The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 19, 1924, Page 14, Image 14

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oil nil
Lot .Changes Hands Three
.nmes in i wo Years,
Each an Increase
Ind lea tire of the ; increase In
value of city property ''is a'recent
sale consummated by; R. A. Har
ris, Salem realtor, in j which E.
T. Pierce, hanker with interests in
the- Aumsville and Turner insti
tutions, has purchased a fine
building' site in the Parrish Groyej
I Mid I
t-N if if Less Price UJ
fOjttVentaatsa I i ILessFad
V ItSstlsfles I ,. i Mote Bert ?4
! 1 ; - 1
Pr YOU depend upon wood for your "principal
fuel you should have a central heating plant.
The Homer Wood and Coal Burner heats your
entire heme izith one fire." It barns cither wood
or coal with the greatest possible saving in time, '
work' and ' fuel. And it is moderately: priced, i
Come in and see it i . . j
660 North High Street PHONE 104S-M
Shop 803 North Liberty Street
Now Made
Itt has proven itself .by, years of-use and testjs
in the laboratory. Offers you a beautiful, fire
proof, water-tight; and lasting roof at a price I
that is truly reasonable in.the field of perman
ent materials.
. Vi
Made,' Placed 'and
1405 N. Front.
6 Per Cent
Far Cheaper. Than
. . ,, , ... .
M -tlx
addition from J. D. Foley.
Mr. Harris has sold this prop
erty three times in the last two
years, each time for a gain to the
seller. Two years ago the lot was
purchased for $1300; about a year
ago it was sold at an advance of
$250 and Mr. Pierce bought the
lot for $2100, an increase of $700
over the gure received 24 months
previous. . : j ;
It is understood that Mr.1 Pierce
contemplates erecting a fine mod
ern home on his new property
and will make his home in Salem.
The new residence is expected to
cost between $6000 and $10,000.
The trouble fwlth taking your
own time is you never have any
left over. . j i '
Money talks,' but not until it
grows up. 1 .
in Salem
i 4
' Guaranteed bv
1 ... !
-" ; ; - . . ' ' -
i-i. .... . .
On Modern Hornet
Seml-Annual Interest
S Yeas
WIS Loan Up
Monthly Paymerifc Loans
Any Building & Loan Co.' in
Hawkins & RoBerts
Financial Service
An Unusually Attractive Brick j
I Bungalow Designed for a; Cor
! j ner Lot, a "Blue RibBon" j Home
Speaking of the five hundred
million dollar fire loss in the Unit
ed States last year, some observa
tions in regard to much of the
building done -in recent years
which throws an interesting light
upon these losses, were made re
cently by Franklin D. Roosevelt,
who is to the building construction
interests j what Judge Land is is to
baseball, j He made the specific
point, in; urging more substantial
construction, that fire hazards
have been Increased, and that in
surance premiums will also be in
creased; as a result of the poor
building which has been done slncj
the war. Poor materials, poor
workmanship, bad heating systems,
poor flues, all together have play
ed an important part in the in
creased! losses of the last year or
two. j r .. ;
Fires chargeable to carelessness
we have always had and probably
always shall have. ' But if home
builders, architects and contract
ors emphasize more than they ever
have the importance of sound con
struction, fire losses will certainly
be diminished.
The house which we show this
week is taken from the Blue Rib
bon homes section of the Septem
ber number of the American Build
er. It is an unusually, attractive
brick bungalow, designed for a cor
ner lot.! The materials , used are
hollow tile for the loadbearing
walls, j faced with selected com
mon brick or face brick, with
large cobblestones for the front
fireplace chimney, and burned
clay tile for roof. The exterior
materials, with the white of the
:rnvxj p -
. 9
window frames and trim, produces
a striking and very pleasing effect.
The unusual placing of the en
trance allows an especially con
venient arrangement. of the rooms.
From, the vestibule one has access
either to the living room, or the
dining room or can pass directly
back, to the bedrooms. A disap
pearing , bed in the living room
to 50 of Value
the Northwest
Phone 1427
f1 f " ' "'j '""gf; "'Jl':T"-w!"'"J.' '".Tf':'J'.'TM!!.'u!-!l'','.'"'.''w '"y lt"''"'..!.l"l'.T'' '.'.'I l'"TT?"4,lTyfjy?icTf f"l
gives this five-room home the ef
ficiency of six rooms.
; The type of construction used
in this home is coming more and
more into favor with the better
home builders bver the country.
