The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 23, 1924, Page 7, Image 7

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A ,
a big display of
, i:o::ev ink fib
The Beekeepers Will . Be
There With the Goods at
Pacific International :
(The following are some para
graphs fr;om ; a current news bul
letin of thp department of j indus
trial" journalism : of the bregon
Agricultural college: ) j
The Oregon etato beekeepers
association will have an texhibit
of honey aft the Pacific iiterna
tlonai Btpck show to be teld in
Portland the first -week in Novem
ber. It is estimated that there
will be one-half a ton of j honey
on display.: Ribbons will be given
for first, second and j thirdj places
for extracted and comb honey in
eaci of the three leading ihoneys
of the state fireweed, alfalfa and
sweet clover mixtures, and jplover.
The association is to have a wo
man demonstrator tfo show jhortey
as a food and the uses of money
In the daily diet. There will) be, no
charge for space at the exhibit but
tho honey Iput on exhibition will
be sold to defray the . incidental
expenses. II. A. Scullen, assistant
professor of entomology an '& bee
keeping specialist for the college,
will have 'charge of the exhibit
and will judge the honejr- for
prizes. :- j " f
' ' ' j '; i - :
Successful feeders give the birds
ample space at the mash, hoppers.
The weaker, backward, more timid
birds then get enough of 4,he mash
to supply body wants and provide
a surplus for eggs O.A.C. Exp.
station.' i v
Green feed grown In the yards
saves the . labor of carrying the
feed to the flock. Manure that
would otherwise be wasted is uti
lized by the plants, and the ground
is' kept in better condition, as a
result : of plowing . for the
bed. O. A. C Exp. station.
One fall or winter egg wnen
prices are highest, is worth two
or three - spring eggs laid when
prices axe lowest. O. AV C.
1 Cleanliness of houses and I feed
is essential to continued . good
health of the flock. Dirty houses
aid the spread of disease. Musty
or mouldy feed may knock! pro
duction and cause sickness or
death in the flock, says the O.
A. CV experiment station. I (
. .' - ' :' ' I-
Most Cane Fruits In Oregon
are Self Fertile; We Get
i Sulfur From Rain
winters of; western Oregon make
the propagation of' these fruits
an easy' matter. .To avoid insects
and diseases, growers are advised
to select young plants only, and
these from yards that are clean
and free from trouble. ; j u
Amounts of sulfur ranging from
three pounds to 50 pounds . per
acre a year are added to our soils
by rainfall. The amount of sulfur
lost in drainage water, has fre
quently, been larger, says the ex
periment station, tending to reduce
the sulfur content of the soils to
the point essential for most profit
able production. Ay-- ; A
TT .71
(Following are notes from
current bulletin of the department
of .industrial journalism off the
Oregon Agricultural college:) j
Oregon communities needing an
outlet ditch for drainage may sec
ure preliminary topographic and
soil surveys to learn the costsj
feasibility, and -extent of the pro
jected outlet system. A petition
for a drainage district Is j then
prepared according to thej state
law and presented to -the county
court. Full procedure is outlined
in Station Circular 47, published
by the Oregon Agricultural
lege. !
Grapes may be pruned in Ore
gon at any time following the first
two weeks after the leaves fall
Pruning too soon after the 'fall of
the leaves causes loss of ; plant
food that would -otherwise have
been transferred later to the root
system. Pruning too late in the
winter causes more, bleeding than
earlier pruning, say reports of the
state experiment station. :
Vote for r Repeal of Tax Law
Which Retards State Growth
, Many Millions Diverted From Investment That Would Provide
, Home Market for Oregon Agricultural Products
Documents Examined by Citizens of Every Part bf Oregon Read Their
Appeal to Voters No Other Pacific Coast State Has Income Tax Law
I i
-St. Paul
Kay. Got
, Kay mond. T. L.
Reed. J. H.
; Reed. N. P Burn
Reeds, G. A. Y. Keating
' Ieddekom, Win. O. R. 1 Iallac
Keimer, J, K. R. 1 ...Dallas
Keieacheii John F. Condon
Keynolds, C. A Silverton
Reynolds, Fred Lakeview
Rhodes. X C. . . ...Bend
Rice, C. 0. 4 .Salem
Rice, O. M. ., .Pendleton
Rice, Lyman O. .. . I'endleton
Rice, M. F. 4........Roeburit
Rice. N. j .., .....itoburs
Higgm, Caaa. .- , ..Hurn
Ring, Z.i J. Kalcra
Richardaon, Earl . ....Iallaa
Richardson, S. . ... Silverton
Richmorad.T. O., R. 1 .. Dallas
Kiechera. W. J. ..Tillamook:
. Ar
La i
Mjrn i
Molting hens require liberal
feeding, as hens In good flesh
usually go through the molt more
quickly. Feeding too much ma;
put the hens In , exccsslye flesh
and so retard an early return to
production. j
Eastern Oregon Is Strong
For Cpplidge Says Crowder
A letter .from U. S. Crowder
written from Heppner, Ore., tells
oi bU work in the eastern part of
the state and his impressions. lie
Harmful effects of the income tax law' UDon state development are set forthin
the following appeal to the voters of Oregon : s , . A : ;
WE HAVE EXAMINED copies of the documentary evidence as to the
effect of a state income tax upon Oregon. We are satisfied as to the gen
uineness oi the documents. i , ?
We find that this evidence substantiates the claim that many millions of
dollars hive been diverted from investment in Oregon industries'that would
provide a home market for Oregon agricultural products.
