The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 19, 1924, Page 16, Image 16

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LEE MtiMUlilAL Corner Jef
ferson and X. Winter M.,th chorea that
si ran gen. Take tile ,; North
Cotuinercilal mret car to Jefferaon are
na. Tbomaa Aeheaon. pastor. X-eroy
Walker, lUsiatanl, in charge of tl Juu
ior eaurch. The public i uiokI cordially
invited to the following kervices un the
tuuiinj I.r4'a Uay. Sunday aehool 9:45
a. m. Public wor.Uip ul both junior and
senior churches at 1 fc. m. Claee . in
Kvauecltain as 5 p. ui. - Kpworth league
devotional meeting at 6:30 p. tn. Enn
Kejisue airTiv and congregational sing at
1.-U0 p. an. Br:ng yuur friend and
neighbor! along and enjoy thvae hour of
good lellow.hip together.
KIRST Corner State and Church Sta.
Blaine K. Kirkpatrick, minister.' Class
meeting. 9:15 a. m., in the northwest
corner room downBtaira. Sunday school,
9:45 a. m.. H. K. Shank, Huperinteudent.
Morning worship, 11 o'clock. A large
chorus choir under direction of Prof. S.
W. Mobson. accompanied by Prof. T. 8.
Roberta at thai organ, will furnish -excellent
music At 5 o'clock, in the Annex,
the Class in Kvangeiisir., in preparation
for the Win-JfyChum Meetings." The
three chapters of the Kpworth league
meet at b:3U. Mrs. Margaret Quelle,
who comes in the interest of the Student
Friendship In ion, will address the firs
chapter. The second and third chapters
will meet in the Annex. .Evening wor
ship, 7:30 o'clock. The pastor will
preach at both the morning and evening
services. The sermon in the evening wilt
be the third in the series, "Sidelight On
First Century Christiana." Church Night
services, Thursday evening, ioa are cor
dially invited to all of the servicee of
this chorch. Come aJid bring your
friends. - j ;
X. Winter and Market Sta. Rev. Merti
aaer C Clarke, paator. 'Sunday achoel at
9:45, Ir. Frank 8 Schuti, superinten
dent Classes for all slies manned by
eenaecrated teachers who beiieve and
teach that the Bible is the inspired word
of Ood Class meeting at 1J:15, Mrs.
Ida Garrett, leader. ; Youn? peoples
meeting at o:30. Miss Martha Jaquet.
leader. Praise and song service at 7:30.
Prayer meeting each Thursday evening
at 7:30. Cottage prayer meeting Wed
nesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the
home of Mra. Caroline Jackson, 1463 N.
Winter atreet. The pastor preaches Sun
day morning at 11 on .he subject, 'Some
Bad Hump in the Uiacouraged Man a
Road." In the evening at 7:45 he w-tll
bring an evangelist!, message on the Sub
ject of 'Conscience." Ton will receive
a cordial welcome at each service and will
enjoy the splendid spintusl atmosphere
of this church. i i
JSCAXDIXAVIAN lth and Mill Sst.
Patr:k Dublin, i pastor. Sunday school 10
o'clock, Oust. Anderson, superintendent.
Morning worship- 11 O'clock. Bpworih
league 6:15 and evening service at 8
o'clock. On Thursday evening, at 8
o'clock prayer meeting.; We extend to all
a hearty invitation to worship wit as.
'CENTRAL. Sooth lute. rry VT.
Johnson, minister. Sunday school at 10
a. m. i Following this, a program .a rec
ognition of the 30th anniversary of the
Organisation of Central Church will be
of real interest to old and yoang. Short
talksb y several on recollection of the
earlier atxugglee of the hurch. Young
people will meet at 6:30 to begin their
aeries of studies on "Jesus Principle of
.Living." iThey will alao perfect plans
for their trip to the SiWerton C. 1. con
vention. Preaching service and musie by
the chorea choir at 7:30 p. m. The soc
ial circle announce a tea for Wednesday
afternoon in the church parlors. (
'" FIBST--L:berty and tenter Sts., W. C.
