sirjns
SILVEfcTON, bre.. Oct. 23. -'(Special;
to Thfe Statesman. )-
Huge Silrerton! signs ; wilt be
placed north of Woodburn and at
Salem. The signs' are to be 20
by" 10 feet and will contain a . pic
ture of the Cascade Range, Mount
,H6od, the evergreen forests and
of Silverton. I ! , .-
The ' committees havin? fharrs
of Jthe mater are Lion's club
i parson, wj w. Jooiey, and
A.' O. Nelson; Chamber of Com
merce M.( G. uundereon, Norris
Ames, and E. Adams; American
jLegionCharles! Reynolds" Fred
f ireaagoia, and Seth Bee be.
' -4'
? OREGON"; Fajr, except cloudy
with rain northeast portion;
ho change in temperature;
moderate northerly winds.
f j : i
I (Thursday)
Maximum jtemperature, 67.
Minfmum temperature, 50.
River,! f 2.2; falling,
llaliifall, .07. I ' !
Atmosphere, cloudy.
Wind, south, t
British Yachtman Repeats
Jokes of Harry Lauder,
Famous Comedian
NEW YORK. Oct. 23. Sir
Thomas Upton, who is here on
business. Is! telling two new stor
ies about his friend Harry Lauder,
Here they are:
'I asked the noted Scotch com
edian to whom he was going to
leave all his money and Sir Harry
replied: I
'To the widow of the Unknown
Soldier." "1 1;
"I was walkink along Picca
dilly with Lauder one morning.
when we came to a big sign which
read: 'One: thousand pins in a
package for three pence. The
comedian went In and purchased a
packet and left later for Glasgow.
When he mot me on his return to
London he said: 'There ; were
three pins short.' I'm going back
to the shop. "
Find Bodies of Victims of
Explosion at Madison
ville, Kentucky
Three lives were the toll of an
explosion last night in the mine
near here of the Hart Coal cor
poration, it was . learned today
Two bodies were found crushed
under a fivo-foot cavein of slate
which had been dislodged by the
blast. The first body was recov
ered earlier In the day.; The vie
tims all were residents of Madi
sonville. I .
Seventeen men were In the
workings at the time of the blast.
Nine of the survivors escaped
through an abandoned shaft and
the other five were brought 'out
early today., ' 1
Prohibitive License Fee to Be
Required of Streetcar
1 Competitors
EUGENE, Or.. Oct. 23. The
city council tonight took definite
action to keep motor busses out of
Eugene, where they would com
pete with j the Southern Pacific-
owned street car, system, by re-
pealing the present and very libe
ral bus fee ordinance and resolv
lng to draft and pass another
ordinance that "would place the
license fee as high as possible."
V. C. Gorst of Marsh Held had
appnea ior a cnarter to open a
bus line . here. ; He was met with
a storm of opposition on the part
of the city officers and business
men. j ;
Monday's Receipts Go for
Building; Boys,
s Sell Tickets
Every boy and girl In Salem is
asked to call at the office of Dr.
Henry E. Morris, 303 Oregon
building, this afternoon and Sat
urday morning to secure tickets of
the local moving picture theaters
which they , are to sell, the pro
ceeds going to the YMCA building
fund. In j this manner every per
son In Salem .will be given an op
portunity to assist in the campaign
drive. I .
The four theaters of Salem -the
Grand, Diigh, Oregon and LibertjH
have agreed to give the receipts
next Monday to the building fund
of the YMCA. Consequently every
boy and girl in Salem is needed
to put across the opportunity
which is presented to increase the
fund to $200,000. The Boy Scouts
and other; organizations are turn
ing out in full force to put the
greatest number of tickets on
sale. i ; ' . 1
In commenting upon the offer
of the Salem theaters. Dr. Morris
said that a wonderful cooperative
spirit was shown. Not only have
the various theaters contributed
heavily to the building fund, but
they are willing to turn the next
Monday's' proceeds over to the
YMCA. T ' A ,.
