, ' ,'i .' :'" ' fv ' ' i f ::: - . - : i ! ;- "': " ' - - i "f I Automotive Section y'j ' PartrThree Four Paces SEVENTY-FOURTH YEAR ; SALEM, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 19, 1924 ; k J V' ; i V I-1; t i r - i v V!- V I' i! 1. SALES CONTEST ES Several Sales Already Made in MacDonalq's Auto i Sales Contest , The MacDonald salesmanship contest is progressing rapidly Each day a few more students call at the MacDonald Auto company and sign up for the contest. Several sales have been made (during the past week giving sev eral of the young salesmen a good lead. However, this lead is not so great but what it can be over come by those entering the con test late. Robert -Flourney re ported late this ! Tteek and i is working hard to place himself at the head of the list. The com plete list of entreea and their standings will be published lated In the week. j i SELLS 26 FORDS r - - IF Used Car Corner Have Sold Large Number to Those Near Their Location Vera Anderson of i the Used car Corner opposite the Marion hotel reports that the firm has sold a total of 26 cars within the radius of a block of their place of busi ness. "Many people; who we have sold cars to were so well pleased that they told their friends about vlb." ' ; Said Mr. Anderson. "A satisfied customer iai the best ad vertisement we can have. It 1 s the 1 service that we give that makes our business successful. : Six out of the aboYe mentioned 26 cars were sold to employees of banks, two to the United States National j Bank .employees and four to employees of Ladd & Bush. "Bankers are good Judges of val nes that's why they buy from us,'' added Mr. Anderson.: The Used Car Corner have been In business: here for about two years and make a specialty ; of nearly new Fords. Popular' Car Awarded First Choice of Space in' New ! ' York Auto Shop .v . rrr-,--'" v" I Spaces for the National Auto mobile showsv In New, York and Chicago were drawn by the manu facturers on Thursday afternoon, October 2, at the National Auto mobile Chamber of Commerce of fices, 366 Madison avenue, New York.; I The Bulck Motor ; company for the seventh consecutive year was awarded first choice of spade by reason of the fact! that Bulck did the largest volume of business In dollars and cents during the past year.; i :i 'f -..-I "Winning of first place for, jthe past seven ; years," says E. T. Strong, general salas manager, "is conclnslve evidence of the fact that Bulck holds the position of eadership ' In the minds of the Save Time Save Money You Can Do it If You j Ride a Bicycle Get. in on bar Pay-As-You-Ride-Plan Pav n Inw d t $10.00 Cash The balance "on asy' monthly Payments Harry V. Scott ' The Cycle Man" 147 So. Com'I St. PROMS MUCH RADIUS BLOCK FOR 7TII TIME general public If this were not so, the public would not continue to buy Buicks after year in such quantities as to enable Buick to continue to have first at the shows." j "Bulck has long been the stan dard of comparison," says Strong, "largely due to the constant ef forts of Buick engineers who for a period of over twenty years have constantly improved Buick, adop ting each year, all those advanced features that are found desirable and practical after exhaustive ex periment. . It is the general opi nion that the National shows this year will be the most important for the 'trade and public in the history' of the I business. "As this will be the Silver Ju bilee of the industry more than usual attention wil be paid to beautiful decorations which will help to make I the events memo rable. J j In New York the show will be held from January . 2 to the 10 in ; the big armory . 1 where last year's successful show was held. . Additions to the Coliseum in Chicago mean that the show this time will be under one roof. "Buick is fully aware of its res ponsibility as a leader," says Mr. Strong, "and will bend every ef fort to continue to ' serve the motoring public as it has In the past and thus maintain Its present enviable position in the industry." CARBURETOR TEST SAVES GASOLINE Smith & Watkins Receive In teresting Data on Test of Stromberg Carburetor Smith & Watkins, local Strom berg carburetor dealers, have Just received a communication from the Bay City Lumber com pany at Aberdeen, Washington, giving the figures made on a test of the Stromberg , carburetor adopted to the Fordson tractor. Every onie of tike o embodies all off the Buaick ffambiiss. At the Inbw prices you can afford to 388 NORTH COMMERCIAL STREET -. -!V t - .! -'-I.'