The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 19, 1924, Page 19, Image 19

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C. F. Franklin Drives Buick
1 606 Miles Without Get
ting Out of Seat
What la perhaps the world's re
cord! for endurance was made last
-week by C. F. "Outdoor" Frank
lin In a new 1925 Standard Sit
Buick car.
The Howard Automobile com
pany; Pacific Coast Buick distri
butor, report that Franklin drove
sixteen hundred and six miles in
less than fifty fire hours without
leaving the driver's seat.
The record run was made from
the Canadian border to the Mexi
can border, and established a
speed record between these points.
Starting from Blaine, Canada,
at eight a. m.' Monda,; September
22, Franklin ;made the sixteen
hundred miles to Tiajuana, Mexi
co without a j relief driver and
without leaving the wheel, arriv
ing -at Tiajuana Wednesday, Sep
tember 24, at two forty p. m.
Sixteen hundred miles contt
nuous driving is a feat that few
would undertake, and in making
this record. Franklin certainly
makes a strong bid for' the hall
of fame. The Buick Standard Six
proved its stability by the won
derful manner) in which it stood
this extraordinary test. Not once
did the car falter. ; The Buick
Valve-In-Head j motor which Is
built for power, speed and eco
nomy, was in perfect running or-
Walter P. Chrysler Gives
Figures as Compared
! With 1923
Better Performance In Your Car
and less up -keep cost
It's the rdnsUlatkn bul you have
to pay later, that makes the bargain
battery expensive to own.
That's why! we recommend a
Threaded Rubber Battery and stand
back of its insulation for the entire
life of the plates.
A brfhi is a bargain when yoa
', gain by it. and you'tt ahead all the time
1 when you have a WUiard Threaded
Rubber Battery," says Little Ampere.
531 COURT ST. ! V, PHONE 108
1 Walter P. Chrysler, president
and chairman of the board of di
rector of the Maxwell and Chrys
ler Motor Corporations, is optim
istic concerning the automotive
business. He points out that dol
lar volume of sales this year has
been hot far behind the record
levels of 1923.
"Factory sales of cars, not In
cluding Fords, for the first half
of 1924 amounted to $815,000.
000," said Mr. Chrysler yesterday.
der at the end of the long grind,
and the gas consumption overaged
better than eighteen miles to the
gallon,' f : : t
The! fact that only one pint of
water was needed to fill the radia
tor at the end of the trip in
dicates the efficiency of the Buick
motor j : i : :
Official observers appointed by
Los Angeles newspapers checked
the trip from start to finish, and
report; that no once did the motor
or car stop running.
When the Oregon State Traffic
department herd of the run an
officer met the car and followed
it all the way to Southern Oregon
but had no cause to stop the driv
er because he did not exceep the
speed limit. An average speed of
about i 29 miles per hour j was
made..... '
Franklin says that only the per
fect performance of the car and
tires and the easy steering of the
Buick made it possible for him to
establish this new world's endur
ance record. ' ,; i ; . '! .
"This; compares with $926,000,000
for the corresponding period of
1923. Last ' year's total sales
reached $1,570,000,000, a new
record, but a figure Which will be
very closely approached this year.
"Our own business is running
at a rate considerably ahead of
the Industry's comparative figures
as compared with last year. In the
thirteen leading cities of the
country sales of Maxwell and
Chrysler cars , for the first eight
months of 1924 show an increase
of more than 35 per cent over the
same period of 1923. New York
show i a gain of 64 per cent, Phil
adelphia 30 per "cent, Boston 43
per cent, St. Louis 25 per cent
and Detroit 4,(5 per cent. The first
weeks of September showed larg
er sales for us than In July, the
heart of1 the summer' buying sea
son. 41 ' I -5 - ' .
"For the first seven months this
year, factory . sales ;. of Maxwell
and Chrysler cars aggregated
$42,381,859, compared with $35,
311,966 for the similar period a
year ago. Chrysler sales during
these months totaled $18,225,
469 and those of Maxwell $24, -146,390.
Chrysler sales are now
running at the rate of $4,500,000
a month. ' f r. -f
"The automotive f Industry en
ters the fall season In a healthy
condition. Business has been good
this summer. The tendency will
be toward better business this
fall. The higher prices that farm
ers are receiving for their crops
assure good business In the agri
cultural sections, and the growth
in the use of closed cars will
mean a continuance of good sales
in the cities." i
Chevrolet Man Thinks that
Demand Will . Increase
With Farm Products ,
' That car, ' owner organization Is
the most Important "safety de
vice" yet developed for the safe
guarding of the motor highways
Is the opinion of President Thos.
