The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 19, 1924, Page 15, Image 15

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I I ' "" " ' nnmilwi ini mulnmiMiii mi niium mim i nMrmm im umi i iji , i iim i iiiiiiiliixiiniiMiim imiMiin mi i i 1 1 i;nwn lin i inii li i wiai imi.ninniMkM ii iiiMntmiM, liL'iiiLmMi iiiIimIiim ijMfc'
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plors Are Approved
lor uecoraung ivioaern,
Well-Equipped Kitchens
'--. A blue Dutchy kitchen, with geraniums on the window sill and
i blue checked gingham curtains .has long been the Tague dream of
, many a little bride-to-be, and then someone comes along and tells
I her to make her kitchen "white and sanitary" and she regretfully
H drops the dream of her viYid-color workshop. j
As a matter of fact, there is
something reminiscent of hospital
wards in an all-white kitchen, and
it certainly is apt to be a glaring
and depressing place to work.
I Some years ago kitchens were
' drab and dingy, with flaring gas
J jets and wooden cupboard doors,
behind which the utensils were
j packed. ' ;.. ; r ' i ' 5 i '
i But gone are the days when it
? was the ugliest room in the house
In the maldless menage it is the
Important workroom, where moth
. er spends much of her time, and
she may hare it. as gay and attrac-
tire a place as she desires.
Of course, efficiency must hare
j first place, ; but it can be success
fully camouflaged with charm and
color; there is the combination of
misty gray walls and deep lilac
r floor, furniture i painted gray
green and gaily flowered cretone
r curtains to add a brighter note.
Blue woodwork against iTory
walls, with ecru curtains flounced
In the same blue gires another at
tractive effect, and the floor in
I such a kitchen may be painted
black, and relieved by a TiTid
braided rug- After; all, black br
Ted - or green is just as easy to
keep clean as dead white or. oak,
so why not, If your fancy turns
that way? (
c VrrpcQ A rirlitinn I nte I'
v NreBeina Sold Swiftlv
. V V ' -
X Nvf the recently opened
Jrofc Vftddition, lying between
Capitc Madison, the Tile' road
and the railroad track, are mor
lng in a highly , satisfactory man
ner, according to Ri A. Harris,
who has charge of the sales. The
addition is owned by Mr. Harris
T. M. Hicks and Dr. H. E. Morris.
Among Tecent sales reported
are to, Forrest L. Hidday, of the
Marion hotel, sold through W. M.
Pennington; Homer N. Butler,
through Brown & Johnson; two
Jots by I. H. Vincent, re-sold by
the Halseth brother by Mr. Har
ris. . Mr. Vincent does not con
template building, but said that
"the property looked good to him
as an Investment. I
McCourt Residence Sold
To Mary 1 Boeschen
i-. f'- ---I ,' M;
Mary L. Boescben Saturday
purchased the residence of the
late Justice John McCourt at 1311
Court, for a consideration of $11,
500. The property, which con
sists of four modern apartments.
wa purchased through Childs &
Bechtel and is being held for an
investment. '... ij j
, Mrs. Veva B. McCourt, the wife
of the late justice, will leave for
Portland with her son, John Mc
Court, Tuesday. Mr. , McCourt
who was admitted to tie Oregon
bar this year, will enter the law
business in the 1 firm of Robert
McGuire, who was a deputy under
the late Justice McCourt when the
latter served as United States7 dis
trict attorney. - j ( j -
Mrs. McCourt and Mr. McCourt
will make their home at the Rose
Friend apartments, at Broadway
and Jefferson. j
Clever French Find Way
To Beat Inheritance Taxes
PARIS, Sept. 25 (AP) A law
was passed In France recently
making the legal adoption of chil
dren relatively easy of accom
plishment, and the! new measure
fs resulting! In loss of revenue to
the government.
Inheritance taxes In France are
heavy. On a fortune of 1.000,000
francs a. nephew who inherits
must pay 400.000 francs to the
state, a grand-nephew 441,000
francs, an unrelated inheritor
482,000 francs, but a child pays
only 123.000 francs
,y Adopted children! rank as real
children, so it has become the
habit of testators to adopt distant
relatives and friends to whom
they desire to leave money.
, Floors which are painted
brightly may be shellacked, or
they may be covered with lino
leum, or with tiling in bright
two-toned contrast. Cetnent floors
make for durability, undoubtedly,
and when they are done in tile
effect, with contrasting colors,
they present an odd and charm
ing appearance.' Woven, braid
ed or other rugs which may be
laundered are good to look, and
comfortable under foot, while the
same rule applies to curtain, the
only other curtain rule being sim
plicity, i j'
Ginghams, figured voiles, mus
lin, -linen, cretone and novelty
materials are j ail usable in the
kitchen curtains, which may be
hung on rings, which allow them
to swing easily.'
Why not small panes of glass
in your cupboard with its bright
china? They j make for a much
more decorative wall, and are eas
ily kept clean j and closed when
necessary. So, too, may the Jars
and canisters for spices and sea
soning be chosen for their beauty
as well as utility, and they will
add -to the looks as they wait in
a row on your shelf. j
If one does not wish to make
an outlay for new kitchen things,
Own Yoiir Own! Homje
Ail si rl is
117'E can supply everything: for the construction of your home from
VV the basement up, including Asbestos Fire Proof Shingles, Sash,
Doors, Interior Finish, Cement, and all Lumber. ,
! We will gladly give estimates or help you solve
without any obligation on your part.
