THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 23, 1924 eetioii S&leiii's ; Gfbat Mar Place- ass CI ined ket Hi A r HEIJ WANTED Female $7 EARN $20 WEEKLY SPAKE TIME, AT 4 hum, addressing, mailing, music, mu sic circulars.! Send 10c for music , and information. Cooperative Music '(, St. Paul, Minn 17-o23 a HELP WANTED Male 18 j. VANTED A MAN BOOKKEEPER. Will Psy $2 5 per week to begin. Address Hoi 465. Silverton. Ore; 1823 If ale and Feinale 10 Wanted a good ri-.stler. on( who haa had experience in lumber and other boilding material. ;"KAB" rare of Statesman, i. 19o23 v IeOST. AND FOUND 23 . FEMALE LLEWELLYN SETTER, SALT ' and pepper color. Very ilim build. Known teeth j when spoken to. Name ia 'Btbe.' Reward, 1983 South High street.- Chaa. K inter. 22 o24 UJHT SOMETHING t FIND ITI PBONi want ad to Tha Statesmen. Paoae S . - PERSON AI 23 KALPH HALL, ' 24 SECOND, STREET. orest Orore, Oregon, ia anxious to get' in touch with hia mother Jim. Ma bel Hall. Please write. Z3-o27- LOAN3 24 WANTED.92000 IX)AN. FIRST MORT gaga on farm property. -For fall par- titulars write and will call 423 States- man. t ' 24-o24 Wanted 93000 on good! skccritv -it room all modern aouee 94200. Eaai cat payments. U extrude 4. M. Page 492 j N. Cottage St. 2420tf. MONEY TO LOAM ON FARM PROP , erty.- Lowest ratee obtainable. See J Mr. MeCurdy ja Hornet I Smith's of- f ice. Steevea-Moore Bldg, i 24-B20U MONEY TO LOAN IN AMOUNTS 91000 . ta 9500, 7 per cent, l f . . BECKE HENCRICK3 TT aS T . V. DIJ- - , TJ. 8. Bank Bldg. 24 sietf HEAL ESTATE City 25 Own f I . ; I i Your ""?f ; i Home 5 ROOM HOUSE FOR SALE CASH or " easy terms, -inquire 1247 S. Com' I. , ; 25-O.10 J& BOOM HOUSE, BASEMENT, FTJR nsee, $4500; easy payments. Gertrude J. M. Page, 493 N. Cottage. 25 o7tf GOOD HOME BCYS 10 acre suburban home fine, all modern 6 room bungalow, nice barn A and out buildings, 5 acre prunes; some cherries. Nice location. , Bargain. 2 Yj acre tract close in, new bunga 4. low, 92700. i i - . Fine 6 acre tract close in, modern bungalow, dandy nice home. Price a 965UO. r - 195 men, farm near town, half in cultivation, -good improvements, fruit. Exchange' for acreage near Salem. 25 acre farm all Jo Cultivation. 10 "k acre bearing fruit, paved, road, good act buildings, stock, teol,;feed. 96500, exchange for Salem residence. "18 room apartment house, good lo cation, large lot garage snap 9000. New 4 i room bungalow? $1800. 200 aera farm good (improvements. Snap $C0 per are. . t ine modern o room i bungalow on Court atreet. easy, terms. , . See us for -good1-buys or -exchanges. PEKBIKE M AKaTEKa I Commercial Club Building. , : 25-o23tf . Best Buys and Exchanges 5 room strictly modern new bnnga low, basement, furnace, fireplace, buf- let, Dutch- kitchen, garage., fine lawn, yard welt shaded, very choice location, on pavement $4900; $1500 cash, bsl anre terms. 5 room ' strictly I modern bungalow, , garage, on State street. .fine neighbor- 4 hood. 9750; -some terms. Would ex change for larger house closer in. a- $50,000! Willamette valley ranch want ed for a -developed and well paying a coal mine. All statements regarding the mine- guaranteed with s money de- , posit. ' What have you I No mortgage on this 'mine. t 20 acres, all cleared' and tillable, in sight! of- Salem, good rock road. A 94250; very easy terms, i - : - A it, Socolofsky Realtor V 34 1 State St. 25-o23tf rOK SALE 6 ROOM HOUSE, LARGE lot with fruit, on paved atreet. Price 9200O. 451 South 16th St. See owner . 1157 South 15th.. I 25 o24 . 1 u ' PROPERTY SELLERS WE SPECIAL-' ixe on Estate properties and those that k must be moved.' If priced fair we can ' aell it. I - ' - BECKE HENDRICKS - J U. S. Rank Bldg. ; '23 j224f j : I GOOD VALUE ' .r. Newt 4- room bungakrw, east front North Salem,, near school and car liner Lot 6xl30. Price $2700; terms.' !- KKUKtiLtt-f 147 N Com'l. Phooe U17. 25-o23 GRAND NEW LISTINGS with. Special reduced price and terms for thia week only on the following propertiea.. f HOUSES AND BUNGALOWS $1600; cosy 5K bungblow, - paved Street: and paid.' Real snap. ! $2000; good fonr room house close in. Snap $500 down- i-alance $25 month. 