The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 19, 1924, Page 5, Image 5

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Good Winter Appl
The kind that will keep Orchard
run 75c per box. Very best $1.00
per box. J. P. Smart's Orchard
Oak Grove road, Polk.; county, 3
miles from Salem. 1 . ol7-
Take Your Brakes
To a brake specialist. Haybes
top Brake Station, Commercial and
Trade streets., 1 j . ol9
Trusty Makes Escape
While engaged In digging pota
toes In a filed about a mile from
the penitentiary Saturday morn
ing, R. S: Harper, a trusty, took
advantage of the heavy fog and
tided from sight. Harper was
under a sentence not to exceed
ope year for forgery and was-received
: rom!Multnoniah : county.
February 15, 1924. He would
have been eligible for ; parole in
two more months.
of Thanks
I v We wish to thank our friends
and neighbors, Mr, and Mrs. T, O.
Meyers, and the employes of The
Spa, for their kindness and beau
tiful floral offerings at the death
of our beloved mother, P. It. Sco
rille and niece, -Mrs. Elizabeth
Plnkerton. ol9
Bulbs- . ' . 1-
W. C, Franklin tulip farm, Wal
lace road. , Call or phone 52F14
your order. Prompt delivery-
IUzdon Is Honored rx
, Lloyd T. Rigdon, of Salem, yas
elected president of the Oregon
Embalmers' and Funeral . Direc
tors association in Portland this
week. He succeeds Wayne Wheal
don, of Portland. Glenn S. Macy,
of McMlnnville was named secre-
Buys Furniture
Phone 511
Best Quality
Best Service
See our Page Ad in
Phone Directory
Dr. B. H. White
Osteopathy Surgery
Electronic Diagnosis and Treat
ment (Dr. Ab ram's method).
Office Phone 859 or 469-J
608 U. S. Bank Bldg.
We're AU
and now that we are located In
our new quarters at
w are in a position to give yon
itm better service on your
transfer and hauling work. '
We Still Handle Fuel
and have several carloads of
eoal due in a Sew days. Better
gat your order ii early. -PhoneT)30
Larmer Transfer &
Storage Co. .
Cars for
- Par autos are, all kept in prima condition,
therefore are absolutely safe to drive, j
We hire them either with or without differs,
PHONB S020 f Office at Stag TenuimI
K Established 1865 j
General BnnTrins Buzlnzzl
P""- r- ! frri 10 a. ri, 3 r- r,
tary and Fred Fortmiller, of Al
bany, treasurer. Rigdon ; was also
elected secretary-treasurer of the
State Coroner's f association. Mr.
Rigdon Is coroner for: Marion
couuty and the junior member of
Rigdon & Son, mortuary firm.
Overcoats, Overcoats, Overcoats-f-'
You'll never find a better as
sortment than the one at Bishops,
117.50 up. i j : old
Follrich Funeral Monday
Funeral services for Mrs. Maria
Al Follrich, 74, will be held from
the Court Stree Christian church
Monday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock.
Mrs. Follrich died at her home at
1659 Court, Thursday, j She I la
survived by nine chlldcen, Mary,
Dora and Albert, all of Salem;
Charles and Heye, of Seattle; Mrs.
Kate Lincoln and Herman Foil
rich, of Pipestone, Minn.; Mrs.
John Wood, of Yankton, S. D. and
Ms. K. C. Sheldon, of Hull, Iowa.
Cider on Tap 1
A glass of cider with every bbx
of apples at- Prescott's orchard,
2 miles in Polk county, Oak
Grove road. ol9
Speaker Not ' Named
Just who the speaker for the
Klvanis luncheon Tuesday will be
is not stated in the weekly letter.
Mrs. Maude Gynn will be the solo
ist, with Miss Grace Flynn as ac
companiest. The attendance prize
is to be given by Charles Temple,
of the Valley Motor company, and
may or may not prove to be a
"flivver." !
Our Home-Made
Brick Ice cream now 50 cents.