e of Michigan Is Invaded
By Third Party Candidate
for Office of United States
Issue Declared to Be Be
tween Constructive and
Destructive Men
-Senator Robert M. La Toi
lette, in an address here tonight,
ed to critics who is Isaid are
'ending that he 13 ''destruc-
! and without a constructive
Invading Michigan again for
one speech before swinging into
New I York- and other eastern
states the independent presiden
tial candidate declared that "the
issue I in this election is between
constructive men and destructive
It! is between those who would
poring! In prosperity through equal
opportunity," he said, "and those
whd would destroy it, as i they
j ;during the past four years,
monopoly privilege which has
jut destroyed the industrial
the agricultural life of the na
jjeciaring.tbat It is a common
saying of the monopoly controlled
press j that -while we, the progres
sives,' may be honest and sincere,
we are destructive and have no
Refers To Tip
Mri La Follette told of his
campaign trip through Illinois
1 ,
Missouri, Iowa, Minnesota, South
Dakota and Nebraska and declar
ed that , these states are all but
"There has been no such gen
eral bankruptcy in six years time
Conditions are appalling;
! generation will be: required
to repair the devasting calamities
that have come to those people
under the policies for which the
republican and democratic partys
havje been responsible during the
last! quarter of a century and es
pectally during the last six years
The entire country has suffered
as under a blight, asserted the
Wisconsin senator, adding that
'all this happened under a repub
lican j administration a republi
can administration, whose chiet
claim on your support is that it is
the party of prosperity, of the full
dinper pail. ' I
The republican party," he con
tinued, "claims that it alone is
safe and sane; that it alone has
constructive policy; that it
alone; can be trusted with your
votesj : i ; ' : i 5
II this four years of bank
ruptcy is constructive, anything
worse would be chaos." ' --
Defends 3rd Iarty
Contending that the movement
he sponsors has "a constructive
program a program of equal op
portunity for all and special privi
leges for none," Senator La Fol
lette declared it was a plan which
would aid the farmer by provid
ing him with adequate Credit,
chejap transportation and ; proper
marketing facilities; would free
manufacturers from " extortionate
freight rates and provide them
(Continued o 2)
I 1 j-
Wheeler Defends
Made About Radicalism
SEDALIA, Mo.. Oct. 23.- (By
thrt AP.) A response to charges
t the independent campaign is
aimed at subverting American in
stitutions was incorporated to
night in a speech here by Senator
Button K. wheeler, independent
candidate for vice president. He
aiitied particularly at Martin W.
Littleton of Xew York who( dealt
withj the subject in a speech in
New : York last night.
J'No doubt you have read Mr.
Littleton's diatribe to the 'effect
thit Senator La Follette and my
self are engaged In a communist
enterprise of tearing down ; the
constitution and . the " institutions
of I the United States. Senator
Wheeler said. "Now, who is Mar
tiij Littleton? The .last- time he
came to public notice' he was en
gaged as an attorney by Harry F.
Sinclair with the object of pre-
vfUng th genate qmmlttef r2?l
Rudncss of Hearers Is Obnoxi
ous in English Political
1 Campaign '
LONDON, Oc. 23. (By the A.
P.) The tenddhcy toward rowdy
ism in the present election cam
paign with thef consequent break
ing up of cons-vative and liberal
meetings; is aepiorea by the Lon
don newspapers, which today call
upon the leaders of the labor
party to usb Iheir influence to
stop it. .: i 1
Labor headquarters, however.
disavow rcspojisibility , and the
agent of the: p4rty at Greenwich,
which has beenf one of the centers
of disturbance! has issued an ap
peal for 'the party followers to
act in a sportsmanlike manner and
give their adversaries a fair hear
ing. , I'j I - :.
The charge Ms hiade In some
quarters that tfie disturbances are
due to gangs lof paid hoodlums,
often youths pot' possessing the
franchise, but ithe; instigators aro
Conflagration ICauses Mil
liori and Quarter Dollars'
Worth lof Damage
ESCANAHAl Mich., Oct. 21.-
After a fire; whiqh started early
last night had? destroyed two coal
docks of the Chicago & North
western railroad here with a loss
estimated a f 1,250, 000 and the
loss of one life, flames spread to
the dock of the Reiss Coal com
pany early today, where thousands
of tons of eoaf were stored. Hope
of saving the goal dock was aban
doned as the fire fighting appara
tus was entirely inadequate
George Ingram was Rilled wnen
with Sherman Serre he was encroilD waa ... tn r xvaii
dcavoring to rin a hose over from
dock No. 4 al distance of about
300 feet, to dork No. 3. With jthe
suddenness of ah explosion the
fire jumped li 00 feet and sur
rounded the two men. Serre es
caped by Jumping 80 feet into the
water of the jfcay, where he was
picked up by a tug. Ingram at
tempted to slide down a rope. The
rope burned through and Ingram
was plunged ipto a seething caul
dron of flamel
'The fire started in No. 3 dock
and after appearing to be under
control, gained now life and by 9
o'clock the ' entire structure was
doomed. p ' .
i ;
Bia Rally Announces
Football Game Today
Several hundred Salem high
school students staged a huge ral
ly in the bsinss section last
night, working up enthusiasm for
the Salem-Albany football game
thfs afternobn .'