'I $2100; good 5 room cottage on pav ed atreet and paid- Garage, fruit, near : Washington school, i $2500; modern 5 room bungalow only $300 down, balance 925 month. $2800 cash will buy ,eoiy 4 room cottage less than five blocks -of Ladd ft Bash bank. $7350; atrictly modern home A rooma four blocks east of state house. .-i-We have some good buys , In grocery stores, confectionery stores, apartment houses, blacksmith shop, ho- V aDartment telsJ large and small farms. v ! vxixia s sluuhu 540; State, St.' 25-o2 2 tf f. Is BARGAIN TODAY : 5 room house and large lot 60x175 1 feet. $1000: 300 down $20 per month. Seei J. A. MILLS. S31 Stata Street j 25-o23 .1 8PECIAL ; i A good & room house, large corner lot.r with fruit. Good location. Only $100. Your own terms. We have a good 6 "room ' house and lot on the beach. Price $2000 and $2000. raah for Salem property. A good modern horn in North Salem price $4500 to exchange for a farm.. 820 acres near , Bend to for valley property. Will - include ben and lot in Salens. Several S atouaee for rent. THOMASON - !' State St. i 25-o21tf ROOMS MOtJERN-GABAGE. pavinf. 1 Quirk possession and reasonable terms. 1 $3600. -See at 117 North 16th. i BECKE ft HENDRICKS it S. Bank Bldg. I 23 o22tf f EXCELLENT BUYS 8 room, modern east Salem residence with 2 lots, fruit, shrubbery 93500 i 6 room new Dutch Colonial South Salem L :- .92SO i Modern 6- room Salem Helghta bun galow. 1.1 acres of land ..... $4000 I A. C. B0HRN8TEDT 147 No. Com' I. St.. Salem, Oregon. JkS ROOMS MODERN GARAGE. ON I sving at 1107 N. 16th. Close schools, Price 93600 and terms are 9500 down. balance 'MR month.- Qnirk noaaeaaioa. RRAL) KSTATK City 25 FOR SALE! BY OWNER 5 ROOM mod ern biiugalow. . Priee $3OU. $llli)J cash. 1955 North Capitol. 25 oOJ4 t HAVE TWO SMALL PLASTERED houses for a very young or old couple if they have $400 to $.".00 cash, either being , an extraordinary good invest ment. It is worth while to sea me about these. AIko three lota a block west of South High to alrnot give way. ; if you consider the value of the abstracts alone. Near school too (Lin coln) and car. Good garden soil. Win. Fleming. 1 341 Stale St. Phone 3(:i or 1734 M. i 25-429tf WILL (TAKE HOl.iHKKS" LOAN ON close ia 1 property i ia good condition. Gertrude J. M. Page, 492 N. Cottage. . i , i , . 25-o7tf t Some Extra Good j Listings For Better Homes Week 5 acrea isTl rnltivated, 1 acre cher ries, 1 acre loganberries, 1-4 acre atrawberriex, good - 7 room house, good eutbuildioira, 14 miles to school $ a BOO 92500 cash. Terms. 3 acres! well miltivated. ' small or chard, bearing. I Good 6 room modern house, good outbuildings, 3-4 mile to school. $4000 ; $30O cash, balance easy monthly payments. 18 acres 2 miles from Brooks. All under cultivation, i Small family or chard. 0 room modern house and large barn. I'ro $4750; or will take trade. A2 acres t miles east of Salem 30 acres under cultivstion, family fruit, 6. room i house, full basement. Farm equipment and stock goes with place. Price $8000; 920O0 cash. Terms on balance, t i We have 'for rent aeveral of the most desirable' housea and apartments from $15 to $50. i 6 room plastered house, near Junior high school, full basement, wood lift, very convenient. ' Price $2700; easy terms, or will exchange for house in city of Portland, i ' We also have a f ine farm in ; Min nesota to trade for Oregon farm. V Income property, 7 room modern house, garage, basement, furnace, 2 fine greenhouses 24x92 each. South Salem, price $12,000. ; 4 room house oa Highland avenue, brand new.i Modern conveniences $ 1 700 r ternw. 7 room bungalow. North Commercial, plaatered, bath, toilet, two '50x1 23 lota fruit, srirubbery. Price $3700 and terms. Or iwill exchange for grocery store or rooming j house. What: have you f ' -MOISAN ft ULRICH Phone 1354 122. X. Commercial St. SMALL HOUSE FOR SALE ON EASY terms by Gertrude J. M. Page. 492 N. Cottage, i I 25-7tf LARGE HOMES 6 TO 9 ROOMS. WE have three beauties at $6500 to $7500. Both new. i BECKE ft HENDRICKS 5 P. 8. Bsnk Bldg. I 25 aSOtf WHES TIRED OF HUNTING SEE ME. X have hondreda of properties meeting very, thinkable demand. - My system saves time and shoes. If what you want Is to be found I can find it. Let me help you HARRIS. 