The Spa. J I ol6tf
Overcoats, Overcoats, Overcoats
You'll never find a better as
sortment than the one at Bishops,
$17.50 up. j o!9
Legion Meets Monday j
Hobnail shoes will be taboo at
the American legion meeting Mon
day night, for the American I le
gion Auxiliary of Capital Post No.
9, are to be hosts. The women
have arranged for a fine program,
pumpkin pie, cookies and coffee.
A special feature of the meeting
will be the presentation of mlna
ture gold baseballs to 12 members
of the post team, which cinched
the Twilight league championship
this year. j
Overcoats, Overcoats, Overcoats
You'll never find a better as
sortment than the one at Bishops,
$17.50 up. K- . ! ol9
Some Cliff Dweller ;
That is getting fed up on tip
toeing around his apartment. To
day we have four f ourroom homes
for sale on terms that beat; the
place you live in. Yes, furnaees,
fireplaces, hardwood; -floor,, ; etc
For sale at 1 fair prices on any
reasonable terms. Immediate pos
session. Becke & Hendricks, IT.
S. Bank Bldg. 1 J I . ol8tf
Star Gazers to Meet V
The Willamette university class
of astronomy is to meet with I. L.
Miss Beatrice Sheltoa
Teacher of Piano
High school credits granted.
Studio, 345 Marion. . Phone
1299; Derby building. 166,
$5 Down 1
tS Monthly
O. IC IrttkwooA
347 N. Com. 81
Fkon 80S
'. For
Open Evenings
Popular Priced
Tailored Suits $25 to $4S
Men's and Young Men's
Mc Adams, Salem's: astronomer,
Monday night at State and Liberty
to view ;ai few of the most promi
nent heavenly bodies. Willamet
te university is not equipped with
astronomical telescopes, and j the
opportunity to use the prismatic
lens of McAdams' telescope was
accepted. j
Overcoats, Overcoats, Overcoats
You'll never find a better as
sortment than the one at Bishops,
117.50 up. I I ol9
Gosh Fined $10
Kenneth Goss -was fined on two
counts in the local police court
Saturday! A fine of 1 5 was im
posed for speeding and the same
amount; was for an open muffler.
The motorcycle had been left at
the police station in lieu of a $10
Wood Special ;
Five I loads of 16-inch inside
mill wood, $18.75. Ten, loads of
16-inch inside mill wood, $35. J Im
mediate (delivery. Phone 1830.
Spaulding Logging Co. ; o21
Bernard j Elected
Don Bernard was elected presi
dent of the Leaders, an organiza
tion of nigh school young men
who assist in YMC A leadership,
Ole Blixeth, vice president t and
Francis It. Harpath, secretary, at
Friday's; meeting. The Leaders
meet every Tuesday and are in
structed! in the fundamental of
leadership and assist in training
the younger boys of the 'Y." At
the meeting the date of the big
stag mix and rally set as October
0. M ;.;.!
New Victor Records-
Hear Glen Oswald and his Ser
enade at Stiff's. ol7tf
Evan's Class Today
The Men's Bible class Is to
meet at the Bligh theatre, this
morning at 9:30 o'clock with Rev.
John J. Evans as teacher. A
wonderful program of patriotic
and religious and popular songs
has been prepared to create in
terest. An added attraction will
be the appearance of the ladies
octette in special song numbers.
A hearty welcome is extended to
every;, man and an urgent invita
tion to come is given. The lesson
will ) be worth while.
Sewing; Girls Wanted ;
Shop experience preferred.
Moyer. room 7. over Millers. ol9
Unitarian Church
Walter Denton will speak at the
morning service at the Unitarian
church today. The services begin
at 11, o'clock. Mrs. Hallie Parrish
Hinges will be the soloist with
Mrs. .Walter Denton at the organ.
. i 1 .. j :i
The Xeurocalmeter
Signifies accuracy in Chiroprac
tic. See Dr. O. L. Scott, U. S.