Face brick for f he exterior walls
and well burned clay tile for the
interior walls are to be ' used by
the Walstad-Person Investment
Company of Minneapolis, realtors
and builders, ill the construction
of all homes built by that concern
in the future, according to an an
nouncement by Sir. O. A. Walstad,
president. ; . J .
; "We desire to3 effect permanent
construction," Mr. Walstad states.
"The additional - cost of the class
of construction f which we have
adopted over that of other con
struction is soon regained on the
saving of upkeep. Depreciation is
reduced to the minimum, and bet
ter loan, and resale values are cre
ated. Good combined brick and
tile construction offers an insula
tion against heat in summer and
cold and wet in winter."
; A writer in tile Chicago Post, in
giving his views to the necessity
of building against upkeep costs.
has the following to say regard
ing the Ideal in home construction.
"One very certain way for the
householder to reduce the cost or
living is to hate a home that will
be as free as possible from main
tenance costs. .;. He must choose a
type of construction and materials
of the permanent sort materials
that will survive time and weather
with the minimum depreciation.
"The house which ": will save Its
owner the1 maximum amount of
1p '-"JfJ
I h in
money will have walls that will
not warp or crack. 'They will not
be affected by. the . weather or
changes in temperature. Time will
not have a disintegrating effect
upon them. They will require' no
repairs, no refinishing. To insure
the maximumiof economy as well
as the greatest possible security
they should tie : fireproof. The
walls should be impervious to
wind and cold. If they are they
will save the home owner a great
deal of money which he would
otherwise spend for fuel, for a
house that is, wind-proof and cold
proof may be heated with much
less fuel." t :i
There is only one type of ma
terial which could possibly qualify
for the service such as outlined by
this writer and that Is burned clay.
No other materials have all of the
attributes mentioned, and the more
general use of brick and building
tile would give all of the benefits
which this writer has summarized
in his ideal home construction.
Burned clay materials are pecu
liarly fitted for economy and safe
ty In home building.
The use of these materials is
not limited to the man of wealth
who builds large mansions, but
can be used as economically and as
satisfactorily by the man of small
means-who builds a five or six
room1 bungalow, And his home
may be just f as attractive and
beautiful .as . the mansion of, the
wealthy man.;. Could one ask; for
a more attractive home than the
WHII!'i1l"llf';fTil;if m "' I' "' iniiiniiiimiinMMiH jininmi jiwwiiwiiiiwiw , i i - - - 'I"1 1 ' "" 1 j
moderate priced brick, j and tile
home illustrated? J I
The American Builder has many
beautiful homes illustrated each
month in its Blue Ribbon Section.
Copies may1; be found in the library
or purchased from , j periodical
stands. The Salem Brick & Tile
Company has a small file of maga
zines, and the officers would be
happy to have anyone interested
call at their office and look over
these magazines, and will explain
methods of construction, costs and
other items of Interest whenever
they are able., j . I
Lots are Purchased in
Various Parts of City
Future home building is con-
If 0
templated ; by the purchasers of
lots In various parts of the city,
acauired through It. A. Harris,
local realtor. Mi '
Among the lots, sold are one in
McCoy, addition, to D; G. Olds; a
lot near the J. L. Parrish Juntor
hish'-school. toj Julius Rapp. of
Portland. . '
W. T. fourham, principal of the
J. L. Parrish school recently pur
chased a lot two) blocks north, of
the school and is building a mo
dern home.
A New Industry in Salem
Oregon Gravel Ivianufac
tures "Waterseal"
Each day fires are responsible
in thi3 country for 4i deaths; 47
injuries; 480 homes in ruin; and
$1,500,000 fire-losses.
No small .. portion of this los3
starts from the roofs of all classes
of buildings. :
Concrete won't burn it Is one
of the world's worst fuels.
In the manuracture of "Water
seal" concrete roof tile, the' Ore-
gon Gravel company rlngs a
new' industry to Salemr that can
free; it from the fear of fire!
.: Concrete roof tile was first
made in the old countries of Eu
rope 30 years ago., There are
plants in this country that have
been making concrete roof tile
under the "Waterseal" patents for
the; past ten years. The Oregon
JBravel company has Installed one
of the first plants on the Pacific
Coast making these tile.
