The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 22, 1924, Page 1, Image 1

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Gordon Harris, Traffic Offic
er, Killed instantly At
tempting to Arrest Fleeing
Escaping Party: of Four
Stopped By Two Repre
sentatives of the Law
LEWISTON, Idaho, bet.' 21. '
Traffic Officer Gordon Harris was
Instantly killed at 3:30 o'clock
this i afternoon on the highway
seven j miles south ! of j Lewiston
When with Deputy Game Warden
Fields Bishop he stopped a car
containing four bank robbers who
two hours before had held up and
robbed the bank of Vollmer at
0raigmont,: 40 miles east of Lewis
ton of less than 11.000.
j The robbers were traveling in
a car with side curtains drawn
and when Harris : and Bishop
stopped them on th highway the
men in the rear seat opened fire.
Harris was shot through the heart
with a rifle or revolver bullet,
j i Jlee Prom Auto 1
i .The four robbers jwere tempor
arily driven from the car, but two
of the -men returned and drove
ff, leaving their companions by
the roadside. These men, Jamea
Marrs and Chester Marrs, of Pen
dleton, were later captured and
are now held in the county Jail.
Chester Marrs was struck in the
face and breast arid below the
right knee with bird shot, pre
sumably from Harris gun. James
Marrs was struck in the back! by
three shots fired at long range by
E. N. Clark, assistant cashier of
the First National bank of Lewis
ton, who was en route to Craig
mont with money to replace that
taken by the robber. Clark was
accompanied by R. B, Densow also
of the Lewiston bank, and they
drove into the shooting shortly
after the robbers had been stopped
by Harris and Bishop. Clark
opened fire with a shotgun but
the weapon exploded after the sec
ond Bhot and resulted in Clark
'losing one finger. . V
Brothers Tell Story
j The Marrs brothers claim they
anet their companions in Pendle
ton Monday and during the day
the ( robbery was agreed upon.
They left Pendletonf Monday night
bind drove through Craigmont this
morning, returning! in j the after-
ilUWUf vAcfc; u i
remained on the walk in front c7
the bank and his brother remain
ed jin the car while their two com
panions entered the bank and se
cured the loot. j
. The report from Craigmont
states the- men first entered the
bank about 1:30, but customers
were then present! arid the de
parted. They returned about 2
o'clock and found; Glade Olson,
bookkeeper, alone, f One man held
him up while thef other Walked
behind the cage and heat Olson
into unconsciousness ,wlth a gun.
Olson was dragged into the vault
and the door locked. It was 2:15
whjen Olson recovered and ef fect
jedi his escape from the. vault.
The alarm was then sounded and
the officers at Lewiston were
placed on the highways to inter
cept traffic, s i if ,
Debate Trvouts Slated
: . At High School Today
i Debatine is beginning to j de
mand attention at Salem high
school and trvouts are to be held
this ftftemOOD.
Nearly 15 of the students are in
terested and will tryt lor places
on; the team today. j. The debatore
ara coached by Prof. Orlando
Horning. r.; i
CHICAGO, Oct. 21. Heavily
armed policemen tonight patrolled
Chicago's Chinatown With orders
to prevent another outbreak of a
Chinese tong war. $ : i
OREGON: Fair; moderate
temperature; moderate south
erly winds. 1
Maximum temperature..' 71.
Minimum temperature ,51.
River, 2.0; falling.
Rainfall, .13.
Atmosphere, part cloudy. 1
Wind, southwest.
Absolutely No Clew Has Been
Uncovered Pointing to
Cause of Explosion
WASHINGTON. Oct. 21. Three
experts of the bureau of ordnance
were ordered to Norfolk late today
to assist in the inquiry on board
the cruiser Trenton as to the
cause of the , explosion yesterday
which killed and injured more
than a dozen other members of the
crew of that ship.
The details , were made public
by Secretary Wilbur when offici
als at Norfolk; reported they were
unable to find the slightest clue
to the cause of the catastrophe.
The' only theory advanced in com
munications to the department
was that powder charges being
hoisted to the ; guns may have
caught and in some way became
ignited by friction. So far as
could be learned at the depart
ment the records of i the navy
show no : parallel act.