National bang bldg. olltf
World Fliers Seen
During the noon hour the three
around the world fliers were seen
on their way south. The airplanes
were high and to the east of So-
lemji . -. , i
Increased Enrollment Expected
Indications point to an increas
ed enrollment at the CAPITAL
over? last year. Work begins to
morrow night. If you have not
yet registered, do so then so as to
begin: at the first. ol9
Many; Speeders Nabbed
Because of the many automobi-
llsts passing through Salem to
Portland several arrests for speed
were made yesterday. Francis
Alley! contributed $5; H. E. Tel
ler, j who was arrested by Officer
Hickman was cited to appear Oc
tober; 20. C. L. Ringutte, of
Cortallis was arrested on North
JANSEN At a local hospital Oc
tober 18. Lucy A. Jansen at
the age of 85 years. She is sur
vived by a aunt, Mrs. J. H.:' Ar
nold, Salem, : Ore. ; one sister
Eliza Roberts of Dayton, Wash.
Announcement of Funeral later
by; Rlngdon & Son.
McNAMARA W. G. McNamara
died at a local hospital, October
18, at the age of 52. He is
survived by one sister, Mrs
Maty Randelman of Leneve,
Ore., and one brother. Funeral
announcements later. Webb
Funeral Parlors in charge of
Funeral services for" Bertha
Heintz, will be held from the Ter
wiljinger Funeral home, Monday,
9:00 a. m. Rev. J. J. Lucas, of
ficiating. Internment at the Lee
Mission cemetery. . ; . i
The funeral of Philip Painter,
who' died October 17, will be held
at Webb Funeral Parlors, Monday
October 20. at 10 a. m. Rev.
Chambers will have charge of ser
vices. Internment will be In the
I. p. O. F. cemetery, f ' .
Cxeraled Sarrlsl
Capitol by Officer Hickman for
traveling' 30 miles per hour. He
was released oh $10 bail. R.
Bounough was caught by a state
officer for speeding and is to ap
pear in the local court on Octo
ber 25. Homer H. Berry of Port
land was nabbed on North Capitol
for speeding and deposited $5
with Judge Pouison. Cody Evans
was released Saturday morning
after serving out a $15 fine for
speeding with a motorcycle.
Men See 1 '
Thei new arrival in dress shirts
at Bishops. $1.50 up. . o!9
Rev. Poling Reiurni
Rev. C. C. Poling, pastor of the
First Evangelical church here, re
turned this morning from a three
weeks trip east and will occupy
the pulpit of the local church at
both the morning and evening ser
vices. In the east Dr, Poling was
In attendance at the board of mis
sions at Milwaukee, Wis., and the
meeting- of the board of publica
tion at Cleveland, Ohio. He made
several other stops in ! eastern
cities. i
Ufte Our Distributive.
Payment plan If you cannot
8 pare the cash. Pomeroy & Keene,
Jewelers and opticians. ol9
Wanted Middle Aged Man
for light work. Must have good
habits and neat about work. State
age. 378 Statesman. V ' o!9tX
Walk Under Construction
As the Salem War Mothers' me
morial statue was erected in the
center of the sidewalk leading
from the court house to High
street, it was necessary to re
construct the walk around the
base of the statue. This work is
now well under way and will be
completed in time to allow the
concrete to harden before Armis
tice day. f j ,
For Your Stomach Trouble-
Adjust your diet.? then have a
chiropractor adjust your spine.
.Nature will do th rest. Dr. Oof-
frier, 226 Oregon Bldg. Phone 551.
. o!9
Street Car Of f Track
When an eastbound State street
trolley car attempted to continue
its course while the rear end de
cided to proceed on the Liberty
street line, traffic was halted for
about half an hour shortly before
noon Saturday. i j ,
Efyptian Henna for Tinting Hair
60c. Perry's Drug store. o!2tt
Mrs. Elliott Improving
Mrs. N. D.; Elliott, who under
went an operation for appendicitis
a week ago Saturday, is reported
as resting eaiily and well on the
road to recovery. Mr. Elliott ex
pects to take (his wife back to his
home at 222 Miller street late this
week. '
The Neurocaiineter ,
Signifies accuracy In Chiroprac
tic. See Dri; O. L. Scott, U. S.
