TUESDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 21, 1924 AUDRED BUNCH - I rynHE DAUGHTERS of the Aw- X erlcan Revolution are com pleting delightful plans tor the lver tea this afternoon at the ionie of Mrs. B. L.. Steeves, 1534 Court Btreet. A large number are xpected to attend the affair whicK s in the nature of a benefit for the educational support of a Tan- isee college girl' in the mountains f South Carolina. Tha members of Chemeketa haptejrill preside as .hostesses hroughout the afternoon, from p:30 to 6 o'clock., The tea hour urogram will Include readings by rlrs. A. J. Rahn and musical num- era by Mrs. Harry Styles. Mra Hj B Thielsen and Mrs. S. Dyar.wM pourjAssIsting about he living rooms will be Mrs. Rus ell Catlin. Mrs. U. G. Shipley. Irs. B. L. Steeves, Mrs. Seymour ; ones.! Mrs. James Heltzel and Mrs a Moine Clark. The ; dining oom hostesses will be Mrs. John V. Harbison, Mrs. Carey jtf-artin, liss Lillian Applegate, Mrs. H. T. .ove $n& Mrs. Lewis Griffith. Mrs C. A. Ljrtle,, according to ews which her many friends will e glad to hear, is convalsescing atlsfactorily at the Willamette '.anltariam following an operation htre last week. .1 : . f - .. ;:;V" .1- Attractive among the October 7 their crisphess sudds a new delight 1 DomaA -" i -.c co,sr IT CO. i i Ir" z ; i ON E or. 6 .fft Choose From Among Our Lovely Wool Crepe Flannel : Twills ; Wool-Seal Pin-rCords :Epinglesj ;i ;' :. .f Cralette ! Jewella Crepe Tricotino Serge Broadcloti "i 10 to 11' a. m. 5 to 6 pt rn. I. i I WfZy .' PHONU: 10f - - ) brides was Miss Let ha M. Shep ard. whose marriage to Mr. Merl Tallman of Corvallls was an event of Sunday. The ceremony ; was performed at 3 o'clock. Reverend W. C. Kantner officiating, j The stairway was artistically banked with autumn leaver and flowers, forming a . delightful background for the service. Preceding the vows, Mr. Leon Jennlson sang. "All For You." Mrs. Jennison playing the accompaniment, con tinuing the melody softly through the entire ceremony ; ! . The bride in a becoming tailor ed gown of wool crepe and velour in shades of reindeer; and: rust, with fur embellishment, carried a bridal, bouquet of black-eyed sus ans and . chrysanthemums. Mrs. Hazel McCallum was matron of honor and Marvin Shepard, bro ther of the bride, was best man. Mrsr McCallum's frock was of pearl crepe dechine. I . The bride, a graduate of the Salem High School with the class of 1920 is an employee at Worth's Department store as well as photographic tinter for local drug stores. The groom, who is a mem ber of lockl clubs, is formally of Guthrie, Oklahoma, j The wedding presents were displayed after the ceremony.; I (The guests included: Mr. and Mrs. Marvin L. Shepard, Mr. and Mrs. B. Shepard, Mrs. Nettie S. Tallman, Mr. and Mra. E. L. Mc Callum, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Mc Callunt Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Sech- ler, Mr. :imi Mrs. W. R. Oleson, Miss Thfiina .Linz, Saul S. Jant, Mr. au-1 .Mrs, J. O'Shea, Mr. and Mrs. J. a! Wright, jMrs. Ul S. Cruwtipr. Jeuuie P. B. Jones, Da kota O-ohsIh', H-inice Wolf, Les ter Post, Maybel Ely, and Ruth Ely. - i ' i ! The Phoenix club and their guests were entertained at a de lightful party Friday evening at the home of Miss Rosalie Jones. Those present included Miss Hazel Paden, Miss Faye Wassam, Miss Faye Wolz, Miss Gladys Murphy, Miss Jennie i May Hoppes, : Miss Lois Busch, Miss Pauline Mon arch, Miss Hazel George, Miss Marvell Edwards, Miss Dorothy Swegle, Miss