I TUB OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 23, 1921 I. OWPCO I Broom handles, mo han dles, paper pings, tent tog Hies, all kinds of hardwood .handles, manufactured t7 the - l Oregon Wood ' Products Co. West Salens f Overland, j Wffljra ICnisht Oakland Sales and Servka VickBros. Clgh Street at Trade Balem 50,000 by 1910 : RICH L. RIEMANN Real Estate and Insurance 107-308 Oregon Eldg. s i Phone 10 IS Valley HIKE IT DID I . . : tie 'run no S(Dme Facts Going to. Show I wThat Flax Industry Will Be Permanent Here (For the purpose of "writing it jlnto the1 record." ths following ' editorial article, appeatln In an isue of The Statesman oi a few weeks ago. Is reprinte$ -and 'or tbm parpose of getting it before a lot of Interested people throngh oirt the world, for the good of the industry here and its prospec- li. J, 1 i rl 'prowth:) Jalem Is to Hare Linen Mills Without particularizing, it inay be definitely stated that Salem is to haTe linen mills, and; the writ er belieTes, soon-r- f . 1 And this la sufficient excuse, if ' ariy were needed, for palling at I teatlon to Bome of the benefits ! that will accrue from ftheifr buc- ce&sful operation here, and to the I fact that the raising of flax and the making of linens will make a J permanent industry j 'As permanent, for Instance, as Salem's paper industry! based on the fact that the world will al ways need paper thai paper Is made from cellulose, j and that tbjre will be cellulose as long as there is any vegetable growth that will stand up; that has fiber from the ertest garden weed to i the giant of the forest. o there will be ned for the manufactures of flax as long as , cisHized man shall use napkins for. table cloths or towels or cloth Ing or tapestry or laces or hand kerchiefs or air planes- S jAnd so long as he paints houses or automobiles or any single thing otf which paint .is used, from a hairpin to a floating city called a ship; and so long as he uses putty fo windows or doors in shacks or palaces, or skyscrapers; and so long as he makes linoleums for hi floors. . ! j , Why? Because linseed oil far flaxseed oilf lin is the .word fpr flax in the French and several Jother lan guages. Linseed oil Is pressed or; boiled out of flaxseed; yield ing In weight 35 to 4 per cent of -Abe flaxseed; i about 35 per cent from the flaxseed grofrn on the mt flax in the Salem district. ! fknd linseed ioit it the only oil produced in commercial; quantities ! thit is a "drying oil. What Is this "drying" process T It is -not really drying at all; j not like! the erap- 1 oration that takes place when the bousewiie nangs ner wasnmg on the clothes line. The'drying" is tJse Earned Clay: Hollow Ejiildins Tile for Beauty, Safety and Comfort. , - " , - I i i ; '4CS IN ALL. SIZES ir 1X1 i,rA(c Si ; BT BBk i ' "T -B w .; . w T T r X . taT Hl BBT -mm . "IS I IS n " M M , ... BBW MM MW m IS IB "X. ' I S TT r S B r ii m I i i c i l i ! & -v : : n m l i i i i i m . m . 11 n - ii i ii ift ii mm, , i ' m I 'Si ll II - II. i III XI Htl l TIT- II I II : I II II II k II II 1 1 , : 1 1 A III I Li uj iw iL- u A. 4 XI JLi-a X V 11 11- 11 11 1A X 11 11 . r Dates of Slogans in Daily Statesman (In Twice-a-Week Statesman Following Day) (With a few possible changes.) Loganberries, October 2, Prunes, October 9. Dairying, October 16. Flax, October 23. Filberts, October 30. ' Walnuts, November 6. Strawberries NoTember 13. : Apples. November 20. Raspberries, November 27. Mint,! December 4. Great cows, etc., December 11. Blackberries,; December 18. . Cherries, December 25. i Pears.: January 1 1925. Gooseberries, January 8. Corn, January 15. Celery, January 22..' Spinach, etc., January 29. Onions, etc., February 6. Potatoes, etc., February 12. Bees, February 19. 1 Poultry and pet stock, Feb. 26. Goats, March 5. Beans, etc., March 12. - Paved highways, March 19. Broccoli, etc., March 26. Silos, etc., April 2. Legumes, April 9. Asparagus, etc., April 16. Grapes, etc., April 23. ' ' " ' . I I ' . i ' " ' ""-MHHHMMHMMHMMMMM paciong Co. due to the Instability of linseed oil and Its sensitiveness to at mospheric Influences. It changes Itself chemically,1 combining itself with the oxygen! from the air. It a film of linseed oil Is exposed to the air it absorbs oxygen quickly, becoming more and more sticky and viscous during the absorption, until at last it dries to an elastic skin. The amount of oxygen thus absorbed by the, oil may be as much as twenty per cent of its weight. In making paints and var nishes the coloring material, white lead, lampblack,! ultra-marine or red lead. Is ground with a small quantity of linseed oil and then mixed with more linseed oil, and with the