We find the damage is so serious and of such extent that we appeal to
our neighbors and to voters in all parts of Oregon to vote for the repeal of
1L 2 . -A A A . A X V A a 1 - t , m ,
toe present stauj income tax ana to oppose tne enactment 01 any new state
income-tax bill at least until such time as the other Piacif ic Coast states
have enacted similar legislation so they cannot grow at Oregon's expense.
We do not object to paying a state income tax, biit we do object- to
imposing a, tax that keeps capital out of our state, retirds state develop
ment and tends to leave our farmers dependent upon distant markets.
Most cane fruits are apparently
self fertile under Oregon condi
tions, according to experiment sta
tion reports. The mild and moist
"They Work While You Sleep"
'. .11 1
- V . I i
For Constipated Bowels, Headache, Colds,
, r Sour Stomachy Gases,! Biliousness
: - : - A .
No . other cathartic or laxative natural, regular movement. ''Cas
acts so gently on the liver and carets" are harmless and tare: used
bowels as f Cascarets." They never by millions of Men, Women and
gripe, sicken, or inconvenience Children. 10c boxes, also 25 and;
you. Thejy positively strengthen 50c sizes any drag store. Adri
and regulate the bowels, restoring ihi -" ,'-.-il4'-ii
. We resent the tendency to give Oregon the reputation of being a "back
ward state." Oregon's resources and the courage and enterprise of her
pioneer people entitle her to a great destiny. Let us, all join hands to rid"
business men. At .least 70 per Oreiroh of legislation that handicans Orecron development '
"I have met many farmers and
Killen. 8. C....... Hinbon
Kingston, J'anl R.. ..3f iltott
Kirk. R. K "..8t.- Paul
Kleinsorice, B. K. .....8ilerloB
Klika, B. A.. McMinnville
Klinger JTi H. 1725 Hie-ry Salem
Koonlx, C. II . Haliwy
Kreitxer. I)orry ...Marsbf ield
Kuratli. Iarid.. : Tillamook
Knratli, K. J .. Hillxhoro
Knrtx, Fi A .Sa Im
KurU. K. A.... Salem
Lamport. : F. S , Kalem
Iimpshire, J. ...,w... Barns
I.axHwrll, Amy Tonralla
IasHwell, i Jena R ....XJklnd
I,anifhlin. K. J :...... 'ifo
lu;uby. Ni.M. .Mt. Ancrl
Iaue-Iavia Drug Co.....i.Portland
Ijwrrnff, Jeorg... .Portland
Ieavitt, A. I. ..Klamath Falls
ljwTer, W. C.....Central Point
Vote 312 X Yc
Stewart, W. C. I
Stinnett, J. B
fitobler. II. A.
fttoae. n. W.
Story. Charles F.
Stranjrc, Aiir. J.
tringham, L. L.
iSluart. J. L.
Ktna-ita. R. W. ...
Huplee Louis M. .
Sasbaaer, 11. .
Hotter, Chris
Swayie, F. B
Sweet. W.J.
Tabor. G. tJ. ,
-Tallman, J. V.
Tate, K. E.
Taylor, U.
Teats. C. B ..
Trrill. Byron ;
, Thielsen, II. Villum.
Riley, Frank Branch Portland
Risteigen, T. P. Silrerton
liobbinat I. H. Molalla
Roberta, J. R. ... Redmond
Robertson,' A. B. . . Condon
Robertson. Dr. C. H. ...-u..8alem '
Robertson, L. R. N Lakeriew
Robinaon. E. O. ; .. Aurora
Robinson, Paul V'eronia
Robinson, W. N. - LaieTiw
Rochester, George ; Bend
Rogers, Leslie ... Klamath Falls
Roman, J.
Rooper.1 II. C.
Rorer, C. D. ..
Rosa. John E.
Rabensi, Oliver. R. 3
Rugg, A. r.
LeGrow. F. fl.
lyennsrd. i Thos...
Lenon. Ij. D.....
Leslie. J. Ross..
. Lester. B. Wood.
cent of those I have met are for
Coolidge, 20 per cent for La Foll
ette and five per cent for Davis."
lie says he will remain in east
ern Oregon eight or ten days and
he feels confident that the repub
licans will carry that 'part of the
. m a a. ' t
state Dy a large, majoruy. , ne
finds the people turning more .and
more to Jdr. Coolidge.
SEATTLE, Oct. 21. Following
a. petty quarrel in a downtown
rooming house, William C. Kreu-
ger, 33, coal - packer, ' fatally
wounded his wife,, Jennie, 22, his
daughter, Louise, 2, and himself
with a razor ' here tonight- The
woman .and daughter were dead
when the door was broken open
by the police. Krueger died In a
hospital. '
Adams: ;C. -". Portland
Adsmsi E. Ni Silver Lake
Adams. J., Frnnk.., . Merrill
AauiKon, v u. Lorane
Adelsperer, A. E,.....Marhf ield
Adler. i it-o.-i. Baker
Adler, : William .....GaKton
Ainsworth, J4 C , Portland
Albert; Joseph H- , Salem
Aldrica, J..W., Rt. 7 Salem
Aldrich, L. P Salem
Allen A Ti , -Portland
Allen. H.- E 3end
Allen. iWt W.. . . Mill City
Altermott, A. R Shaniko
Anderson,' C W. '. Lakeriew
Anderson, M.. II...Cottage Grove
Andrews. . Frank ...Portland'
Angstead, Harry 'J Lakeview
TULSA, Okla., Oct. 21. Gaso
line, prices will be regulated by
the market price for coal, Walter
C. Teagle, president of the Stan
dard Oil company of NewJersey,
said in a statement made public
here tonight. .. - i
-'A ,:::A-,- iS::'-"- "i A if': '!': A AA 1 . ;: i" :s' ",' '
ft m Department M y.
