THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 19, 1924 DIZZY? You're Bilious 1 pf '. i Fori.Constipated Bowels, Sick Headache, Colds, Sour Stomach, Biliousness cramping or overacting, take Cas carets!. , . ! Ton want 46 -feel fine; to be quickiy, free from .sick .headache, dizziness, . biliousness. . colds, bad breath, a soar, acid, gassy stomach. One or two. Cascarets, anytime, vrll start the bowels acting. When WORKERS WEED BRIEF BREATHING PERIOD (Continued from page X) 1 a itd organize our business to run itielf for another five,! days' cam paign, and then we'll; put 'er over!" was the general opinion. Wardrobe CONTAINS TAILORED SUITS t The Fashion trend this Fall is, more than ever, -towards Tailored Suits The reason is that they, are always smart, chic and appro- priate as well as econotnicaL -' ' Don't Delay the Fabric and Style D. H. MOSHER 474 Court St. TAILOR Going to' v n n mkH? r ! ' . ; ii - . Tuesday, October 21, 1 :30 p. m. 1697 Chemeketa, Corner 18tli Street . Mahogany case square ciano: waxed oak dank toD extension table; 6 waxed oak dinners; waxed oak library table; 2 waxed oakrockers; waxed oak craftsman leath er lounge; book case; Wheeler & Wilson drop head sew ing machine; oak library lamp; birdseye maple .Princess -dresset; 3 beds, springs and mattresses; -mahogany - mantle clock ) - good refrigerator ; Brussels rug 9x12 ; Axmihster.rug5xl2;.foot-stool; 6 pairs curtains; 6 elec trie light! globes taberette ; ivory rocker ; ! sewing cab inet; pictures; gas plate; large Congoleum rug; fruit jars; stone crocks; electric iron; mu?ic books and other books ; high chair ; . cloth dryer ; -'.wash board; tubs : wringer uuiier; noe; oicycie; wicnen utensus; aisnes, and other articles. i Terms Cash. Goods on L A. WROTEN, Owner. F.N. "Woodry buys furniture for Giving Up :. . - I Wednesday, October 22, 1:30 p. m. Located 5 miles east of Salem ; 3 Jersey , cows to freshen About November; .Jersey .cow 3 years old, milking 3 gallons per day, freshen in spring; 50 young Barred Rock and R. I. R. pullets; 1 15 sacks wheat; 6-hole range with-reservoir;. large heat er nearly;new;-0 Idfchen airs; settee and 2 chairs; oak rocker like new ; 3 iron beds and springs ; baby's crib bed: "wardrobe: oak buffet: 3 dressPM? kitchen cupboard; 12 windows, various sizes; large door wnn iour glass; iot.01 new iioonng, mop Doara, snip - cnicken iencmg. v - i Terms cash. TONY DE SANTIS, Owner. 1 Phone 81F31. Outsiders extended privilege Ki-Mth Had? Your Stomach is Sour! taken at night, ; the bowels work wonderfully in morning.' , Cascarets never sicken or incon venience you next day like pills, ealomel, salts or oil. . , ' Children love Cascarets, too. 10 cent .boxes, .also 25 and 50 cent Bizes. Any drugstore. -Adv. 1 . . CamjMticii frivcmive .Committee T. A l,i vMsleyv general chair man; P. Ii. Wallace, associate gen eral .; Jtharles i Archerd, Dr. i U. Urowaj IV G. Deckebach, M. C. Findley. j George ! Griffith, H. S. Gile, Walter Jenks, T. B. Kay, John McNary, C. A. Park, Selection of Your Phone 360 .California ri ii v inspection day of sale only. WOODBURY, Auctioneer -r Phone 511 cash or sells on commission' Farming j j Complete ion Sale on Macleay Road, Box 114, ' CONSISTING OF i i lirnioer. including mouldings, lapj etc. 50 rods 72-inch I JF N. WQODRY, . Auctioneer. Phone 511 to bring In anything you Theo. I?oth, P. W. Steusloff, 8. t.: Steeres, i W. B. Morse, Walter Wiffslo; John Goltra and Dan J. Pry.'. I1 i .- 1 ' " ; Division Y " - ) ! " Allen kafoury, manager; E. E. Wilson, associate manager. Team 1 1. Rich Reimann.' cap tain; L.J Lunsford. C. A. Johnson, W. W. Rosebraugh, Leykis Griffith, K, D.. Potter, E. H. Shanks, Ross Miles, E4 A. Forsell. - , . Team 2.