i Rosalia Jones, Miss Wanda Jean ! Herberlie, Miss Le ona Geer, Miss Josephine Jaskos ki. Miss WHma Giesy, Miss Esther TIbbitts, Miss Dorothy Bell, Miss Gwendolen Harris, iis8 Velma Simpson, Miss Margaret Flett, Miss Louise Hanley of Portland, Miss THIS IS THE FAMOUS HOU R i 'i Made in r 4 y The most talked-of dress : :! ; I . - '! We have secured the exclusive right to display it in' Salem and all this week you will find it here, made up in a variety of materials and displayed! as one of the features of The One Hour Dress was designed by Mary Brooks Instruction of the Woman's Institute, Scranton, Pa., the largest school of jj dressmaking in the world, to prove how easily you can make your own clothes when you have proper instructions. So she not only created a dress that admirably expresses the season's new lines, but she tells exactly how; you can make it in an hour. Instructions j For Making To every woman who week we will present with our compliments a copy of the complete instruc- tion book showing step by stey just how to make the One Hour Dress. Not merely how to make it in one style, tfut in many pleasing variations so that ' you may have just the dress that suits your taste in the you like best with the individual touches that make it distinctively becomf ing to you. J : Challis Canton Crepe Satin Back Crepe Cordette Silk Bengaline Crepe de Chine Roshanara : Molly-o-Crepe Charmeuse : Satin v K-, :W Odlle Matthews, Miss Margaret Tucker, Miss Edith Bragg. MUs Vera Meyers', Vernon Perry, Ken neth Rich, Zpe Lane, Harold Mero, Raymond Bonesteele, Merwin Simpson, Leroy Grote. Glen Nash. Ton Handl?y of Portland, Lyman Laycock, John George, Charles Coffee, Howard Kurtz, Kola Mc- Clellan, Harold Olinger, Jerome Hansen, Gerald Mero, Dennis Heenan. John Sc-hei Thomas Thompson of Oregon Agricultural college, and! Marvin Headrick. (On Saturday evening Miss Fay Wolz was hostess for a group of girls at her home, entertaining with a fudge Included Miss party. The guests Dorothy Bell, Miss Miss Pearl KaPl Alma Farmer, hahn. Miss Esther Tibbits, Miss Wanda Jean jUeberlie, Miss Jen nie May Hoppes, Miss WHma Giesy Miss Louise f Handley, Miss Jose phine Jaskoski, Miss Gladys Mur phy, Miss Rosalie Jones, Miss Mar garet Tucker, Miss Gwendolen Harris, Miss! jLeona Geer, Miss Faye Wassam, Miss Florence Busch, Miss i Marvell Edwards, Miss Dorothjf Swegel and the hos tess, Miss Faye Wolz. i Members bf the East Central circle of the First Methodist church will !be hostesses : at the meeting of the general aid society at 2:30 o'clock tomorrow after noon at the church. : The Writers' club will meet this evening at the home of Mr. and drs. Charles J. Lisle. 1041 South 13 th street, lor the second Octo ber meeting. j 1 OREO O N AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, Corvallls, Oct. 20. Danta Robbins of Salem, is taking practice, teaching la addition to her college work in physical edu cation. The practice teaching classes are held in the local high and grade schools. Miss Robbins is a senior in vocational educa tion.' j The October meeting of the la dles' aid society of the First Pres byterian church will meet at 2:30 o'clock Friday afternoon in the church parlors. Mrs. Alice: B. Maloney of Marshfield, president of the Ore gon Federation of Business and Professional Women's clubs, has practically completed her com mittee appointments for the com ing year. The committee work will con form with that of the, na tional federation insofar as It seems feasible. Following are the appointments: , Education4-Mrs. J Maud Weir, Portland, chairman; Miss Mabel Allbright, Portland; Miss Cecelia BR 35 Minutes at Miller's Yesterday in America this season. U !; Home Dressmaking Week. ' Given FREE purchases material for a dress New J Daughters of the : American Revolution. Silver tea: 2:30 to 6 o'clock. Home of Mrs. B. L.. Steeves. 