. wi n : 'r ' .
sM . H; i JlJ i fS pictures and ;art goods. We give j Q
V t i Si KJ ' a great dealjof attention to pic- LU
v 7 s tures, frames and kindred subjects, 1 R ,
C - :y -. -Js 1 and take a great pride in the of fer- j ; m 'l
L fi Sf tfikf W togs we haver- m '.. :.
Ml Pictur Frame, and j ; ; ;
A j? rM U Mouldings. 1 .U fi
v,1 j,i Vji of very variety are to be found VjL y I
1 I - ! . here at moderate prices. We are 1 T
' J 5s ! t: now equipped to tint the framing gffl
T -ig- j V1 to match all ubjects. The public ijS V
C 3 is invited jto, jvisit our show rooms. ;
3j I Oregon Scenery and j Twj j.
3jl - tfll LcaljViews-- - 1 $ iff j.
1 --,c VAl will be found here See us for f :
n. ?H I F5 birthday wedding and. other gift i I .-4 '
. I J . Mail b. EiHren n
V' v 1 S Furniture Rugs 1 $j !
: ; Wall Paper N;
:- th JCi f; 179 N. Commercial St. Salem, Ore. fe r
Clingenppcl W. E.
Cloud. Jamea A...
Cochrane, O. Hi......
Cockram. A. Iu..j .Ontario
Colin, Eugene. .. .. Portland
Coleman, F. R....4.St. Paul
Coleman, S.........J St. Paol
Collier. A. M ....Klamath Falls
Collins. H. W Pendleton
Colt. C. C ......Portland
Compton, Henry ...Salem
, Connor, f. J St. Paul
Conyne. C. W.. Monitor
Cook. Blanche ,. Jackaonville
Cook. 3.1 L.J.; ..w.St. PWul
Cook, Peter. ,. t Jiickreall
Cooley, t Walter.: L. Buxns
Coolidge, II. E.4 ..-..-h Grande
Corbett. E. B..;.... -.Portland
Courier, L. V. Bt.! 1 ! UalUs
Garrison, T. B.... Oakland
Gates C. E...........4. ...Med ford
Gaulke, F: H...1 Joseph:
Gault; J. L. '. Corrallis
Gaunt. George G, 'MDCondon
Garin, Thomai.. , Shaniko
Farmers Lose Home Market
1 .
Substantiates Claim
Antles Ii 4 .Bend
Archerd, Charles K. Salom
Archibald, Oi A Albany .
Armstrong, Herbert North Bend
Ashby. H. Hi. La Grande
Ashpoie. C. W Med ford
Aasen; John L Coauille
Auld, Dsvid.s. .......Eugene
Atrertll. F. Nfe Portland
Bsrkensto, H.... ....Gold Beach
Maiies, n. . -Bpray .
Bailed. 'HirtT ' lakeview
Bailey; John E Forest Grove
Bsrtol, D. R. 1 ....Dallas
Bakeri Sim H ! Grants Pass
Ball. H. . C...- Hood River
Banister; F.L Paisley
Darnum,: L.... xne issues
Barton, 'W. H ...Portland
Bates, G. R.i ....Myrtle Creek
Battleson. B. W. Monitor
Raamsn.'Geo A Forest Gmvo-
Bayley, !JE.. J , John Day
Beach F. W., PorUand
Beall, John 8 : Portland
BeatL; Iee a. Lakeview
Beals, D, S..4 , Riddle
Hesn. Li; t.. .......... f.ticene
Beck.: W. h . .Toledo
Beckner, A. U., B 9 . Salem
Courtney, Eugene Wood born
Cox. H. M.. j Arlington
Coyle. C. H 4 St. Panl
Craig. 1 Geo. S.. i Enterprise
Crary. W. H Echo '
Craven, F. J......f L. .Dallas
Crawford, J. 11.. R. 2 Salem
Crawford. O.' G...J... Joseph
Crawford. GJ C Jordan Valley
Crawford. Vawter.j Heppner
Cross, E. F.... Halsey
-Crowder. Rsmond... Hermiatos
Cveni, Joseph ...... ....Burns
Gumming. ' H.H , IsTviUe
Cnmmings. J. M;. ...Elgin
Conha, Joseph t..F-ho
CujininghaYin, B .Salem
Corl. F. 8. i. Pendleton
Ctxrrey, Geo. H Arlington
Currier, It. C ..Paisley
Cuhick. IL ' B.. i Albany
. lialton, ' W. C .Klamath Falls
Daly. J. F.i.i Portland
Dal Patsy :, Prairie City
Dalj. W. M Portland
Daniela. F. W . Sheridan '
Daniels. T. E ,....Medford
Dana M. A , Marsbfield
Darnell. B. C Portland
Daugherty, WbvIL-. Echo
Geer I. S. .
Gerts", Henry. R. I
Gibson, Frank.-
Gibson Jay ,......
Gilbert.- Roy B. ' . i
2049 Nebraska...-. Salem
Gill, It. P Newberg
Glassi Will Pilot Rock
Glover, Gertrude C.