- J. J. Evans, captain; T. E. McCroskey, Roy W.'Wassom, Harry W Scott, Dale X.. Beechler, P. H. Acton, II. G. Socolofsky, U O. Dennison. ; - . ' Team 3. P. D. Thielsen. cap tain; Lloyd Rigdon, T.. G. Bllgh, G. N. Cadwell. P. H. Hanser. I. H. Corner, P. A. Elliott, I.. L. Mc Intire. j - - Team! 4. E. C. Patton, captain; G. E. Miller, E. M. Rowland, P. L. Waters.1 Ev P. Smith. Earl Ken nell, Russel Bonesteele, E. C. Qulnn. '.' Team $ William Bell, captain; J. H. Nicholson, A. D. Hurley, Bob Roberts', R. H. Cooley, S. E. Pur vine, PJH. Spears, C. L. Newton. Team 6. W. L. Phillips, cap tain; H. D. Chambers, W. G. More house, JjI T. Barr, F. G. Delano, Frank Minto. E. II. Kennedy. Division M. Hicks, manager; Henry T. M; Morris, associate manager. j Team'?. J. II. Albert, captain; Lloyd Reynolds, II. E1. Eakln, W. C. Dyer, W. T. Stolz, Wm. Paulus, N. M. Plnkbinner, Curtis Cross, L. L. Laws. - ; 1 ' ' Team8 Edward Schunke, cap tain; J. C. Perry, Marten Poulsen, P. . Kuntz, J. D. Foley, O. E. Mc Afee, C. K. Haynes, C. S. Hamil ton. ;" Team, 9.- W. W Long, captain; C B. Phillips, Dr. R. Lee Wood, Dr. G. RjVehre, R. A. &nnin, A. R. Bairdj C. L. Rathbun, Frank Kellogg,! O. J. Myers. Team. 10.- B. C. Miles, captain; E. T. Barnes, John H. Scott, C. F. Miller, E. W. Cooley, H. I. Pear son, C.'E. Albin.fE. L. Cook, E. L. Wieder, T. A. Erixon. Team ill. George W. Hug, cap tain; O.iF. Franklin. W. M. Ham ilton,' John Bertelson, Dr. J. O. Matthis. S William F. McKibbin, Clarence! Byrd, F. E. Lord, A. E. Miller. I i ' '; i ' Team 12. -W. E. Hanson, cap tain; J.! E. Wenger, Byron I C. Wright, R. O. Snelling, J. E. Fitz gerald. Dr. B. F. Pound, W. H. Trindle, J. B. Young. - ; ! ' Division C R. cJ Paulus. manager; Carle; Abrams, 'associate manager. Team i 13. W. J. Busick, cap tain; Drl F. E. Brown, Roy Kiser, E. A. Rtioten, Fred Smith, F. Ray Felker, W. W. Hawkins, G. W. Day, I. Fitts, Dr. L. O.' Clem ents. M ' ' 1 - Ti- Team S 14. -Eric Butler, cap tain; P. H. Hendricks, J. M. Dev ers, G. Hi Bonell, Walter B. Min ier, Roy A. Klein, W. W. Chad wick, Elmer A. Klein. Team 15. P. M. Gregory, cap tain; W. H. Burghardt, J. A. Mills, W. T. HIckey, Paul Stege. H. Sept- kaa, A. H. Rankin, W. C. Frank lin, Edward Socolofsky. ' Team ! 1 6. M. D. Ohling, cap tain; Victor Schmeider, Ronald Glover, Rj Q. Aiken, F. H. Struble, R. W. Kletzlng, J. : M.. Clifford, Ralph. Budlong. .,..A:x-l Team ; 17. Otto Paulus, .cap tain; William Fleming, U.. G. Holt, F. E. Nper, A: N. Moores, D. D. Socolofsky, G. F. Temple, -Roy Harding. ; '. t Team 18. C. S. Webb, captain; George Alden, John Bayne, Carl Pope, George Helder, Mark Skiff. F. S. Barton, George Chalmers. -: 11 Division A . George! Arbuckle, manager; William McGllchrist, Jr., associate manager, ' ') ' ; Team 19. Leon Gleason, cap tain; O. 3. Hull, J. W. Chambers J. W. Ritchie, Karl G." JBecke.t H. O. Whitis, R. D. Martin, A. C. Bohrnstedt. j Team 20. John Farrar, cap tain; Gv H. Grabenhor8t, Dr. E. E. Fisher, F. S. Lamport, D.B. JarmanjR. W. Simeral, S. S. East. G. W. Nelson. Hal Patton. Team 21. B. E. Slsson, cap-. Hippodrome Bill Slated A miniature ' musical comedy condensed Into one sparkling act heads the , new bill at the Bllgh today. These are Karmino's Danc ers, a group composed of four youthful, j attractive girls - and three young men. One of the young men directs the orchestra !- "4 "73 1 . during the act and sings from his place In the pit. The dancing of the folk on the stage is above the average, i and embraces original steps in modern dance. As a fin ale they offer a whirlwind of acro batic Russian steps, a finished) and , entertaining novelty. There are no star , b the act and each contributes a clever part so as to make 'the entire act stand out. Handsome . scenery and good looking costumes enhance ' the turn, . ;, k Nathan and Walsh, two dapper tain; II. W. Swafford. E. E. Davis, C W. -Wieder, AV. H. Henderson, George C. White, II. F. Pember ton. Prof. F. Von Eschen., ' ' Team 22. Alfred Vick, cap tain; C. M. RobertsThonias Ache son, F. S. MacKen2le, R. A. Harris, IT. G. Shipley, F. a, Annunsen, Dr. F. L. Utter. ' f ; ; Team 23. B. E. Kirkpatrick, captain; C S. McCullough, A. A. Lee, B. BlatchfBrd, H. F, Shanks. Dr. L. E. Barricjfc, J. D, McCormick George Ely, E. C. Hickman. ; Team 24. Harry Worth, cap