Willamette luniversity students
have. been active the last few days
in building a'jfiuge bonfire pile on
Sweetland fleljd, Which will be set
off tonight a a; "feature of the
Homecoming J-alljr for the Bearcat-College
ofj PUget Sound foot
ball game Saturday afternoon.
FORT W0lTir. Texas, Oct. 24.
Tho Shctiafidoah appeared in
Bight at 12:5 o'clock this morn
ing and inimipdiately plans were
made to moor it to the giant moor
ing mast. - f :
getting to thesfacts about the Tea
pot Dome stejjil. Which eventually
proved so damning to his client.
That explains! completely Mr. Lit
tleton's interest in the campaign.
But I want otell you it isn't Sen
ator La Fojlotte who Is assailing
the. constitiiti)n at this juncture.
The men whoj are doing that are
the Falls, hf Sinclairs the Do
henys and ihlir swarms of high
priced agetitaf and attorneys who
aid and protect hem in debauch
ing the highet places in the gov
ernment. Thty try to draw a red
herring acrpp'g th& trail with their
yelling abotitdi and bolshevism,
but the fact r thfey know the only
constitution Senator La Follette
proposes to ut In danger Is the
personal bhe bf 1 crooked politic
ians and crooked big business men
Svho will be iti danger of Jail when
La Follette et into the White
Attacks on Republican Poli
cies, Made By Davis and
La Follette, Taken Up One
By One, in Speech
Accuses Adversaries of Com
bining to Throw Elec
tion Into Congress
HALTIMORfcJ, : Md., Oct. 23. A
sweeping defense of. the foreign
policy of the Harding-Coolidge ad
ministration was made here to
night by Secretary Hughes. In i
campaign speecn answering one
by one the criticisms made against
his department by John W. Davis
and ' Robert M. La Follette, the
secretary of state denied that the
secret committments had been nei
gotiated abroad; declared tfieFe
had-, been "no" trend toward !a
foreign policy based on imperial
ism; asserted that thosewho at
tempt to belittle the work of the
arms conference only belittle
themselves; insisted that the
league of nations was not a cam
paign issue; and reaffirmed the
desire of the administration to
ta;ke every practicable step, for
world cooperation, j j
Touching briefly on domestic
issues, Mr. Hughes said neither
the democratic party nor the In
dependent ticket now expected to
win on November 4," and that
there were many evidences of j-a
combination :to throw the election
Into congress. ; He repeated that
the democratic organization had
gone to pieces in both the east
and west and Baid the democraUc
from government ownership atid
other issues of its own creation.
I Assails Opponents
VWith respect! to the condufct bf
foreign affairs," he continued.
"our opponents have sought every
possible ground for attack, but
their mistakes and misrepresenta
tions have deprived their efforts
of effect.
"it has been changed recklessly
and falsely by the third party that
we have made secret commit
ments.' We have no secret com
mitments with any country, it
has been asserted that our policies
in this hemisphere are imperialis
tic. The contrary is readily shown
by , our, withdrawal from' Santo
Domingo and our constant endeav
ors, as Illustrated by the confer
ence held in Washington of the
Central American republics, to
promote their peace and stability.
We are not seeking a protectorate
or overlordship but desire to see
our sister republics secure inde
pendence and constitutional gov
ernment. " j i - ' .J ,M
It is charged that this govern
ment is engaged in negotiating
concessions for our citizens. This
is untrue. AVe maintain the prin
ciple of the open .door, or equality
of commercial opportunity to the
end that our citizens shall not staf
fer unjust !. discriminations but
shall have the fair opportunity to
whichf they are! fentitled. With
this opportunity they make their
own contracts on their own ternis.
Let it also be remembered that
the force of American arms Is
never pledged j for the fulfillment
of foreign loans or agreements. !
: Praises G, O. I. Record ?
' "Equally futile has been the at
tempt to depreciate our endeavors
which we have made with gratify
ing success for the promotion 6f
neace. What do our opponents of
the democratic party think they
will gain by belittling the Wash
ington conference on limitation of
armament.' Mr. Davis, at the out
set,, saw fit to speak of the con
ference as of 'doubtful value' and
later with1 ill-judged observations
he referred slightly '' to the naval
treaty which the leaders of the
democratic 'party had acclaimed ia
the senate with the highest praise.
Now Mr. Davis is compelled to de
preciate his own deprecations bf
this work. But he still is so an
xious to emphasize what the con
ference did not do that he is utter
ly unable to estimate what was
actually done.; And his latest Ut
terance on this point seems to me
to bf the most inexplicable' and
unworthy of all."