: - ..KUmath Falla
Gofin. Arthur. R.; Gervaia
Gooding, W. L. St. Paul
Gordon. J. A Klamath Falls
Gordon, S. S. , 4 Astoria
Gore W. II... . ...Medford
Gott.i Kstherine : E.. .... Jiakeview
Gould, M. J..... i ..Burna
Gould. W. W ..... i.....Burna
Gouley, Homer, jR.8 .... Salem
Gowen. R. B...
Burns- McCord, Blaine iWooodburn
.......Dallaai McCord, O. H. P Baker i
Salem. . McCoy, E. O., .;..v...The Dslles 3
Gsston. McCoy, J. W........ U Ashland
McCorskev. V. Lyle Stsyton I
McCully; F. D4 ..Joseph
Mc Daniel, C. T... -.'Wallowa
MrDaniel, Edgar.-.....North Bend, is
McDowell. Mrs. C. E.-4-Prinevillo f
McKay, Albert J.. R. 1-Hubbard j
McKay A. W.... , 8U Paul
McKay, ,W. R., Bl :. JInbbard.l
McKinney, W. C. ...Milton
McLean. W. A Sheridan f
McMorran, George H Eugene
McNaughton. F. D...- Portlands.
MeRoberts, P. W Canyon City j
MeSherry; Irl C. McMinnville
Mack, u. - -ajorvaiiia j
Goyner J. L-. . .....Lakeview
Grace Mrs. Belli R Cove
Grant. W. 8-.. JJallas
Graves, Goen d..-. ;.. Condon
Gray, Koy.-.-.... , ;.Beaverton
Greves, John H. .North Bend
Grim. C. C-'......... ;..Irrigon
Groesbeck, R. C -KUmsth Falls
Groner, . Ferd j.-. aillaboro .
. SilTMnnn
- ..Gaston - Mackay, W. N
Tunderson, M. G. ''. .
' Guy.t N. L
Msclesy. Roderick It. Portland
Mchaffey. E. P... .....Bend
Mann. John C... ......Medferd j
Manning, F. G -Perrydalej
Manning, R. W. liOgsdeaj
Major, D. iM L. ...Wallowa
Maloney, Dsn E Marshfield
Marsh. Charles H Pendletonj
Marvin. G. W .....Silver Laker
Mason. Lloyd. K.8. BxlOS. . Salem !
Mason. ; Rockey E ..Albany :
Retards State Devdopmeiat
Mciny Millions Diverted from
I Oregon Industries j
Beckner; C. L., R. 8...- Salem
Bede 3Clbert4 ..Cottage Grove
Beharreli W. H.. PartUnd
ttelL Chriss A. . , Portland
Benham,-, A. S... Portia nd
Bennett. : Charles T Mosier .
Bergeh, V. V. Hillsboro
Bernard; T.- E ..-.Lakeview
Bernard., W Bodney Lakeview
Bernards. Frank St. Paul
Be-viner.'' J. vW- HeDnner
Bishop, SC. P........ Salem
Bishop. KoysT.. Portisnd
Blanchar. K. O Hood River
BUnchard. O. .8 Grants Psss
Bleecker. T. E . Portisnd
Bledsoe J. M Myrtle Point
Blodgett. E. M Nyssa
ttloom. J. r--..- luamona
Boeckli, . John..' Linnton
KoltoD, r Daniel' . V Antelope
Bond, B. M...-. Hiker
Boftser.: Alei4 8eaprooe
Booster! Jl. Ii. 14-Woodburn
Borett J. M...; 1 Portland
BoutanJ Alfred -St. Paul
Bowman, E. M ...North Bend .
Bowne. i TV alter aieaiora
Boyd M. Ii..; Dallas
Boyer.' JJ. W. Grande Hondo
Braeber C. :-: U Pilot kock
Brackuireed, Alan . Medford
Brainerd. li. N Portland
.-..St. Faul
--St. Paul
."...St. Paul
Free water
Davidson, Chester..
Devidson, E. C.4--
Davidson, John.. .
Davis, E. J ! ;
Davis. K. W...:.u i Albany
Dawson. C. M..... Tillamook
, DeArmond. H. i H...... Bend
DeLap. Perry Oi Klamath Falls
Dement, R. C-iLMyrtle Point
Dempsey, h. M4.....Gold Beach
Demorest. A. J- ..iForest Grove
Dennis, J, W.. K. l.t ..Sheridan
Dibble, 2. A .: Burna
Dickinson G. B. .'. ..Newport
Dickenson. B. A... ...Burns
Dickson, , H. - W . Pendleton
Dixon, A. C , Engene
Dobbin, Jay H..4 . Joseph
Dob sou. Guy E Redmond
Dodd. E. P Hermiston
Donald. James T .-Baker
Donegan. J. J . ; . Burns
' Dougall, John T. Portland
Douglas, "Thos. II...... . Burns
Drager, B. H.v 290 Com'l.Sslem
Dubois, John..... i... , Bend
Duffey. Grover. .....Cove
-Duncan; Lee A- Haines
Duncan, R. 3K . Burna
Duncan. R. iB Silverton
Dunn. A. W R. 1 Dallas
Dasn, Ed.C. - -.Tillamook
Haas, Ernest W . Sheridan
Hsll; Chariea Marah field
Hall. E. B Klamath Falla
Hall. W. O -.PrinevHlo
Halloek, Blaine Baker
Hallock, E. D j.-Hepptier
Halverson, II. F. HarrisburK
lamer. Edward T.. R.2 Salem .