Final Speech Before National
Election to Be Given
Tomorrow Night
WASHINGTON, Oct. 21. Presi
dent Cool id ge devoted considerable
time today to preparation of the
address he will deliver here Thurs
day night before the meeting of
the eastern division of the Cham
ber oj! Commerce of the United
States. j
The president intends to make
this his last extended speech be
fore the election and in it to out
line the condition of the country,
the results of the administration's
policies and its future hopes and
plans, particularly in business and
domestic affairs.
Arrangements have been made
to give ; the address the widest
publicity availabler-by radio and
present plans call for it to be
broadcast as i far as I the Pacific
coast, j Mr. Coolidge is to start
speaking at 9:30 p. m., eastern
standard time.
Enthusiastic reports on the
trend of the campaign were pre
sented today to the president by
various callers, one of whom, S. T.
Meservey of Chicago and of Iowa,
said that the republican national
ticket j would carry Illinois and
Iowa by comfortable majorities.
A plea to give the sugar pro
ducers an opportunity to present
testimony in connection with the
report of the tariff commission on
the sugar duty i was presented to
the president by Frank J. Hagen
barth of Spencer; Idaho, president
of the western tariff association.
Mr. Coolidge made it known
that while he will probably not
hold any hearings personally he
expects to receive considerable ad
ditional information on the sugar
beet industry) in this country, in
reports requested of the commis
sion and department of agriculture
before taking iaction on the sugar
tariff. ! . I
Regular Meeting Called for
November 4;, Offer Elec
tion Returns
With the annual election of of
ficers slated for Tuesday, Dec. 2,
the Cherrians are hard put to hold
an early meeting to dispose of a
great amount (of business that has
accrued. The regular meeting
night falls on Armistice day this
year, and by' holding over until
the following Tuesday, the date is
too distant.
Upon conferring with his coun
cil King Bing Al Pierce is summon
ing his cohorts to the Chamber of
Commerce rooms for the regular
meeting on Tuesday night, No
vember 4. j
. Because this is election night,
preparations are to be made to re
ceive the returns and tentative
plans 1 are being outlined for an
entertainment. It is believed that
a majority of members will stay up
until midnight at least in order to
hear the latest returns, and that
these can be furnished as a part
of the program.
i Under the 'constitution officers
will be nominated and elected
from the floor on Dec. 2.
SEATTLE. Oct. 21. Herbert S
Hawley of Spokane was elected
president of the Washington Auto
Transportation association.
E! i n
Expenses in Campaign Have
Reached a Total of Slight,
ly Less Than $600,000
for Bourbons i
$750,000 IS LIMIT
Former Statements Contra
dieted By James W.
Gerard, Treasurer
WASHINGTON. Oct. 21. With
a total of $548,440 in contribu
tions in hand to date, the demo
cratic national committee expects
to conclude the present campaign
in a maximum outlay of $750,000
the senate investigating commit
tee was told today by Clem L.
Shaver, ! chairman, and James W.
Gerard, treasurer. t
Expenses thus far have aggre
gated j $597,119, according to a
statement put into the record by
Mr. Gerard. Of this sum $461,
801 has been paid, the statement
shows. There is an existing de
ficit of approximately $48,000 on
the i basis of this showing and
Charlman Shaver said : he antici
pated a deficit at the! end of the
campaign unless contributions
came in more rapidly.
At previous hearings, officials
of the republican national com
mittee testified to expenditures of
$1,700,000 with an
maximum by election I
day of $3,-
000,000. John M. Nelson, man
ager of the La Folleite indepen-
dent organization told of collec
tions aggregating $190,000; ex
penditures of $155,000, and said
he expected to wind rip the cam
paign on a total cost of $250,000.
1 Session is Brief
The examination of , Mr. Shaver
and Mr. Gerard consumed less
than an hour, and as no other
witnesses were available the in
quiry j was adjourned! over - until
late tomorrow when the La Fol
lette charges of a republican
slush" fund will be investigated
further. i
When Mr. Gerard i placed the
maximum budget at $750,000,
Chairman Borah asked him about
a recent statement issued by the
democratic ... national
i committee
that at the outside
would; be raised, f "I am not in
charge of the conduct of the cam
paign," Mr. Gerard said,! adding
that he assumed the committee
would: spend; $1,500,000 if they
gave it to us. Both the former
ambassador to Germany and Mr.