Kantner. minister. This is a Rally San
day in icharch and Sunday school and the
entire membership is urged to be pree
ent. Sunday aehool at 10 .a. n- with
special program in the form of a pogeant
and other exercises. Morning worship at
H a. m., sermon subject: A Greet , Kal
ly Day.;" '' Good music ry quartet. Even
ing srre at 7:30 p. re. Mnsie. pictures
and brief address The motion picture
will give the atory. Salt, where it comes
from, sow prepared for nse end ie greet
importance in the world s life. The ad
dress which will be short will be on The
Salt of I the Earth. a spiritual message.
Prayer meeting Thursday at 7:30 p. m.,
the eefojeei will be: "Intercessory Fray
r" -The attendance ie increasing and
the intense good. Everybody invited.
FIRST- Center end: Hif SU.. J. J.
Evans, minister ; Mis Hattie Mitchell,
missionary. A rapidly Inereaeing chores
aehool 4s extending invitation to all agee
of pupils to be present at the morning
session! at 9:45. The men of the ehursh
are backing the men's -class st the Bhgh
theatre! at the 9:30 hour. The class is
proving iter worth each week and large
number of men are in attendance. The
pastor will preach both morning and even
rug. The young people meet at 6:80 in
an interesting session especially auapwu
to, their meeds. A welcome for all at all
r services.
(jo tjTRT STREET Corner 16th and
Court 1 Sts. R. L. Putnam, minister. . To
day onr Rally Day program ie to be giv
en.) It is to be one big combined service
beginning at 9:45 a. m. If yon are In
tending to be there and have no way to
come just phone Supt. Kowits, 1748J be
fore tt a. m. Also satos will be seat to
the four aehool east of 12th St.: Rich
mond! Kngle wood Washington, Tew Park.
Theae cars will leave .for the share at
9:20i and 9:85. Let everybody boost for
the largest attendance in the history ef
the I aehool. Contest between thrse
group. Which will win in attendance
and offering! Offering for ooh State Bi
ble school work. Special masie by Miss
' Turner's orchestra. Solo by Mrs. Bur
nett. Sermon: "Thy-Attend Church f
Endeavor meetings at 6:30 p. m. Two
livel Christlsn Endesvor societies, i Just
the thing for young folks. Evangelistic
service 7;30 p. as. Good chorus staging
and, sermon. Tuesday evening the Adult
department will give a supper sad 'pro
gram. ' All members of the three adult
classes and their friends are invited. ; If
f oe are ant a member of sota adalt class
re I the city then you come. Thursday
Chnrrh day. Cafeteria lunch at 6:13 p.
ra.1 Set np meeting 7:30 p. m. .This
lime is devoted to preparation for. our
VWin the One Next to Ton," c&mpaign
In Xoveaber under the leadership of
fJt-rrr;jarS rrair?-'5A - '-''-r iy.; .jsj- ;init 1 1
:!" I 1 ' '
i DT3 i
: A. delightfully, new as
sortment of favors and
' lovelties for Hallowe'en
parties. Come in ! and
3ee them. Priced low.
j All new
mm i
EvrnffeliH Toddy T.eavitt All nroi wel Come make your church home with
US.. i',t' .
16th Sts., G. KoeUler, pastor. Sunday
schiMil at 9:30 a. ni. Tb; being our an
uual mifc.iou Sunday a German sermon on
foreign mission will be preached by Rev.
A. 'iiaiuicke atilO:3u a. m. Rev. W.
Schooler of Aurora, Ore., will speak in
the hinglish language ou "Home Mis
sions" at '2:1m p. ii. There will be no
evening service.. Mid-week meeting on
Thursday at 7:10 pj m. Bible school on
Saturday conducted by the pastor from
9 to 12. Instruction for the catechumens
from 1 to 3 o'clock. A hearty invita
tion to our services.
' FIRST Liberty and Marion. Rev.
E. H. Shanks, pastor. Morning worship
at 11 a. m. Sermon: "The Dwellings of
God" Anthem:.- "Cast Thy Burdsu on
the Lord." Hamblen. Solo: "I Will Ex
tol' Thee." from oratorio Kli. Coati. Sung
by Mr. Karl Pearey. Violin solo by
Miss lieWa. Selig. Ivening worship at
7:30. Sermon: "How Christ's Death
Saves Ta." Aathsai: "I Will Magnify
Tfcee." Spue. Selo, "The Lord I My
Shepherd," Liddl. Sang by Fred Erase.