tain; L. B. Sheldon, W. W. Moore, B. U. Darby. F. Durbin, Jr.. Ellis Cooley, L7 D. Davies, F. N. Wood ry. ' SHENANDOAH IS MADE FAST TO MOORING MAST (Continued frqm page 1) sees the possible transfer to the navy department of a large tract of the military reservation around the mooring mast for development as a permanent air base with a hangar and permanent quarters and equipment tor a force of 400 men, similar to that maintained at the Lakehurst base where the Shenandoah was built. i The situation of the mast as a possible permanent navy air base is close. enough to. the Hremerton navy! yard to furnish adequate protection and strategically locat ed near the coast where ships like the Shenandoah could cruise far but tp sea, keeping a lookout for signs of a hostile fleet in time of war, he said. ; ? MURRAY WADE'S FAITH , It is always refreshing to see a young man like Murray Wade, publisher -of the magazine called "Oregon," come! to the front with a preachment filled with sincerity that ' bursts from the. innermost recesses of his heart.' His faith In Oregon is unbounded and here is what he says about It in his last issue: ' '- ' j ' I - :- ' : There question but what Oregon will one ,day be the great est state in the union. She has every advantage', every resource behind her. She has; good land. rich land, timber,' mines, fish eries, rivers and climate. Above all she has a coastline, an outlet to the teeming East. ; And her harbors are among the best in America, and with some attention can be made among the best in the world. j , , j All men of vision tare agreed that the present civilization will culminate on the ' Pacific slope. That 13 not a dream. It is an inevitable happening in the course of the evolution of race. Asia, in spite of its age, is the most un developed " of continents. The wealth and the brains of the west will be poured into It. - And the shortest route to the East Is from the Pacific coast. ; The greatest resources to develop wealth and brains are on the Pacific coast also. I : "-. I : y j . . The law of tne cycle of things arid in If you are overfkt and Tprse to phy ical exertion, if you are fond of entinit and atill wint to . reduce your excess flesh., to your drugxist and gut a box of -Ifarmol Prescription 'Tablets. These tablets compounded in accordance, with the- famous Marmola Prescription,': con tain the exact ingredients necessary to produce a normal, healthy redaction of excess weight. Take on tablet . after eech meal and at bed time and yon will begin to lose your f wt steadily and easily. Continae the treatment until your weight is what you desire until , your figure is alender and attract iye again. You ,do't aeed ta try starvation diets or weakening exercises. Go on .eating what you, like. Lear .exercising to the . athletes. , Juit take your little tablet faithfully, and without a doubt your flabby flesh .will quickly disappear. .Your figure will be come slender and shapely just as you have always wanted it. Thousands of man and women each year renin healthy, slender figures this way. Why don't you I Mar mola Prescription Tfcblets are so pleasant and easy to take that anyone who is suffering the embarrassment and discom fort of oTerweight Owes it i to himself to try them. All drag stores the world orer sell Marmola. Prescription Tablets for one dollar a box.' Or send the money direct to the Marmola Company, General Mo tors Building. Detroit, Mich., and u box will be sent , to you postpaid. Adv. For Bligh Theatre Today young men, fill their billing, "Just a' Laugh." They have; brought a lot bf new material and they have a new way of piittlng it across. .:! Crystal and Anderson are a comedy pair who make the mo ments fly. The girl in the team l Is a comedienne who follows TT unique methods. Hef grimace, facial! contortions and bodily ma neuvers divert tne audience. She has an engaging personality and wears smart frocks. The pair sing and exchange (bomedy dialogue. ! Jolly Saunders is a fine appear ing jovial chap