LIVERPOOL, Oct. 23.( By tne
AP.) A'crowd of more than 2300
today witnessed the opening Euro
pean exhibition game between the
Chicago! White Sox and the New
York Giants. The Sox won, 16
to 11, .
Argentine Prizefighter Per
sistently Refuses to Meet j
Rickards' Men
NEW YORK, Oct. 23. Luis
?irpo has balked at efforts of Tex
Rickard to sign him' Tor a match
vf-ith Quintin Romero, the Chilean
heavyweight, ior George Godfrey,
Philadelphia negro fighter. j
Firpo indicated he ptill harbor
ed resentment against Romero for
the latter's disparaging remarks
last spring when Luis refused to I
aieet the Chilean in South Am
erica. - - ! . I !
Crackemen Obtain $1 5,75
Tor Work h rom bOtn JOOS
Thursday Night
Strongboxes at both th J. W.
Copeland Lumber company office
West Salem and the Oregon
Gravel company plant at Front
hnd Hood were burglarized dur
lng the night, it was discovered by
employes of the two business
places Thursday morning. The
first job ; netted nothing While
.$15.75 was taken from the sec-
nd place. : j
That the work was not that of
professional crackesmen 'but that
khey .had had experience in the
'lino is the opinion of John W
prr. Polk county sheriff, ' and
iGeorge White, desk sergeant at
Sthe Salem police station, who in
vestigated. No clews were found
at either place. j
stolen from the Southern Pacific
Ishbps nearjthe lumberyard while
jfor the gravel company's safe the
Durgiars usea tools Irora tne com
jpany'e shop. A fire was built in
ja rorge and a punch fashioned
ffrom a chisel.
ine -;opeiana nrm nad con
templated moving their safe and !
jhad left the outer doors open. Ex-
j T ur,, oi tne strong
IL-816 wa? ot. araaff
swu.j jajTCis hkjb ejjv in mis saie
land these were not molested
Temperance Act Slightly in
Lead' in Election in Ca
nadian Province
TORONTO, Oct. 24. At
Pearly hour this morning the ma
fjority in favor of retention of the
Ontario temperance act stood at
24.922, with 5921 sub-election' dis
tricts out of 733 2 reporting. The
vote in favor of government con
trol was 450,098;' in favor of the
present law", 475,120.
TORONTO, Ont., Oct. 23.
Overcoming an early lead of
more than 70,000 votes in favor
of the ; "wets," adherents of the
Ontario temperance act late to-
night were leading by a narrow
margin In the plebiscite on the
question of retaining the dry law I
or'substituting a measure for the!
sale of liquor under government
control, y .-; i . . ;
Wlth fewer than 2.000 sub-elec-
tion districts to be heard from at
midnight the "drys"
jority of more than
had a ma-
3,000, and
were steadily gaining.
The final
result will not be known. until to-
morrow, r ; i " I
The,' temperance act, a war
measnrn was arinnteri n 19 K
and confirmed in the provincial
elections in 1919 hv a maloritv of
! -
407.000. The act restrictii the
legal sale of liquor to that issued
for medicinal purposes oa phy
sicians' prescriptions,
Train Is Crash Fatal to
Occupants of School Bus
LORAIN. Ohio, Oct 23. Three
seven year old boys were instantly
killed and 17 other children were
injured, several seriously, late to-
day when an interurban car crash-
ed into a school bus I about eight
miles east of here. Approximately
35 first and second grade pupils
were in the bus when it was struck
and overturned in a six :foot ditch.
The bus was taking the children
to their homes in the vicinity; of
Sheffield lake
, SEATTLE;" Oct. 23. Thomai J.
1 Hckey, president of the American
Association and players of the St.
Paul 'baseball club arrjvedtbday
to prepare .for a series of nine
games "with the Sattlg jpdiahs
cool DGEioraiG:
Address Given Last Night Before Eastern Divi
sion of Chamber of Commerce of the United
States Is Last to be
ON. Oct. 23.
tonight policies.
of administration under which he purposes
that the governrnent will "maintain peace, promote economy,
proviue a protective tanii, asaiai, nic ioncii, v.v,
ple in possession1 of their property and maintain the integrity
of the courts." .
In the last extended address he expects to make Deiore
ia.4-;nn anA ii mncf pnmnrphensive he has delivered since
his speech of acceptance of the
president declared his stand on
ernment aiiair$. He aiscussea
instances, for tHe first time.
New Line ofSupport Discov
ered by Workers; Goal
Now Short $38,oou
Subscriptions amounting to
$5,887 were repbrted at Thurs
day's YMCA dinner, this bringing
the sum yet required down to only
$38,000. Of the Thursday report.