? ::' rv- v "I1'' I'! . .. - ' -iV. i'';-':T'!-- '- ': . ';!''"'' " ":- ' " .-' " " . ' - ' ' i' ''. '-L' "."i," ' I I !.-; ,!.,' ', '''' "'"' - - ' ? ' -j " 'k' " M- '' When better Automobiles are built Buick will build them City, Delivery Uses McClaren Autocrat Cords 4"" v ? Dean Shomaker and his The j proverbial "straw! ; that broke the camel's back" may still hold gpod away off in Asia, where that prohibition animal is still in active service for haulage i pro blems.; (With the up-to-date mer chant it is quite different. The! automobile delivery car of today ;i$ required to do a hard day's iwbrk delivering goods by day, while after store hours, the same car may be called upon to perform! the hard work which would j fall to the lot of a whole herd of camels on the basis of load ratings 1 recognized by; the carriers on the Sahara Desert. Pictured here are two of the cars operated by Dean Shomaker, City pelivery company,: Salem. Shomaker carries loads as depic ted above, as a common occurance, nd when he drove up to Smith Watkins store, corner Court! and High, recently, the two cars were On a fifteen day test the Fordson tractor With the regular Fordson carburetor consumed 233 gallons of gaspHne, or 15 gallons a; day. During the same period the Ford son etjuippjed wlia a Stromberg carburetor consumed only 111 gallon j of gasoline or an average of only j7 gallons per day,1 cut ting the; gasoline expense to less than one-half. Stromberg Windshield Wiper i An I electrically driven wind k mo alities that have made two city delivery cars. photographed by Jim and Bill who wanted the picture to use as a practical illustration of McClaren Autocrat tire quality. The front, wheels pictured are carrying over a half ton each, and rear ldad in samo proportion. The tires are 32x4 McClaren Auto crats; six ply hevy 1 duty. Two complete sets of Autocrats were put on these cars two years ago, and both cars are still running on the same rubber. The tires to date have an average of over fif teen thousand miles Smith Watkins cite this as one illustration only : f or McClaren Autocrat cords!( are giving excep tional mileage to the car user and stage lines anJ the" quality that placed them in the public favor ever since Smith Watkins took the line, years ago, remains unchan ged In the product of the Mc Claren Rubber company today. shield wiper, manufactured by the Stromberg Motor Devices company Is now on display in the window of Smith & Watkins,! corner Court and High streets. Radically different in principle electrically driven from the storage "j batterjr without carbure tor interference rflependably con tinuous and 'easily Installed, the Stromberg windshield wiper rep resents a decided improvement In kWlndshield cleaning devices. . ee lew ti n oens j features SEPTE MBER OUTPUT FIGURES 410 First Nine Month to Show ' Gain Over Same Period . Last Year Estimated production of cars and trucks for September is 274,- 300, according to figures submit ted to. the directors of the Na tional . Automobile Chamber of Commerce at their meeting in New York, October 1. This total was two per cent lower than the output of 279,115 in August. The production of September last year was five per cent j: under August, according to the NACC figures. September's output is compared with 327,542 carsf! and trucks In the corresponding month of last year.. " ; ) .; Carload shipments, according to the preliminary figures, amounted to 262,876 during September. A total of 28,670 cars were driven away from the factories of mem bers of the chamber during the month and 7,130 cars were ship ped by boat. Final shipping fig ures are expected within the en suing 10 days or two weeks. Representative distributers and dealers in all parts of the country reporting sales and merchandising conditions to the NACC , directors said that the prospects for fall business are much better than they were at the same time last year. Sales of passenger cars are ahead of. last year at this time, it was declared, and truck sales are approximately even with those of last year at this time. This condi tion is especially true as regards the sales of cars and trucks in the farm districts. ; 1 ' Time payment transactions are more prevalent this year in pas senger .car sales, the merchants declared but they appear in about the same proportion to the total of truck sales. Establishment of a large number of new bus lines for urban and interurban service In widespread parts of the coun ' 1 : 1924 ; 1 924 1924 1923 1922 1922 1921 1920 1920 1917 try since - last September has re sulted In increased bus sales In many sections, it was reported. Following is the output ; of cars and trucks ; for the past three months together, with . the corre sponding months! of last year: ' ! 