The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 19, 1924, Page 9, Image 9

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    Part Two -Eight Pages
Society- Better Homes
" V ' :- . ' - . . i- : i . -
I,' -- : 4-- -:J -: . flTIR HI II iTIRIfl TB i 1 I
t ' " ... ' ! i I i " i hi I Ilf 1 111 n I liUl. I HI El own colors experiment with J !
! " !;' : 1 " l UllmULHIIIlU IHLll them and do our own pain tins , 4
' i. i , nsi miTrhinhn if we have the leisure f xaumcls showmdsz ' . . - i
r 0 i ifti 1 lift n I LUUU The "Restful" Room ' : CH& ZOO It's a wonderftl OirUUng show
S ! T ! If - UlU W I LnlUnG In order to create restfulnesa nLA EtSoffS h
II J ; , I ; In a room, however,; it is not nec- , fx -' ' fapAU Coma in don't take our word.
I ; ' 2m essary to j have the furniture in I tScr. - J -
I I Living rvoom rurniture mai is iasy lyyz
mmfc !
roil ELwm&l1 p !
; 'illl
lili . v t
Living Room Furniture That Is Easy
to Live With
IF any one room reflects your personality, it is
the living room, for there lies the greatest
opportunity for the expression of personal taste.
The furniture you, select here will be irreproach
able in design, quality and color and as comfort
able as living room furniture should be. You may
have it as simple or elaborate as you wish, and
whether your choice rests on a sober mohair set or
. a gay tapestry chair, you will find our prices above
reproach, as well. !
New designs in furniture are (beginning to arrive!
They are the product of America's foremost furni
ture makers, and you will want to see them this
.. 'month.'1 :: ; j. 1 ; : i
This is an invitation to visit our store and see for your
self the new styles in furniture selected for the discrimi
nating purchaser for the woman who is proud of her
home and of Its appearance. ' i
"Sherman Clay & Co; Pianos,
The average "HOME" is not a real HOME without MUSIC. The part
the important part which MUSIC plays in the improvement of the HOME
can never be too much stressed. If j there is in your home, that household
book labeled "BUDGET," in it should appear the item of MUSIC. Because
it is an asset to, and very necessary in every well organized HOME. There
surely is, or should be, in that book a provision for the things which make
for culture and refinement. ! Unquestionably music is at j the head of
this list, i -' ! ; V ".
409-4 1 5 COURT 1
- ! - . - - - - i SALEM
Home BeaUtifu! Week Of
fers Opportunity for
Learning How
Most women are experts In se
lecting their clothes. .
. They know what clothes are.
best suited to bring but their par
ticular style of beauty.
They know too, j whether the
tighter effect of the Empire cos
tume is' more becoming to them
thanthe loose ; clothing of other
periods. I :
American women are most sen
sitive, too, to I the lines of their
clothing. One side of their skirt
up the other side down does not
please them. ;
How can it be then, that the
best ' dressed Df allj women-. the
American wonien- can so shock
ingly disregard the simplest rules
of decorating their homes for
truly, from tie viewpoint of an
expert, American home interiors
ore most inartistic
"Women should, study the color
scheme of their rooms in much
the same manner as they study
the colors of their gowns. It is
passe to wear ; white shirt waists
and dark skirts. ; It Isn't fashion
able, and the vogue will never
revert to that, combination. The
reason Is simple; it Is bad art to
mix colors which contrast so
greatly when used in large, areas.
'' . Predominating Color
, It is the same way with one's
rooms, apartment or home. Now-
fcdjjs those , veil posted on in
terior decoration do not have the
rug one color -the woodwork an
color and the ceiling a stupid
white. What; cultivated people
strive for is barmony in color
they demand that there be a key
note tone in the room. To illus
trate this better assume that the
room to be decorated Is, for five
or six hours of the day, flooded
with brilliant sunlight. It would
be good art then to use a cool
color as the room keynote. Let
us assume - that green is the col
or decided upon, so, in selecting
drapery, wall 1 paper paint and
rugs each should contain shades
of green, varying In intensity
from the floor fight up to the ceil
ing. In other words, the rugs
should have worked into their de
sign, here and' there, a touch of
dark green. The woodwork should
be tinted with a slightly lighter
shade of green- the wall paper a
still lighter shade, and the cell
ins carrying the lightest tint of
all. I ; I i'
Upon entering a room so color
ed we find it most pleasing to the
eye, and harmony Is produced
which could not be obtained if
different and 'contrasting colors
had been used. .
The idea of harmony of color
can be carried even to the furni
ture itself. Now-a-days it is pos
sible to purchase furniture ready
to be painted -we can mix our
own colors experiment with
them and do our own pain tin?
if we have the leisure.
The "Restful" Itoom '
In order to create; restf ulnesa
in a roomi however,: it is not nec
essary to j have the furniture In
tone with the keynote color of the
room. Walnuts, mahogany or any
of the popular woods work well
in practically all color shemes,
though in very small rooms it is
inadvisable to use much red fur
niture, because red leaps out to
meet you, while other colors do;
not impose themselves so forcibly.