1594 Court Btreet. Modern Writers' club, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lisle hosts. ; State Parent-Teacher Conven tion, Corvallls. qs WCTU meeting. J Halls, 2:30 o'clock. ' ) Wednesday f General Aid society, First Meth odist church. 2:30 "o'clock. Church -parlors. ; - State Parent-Teacher associa tion convention, Corvallls. Count On Me clasl of the First Baptist church. i M Thursday ,!.. Chapter O of the PEO Sister hood, bazaar. . , Friday Three Link club; Hallowe'en party. " 1 " ':, -"p Saturday Salem Woman's' club, club house. ; Beyler, Astoria; Misii Ethel Gay lord. Eugene; Mrs. bra Mclntyre, Salem; Misa Edna : McGraw, Marshfield;'Miss Louise Richards, Hood River I T Health Miss Mozello Hair, Eu gene, chairman; Dr. Grace Keith Pulllan, Portland; " Miss : Grace Taylor, Salem; Mrs. Lenora Maf- fett, Portland; Dr. Edith Phillips, Portland; Miss Irma Farrett, Marshfield. 1 ? Publicity Mrs. Josephine H. Forney, Portland, chairman; Miss Adelaide Lake, Portland; Mrs. Ruth Johnson, Astoria; Miss Su sie Lynn, Hood River; Mrs. Velma Rupert, Westerfield, Eugene; Miss Isabel Ferguson. Marshfield; Miss May Hale, Salem. I f Official Organ Miss Ruth E. Sheldon, The Dalles; Miss Lorene Wrerley, Portland; Miss Eyersole, Hood River. ' I Finance Miss Mkme Ziegle manL (Portland, chairman; Miss Alice Hutchinson, Portland; Miss Ruth Vickery, Marshfield. I Legislation Mrs. Ella S. Wil son, Salem, chairman; Miss Janet White, Portland, Miss j Metta Walker, Portland; Miss J Louise Sweetman. Marshfield; Miss Thel ma E. Culllns, Astoria; Miss Katherine Steyart. Eugene. Membership Miss Ann; Sher lock Portland, chairman; Miss Ellen Rudnas. Marshfield; Miss Bertha B. McCarthy, foruana; Mrs. Zoa Maxwell, Portland. Personal research Mrs, Pearl M. Baldwin, chairman; Mrs. Wil- ametta McElroy, Miss Margaret Fleming, Miss Janet White, Miss Picken, Director of in the store this fabric and color Materials Social Calendar . . g . . Today ',. .WMttttMMvamm ESSlI 1 ll : m I: ; ll m I 'i M 0 2 - p2 1 latteta Velvets I Pongee " Ginghams Cotton Crepes Everfast Suitings Imported Linens Basket Crepes Percales Devonshire 1 pp ' ' 'I it i I f 4 i See the One Hour Dresses in Our Windows , m THREE MINUTE I ALU ! By I Ad Schuster TUB CLVNNONBAL.L STOPS All of Minden was astir as it was every afternoon when the Cannonball Express hesitated at the station long enough for Dolph Ackers, conductor, to parade the platform, hold; mysterious con verse with the telegraph operator, and display what was considered to be the finest uniform on the line. Dolph vtfns a small jinan, made impressive by a bristling white moustache and the; startling array of brass buttons which! dec orated his blue suit. He was con ductor of the-Cannonball and the Cannonball was the fastest train on the Weehawk & Northern. ; Leisurely Dolph walked the platform holding, in his hands the orders which must be shoved un der the window to the telegrapher. The conductor smiled and waved in acknowledgement of Minden's homage. lie glanced ahead at the cab and lost his easy aiK "Drat that durn1 engineer! He's trying to hustle me againi."j In fact the train had started. It was