Shaver said they knew of no or
ganizations except the national
committee that were undertaking
to raise any substantial sums for
the democratic camjaign. Mr. Ge
rard said there were organizations
like the young men's democratic
clubs and women's organizations
but that the national committee
had contributed to them.
; Knowledge is Vogue
Responding to inquiries as to
funds: raised by state committees
the national treasurer said he had
no specific knowledge, but assum
ed they were not raising any very
large amounts since the national
organization had been called upon
(Continued cn p 3)
German Politics Are
All Up iri the Air as
New Reichstag Looms
BERLIN, Oct. 21. (By the As
sociated Press). The news that
President Ebert had decreed the
dissolution q! the Reichstag came
as a surprise to a great majority
of the deputies who either are in
Berlin or on the way here to at
tend (the session of parliament
which was to have begun tomor
row. Political circles had hoped
for a compromise which would
enable the minority cabinet to
continue in office, especially as
the cardinal problems of Ger
many's foreign relations bad been
definitely solved through the gov
ernment's acceptance of the Dawes
plan. The party organs of all
shades have inaugurated the cam
paign for the elections which will
be held December 7, with columns
of criminations and recriminations
which indicate a pre-election sea
son of violent and acrimonious
politics. In a personal statement
Chancellor Marx recapitulates the
genesis of his negotiations for the
creation of a coalition bloc which
Human Heads Discovered May
Have Been Used for Ex
perimental Purposes
DIXON, 111.,; Oct. 21. Author
ities here tonight were no nearer
a solution of the mystery sur
round ing finding parts of two hu
man heads under a bridge west of
the city than when they were dis
covered yesterday afternoon
wrapped in a copy of the Sioux
City Journal of September 29 and
enclosed in gunny sacks. Two
boys found the heads.
A report that the heads, might
have been brought here byDr. W.
A. McNicols, prominent specialist
in diseases of the head, seemed
in the opinion of officers nothing
more than a rumor. Efforts to
find a man of the name of Hess
to whom, according to reports.
McNichols gave the heads for dis
posal, failed. Ail the persons of
that name in this vicinity were
questioned. Dr. McNichols' office
was closed yesterday and efforts
to locate him today Were unavail
ing. G. 0. P. Candidate Praises
President Coolidge's Rec
ord of Economy
Lessons learned? in establishment
of the federal budget system were
held up here tonight by Charles
G. Dawes, reoublican vice presi
dential nominee, as a warning to
the American people against. mak
ing "any experiments in changing
from a close president who watch
es the nickels."
Opening his eastern speaking
tour here with a discussion ot-T the
budget, Mr. Dawes declared "this
government is safe in its present
method of doing business so long
as we retain as president a man
who keeps his place at the head
of the goverpnient business or
ganization and keeps a club hang
ing on the wail for the benefit o'
department heads."
Mr. Dawes spoke before an audi
ence that packed the Academy of
Music where President Coolidge
spoke a month . ago. J
Governor Pinchot, seated on the
speaker's platform, formally wel
comed Mr. Dawes to: Pennsylvania
and declared he was present "as a
republican to stand behind Mr.
Dawes on the'; platform and urge
his election." L i
Mr. Dawes aroused his audience
at the start byi commending the
people of Philadelphia as "loyal
enough and patient enough to
stand by my friend, Smedley D.
Butler." I !
There was an outburst of ap
plause and Mayor Kendrich, seated
in a box near the speaker's plat
form, smiled broadly.
William C. Sproule, former gov
ernor of Pennsylvania, introduced
Mr. Dawes and both he and Gov
ernor Pinchot praised the achieve
ments of the republican nominee.
SEATTLE, Oct. 21. Tod Mor
gan, Seattle, claimant -of the Pa
cific coast featherweight cham
pionship, won an easy decision
over Joe Gorman, Portland.
will be "nationally inspired," and
which would gather "under one
hat" all factions ifrom socialists to
The chancellor said that after
the nationalists demanded seats in
the cabinet for members who
voted against , the Dawes plan and
the democrats ; had announced
their unalterable .antagonism to
an enlarged cabinet which failed
to include socialists, he was forced
to abandon further parleys and
decided to put the issue up to the
Stung by the rebukes adminis
tefed him by the liberal organs.