Viojis selo by Mis Selig. The Bible
aahool ato at 9:45 a. m.. and the young
people at 6:30 p. m., led by Group 111.
l'rsyer meeting snd the School of. Mis
sions on Tbursdsv evening. The regis
tration is still open for this school
: . ,
. ST. JOSEPHS Kv. J. R. Buck, pas
tor. Communion mass at 7:30, children's
mass at 8:30 and high mass and sermon
at 10:30 The pastor will take up the
question which have bean received dur
ing the past two weeks, concerning the
Cathotie church and her teachings, and
w:ll devote the entire evening to these
questions. Anyone sending or leaving
questions in the box at the back of the
church may have them answered the next
Sunday evening.: Kveryone. whether Ca
tholic or non-Catholic is cordially wel
come to all services.
ST." PAUL' si.... Corner Chorch and
Chemeketa Sts.,; Rev. H. D. Chambers.
Rector. Holy Kucbarist at 7:3o a ui. in
the, chapel Church aehool at 9:45 , New
students welcoms. aforniug prayer. Lit
any and sermon at 11 a. ni. In the ab
sence of the rector who is to preach at
Corvallia. Dr. H. O. Fixott of Portland
will conduct the service. Strangers wel
come at the services of St. Paul's.
pastor. Sermon 111 a. m.. and 8 p. m.
The pastor w.ll return from Sodaville,
where he has been holding Revival meet
ings for the morning service Sunday
school 10 a. m.. O. K. Strusbaugh, lead
er. Evangelical f league 7 p. tn Prayer
meeting Thursday evening
FIRST Charch St., between Chemeke
ta and Canter Sts.. Ward Willis Long,
minister. 9:S0 a. in. Sunday school, 11.
S. Barrett, auperinteadent. All members
of the school above the junior depart
ment assemble in class rooms for the
las session, following which the entire
school above the primary department will
assemble at 10:30 in the auditorium of
the charch for a closing program. Par
ticular attention is celled to the fact that
the Qercan Class tacght by Mrs. Park
will meet ia the church auditorium for
lass session; and the Tri-C class taught
by Mrs. Hester will meet in the Woman's
Clnb building on North Cottage street.
The Teacher Training Class and Men'a
Bible Claes alao meet at the Woman'
Clab building. 11 a. m. sermon. "Fel
low Workers With Christ," by the min
ister. The choir , will sing. "Behold,
God ie Mighty. ' Wooler. infants will
be baptised at this service : also there
will be ordination and installation of eld
ers. 8 p.. m. Junior Society nnder the
leadership of Misses Myrtle Walmsley
and Helen Davis. The Intermediate So
ciety will sneet at the same hoar. 5:30
p. m., Twilisrbt Social Hour for all young
people of the eaurch end congregation.
Mrs. L F. Rebmen. hoateas. 6:SO p. m.
.School ef Missions. Audit ciass study
ing, "Of Ona Blood, Speer, taught by
Mr. Long ; Senior Young people studying
"China's Challenge to Christianity.'1
taught by Mrs. W. W. Emm -ins; the In
termediate Tounsj Teople studying "Chi
na's Real Revolution.' taught by Mrs.
Hester; Juniors studying. "Chinese Lan
terns," tsnght by Mrs. L. M. Rentage;
aad tsa Primary class will be taught,
"China ia Picture and Story," by Mrs.
G. W. Millie. These classes are open to
the public and a warm invitation is ex
tended to any who might be interested in
the evidy. 7:80 p. m.. popular evening
service. Sermon, When Religion Is In
convenient," by the minister. Special
music aad Gospel sing.
SOUTH SALEM Comer of Commer
risl and Washington Sts, Carl F. and
Minnie G. Miller, pastors. Sundsy school
10 a. an.. Dr. Carl F. Miller, superinten
dent. Classes for all ages, with exper
ienced teachers r Worship 11 a. m.. ser
in a by the pastor. Christian endeavor
6:30 .Noras a a Wright, leader. Evening
service 6:80. Mid-week prayer meeting
Tharaday 7:30. Yon will find a wel
come with a. ;
FIRST Comer 13th aad Mission 8t.
Sanday aehool 10 a. as wa are observ
ing Rally Day, I a suitable program will
be rendered by the Sunday school, oc
cupying the morning preaching hour from
It to 12 a. m. We extend a special in
vitstion te all of the parents and friends
of the children j. in atteadanee at tbia
school. Evsniag service. Christian En
deavor 6:30. topic: "My Denomination,
Its Organisation and' Aims." Leader,
Miss Esther Tibhet. Preaching 7:30,
subject. f'Th Uttermost Saviour." Cot
tage prayer meeting Wednesday evening
at 7:30. ; yon are invited to attend and
take some part in all of these services.