crawling out, of Minden at a snail's pace. Dolph chucked his papers under the' window, grabbed the new orders, and swung onto the trainj What should have been an Imposing cer emony had been turned into u pre cipitate scramble and all because of the engineer. i "He's jealous, that's what," de cided Dolph. "I'll teach him. Anybody ought to know I'm get ting too stout to ; bet running around after trains, 'some has figures for dignity land some for speed. Mine is the ! former.' The engineer persisted in wor rying the conductor. Dolph was sent lurching against seats, when the train made the curves and, to make It worse, ; with each lurch would come a derisive toot from in front. . ! "Plague take him, he's laugh ing at me." And Indeed the whistling could be Interpreted as derision. f "I'll have you know I'm con ductor of this here train and you are not to' move without my or ders," Dolph" at the water tank, shouted his anger to a grinning young man In the cab. "Are we full?" The engineer, ignoring Dolph, addressed his fire man. "All right!" And he pulled the lever. Once more the fat con ductor scurried as fast as his short legs would carry him and once more he climbed aboard a splut tering, man bereft; of his previous dignity. ' ' , It was no ordinary anger Dolph Ackers took back With him to his seat in the rear of the day coach. The conductor was determined to have It out,, to prove his suprem acy on the line. The passengers may have noticed that his! face Lenore Shulte, Miss M. Snowden Reed, Portland. ; I . Mile of pennies campaign Mrs. Maxlne Faireourt, chairman; Miss Martha Gasch, Portland;; Miss Maine Ziegleman, Portland; Mrs Susie Lynn, Hood River; Mrs. La Moine Clarke. Salem; Mrs. Em ma (Drain, Eugene. The program committee is head ed by Miss Cecelia Beyler of As toria and her committee appoint ees will be named soon by State President Alice B. Maloney. Oregon Journal. -':. ' .. ! ; -. The Count On Me class of the First Baptist church will meet at 2 .o'clock tomorrow afternoon at the home of Mrs. T. W. DavieS, 941 North. Cottage street. . The junior department of the First Methodist Sunday school, of which Mrs. Ora Mclntyre is super intendent, was chosen to be the recipient of a beautiful silk flag as. the gift of .the Women's Relief corps at the presentation service held at the Sunday school hour. It is a custom of the local post of the corps to choose each year the Sunday school' deemed most worthy of the- honor, and it was very pleasing to Mrs. . Mclntyre's department to thus be chosen. Mrs. Louise King made, the pre sentation with i ' Mrs. Mclntyre graciously accepting Corps mem bers assisting In the program were Mrs. King, Mrs. Frances . Thompson. Mrs. Jennie F. B Jones, Mrs. Nettie Schramm, Mrs. Louise Koorn, Mrs. Elizabeth Bliss, Mrs. Clara Adams, Mrs. Lulu E. Boring, Mrs. Laura M. McAdams, Mrs. Stella Clearwater and Comrades LaBarre and Lebold. . :: -' : Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Minard and children. Rex and Carol, motored to Dallas Sunday where they were guests of Mrs.i Minard's sis ter, Mrs. Edna L. Daily. The members of the WCTU will meet in the hall at, 2:30 o'clock this afternoon. Mrs. Alice Jannison will report on the con vention held recently in Corvallls. The latter part of the afternoon will be given over to the consid eration of election bills. . ' j : Dt. and Mrs. Donald W. Riddle of Kimball School of Theology, re turned Sunday morning from a week in Spokane. Dr. Riddle was one of the Instructors at a, Sun day