oil of I turpentine; and when a i layer of the paint - Is spread on a surface of metal or wood it "dries" j quickly, and a protective skin is left. The glazier, too. depends on the "drying" qual ity of linseed oil swben, he fixea up a new pane of glass with putty. He uses whiting ground up with the linseed oil and It is the linseed oil that makes the mixture hard when it is exposed to the air. The same thing happens when the maker of linoleum mixes ground cork and . rosin with linseed oil. The linseed oil drinks in oxygen from the ' air and oxidises and solidifies the mass. , i Now take the flax plant. Here in the Salem district it may be planted and harvested ( pulled ) in 70 days or less; some irrigated flax was planted and pulled this year within 50 days, in the Turner neighborhood. It is a miracle plant. It will grow in that short time and it will last throughout the ages. Its'-fibers are so fine that they may be divided and di vided to microscopic fineness, and an Irish girl 13 years old spun a thread of It 1432 miles long, from a single pound of fiber! And spun together and woven into cloth it will outlast the life of the spinner and weaver 5000 years, as witness the fine linens in the tombs of Egypt; and It will make a cloth that will defy the ele ments, as in the sails of ships and the wings of the air planes aloft in a hurricane. ! ' First in value is the seed; for linseed oil and poultices and medi cine. ; - Next is the fiber for upholster ing or spinning tow or for, spin ning Into j "yarn" ( for thread or twine, or for weaving into cloth of various kinds. I ' Then the water or the retting tanks is .used tor fertilizer. The oil meal after being pressed for the linseed oil makes dairy feed. So do the bolls with the broken and small seeds. ! The latter is also good for horse teed. r The shires or woody part of the flax straw the inside part after the fiber, which is on the outside, is taken offis burned for fuel in making steam heat or other heat v i rlii li r (c- Drug garden, April 30. Sugar beets, sorghum, etc.. May 7. j . "Water powers. May 14, Irrigation, May 21. ! Mining, May 28. Land,7 irrigation, etc., June 4. Dehydration, June 11. Hopsi cabbage,' etc., June 18. Wholesaling and Jobbing, June 25. : Cucumbers, etc., July 2. Hogs,' July 9. City beautiful, etc., July 16. Schools, etc., July 23. Sheep, i July 30. National advertising, Aug. 6. Seeds, etc., August 13. Livestock, August 20. Grain and grain products, August 27. - Manufacturing. September 3. Automotive industries, Septem ber 10.1 ; Woodworking, etc., Sept. 17. Paper mills, etc., Sept. 24. - (Back copies of the Thursday editions of the Daily Oregon Statesman are on hand. They are for sale! at 10 cents each, mailed to any address. Current copies 5c) HAD 52 TONS FLAX ON 20 ACRES LAND That Was Last Year; This Yeajy39 Tons On 80 h Acres Editor Statesman: Just a few words along the line of the flax Industry in the Wil lamette valley, i 1 i I have raised but three crops of flax. :My first crop was fairly good. Last year I had 20 acres and I pulled 52 tons of number one f lax4 and I got $ 4 0 per ton for it in Salem. This year I had the, same! 20 acres in and 50 or 60 acres more, : and I pulled 39 tons and jrery little number one and I am not discouraged yet. And I spent fjom a fourth to a third more time In preparing my land for flax than I did last year. Well, says one, have ; you f laxed your land to death? No! The best Iflax I had this year was the third! crop on the same land. Then what was the trouble? All on account of dry weather; and now irrigation looks very favor able herej in the valley, and with irrigation I believe we will be in sured a good crop one year with another, and I want to sow nearly as much next year as I did this year.;.--;'; ! h; v...; " Then I hope for the assurance of all the; linen mills and machin ery that will be necessary to man ufacture into the product all the flax that can be grown In the Wil lamette valley. In speaking of cooperation i of the farmers, one man in Salem said some j farmers were losing thousands and thousands of dol lars by going it alone. In speaking of our flax asso ciation, less than two years ago Warden Johnson Smith said in Sa lem that lie would suggest that all the flax growers would ' join the association ! and do business So there! is no waste In flax absolutely none. i The pulled flax does not ex haust the soil as much as grain crops, or j cabbage, or potatoes. A second crop the same year may be grown In flax land, j "With proper rotation, flax may be fr&wa for 1000 years on the same land. It will produce each year what will sell, when manufactured, for as high as $24,000 an acre, or more. , . j f ;( -j ij . ;; :.r i - It will go on doing this forever. So the flax and linen Industries are good for all time. They will last as long as civilization lasts. They aref payers off high wages and salaries. They may be dev eloped here In the Salem district, on less than 100,000 acres of land, giving employment to over 1,000. 