possessing unusual ability as an entertainer, he is a juggler, acrobat and a monologist. Opening ; the bill is Jack Van Camp, magician, who ..introduces a small pg in his act to the edj-j fication of , his audience, , The CLASSIFIED I SECTION Fbone SftAc?Tertisliic Dept. CI.S8XriI ADVSBTISSMKNTS "'."' per word 1 Par Insertion Three lnaertioaa , ; Money to Loan On Baal Estate T. K. fOBO (Orar Ladd Bush Bank) BEFORE TOCT LEAVE YOUR HOME or car bar it insured properly. Phone 161. Becxe Hendricks, U. 8.. Bank Bldg. s28tf AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE OR TRADE IP YOU HAVE soma cash and something to trade for good car call at 896 South 19th St. l-ol9 AUTO TOPS AUTO TOPS -BIDE CURTAINS PUT en door rods. Prepare now for a rainy day. Call and see O. ' J. Hull, at his new location, 219 State Bt. 8-a29tf FOR BENT UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER OR WILL sell. Phone 1767-M. 4-ol9 PRINTED CARDS, SIZE 14" BY 7', wording "For Rent," price 10 cents each. Statesman Business Office, en Oronnd Floor. K)B BE?iT Apartments Xi FURXISHKD AND UNFURNISHED 3 . room apartments. First j floor. 411 S. Summer. J Phone 630 s 5-o22 INVALID WOMAN' WANTS QUIET Adults (Baby considered. Work for rent. First floor. Apartknent. 1915-J HvtwU" .... ' ( 5-ol9 APARTMENT FOR RENT CLOSE IN. Phone 1524. 555 Marion.' S-el9 FOR RENT TWO AND THREE BOOM apartments. Newly remodeled. Close in. 268. North Cottage St. 5-olltf APARTMENT, , 735 N. COMMERCIAL i : 5-o9tf FIVE ROOM FURNISHED APARTMENT with parage, $35 per month. Phone, . lifrhts, water furnished. T. O. Albert. S60 Mill. . j 5-021 FOUR ROOM FURNISHED APART ment, private bath. 1047 S. Commer cial. Phone 1168-J. ; j . 5-ol7tf PATTON APARTMENTS HOT WATER, heat, prirate bath. Call Patton' a Book store. ' 5-o2tf TWO -FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPINO rooms,. 1983 State St. 6-a20 THREE ROOM riTRXISKSD APART stent, 92 N. Bummer. 6-JneStf FOR RENT APARTMENTS; S91 NO. Commercial. FOR RENT Rooms PLEA8ANT ROOM CLOSE IN. PHONE 685-W. j 1 - p 6-o24 ROOM AND1 BOARD, 523 N. COTTAGE. - .- 6-OU3 SHETLAND PONY. PERFECTLY OEN tie. 411 Front SU 9-ol9 HEATED, FURNISHED ROOMS WITH or without board. Inquire 545 Che .meketa St. ' r .. . 6-o3tf ROOMS TO RENT CALXa 3044-W. s9tf ROOM FOR RENT MODERN HOME, three blocks from state house, for gen- . tleman. Must gva references. Please address A. I)., care Statesman. 6-ol7tf FOR RENT -Houses HALF OF A MODERN DUPLEX, house. CalI .63F15 after. C p. m. 7-o24 NEW MODERN DUPLEX HOUSE FOR rent. Call 63F15 after 6. , 7-ol9tf FOR .RENT 5 ROOM HOUSE WITH rarage, $25; 332 So, 24th St. 7-ol9 6 ROOM. MODERN HOUSE! FURNISH ed or unfurnished. Located easy walk ing distance. Clean from cellar to - attic. Call Hewitt. Fry's Drug (store. 223.. , i 7-o21 FOR RENT 4 room house at 529 South Commer cial street with basement, $25 per month. W. If. CRABENHORST A CO. 265 8tute St. , .' 7-o21 SEVEN ROOM HOUSE $35 FIVE room tarnished bungalow, garage and coop. 24 miles out. Will lease until March 1925, $25 monthly. Socolofsky, 331 ' State. 1 i 7-olJtf EAST HALF OF NEW DUPLEX. House, on Court street near State Capitol. 3 large rooms.' breakfast nook. Murphy bed in large closet, hardwood floors. " furnace,- fireplace, garage. This is a high clas property. $SO a mpnth. , WINNIE PETTYJOHN 1 Realtor 218 Oregon Bldg. , 7-ol5tf 7 ROOM MODERN WITH .FURNACE and fireplace, 4 bedrooms, 1145 Winter St. $40. See Wm. Fleming, 841 State St. Phone 303. t ; ; 7-ol2tf COZY TWO BOOM HOUSE PARTLY furnished. , Good location. Phena 1794-J. t . . . 7-19 MODERN SIX. ROOM HOUSE. 5ASE ment and furnace. ,1096 Marion St. , 7-ol9 5 ROOM HOUSE FURNISHED OR UN : furnished for rent. Gertrude J. M. Page. 492 N. Cottage. 