If you are planning to build or remodel vour home rnmn in rinri if n
help you. We may be
a Better Home.
Chas. K. Spaulding Logging Co.
i 4( 1 ; '-Front and Ferry Streets :.:
Telephone 1830
Better Conveniences Hel p to Make Better Homes
mm hmwiii iimiiiii mi
the use of bright paint will trans
form the cans and jars into things
of beauty, and bring light and
color into the earBtwhile drab
room. I j 1
There; should be a shelf for the
cookbooks and recipe cabinet, the
bowl of j flowers, the clock and
other odds and ends. There should
be a comfortable low rocker,
cushioned with bright color, in
which it is so restful to sit while
shelling! peas perhaps, or quarter
ing peaches. The high stool may
be tucked beneath the sink, await
ing its occupancy when you must
be brought on level with sink or
table. There is no reason, then,
why the jlittle bride or the older
housekeeper cannot have, a kitch
en sanitary, convenient and char
ming all; in one,, and it is to
be transformed this week, this is
the room where the new era will
begin! . I , .
Steps Being Taken for !
Ultimate Zoning Plans
I : I j : .: i -
Preliminary steps toward zon
ing and city planning have been
taken by the special committee
appointed by the Marion-Polk
County; j Realty association, of
which W. G. Krueger is chair
man. These steps consist of a re
quest for more and definite infor
mation, j :. j ; j
A letter was sent to J. M. Grlee,
chief of the division of building
and housing, department of com
merce, at1 Washington, D. C, ask
ing that any literature or infor
mation on the subject be forward
ed to Salem. i
Efforts are to be made to ob
tain several of the Portland : men
who hare been ardent advocates
of the plan for speakers at the
weekly luncheons of the associa
tion. M '..!:.;
Better Homes
Your Future Home
able to offer many suggestions
miiimiwh mm iimiiiiiwiiiiiimw n -jm
Newcomer Travels Thou
sands of 'Miles, Before
i' Making His Selection, 1
Competing with I every city of
equal, lesser and greater popula
tion along the coast, the desira
bility of Salem as a home site ap
pealed to Chafes Wiper and he
decided to cast his lot here,
j Mr. Wiper has spent the last
six months between .British Co
lumbia and the Mexican border,
looking for, what he : believed to
be the best possible location. A
few months agb be tame to Sa
lem, became interested in the
community and then devoted the
last three months to organizing
and perfecting the State Saving &
Loan association, . the announce
ment of the organization being
given in the Statesman Saturday
morning. j r
! Through the agency of Becke &
Hendricks, local' realtors, Mr.
Wiper has purchased the Dr. Fred
Ellis residence at 1005 North
Summer. Hiai family have been
in Calif erfia for ; the last two
months waiting for the transac
tion to be completed and last
night joined him here. Mr. Wiper
is taking immediate possession of
his new property. M f : -
Officers for ihe new association
will be elected at a meeting of the
directors Tuesday ij night, Mr:
Wiper said yesterday.
Build It of Wood
your building problems
that will make yours
Will 'Measurb New Prosper
ity bection by Section
and Record Sales '
A national measurement of the
tent to which the present nota
bly improved prices of farm prod
ucts have already been registered
new activity in farm sales in
every section of the country will
be made available through a sur
vey or the farm land market
which is now being made by the
national association of real estate
Doards. i f
The survey j will base its find
ings on the number of farms sold
uring 1924 as compared with
923 by real i estate dealers In
each section forming the associa
tion's farm lands , division, on
comparison of the considerations
paid for these farms per acre.
and on the degree of market ac
tivity now evidenced in each sec
tionj In extension of these find
ings and plumbing the less meas
urable indications of future farm
market conditions the survey will
record the general sentiment of
each section of the country to
ward its own farm land values.
This sentiment will be recorded a
is represented by the attitudei
of the farmers themselves, the!
ttltude of the local banks toward
farm loans, : the number of fore--
closures during'1924 as compared
nth 1923, and the causes which
ave been prominent In brineine
about the necessity for foreclos
es. ' ' ;
The survey will be a collection
f the experience and observa
tions of men specializing in farm
lands, each within the tingle coun
ty'wlth whose situation he is most
Change in farm prices over the
period 1920-1924 will be meas-
red for comparison with the
change of the year just past.
Building Report for
Northwest Keeps Up
A grand total of 1375.999455
in building permits were issued in
82 principal cities of the seven
Pacific coast, states during the
first nine months of 1924. An
analysis of the figures shows that,
exclusive of Los Angeles, the
volume of 'building exceeds that
of the first nine months of 1923
A closed first
50 or less of the
be personally inspected by the investor and the safety of the principal can be ascertained.
L The interest return, in comparison with the yield of other securities of the highest type, is much
better i i' I '.j"-"-.