317 Oregon building. Phone 455, 1942 J 25s26tf. Salem Highway Tracts NOW ON SALE - I ?: ' ' The tracts between the two highways, just north of the Oregon State' Fkir Grounds are now ready 'to put on the market t aII In one-half scr tracts. An Ideal Location For Suburban Home . : ! Yon' may select your traet now. All will be plainly marked with price. t 'Don't delay, as first choice will be best. Three roads, across tract connecting Portland and 8ilverton highways, mak ing all tracts easily accessible. i - ' ' - - . J i : 'j : -- Price ranging from $400 up, accord ing to location. Rich L. Reimann ' : ! ' I ' - ' . ; ' ' 907 308 Oregon Bldg. Phone 1013 25 o21tf 5 ROOMS MODERN FURNACE. FIKK, garaga etc.) At 1275 K. St. and old fashioned price of $4350. S-e all Sargain. Terma if deMred and po- BECKE ft HENDRICKS U. 8. Bank Bldg. 25 o22rf MINUTE MOVIES HOMEWARD BOUND HQCBI20KEN , N-J. j-SlC AU3ENON GRECNE - PEPPER, MP, K-C.B, F.P.A. DlSTlNGVJISHEU MONOTCAJIST EPIbEMlC -w- ' i ' . HEAL KSTATK City 25 s ,- . LARGE HUME CLOSE SCHOOLS 7 . rooms one; floor modern, $4700. Large lot on . paving, garage. BECKE ft HENDRICKS S U. S. Bank Bldg. 25 o8t( SEE THIS: BEAUTIFUL HOME AT tractively located east front, S130O0; 42 N. Cottage 25s26tf. 4 ROOM HOUSE ALL FURNISHED Close in, east front, paved street. $2, 50U. Gertrude J. M. Page, 492 North Cottage St. 25 a23tf $2200 HOUSE SOUTH 6 ROOMS AND sleeping! porch Plastered, on trim small lot close to schools and car. $5uO down, balance like rent. BKCKE ft HENDRICKS V. S. Bank Bldg. 23 ol8tf A Good Investment . : :Is Worth a Lifetime of Saving; EASY TO1 BUY Little' 3 room bouse. Your own terms. NOW IS iTHE TIME To invest In fariti property. I have several farms to sell at price. See me and I will show you where you cani make a few thousand dollars. We build to suit purchaser and sell to him on essy terms. We write insurance. Rich L. Reimann S Realtor Oregon Bldg. 307-308 Phone 1013. 25-o9tf SOME COUPLE THAT RENT. HERE'a three trim: bungalows of 4 rooms. Two brand new. All vaeant. A down pay ment anil monthly payments und you'll own: something that won't hurt you. Get the? key now. , , BECKE ft HENDRICKS J U. S. Bank Bldg. 25ol8tf I400O BUYS 7 ROOM MODERN HOME near junior high, furnace, garage, tine lot and variety of fruit. 9650Q' buys strictly modern home and garage, new. O blocks from Ladd ft Bubh corner. $7500 beys very beautiful stucco home of. 6 very large rooms and every modern feature, recessed bath, hardwood floors, garage, creek property. You cannot begin to duplicate thia at the price offered. I , . WINNIE PETYJOHN, i ( Realtor ' 216 Oregon Bldg.; 25 ol2tf TWO REAL' HOMES TERMS. ONE 7 room ij $3500, other of 7 rooms at $4700. I Both weill located with large lots and on paving. $54JO down on either, r ' 1 BECKE ft HENDRICKS U. S. Bank Bldg. 23ol8tf FOR SALE NEW STUCfSO BUNGALOW strictly I modem, paved street, fruit trees, 9000. 1". L. Wood, 341 State St. i I 25ol4tf BEAUTIFUL HOME 7000. BRAND new seven room, with everything. Im mediate i possession. BECKE ft HENDRICKS TJ. S. Bank Bldg. 25 o8tf PRINTED? CARDS SIZE 14" BY wording; "For Sale, Enquire At." Price 10 cents ! each. Slateamaa Business Office. Ground Floor. JUST PLAIN HOME 7 ROOMS WELL built, good condition, plaatered, bath icd hot water.. Extra targe lot with fruit, garden. Garage. Walking dis tance high school and business. Price 93500; $500 down, balance like rent This is ! good buy. --,,, BECKE ft HENDRICKS U. S. Bank Bldg. 25 o8tf BUSINESS Opportunities 20 WILL TRADE YOU GOOD '23 FORD touring on small stock groceries. 429 Statesman. . 26-o23 SMALL APARTMENT HOUSE WE have two for sale. One brings in 9223 month. $30OO will handle either. Rents will pay for bulances and give you home and living $8iti0 and $10,000 BKCKE ft HENDRICKS U. S. Bank Bldg. 2G o22tf REAIj ESTATE Farms 28 I HAVE SEVERAL SMALL AND LARGE farms for rent, Home irrigated, good bean and flax land. P. li. Thorns on. Turner,'jOregon. 28-o23 REAL RAjNCH BARGAIN 172 ACRES ftioOO. jBldgs. Milliou and half good timber, j Spripgs and two ereeka. On good road, BECKE ft HENDRICKS U. S. Bank Bldg 23 o!8tf 65 ACRES INORTH, 1 MILE OFF OF highwayi on gravel road, 4 room house, good barn, and other buildings, all til lable, clear. Want Salem residence and will pay difference or assume; 3U acres clear, smooth unimproved land, ' half way to Portland on Pacific high way. Want Salem or Portland resi dence B'nd will pay difference or as sume; pif acres clear, good C room houses good harn, chicken house, fruit bouse and wood house. 