school training conference throughout the week. Mra, Rid dle participated In several musi cal programs. . : 4' Ore CLASSIFIED SECTION Phone Advertising Dept. OLASBinD ADTXRTISEMKJIT I' Kt par . Per Unertlon rot la Money to Loan ) I On ReI EoUt j $ T. K. FORD (Ovr Ldd Buth Bank) BEFORE YOU LEAVE YOUR HOME or cr'haT it insured properly. Phono 161. Becke tt Uendrickf. U. 8. Bsnk Bid.? t 28tf AUTO TOPS 8 AUTO :TOPS SIDE ; CURTAIN'S -PUT on door rd. l'repare now for a rainy day. 4 Call and lea O. J.. Hull, mt his nfew location, 219 State' St. 3-a29tf FOR '.BENT PRINTED CARDS SIZE 14" BY 74". wording "Kor - Rent," price 10 cent each.; Stateaman Bueineaa Otlica, on frnnf)f1 rwtr. FOR KENT Apartment 5 MODERN 5- ROOM APT. AND SLEEP ing porch. $2J.50. 715 South 12th St. ! ;5 J . i S o'Jltt 3 KOOMH AND BATH CI.OSK IN R-nt reasoiialilc- Call lUSJ-tt 705 N. High f tr f 4- m- i FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED 3 roont apartments. : First floor. 411 S. Summer. Phone ClfU 5o'J2 FOR REST TWO AND THREE ROOM apartnj-uts. Newly remodeleJ. Close in. 5! 08 North Cottage St. 5-olltf APARTMENT, 735 N. COMMERCIAL ; s . 5 oatt FIVE ROOM Fl'RNISHED APARTMENT Willi garaffe, $'i per month. Phone, lights, water furniuhed. :T. O. Albert. MiO - Mill. 5-o'Jl was pink and that his. moustache twitched like the whiskers of a rabbit" but they could not know what; it was all about.! ""111 get him when ! we get to the end of the line. I'll have it out." i Dolph repeated the words over and over and took comfort. He was the boss and he knew it. ;At the end of the line the con ductor hurried home, removed his uniform of railroad authority and became the husband, head of the house. His chair was drawn up before the fire. : His pipe was placed on the table and his slip pers Were ready. A wondering wife noticed the absence of the usual smile j ' r "Where's' Jim? Is he home yet?" r 1 i " "He's coming now, I think." i "Send him in." ; : A huge young man lumbered into the -room with the aim of a school boy caught, playing truant. For a moment he grinned with an effort at good humor but his eyes fell before the gaze bf jhis father. "Aw, Dad, I didn't mean any thing;! Honest, I was Just trying to hustle things up a bit, for the good,; for the good of jthe road." Doiph Ackers, parent, was not ready to forgive. "Take off your coat! tj Now stand with' your face to the wall." ' j 1 ' And the dignity and demeanor of the little man wis; such that Jim Ackers, engineer, ,; no longer but son J and small ; boy, . obeyed. Mrs. Ackers! put her fingers to her ears as she heard thej blow. 1 "OH, dear," she sighed, I wish Pa wOuldn'jt lick Jim (any more. He's getting! to be too big a boy for that.; ' : j j i It Is worth one's time to go down to' the station In Minden when the Cannonball pauses and se Dolph Ackers, conductor, make a leistlrety most of the occasion. IIAI,Tj IS .RENTED SILERTON. Ore.. jOct. 20. (Special to The Statesman). Jenner hall jin North Side has been rented py i the Silverton school board to -i relieve the "crowded con dition; of the Silverton schools. The first, second and part of the third krades will-be conducted in this building. liss Helvie Silver has been- hired to assist Miss V. Voigt J in taking! charge of the building.! The rent .for the hall for the school year will amount to $400.00.; . 