Hamer, Myrtle J.. R.2 Salem
Hammack. Fred. R 8 Salem
Harder, B. E...i Medford
Harold. Alex. R.S, fix 157..Salem
Harold R. A- R. Salem
Harris, David. Free water
Harfin. Evan . Lakeview
Hawkins, A. E. .Toledo
Hawkins. C. E , Toledo
Hswkins, C. O. Newport
Hawley. WiHard P. JrPortland
llayner. Will J. Sntherlin
Hayier, Eugene. . Dallas
Hsyter. Oscar - 4- Dallaa
Hazard. ' E. W4..... .Salem
Head. J. V- , lone
Healy, 'William A...... Portland
Heaton, Snow V. Enterpriae
Hebard. H. F..l.-i.- - Umpqna
Heilner, Joseph Baker
Hendricks, H. H ..Fossil
Hendricks. Rv J Salem
Hendryx. H. E : Bakes-
Hermann. Erwin. B Roseburg
Herr. John F Athena
Hewitt. George Q.. Medford
Hilli A. T.. La Grande
- Dallas'
Lebanon' .
Mstson. J. Albert..
May. Albert R.I
Msyer. J. C
Mavo. J. W
Merrill. L J Z. HUlaboro
Metchan, Pliil . Portland :
Meyer, M Salem
Meyers. F. L La Grande
MickeU A. A . Sslem
Middletosv John, R.3 Dallas:
Miller, t Eph ... ..Paisley'
Miller E. A : Corvallia
MiUer. j T. M Lakeview; '
Miller. Lena Newport
Miller, S. C . Dillard
Miller, IW. IV. Monitor
Miller. Waldo 6 J'ortUnd
. Miller, C. N Burna
' Miller. ;T. L - Burns
Millett, G. C- R.l.Jndependenc
Mills. H. W Salem
Mills, A. L. Portland
Mills. E. G..:. Forest Grove
Minshall. F. 8 .. Philomath
Mintoni G. 8 Paisley; ,
" Moe. A. I D - Hood River
Moes: FJ H.. - Melin:
Moora. Charles P Toledd
Moore, I. M.. -Gold Beach
Moore. R. D . Bend .
Moore. 8. J . -Hood River
Moore, ? W E Heirpner;
Moore. Wm L.- 4-.u JBanka .
Montgomery. Jss. E.....Marshf ield
Montgomery, T. G.. -Bake
Vote 312 X Yes
Repeal State Income Tax
Brandoo, IL F ..Portland
Breener, C. M -Albany,
Bremner, J. - Astoria
Bnedwejl. C. Amity
Briggs.E. ft....- Ashland
Hriggs,wm, at . Asiuand
Brimliall. H. S. .Tillamook
Bristow, Darwin Engene
Brock, A. Ii .....Cornelius
Brock. SVf. F--. s -La Grsnde
Brown, j Ben . , Burns
Brown,; F. V Dsllae
Brown,Harry. E., R. 1 Dallaa
Brown, J. C. R. 1- Dallas
Brown T. C R. 1 Dslias
Brown. W. C Bums
Brown.W H, II. I .Dslias
Hrown.i Clifford w asiem
Brown.SG. H i- Newberg
Brown IG. F- R. 1 Dallas
Brown.- WJ 8 - .. ale
Bubb. E. M. Klamath Falls
Bubo, F. 8 Huntington
Burgard, Fred A i Portland
Burk. Thotnss uasion
Burke. J. it PorUand
Burna. ijanies D .Condon
Rmt tt a; Ne where
Bayserio. Ifc F Hubbard Fensler, Jjlarke W.Myrtle Point
Calder.i W. C-. ; '.Baker Ferguson, B. I.. R. 2 ...Salem
Csliwejl. Jbh-L. - ....Burns
Calkins, W. W ..Engene
CallanA. C- PortUnd
Wait Till Other Pacific Coast
Dunn, T. A- R. 1 . Dallas
Iye, Clarke E I Portland
Dykeman, W. E.-... Lakeview
Easter, 1. Sherman... Lakeview
Ebert. W. F. -..Forest Grove
Edlefsen, J. N Portland
Edwards, T. H . Portland
Kgaa, A. J XJervais
Kgan. Homer W... .Gervaia
Ehrman. S. Mason- Portland
Elsen, I. -M... ML Angel
Elliav Charles . Burns
Elliott. Fred R r.i. Dallas
Elliott, : H. J i ...Perrydale ,
VV.Hiott. ffi. M., R.i3 Dallas
Elliott, W. R Lakeview
Enders H. G. .Jr. : Ashland
Ernst. I- L. - St. Paul
Espey, C. J ,y.n Wnodbarn
Evans, Milton . .Corvallia
Evans, W Bsker
Evans. W. W Ji . Halfway
Everett. Dr. E. D ..-Lakeview
Faber, Robert M.-i St. Paul
Falconer,' Fred W. . Pendleton
' Favell, E. G i .Lakeview,
Fearyj H-, D 4 .Corvallia
Felsheim, l- V -....Hanaon
Hill Nellie May.. JLexington
Ilillj h. F., B. 8.- AmUsm
Hilll' W. O...-. . Lexlnctosi
Hildebrand G. G. ... Dallas
Hirarh. Max 8. Portland
Hirsekorn, A. L. Salem
Hoech, J. W. . .The Dalles
Hoffman. W. , MD McMinnville
Hogg, J. G.. R. 2 , Kalem
Hogg, R. W. R. 2.; Salem
Hotee, H.' E..... Li Staytoa
, Hoke. Macu..-..- .Pendleton
'HoUinter Fred. North . Bend.