Foreign Minlstef Stresemann in a
public statement denies that he as
pired to the formation of a purely
nationalistic bloc. He claims' his
endeavors were aimed solely at a
straight bourgeois coalition which
would constitute a "strong cen
ter" and prove a 'secure parlia
mentary anchor for the govern
big dirigible
.now: honied
at san diego
Shenandoah Is Made Fast to
Mast 160 Feet in Height
Built Especially for the
Purpose J '
Beginning of Trip to New
Jersey Hangar May Be
Postponed Few Days
KAN DIEGO, Cal.. Oct. 21.
Safely moored Xo ! the '160-foot
mast erected purposely for the
Shenandoah, the! great dirigible.
back here after a
as far as Seattle,
journey north
swung lightly
tonight while her officers waited
for favorable reports on weather
conditions iri the eastern section
of the United 'States. They ex
pressed the belief this evening
that the Shenandoah would ; not
start back to Lakehurst, N. J., be
fore Thursday, possibly not until
later. - ' j . , !
The big dirigible arrived over
San Diego at about 4 a. m., swung
down the lower California coast
and shortly after daybreak head
ed' back toward San Diego. The
landing was made at 11 a. m. and
45 minutes lateri after 300 blue
jackets from the naval air station
had hauled her to the mast, was
safely moored.
Commander Zachary Lansdowne
circled twice to get the Shenan
doah at about 200 feet above sea
level and then nosed the dirigible
sharply to the field at North is
land. It came floating down like
a- huge whale, the tail sticking
up perceptibly for several min
utes before ballast was shifted to
get the proper '(balance. After
that "the bluejackets had easy
work dragging the dirigible to the
tower. j I : .- '" '
Officers of the: dirigible declar
ed that the Shenandoah had not
been damaged in its rough 1 trip
down the Pacific coast , and said
thaf onlyj a few minor repairs
would be necessary to fit the air
ship for its trip back east. Com
mander Lansdowne said he would
deside tomorrow whether to take
the Shenandoah back' direct to the
east or to stop at Fort Worthj.
Gasoline,' helium food and loil
were taken aboard trie Shenan
doah this afternoon!
Others Not Expected to Live
as Result of Gun Tur
rent Explosion
NORFOLK. Va., Oct. 21.-r-The
death list in the powder jexplosion
on the scout cruiser Trenton off
the' Virginia capes yesterday was
increased today to eight j with the
death in the naval hospital here
of two of the 16 injured taken
thefe. Two others are nt expect
ed to survive the night and a
third is said to be in a precarious
condition. i
The deaths today were: Melvin
Franklin, seaman second class,
306 78th street, Brooklyn, N. Y.
I Joseph Cohen, seaman first
class, 2 4 6 . Monroe street, New
.York City. ' . - 1 "
! Arthur J. McCdrmich, Charles;
town, Mass., and Franklin B. Jef-i
fery, Lynn, Mass.; seamen, were
not expected to live through the
night. John V. Ozzolino of New
ark, N. J. also a seaman, was the
third man reported ! in a critical
condition. ; i
The twelve men injured in the
explosion are still under treatment
at the naval hospital, four of the
16 brought from the cruiser ha v
ing died after arrival. Virtually
all are suffering from face burns
and the doctors in "charge describe"
such burns as particularly serious
because of the danger that the
victims have inhaled smoke or
flames which frequently result in
pneumonia. None of them are
out of danger; it was stated.'
LOS ANGELES, Oct. 21. Tony
Fuente, Mexican j heavyweight
youth who recently came into the
boxing limelight through a series
of flashy knockouts,: tonight won
a close decision over Floyd John
son, Iowa heavyweight.
Issues Hard to Find in
; Political Campaign Now
Taking Place in England
LONDON, Oct 21. (By The
Associated Press) The political
campaign is settling itself down
to a rather tedious process of dis
crediting and belittling "the op
posing party." This is due to
the absence of any great question
of principle to i stir the mind of
the voters. There is nevertheless
an overwhelming flood of ora
tory. It:..' i
Marquis Curzon entered the
field for the first time today with
a speech i in' the city of London.
As natural to a former foreign
minister, Lord) Curzon devoted
his speech to denouncing the for
eign policy of ,the labor govern
ment, and especially the Russian
fj rock mi
Prophesies 1 That Political
Alignment to Be on New
Basis in Future
ROCK ISLAND, 111., Oct. 21.