10 acres oi 9 year old prunes in fine condition, 2 acres of good general orchard, enough oak ; timber to pay for the land, all fenced sheep tight, on main road,' 4 mile to j school, 1 mile to station, S'-s miles to! good town. 'Price 9600O, want good home in Salem and will assume or pay cash difference; lo acres clear for . good lot:; 13'4 acres bearing froit near Salem olear for Kalem residence; i 15 acres only 2 miles out, good 4 room house and other buildings " fruit, very best I of land. Price $6500 and clear for Rood home in Salem. -MrOILCHRIST ft PENNINGTON 209 If. S- Bank Bldg. Phone 140 I f i . 28-o23tf lO ACRES BAROAIN INSIDE SALEM limits. Fair buildings. Vacant. Price $3750. Terma or some trade. i BECKE ft HENDRICKS U. 8 Bank Bldg. 28-o23tf FOR SALE-i-38 ACRES. FAIR BUILD ings. excellent soil, on good road, near railroad! station. An ideal place. For quick salef price $3500. Terms. S. R. Tandy.- (Jefferson, Oregon. 28-o23 OLD TIME; FARM AT OLD TIME price. 200 acres on - highway at $100 an acrej close to Salem. BECKE ft HENDRICKS U. S. Bbnk Bldg. 38-o22tf FOR SALE 163 ACRES FINE TIMBER about 10 miles from Sheridan, Oregon. Albert J.i Cossett, Veedersburg. Ind. i I 28 o25 A CUTE KtXlE t?OEEM UTTLEAGfNES MOVivL WN S PRST PRIZE IN ANNUAL BABV PARADE. ANO "IS CON -gatxjLatetd ex MAVDB MUSWrOOM AN MEMBEKS (uJnvjsvaL vievw op ike. TTSANlP TfeAhJS- poesr no50" Passing- the famoos BOOBLVJN ; bPlDGE RKAIj KSTATE; Karma 28 TIMBER AND STOCK It ANCII 170 acres to be sacrificed-for $u."00. Fair ; Hidgs. Six larfce springs and creek. Water piped to house and barn. JtKCKK ft liKNDttlCKH U. S. Bank Bldg. l ; 28-o22tf HERE IS AN EXCELLENT OPPORTUN- ! 1TV TO BUY AND PAY FOR A 2 I At'RE HOME OV KRI.dOKlMi THE J " BEAUTIFUL WILLAMETTE RIVEIt AND VALLEY FARMS. Only 0 miles from ,Salen. Paved road nearly all the iway out. There is a li room house, iJtrn nml garage Hlenty of fniit of various kinds for family use. Price, $3oJi. Owner wul . ac-re;t a reasonable 'cash payment 'and a small Salem residence. ' and balance. t- a month and intervst at 6 per cent. Will vUo allow purchaser, to cut tim ber into cordwuod on the land aud turn in on the deferred bayments. See WELLS: TOLLMAN i 229 Oregon Bldg, Saleui, Oregon. ' A i 28-o23 16 ACRES $3250. GOOD BLDGS. AND close Salem. Thia is best small farm buy we have ever seen. Immediate poa sessiou and terms. '- BKUKK & HENDRICKS V. S. Bank Bldg i r ?. - 28 o!8tf MATCH THIS Id ACRES. KXCEL ient road south. Blds. : Price 3-'" and .reasonable ' terms to responsible people. See this oo. BECKE ft HENDRICKS U. S. Bank Bldg. ! 28-o22tf Ask Robinson to tell you about-: that 38 acre farm equity for city. It' a producer now, not away in the future but Oregon Bldg. f 28 o22 10 ACRES TERMS; 4 ROOM HOUSE. . good small barn. . .lust outside limits. ' immediate possession. Price $3500. Will take some trrfde. BECKE ft HENDRICKS U. S. Bank Bldg 28 o!8tf ItKAL, KSTATK I-:xchanKe 29 1 EXCHANGE 20 ACRES : IRRIGATED land, improved, near Mermistou, Oregon, for house and. lot in Salem. F. Ij. Wood, 341 State St. 29-ol4tf WILL EXCHANGE FOIf VALLEY Farms. Choice 5oo were, well, improved farm in central South Dakota, clear of incum brance. Want Oregon land or prop erty. Also BOO acres in central north en Nebraska. Well improved, stocked and equipped. Cleat of . incumbrance, - for Oregon grain or stock ranch. Ex changee in farm and city property l specialty. Barber, 200 Gray B!dg. 5 ? 29-ol7tf EXCHANGE 100 ACHES LAND FOR a good car or house, i F. L. Wood, 341 State St. - 29 ol4tf FOR SALE SEVEN R0OM BUNGALOW basement, gurage, paved street, fruit trees. East Ssleiu. $4.'.00 ; or 'will trade for smaller oungalow. F. I Wood. 341 State St. 29-ol4tf USED CAIU4 I'or Sale 31 FORD COUPE 192 , MODEL. WILL take roadster or touring as part pay. 219 State St. f. . 31-o2i 1920 Ford touring 1 . $200 1919 Ford touring A $150 1920 Jewett touring . k ....$90O 1923 Dodge tourinj ..i ; $825 1922 Dodge touring, .j ; $5(M1 - 192U Dodge touring ; ,$450 1921 Dodge delivery $450 k ' - (Terms;) I ' '. BONKSTEELE MOTOR CO. ; -li f - . 31-o2t Ford roadster f. ii 4 $ CO 1920 Chevrolet touring....,; $175 1923 Chevrolet touring ..... $415 We trade or give easy terms. - JiEWTON CHEVROLET CO. :.: 31-16tf 1920 Fords JJ.i...