This is the church where sll are made to
feel at home. Children bring your par
ent and com. C. YT. Tib bet, pastor.
SITEXTH DAT Sabbath echnolf Sat
urday) at 10:80 a. m.. Mr. G. E. Fouts
is leader in thia division and if yon
shonld step in you would find everyone
taking a live interest in th school.
Preaching at 11:30. Young ' peoples
meeting at 4:30. Prayer meetings are
held on Wednesdays at 7:30. The pastor
has been requeued to give some more
Sunday i night lectures. The first one
will be given Sunday the liKh. Subject:
Tn Bible, How Was It Given t How
Was It Handed Down to Us! Why It Is
More Than tho Book of Mormon or The
Koran.'" You wi!l enjoy ; hearing this
subject discussed. Prof. 1. C. Colcord of
Portland will lead in a real live song
itervices beg:nning at 7:30 p m tile not
only gt everybody to sing but gives the
history of the son; which is very interi
ing j . ome ana bring your friends.
; j . ' 3 )
frbiirnacle. Ferry St. Sunday school
opens at 2 p. m. Classes at all ages, an
interesting study of the lesson i given
in leacu class. H. M. Scobee, sup:.
:ng'servH:e at 3 p. m.. subject, "Misspent
Labor and Money." Evening Evangelis-i
tie; service. 7:30. Services during the
week. Tuesday Praise and Prayer, 7:30.
Friday.' Bible study, 7:30. You will find
a (welcome iu the Tabernacle services.
Pastors H. E. Caswell.
BETHANY Corner Capitol and Mar
ion Sts.' Sunday school 10 a. in. and
German preaching service 11 a. m. No
evening service. M Denny, minister
- ! ! :
flRST CHURCH Sunday aehool room
of neW church building, corner Liberty
and Chemeketa streets. Sunday morning
services at 11 o'clock, Sundsy evening at
8. Subject of lesson sermon. "Doctrine
of 'Atonement." Sundsy school at 9:30.
Wednesday evening testimonial meeting
at 8 o'clock. Reading room 209 Masonie
Tcmplo, open every day except holidays
and Sundays from 11:15 to 5:30 p. m.
Ali are cordially invited to our services
and to our reading room.
1346 N. Church St.. J. J. Gillespie.
pastor. e Sunday school coiumences at lO
a. j m. i Ve . have a good lively Sunday
school. Come and study the word of God
with u- and do not let the cares of life
choke out the word of God. Preach ing
service 11 a. tn., subject: "Those Who
Are Blessed:" Matt 5:6-12. Young peo
ples services 6:45 and song, testimony
and preucbing service 7:30. Prayer
meeting ion Wednesday evening 7:30. Our
prsyer: meetings are increasiong in num
bers and interest. Come and join with
us in prayer for the I!st.
i J I I. b. s. A. .: ;
International Bible Students. Associa
tion meets every Sunday in Derby Hall,
for Bible study, honrs from 10 a. m., to
12 o'clock. Also meets at 20 p.
for the Kiekii.1 temple study. All those
interested' are welcome.
jGIiAD TIDIXGS 343 '-i Court St.. C.
To the Four High School or College Students Who Prove
See Mr. MacDonald at Once
: . r . : -.. ' ' '.)''.
. i -i s . . ;
For Full Information and Final Instructions
(Office Located at Ferry and Cottage Streets)
Start Today
It Will Help You Through School
S. Johnson, pastor. ., Sunday school at 2
p. m. Service at 3 and 7:30 p. m. Meet
ings on Tuendayi Thursday and Saturday
evenings at 7:. 10. Full; icoapel nieesagea,
spiritual singing.. Knrnest testinioniea go
forth at every meet in p f you desire a
taste of the old: tin-e religion rouie and
worship with UHi You are welcome.
ciruRCli or christ
Shipping and Cottage streets. Meets
each Lord's i:iy m in n. in., for Bible
Ktudy. 11 a. m.t' pveaching ; 7:30 p. m.,
Bible drill H C "asel is now holding
a aerie of meeting each night at 7:30
p m. The subject is: "The family; treat
ing it as a liv:iu' institution." A wel
come to all. - 1 : :s
By 7
Esther L. Williams
It hail been one of those trying
days when everything seemed to
go wrong." Everybody from the
head of the firm down to the of
fice boy Beemed to fe out of tune.