000 people,; directly and indirectly, for all" time. - There ire only a few districts in the world In which the finest riber flax can be grown and retted and manufactured with the fields within eyeshot of the factories. The Salem district Is one of these. We have! the setting to . become the Belfast of the New; Work World. And more than a Belfast, for we have the American genius for quality; production. We will see linen, five times as durable and potentially valuable as cotton goods, cheaper In the markets of the world than cotton goods. Per haps before very long. And Sa lem ought to and no doubt "': will have a master hand in bringing this about. OREGON'S GREATEST INDUSTRY In. good time, the greatest industry; in Oregon will be the flax industry The growing and manufacturing of With the hemp industry related with it; for we grow as good a quality of hemp as can be produced in the world; and in some of the processes of manufacturing ; the same machines may be used. , If the flax and ; hemp industries; were fully developed here I now, it would mean more than a $100,000,000 annual industry for the Salem district And nearly all outside money; new money every year, from the manufactured products of our soil. ' This development is coming ; i And there : are prospects that it will begin to materialize HAM&;BACr through the association; and I would suggest the same thing to day, 1 And there is Governor Pierce with most of the .leading men of Oregon that Is advocating cooper ation of the farmers; the only financial salvation the farmer has. j Let's make this; flax association state wide and stated long, and we growers will cooperate with the manufacturers and we kill In the very near future pu over the top one of the greatest agricultural industries that has fever come to Oregon. Yours for, the upbuild ing of the flax industry of Oregon Si B. MILLS. . Aumsville, Or., 0St. 21, 1924. ' GREAT THINGS IN STORE FOR OREGON That Is What Mr. Eastburn, Now in the Manufactur- ing End, Seei Ahead Editor Statesman: I Complying with ijyour request for an article on the? flax industry, I am writing as follows: ;I began' growing jfiar In 1917 and continued to raise flax until 1922. During this time I had some very good crops and also: some very poor crops, but as an average I made more clear money; per acre from Ilaxf than I ever! made from any other farm crop. A good many claim that flax is a crop that is verjr hard on the soil. Now, I did not find It so, as grain crops that I praised follow ing flax were always better than my grain crops gron on land on which there had helve r been any flax Taised. . .' Jin 1922 I disposed of my farm, and have gone' into the manufac turing end of th flax industry, and as I look , intol the future I see great things in ; store for the flax industry in Oregon. Yours very truly, J D. FlL Eastburn. Turner, Or., Oct. 21, 1924. (The Turner Flajx and .Fiber company (incorporated) is the name under which Hr. Eastburn and his associates operate. They have a good plant,! in operation for the first time jthia year, in which they thresji fand ret and scutch flax, and aisq make uphol stering tow and pinning tow. Theirs is the only retting plant in Oregon outside of the state plant at the penitentiary, put. there are projected . several others for the coming year. Ed. ) FLAX INDUSTRY? WILL BRING MANY MILLIONS (Coa'.lnned from pag 8) -,: f'. ...-:r,: . . i i must be mixed with all paints of every kind. This I fact aids , in making the flax an linen Indus tries stables; as much so as any industry in the world. - It is not among the improbabilities that there will be no more flax pulling machines for. sale; hat . instead machines will be only rented to growers. In case f that even tuality, the seven machines now in the hands of ourigrowers, and the six ready to go Into their hands, will likely come to be very highly prized pieces of property. Ed.) - 1 Watch your reputation. When you (lose a good reputation it may take 'yon years to Ifind another one.. 1 S very soon. LARD OREGON il Pasadena Man and Sister Fully Employed on Two Lots and Enjoy Work (The following Interesting news item appeared in the Los Angeles Times' farm and orchard section of last Sunday.) "Sure, poultry pays, and so do rabbits," said A. v Fi. Whorebery, 1909 Catalpa street,: Pasadena, in discussing his experience in rais ing both on a small; city place. "At the same time I wouldn't want to puff them up as a scheme tor- making big moneyj without work. 91 :t In my estimation, tiey both pay about as well as any thing that will allow a person to be his, own boss and' really enjoy life as, he goes along. . . f ' . "My sister, Mrs. Gertrude Trook, and I are running a chicken and rabbit business together. 