Holmes, W. Ii Enterprise
Holmsn, J. 1 F.... .Dallas
Hainan, W. F. ..Ontario
Homes, Fred C.- Ashland
Hope. M. G. . ....Vale
Honkina, Fred H... ... Medford
Horn. D. G .Bonanaa
Horner, Chas. H .- Condon
Horton Drug Co ' Bend
Hobs. Hal E..J -Oregon City
Hossman, Frank J Burns
Houston, J. P 1 Vale
Howard. CUf ton H .Lakeview
. Howard. C. M t .-Sheridan
Howard. R. K.-l ...Portland
HoV, Ralph P.. R 3 Salem
Howell, J. B .. Linnton
Hoy. L. D Paisley
Hubbs, George .... Silverton
Retards State Growth
Hudson, C. 8. ;i- Bead
Hughes, D. E. ...Prairie City
Hilling. C. E. . i-Myrths Point
HnUey. R. D-. R 4 -..Salem
"Hunter P L. ...Dallas
Hutchinson. J. T. Union.
''Palm, 1 A. E. ..... ...Portland
Palmer, Bert C. Jordan Valley
Palmer, Fred J. Jordan Valley
Palmer, Nevin L. . , .......Dallas
Pargeter, H. O. . ..Roseburg
I'srker. A. K. .-. Enterprise
Ferguson, W. Sv..i --Athena
Fernald. Lewis I- Baker
Fink Arthur W R. 1 Dallas
Foley. T. H. . Bond
Hyatt Geo W. ..Enterprise Psrker, Lute. . .....Burnis
States Have It
Callitser. Fi E .-.Albany
Campbell, James G... ..Lakeview
Campbell, John. ..4 ..Lakeview
! Campbell. SR. J - Enterprise
Carmichael, C. V. - Monitor
Carter. J. F Port Orford ,
Casebolt, R. E Shaniko
Caatner. C: H.. Hood River
Cattanach, Geo. H. Canyon City
Cellers, A.i-..: ..-McMinnville
Chandler, P. F ICanyon Otty
Chapiq, Luther Salem
Charles. L. B..... Silver Lake
Chinouth. E. C .. Dnyville
Chitwood. C. C Jacksonville
Chrisman,. F. M Silver Lake
Christenaen. F. W... ..THtamook
Churchill.' Arthur M Portland
Churchill. F. H. Koseburg
! Clark.; Allen- Portland
Cappa. M. I-. R. l.Jndepeadeae
Clark, C. C - -Arlington
Clark.;- K. ; Untoa.
Classesi II H.. R. 1 ...Dallaa
CjcvelfBd, Mark A tmauuf
. Dallaa
, Seappoose
,. Salem
. Baker
Fox, R. M
Frarlg. Will. R. 1
Frakes. P. A
Frank H. J --
Franklin, W. C
Fraiier, T. C. -..
Fuchs. : Moss....
Fuhrman. C. J. .
Fnllerton. P. E Salem
Fuller. J. S . , ..Lakeview
Freeland. L. D . -.Portland
French, ,,D W Baker
Frisbie. C - .-..Bakpr
Fmm. O. W....., ...Halsey
Fnlkerson. A. N., K. 4.... Halem
Fulton. Tom W... Port Orford
Fundmsa. -'. Paul .-Wilksmina
Jadsby Ben... Portland
Gahan. H. W., Jordan Valley
Gannnc. J. W. . Portland
Uard. H. W. , Madras
Gardn J. J-.t.-. Madras .
Gardner 3 F JJarth Bead
Garrett, J. H Hillsbor
Garrison, L. E.. Kpftlt Powder
,Hvett. J W . Creswell
i Ilmari. John Quincy
Ingalls. C. E. ' Corvallis
Irvng. Lewis H. Madras.
, Isaacs. William F Medfocd
: Isaacson, J. O. Central Point
Ivie. J. R. - : Sheridan
Jack. C. :Jr. .-, Hillsboro
Jackson. D. H. . Ashland
Jaokson, John . Condon
Jackso&rW. W. . liorana.
Jacobs. L. -Klamath Falls
' Jameson, G. N. . .Burns
Jenkins. A. E.: ,-Portland
Jorsnan. A. M., R. 8. Salem
Jstraore. S. A. Lakeview
Joltns. STTL. . - Lakeview
Johns. James Pendleton
Johnson. John W. - -.Medford
Johnson. M. K. Forest Grove
Johnson. 8. A. FossU
Johnson. W..E. Madras
Jonas, R. II. Prineville
Jolma, John Clatskanie
.Tories. C. L. '.4 Dsyvi'.lo
Kspph.-Jiti. E. i L 1406 i -
Court St. m- Salem
Joslyn. D. D. .....--Jordan Valley
Kaufmana. John G .Woodbttrn
- Keher, Alois . ... Mt Angel
Keber. Js. J. Mt. Angel,
Kellnuek, Lance 4 WasSoa
fceadall. H. C. .Portland '
Kendall. Walter -Xelty,
Eugene L.
Kelty. Paul R.
Kihler, ft
Putnam. Gaorre
Quiring, David, R. 1 Dallas
. Radabaugh, A. J. MyrtU Point
Rasmnssen. W. B. Portland
. '. Eugene
,- .Coqaiilo
Levy, M. B Union
Lewis. Jay I ........Corvallia
Uljeuuist. Wm. J... -McMinnville
Iindley, W. . T ... ....Newberg t
Lipman. W. F Portland j-
Uvcli, Sam a. Enterprise ;
l.itfin. Ben R. Tho IUes
Littler. Chsrles A Forest Grove ;
Livermore, F. W Jr...Beiverton - s
Lloyd W. W. ....Half way , J
Lackwood. a P. Portland I
Iottridge, 3 P -. .Bsker
Lumijarvl, Joseph H Quincy .