Even the typewriter upon which
he had nervously i chopped out
letter after letter sfeemed to have
wearied of the strain and refused
AntHem: Cast Thy Burden on the Lord. Hamblen.
Solo: "I Will Extol Thee," from oratorio Eli.-Costi.
Mrs. Earl Pearcy. , '
Anthem: I Will Magnify Thee. Spence.
Solo:. "The Lord is My Shepherd." Liddle. '
Mr. Fred Kruse. , ' v" i
Bligh Theatre, Sunday Morning, 9:30
Ladies' Octette- Religious.
; M Patridtic Songs
! JOHN J. EVANS, Teacher
It's a good place for men to be on
Sunday Morning
Every Man Welcome
Today Enter
acDonald s Salesman
Themselves the Best Salesmen ! "
- Earn One of
to give her the Bame willing serv
ice which was its' habii.
' Evening came, and In the lone
liness of ; her little room, weary
she rested her face in her hands
and wondered whether it was
worth while, after all. f Why let it lie in comfort and content
should she endure torture of mindinient and literally rust out. By
n .1 r n .1 nil 4 .... . .. V,
uuu iici f ci : uuu ail judl iui
mere sake of living. Why J
The door opened and a gentle
face appeared, "while two sympa
thetic eyes took : in the situation
at once. A few words of sympathy
and the whole story was poured
into Aunt Charlotte's understand
ing' ears, ending ; with a sort of
fatalistic, '"I suppose I, deserve it
all-"- ' : , I- j
"There is just where you are
mistaken, Alice,", came quickly
from Aunt Charlotte. "Some
suffer because they deserve it;
doubtless,' but not all and certain
ly not you. There is another and
beautiful side to our trials that
few" perceive. They come to us
mostly not in the way of punish
Liberty and Marion
M ' "
Rev. E. H. Shanks.
the Prizes-
ment, but rather as testing. The
blacksmith takes ; a bit of crude
irjetal and heats and hammers it
Irito the sort of , implement he
desires. Does he have a spite
at the steel because he refuses to
means. He has a vision of
something greater for that bit of
steel, hence the repeated, blows
that finally round it into the thing
dreamed it v
"So it is with us. God' cannot
work out his purpose in our lives
without repeated blows with the
hammer of experience which tries
our metal ahd is all the time
rounding out the. character which
he has in mind for us. i And if
we could just get out of our minds
the idea of punishment .and sub
I .-. , rfTTl III il I J,. I I T
I S a a.
.m ...
Standard weight standard over
(ize standard quality.
31x4 "
33x4 J2
Reg. Size.
Oversize .
Str. Side. . ,
Str. Side .'. ,
Str. Side . . ,
Str. Side . ,
Str. Side. . ,
Str. Side . . .
Str. Side . . ,
Str. Side . . .
help keep, the rain off the windshield
and break the glare of the sun and
approaching headlights. !
Several types from which to choose
each one iruaranteeJ:
"Durable" 4 fig
Visors.... ej I i03
Curved Metal j
Visors. . . ... ... . . .
Straight type,
metal . . . . . ............
Junior ; 1
and yCja
Aristocrat j
Pyralin. ...........
Safety Stop Signal
Every car owner owes It to himself
and his fellow motorists to have a Stop .
Sifrnal. As a courtesy light or as in
surance affalnst rear-end collisions, it
proves Invaluable. Select a model to
meet your requirements-
Anco Hot Spot
You'll JV One Soon
Cuts fuel cost, increases
mileage, decreases carbon.
Fives greater power to
Ford Cars. Embodies the
same features as manifolds
used on many of the best
known cars. easily in
easily in-
stalled. 1
Price 1
More Than
For Your
Open Until
, 9 p. m.
' j' rjwmm mm' Vl
, Jf --i a j
stitute for it development, ( then
the little vexatious things would
largely lose their power to disturb
and torture us. t Instead, we
would look upon, them as harbin
gers of mercy, for it is by! them
that we shall ultimately gain self
control and. poise of character."