7-o7tf 5 ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT CLOSE IN. Gertrude J. M. Page, , 492 North Cot . tage St. , 7-a2 3tf HOUSES' TO RENT T. U WOOD. 84: State Si. f 7-m28M helps us in our reasoning. From Asia our civilization came and to Asia it will return. Round the world, and back, to start again the cycle. '- And so, in the course of matters, Oregon will one day pos sess the greatest cities, ;the finest Intellects, the most colossal wealth and' the' deepest art. It does not matter that Oregon is slow in developing. The sturdi est and greatest tree is the long est growing. Mushrooms and quick-growing shrubs scarce" sur vive a season. And other states and places are like mushrooms, blooming - abruptly, hugely. But in Oregon we are building with care, building for posterity and for the 'ages. And there will come. a day "When this faith shall be Justified when the unborn gen erations' shall lead the van of the countrys progress. 1 , : t Tr3r and see a little beyond the needs of - the immediate. Work and wait; "'Remember that art Oregon One week (six laaartleea). . c SOa i Out month Six: asoatha' contract, par taonta 15e I li aMatba' eoatrsct, per BBonth12c Minimum for ay dTrtisemaat 1S FOR SALE Miscellaneous 8 TOP i BUGGY FOR SALE 395 S. 16TH Ganging- apples 25c a box at t .inompson orchard. Phone j 87F12. 8-o25 WINTER APPLES, HAND PICKED 40e ' xsring Boxes. u. J. Andersen, : Kt. 9. iiox T-lii 1 a EXCELLENT CONCORD CRAPES 4c, found in quantities of 25 pounds or U more. Delivered. Phone 108K31. 4 i . 8-019 SMALL ONIONS, 50 SACKS AT 50c per sack, if taken at. once from field. M. . M. , Shelley, Sitlem, Oregon, lioute 9, 1 2 miles east ef Brooks. 8-ol9 FOR SALE GARDEN SAND. NOW 13 :, m time mj pus your garden :n gooc t shape for spring seeding. Reasonablf ' price. Phone )a J. Beardsley. 96F& :t i "" 8-o28 Is MAHOGANY GATE-IJO TABLE, Kar i pon davenport, ivory bedroom set, and ' set of encyclopedia,- 10 volumes. Phone 11334. , 1 ' 8-olSJ APPLES 'DELIVERED Phone 97F12. Beautiful Oregon Rose And eleven other Oregen songs t father -with fine eolltiction of patriot e tsongs, sacred aouga and . many ell time favorites. ALL FOB lie. ''(Special prices in quantity lots) Especially adaptable for school, eoSV munity er home ainging. Send for Western. Songster ; 70 paces now ia ita taisd edHlai ORBOON TEACBER9 MONTHLY ,11$ 8. Oommercial St.' Balem. .Or. GOOD 8TEP LADDERS AND PORCI swings at a eargain. 1751 WaUer 81 i 8-iaeS84 FIRST CLASS OATS AND V1TCH HA1 I'koae 84V 13. 8-j31d Trespass Notices 1 ' -For Sale h Tresspass Notices, sise 14 inches by 9 laches, - printed on . good 10 ounce .canvass bearing the words, "Notice It Hereby Given. That Trespassing Ii Strictly Forbidden Oa These Premises Under Penalty Of Prosecution. ' Pries 16o eaeh or two for 25c. Statesman Pubiiahlnf Ooapeny, Salem, Oregon. i !: S-asf PRINTED CARDS, SIZ 14" BY 7 wording. "Roome . toRant," price If cents eaeh. . Steteemaa Businese Of fiee. Ground Floor; FOR 8ALB OLD NEWSPAPERS. It cents a bundle. Circulation depart msnl Orrnn stemn. i FOR BALK Livestock 9 TOY FOX TERRIER PUPS 329 North 14th. . i - 9-ol9 PRIVATE SALE PIGS 14 YEARS; H month; Vtch seed 2H t; Quince 'l'i cents. Horses low. Ella Finney, Route 2. Gervais. ; . -o21 FOUR GUERNSEY COWS; 6 JERSEYS. , 1275 South 12th., , - 1 B-o22 FRED VT. LANOE, VETERINARIAN-. Office 480 A Oomatarciat. Phone 1193 Res. Phone Il. ' 0-m?!t( WOOD FOR BALE 11 t NO. 1 SEASONED GRUB OAK "WOOD, f S.50. Phone ,7F2. ll-o22 16 INCH BLOCK WOOD, $3.75 PER load; 4 loads $14. Phone 1S79-W. I s " ll-nl7 FOR DRY WOOD PRICED RIGHT Phone 1879-W. Il-nl4 ALL KINDS OF DRY WOOD FOR SALE at -the right price. John IX. Scott, Phone 254 or 622. ll-o21 JUPU SAWS WOOD. Phone 142. ll-o2S IS INCH AND 4. FOOT WOW) Of ALL ' kinds. Prices reasonable and prompt delivery. Phone 1958-W. U-al8ti STOP! DON'T BUY INFERIOR WOODI . Get the best oak and fir; also coal By phoning 1855. 11-slOtf 16 INCH WOOD FOR NORTH SALE SI from new mill near Deaf school. 