1 I 'i " Hard-Heartetl MoserJ "Dinah, I shnah would like to engrave mah name on yo' heart'.. ' ; i Dinah: "Oh, go 'long niggah. Don yo'-all know, as how it takes a diaiiion' to do any engravin'?" I SALEM MARKETS j I Prices' quoted are wholesale and are prices;: received hy farmers. No retail prices aire giTea- : i : t ORATir AKD HAT No. 1 sbft white wheat $1.10 No. 1 soft red wheat 1.26 Oats ...II J u ,......50c5Se Chest hsyl ; . 12 3 13 Oat hay ...i ;.....:1 5(? 16 Clorer lisy.. baled ; .... 14 i POBK. MUTTOS AKD BEEF TTogg, 50 200 cwt I $10.."0 Hoss. goo 850 cwt U J.10.25 Uog. 130-160 cwt i :.10.O0 Rough hea?y .-"..... 1 1 .07 Light sows' ........i-"i. ..J 6cCT "c Top Teal : i u -J z. Sc. Dressed Tesl . 1 3e Cows 4, r 1 O e Lambs 'A V- 7c - , - I Sprineets j. Heavy hens I.iKht bens Dncks POUT.TRT .1820c 18c 12cf?14c '.. 16clc -. 8c Old' roosters EOGS BTJTTEK.- BTJTTEKrAT Creamery butter - .43r(g44e Rntterfst, delivered 3 Milk, oer cwt i ; , H.O Eirs . - - - 46c48c' Standard -. ; ; 44r PuUets i. , , , ' u , . - S& son Statesmaiii Od wk (six lAMrttoma). On month , - . , ' . JOe 8ix months contract, por moathlS 13 month' ooatrket, por month lt KLnlmum for ur dvcrtiM&tS5 FOR RENT Apartment .3 FOUBt ROOM FURNISH KD i APART nient, prixato hath.. 1047 8. ' Commer cial, i Phone 1108 J. i 5-ol7tf PATT0K APARTMENTS HOT WATER, heat, private - bath. C'aU l'atton's I look store. ! ;i 6o2tf TWO ': FURNLSHED HOU8EKEEPINO rooms, 1883 IStala 8t. : .. 6 -sJO THREB ROOM rUKNlSBW) APART ment, t2 N. Bummer. ; .- 6 jneSU FOB KENT APAKTMFKrg; 1 NO. Commerciml. VOll RENT Rooms 6 PLEASANT K()OJI-t'U),SK IN. PHONK f8.VV. - ';"." i t (i o'J4 ROOM AND BOARD. 52a N. COTTAGE; . I .' . - u ! i- 6-o2:j HEATED, FURNISHED ROOM8 WITH or withoot board. Inquire I33 Che tneketa St. C-o3tt ROOMS TO RENT CALL ' 2044-W. 5 ..( . 6-s9tt KOOM FOR , RKNT MODE KM IIOMK, thrve blocks from state house, for gen tleman. Must give references. Pleaae address A. H., rare Statesman.' G-ol7tf VOn REXT Houses FOR RKNT 8 ROOM HOITSE Partially furnished. Garage. Phone- 281-J. . - .'-"-,.;!' 7-021 1IY XOVEMRER 1. A SIX ROM house close) in. partially ' furnished, t'ali 1550 During business hours. . 7 o21tf WHY PAY RKNT ( -when you can buy ' a modem bunga low., 5 rooms with electrirt lights, bath, living room, dining room,! kitchen, two bedrooms, wood- shed, garage. ' Large lot. j Lawn flowers. Now; vacant. Oin five immediate possession. Only 300 cash: balance 25 per . month. Price $2500. For ale only - by Child & Bechtel, 540 State St. 7-o20tf HALF OF A MODERN DUPLEX house. Call;63F15 after 6 p. m.; r 7-o24 NEW MODERN DUPLEX' HOUSE FOR rent. Call 63F15 after 6. - 7:ol9tf 6 ROOM MODERN HOUSE FURNISH : ed or unfurnished. Located easy walk ing : distance. Cleaa from cellar to attiCi Call Hewitt. Fry's Drug Ktore. 223.; . - , . f. 7-021 FOR RENT i 4 room house at 529 South Commer cial ? street with basement, - 25 per month. o . W. II. GRABENHORST 4 CO. 2G5 s State St. . : J 7-021 SEVEN ROOM HOUSE $35 FIVE room furnished bungalow, garage and coop. 22 miles out. Will lease until March 1925, 25 monthly, Socolofsky. 331 State.,- i 7-ol7tf 7 ROOM MODERN WITH FURNACE and fireplace, 4 bedrooms 1145 ('Winter St. $40. See Wm. Fleming, 341 State St. SPhone 3031 ; 7-ol2tf MODERN, SIX ROOM HOUSE, 3ASE ment and furnace. 1096 Marion St. .;. .- si 7-ol 5 ROOM HOUSE FURNISHED OB UN furnished for rent. Gertrude J. M. Page. 492 N. Cottage. , ! '7-o7tf S ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT CLOSE IN. Gertrude J. M. Page, -493 North Cot tage St. - 7-s23tf HOUSES TO RENT T. U WOOD, 84! Stat 9t. ' 7-m28tV WANTED To Rent 7 WANT TO RKNT 5 TO 40 ACRES close in with good house and electricity 396 South 19th St. - 7a-o21 I WANT TO IREXT A MODERN THREE or four room house. Prefer South. Phoire 73T, Mnnrehend. 