$I50 to $175 1923 Ford roadster J. $310 1924 Ford touring like new, with lots of extras, A $410..'' Overland touring cars .. 130 to $200 Chevrolet tourings $200 to $350 Buick Six roadster,;.... $200 Oldsmobtle Six toijrins ..4. 5200 1922 Oldsmobple sed.-iQ like new $850 '1924 Gardner Brougham, five passen ger, like neiw ..i i. j, .$1090 : We have others for you to select from. Come in and ook them over. And if . you are in the) market yod will be sure to drive one hotne.f r "After W Sell We Serve" ' : F. W. PETTYJOHN CO. 219 N. Commercial St. Phone 1260 I ; ; 3i-oictt USED FORD CARS FROM AN UTHORtZED FORD DEALER Touring Cars .'9 85 to 9350 ' Roadsters -i-W 73 to 325 Coupes ... 275. to 450 ' Sedans . . i 223 to 450 Light Deliveries I .1 to 275 Ton Trucki 125 to 385 "Bugs" 75 to 225 f AIT cars are guaranteed Liberal Terms. Open until 9 p. m. every evening Sunday'a 12 : a. m. 1 -L . (Church Strei-t Entrance) ' VALLEY MOTOR COMPANY Salem, Ore., 260 No, High Phone 1995 I i 31s2btf BUICK TOURING 1918 4 cyl 4 cyl ..... 6 cyl ....... . C cyl ...'..ii....4-.... $200 $175 $50(1 m $500 $70 $!0O 1914 1920 1920 1920 1922 1923 1922 j922 1922 1 923 Wl I 1924 6 cyl, 7 pass 6 cyl, 7 pMs 1 - 't::::::::::: n cyi ....-:.i;. BUICK SEDANS 4 cyl ....V... : . 00 $1 ir.o $1000 1 1250 f. cvl 6 cjl 4 cyl 45 cvl. cyl, -;-'-;---;; 7 j.SSK. 5 'pas;. 1 1922 Dol?e setlaij ... $700 1 1122 Jewett sedan Hl0 1 l'22 S ndeliaker i.. JoOO 1 1924 Dodge ronpef. 1 ' . - 1 1924 Chevrolet coupe, i ' ' ' O. J. WILSON 38H N. Coin'l St. Also distributor of Owid Year tires. ? ? 31 a2 Read the Classified Ads. (All rights protected by The CieorKa Matthew Adams Service .Trade Mark Registered U. S. Patent Office) wdeh CLASSIFIED . : Of Reliable Business : AKBT7LANCB AMBLLANCK SERVICE, DAV OR night. Pbone 666. 13 South Liberty. AUCTIONEERS F. N. WOODKY Expert Livestock, furnitnre, real estate AUCTIONEER Res. 1610 N. Simmer Phona all for sales dates. , L. E.. TaLBOTT - . Auctioneer Phone 470 202 U. S. Bank Bldg. ; j 15 O. SATTERLEE Auctioneering Rooms 25-26, Breyuian Block Phone 430 or 12111. ine-12tf AUTO PAINTING HA" VE US REPAINT YOUR GAR WITH our new permanent finish. Qeaurr Caaa High Street at Trade BATTERY AND ELECTRICIANS S31 Court St. JOE WILLIAMS PRESTO-LITE t B A TTE R Y SERVICE Station. Expert battery and electrical work. , Ferris Bros.. - Phone 1803. 41s Court. . ,j R. D. BARTON EXIDE BATTERIES starter and generator work; 171 South Commercial. BICYCLES AND REPAIRING LLOYD E. RAMSDEN DAYTON BICY cles and repairing; 387 Court. CHINESE REMEDY L. li. DICK L. M. HUM, CHINESE Medicine- Co.. help any known disease 420-423 State St., Balem, Oregon. a 30tf CHIROPODIST DR. i&.f. SCOTT, GRADUATE Na tional "University Sciences, Chicago. Masonic Temple, phone 640. CHIROPRACTORS DR. O. I. SCOTT. PSO CHIROPRACTOR, 414-19 U. S. Bank, Bldg. Phone 87. rea. 828-R. CLEANERS ft DYERS SALEM CLEANERS AND DYERS. 1215 8. Commercial. Hione 1868. We spe--cialixe on one day STvice. CONSULTING ENGINEERS CIVIL. CONSULTING. CONSTRUCTION Cone-trueting engineer. Snrveya. eati matea - Jno. H. NeefJ 819 Oregon Bldg. Phone 775. " CONTRACTORS FOR - CEMENT WORK CALL AT . 4S6 , N.-Summer atreet. Phone 674-J. CHEKRY CITY CONTRACTING CO. Geniral ' contracting and building. Esti mates gladly furnished. Phone 1867R c 59F12. d2tf DRESSMAKING I PRINTED CARDS SIZE 14" BY 7" wording "Dressmaking"; price 10 "cents each. Statesman Business Office Ground-Floor. - ELECTRICIANS SALEM ELECTRIC CO. M A 8 O N I C building. Pbone 1200.: ELECTRIC FIXTURES' A N D 8UPPLY Co. Phone 1934. 222 N. liberty. FLEE NJ5 R ELECTRIC CO. House wiring by hour or contract. ' Ea- ' timates furnished. Phone 980. 471 Court 8fc : HALIK ELECTRI0 8H0P i Electric Fixtures Washing Machinal Vacauia Cleaners 937 Court St. Phone 488 , Res. Phone 7025 FINANCIAL LOANSt-rMADE. ON GOOD CITY PROP erly at a low rate oa the easy payment plan, so at end of year you are all paid up. Farm loans oa large or small tracts; private .money. See first and -you will go no farther. G. W. Laflar, 410 Oregon Bldg. A : City Loans . 