Lundy. V. L. -.Myrtle Point
Iynch. Jsmes II ; .Portland
McArthor Mrs. Lewis A, '--. I
R. 5 J . . . Portland
McCabe, E. L Cloverdale 4
McClellan. T..". .Rickreall
MeClure. D. C ..Tangent
McCook, J. B.- Pendleton
Saalfeld. Henry Mt. Angel
Salada, Lonis A. .-.Central Point
Sammoas. E. C. ...Portland
Komiiel, C. R. Jr. Milton
San ford, O. C. , JCoquillo
Damafje So
Savage, W. II.'
.Sawyer. Robert W..
8cai bioMth, -L. D.
Soearee R. J.
8ehats,Fanl P. .
Schilling. H. F.
Schmidt. J. H.
Schmmck, I). C. .
Schmita, John ....
Schneider, E ..
Hchroeder, G. A-, R.
Schneider, Si.
Behrack. Claud
Schramm, A. A.
Schwab. Zeno . ....
Rrott. W. G.
SrroKirin. T. J,
Selberg. George A. .
Seller, F. M. ..
Seneerbaugh, J. M.
Sensenich, Edgar H.
Shattoek. Obli
Shelton, Charles J.
SKevlin. E. C. ...
Shoemaker, R. L. .
pi I n XI I
Shreeve, C. J. .
Shumate, R. C.. -
. ..Creewell
.. Mosier
.. .Portland
.. Portland
..Forest Grove
1 Dallas '
.Forest Orova
La Grande
: Portland
..1 Burns .
. Elgin
Thomas. W. M. 4
Tbomison, Joe D. Hood
Thompson, rhomea Per
Thompson. W. L. '-
Theraknrg. J. A. l ore-t
- Thornton, A. I. : I t
Thornton. Kathleen M. 1
Tisdale. Mark N. t
. Toeva. Henry F- . 1
TomKn, John R. . ...
Towsley, F. D
Towsley, Myrtle R
Turner. Howard V.
Tyler. W. A. .
ITpjohn, D. IL .
Valade, C. A. I
V. A UTI.1 Tl T.
Van Dyke. T. M.
- Van Dyke. W. J. fc
Van Patten, E. C. v
Vassall, W. G.
Vaughn, Amos i
Vawter, V. I.
Vernon, Al W. Ind-
Vierick, Frank
. Vincent, F. W. t
Voorhies, A. E. .- Cr;
Voerhies, Gordon
Voth. IL W
Voth. 3. 11. R.1
Vorus, E. P.
W . rl . Sh,nuil
Wsite, F. 8. 4-
Walker. A.C -..
W.IW-r (innrn ft..
Wallace, Paul B.
Wallace. N. O. .i..
Walpole. W. R.
Walton. J. F.
Walton, Wm. S.
Ward. Frank fl. .
Ward,B. O.
Wardrup, G. D. ...
Warren. H, E.
Waahbnrne, Carl G.
Watson, R. A.
Watson. J. O. ...
Weir. Robert L. ....
Welcome, J. C, Jr.
Wescott, N. C.
Serious 1
S k -
Vote 312 X Yco
Sims, C. M. .. .Medford
Simmon, H. J. Fossil
Sisomore, L. C. Fert KJamath
Bkeels. C. T. . 4 i.Coquillo
Skinner, Mark ..-Portland
Smith. A. A. ... Baker
Smith,,' Amos G. R. B. -J Salem
Swain, A. S .-.-.Bora
Smith, B. B. MD. 1 Burna
Smith, N. T. .-4j .Burna
Smith, Seth 8. . . Jlurns
Smith, Miss Alts B. jniot Rock
Smith, Csrl ; 4 St. Paul
Smith, Claude SU Paul
Smith,, L. C. Salem
. Whaley, Oness -I
Wheat, W. W. .
Wheeler. C. R. -
Wheeler, D. E. . ::
Wheeler, Roy R.
Wheeler, T.C. Cotv
Whelan. J. E., R. 8
White, F. M.
White. H. O. .
Whrte, R. G. . 4
Whitman, CT.
Whitman. F. H.
Whittle. F. F.
Wilcox. Raymond B
Wiley, N.S. Kb-
Williams, E. M. .
Morris, : Joseph ...Narrows
Morris. Dr. W. B 4 Salem
Mullen. C. S.. Star R.-Newberg .
Murphy, Earl XV - Marahfield
Murphy. Peter u...8. Paul .
Murphy, W. K.. R. 5 Aurora
Murphy, J. , O'D. Roseburg'
Myers, F. G. 593 Com'ISelem
Nachtigall, John. 4. Dallas
Nayberger, D. U ..McMmnvill
Nebergall. IL- L. .Albsny
Keff, Porter 3. Medford
Nelson; A. K Monitor
Nenfeldt John P. R.1-. -;Dalla
Neufeldt. Peter, R.I. Dallas
Nichols, James H Bsker
Nichols, W. F.. .Tillamook
Northy, C. A Huntington
Norton. H. D. ...Grants Pas
Norton. J. E.. Conuille
Norveli, C. 8. : Helix
Norvell, J. 8 ..-...-Helix :
Norsoti. S E Heppner
O'Connell, M. D Garibaldi
n'Gsra, Lorn Helig
Ogdea, Earl H 4'4 Portland
OUn. F. B - ..Mill City
Ord. Fl R-.t ..Independence
Urth, John 8. . ;...Medord
Osmund T :.. . ; Portland
Ottenheimer, IL J... Modtord :
Owen. Jss. A. .-Medford
Oxley. E. R , --fort Orford .