7a-o22 FOR SALE-3Iiscellaneous 8 APPLES DELIVERED 75c. PER BOX; i two boxes, $1.30; . three boxes l.i; four boxes 2.20; or six boxes for 3. Phone 97F12. . . 8 o21tf FOR SALE GARDEN SAND, i NOW 13 the time to put your garden ill good shape for spring seeding Reasonable price. Phone LL J. Beardsley, 90F3 - ; ;. . 8-o28 Beautiful Oregon Rose And eleven ether Oregon eenga te ? -ether with fine eollbctioa of patriot e songs, sacred song and many oil time favorites. 1 ALL FOR Me. ' (Special prices in quantity lota) -Especially adaptable for school, eoA munity or home singing..; Send for- Western Songster 70 pages bow fa Ita tkM edltirM Published tf OREOOlf TEACHERS MORTHX.T 115 j 8. Commercial St Salem, Or. GOOD STEP LADDERS AKD PORC1 swings at a bargain. 1757 Waller 81 , . ; S-)ne28 FIRST! CLASS OATS AND, VKTCH HA1 Phone 84F12. . ' . 8-j81K ' Trespass Notices v -For Sale Tresspass Notices, iise 14 Inches bj 9 inches, printed on good 10 enncs canvass bearing the words, "Notice ll Hereby Given That Trespassing ll ' Strictly Forbidden Oa These ' Premise Under Penslty Of Prosecntlon." Pries 15e each or two for 25e. .- Btstesmsn Publishing Company, Salem, Oregon. . !i . 8-e PRINTED CARDS.i SIM 14" BT 7 . wording. "Booms to Rent." price 11 cents each. Statesman Business 0! f ice, i Ground Floor. FOB SALE OLD NEWSPAPERS. 10 cents a hundlft - Circulation department - ; FOR 8AJLE Ureutock 9 800 HEAD OF fiOOD BREEDING EWES for ale: Vj Ramboulet (Jincon; are laree ewes, youhg and iii fine shtpe. Will sell any amount. S. Philippi. Scio. Oregoni t . i 9 26 PRIVATE SALE PIGS li YEARS; 3 Ml inonth; Vetch seed cts; Quince 1. rents. Horses low. , Ella Finney, lioute 2, Gervais. 9o2l FOUR GUERNSEY COWS; 6 JERSEYS. 1275S South 12th. 9-o22 FRED i W. LANGE, TETERINARIAN-. Office 430 8. Commercial. Phone 1198 Tte. ThcT Q-W.a ' i WOOD FOR SALB ;:il NO. 1 SEASONED GRUB OAK WOOD. 8.50. Phone 7rZ. ' ". JUDD SAW WOOD. Phone : 142. ll-o2S FOR DRY WOOD. PRICED. RIGHT Phone 1V79-W. ; WOOD FOR SALE 11 ALL KINDS OF DRY WOOD FOR SALE at the right price. John II. Scott, l'hone 254 or G22. ll-o21 Id INCH BLOCK WOOD, 3.75 PER load; 4 loads 14. Phone 1879-W. A ll-n!7 10 INCH AND 4 FOOT WOOD OF ALI kinds. : Prices reasonable and prompt delivery. Phone 1958- W. 11-slStX 8TOPI DON'T BUY INFERIOR WOODI Get the best oak and fir; also eoaL By phoning 1855. 11-elOtt 10 INCH WOOD FOR NORTH SALEM from now mill near Deaf school. 5 loads 15. Phone 1220. U-oStt BEST GRADE OF WOOD i 4 ft. and IS inch. J Dry er green mill wood. Dry second growth fix. -Dry old fir. Dry 4 ft. oak. Prompt delivery sad reasonable price, FRED E. WELLS, 180 South Church. Phone 1542. ll-a lS INCn OLD FIR, 4 FOOT OLD FIB second growth oak and nam, Phonl , 19F3. M. D. May field. ll-jfl FOR BALK DRY SECOND-OROWTH ft wood. 4 ft. For immediate delivers Phone 10 " 4.fi : WASTED EmpwymeDt 12 BHINOI INO AND ROOF REPAIRING 445 Turner St. Phone 604 R. 12 ntt Ore en Roof Painting Also black, yellow, blue. Call and ask to see some of my wosj j la roof painting and reiaingling. M. R. MATHEWS Pkone 107. tS-s2B i- EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER Wants i prmanent ' positioa. Good reference ' Adire Statesman. 