100 pledges takejn by the! teams
j totalled 14262, and six turned in
by the executive J committee were
for $1625. The banner for quant
ity production easily went to Di
vision' M, led by Majors T. M.
Hicks and Dr. Henry E. Morris,
With. $2,73S. -;1 - j ' '""
"They must have found a line
f guDDOrt that Had been entirely
overlooked heretofore." said Chair-
man Livesley. ''We'll hav Major
Hicks tell about jhow theyj did it.
"We did find 4 new line." said
Major Hicks, "it's the best "line
of support left--ourselves. We
got to figuring it over that those
of us.who afe deepest in the work,
will have to support it most. Out
of- 19 of our. members, 17 have
already definitely responded, - and
we expect to get at least one more.
Three increased their original
pledge by 25 perjeent, 10 gave 50
per cent more, three raised them
selves 100 per cent, and one as
sessed himself 2 Op per cent more;
for a total of 13D0. Fellows, the
I sooner we go at ift that way, the
sooner we'll bo through.' ! If the
whole force can do as well, it will
mean nearly $20,000 (from our
own ranks."
The applause fehowed that the
appeal had struck an instantly
responsive chord.; Today's report
is likely to find sa number of re
peat pledges. I I
S: M. EndicottJ introduced as a
new giver, and worker, told of the
persistence with which Joseph Al
bert, one of the most enthusiastic
team captains, had followed him.
"Why don't you pay him off and
be done with itt" inquired the
Endicott stenographer, j
"But you haven't any boys
why is it your business?" ;
"Well, if all I iive will help one
boy in Salem to bjs a" better boy for
I even one day. It tvul bo a good in-
investment." The sentiment made
a great hit w'ithi the crowd, and
brought, a sincere applause. -
"A few more cards were written
out yesterday,; names thzl have
heretofore escaped the eagle eyes
lof the committees. Others are
being listed who Imight reasonably
c-Ayciifu lu. muse, mcir moi
I . L . . . a.
w e ve expected tnis raise.
ome or tne repeaters nave said
wun a smne. v well,- we'll ao it,
and they do. Sorhe altogether sac
rificial pledges have been made,
especially on the second call." it
is going to be njce6sary :to either
f inrl a larfn tititti her .of nw plvprn
or else' interest ai large number of
the first night gibers in the enter
I pfise according tb. what they know-
and believe of Its value. Some im-
portant addition to the list may
be expected today; though with
138.000 yet to go, it isn't likely
that one day will end It
Chairman Livesley wa delight-
led at the showing reported on
I Thursday.
'Fellows,", ho
said, n
ou have
l.been goin5spJenpidly
It may be
a hard, fight, b:rjt we're jgoinj to
win through' wit! &s sood a bunch
as yoji on the o?.'' '..; " - !
D nucr was seHved by Meadames
tlelte, Craven," Fkrrar, F. Brown,
Black, Woolpert, Bradford, Minier,
F. M. Reed and the Misses Mar
garet Barquist ajnd Norma CroB-
Made Before "General
President Coolidge set forth'
. . - .
republican nomination, the
practically every pnase oi gov
campaign issues, m bu"'
nr. uoonage spoxe oerore me
eastern division of the Chamber of
Commerce of the United-States,
meeting here in the chamber's new
building, and the address was car
ried by radio to almost every sec-:
tion of the country. .
Program Reviewed
Summarizing the administra
tion's program which he said had
"brought an era of more than
average prosperity," the president
called attention that despite the
"natural supposition that every
well-wisher of the country would
be anxious to maintain the pres
ent established order of things,"
there are now proposed "at least
two j of the most revolutionary
changes" government ownership
of transportation and limitation of
the powers of the supreme court.
Public ownership, he described
as a most perilous undertaking,
both to the welfare of bueinesi
the independence of the peo-
r "If powers of the supreme
court were limited as proposed,"
he E&id, "the historian would close
the chapter with the comment that
the people had shown they were
incapable of self government and
the American republic had proved
a failure." j
Promises Reduction I
Mr. Coolidge said further re
duction in federal taxes was pos
sible on the basis of the estimated
government budget for next year,
and he outlined as his "common
sense" method of taxation:
' "Getting ail we can out of thf
rich! by making the rates moder
ate and stimulating business to
provide work and increase ihe
earnings of the poor." i
In foreign affairs, the president
promised cooperation in the inter
est of peace; declared for consti
tutional covenants outlawing ag
gressive warfare, and reaffirmed
his proposal for adherence to the
permanent court of International
Justice. He announced opposition,
however, to participation by this
government in international con
ferences discussing questions of
"purely our own domestic affairs,"
to the cancellation of war; debts
(Continued on pac 7)
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