The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 23, 1924, Page 6, Image 6

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Don -t Envy Your Friend His
Car Buy One fori Yourself
Youcan drive a big carl too. We have cars every bit
as good as the one he drives. , Some are even better cars.
Some show less mileage on ;he speedometer. And they're
all priced for k lot less than he would be1 willing to take
for his.
Come in and see some real
i exceptional bargains :
used cars.
Here are a few
Rebuilt from rear axle to radiator,
guaranteed to be just as good as a new
car. We are pricing it so cheap we
ought to be ashamed of ourselves.
v-.'A' ' . 1 ! : I ;
1922 JEWETT A wonderful car to
drive and you can buy it for, the price
of a new cheap car. T ! ;
1923 WILLYS KNIGHT-r-"Nuf said."
Certified Public
pilBS or other rectal or colon
disorders may be responsible
for your general ill health.
My non-curglcal treatment of these
orders has been taken by thousands of
men, women and children from all pacta
of the West, my unprecedented success
enabling me to confidently GUARAN
TEE to cure your Plica or refund your fee.
iend todav tot my FREE
i ' book on Rectal and Colon
disorders. Every sufferer
.3a ahmiM have H i
desired solely tq set possession of
the state patronage.
In the last; analysis the worst
feature of this despicable cam
paign Is the injury it is doing to
the farmers ?f -Oregon and espe
cially to those jiome owners who
haye been using state money in
their struggle to get on their feet.
It is discouraging generally but
especially discouraging to the bor
rowers who have been acting on
the theory! that the state was in
earnest and that the people o
Oregon wanted state money to
help men own their farms. '
I J. L. B.
' (Conttnaad from pass 1) ;
Insidious poison which was being
surreptitiously circulated. j
-; -The object of the audit was not
primarily to embarrass Mr. Kozer.
That much , must jbe said. The
object of the audit! was to cast a
doubt or besmirch by innuendo
T. B. Kay. They did not dare
make direct charges against the
record of Mr. Kayj who was State
treasurer for eight years. The
purpose of the audit is disclosed
on Its. face. It is a political docu
ment pure and ftinfple, made 'with
the appearance, of fairness but
saturated with Innuendo so pois
onous that It was depended upon
to prejudice the voters of the state
against the former state treasurer.
It haa failed because Mr. Kozer
receiTed, the report! In time to have
the facts made known to the peo
ple, but the political strategy- that
caused such an audit to be made,
such a resolution to be adopted as
printed above, is open to condem
nation on the part of the voters
oif the state of Oregon.
It has not been our purpose to
o into detail in -regard to the
transactions of the state land
board. From time to time edi
torials have been printed setting
forth the facta and disproving the
assertions made. Election time
is approaching. The voters are
being beseiged to vote for the
democratic candidate for state
treasurer1. So - determined Is the
administration to get control of all
the eleemosynary institutions that
Tom Kay has been venomously at
tacked, at first surreptitiously as
in that report but now openly
since the land board has been
smoked out. He Is to be sacrificed
on the altar of political necessity.
j Is it fair for the voters of Ore
gon to pay the campaign expenses
of the state officers, as in this
case?j Is it fair to have an alleged
audit! that did not rise to the dig
nity of an audit at all, pay $1200
for it, lock, it up for four months
anc then use n against a former
state 'treasurer? Is It fair for the
state j land board to print at state
expense 4500 copies of the above
resolution which would have been
printed in the papers as a matter
of news but which, would have
been j open to reaction from the
general public? The voters of
Oregon will make their own con
clusions and they will register
thosej Conclusions on November
4th. J If their eyes and ears are
not being clouded by the false
charges, if they are not' influenced
by the underhanded campaign
made; they will vote for TrB. Kay
.for state treasurer. Personally
we hive not a word to say against
the pj-esent state treasurer, but we
do condemn most emphatically the
campaign being made to l retain
him in office. It is not good
politics. It is not calculated to
enthuse the young voters with a
respect for any government. The
campaign is calculated to pre
judge ;and prejudice the voters
againt an administration six
years! in office that has generally
been j accepted as one of the best
Oregon has ever had, and further
more it is designed to get unfair
partisan advantage and elect a
democratic state treasurer in a
republican state. There are
enough republicans in Oregon and
enough fair minded democrats! to
give jTom Kay an overwhelming
majority. f
j It was not our purpose to en
ter into this at all. but since the
campaign has assumed the condi
tion ft; has, there is nothing for a
self-respecting newspaper to do
but enter an , emphatic protest
against such a campaign and ask
the Voters of Oregon in all fair
ness j to rally to the support of
Tom j Kay, for eight years state
treasurer, a life long citizen ; of
Oregon, and a man prominent in
state! development. His defeat is
Indications fare I That "The
Havoc" Will Play to Full
The advance seat sale for the
Salem appearance of Elliot Dexter
in "The Havoc',' which plays at
the Grand theater this evening,
indicates that, most if not all of
the seats in the house will be
occupied by the tithe the curtain
rises. , . ' f -i . i '
Between the' mail orders and
the calls at the ticket window,
which opened, yesterday morning,
the greater part of the best seats
had been sold lust night. I '
The play, according to jthe
press notices I that have been
it in Califdj-nla and Southern
Oregon, is one of the strongest
productions of the ' legitimate
stage that has been on the coast
in recent years, I and Dexters
work is said ;to outshine that
which has won 'him such a repu
tation on the screen. .