12sgtt ; WANTED Miscellaneous 13 WANTED TWO OR THREE PIOS .; Durors preferred. Phone 99K11 be : tween 12 and, 1 noons or C and 7 eve l nings. Also want two or three Iocs , baled hay. 13oltf WANTED MEN AND WOMEN T4 ; take farm paper subscriptions. A goo4 : proposition to the right people. Ad ' j dreca the Pacific Homestead, Stateassaa i Bldg Salem. Or. Ji PAVING CASH FO WALNUTS Pearey and Biebn, Phone 05.. Trade and High streets. - - - 13 o2l WOODRY THE AUCTIONEER BUYS used furniture for cash. Phone 611 BIISaEJLLAXEOUS 14 LOANS WANTED $1700 AND f 1900, . : First Mtge, security modern Salem - homes. 6 and 7 per cent. BECKE HENDRICKS V. S. Bank Bldg - 14-o2tl WARREN NURSERIES WALNUTS, Fil berts. Cherries, and general nursery stock. Special prices given on early - orders. Price list sent on request. G. I,. Warren. R. . Salem. 14-o31 HELP WANTED 15 WANTED QUIET ADULTS; BABY con sidered for company and to work for rent. . Convenient first floor apartment. Phone 1915-J. K-o2l WANTED RE-TOUCHER. APPLY Ken nelL EUia studio, 429 Oregon Bldg. - 15-Q22 HEIiPWAXTED Jllale 18 WANTED A MAN BOOKKEEPER. Will'. . pay, 25 per week to begin. Address Box 465, Silverton, Ore. 18-&23 PARTNER WANTED WITH 6 MALL C. pital to take half interest in well j located real estate office; too much : for one to do. Prefer one that can do office work. Exceptionally good op- i portunity. Address 33.0, Statesman. r - -- - - 18-Q22 POULTRY AND EGGS 21 MAMMOTH BRONZE TURKEYS NINE choice young toms hatched 12th of j April. Pallets of large type. Call or phone 17F11. J. E. Butler, Rt. 2. ! Box 134.. Salem. Oregon 21o21 j LOST AND FOUND 23 LOST SOMETHING I FIND IT! PHON ! a want ad to The Statesman. Phone 2& PERSONA Li 23 RALPH HALL. 24 SECOND STREET, i Forest Grove, Oregon, is anxious to - get in touch with his mother Mrs. Ma ' bel Hall. Please write. 23-o27 LOANS 24 TO LOAN 5000. SECURITY MUST be ; first clasa rekl estate. H. M. Endieott, . 24 o22 WANTED 3000 ON GOOD SECURITY ; 6 room all modern house 4200. Easi- . T est payments. Gertrude J. M. Page 492 I N. Cottage St. 24s26tf. MONEY TO LOAN ON FARM PROP i erty. Lowest rstes obtainable. See Mr. McCurdy in Homer Smith's of i fice. Steevea-Moore Bldg. 24-s20tf MONEY TO LOAN IN AMOUNTS 1000 j to 250O, 7 per cent. BECKE A HENDRICKS ' TT. 8. Bsnk Bldg. 24 slCtf REAL ESTATE City 25 Own Your Home BARGAIN TODAY ' 5 room house and large lot 00x175 feet. 1900: 300 down 20 per month. See J. A. MILLS, 331 Vi State Street. 25-o23 ... 5R BUNGALOW SNAP on "a paved street, all modern. -With lights, bath".' basement, furnace. Price for -this week cut to 3000; with terms. See Childs & Bechtel, 540 State street, 25-o20tf ! SPECIAL . -A good 5 room house, large corner lot. with fruit. Good location. Only 1000. Your own terms. We have a 1 good . 6 room hoiiRe and lot on the i beach. Price 2.0)0 and 2000 rash for Salem property. , A , good modern home in North Salem price 4500 to exchange for a farm. 320 acre near Bend to trade for valley property. Will include house and lot in Salem. Several houses for rent. THOMASON 331 State St. 25-o21tf LOOK I LOOK1 I,ots 50x137 on paved street. Price 450; 50 down. 10 per month. W. H. GRABENHORST At CO. 275 State St., 25-o21 HOUSE FOR RENT 6 ROOM MODERN furnished or unfurnished. Located efcsy I walking distance. Clean from cellar to i attic. Call Hewitt, Fry'a Drog Store 1223. f 25-o21 j EXCELLENT BUYS ! 8 room modern east Salem residence - with 2 lots, fruit, shrubbery. 3500 -6 room new Dutch Colonial South i Salem - . 46250 Modern 6 room Salem - Heights bun- i galow, 1.1 acres of land ..4000 ! - A. C. BOHRNSTEDT 147 No. Corn'!. St., Salem, Oregon. 25-ol9tf SMALL HOUSE FOR SALE ON EASY terms by Gertrude J. M. Page, 492 N. Cottage. 85-o7tl s 7