(By Associated! Press.) Senator
Robert M. La Follette! again In
Illinois for two campaign speeches
before swinging eastward, declared
in! an 'addirees here tonight that a
new political alignment is at hand
- an allgnmentj of primary prodc
erB, of men who prodce wealth, of
the men who feed us, clothe us,
haul us, house us." j
I frequently hear the sugges
tions that the j farmers and the
wage earners will not work to
gether," the independent presi
dential candidate asserted. "It is
said that theirj interests are an
tagonistic; that this is an unna
tural and impossible alliance. But
the reverse is true. The farmers
and the wage workers have a com
mon economic interest. They are
natural political allies. They suf
fer from, the same things. They
w$nt the same things, and the
things they Want are good things.
"The issues j which should di
vide men and women politically
are being expressed in this cam
paign for the first time in a gen
eration. It is between these two
produce wealth' and these two ex
ploit wealth. It is between those
who create wealth and those who
unjustly appropriate wealth. It
is this issue that makes the farm
er,, the wage i worker, the mer
chant, the clerk, the teacher and
all those-employed in the produc
tion and distribution of wealth na
tural allies. Their economic in
terests are the same. They suffer
from tire same evils. They have a
common interest. i
"On the one hand are the un
privileged millions who want, only
a square meal, j On the, other are
the privileged who have obtained
the unlawful f not a criminal
strangle hold osn the people."
Declaring that the , "economic
oligarchy of today seeks to hold
human beings in bondage by per
verting the law through crooked
courts just as did the slave own
ing . oligarchy of i860," Senator
La Follette said that this was be
ing done by various means, among
them injunctions in labor disputes.
P"It has 'used subservient
courts," he.continued, "to nullify
the Clayton act which sought to
protect the worker in his right to
organize and to bargain collective
ly for his own I protection.
"It has nominated, a presidential
ticket in open j hostility to organ
ized labor. It' placed Daugherty
at the head of j the department of
justice and used all the power of
the government to destroy the
trade union organizations of the
two million railway workers of
the country," Coolidge would have
retained him until this hour if the
Brookhartywheeler investigation
hid not, forced his resignation.
Attacks Labor Board,
"It created ;the railroad labor
board and packed it with nen bit
terly hostils to labor. This board
has done more to breed discord
between employers and employees
and promote strikes than any
piece of legislative folly ever con
ceived. !' ' - : j .)
I "Not content with making war
on men, it makes war on little
children. It would destroy the on
coming generation by dwarfing the
children in mind, and body in the
mills, in the factories and in the
mines. '' It- took , the people of
America the greater part of a gen
eration to winHhia children's bat
tle in congress. Privilege defeat
ed -the will of the people in the
courts by the decision of one-man.
By a vote of five to four the su
preme court of the United States
as in the " Dred Scott ; decision
identified Itself with human slav
ery, this time the slavery of little
hildreaf" j
treaty, which he . characterized
as "astonishing"' and respecting
which he said: J -
"The whole annals of ourj coun
try contain nothing more humili
ating and disgraceful than this
treaty." ! '
Curzon also pictured the situ
ation growing up in Egypt and
India which might .possibly lead
to war. ' i
Premier Macbonalds health
has improved and he is I again
touring, the country in active
campaign. There has- been some
rowdyism at Iiristol. Norwich and
other places, leading' to the! arrest
of many disturbers under a spec
(Continued on pge 8) j
Detectives and Police Try to
Solve Mystery of China
man's Death I
WILWAUKEE, Oct. 21. The
terror known only to men marked
for death at the hands of an un
seen; foe gripped Milwaukee's
Chinatown tonight;
Groping for clews to the iden
tity of the gunman who last night
killed Wong Tak Go, the supposed
tongman, detectives learned that
Lok Wong, proprietor, of a res
taurant here had been missing
from his hotel and place of bus
iness since about three hours be
fore the ; shooting. ;
Lqk Wong, according to Detec
tive Sergeant Arthur Burns, is a
member of the On Leong tong,
sworn enemy of the Hip Sings and
three or four days ago received
warning from the On j Leong
headquarters Jn Chicago . that he
had, been marked lor death by the
Hip Sing organization." .