1924 1923 July 262,876 328,105 August ....I. 279,115 345.303 September .274, 300 327,542 ' 1 Estimated. 1 ! Certified Car Market Has Dealers Backing 'Back of every j used automo bile is the local dealer," says Frfed Delano of The Salem Auto mobile company, "and it is not always easy to visualize him when on Is looking over used cars in tM various places where they are sold."... . "Sometimes the dealer, has more to do with the suitability of a car than the make of the car yoti buy. Especially is this true of cars whose owners exact an unusual measure of performance. ','The degree of dealer responsi bility for local satisfaction In used car ownership is as important to the car' owner as good materials and careful workmanship in the car. This firm stands 100 per cent back of the Certified Public Mo tor Car Market-' Our personality as i well as that of our associate dealers is merged into that mar ket. There the biggest stock and variety of reconditioned used cars tn Ithe state, outside of Portland, may be seen." t ; ' ; f French Car Exports High Approximately one-half of the automobile production In France is iold at export, according to ad vices received this week from Paris. Production In the first six months of the current year, ac cording to the most reliable fig ures, was 22,304 as against 12, 261 in the same months of last year. Total output for last year byf French manufacturers was about 28,261, against 14,011 for all of 192?., Belgium, Great Bri tain, Germany and-Spain are the principal customers of French car makers...' ' ,i. .!"' All You People Who Have Been Asking for NEARLY NEW FORDS 1 7 rM . You will find many bargains in nearly new; Fords. Some canjhardly be toldf rom new. Remember we give 90 days free Service on alii Nearly New Fordswe sell the same as is given on new cars. Look over this list then come in and look over these cars Coupe, has $150 worth of extras; Would cost new $750; our price ...JJ... .....L.l........ J. Touring car, cannot be told from new.......!... Roadster L.l . . 1:.. Touring car v . Touring car, in best of condition ...h:.: .....J ... Touring car a dandy buy ,..-:i..L... r. r ' Ninety days' free service on all above cars Tburing .1.1. Ll J j ... Touring . I ................ L....:..,. .. . ... l.vl ...... X... Dort Touring.... .... ...L...... . . L J . J ... Light Delivery Ford l i . i i : : - 5) M WJ i Corner Commercial Opposite Marion Hotel CHLET GETS SECOI POSITION Display Position in New York Auto Show Is Deciav ed By Volume Sales G. L. Newton, of the. Newton Chevrolet company,! has just re ceived word,, that the Chevrolet cars have received second in the drawing for j position in the jNew York automobiles show which will take place in1 New Tork city Janu ary 2-12. The order for "drawing for position i is based on ' volume of sales. . The car with the largest volume getting first choice, j The SEE THESE : BEFORE 1921 FORD TOURING ' Motor overhauled, good 1 Q9n TTTP,.Vt?nTE!rn TnTTPTNTL Cord tires, new top, some extras . 1920 CHEVROLET TOURING Motor overhauled ........ 1923 CHEVROLET TOURING Good condition, looks & SPECIAL FORD 2-PASSENGER Speedster . iJEWTON-CHEUnOLET i Opposite City Hall .. Plume 1000 ..:.........L... $ I I L ; If and Ferry Streets first five places are as follows: Buick, first; Chevrolet, second; Studebaker, third; Dodge, fourth, andlOTcrland, fifth. ADVISE TO THE YOUNG SALII3- ;. . MEN .By R. N. MacDonald There are thousands to tell you it cannot be done. There are thousands to prophesy failure; There are thousands to point out . to (you one by one. The dangers that wait to' assail ; you, But just buckled In with a bit of a grin, - . Just take off your coat and go '.' to it; -Just start in. to sing as you tackle the thing . That "cannot be done" and you'll do it. i (From poem by Edgar A. Guest) CA tires ....$165.GD ...$1S0.CD . ... 31 7S.C D new S425.C runs like i . $50. r $550 $425 $375 $425 $290 $240 $190 $160 $100 85 VOli