, "The Havoc" is a three-act
modern drama disclosing rather
intimately the life of a New York
family that encounters the world
old eternal triangle" conflict. But
this play approaches the tumult
ous problem from an entirely
new direction, in fact, when ; the
husband became disillusioned he
goes out sailing his domestic
Cannot Exist in tha Human Body If Ton
Will Use Trunk' Prescription
It in a shame W suffer with inflamma
tory, mnncular, vsHatiCi neuritis or ; any
form of Rheumatism.
Thin J rew-ription does not ruin the
stomach, it doa not depress the -heart.
Kat all the meat and good food you wish
while taking Trunk's Prescription. Con
tains no mercury, salicylate soda, oil vin
tersreen or narcotics, but positively over
comes any kind:, of rheumatism or Kant
on earth. What -more do yon wast?
There is nothing just as good, and it is
impossible 'to ge something better. Tiie
greatest uric arid solvent known and
also a superior liver medicine. ',-
Trunk's Prescription sells for $1.75 at
Perry's Drug Store, 115 S. Commercial
Street. Adv. a ', '
" " I L ' ' THfe Perfect Oil 'SvCj
Your Qrocer ;J j ' :)!; .-' K; 7'--:"
, has it For, Frying For Shortening 7 j I I
Ss -1 EREE! yy
i 1 . ' , Send for a copy of the
X X Eleven Advantages of ' AMAIZO 1 S
, Frtea bMutifntlT, dieveaablT
and aaicklv.
4. Dom not nnob mt roofcfng
AenAefttDffe. .
3. Don not earcy' Am flavo of
one food to another, so can bo
tised over and ovec i
. 4. H(M nlcklr i !
5. Mcaanrea tly and accoratety.
6. Blend raptdlf with other in
fredienta. 7. Neoeaaitate no aaddag.
8. Makee delicate, delicious cake
Is an Ideal shortening.
9. Maintains the delicious natural
, flavor of food.
10. Doe not cord In mayonnaise,
tl. Its can I duatleas, mstlaas, easy
. to handle and store.
I ' a
An of tts recipe are tested
and practical. Thay tell yon
of the base wave of cooic
inc, simply, easily, and
with delicious, appctitini
results. Write tot 111 W.
Monroe St., Chicago, IB.
New York Chicago
ship in a way that furnishes a
dramatic delight. There is a
climax to "The HaToc''that cani
not be anticipated ' and that is
reached through a maze of fas
cinating surprises..! The role of
the husband is one that, suits Mr
Dexter admirably.
Demonstrate the Famous Rice
Method Free to Callers
at Hotel : ;!'
r - -,r- h v - - ij
If yon are ruptured your big
opportunity has now j arrived. If
you would like to be. free from the
slavery of gouging, pinching, chaf
ing trusses that make life a bur
den, then HERE and NOW la the
time to act. " ' f- A , j;
Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Williams,
experts in rupture cases, trained
under the personal . direction '' of
W. S. Rice, of Adams, N: Y. the
famous discoverer of the Rice Non
Surgical Rupture Method, will be
I at the Marion Hotel, Salem, Ore
gon, Saturday, Octi 25.
. These experts 'are here to per
sonally demonstrate to all rup
tured people whaV the Rice Rup
ture Metnoa can accomplish. You
have, no doubt, heard and read
much about this famous Method
and the cures which thousands
have reported from it. Now, you
have the chance to find out all
about it to have it demonstrated
to you and to see what it can do in
YOUR OWN case, i Just call at the
hotel and these experts will give
you their personal attention, best
advice and complete demonstration
absolutely without charge.
Ae' you tired of that binding,
hampering, uncomfortable truss?
Would you like to be free of it
forever? yThen investigate this
Rice Method and find out the pos
sibilities it holds, out. Surely a
Method that could cause so many
thousands of former rupture suf
ferers to report i cures must be
worthy of your full and complete
The Rice Method is' different
from, anything else. It is mod
ern, up-to-the-minute, abreast of
the latest scientific developments.
It fs the one Method that you are
bot asked to take on faith alone
the one Method that is positively
demonstrated to you, right on your
own person, without any charge
whatever. You do not spend a
penny unless, after having a full
and complete demonstration,! you
i decide that this is the Method for
you. And you -yoii alone are
the sole judge of that.