6 loads S 15. Phone 1220. ll-o9tl V BEST ORAD1 OF WOOD 4 it and 16 inch. - Dry er green mill wood. " 'Dry . second growth tig. Dry eld fir. , . . ; Dry 4 ft. oak. : . . " ' Prompt delivery and reaaenahle pries FRED E. WELLS, .880 Bout Church Phone 1542; ll-adfi 16-INCH OLD -FIR, 4 FOOT OLD FIB ' second growth oak aad aah. Phow ' 19F3. Si. D. Vayfie'.d. 11-j6 FOR SALE DRY 8E0OND-OROWTH ft ' weed, 4 ft. For immediate delivarj Phone 106 4-f12 WANTED rimpoyment 12 SHINGLING AND ROOF RE PAIR! N 445 Turner St. Phone 604-R. 12-n9 Qreen Roof Painting I Also black, ' yellow, blue. Call and ask to see' some of my wed la roof painting' and. reskingling. M. R. ICATHEWS Phone 167. 1 . tS-a29f EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER Wantl prmanent position. Good references Address 5992 Statesman. , 12s21tl and science are the flowers of life and Jhat western art and -western science must receive encourage ment from the people. .Above alt have! faith-in Oregon. And in the end your. Xalth will be Justified. The individual is but a speck in a cauldron, and a generation but a bible in the froth. An the caul dron; is greater than the babble and Ihe bubble greater than the speck. Which is to say, work for many and not for yourself. By doing such men have saved their sonls and reached .to content ment. La Orande Observer. . , Scientists think the next presi dential campaigners" will travel, in airships.-.' Well; they'll have; the air.. ? " Cafes WANTED Miscellaneous 13 WASTEDr-kitchkm stovk. boiler, ' .dining - table, chairs. . chiffonier. Mason i jars. JJu&t be reasonable. Uoule -4. ' iiox 14, : 1S-019 WANTKD-TWO OR THREE IIOS s lhirors preferred, i Phbne 99F1 1 j be . tween 12 end 1 noons or. 6 and 7 leve ; nings.- Also want two or three tona I baled hay. '. . 13-bl9tf WANTED KITCHEN STOVE, BOILER, t dining table, chairs, chiffonier, .Mason : jars. Must he reasonable. . Route 4, j Box 14. 4 13-ol9 .WANTED : MEN AND WOMEN i T . take farm paper subscriptions. A coed ; proposition to the right people. Ad i dresa the Pacific Homestead, State una Bldg..' Salem. Or. - i PAYING CASH FOR WALNUTS Pearcy . and Biehn, Phone 65. Trade end High ' streets. .. , 13-o21 WANTED TO CONSTRUCT ONE TOIL et and repair one. To dig for both. ,, For information see Bert Peebles, cars School District No. 25, Route 1, Tur- : ner. Oregon. ' 13-ol9 WOODRY THJt AUCTIONEER BUYS , need furniture for cash. Phone 611 ( BOSCEIjLANSOrS 14 - 1 ' SPIRELLA' CORSETS SOLD BY Alice A. Mites, 451 N. 2lst., Phone 1902-J, ; JSalem, Oregon. ! 14-oJ RAILWAY POSTAL CLERKS START $133 month; railroad pit&s. Send stamp ; for free questions. Columbia Institute, Columbus, Ohio. j .1' - 14-ol9 LOANS WANTED $1700 AND $1900, First -Mtge, security modern balea homes. 6 and 7 per cent. . 1 BECKE HENDRICKS ' U. S. Bsnk Bldg j - 14-s2ti WARREN NURSERIES WALNUTS, Fil berts, Cherries, and . general nursery stock. Special prices given on early .orders. : 1'rice list sent on request. ; O. L. Warren. R. 9. Salem. 14-o31 HEliP .WANTED 15 WANTED RE-TOUCBER, APPLY - Ken , uell. EUis studio, 429. Oregon Bldg. 15-o22 AGKNT8 "WANTED 1 A TWO CENT STAMP BRINGS COM : pact, dazsling Free Sample ' Outf.t ' Clothing, shoes and particularly Shirt. : salesmen have increased- income;' tre : mendously Fashion Wear Shirts, Cincinnati.,- . - ' i 16-ol9' AMAZING STYLISH SHOES LARGE .commissions. Complete sample outfit with actual shoes. Popular prices $3.95 hand $4.95, makes everyone. buy. Apply ' Style-Arch Shoes. Cincinnati. 16-ol9 NO COMPETITION - LIBERAL COM- misaious, selling children's appareL 2 i or more sales every home., : School -op-;. ening : brings you biggest business of Lyer. - Producers both sexes wanted. ' Pluut Jr. Wear Co, CincianaU. -16-ol9. AGENTS SELL, TWO SHIRTS FOR price of one. Walton I Duplex shirts are .reversible. Make $15-$25 daily. We deliver, collect. Write for "Your Opportunity." WALTON.DCPLEX Co. Brooks Bldg., Chicago- - 16-19 HEliP WANTED Female 17 CAN TOU EMBROIDER! WOMEN want ed to embroider linens for us at home during spare tfme.r Information upon request. Belfast Company, Dept. 729, Huntington, Ind. ; j . 17-ol9 EXTRA $50 MONTHLY. NO SELLING; canvassing; positively no invest ment; employed' people preferred. Write quick. Dept. 777, G-L-M Company, 340 W. Huron, Chicago. 