P. Henry' of the American Auto
mobile association as set forth in
an official statement just Issued
from A. i A. A. national headquar
Jbr Eco no mi cat Tra nsportatton-,
i - ' . ' t r , ,
:-!... i . . i
Where Is . Youir Gar
5roin.'9 to 5! ;
For eight Hours every; day, many men leave costly cars
parked in a sidestreet. i!
' Rain, sun and snow; mischievous -children, sneak" thieves
all these take heavy toil.
What a waste! How much betters would that car serve the
owner's family during busines I t
Releasing these larger and costlier cars for family use during
the day is one of the important things that Chevrolet does.
But Chevrolet does so much more: it provides the business
man with quick transportation in a car more easily handled
in rush-hour traffic, more rea dily parked in smaller, spaces,
and much more economical.
Chevrolets actually cost less per mile of' transportation than
any other car in the world. , And in addition to this un
matched economy they are good looking cars they are com-,
fortable they are thoroughly dependable.
See an authorized Chevrolet dealer at once. He can prove
the greater economy of using Chevrolet for your business
transportation. You really need another car- let it be a
sensible, economical and thoroughly dependable quality car
let it be a Chevrolet. ' ;
Corner Chemeketa and High. f Opposite City Hall
! Telephone 1000 -
"mmm " j" Jhv
-i 1 1
New Four Passenger Coupe $920. Delivered in Salem
Recent advance in price of farm
products which will increase the
agricultural incomes approximate
ly one billion ' dollars ' is cited by
It. H. Grant, vlce; president and
general sales I manager of the
Chevrolet Motor company, as one
of the most optimistic signs of a
steady staple demand for t motor
cars during the fall months.
"The cotton' producing sections
are assured of a large money re
turn on this year's j crop," he
states, "'and while a considerable
part Of this money will be used
by the farmer and cotton grow
ers to liquidate past debts and re
store their credit, they will grad
ually be in the market for motor
cars. A gradual but ' nevertheless
Bteady -recovery In general indus
trial activity puts a rosier com
plexion on the coming months for
"Two other j factors in the mo
tor car industry will make for
stability' for ! both dealers and
manufacturer, j The manufacturers
are watching carefully their "pro
duction, after having reduced the
surplus of cars produced last win
ter and. early spring, and the pric
es of cars are: on the upgrade.
, "During ; the last few months
20 manufacturers have raised the
prices of one or all of their mod
3. , . , j v: - ' . : : '
"Despite . the fact that total
sales will run behind those of
last year, still 19 2 f will be the
second greatest production year in
the motor car industry. Produc
tion statistics j for the first eight
months of this year make a much
more favorable showing than is
generally recognized. In this per
iod output amounted; to 2,5 37,
517 cars and .trucks, only 6.5per
cent smaller than for; the corre
sponding period of i 1923 yet
representing an increase of 51.5
per cent overp the same months
of 1922 (the second previous best
year in the history of the Indus
try.) '-;!! '
"On" the basis of present pro
duction, there will probably be 3,
250,000 .motor vehicles produced
this year. The would not only be
second ' best to the 1923 record
production but would! exceed the
average of the last three years
by about 700,000 motor vehicles."
! v
A value that suggests itself on sight
and proves itself in the course of years.
y U-y y ,
The chassis is so dependable and
smooth in operation, that perform
ance soon takes precedence, even
over beauty, in the estimation of
the owner, i '
$1483 f. o. b.-Detroit $1723 Delivered'
474 South Commercial Street
t '. -lr m .
j I; .... ; ;.; , ; .. fW :J"
, . r-C?
iifc' i in tf- "" anl "f'l -ifit I rl-
i i n wrm mm ikhvi , z m n : n t tp j-j 11
f W "W . i m --mr m m . mm - wmi,, lw .J V J '
. - . .... ... .... W-'".
I- f
The Touring -Car
Runabout- f- S263
Dai wllt RtaM
Coupm - "Am m S525
Tudor Sedan ! t - 59(
Fordor Sedan 63S"
All price f. d. b. Detroit
Tm era bmy mny moM by mmlctng
m mmrnll domm pajmmt tmd arruwy.
tmmamtytermt for jfk balanca. Or
om em bmy th Fw-J WceUy
Pwdww Plm. Tk. fmrd ixalrr tm
mplmtm mh plmmt tm datmiU
I" , i -A. - v ...
The Ford car delivers more useful, care-free,'
economical service rer dollar invested than
any other car. Its sturdy, rigid construction
is striking evidence of enduring materials.
Every minute operation is scientifically tested
and accurately checked. :
Control of natural resources and complete
manufacture in large volume have made pos
sible value that is the one standard by which
every motor car must necessarily be judged.
The Ford car is the logical and necessary
choice of the buyer who wants to get
the utmost from every motoring dollar.
Valley Motor Co.
Salem, Oregon