Parrett, 8. L. - Newberg
Parsons, T. R. McMinnvilla.
Patterson Geo. G. -Forest Grove
Paul. B. W. Medford .
Payae, G. K. . ...Sheridan
Pearce, L.H.- Myrtle Point
Pearson, Walter E. Portland
Pease, Edward C. -. The Dalles
Peet. F. W. Prairie City
Pierce, S. P. 4 -8ixe;
Pelton. James ....Fort Klamath
Pemberton, W. S., R. 2 ..Turner
Peoples. D. H. .. -Bend
Perkins, G. L. :.. La Grande
Perkins, J. T Klamath Fajte
Perkins, N. G. W. ,Myrtle PoiSt
Perkins. W. C, La Grande
Perry, J. C. Salem
Peterson. P". C. : - ...Bums
Peterson. Charles M. Portland,,
Peterson, F. E. '.. Huntington
Peterson. Will M Pendleton
Phillips. W. L 1503 High- Sale
Piasecki. E, K - Dallaa .
PoHan, Ben .. . Moti-nonth
Pollman. Paul E. Bskr
l ortwood. CO, . .r"-l
Powell, Keith . .
Prat Forbes E. ...
Pre&nall. D. IL .
Price. George A.
Pngh, Lorain
2' F1 Cf f"-
Ok . AJ ''-'',
Recorded Damage Duo to L
-') - . - Incoxns Ta:
Timber purchases cancelled or as
j -
nenuea ........ ........... .....v
Construction of lumber mUls, towns.
logsiusT camps and logging railways
abandoned or suspended .........
Other. industrlal'.inTestments can
celled or suspended
One ' year's operating pay roll on
foregoing items ........... . . -. .
Disincorporations, $4, 06,000 capi
tal. Damage listed 1-10 only....
Actual removals from the. state. In
eluding loss of only one year's pay
roll ,
Threatened removals, including loss
of only one year's pay roll. ......
Cases as to which definite amounts
are not available, but which would
amount to many .millions; damage
listed as
Cases , still !i under . Investigation ;
would . amount to many millions ;
damage listed as
Cases in which reported removal or
Investment elsewhere was stated to
have been caused by the income tax
but which cannot be verified in
writing; damage listed as
A - "
" A '
Total recorded damage.
. . . t , . . M B.. '
s we nave exaiDioea me BnueaJiioieiuem" -hibits
upon which the foregoing tabulation is i
and find that the total of $41,252,359 is a
servative' estimate of damage properly attribut
to the state Income tax as a determining fact: r
influencing decision against Oregon investment
the cases listed. We alsotfiad Uuut many aJ.'
at amounts couia nave oeeu inciuueu juamu. ,
the total, so that, making every allowance for ;
sible overstatements in Individual items listed,
actual loss of Investment attributable to the t
income tax is materially in excess of 40,o: V
(Signed) FRANK E. ANDREWS (Pres., Tort:
f Chamber of Commerce).
(Signed) CHARLES H. STEWART (V. P. I"-
' western National Bank).
(Signed) BEN SELLING (Merchant and Tt'A
i - " thropist).
(Signed) CHRISS A. BELL (Attorney and T.Te
bl Board of Directors of Tcrt!
i Chamber of Commerce).
(Signed) J.K.GILL (Pioneer Portland Mere La:
Smith. H. T. -Forest Grove
Smith. Jsmes Edward St. Paul
Smith. V. O. N.
Smith. 8. J. .
Smith. W. O. ..
Smyth. Dan P.
Snodgrass, P. E.
Bnyder. C. C.
... Si. Paul
Klamath Falla
44,4 Eugene
Sorolofsky, Edwin p. ..........Sslom
Stackland. Csrl J. ..Cove
Stadelmsn. P. J. The -Dalles
Stafria, Conrad . , Dallas
WilUims. R. P.-
Williamson. E. B--
Wilkinson, Henry
ilsoa. r. award
Wilson. 8. A. .
Winchester, eorje
W ishsrd, A. L. ..
Wist. E. E. 4...
Wolf. Philip, R. -Wollan.
W, A. .....
Wood. Clark
Wood, James A. .
Keeps Capital Out
Ftaeard, H. Wayne ..
. ' mt. m. -w. .. .. .
Steele. A. Arthnr .. ..
i Steolhamaner, Geo. W
Seiwer. L. L .. .
' MeiireT, Miss It. M.
Stewart. H.
Stewart. B.
Ftewart, John - ,.
, ....Silverton
...4 ..Spray
Woodstock. C. H.
'Woodson. C. E.
. Wsrd. John
Wris-Bt, L. A. .......
Young. E. G
Young, F. 1- .
Yting, Frnk O. ..
YounK. H. W. ,
Zimmerman, Henry
-Wftlj Bend ; Bar, fibftrj$ m-,v..Gytt$X
Mora than 1000 signers of above appeal; mora fhsa 1' '
tor to expense of getting facts before voters: signers ar I -
live in ail aarta of Oregon; this advertisement isnel by (
rnaa, Editor of Oregen Voter, initiator of appeal ir a
169 Lownsdgle, St Portland, QreKon.
. .. 4 - , . . ' ' ; 1