'WTe came here a little more j than two years ago, and bought a couple of lots on. which we put up a gar age house and our chicken houses and yards, and we have been healthfully and busily occupied ever since. .This suits me, for I have always been accustomed to outdoor work and I think it is the only way to live. ; i "I am handy with tools and when we knew just what we want ed in the way of equipment it was no trick at all for me to build everything.' Convenience and san itation "were the first considera tions with us and our buildings, and methods have proven practical and profitable,' although there is really nothing showy or expensive about them. : ; , "We buy day-old chicks. White Leghorns. As a rule, we get them early in February and ush the cockerels into the market as soon asf possible. We have a fine show ing of young stock that will soon be bringing in a profitable return and they will, in the course of time, .replace the present flock of about 250 laying hens now bring ing us a good income. i j- "People who come here and see our healthy flock and clean yards express the opinion that it must take a great deal of labor and time to keep them that way. We never stop to think about that, although we do know that it keeps us busy, , 1 3 am convinced that cleanliness pays the biggest kind of dividends and that we save time and worry, as well as ex pense, by keeping1 our flock healthy and i comfortable all the time. ' li "Our hens are kept active. We get them up at four o'clock every morning. If it is dark, we turn on the, lights. The laying hens get needed ; exercise scratching through the layer of clean straw that covers the floor of their house. We have utilized i every available foot of Bpace in the houses and yards as well as in the garden plot i outside, - where we DAIRY Perfectly Pasteurized ' Milk and Cream Phone 725 ! HI MT KID RABBITS iimm vrJioic sT r " 260 North Hign Street, Boost This Community by Advertising on the Slogan : i-:. ''; , Pages : - v;.' ' DID YOU KNOW that ours is the best country in the world for the production of flax for its fiber for the making of twines, thread and linens; that our water, being "soft," is BbVVsV to ,Bsyfc ssr- m9 wsr m -'wbbsbw ssbmbp m- - -mmmw just right for the treatment of the flax straw, and taking it through all the processes of manufacture, from the retting to the weaving of the cloth; that, when these facts become universally known, the flax industry will be fully developed1 herej and that it will bring to our valley a hundred 'million dollars annually; that there '. arei prospects for the early . '?. ' I, " I'll . I manufacturing of twines here and the erection of linen mills; and that Salem is NOW the fiber flax center of the TTtii1 Sf!i.a? ? . grow) a constant succession of greeni food. We have green wheat for the early spring, Sudan grass for Bummerj aDd kale, alfalfa and mangels fill in any possible gaps that might occur. All of the green food is finery cut before it Is fed, for, we have found that in this way it is eaten more readily, and the plan also prevents waste.' ! ''About a year i ago, I started raising rabbits as a sort of a side line (o my surprise, it has dev eloped into a real business. As time passes I find' myself Inclined to wqrk among the bunnies and let my sister care for the hens. I have pot decided just why this Is, unless it is because the: rabbits are such pets and that, aside from the satisfaction of having them about: they mature so quickly that theref is always an element of change in connection with them. They pay as well as the chickens, we find, and they make possible a more rapid; Increase, or turn over, ' on one's investment. "I have 150 rabbits In the hut ches just now." Eighteen of these are dependable does that are bred four times a year, bringing forth large I and sturdy families. Lots of folks fail with rabbits in this part of the country because of the hot weather. I am especially careful . when ! the - thermometer starts to climb. The pens are covered with burlap curtains which: I spray with the hose seven or eight times in the course of the day. I feed the rabbits spar ingly? and give them plenty of water, for this is most- essential, and I keep