In justice to yourself, come in
and see these experts. Remem
ber, they will be here only ONE
i DAY then your opportunity will be
i gone. Grasp it NOW. It may
prove to be the .Wisest thing you
ever did, and anyway, it costs you
nothing to find out.
- Remember, come to the Marlon
Hotel any day from 9 to 13 fore
noons. 2 to 6 afternoons, or 7 to
. 9 in the evening. The date is
Saturday, Oct. 25, ? .
- Don't . let this. opportunity get
Phis Is Reoublicao eaT
fc ri 1
I i i
1 -'; . .
i .
I; 3 f. T i
IWitlMIMIfilgl ilirlMmtnmiHtl
It's Coblidge Make It
Every indication shows overwhelming sentiment for Coolidge; The Literary Digest straw vote, both in
this state and the nation, shows him at this writing leading his nearest opponent by more than two to one.
I ; . ! I j i ' -:t. ; ' ' ' h ': S A f fV :: ' ' ; ' i t : 'A i
In urging votes for Coohdge, we ask Oregon citizens to elecjk to the congress men who will aid the Presi
dent in carrying out his policies, men who acknowledge party responsibility, men who will keep faith with the
people in carrying out the platform pledges. : ' j , ,
You Will Find Those Men On The Republican Ticket
Senator McNary deserves re-election. Heihas accomplished much for Oregon. Congressmen
and Sinnott should be returned because of service to their state. Maurice E. Crumpacker, candidate
seat of the democratic incumbent in the third district, should receive the votes of all republicans, i J
for the
Restore This State to Control of the Dominant Party
j j j , . ' - : -& i.' r A f . ! ! j -
It is imnortant that all feood citizens vote for Sam A. Kozer, candidate for re-election as secretary of state,
and Thomas B. Kay, candidate for state treasurer, because their election will restore the affairs of Oregon, a
strongly republican state ;to Jrepublican control. . ; 1 i: ;
Through' the accident of death, the governor has named his own state treasurer. This is an elective office
and the people had elected a republican treasurer. ; By the appointment, Governor Pierce seized power not his
by right and thereby dominates the state board of control. The balance will be restored by election of -Kozer
and Kay. ' j 7 - . I I i' '. " 1 .- ' ; ' . -
Other Candidates, Too, Are Worthy o( Voters' Support r V
Judge Harry II. Belt, of Polkxounty, and Judge Percy It. Kelly, of Linn county, are both able jurists and
candidates of tho party for justice of the supreme court, Judge Kelly being a candidate to succeed the late John
McCourt. Both are eminently qualified. - M ri , v 1
I. II. VanWinkle, candidate for re-election as attorney-general ; ill.; II. Corey, candidate for re-election as
public service commissioner!; Edward Ostrandcr, candidate for public service commissioner; and J. D. Mickle,
candidate for re-election as state dairy and food commissioner, as well as the complete legislative and full coun
ty tickets, vouched for by the republican party, are worthy of support and deserve your votes,. ,
i . j J-. '.. . . I ' ; A- ..'! , '. ..; Jj A ; a " ' '!:-' I. ' - " ''
i I.
I. L. PATTERSON, Chairman.
Portland, Oregon
(Paid Adv.)
JOHN W. COCHRAN, Secretary
' , ; , . ,
Prices are
Only One
Feature of Our Service
We have another
shipment of those
delicious picnic
shoulders to sell
at 15c lb.
A little special , of
interest to Slovens of
cocoanuts. One 15c
cocoanut free with
every 2 pounds of
Gem Nut. j ' .vf-'
Cascade Hams
half or whole 27c
Bacon Squares
VV Alo Specialize on Oualitv. Economy and Courtesy.
We have received notice from Hills Brbsand Bronden
stine that their brands of Coffee have advanced 2c per lb.
We aiSO Will De COmpeucu W ouyouw; uui , (ii ivm ow.
1 lb. can Hills Red Can
Coffee .... - 54c
2Y2 lb. can Hills Red
Can Cpffee .... . . 1.32
5 lb. can Hills Red Can
Coffee ...L... . $2.63
1 lb. M. J. B. Coffee ...54c
3 lbs. M. J. B. Coffee $1.57
5 lbsL M. J. B. Coffee $2.59.
1 lb. Hills Blue Can
Coffee ....44c
3 lbs. Hills Blue. Can
Coffee .. $1.29
Fancy Peaberry Coffee 40c
3 lbs. L - -L .$1.15
Fancy Blend Coffee ..:.35c
3 lbs. -i - $1.00
Shasta Tea, half lb. black I
or green .. . 25c
- -v.:: -
STEAK at 13c per pound
is . going like wild fire. It
has real quality and is gov
ernment inspected.
. Buj ick's Special Steak
Pound, 13c
Luxury Sausage at our in
troductory price for this
week! only at 1 7c per lb. is
selling more of this brand
of sausage than all , the
other j brands we ' carry.
Government Inspected Meat Is the Safest -I
It's YouivGuarantee of Seryice Plus Quality
I 1
away from you: '!