1 ' . ANDERSON A RUPERT '' Agents'' 40 Oregon Building ' LOANS 1 Farm and City Moat liberal rates and payment privileges. HAWKINS ft ROBERTS 205 Oregon lildg. Salem, Oregon . fa-tf FARMLO,NS LESS, INTEREST, longer lime, no commission. Pro'icts : against' - adversity. City loans, lowest . rates, monthly installments, prepay ment privileges. J. C. Siegmund, room . 2. over Ladd ft Bush bank. Farm Loans .ANDERSON ft RUPERT tnm itfftn RntMine 3 J. SCIENTIST STARTLES VaCRLD VVTH HIS DISCOVERS DR. LUIGI AnTiPAsTRO OF j SPVJM0NI, ITALy IW MIS' ! -LABOi?AToay' VWMErE HE MAS SUCCEEDED IN MAKING- XiNC COLODlVM N10NOXIOE OVfCF PLAIN EVEJSy DAV CALCIUM ,HVDR0CHLCeiC BASlUCCjAJ. -UPS CP THE DAY Qn r-lAWAll THty HAVE THE SAME LEATHER ALL - VEAP. ROUND" i ; ! '(JOSH , HOW DOTWEy EVEJ START THE IR. CON VER SAT- BUSINESS DIRECTORY aiid Professional Firms ArrangetT in Alphabetical Order for Quick Reference ' I I FINANCIAL o',, LOANS UNDER RESERVE SYSTEM ou city or farm property. R. serve Ie posit rotnpaay. 72 Fourth Btreot. Port land. Or. FARM PAPER IP YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST I farm paper, send 15e to the Pacifie Homestead, Salem,. Oregon for a three i months' trial subscription. M a a t i o h - : this: sd. . I'OULTRYM EN 8 END EIGHT TWO cent stamps for special three months' trial for the best and oldeat journal in the iwtst. The articles and advertise ments are of special interest to the poultry breders of the Northwest. Northwest Poultry Journal, 211 Com Wierelal street, Salem. Oregon. FLORISTS CUT FLOWERS, WEDDING BOUQUETS funeral w r e a t b a, decorationa. C. F. Breithaupt, florist, 123 N. Liberty Phone 3K0. FUNERAL DIRECTORS SALEM MORTUARY, FUNERAL DIREC tors; 2J0 Center. Ptione 1656.1 V: I FURNITURE STORES 1 GlESH FURNITURE CO. Q U A L I T Y furniture for leas' money. , 372 Court, Phone 464. ( I' FEpPLES' FURNITURE STORE NEW andi second hand furniture; 271 N. Commercial. HEMSTITCHING MRS. sC. E. MILLER, HEMSTITCHING, slanlping, buttons. Room 10, over Mil ler's Store. Phono 117. HfeMHTITCHING, STAMPINO. PLEAT tng.l The Petite Shop, Room 5, over Busjcks. : a29tf SALEM ELITE II EMSTITCHINO pleating, buttons, stamping and acedia work; 328 Oregon bldg.- Phone 379. HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN DiC. 14. G. ALTMAN. HOMEOPATH rST. Does a general practice. Treata Goiter, Gali Stones, and Dropsy, 'arising from disecisea of heart, liver or kidneys without operation. Office and resi dence. 296 N. Liberty St., Salem, Or. Phone 147. INSURANCE ! W A K K ESsF. POWERS Life, Accident; Fire, Automobile 21 U. 8. Nat'l BasaBldg. Phone 607 LADIES TAILORING! D. H. MOSIIER1 TAILOR FOR MEN and! women. 474. Court St. t LANDSCAPE GARDENING ERNEST IUFER, 'LANDSCAPE GARDEN er prepares plans. General grading and planting. llock aud Wall gardening a specialty. Route 1, Box 11. Phone 1ICF4. n-2 j - r 1 LAUNDRIES - SALEM I-AUNDRt COMPANY. 318 S. Liberty atreet.. Phone 25. oldest largest best. Established 1889. CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY - Qualify - work ; prompt service; ,12 0 4 MEDICAL MOUNTAIN BALM COUGH REMEDY Phone 517-W. M-U8IG LESSONS A COURSE IN BUSINESS PIANO playing. Popular syncopated, staudard music. Semi-classic and ballads; 12 lessons. Waterman Piano School, Mc Cornack Bldg. ' S MTJSIO STORES SHERMAN, CLAY ft CO.. PIANOS Steinmaya, Duo-Art and others. Moore's Music Houae, 415 Court Street. GEO. iO. WILL PIANOS. PHONO graphs, sewing machines, sheet musie, andi piano aludies. Repairing phono graphs and sewing machines; 432 State street. Salem.' : - TRADE YOUR OLD PIANO FOR A NEW Victor or Brunawick. II. L. Stiff Furni- inre Co., Music Dept. NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR. Al SLAUGHTER - AOL'TS AND chronic diseases; 414 Oregon Bldg. Phone 110. ' ' NURSERY STOCKS FRUIT. NUT-AND SHADE TREES Pearcy Brjs..i 237 State. OPTICIANS THE EATON OPTICAL CO. Charges reasonable Examination free. 282 N. Commercial St. Phone 1097 M. " P APEK.H AN GINO AND PAINTING i WALL TAPER SAMPLE BOOKS AND booUi on wall d-corstiooa. Wax 0. Buren, 179 N. Com'L. Salem. PHONE GLENN ADAMS, FOR HOUSE decorating, paper hanging, tinting, ate. Relinhle wnrkmsn. ANIMATED CARTOON THjB PACKING AND SHIPPING FOR EXPERT FURNITURE PACKINO and shipping,, call Stiff's Furniture Store. I'hone 941. ' a-3tf PHYSICIANS ft SURGEONS George R. Vehrs, M. D. Special Attention . 