constant . watch over the young ones that are still in the nest, taking:.: the covering completely off the nest on hot days fend replacing it as soon as the heat lessens toward evening. "I am not ; in favor of green feed for the bunnies at this time, for in the hot weather It has a tehdepcy to cause bloat and it can do a great deal of harm. I feed rolled barley and baled al falfa j almost: exclusively. We sell jour eggs and chickens at wholesale, except "a, few that go to ; customers right here in the neighborhood,: and we follow the same plan with the rabbits, for a local butcher comes and gets them, we dq not even have to phone him, for he is always wanting more than !we can spare. This means that we do not have to kill or clean: them, and that saves a lot of time and work. , ''Because we are raising solely for meat, I have done considerable experimenting with the various breeds. We have the Flemish Giants, the Belgian Hares and' Phone 102 1G4 Soath Commercial Street THEO. M. BARR I I; Plumbing , HEATING AND TlXXCsQ ' i , Salem, Oregon PIPE Road, well, t sewer, and drain pipe in' stock at all times. Get your pipe where you can see how good it Is made, 1. I MILESTONE Concrete Products f -- - ; 1 ;. ' U " Oregon Gravel Company An Independent Organisation ' 405 North Front, Salens I I : ' i .- 7 f ..V I'll ' 1 Wo. or Phone 1995 - I GROWING THE FUIX THELEAST THir.'G The Testimony of H. C. Porp ;ter, successful. Pioneer . ! Farmer Editor Statesman I see! by The Statesman of Octo ber lfth that Mr. B- C. Miles who has been visiting in Ireland, Belgium and England j Investlgai, ing flax . and flax machinery, makes the statement that he would sobn be; ready to put fin a spid ning mill at Salem, provided this flax supply can be assured. Tb my mind, this is the least thing that should worry hiai when wis take into consideration the fact that the raising of flax in the Wlt lamette valley 13 no j longer an experiment, but a fully and suc cessfully demonstrated j fact as to yield and quality and profit to the grower. Jpt onjy. la this valley adapted to the raising , of flax, but. it Is by far the most the New , Zealands, l and I havfe found that the New Zealands, when bred to the Belgian Hares, are not only bigger to begin with, but that they take on weight more rapidly. I never wean! the young ones until they are frjm 4 to 6 weeks old, the time depending en tirely upon circustances. Then they are ready to eat j and clean up everything that is j set before them. We see to It that there Is always something fori them to nibble on. That is why they weigh 4 or 5 pounds when they are from 8 to 10 weeks old and command such a good market' I DRAGER FRUIT COMPANY : Dried Fruit Packers ,221 South High 8t, Salem, Oregon ' I Always in the market for ! dried fruits of all kinds j -Mi ! !-; . i. L, .,,-. v.- -,- , , .&iSF!:. . T.mmm-.. .:.-l,k.. , - - Our flax growers are ready and anxious to produce the raw materials for a $100,000,000 annual industry. j Hotel Marion i , j SALEM, OREGON The1 Largest and Most Complete Hostelry in Oregon Out of Portland Eat a Plate a Da wEATDERLY ICE.. CRM Sold Cverywhero Buttercup Ice Cream Co. P. IL GREGOHY, llzj &40 Boutb Commercial Ct SALC3I :odge Dnos. Sedan Bonesteel r.Totcr Co. 184 S. Coml St. Phone profitable! cron the fl rmer can raise, Wefind,, that 'tie farmers who have had the most experience in the raising of flax' are the most enthuslastlflln, regard to the dev elopment of this ' great Industry right here at home. Some claim that a crop of flax will rob tho soil of Its fertility. Actual facts prove that this statement is un founded, for an extra good crop of wheat jean be expected, when sown on land from which a crop of flax has been raised the year before. Having carefully noted this fact, 1 am now planting wheat on land from which a crop of flax was harvested this year. I believe with .the Mill creek bot tom land irrigated by water from the Santiam river from,Stayton to Turner (a distance of ten miles), that this will become one of the greatest flax growing sec tions in the world. Let us have the spinning mill, and the sooner the better, II. C. PORTER Aumsville, Ore., Oct. 21y 1924. B) :g Auto Electric 'Work R. D. BARTON , ' 171 S. Commercial Et. STATESMAN WANT ADS The shortest distance fcetwrca buyer and seller. A Licensed Ialy Embalmer to care for .women and children Is a. necessity In all funeral homes. We are the only ones furnishing such service. Terwiniger Funeral Homo 770 Chemeketa St. Phone 724 Salem, Oregon Manuals, School Helps and Supplies 7 Tour order will be given PROMPT attention The J. J. Kraps Company Kent S. Kraps. Mgr. Box 96 Salens, Orcoa