1 ' The' tile is water-proof because
of I the manner of manufacturing
and curing, ana ; Decause oi ; a,
patended interlocking feature
makes a water-tight roof against
wipd, and. tain, and snow. i -:
f'Waterseal" tile makes a beat!
fni rnnf rtf STPPI1 or red COlor
Tho rninr in the tlla is nroduced
duting manufacturing oy means
of ;a mineral color that Is perma
nent: ;.:.,
j The tile is t lighter than any
other tile on the market, welging
only 750, pounds per square. This
fact .makes it possible to lay
"yaterseal' tile right over gold
shingles with only a little addi
tional bracing of the rafters.:
The Interlocking feature of this
JLllk also makes it very easy to lay.
Nq nailing Is required, with the
exception of he fittings such . as
hips, ridges, and gable starters.
This fact allows the tile to follow
the expansion and contraction'
that occurs in the wood' roof sup
porting it. ,. ,;";
;Thfi Ore iron Gravel com nan v
makes and lays the tile, and
stands "behind, each contract. This
company welcomes , visitors to its
factory. ' where it will eladlv ex
plain the merits that this Indus try
oriera the people of Salem.
Contractors Rushing
I Work; Weather Pine
j i
'Work on both the Elks temple
aijid the St. Joseph's parish hall
is' progressing. . '
fAt the Elks' temple' the con
crete work for the basement is
nearly ' completed and the sup
ports for the first floor are i in.
The foundation work for the
nw parish hall was completed
and work on rthe remainder of the
building is being rushed, as the
contractors are anxious ' to take
advantage of the favorable weath
er conditions.
The new dock and warehouse,
at the foot of Court street, is
expected to be completed some
during the week.
Permits are Light; ,
j Monthly Total Good
, I The past week Was light as far
as building permits are concerned,
only five being issued up to Sat
urday noon, representing a total
valuation of 19900.
I October Is proving to be a good
month for building, however, for
including the permits issued' yes
terday, a total of $238,900 have
been issued by Marten' Poulsen,
city recorder, for the month.' ;
A dollar Isn't half as hard to
keep as two dollars. ; ;
Stockholders tb Meet' Octo
: ber 21 to Double Present
i Capitalization
' Plans to double the capitaliza
tion of the Mutual Savings j &
Loan association will be discussed
at a meeting of the stockholders
on Octo'ber 21.. The present cap
italization is $i,000,OQO, of which
$970,000, or 9700 shares of $100
each, has already - been " subscrib
ed. Unless Immediate action ' is
taken there can j be no further
selling of shares. The capital stock
was increased from $500,000 to
$1,000,000 two years ago. j
The association has been in ex
istence for 14 ' years and' up to
this time has never had t a fore
closure. It will pass Its 15 th birthday-
on April 20, next year. All
of the money of the association Is
invested in Salem homes - or prop-
erty, or on' small tracts Immedi
ately adjacent to Salem, the op
erations of the association' being
confined to Marlon county; It has
one of,, the most ' enviable records
of " any savings and: loan associa
tion.. . i- I .
Officers ot the cam pan?)
A. Lee, president; A. X. Moores.
vice-president; J.- Dl White, secre
.1. r
.: ' '3r--..'.-VIAf kr:
; To Have the Best 'Home it should be your-own
. and built to suit you--A Home Built'of
- Is Bound to Satisfy
Bring your building problems to " usWe will .
; ; ! 1 Gladly Help You. '
J. W; Copeland Yards f
; Salem Yard -at' West Salem PHONE 576
Yards in West Salemi Albany; Lents; Hubbard
f 1 j Yamhill; Hfllsborbl
We Hae EyieifiiiijrtbBuild'
tary; H. V. Compton, treasurer,
and directors are A. A. Lee, T. M.
Hicks, Edward Schunke, C. II.
Grabenhorst. " John H: ' McNary;
Charles E. Weller, A. N. Moores,
J. D. White and William McGil
christ, Jr.
A lot in the Oak addition, for
merly the property of John J.
Lucas, has been purchased as an
investment by W. G. Krueger, lo
cal realtor.
FOR lc
. .
Plan now; for winter comfort
by asking for 'further Informa
tion regarding the most econo
mical heating plant on the mar
ket. Eastman Sibloco
$79.60 and up5
A lc post card brings the in
formation without 'any obliga
tion on your part.
Silverton Blow Pips:
' v Go;- ' .;
t Silverton, Oregon '
- v y
Use Burned Clay Hoi-'
low Building' Tile for
Beauty,! Safety; and!
i :
I !