'I 8urgery, Gynecology, Obstetrica l ; 410-11 U. S. Bank Building - Offiee hours 10-12: 2-5 . and by appointment Office Phone 615 Rea. Phone 775 PIANO TUNERS EDWARD WELP ..EXPERIENCED- Pi ano tuner.- Leave ordera1 Will'a Muaie Store. - - ' . - - PLUMBING i PLUMBING AND GENERAL REPAIR work. . Graber, Bros.,' 141 8. Liberty Phone 550. . 1 I . ... f-19tf PLUMBING REPAIRING AND COIL work. Phone 495-W. Shop 127 Union street. A. L. Godfrey. RADIATORS. FENDERS," ETC. RADIATORS. FENDERS, BODIES made or repaired. J. 0. Bair. 233 Statu St. RADIO ) RADIO DOCTORS " ' SALEM ELECTRIC CO. F. S. BARTON, Prop. Masonic Tenple Phone 1200 REPAIRING ! ALVIN B. STEWART - 1 - 947 Court StJ j Umbrella; Cutlery and Keya I Lawnmowers, razor-blades, scissors, knives and tools sharpened. -- SCAVENGERS SOUS SCAVENGER SERVICE OAR bage and refuae of all kinds removed by the month. Reasonable rates. Ceaa pools cleaned and ' dead animals re moved. Phones: Office 35; Res. 2058. SECOND HAND GOODS WANTED EVERYTHING IN CLOTH ing and shoes. Best prices paid. Cap ital Exchange; 342 North Commercial Phone- 13U8-W. - i; . . s i aaeag-a r msaamB wssa i ii mi r r STOVES AND STOVE REPAIRING STOVE8 REBUILT AND REPAIRED 40 years' experience. Depot National fence, sises 26 lo 58 in. liigh. Paints, oils and varnishes, etc., loganberry and hop . hooka. Salem Fence and Stove Works. 2SO Court Street. Phone 124. TRANSFER AND HAULINO CAPITAL' CITY TRANSFER CO. 226 Stat St. Phone 933. Dis-; -n warding and storage ur specialty. Get ' our rates. . ' , .-.-. WE MOVE. STORE AND SHIP HOUSE hold goods. Our specialty ia piano and furniture moving. AVe also make coun try trips. We handle the I. ext coal and wood. Call on us for paices. vVe kive good measure, good quality and good service. Larmer Transfer Cu- Phone 930 TRANSFER AND HAULING OF f ALL kinds. : Phone 19F3. 3 TRANSPORTATION . PARKER'S BT AGE I LINES i O. W. Parker, General Manager Central Stage Terminal Salem. Oregon. SALiEM-SlVYKttTOa lltVlSlUfl , Leaves Salem, Central 8uge Terminal; - 7 a. m. ; 11 a- ta.; 5( p. m. t Leaves Silverton News Stand: 8a,-em-lDdependenre-MoDm.Jth - Division Leaves Balem, Ceatral Stage Terminal i ' 7 a.m.; B a.m.; 11 :10 a.m.; ; :10 p.m.; 5:10 jpsa: t Leaves Monmouth, Monmouth Hotel: ' 8:15 a.m.; 1 p.m.; 8115 p.m.. Leave Independence. Bcsver Hotel: 8:30 a.m.; 9:50 a.m.; 1:15 p.m. 4 p.nt.t 6:30 b.nv Leaves Ceatral Stage Terminal, Salem: for Dallas at: . i T am. ; 11:10 a-m. : 8;10 p.m.! Leaves Gail Hotel. Dallas.' at : j 8 a-m.; -1 p.m.; '6:15 p.m. 1 We make connections at Salem to all parts of the valley. Extra trips by ap pointment. l J. W. PARKER General Manager. WATER SALEM WATER. LIGHT ft POWER CO. Office, 801 South Commercial St. Ten per cent discount on domestic flat " rates psid in advance. No dedaction for absence ar any cause; unless water is shut ff Tonr nreroisesi- I SALEM MARKETS A I ' . ' t;.- Prices quoted are wholesale and are prices ' received by farmers. No retail prices are give". - i ! . OtAIM AND HAY I No.'.l soft whitj whest .....-...f 1.40 No. 1 soft red vhrat.......$.... $1.26 Oats ..! i.-.........-..... 55i 410c ( heat hay .....f.... ..,$12fi $15 Oat hsy .-!.; $I5(H'16 Clover hay. baled i... 14$15 PORK. MUTTON AND BE BP -ITdsrs. 1CO-20O cwt . ..... 10.25 Hogs, 2mi-230 fwl ..j. 10 lion. l-SO-160 cwt- 99.75 Koueli heavy ............ .-.:.,.,'....$n)7c vftLight sows V....... .........pi Mie lop veal ...i. ."...i. -8r Dressed veal ..." .:...-.-.... Jl. ...... 1 0c if. 13r Cows ;.....-......",...."........;.-..4.......2c(iii 3 i c Lum1s .--..-..'..ii.;.. ...... ....LO'.jc ' POULTRY I '- I Springers j. -..-....i.:...;....,, I8er? 20c Heavy hens ... ;.4 -1 ci' 1 9c Light hens . .....::..Jl:......13cv 14c Ducks ...... .,i;.......;...-..4.....l4ce.l8c Old roos'ert i ... ..:.i....8c ' EGGS. BUTTER. BUTTS RF A , rreamery butter .' -J 4 43c4-t KutterfaUd el i vered.-i ........ s.. .39c Milk, per cwt- .4- : $1.: Egsrs .....; i ...50c Standards i...:..........,..47c Pilliets 36c By ED WHEEL AN EXPENDITURES PROBE IS STILL CONTINUED (Continued from pace 1) for the year. Public parks will rrTst $4000, which ia $1000 le38 than asked for the department. One of j the larger parings oc curred in the street sweeping and cleaning department, which lost $2250 from its estimated require ments. The amount approved was $8SC5. Maintenance of the street department will also jtfave to be carried out less than the estimated requirements, a reduction of $2100 being made. Of the $16,350 ap proved rfor this department, $10. 