17-ol9 HELP WANTED Male 18 MEN WANTING FOREST i RANGER PO- aitiona; $1500-$2400 year. Write for : free particulars of exams., Mokane, f D-61, Denver, Celo. i EXTRA $50 MONTHLY NO SELLING; : no cwnvaaaing ; positively no invest ment; employed people preferred. Write quick. Dept. 797, G-L-M Company, 340 W. Huron, Chicago. l-ol9 MEN $15 DAILY EASILY- MADE ' Experience unnecessary. ;oe iroiit ev ! ery dollar. A Whirlwind Seller. Par- ticulars free. STAR BUREAU, ' 234 Copp Bldg., Los Angeles,VCalif. 18-ol9 PARTNER WANTED. WITH SMALL - Capital, to take half interest in well located real estate office; too much for one to do. . Prefer one that can do office work. Exceptionally good op portunity. , Address 330, Statesman. ' ; . 18-o22 MAN WANTED (CITY OR COUNTRY) old established company will supply , capital and start you in vyour own per - manent business selling necessities peo , pie must buy every day. Experieuce unnecessary. Write McConnon & Co.. '- Factory 202. Wnona,. MInn. 18-ol9 SALESMEN 20 ADVERTISING SALESMAN Big man for a big line, old .established house; : right man can earn as high as $20,- OO0 per year in. his home territory.; J. D. Msckeniie, 830 Wade St., Cinnin ; nati. Ohio. 20-ol9 LOST AND FOUND 22 UOST SOMETHING I FIND ITI PHON1 a want ad to The Statesman. Phone 21 PEKSONAIj 23 HUNDREDS- WEALTHY MEMBERS want to marry. List free. Club S-1022 Wiehita. Kansus. "4 j 23-19 CATHOLICS WANTING iCORRESPON-; dents. Booklet Free, HOME CLUB, B-23 Grand Rapids. : Mich. . 23-ol9 CORRESPONDENCE CLUB PARTICU lars for stamp. Thousands wealthy . members everywhere. Results guaran teed or money back. Smith, 11 67-P, Denver. Colo. : : 23-ol A8TROLOGY STARS -TELL LIFE'S story, s Send - birthdate and dime for trial reading. Eddy. -1085-B, Suite 3-A. Kansas City. Missouri. , 23-oi9 MARRY BUSINESS GIRL 2T. WORTH $73,000. Widow 48;$3d,0OO: girl 19 -'$40,000. Write for descriptions and i photos. Club, 507 Lankershine Bldg. Lorn Angeles. Cal. 23-ol9 MARRY IF LONELY MOST SUCCESS ful "Home Maker"; hundreds rich, strictly . confidential; reliable; 'years experience; descriptions free. f'The Successful Club'-'; Mrs. Sash, Bo 55S Oakland, California. ; f . 23-ol9 LEADING CLUB LARGEST, MOST RE liable for lonely people, confidential ' deseript'.oBs free -in plain sealed envelope.- Thousands weslthy members.) If sincere write. Established 20 years. , Mrs. Wrubel, Box 26, Oakland. Cali fornia. ' 23-ol9 IiOANS 21 MONEY TO LOAN FIVE THOUSAND dollars ' w;ll -subdivide, is W. MflLarin Co. Phono 430. v , j ;24-ol9 TO LOAN $5000. SECURTTY MT75TT be - first class real estate. & -M. Endicott, - ; 24-o22 WANTED $3000 ON GOOD SECURITY fl room eU modern house $4200. Easi est payments. Gertrude i. M. Page 493 N. Cottage St. ; ? 24s26tf- MONEY TO I.OAW ON FARM .PROP erty. Lowest rates obtainable. See Mr. McCurdy in Homer- Smith's of fice, Steeves-Moore Bldg. 24-s20tf MONEY TO LOAN IN AMOUNTS f 1000 to $2500. T per cent - BECKE HJENPRICKS ' ' ' tT. S. Bank Bid. V " 4-sltf man REAL. ESTATS City 25 Your Homo LOOK! LOOK! Lots 50x137 on paved street. Price $450; $5U down, $10 per month. W. H. GRABENHORSjT & CO. 275 State St. . 25-o21 HOUSE FOR RENT 6 ROOM MODERN furnished or unfurnished. Located easy - walking distance. Clean from cellar to attic. Call Hewitt, Fry'a Drug Store 223. , . 25-o21 $300 CASH Buys a neat modern bungalow, 5 rooms, good location.. Price - $2500; immediate possession. Sea Childs Bechtel, 540 State U 25-ol9tf ..". EXCELLENT BUYS ' ' 8 room modern east Salem. residence with 2 lots, fruit; shrubbery .$3500 6 room new Dutch Colonial South Salem . . . 46250 Modern 6 room Salem Heights bun galow, 1.1 acres of land ,$4000 A..C. BOHRNSTEDT . 147 No. Com'L . St... . Salem, Oregon. . 