1 "Oh, Aunt Charlotte, what a
beautiful idea. ' I was growing
sour because I could not see why
I should be punished by being
placed cin such uncongenial ' sur
roundings. A see i It all now and
it makes a world' of difference.
It's, my testing ground and to
think I almost failed." (
Thirtyiffht 3Uion Cars
Thirty-eight million motor ve
hicles in 19.50. One car for every
three, and nine-tenths persons.
Who-n Vi r nntrAmnntu a tr-flt Onn vmi HICK
nucu uicifiatciucuM me w.v. ry-
your way through the crowded streets you'll
appreciate the sure-footed hold your Western
Giant have on the slippery roads.
The row of deeD suction cuos and the sharp
edges of the high, sturdy tread "hum a tune of safe
ty," and ybu know your Western Giants reduce the
danger of skidding. ,.
Extra quality extra
ribrt-ckld tread.
--a. ft
te ; ,-(.-,. Price
3C21X2 Giant Oversize. . . . . . .$11.40
32x3 ?2 Giant Str. Side .... .... 13.85
31x4; Giant Str. Side. ....... .... 16.95
32x S Giant Str. Side. . .... . . . . . . 18.60
334 Giant Str. Side. . ..... 19.20
34x41 Giant Str. Side. ... . . . . ... . 19.70
32x412 Giant Str. Side. ....... 23.90
34x412 Giant Str. Side. ... ...... ... 25.35
35x4?. Giant Str. Side. . . . . . ... . . . 26.30
35x5 Giant Str. Side. .......... . 30.90
--Aak for Prkfi u Other Blare
i PrSee
$ 7.75
: 23.85
it.--,- v i a
lor Chevrolcts, Fords, Stars, Bulck 4 and
other small cars. Our low
Wizard Batteries for
6 -volt, li-plate j
standard i
6-voltt13-plate -j ;
Prices of Ather
Auto robes are! essential In
wet and 'chilly weather. tVe
carry a full assortment made
of Ions staple wool of the
finest ; quality. Our stock in
cludes pure wool and three
quarters i wool robes. Priced
from 1 . ,
S8.65 S19.75
i tj
'Legal in Your Statu
Preferred by many car
... . . . i . .
cause it comoines scienwuo cunsiruc
tlon with an individual touch of beauty
the frreen visor adds greatly to the
general-, apperance of the
Priced, per . !
nir .......... ..... .
Other Jens from 50o to $3.03 per pair.
Bulb Chests made of sheet metal hold
two large and four small bulbs. Fully
proteet bulbs and will not GO
rattled " Price wUC
I 1 v&
I 1
McKihnon j
Radiators I
Wiliys-Knlght?, Buicks, Over
lands and Oldsmpbiles use a
similar type of core. f
Strong and rigid in construc
tion. Very easy to repair in
case of accidental damage.
The .damaged ; section can be
cut out and repair plup in
Ferted. . j CI C "7C
Price 1 4 I Oa I O
100 Store A Over the West
km m . m w - . ' mmmmr-
f -
Salem Store, Corner Court and
That's what the United State
census bureau estimates. This i;
based on 1950 census of 150.
000,000 people. It means that
22,500.000 units must be added
to the latest registration total.
This addition spread over a per-'
iod of 26 years, will call for an
average annual expansion of more,
than 866,000 units. "
Truly, an agreeable prospect for
.he automotive merchant. It's a,
vision of assured prosperity .
profits for everyone. Annual cart
and truck replacements runninj
into the millions. Maintenance de-,
mands doubling, and more. The
biggest business in the world.-
Motor World.
Next thing you know everybody t
will be talking about Christmas.
Giant Cords
weigit xtra sarvic
f M r4 at rrl
13 Months
(Fords Ono
Thousands are now in use. Built from
the - same materials as the hfgtiest
priced batteries. Made for us and sold
direct to you. 6-voJt. 11-nlate batterv
All Otier Makes of Car-
p I Waiil
CI 7 "ftZ
ejl I I a I W
sizes on application. .
You'll need gloves, too. Come
in and examine our complete
line of ladies' and gentlemen's
driving gloves and gauntlets.
Prices range from $2.00 to
owners be- r-
i .
T. T
This denoun table wheel for
Ford cars has been used as
standard . equipment for the
last four years. Also fit the
Chevrolet and Overland 4.
US. ......... 54.00
Extra rim, $1.50,
Ask for
Jy Catalog