"Wong," Burns said, "moved
to a " downtown hotel thinking he
would be less likely to be attack
ed there" than in f his previous
abode and remained until late
yesterday afternoon. After the
slaying of Wong Tak Go, Lieuten
ant Harry ,Ridenour went to the
hotel to question Lok Wong and
learned he had checked out short
ly before C o'clock. No one at
the hotel or the j restaurant : could
give any indication of Lok Wong's
whereabouts. Burns stated, j
Police so far are inclined to
the theory that Lok Wong has no
actual knowledge ot Wonk Tak
Go's death, but rather fied to some
secret hiding place hi fear of his
life. i
Gain 2,45 Percent in Nine
. Months; Three Cities Re
- port Decrease i
Between January 1 and Septem
ber 1 telephone stations increased
,2.45 per cent in Salem, it is shown
in a report of the Pacific Tele
phone & Telegraph company.
Other cities in Oregon with a gain
and their percentage are as follows:-
, ;. - .1"-- "... '
Portland, 3.75; Eugene, 4.67;
Albany, .15; Astoria, 12.62; Bak
er, .81; Bend, 6.51 ; Klamath
Falls, 8.26; Oregon City, 3.31;
Roseburg. 6.37; The Dalles. .42.
and 'Ashland, 1. Three of the
cities, Pendleton, Grants Pass and
Corvallis, showed decreases.- i
Increases in other Pacific coast
citie for the ame period were Los
Angeles, 12.27 per cenU San Fran
cisco, 4.64 per cent? and Seattle,
2.85 per cent: . On September 1
Porlland had 76,789 telephones,
Los Angeles 245,479, San Fran
cisco 196,145 and Seattle 88,957
telephones. ' - i " ." :
Australians Decide They:
, Don't Want Wheat Pool
MELBOURNE, "Australia, ?Oct.
21. -The legislative council today
by a vote af 17 to 13, rejected the
bill passed by the legislative as
sembly October 14 providing for a
compulsory wheat pool. 1
A dispatch froiw Melbourne Oc
tober 14, announcing the passage
of the wheat pool bill by the as
sembly, said the latest estimate of
the i Australian wheat crop I was
approximately 119,000,000 bush
els, or about 4 0,0 00.000 bushels
less than the 1922 crop. - i
TOilG ID 1
; r nnii iiimiirr
vi . i '
Army of YMCA Building
Fund Workers Refreshed
After Brief Resting Spell
and Meet at Noon
Each Section Will Be Care
fully Canvassed By Di
. vision Members
After spending four days on
their own private business, the
YMCA army meets again today
noon at the old ".Y" gymnasium
for a dinner and a new campaign
to get the rest of the building
money. . '
They lack less than $50,000 to
complete. the job; enough to make
even such an industrious, sacrific
ial army pause a bit but it is an
obstacle that they "just know"
they can overcome. !
One captain, not content to lie
down and breathe, has been busy
enough to get in some important
money; i much more "than . $1,000,
during these four days intermis
sion. That will be chalked up
on the board at today's dinner
meeting. There might be others,
though they are not yet announc
ed. . i 1
Canvass ly Districts ,
: The whole Salem personnel has
been gone . over; those who have
not yet been seen at all, those
who have been seen and have not
yet responded, and those who
might be expected to be even more
generous as they see the need of
greater sacrifice. There are said
to be a good many of this class;
it is a fine tribute to be called on
a second time to help finish the
Job- already: bq wre1I "begun..
The city is to be canvassed by
districts, instead of by personal
selection of fiien to see, and each
district will be systematically can
vassed, so that everybody in Sa
lem knows exactly the story of the
Y" and its needs. The Salem
press was publicly complimented
at the last dinner last week, for
giving such excellent front-page
publicity "the best in the history
of YMCA building campaigns,''
one speaker said. But there are
still a few who do not know just
what the Salem Y" has done for
the young men -and boys and girls
of the cityr and the canvassers
are to stress the story of local
service as the best reason for lib-,
eral giving.
liig Turnout Wanted
A full attendance Is devoutly
wished for, to start the new cam
paign with a bang. Director Dil
lon is working night and day to
get the details all planned eo
that a five-day effort may put the
(Continued on pf )
4 f .
To Save
The Statesman's Great
B a r g a i n Otfer positively
closes at 9 p.- m. November
1, 1924, and will not be re-;
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