25-ol9tf I HAVE TWO SMALL PLASTERED booses for a very young or old conple . if they have $40Q to $500 cash, either .being an extraordinary food invest ment. It is .worth while to see me bout these. Also three Jots a block west ' of South High to almost give we y, if you consider the value of the abstracts alone. Near school. too (Lin coln) and car. Good garden soil. Wm. Fleming, 341 State St. .Phone 303 or 1734-M. - -25-29tf v THE BEST BUY IN SALEM j New modern in every way, 5 rooms large living room, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, full cement base ment, laundry trays, cement wlk, paved street. Price $5000 and it takes -4230O down to handle the deal. Iet Us show you this property . today. Im mediate possession. W. H-,GRABKNHORST ft CO. Realtors. 275 State St. Phone 515. 25-o21 HERE IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO SECURE A REAL BARGAIN IN : AN-EGHT ROOM TWO STORY RESIDENCE. With plenty of room for one family on first floor and two apartments of 3 rooms each on' the second floor. Bath and toilet; also with acreened in "sleeping porch with room for 2 beds. There, is a garage. Iisrge lot 66x135 feet. - - Price for quick sate only $3. 5O0: $560 cash; balance like rent. Just think of buying a good home for yonr self where this same property with the two extra apartments should bring j you an easy income of from $40 to j $50 a month. Do not fail to investt- gate . this bargain at once. , , For Skle -exclusively by WELLS TALLMAN 229 Oregon Building, Salem; Oregon. - ; , . - " 25-o22 LOTS OF LOTS I . that are good buys for choice resi dence sites, or for the keen investor who is-looking for the future. Here ire just u few with paved streets waiica, $1250; close' In on 5th St. 1000; elose ia oa S. -High. . $1500; close in Cottage St. $1600; close in. State St. , Other good Jots for $175, $375, $400 $600. . ' Three dandy lota for $700. A few left at $100. - - . - -No trouble to show property .All you have to do - is to see CHILDS BECHTEL 540 State St. . 25-ol9tf 4- BITS FOR BREAKFAST I I Taking a rest- ' "The YMCA boosters Bnt.they will be np and going, with their second windV. on Wed nesday, and down the line to the glorious finish.. . a S Salem garage man suggests that folks who go to heaven will never have to worry any more about a place to park. W A railroad is to be rua to the summit of Mt. Ararat. Let us hope this will lead to "the redis covery of the dove with the olive tranch. a : Caesar had his Brutus, Blaine his Burchard, and Davis has his Miss Marbury, the , plutocratic snob who jeered .at the domestic qualities of Mrs. Coondge at a banquet given to Mrs. Davis. The Marbury old maid put her patri clan foot Into her fool mouth and rammed it clear down to her capon-lined innards, and raised a ruction that will damn her clear down to her dusty .death. As Tilmon Ford, famous Salem pib neer lawyer, used to say, "heirs to pay and no pitch hot." a "a Speaking of the Y. M. C. A., did you know that A. T. Yeaton, the dean of Salem old .timers, helped to organize the first Y. M. C. A. In SalemT It was in 187p, the year after Mr. Yeaton arrived here worse than broke, and Dr. C. H. Hall, father of Mrs. John H. McNary. was president. This Y. M. C. A. did not last. Then, in the latter part of the 70's, Mr. Yeaton assisted in organizing an other Y. M: C. A., with Prof. W. T. Van Scoy, president of Willar mette university, as president, and Mr. Yeaton as vice president. These early organizations . rep re sented only one side, of the red triangle, the spiritual side. They had not taken on the other two sides, the ones representing the body and the mind. So the second one also went out of business. In 1S90; Mr. Yeaton, again helped organize the Salem Y. M. C. A. as it-now functions and has lived and flourished. In those early days, the good ladies of Salem were among the main supporters, under the direction of Mrs. R. S. Wallace. They could always be dependend upon, through the Y. M. C. A. Auxiliary, to revive the drooping financial spirit of the young organization, and to pull it through any crilss. At one time the Auxiliary had 1000 members, the dues being a dollar a year. It would be .a great thine If it had . such an auxiliary of devoted wo men right now. Our idea of' stavinsr rsrnfi-o fa trying to borrow money at a bankers' .. convention.