If we wish to make a large room
appear small we use reds very
freely all throughout the room
if we wish to create the idea of
great space, yellow and green are
the ideal colors, j I ; ! -
Starting as we .have to create
a restful home we should give
great attention to the arrange
ment of all furniture., It is not
only unrestful, but extremely bad
taste, to have our furniture placed
in any other way except flat
against the Wall. j. . Pieces set in
the eater-cornered fashion are
confusing to the eye they create
an unrest in us for which doc
tors find? It hard to account." In
a celebrated church in New York,
a Etill more celebrated minister
found that he could not. for the
first time in his life, hold the at
tention of his congregation. After
months of thought, he finally call
ed in ah expert on interior decora
tion. The expert had already
solved the problem when he en
tered the church, i He found con
flicting lines in the arran jement
of the pews and in the arrange
ment of the other furniture, and
he found the color scheme con
trary to all laws which would pro
duce a peaceful state ; of mind.
Within two weeks that church
had been redecorated the furni
ture had been rearranged and for
the first time in months our celeb
rated clergyman was able to hold
the undivided interest of his con
gregation. ;
Right Angles, Only, Correct
Every line in a room, no mat
ter whether of furniture, pictures,
picture "wires, drapery ; or lighting
apparatus, should follow the lines
of the room.. In other words, any
thing but right angles Is bad art.
Harmony can only be produced
where lines are straight. Apply
that principle to hanging your
pictures don't use one nail or
one hook and loop your wire over
it use two nails or two hooks,
keeping the wires of the picture
parallel. ' Do not let your pic
tures hang at an angle from the
wall place them flat against the
wall keep either the tops of the
pictures or the bottoms an equal
distance from the floor.' Hang
them low the center of a picture
should never ber above five feet
seven inches from the floor. Do
not have the sofa placed at an
angle of 45 degrees with the wall
(Continued on par 5)
See Pages 6 and 7
Additional Better Homes
ads may be found on pages
6 rand 7 of this section. '
inn i j ft - . 1 -l. .
Destinctive new stucco and tile roof residence of B. E.
Edwards nearino; completion at 19th and State streets of this
city. This home was erected by G. Mi Douglass, interior and
exterior finish by R. Ritacca, and roofed with red "Water
seal" concrete! roof tile manufactured and laid by the Oregon
Gravel Company. 1 r,
s (mm
E make It a rule to show
you . homes not I just
merely houses, i Our homes are
a delight to the eye and a Joy
to the housekeeper. , j
123 North! Commercial
Phone 1354 1
"iOMElin and listen to a demonstration. Tou should know
w more about; the radio. It is taking up. its place is ttt
affairs of men and a set belongs In your home. W'll tmraUlk
you with a set and guarantee results. . -
291 N. COM'L.!
Radio Headquarters
.... . ' . ' r : v- -; - . '! . :
PHONE 1935
Better Fuel Makes Better Homes
from the large furnace! to the smallest nut sia. Tell
us for what purpose the coal Is required and we'll point
out the proper size to use. .But although we carry all
sizes, we handle only one quality, the very best coal
from the very -best mines. Qur coal service is yours to'
command.: ! j 1 . - -
Prices range from 910.00 to $15.00
. Also handle the best Diamond Briquette $15.00
M 1 PHONE 030
J Larmer Transfer & Storage Coi
Cozy comfort is yours during the long winter evenings in the home if you profit
by the marvelous showing of fine new furniture at 1 Hamilton's, featured now at
strikingly low prices! Here indeed are furnishings of luxury and godd taste that
will make you proud to entertain guests and work a transformation in home life Ber
ing the coming season and for a, whole generation to come. A host of wonder values
for living room, bed-room, dining room and kitchen; have been 'especially assembled
to help you "cozy up" your home. Choose while selection is at its very best tomor
row; Our convenient terms, as usual, help you save riow-and pay later! ,
Ready for Winter
";h 8
Here's furniture of the -sterling character that will make yours a better home
this winter, and for years t& come! The table has a 42 inch by 54 inch, genuine
Walnut veneer top and extends to 6 feet. Included also is a large buffet, five chairs
and host chair with imitation leather seats. J A real value in beautiful walnut.
- Odd Beds Comforters . Tea Wagon Spinet Desk
Tomorrow brings a There is comfort Drop leaf style, with Lends a touch of
wonderful opportun- ind warmth in these rubber tired wheels riafiniYn TCo
Ity td secure a full heavy comforters,, and richiT finished junction. XNeai-
SlZe;b?W1nd WhlCh g ,n Bal6 tn mahoganr- Just turned legs,
. a decided saving! tomorrow at a very ,ui5au,. . - -
Beautifully finished ipecial p r 1 c e. Be few they'll sell walnut or mahog-
In ivory, j aarly! Cist! i any finish.
There Is Real Comfort in This Suite
1 P i
This is living room furniture of the finer sort that will give you a thrill of pride
fwhen you see it in your home! . Two handsome pieces are included in this attractive
knife arm suite a luxurious davenport and arm chair with removable spring cush
ions and coil spring construction throughout, V In attractive mohair.
5 Your Credit
is Good Here
We Charge
No Interest
Your Used
Goods Taken
" ' " Exchine . .