000 will be spent for labor, the remainder going for supplies and general upkeep. Construction and maintenance of the city bridges L placed at $3220, which -ia $800 less than the original estimate. ' Salaries of the various city offi cials and employes remain the same. New hydrants ' and the' water supply for 195 hydrants are quoted at $6325; maintenance of public buildings will be $1200; fuel for the city hall $650; com-5 fort station upkeep, including janitor salary, $950; public li brary, including salaries, $9245; general lighting costs, city build ings, parks and automobile camp, half the cost of lighting the Wil lamette river bridge, lights t Willamette university and the Waite memorial fountain are given at $17,861;, public printing, will cost $300; incidental expenses af the city, premium on officers' bonds,, taxes, filing fees and inci dentals, $2167.50; payment, and interest on 'municipal and charter act bonds, $ 1 2,022.5 0 ; redemption of improvement bonds, $9727.38 ;i maintenance of the band, $1504; -installments and interest on sewer bonds, $34,800,- and new Bewtr construction, $29,560. ALL READY TO STAGE CORN SHOW (Continued from nag 1) seventh, ribbon. " ,. FAr Girls Best loaf ojf bread: First, $3; second, $2; third, $1; fourth, rib bon. ' ' -.: ; ; Hest pie or cake:' First, $3; second, $2; third, $1; fourth, rib bon. . Lot No. 110 ears Yellow Dent: First, $5; second, $3; third, $2. ..j", , . . , " l" .Lot No. 250 ears Yellow Dent: First, $10; second, $7.50;' third, $5. - Lot No. 3 10 ears White Dent: , First. $3; second. $2; third. $1. Lot No.) 4-50 ears White Dent: First, $5;! second, $3; third, $2 Lot No.! 5 10 ears Flint: First, $3; second. $2; third. $1. i Lot NoJ 650 ears Flint: First, $5; second, $3; third, $2. Lot- No. 7 10 stalks Silas Corn (stalks and ears): First; $5; second, $3; third, $2. Lofr No. 8 Pop Corn: First $2.50; second; $1.50; third. $1. i SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the state o Oregon for the county of Mar. Ion. -. , DepartmeBt No. 2 Gertrude Street. Plaintifr, vs Ed mund J. Waller, Orrin L. Wal ler, E. O. Hyde and Llzxie E. Hyde, his wife, also all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate or interest in the real estate de scribed in the complaint herein. Defendants. To Edmund J. Waller, Orrin 0L. Waller, also all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate or interest in the real estate described in the com plaint herein, defendants above named: j In the' name of the state of Ore gon You and each of you are re quired to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit and to set up the nature of your claim to the , real estate described in the com plaint, on or before six weeks af ter the 18th day ot September, 1924, and if you fail to appear and answer the said " complaint. - the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for and demand ed in the said complaint, to-wit: 'or a decree against you and each if you that you have no right,' title, estate or interest in the real -estate described in the complaint ind that you and each of you be .'orevei enjoined from claiming tny right, title; estate or interest , herein, and that plaintiff be de reed the owner thereof and her 'itle thereto be forever quieted; the said real estate, being describ ed as follows, to-wit: Lot number three (3) in Block number four (4) in Brooklyn addition to the city of Salem. Marion county. Ore ion, as shown by the plat thereof in the office of the recorder1 ol conveyances for said county. : And . you will also take notice that this summons is served upon you by publication thereof in the ' Oregon. Statesman, a daily news paper published in Salem, Marion ounty. Oregon, the publication of naid summons to be once a week for six weeks, by ordei of Hon. Percy It. Kelly, Judge of salt! court, made on the 16th day of September, 1924, and the date of the last publication thereof will be on the 30th day of October, 1924. ' : -. . . '.,:.-. -1 JOHN BAYNE. A Attorney for plaintiff. Residence Salem. Oregon. ' ' . i 9l8-25-o2-9-lC-23-30 n !- . : ' i. . !, tj. 8. Bank Bid. 25-I8tf J -.