National bank bldg. olltf
Monmouth Seeks Water ' -The
city of Monmouth has ap
plied to the office of Rhea Luper,
state engineer, for; an appropria
tion of water, from Teal spring, in
Polk county.l The water Is to be
used for municipal ; purposes. The
estimated cost is $2,000.
Select Christmas Presents Now
Small 'payments : make it easy.
Love, the Jeweler, Salem. o-lOtf
Sues for $10,000
Suit was filed in circuit court
yesterday in) which Euhalia Lind-
Wlllamette Valley
Transfer Co.
Fast Through Freight to All
Valley Points Dally.
CorvalHs- -Eugene - Jefferson
Dallas - Albany; Monmouth
-Independence! - Monroe,
t Springfield
.Insist On
It's Better!
I- j . ;
Mistland Bakery
Glenn Gregg Earf Gregg
1097 Chemeketa
say demanded $10,000 damages
from Delmer Ware, for injuries
alleged to have been sustained in
an automobile accident. It is
stated that the accident resulted
in concussion of the brain for the
plaintiff -; .
Madame X ,
Reducing Girdle. See Miss
Renska. L. Swart. 453 Court
street. . Phone 890.
Hear. Glen Oswald's ' '
New Victor records at Stiff's
Furniture Co. ol7tf
Reports Are
The reports of eight eases of
contagious diseases5 were reported
to the office of the health officer
last week. ( Two were chicken pox,
four diphtheria and two scarlet
fever. The previous week's re
port showed seven diphtheria
cases. ' "";-'-
Take Yonr Brak
To a brake specialist. Raybes
tos Brake Station, Commercial
and Trade streets. . - ol9
Coming to attend the funeral
of their mother, Franklin Davis
of Texas and Gene Davis of Cali
fornia were in Salem yesterday.
Mr. F. G. Davis, husband of ,the
deceased, is in the Phillippine is
lands on a business trip and was
unable to be present. I !
Oh, Peter I
Glen Oswald's Serenaders, , new
dance number. at Stiff's. ol7tf
Firemen Hear Shenandoah
Slumber at the city fire hall Fri
day night was obtained in snatch
es, for the men had not much
more than gotten sound asleep
when their rest was broken by the
fire at the Willamette sanitarium
about 12:30 o'clock. They re
turned to : the station an 1 hour
All Children Love Its
Pleasant Taste
Your Constipated Child Needs
i "California Fig Syrup "
Hurry Mother! , Even a fretful
'everish, ; bilious or constipated
;hild loves the pleasant taste of
'California Fig Syrup." This genf
:le, j harmless laxative never fails
to sweeten the stomach and open
the bowels. A.teaspoonful today
may prevent a sick child tomor
row. It doesn't cramp, or overact.
i BttM rli ila' iiinM 4
later;,, Keeping tab on the loca
tion of the Shenandoah by means
of their radio, the entire Iprew
turnfed out shortly after 3 o'clock
and stood, shivering and freezing
in the street,: necks bent and faces
heavenward in an attmpt to pierce
the fog and see the lights on the
huge aircraft. The dirigible pass
ed to the east, apparently about
hall; way between Salem and Sil
verton and though they were un
able to see its lights, the sound
of Its motors was plainly heard.
Disgusted, they returned to their
cots for a few more hours of sleep.
Beautiful 6 ' Room Home .
!; for1 rent. ; With heat and elec
tric range furnished. 1311 Court.
! 021
Meri See. 'j . - j
The new arrival in dress shirts
at Bishops. . $1.50 up. - . ol9
TJilree to Marry
4 Wedding licenses 'were issued
yesterday to Carl Terry, Silverton,
and? Mybelle Morley, Shaw; C. P.