Hawkins & Roberts, Inc as original mortgage attended f o the collection of interest, the safe
keeping of fire insurance policies, which are made payable to us or our assigns. The necessity of
the renewals of these; insurance policies is vital and this detail is carefully attended to. The coun
ty records must be searched in order to know that no taxes are delinquent. Our system pro
vides a careful check ind the interest is protected against non-payment of taxes.
' A good first mortgage on property in this locality is always prime security and collateral for
bank loans. In the event that the investor finds it necessary to cash his investment, the policy of
this Company is to provide a quickready market at a small handling charge for the repurchase of
; securities negotiated by us and, while we do not guarantee to do so at all times, we will under ordi
nary conditions repurchase as a . service of convenience and accommodations to our clients. The
prospective investor! will consider the fact that we have inspected the i security; investigated
the moral hazard and applied the rules of large insurance companies and savings banks in the
making of our first'mortgage loans. We have had careful attorneys examine the abstract and
certify that the title is good.
If you have savings to invest, investigate our service. Reference: any bank in Salem.
II .
by '4 ,! per cent and that of 1922 by
32 per cent, according to the Pa
cifis Coast section of the National
Monthly Building Survey of S. W.
Strauss & Co. '
! The greatest relative gains were
made in Oregon,' Washington and
Arizona. Idaho, Nevada and Utah
cities report reductions from last
year- while , all but Nevada show
substantial gains. over 1922. Elim
inating the preponderant Los An
geles figures, which amount to 39
per -cent of the California total
and 30 per cent of the seven states
total. 58 California cities report
4 slight increase over 1923 j
j; Aftotal of 137,445 permits were
issued during this period. As com
peared with the previous year's to
tal and with the cost items, this
indicates a Blight reduction in the
number of major projects. Analy
sis of the figures indicates that
during 1924 a larger proportion
of major buildings have been built
in San Francisco,; Oakland and
Seattle than in 1923 but that the
proportion was yet greater in 1922
in Oakland and San Francisco,
While in Loa Angeles, SaU Lake
City; and Portland the proportion
was! greater than in . 1922 but
smaller than laBt year,
j; InLos Angeles 39,688 . permits
werp Issued calling for a con
struction cost of $117,412,082
during the past nine months, 19
To the Buying Public :
We are more than gratified for the liberal business you are giving
us. Our business is growing every day. Why? i ,
Because at all times we give you good goods, the best of service, and
carry at all times a full line of lumber, shingles, lath, and fence posts.
We are agents for Sherwin-Williams paints, oM and varnishes; cement,
plaster, builders' hardware, Columbia plasterboard, Upson wall board and
tile. ; ..j j j - ' s : - . . i A .- ....; ' "
Come and Be One of Our Pleased Customers.
. i .
Successors to
1 349 South
FIRST: Safety of Principal,
SECOND: Good Yield,
THIRD: JVeedorn F
FOIJRTH: Market in the Event
That the Money Is Needed for
Other Purposes. I !
Compare the Investment
mortgage on Salem income
actual valuation, fruarantep
Salem, Oregon
per cent less than: for the same
period last year but 31 .per cent
greater than for : that of 1922.
The 15 municipalities of the Loe
Angeles metropolitan i'area show
the same ratio of reduction from
last year but a 21 percent gain
over the year before. -
San. Francisco ; issued 7,984
permits during this period at a
cost of $39,858,900, 16' per cent
more than for the same period of
1923 and 12 per cent more than
Astoria ............ 231 $ 1,139.430 $ 1,167,749
Eugene .. . . . , 545 I 2,466,990 916.037
Klamath Falls ..... . 413 1,483.565 289,753
Portland .'. .. ...11,990 , - 22,781.700 19,985,770
Salem 373 1.472,935 392,575
; Total ? .1. . .13,552 $29,344,620 ". $22,751,886
Farm Properties are
Sold By Local Realtors
. Farm and residence properties
are moving, according to Becke &
Hendricks, who report several
fine transactions during the last
week. ' ", : j . j
i In a trade and sale, E. T. Pierce
has disposed of his 8Q:acre farm
six miles from Salem on the Prin
gle road to , B. M. and Carrie
George, who turned In a 10-aere
tract iff southeast Salens The
Falls City-Salem Lumber Company
Twelfth (Opposite Kay's Woolen Mills.)
i A. B. Kelsay, Manager.
With the Requirements
property or a producing Willamette Valley Farm of
for the like period of 1922. In
the San Francisco Bay area; 14
municipalities issued 18 per cent
more than during the first nine
months of last year and 25 per
cent more than for like period of
1922. -
Portland's 11,990 permits call- i
Ing for $22,781,700 In cost is 13
per cent over last year's compara
tlve figures and 22 per cent over
those of 1922.
total consideration involved was
$13,500. .
Another deal completed was the
purchase of a 2 1-4 acre tract 5 4
miles north of Salem on the Pad
fic highway by Ralph Kletziclr,
advertising manager of the States
man,: from; Ronald Jones. Tlr
property is known as the WitL-
combe place. -
J. A. Waggoner has purchase 1
the Ralph Hein and Harry Ha'iv
mes residence at 1180 Madison Xsr
a consideration of $2850. ;