Armstrong, Salem, and Eva Man
ary, Silverton; and to Isaac A.
Neely, Portland, and Violet Faulk,
Some Doctor
; ' Have 16-room house in good
Valley town suitable for small hos
pital. Opening; easily handled.
Becke & Hendricks, U. S. Bank
BldfeV ol8tf
tse Our Distributive
Payment plan if you cannot
spare the cash. Pomeroy & Keene,
jewelers and opticians. ol9
Brboks Community Meet
: A community meeting was held
at the school building at Brooks,
Or;, Friday night. Short speeches
were given by Lloyd Reynolds of
Hayesvllle, Mrs. G. G. Loon ey of
Contains no narcotics or soothing
drugs.' . t
i Ask your druggist for genuine
"California Fig Syrup" which has
directions--for babies and children
of all ages printed on bottle. Mo
ther! You must say "California"
3r you may get an imitation fig
syrup. Adv.
A m. 1 W l : W i d- X W -A M M 1 W B A I M
mm . mm mm v mm , v -m- m . mm . . mm hm mm v mmm bhb mm . mmm
The Clothes They Talx
for M&n and
fc - You will never realize the great difference
Cnd the ordinary Clothes
Overcoat ; with the Label
The Styles and
and , character to the wearer they enhance your, qualities and invite
social and business opportunities seldom accorded to the ordinary dressed
individual.!' !-''- --,
Tfie feeling of being
'Jyou the assurance:
Try on a Suit ;or1 Overcoat A trial will convince you and
convey more than all we can say. " j j .
I Glad to Show you the New Models '
1 no obligation to buy
You are more than welcome
TTTIT are taught to accommodate
ti U vrvJAjJCiAVO their eyes to lights and
angles. Our optometrists fit you with glasses which
mechanically accommodate for sight defects and quickly,
restore normal vision. Results convince you.
' j 301-2-3-4 Oregon Bldg. f
' - i . 'i ; .
Hazel Green, Mr. Aspinwall, mem
ber of the school board, Mrs. How
ard Ramp, In behalf , of the Com
munity club o Brooks, andt Mr.
Fletcher, principal of the school
A very pleasing feature of the pro
gram was the vocal olo by Mrs.
Clyde Harris, with Mrs. Malcolm
Ramp at the 'piano. I Hazel Nys
and Edna Lesher conducted a fish
pond for the amusement of the
pupils. In a sock darning contest
for men Raymond Biantan came
out first. The nail; driving con-
Dr. Mendelsohn
Eyesight . Specialist
210 United States 'Bank Bldg.
In purchasing glasses meas
ure your economy, by the serv
ice received. ti
The best of lenses are prac-i
tically useless unless -your ail-,
ment has been diagnosed and
glasses prescribed; according to
your need. . if.
I fit glasses correctly.
My prices . are i very reason
able for the services and mate
rials received. j . . ' :. i
One-third of a century of
practical experience' is at your
service. I guarantee satisfac
tion in every -respect. . i
I do not belong to any com
bine which can dictate prices to
me. A '
Dr. M. P. Mendelsohn
until you have once
shown .above.
Fabrics are distinctive, they give prestige
. ' : " "IW- 4 - L
becomingly an4 stylishly dressed gives tV
that carries accomplishment
I '
test for women waa won by Mrs.
Belegue. During a social half
hour coffee and sandwiches were
served in ; the basement by the
ladies of the Community club .
Out Sizes
When Your
Shoes "Spread
. All Over"
the effect is anything
but pleasing
SIZES are so exception
ally well adapted to the feet
for which they are intended,
that they retain their original
shapeliness over a long per
iod of service.
"Red-Line-In" linings add
considerably to their shape
retaining qualities.
None genuine without it
John J. Rottle
State and Liberty Streets
About f .
between these i
worn a Suit or
with it,
U. S. National Bank Building. '( "